Description: A Vigilante plan organized and led by the Tai Chi Mistress Chun-Li to sabotage an arms deal between the leaders of Shadaloo and R goes horribly awry when Vega catches hint of the presence of another -- the psychic Rose, his 'good side.' Things, understandably, go downhill from there.
Siberia really knows no seasons other than winter.
Especially here, in the Central Siberian Plateau. Chill, dry winds whip across the dense permafrost, scant trees decorating an otherwise bleak landscape, massively obscured by the harsh, chilling white winds. There is no real /snow/, per se, but there doesn't need to be any. Frost and ice make up for the lack of that softer substance, hardening the ground and hiding beneath it's dull cover a wealth of minerals. There are some who come to this region to hunt those minerals -- amongst them gold and diamonds -- to try and get at them through the thick layers of permafrost that blankets the land. Further Northeast, however, areas become less populated; there are no rich minerals to mine for in eastern Siberia, only unbecoming tundra. There is little of worth of value here...
Unless you plan on performing misdeeds, that is.
The winds whip around the tundra, bringing with them only cold, only ice, only despair. It is deep within the cold winter tundra, people who do not belong have found themselves residing. There are few signs of life here, not even trees. Just the vast valleys of tundra that infest this region of Syberia and, further in... men. Armed men, who seem largely out of place here, wearing heavy, armored winter jackets and assault rifles, the cold metal dull in the lack of sunlight. Goggles plastered over their eyes, they seem to be doing something -- moving some/things/. To be specific, large, wooden crates, frost hanging off the edges like glistening crystal. Large black writing has been stamped crudely across these crates: FRAGILE. And if one looks further...
... They'd be able to see a series of large trucks, all filled with those very same crates, accompanied by a man wearing the nicest of red suits and a black overcoat... with a single eye /glowing/ through the thick winds.
Thailand has proven less than trustworthy in the delivery of goods to Shadaloo, ever since the one Mr. Big attempted to actually /halt/ transport when both leaders of R and Shadaloo were present. Thus, Rugal Bernstein has chosen a more subtle, less-than easy to locate area on the globe -- the harsh winter tundra of Siberia would suffice, and so it is here that the dropoff point was decided. From here on in? It's just a simple matter of unloading and delivering the weapons to Vega and his men. All should go well.
But you know what they say, about the best laid plans.
Repaired, Vega's VTOL lands relatively close-by towards Rugal's location. The less time that Vega has to spend in the thrice-dammed cold, the better. First out of the plane are his minions, trained soldiers that move to start the transfer, their red and black uniforms looking reinforced for the cold, promising a sweltering return to Thailand in the near future.
Vega is next out, stepping onto the hard ground, the crunch of frost on his boots sounding ominously like skulls being crushed beneath his feet. He moves through the troops of both sides, uncaring of their weapons, or their activities. He's literally above them, ignoring the movements as if they were the scattered scurrying of ants. Instead, he focuses on Rugal, until he stands before the man. Grumpily, he addresses the other man.
"Good afternoon, Rugal. Let us hope this transfer goes better than the last."
Destined to fail.
Arrangements, such as these - contrary to popular belief - all too often are allowed to reach fruition smoothly and without great incident. Crime thrives across the globe for good reason, and to those who fight evil in even the minutest forms it frequently seems a losing battle... the prevention of one shady deal seeming to succeed only in creating five or six others. However, when something on this scale involves two Black Market kings on the level of Rugal Bernstein and the much-maligned Vega, the potential for the intervention of justice seems to increase. How could it not? Each have their detractors, and the latter's organisation can boast a sizable military force among its direct enemies. The repeated striking of deals with R's leader has certainly not gone unnoticed, though it has taken time and a great deal of effort for full attention to be drawn. This task complete, measures have been taken, and a mouse now nestles in the lion's den.
Chun-Li is none too pleased with the nature of her mission today; the surrounding cold is biting to the very bone, and her soul itself is pierced by the much deeper chill she feels. Vega and Rugal, two of the men she has learned to most fear in battle, standing together in unholy alliance. Why has she come personally, then? For that very reason. The commandoes accompanying her are well trained, even elite by normal standards, but against the two warmasters here today they would stand as the wheat before a scythe. The Strongest Woman in the World has her famed moniker for a reason. She is able to stand on something approaching an equal footing with these brutal males, and could be precisely the edge required to scupper this operation...
As crimelord and would-be conqueror converse, they are watched by several unwelcome faces. Within the very entourage of soldiers commanded by the evil group are disguised and loosely scattered members of Charlie's Vigilantes, biding their time for any signal from their commander. Two have even managed to take control of those unmarked trucks; a most useful position indeed. And their commanding officer? Clad in military fatigues, a body-warmer and a thick balaclava, she lounges with mock nonchalance against the side of one of the loaded vehicles, next to one of Rugal's employees - the two of them cradling cigarettes but only one truly smoking them. Amazing how such a powerful warrior can pass so undetected.. it's taking all her willpower just to suppress her telltale fighter's aura, though this far she has managed it.
Then again, are the best laid plans not doomed to failure? Surely, this must go both ways.
She'd heard, of course. For a fortuneteller who doesn't appear to leave the house all that often, Rose has a very impressive information network. Must come with the territory of being psychic or something to that effect. She'd heard the rumors, the allegations, the whispers that Vega had teamed up with someone equally dark and dastardly is something Rose needed to see for herself. Understanding Vega is one thing, but even one fight with Rugal was enough to drive the point home to Rose that Mr. Bernstein is a man of such sheer, selfish malevolence that allowing him to ally with Vega would be disastrous.
One business-class flight later, the fortuneteller arrived in Moscow and endured a nice, long trip to Moscow... only a starting point, however, for her journey to find the truth. Taking the Trans-Siberian to the Russian interior, the past few days have been a whirlwind of tracking down R and Shadaloo agents, discretely kidnapping them away from their tasks and probing their minds for knowledge of this very gathering. The trail, like a good convoluted murder mystery, led her to this remote place. It was now or never, and consulting the tarot one last time for guidance, Rose set off, alone, into the winter wonderland.
This is how she came to be where she is now: here, observing the entire affair. Using her mental powers to hide in plain sight, something which she is *particularly good at*, Rose watches silently as men count boxes, move shipping containers, and generally get their badnasty on. It takes all of her energy to suppress... her horror, that what she feared had come to pass had done so. Yet something is amiss. Some of the men's minds are... elsewhere. And there is a presence, something just out of her perception. All of these worries, in fact, may provide just the tiniest crack in her otherwise iron defenses, giving someone properly attuned the sense that... something is Amiss here in Siberia.
Destiny is such a cruel mistress.
It's a good thing, then, that Rugal has never believed in it.
Reality is another thing entirely. Incompetence on the part of his own soldiers has allowed Vigilantes to filtrate into this get together, into both R AND Shadaloo. Unseen and unnoticed. Reality is that Bernstein hasn't the faintest clue; he is no psychic, after all. He believed that to be /Vega's/ realm of expertise. And what is Rugal's? ... Power. Power in many forms, however; they need not be in personal physical prowess, which is more than proved by the crates that his men are currently in the midst of transporting to Vega and his VTOL. And what's in those crates?
If you need to ask, then you certainly do not know the nature of these men well enough.
Still, there is a grin on Rugal's lips as he exhales a puff of white into the air. Hands in the pockets of his black overcoat, he is calm and composed, casual even as Vega makes his gloomy entrance. "Better? I doubt that many rats could survive in weather conditions like this, Lord Vega." A hand lifts into the air, to catch the biting wind against his palm. "Then again... who knows, hm?" The grin on his lips widens, just a touch.
"Perhaps things will grow interesting."
And from there, he turns to observe his men. He'll have time, to question Vega about the man's little run-in with Vice and Mature later. For now, though, he simply deals with the issue at hand -- that being ensuring that the weaponry is all delivered as hastily and efficiently as possible, unawares of the proverbial monkey-wrench readying herself to toss headfirst into his plans.
Vega's specialty _is_ psychic power, now that Rugal mentions it. (metaphorically, of course). He's attuned to knowing when and where people are, but doesn't normally have a powerful psychic and a fighter able to hide theirselves from his senses approaching slowly. So it's nothing more than a niggling annoyance at the corner of his brain, a slight whisper of 'Something is wrong.'. That could, of course, just be dealing with Rugal - the man's going to turn on him eventually, after all. In the end, it will be every man for himself. At least his men will be better armed at this point, and better prepared to crush the opposition beneath his heel. "Admittedly, a homeless man would stand out here." It's the closest to a joke he could get.
He takes a look towards the horizon, afterwards, shading his eyes with his hand and his cap - the frown on his face just deepens, his shoulders tensing up against the cold, the wind.. and something more. ".. Who knows, indeed.."
The world's strongest woman has performed many dangerous tasks in her time, as both agent and avenger. Stepping into the very maw of a metaphorical dragon is something she comes well versed in, her analytical mind able to find an entrance point where none should be, to discover how best to approach even the most powerful and well prepared foe. Trained by a living legend, a true master among assassins, Chun-Li has passed the easiest of hurdles - infiltrating a criminal organisation reliant on its grunts is an assuredly simple task for one such as she. Others clearly have their own methods to draw upon.. a shame she has no way to become aware of Rose's prescence...
Chun-Li watches her breath rise in a misty cloud, vapourising a fine mist across the front of her mostly covered face. Dark brown eyes flutter closed, as she takes this chance to bask in a solitary moment of warmth. It passes too quickly, the jagged edge of frost immediately masking the pleasurable sensation, the sting forcing the woman's mind to remain focuses upon the mission. Not least upon its difficulty, a matter which much of her conscious thought is occupying itself, a nagging doubt set loose that she should have informed the Vigilante's true leader of this action... perhaps he would be here now, waiting on the other side of the area to aid her with his strength when the time came.
But he is not here. The fighting female stands alone but for a small group of mundane men, her tension lost to the eye but so very apparent to her; each muscle coiled in preparation and her brain straining to remain sharp. A single mistake could cost lives, not just those present but so many more in the near future. Such an important day this one, and it seems to hinge upon her shoulders alone, all action awaiting her signal.
Chun-Li glances toward the man beside her, attention alighting from other pressing concerns to the act of keeping her persona concealed. "How long do we have to stand here?" Is she speaking.. Russian? Somebody really has done their homework, though the mental dictionary used is clearly lacking in complex vocabulary. It should be enough.
It's actually rather funny, if you track the path around. Rose is perturbed, making Vega's spidey sense tingle. Vega's perturbation only perturbs Rose more. And Rugal and Chun-li, without psychic powers, just have the colossal sense of Something's Not Right. But of course, nobody can really see anyone else. Still, Rose got the confirmation she needed. There's no reason to stay, is there? As dedicated to opposing Vega as the psychic is, she is no fool; attacking both him and Rugal at the same time is pretty much tantamount to suicide.
However, something is gnawing at her sixth sense, and it's something more than her anxiety over the R/Shadaloo alliance. Frowning, the psychic moves off to the side -- interestingly enough, triangulating herself, Chun-li, and Rugal and Vega -- and closes her eyes, going deep into concentration and attempting to... well, to see the future. That, however, requires considerable effort, and so her telepathic 'cloaking shield' flickers ever so slightly now and again, for a mere fraction of a moment. To the normal soldiers, there's almost no chance they would notice. But to Rugal, or Vega, or Chun-li...
A homeless man would stand out here. "Hrm, indeed." But soldiers, not so much. Not when they're Vega's. Not when they're Rugal's. Still, Bernstein is less than pertured by the entire scenario. He is getting his own benefits from this, money from a successful transaction, and when all is said and done -- hopefully two potential 'problems' will be finished with. Vega and Geese Howard. What a better world this would be without them. A much better world, indeed. Which is why Rugal can allow himself the cruel twist of his lips into something some might consider a smile, even as he slips his hand back into his pocket once more. All should be going rather well--
A single, blonde brow archs as Bernstein slowly turns around, looking in the vague direction of the hidden fortune teller.
Now what was that...?
Something wrong, something that tingles at the base of his neck. He can't put a finger on it, but that alone confirms what it is. Not chi, something he can barely even feel... something like the energy his would-be partner wields. Brown eye hazards a glance towards Vega, who must have been able to feel it more acutely than him. "A friend of yours, Vega?" He asks this quietly enough. No need to disturb the little spying rodent, is there?
"You seem to have a knack for people following you, sir."
Now... where is it coming from?
Vega's noticing of Rose is a much more abrupt thing. There's a link, after all - a deep one, that digs into his soul - after all, it's hers too, isn't it? His eyes open wider as he looks out, turning his head _directly_ towards where Rose is hiding. ".. It's my lesser half - I'm surprised she would come this far to be crushed." He's angry, now, whatever possibility of a good mood ruined, dashed and overblown with the harsh winds.
"I will deal with this." he says abruptly, and starts to move along the ground, a visible corona of psi wreathing him - he's not attempting to hide himself at all - in fact, he's sending a very, _very_ deliberate signal to Rose (and quite possibly, to all around), bad feelings, bad emotions - all those 'DANGER' signs in the world.
Something is indeed wrong - very wrong. A slight shiver runs up Chun-Li's spine as she receives an odd semi-conscious jarring, the distraction almost pulling her from the act she is assuming. Luckily enough, the wintery environment has her covered once more; the man to whom she is speaking replies without a flicker of suspicion, a grunt sounding from behind his bushy moustache. "No clue, comrade. Oi-"
"Hm?" The woman blinks and instinctively looks down as he makes a motioning gesture.
"Your cigarette died. You'll be needing a light again?"
"Yes. Thank you." Chun-Li responds quickly, offering a grateful smile while inside she heaves a sigh of relief. That was an unnerving moment. Even the ordinary employees can receive a spark of inspiration after all, earning their pay by catching a rat for their master. But once again this has been avoided, and as the man reaches into his thick coat for his lighter the lady commando is given a moment to return her attentions fully to Vega and Rugal. A frown instantly marks her concealed brow, the odd disquieting in the arrogant men adding to the curious feeling she experienced a moment ago; has something gone wrong?
"Here you go, comrade."
A spark of flame lances out into the frosted air.
The cry goes up as a gunshot sounds from the group of soldiers nearest Vega's stealth jet, timed in synch with the dictator's movement toward Rose's location. One man hits the floor in a spurt blood, his killer whirring away to make a dash for the nearest crate, hurling himself behind it and slamming his back to the wood. To those psychics present, it should be obvious enough that this individual has some rather interestingly-developed senses, and felt the spike in psychic energy - albeit a little belatedly. To the quick-thinking Chun-Li, all that is obvious is that cover has potentially been broken... at the very least, her enemies are now on their guard. Though Vega's hackles seemed to be raised already - at least this proves the distraction she needs to move through her next set of motions.
Her hands snap upward simultaneously, catching off-guard the soldier still standing with extended lighter beside her, scattering the Zippo and her cigarette into the air and astonishing the man briefly. Long enough to slam a brutal palm-thrust into his neck, crushing the windpipe instantly. Head snapping back against the side of the truck, he slithers down until he remains propped in a seated position, last breaths failing to provide air. He's dead by the time the world's strongest woman has launched into a blurred backflip, landing flattened upon the vehicle, one hand reaching into her body-warmer for a pistol and the other's pam pressed to the steel roof as leverage for what movement might follow.
It is the action the other Vigilantes assume to take as their signal, those paying attention to Chun-Li steeling to begin their own bursts of activity. But.. not just yet. Some minds work faster than others, after all - the assassin-trained Chinawoman is not the only unusual human being in this area.
Rose opens her eyes with a slight sigh. Looking into the near future to see what was troubling her about the situation was a calculated risk, to be sure; she knew it would open herself up to Vega's detection, and that... well, you can see the results of that pretty plainly in the chaos that erupts. For her part, the psychic gives up on her telepathic stealth camo, now clearly visible to everyone involved. However, despite the sudden flurry of activity she appears particularly calm... especially since her little clairvoyant jaunt? Revealed nothing, a blank spot. THAT troubles her. Deeply.
Still, as with Jello, there's always room for witty banter. The psychic sets her dark violet gaze on her nemesis as he floats toward her, taking a deep breath. "This doesn't seem like you," she offers conversationally, as if she and Vega were meeting for tea. "At least, not my estimation of you. Although perhaps your ridiculous overconfidence is expressing itself." A slight twist of the pale red lips, a wry smirk uncommon to Rose's typically neutral, calm expression. "It is pleasant to see you again." Apparently she has a sense of humor after all.
His lesser half? Ho, this should be interesting /indeed/. Cold wind whips around Rugal, disturbing his blonde locks of hair even as his eyes remain trained on the very location he felt that interesting spike in Psycho Power. He is curious to see... who Vega is referring to when he means his lesser half. Eyes both cybernetic and real remain trained into the distance, to attempt to get a good look at the would-be dictator's target. Oh... her? How INTERESTING. Except that--
There seems to be a sheep in wolf's clothing here today.
The cry and gunfire are enough to garner Rugal's attention, even as Vega leaves to deal with the other intruder. It seems that this little venture is going wrong on /multiple/ fronts. But Rugal is nothing if not prepared. Still. The sheer fact that someone would have to /gall/ to attempt to interfere with this arrangement makes his lips curl more than a little with distaste. "It appears we have snakes in the high grass, gentleman! I imagine they'll be showing themselves soon -- if they have SPINES, that is." He does not move. Rather, Rugal stands perfectly still... even as his hands clench in their pockets, and his legs tense. In preparation.
One never knows what kind of fools you'll find in situations like this, after all.
Brown eye and crimson look around him, not yet seeing Chun-Li. He doesn't /see/ her... but even in the chaos, it's hard not to hear the thud of someone landing against the metal roof of a truck. His eyes narrow. A small smile creeps past his lips.
"Well well. Are the little miscreants finally going to show their faces...?"
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rose has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rose
"Hmn. Apparently, there are loose lips in our organizations!" Of course, more likely than not - it's got something to do with his organization. Damn incompetents! Vega seems even more upset when the alarm goes off - but that's good! After all, negativity gives him power, which leads to anger, which.. er.. gives him Psychopower. And he's still stalking Rose, closing in on her when she makes her appearrance known. He'll address Chun-Li, soon enough - once he's completely aware of her presence. But at the moment, his focus is entirely on his worse half.
"You should have learned the last time, Rose." With that, Vega simply reaches for her, grasping for that shawl, and attempting to throw it _and_ her towards Rugal's direction. After all, if he wants to just sit there posturing, he might as well be some use. GRR!
...Rose? Chun-Li's eyes widen as they fall upon the revealed psychic, a flash of memory blurring through her mind. This woman set her upon a path not wholly concerned with Vega, enough revitalisation coming from the act to give her the strength to fight the hated man to a retreat with little injury on her part. Now she arrives here, of all places, at all times. This brings forth many emotions: astonishment, intrigue, an unsurprising relief, but more than anything her arrival summons a spark of hope. Perhaps the day is still not lost - the Tai Chi mistress has never faced a more powerful female than Rose. Together.. they may stand a chance. But not without risk.
Something the Vigilantes now take in spades, launching themselves into action while their leader busies herself surveying the trio of power at this situation's centre. Gunshots begin to sound across the area, thuds of bodies hitting the ground echoing about as the very human military release the extent of their might, though surprise does not last long and soon enough a small battle will likely be waging. The only members of Charlie's militia not moving are those in control of a truck.. it is still loaded, and far too fine an asset to waste at this stage.
Chun-Li nods to herself as she hears the widespread commotion break. This may result in far too much chaos and death, but given the circumstance she can only be pleased that her group has acted in the most useful fashion; they may not escape at all, but this route can surely lead to some damage for the criminal groups. She's already resigned to the worst now that she flows to her feet, rising to her full height atop the truck before taking a lunging step towards the roof's edge - in one motion spinning her small firearm so it sits facing backward in one palm, this then thrust forward with other in a smooth gesture toward Rugal Bernstein. "Ki... KOUKEN!"
Chi flares to vibrant life, dancing through the air to form a blue sheath around a condensed golden bullet, the woman's trademark projectile surging forth at blistering speed - distracting those who may not be expecting it and hopefully providing a far weightier burden to the man it is intended for. Behind the Kikouken's slightly spiralling trail, Chun-Li is already switching position seamlessly, legs spread and hands now cupping a flaring pistol as she takes skillful aim and picks off a few "R"/Shadaloo guards while training the least average of her senses fully upon Rugal. She'll aid her friends, but she'll not be caught unawares.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Quick Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Rose
Apparently Vega's looking to get things started off the right way; Rose attempts to pivot out of the way of his throw technique, but it doesn't quite work out as planned but getting the psychic's arm instead of the shawl. Either way, it works as intended, sending her spinning through the air briefly toward the center rather than the edges of the "fight zone", as it were. However, she gracefully rights herself in midair, landing on the ground toe-first with a lightness almost as if she were floating.
Of course, this is also when she notices Chun-li's strike, and grins faintly. The irony of the clouded future she was unable to determine does not escape her here. "If what you would like me to learn is 'submission'," Rose says casually to Vega... before lashing out at Rugal instead, hoping to get a grip on his wrist and then chuck him face-first into Chun-li's projectile. Surprise! "You will perhaps need to try a little bit harder."
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Rose's Soul Throw!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Rose
COMBATSYS: Rugal slows Kikou Ken from Chun-Li with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Rose
It is sometime a wonder what side Vega is on. Though he attacks Rose, he sends the woman flying -- right towards Rugal. The man is still waiting patiently for his would-be 'friends' to show themselves as the violet-haired psychic is launched at him. He turns, offering an arched brow. "Why, Ms. Rose. It's been such a long time. Perhaps you can show me... if you've improved your technique at all." Which she seems intent to do, grabbing him by the waist. The only thing is... Rugal doesn't even attempt to resist. With a grin, he goes flying. But as he does...
He has a plan.
There goes flying one of his soldiers, shot by the Vigilantes as the battle rages on. Even as he flies, Rugal grips onto the freshly made corpse before it can drop. And, with an all-too graceful flipping motion through the air, Rugal THROWS that body right towards Chun-Li's chi-empowered bullet. That chi is dispersed easily enough, but the bullet? The sheer force behind it now propels forward, through the body, to strike Rugal solidly in the chest. But there is no blood as he falls -- rather, that bullet falls with a harmless *plink* against the icy ground, even as R's leader looks upwards toward Chun-Li. "Aaah, the Strongest Woman in the World! I hope you forgive me that I don't give you a proper welcome... it seems my partner is trying to kill me."
His gaze is /less/ than pleasant as he looks towards Vega. "I would appreciate it greatly if you found time to spare entertaining one of our new guests... 'Lord' Vega."
".. Entertaining? Crushing, perhaps! Destroying utterly!" Vega's answer to Rugal is brusque, angry, and certainly indicative of his normal ire at being condescendingly talked down to. He's willing to aid Rugal this time - but really.. would there be a better time to just leave him to the wolves? Those in Siberia are truly powerful, after all. Ravenous, always hungry - they could feast on his corpse for hours.
Sadly, that will not be this minute - at least, not yet. He moves in a blur of purpled energy, rushing behind Chun-li as she finishes her attack of Rugal, trying to catch her while she's still busily blasting at the leader of 'R'. His voice is harsh as he raises a fist, and swings it at her face. "Welcome back, Chun-Li. This time, we settle this permanently."
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li interrupts Medium Punch from Vega with Koshuu Tou EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Rose
Eight shots fired, seven men killed, Chun-Li spares herself a moment of flamboyance as she turns to face Bernstein fully once more - spinning her firearm around in her fingers before tossing it off to one side, letting it bounce away along the roof of her perch before it falls to the crisp ground somewhere nearby. An often stoical character she may be, but her status often demands a little dramatic flair, and on this occasion it seems only too well suited. Her arms remains extended as she locks gazes with the recovering crimelord, his words bringing forth a single, punctual nod and just the hint of a smile. There's nothing friendly within the gesture however... despite any respect she may have for the man's abilities, he is at much the level of her nemesis, personal matters aside.
"I'll allow it to slide, Mr. Bernstein. Rose." The Tai Chi mistress offers, her gaze flickering to the psychic as she addresses her. Warmth creeps into Chun-Li's expression, "You are most welcome!" But these words are hastened as her senses flare a siren, Vega's movements registering perfectly in time. That powerful form blurs into motion, a motion so fast that her balaclava is torn away to flutter back on the chill winds... the body it leaves behind pressing inward upon a most feared being, as a fist seeks harsh contact. "YA!"
Contact is certainly made, the hand of the world's strongest woman closing over that of her enemy barely in time - a shockwave registering through her body as contact is briefly made, the last of it fairly well absorbed by practiced fingers. This is enough. Following through with the raising with that one hand, the other comes up as she leans forward suddenly, clapping itself to Vega for extra leverage. However, his arm proves most pivotal, shoved backward in uncomfortable fashion to provide ample force for the speedy bodyslam that follows, pitching the dictator to frozen metal.
Chun-Li snaps back into her fighting stance, drawing in a hissing breath. "Did I not prove myself well enough /last/ time?"
Admittedly, Rose was not really expecting Rugal to take one of her more powerful attacks on the chin just to get at Chun-li; in truth, she didn't know that the Interpol inspector and the head of R had any relationship at all outside of a generic good vs. evil antipathy. Something to look into for future reference. Unfortunately, there's little time to ruminate on that as the fight is in full swing. Seeing her bad side engaged with Chun-li, Rose decides to take the fight to Rugal... apparently she can be a little ruthless for a do-gooder.
"I have strengthened much more than my technique since our last meeting, Mr. Bernstein," Rose says evenly, judging the distance between herself and Rugal carefully, letting the vivid, psi-enhanced memories of their previous battle guide her actions. "My resolve, my fortitude... all of them have had more the reason to grow since then. The good Inspector's presence signals a good omen." And then, in a curiously acrobatic move for the usually movement-conservative Rose, she tilts forward, planting one hand on the ground and sweeping a leg behind her in a wide arc, looking to crash her high heeled foot right into Rugal's one-eyed cyborg mush. "Although perhaps you do not agree."
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Soul-piette from Rose with Genocide Cutter EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Rose
Vega can handle himself. The man is powerful; if he cannot stop Chun-Li, however, Rugal may be forced to enact plan B. Hopefully, things will not come to /that/. If they do, though... Rugal knows what to do. He is a prepared man. And he is not about to let a group of weak-skinned military rejects and two women -- no matter how strong they may be -- stop him from succeeding. So, even as Vega engages his would-be arch-enemy, Bernstein turns to face his opponent, with a wide grin.
"Improved more than your technique, have you? Good! I look forward to seeing your skill. Though I should tell you..."
Rose might feel the fact that her kick isn't connecting. She might feel the force of a mighty hand pressed against her leg, and SENSE the malice overwhelming Bernstein's body.
"... I have improved my technique a little, as well."
That is when Bernstein unleashes a single, harsh kick into Rose's abdomen -- since she is poised so -- laced to the brim with chi. The kick itself should be enough to send Rose flying into the air, and Rugal is soon to follow with a single, fluid leap, slamming a chi-empowered foot directly into the woman's spine before spinning... and SLAMMING his foot right into her gut, /burning/ with chi, to send her right towards the ground with little more than an amused laugh.
Vega takes the blow well, all things considered, his back slammed against the ground, tossed by the force of Chun-Li's strong throw. "Good, GOOD!" he laughs, suddenly. Perhaps he's crazed, this Shadaloo warrior. Perhaps he's insane - swept up in a moment that he doesn't get nearly often enough. The thought of a battle, a strong warrior to challenge, and a way to prove himself the better again, and again.
From his position on the ground, he doesn't have a very effective way to attack Chun or Rose. At least, not at first blush. Instead, he rolls up, and then tries to plant his feet into Chun-Li's stomach. If he does, she'll get a rather powerful psycho-powered throw using those strong legs, launching her at Rose.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks Vega's Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Rose
Any who has faced Vega knows that no defence, no amount of preparation is guaranteed to be enough against the furious power behind every attack he mounts - that dark energy burning within his every motion, forcing his opponent to a mental submission every ounce as dangerous as the physical threat mounted... if not a little more. Chun-Li has fought the wannabe dictator many times now, and she is becoming as ready as anybody can ever be, well enough that though the feet are duly planted and the woman hurled toward her partner in goodness, the disorientating elements of the technique are not felt.
Clear-headed and curled in just the right way as she is launched, the Strongest Woman in the World curls about in the air, getting her spreadeagled limbs under control enough that her will can be exerted. The intended collision course is abandoned shortly before would be impact, a surge in Chun-Li's aura exhibiting the means behind an odd aerial manuever, as her muscular body is suddenly changing direction entirely. Going from a backward flight to what resembles a mid-air dash, the beauty erupts toward Rugal with surprise on her side.
"Your 'comrade' fails you at every turn, Rugal!" Delivering her judgement of Vega's utility with harsh laughter in her tone, she once again shifts her momentum to spin about, one leg tucked behind and the other extending outward in a vicious roundhouse for connection with the cruel crimelord's visage. "Heee-YAAAH!"
Alright. So that sort of hurt. Rose is better at avoiding damage than taking it. Still, it will take more than Rugal dishing out a single kick, no matter how powerful, to keep her down just yet. True, the force of Rugal's signature Genocide Cutter does catch Rose by surprise, flinging her into the air... where she disappears. Funny trick, that. "Your reliance on brute force," Rose's voice echoes from seemingly nowhere, "means you have learned little." Is she just being a smartass, or is there some hidden depth?
Regardless, it is interesting to note that Rose blinks back into sight... right near Chun-li's incoming roundhouse, in fact. If this were a tournament fight, Rose's technique might be a little unfair. As it stands, she believes teamwork is going to be the answer to this fight, and thus she attacks alongside Chun-li with precision symmetry, flicking out her hand and... apparently, throwing a tarot card at Rugal. If one looks close, it's the Lightning-Struck Tower... and the object sparkles with a purplish aura of Soul Power. "Good afternoon, Inspector," she adds conversationally. DOUBLE TECH!
COMBATSYS: Rose successfully hits Rugal with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Rose
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Strong Kick from Chun-Li with Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Rose
Chun-Li underestimates her opponent. Again.
And regrettably, overestimates her power.
Rugal lands on the ground in a crouch easily enough, lifting himself just so, and cracking his neck with the easy roll of his head. "Your lack of ability," Rugal replies to Rose easily enough, turning to look as she appears beside... Chun-Li? Who seems to be coming at him with an attack of her own. How quaint, "means /you/ have learned very little. Spirit doesn't mean much when there is no /skill/ to back it up, Ms. Rose. Allow me to demonstrate."
The card hits him, but does little else but jerk his face lightly to the side before falling to the ground harmlessly. He frowns, but... What is more important is the attack coming his way from the 'World's Strongest Woman.' The kick is sent high, towards his face. A smile flashes over his features, vicious. And then?
Then he grabs that foot before it can even come close to touching him.
Before Chun-Li can react, his other gloved hand snaps forward, to grasp her securely by the face -- and lift her into the air. "Please try to focus on Vega, miss. I say this for your own benefit." And releasing her foot, he SLAMS his fist /right/ into her stomach, to send the poor warrior flying through the air, and away from him. "You have your own agenda today, do you not?"
"You're right, Chun-Li! In this case, I should keep close!"
With that, the Shadaloo master moves. He actually waits until Chun's failed attack on Rugal goes through, and the crazed, angry warrior leaps into action. Literally, in this case. He rolls himself to his feet, and then leaps after the World Warrior, his legs sending him high up. He seems to defy gravity, there - hanging in midair for a second, then another - until her thrown body comes close. And then - he attacks.
She'll probably recognize it - the dredging of psi from his body, and released as a point-blank explosion of power, purple psychopower arcing around his body and attempting to engulf Chun-Li in it, as well. As for Rose - she's ignored. For now, Vega is settling old debts. he's already expressed his displeasure of that woman, at the amusement park.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Chun-Li with Psycho Wave.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Rose
Her attacking limb gripped so firmly, there is little Chun-Li can do to either respond to Rose's pleasant greeting or prepare for the next actions on her own behalf. Slightly widened eyes snap to meet Bernstein's gaze, then an eyebrow raises, her expression increasing in defiance to a point a small smirk even begins to appear. Arrogance and a smart mouth to match his incredible strength in combat. Oh, Rugal, whatever shall we do with you?
Answer: a number of things. But foremost, the woman has an attack to deal with, the full force of that fist slamming into her gut even as she focuses on formulating a reply to her opponent's jibe. His advise, in fact, is most excellent. Focus is all this takes, and this is something she will not lose no matter the power of the blows sent her way. Flying through the air, Chun-Li is already tucking herself up to land in a crouch, still cringing with pain while she skids backward across an icy patch of ground, quickly steadying herself with application of a deft palm. "'ve improved."
Simple statement of fact, but if the Chinese beauty planned to elaborate she is rudely interrupted - any further conversation is forced to wait as Vega's attack comes in to intercept her unawares. Almost. "/Vega/!" Little more than a hissed exclamation, Chun-Li spits the name forth as she tucks into a roll, launching off her left shoulder with hope of subsequently handspringing away from her nemesis. It is to little avail, the wall of psychic energy catching her with a brutal weight behind it - triggering a gasp as her mind and body are assailed in mid-movement. It takes all her resolve to continue the motion anyway, coming up with a staggering step backward. Her gaze locks onto the burly dictator.
Hatred flares.
Rugal is forgotten.
A spiral of chi erupts from what seems the central point of Chun-Li's being, blue-white fronds whiplashing into the frozen winds as she snaps to her full height on one leg, a cold half-smile smearing itself across her lips. Whatever happens today, whomever she chooses to focus upon, there is only one being here for whom her hated is all-consuming. This man, this beast, this thing of evil. Her heart beats, and she becomes a blur of avenging action.
"HOUYOKU SEN!" Leading with one leg, the world's strongest woman hammers forward to make contact with a series of stinging kicks, aimed the full length of Vega's body. This combination is only the beginning though...
The card was an experiment, of sorts. It didn't appear to work as well as Rose hoped, but she does not feel the fight is over yet. Not by a longshot, anyway. "I was not referring to 'spirit', Mr. Berstein, although that is certainly one aspect." Slowly, the psychic draws back a few steps, observing the battle and choosing her actions carefully. However, as dispassionate and calm as Rose is, Chun-li's strong heart and passion are what give her strength. They also do crazy insane stuff like forcing her to leap at him with kicks a'blazing, hoping to batter him down. "Inspector..." she murmurs quietly, "you do the most unexpected things."
Steeling herself to forget about Rugal -- who indeed, she has perceived as the bigger threat for the time being, just as Vega dismissed her -- the psychic blazes into action, insofar as her languid fighting style permits. If it comes down to helping Chun-li or 'winning'... Rose chooses to help Chun-li. Pushing herself to the limit, she walks langorously toward Vega even as Chun's fury of kicks is in effect and then... blinks out again, only to appear behind him just as Chun-li's coup-de-grace is hopefully delivered. "Your choice of company..." she murmurs, reaching out to snag Vega with her shawl and simply slingshot him into the side of his own VTOL at rapid speeds, throwing in a generous dose of Soul Power to boot, " deplorably bad."
Aaah. There it is. That hatred that blinds Chun-Li so. He saw little glimpses of it mentioning Vega in his first fight with the Tai Chi mistress, but now? Rugal gets to see it... /full force/. There is an amused, an /incredibly pleased/ smile on Rugal's lips, even as he takes stock of the situation. Calmly, he straightens his red coat, ensuring that no permanant damage has been done to it. And, this ensured, his gaze shifts to Vega... and his impressive display of Psycho Power. As per usual, that power never ceases to /amaze/. But then again --
Neither does Chun-Li's tenacity.
She and Rose both seem to be focusing on Vega this time around, unleashing attacks of incredible power against the man. So, Rugal takes his time, legs tensing as he looks between the two. Who to pick... /hm/. Bernstein looks almost curious for a second, before his gaze levels on -- Rose. He rushes forward towards the woman, so that he can assault her /just/ as she finishes her attempted toss at his would-be partner in crime. When he gets close enough, he leaps through the air -- intent on slamming a swift kick straight into her spine.
COMBATSYS: Rose successfully hits Vega with Aura Soul Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Rose
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Chun-Li's Houyoku Sen.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vega 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Rose
"Come, then! Show me what you can do, Chun-Li!" Vega stands proud and prepares for the attack, that flurry of fast kicks something that mortal men, lesser men would fear. In fact, it really could perhaps shake a fimament, destroy metal, crush bones and kill. But not today. Not to Vega, Lord of Shadaloo! His hand moves, and he slaps contempuously at the foot that comes in, deflecting the first kick. He looks prepared to do it again - and again, the entire way of the attack, to humiliate the Strongest Woman.
But if he does that - he's ignoring Rose. And while doing so, he's leaving himself open to her attack, the blink of her body suddenly behind him catching him by surprise. The throw doesn't slow him down at all, though - in fact, the crushing blow against the metal of his jet only gives him a new way to explode out, to leap from the hole in it's superstructure. He's laughing, cackling madly even.. and following Rugal as the man attacks Rose. As soon as that kick is completed, come hell or high water, he's going to finish her off with a crushing attack. Leaping up into the air, and simply attempting to come down on her head and shoulders with those big, stompy boots of his!
Chun-Li meets a most solid defence. Judging by the tremor that runs up her powerful leg when it meets such a guard from Vega, her successive blows might well have been met with similar nonchalance... but still, her attack has the desired effect of causing great pain to the dictator. Albeit indirectly. This is enough to draw a relieved breath from the world's strongest woman - Rugal is tricky in any situation, but her experience with Vega has taught her that to keep him upon the defensive is very much the key. By doing so she paves the way for the psychic to assail her corrupt half with a beautiful variant of his own energies, though her partner is well-placed to notice the threat coming from behind.
"Look out!" It's gasped just in time and hopefully will assist, along with Rose's honed instinct, in swinging her away from harm. Chun-Li does not pause to check, gaze slingshotting back to Vega and following him through his leap toward the other fighting female. There may be no time to /prevent/ his assault but she can catch him on the recovery. Beginning to circle around his projected trajectory back to the ground, when she sees what she believes to be the right moment.. the ex-Interpol agent surges forward in a three-step sprint, bending her body willowlike as she runs and then extending a hand to brush the floor with its fingertips.
It is all the pressure she needs.
Flipping herself to a brief handstand, then swinging around into a series of helicoptering strikes from each booted foot, the beauty aims to draw her hated foe into a barreling inferno of agony, thoroughly working his torso over before depositing him violently away from the hurricane - buying her time to recover and slip back into a ready stance.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Head Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vega 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rose
COMBATSYS: Rose interrupts Light Kick from Rugal with Soul Spiral.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vega 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rose
Well, that worked better than expected, although it would have been more to Rose's liking if Chun-li's powerful kicks had connected. Unfortunately, that's just not how it pans out. Still, anything you can walk away from... of course, there's still an incoming pair of attacks to worry about, the problem with these little soirees. "Why, gentlemen..." she drawls, amused. "I didn't know I was so popular."
Unfortunately for Rose, getting out of the way is pretty tough; both of those attacks are fairly speedy, though she's no slouch in that regard herself. Her dodge actually travels up rather than to the side, which has the unfortunate side effect of driving her skull right into Vega's shoes. Wincing with the pain, however, Rose keeps her focus, grinning down at Rugal. "Unfortunately, I am simply not in a debutante mood." On the descent toward Rugal's kick, the psychic's shawl leaps to life, coiling around her arm like a spring and blazing to life with Soul Power. "Eeeeeeeeeey!" Driving forward, the spiral simply knocks Rugal's kick aside, leaving Rose unharmed... and driving her psychic attack right through Rugal's stomach, a blaze of Soul Power igniting across the blonde fighter's tall form.
Well now. Wasn't /that/ unexpected.
Still, nothing but a minor hinderance.
Rugal is slightly surprised, but more importantly /annoyed/ as Rose bats his attack to the side. It's only a minor set back. What isn't, however, is the fact that she drives a psi-charged attack right into his stomach. Air rushes out of his lunges as Rugal jerks back. The sheer /force/ of the blow is enough to send the man flying, in fact, with widened eyes. Widened eyes that swiftly /narrow/ as he flies through the air. Oh no, this will not do.
This simply will not do at all.
Soaring through the air, Rugal strikes the side of one of those trucks -- feet first. It crunches the metal, nearly tilts the vehicle over with the force. If that doesn't, however... his pushing RIGHT off the vehicle certainly does, toppling the thing over to it's side with a crash as he FLINGS himself at Rose, intent on smashing a single, powerful elbow STRAIGHT into her sternum -- laughing the entire time.
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Strong Kick from Chun-Li with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vega 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Rose
"Your warnings will not help her, Chun-li!" Vega's anger is a powerful thing. It gives him strength, speed and energy, fuels his attacks, speeds his defenses to a finely honed peak.. And allows him to explode at times. When the attack comes in, he grins widely, and blazes out with a burst of psychopower, thick purple energy flying outwards, directly between himself and Chun's feet, as they spin and slide. He's not afraid of her - or her attempts to crush him.
"You're getting weaker, Chun-Li. You can feel it in your bones, can't you? Weakness.. pain.. I can see them, this time - no 'teachings' from Rose will help you today!"
Whoosh. The woman so confident in her abilities, and so well prepared to bring the fight to her nemesis, finds herself consumed in a gout of energy so strong it hurls her directly upward before her intent can be realised - launching her into a crazy spiral with limbs flying outward, a high-pitched cry tearing from her lips. Curling around in the air, she falls back to earth after a moment's delay, hitting the dirt with a solid *whump* and lying still for the extent of Vega's boasting, fingers clawing against the frost as she sucks in harsh breaths. So little damage done and she is beginning to tire...
But she will not relent. Gen did not teach her to submit, her travels and her many battles have not instilled within her a willingness to stand aside or admit defeat! Pulling herself together, she all but seethes her next words, anger only hold back by a grimly smug edge to her tone. "Rose /taught/ me nothing, Vega. I have never faced you with anything but my own abilities... perhaps one day, you can come to terms with that." Pushing herself to a crouch, she swings her legs up smoothly, spinning off braced palms to leap to her feet in a single smooth motion. Almost in that same movement, her leg snaps up to hammer a light kick to the side of Vega's skull. "Perhaps you'll die first."
A barrage of lightweight strikes ensues. "YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA!"
COMBATSYS: Rose blocks Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vega 1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rose
Sadly, once you get her on her last legs, Rose's game starts to heat up a little bit. Rugal's anger merely makes it easier for the psychic to muster her defenses, since it shines rather brightly on the emotional spectrum. "I'm sorry, Mr. Bernstein," she says blithely, holding up her scarf and almost entirely deflecting the blow intended to crush her with its suddenly iron-rigid consistency. "I really don't have time to keep playing."
And, true to her word, the fortuneteller ignores Rugal once more, instead pulling yet another fun almost-but-not-quite-teleporting quick movement across the field to be at Vega's other side as Chun-li's kicks come in. After all, this worked before. Sort of. Sorry, Chun! It's not much of a technique, really... more of a slight shove, nothing serious. The real damage comes from the pulse of Psycho Power that gets added in. It makes everything better.
She doesn't have time to play around?
"Ah, but I do, Ms. Rose!"
With a push, Rugal launches himself off and away from Rose easily enough. But if Rose intends to keep on ignoring Rugal, well... she'll ultimately have to pay for it. He lands deftly on his feet, but he only stays there to tug his gloves a bit more tightly onto his hands, before he turns... and rushes towards Rose once more.
He's designated her to be his opponent, after all. So this time, he won't let her get away /quite/ so easily. Instead, he speeds towards the psychic, polished shoes slamming against the pavement -- even as his hands begin to glow with faint, emerald chi. He only has one purpose -- to attempt to grab Rose by the head with both those glowing hands, and then HURL her backwards -- /straight/ into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Vega with Hyakuretsu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vega 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Rose
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Rose's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vega 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Rose
"That isn't going to work, Chun-li."
Vega's hand comes up and bats at the foot coming in, intercepting each time, over and over. When he's done, there's blood trailing, falling from the digits into the snow. Perhaps a moment to prove that he is, after all, fallible. He's breathing hard, his eyes blazing white, showing a hint of that fatigue that courses through his body.
But not fatigued _enough_. As Rose comes in, he simply spins to the side, to break away from both, to give himself just a hint of breathing room. He braces, down to one knee - and then he focuses. From his kneeling form erupts ever larger waves of purple energy, darkness that threatens to overwhelm the day. And certainly, in this case, over Chun-li. "This ends..!" He says. And he's said this before. Every time he says this, he's been proven wrong. But not today. No, not today. He leaps towards Chun-Li, and holds his hands out towards the woman - that overwhelming power surrounding and shielding him - she wants it? She'll get it.
The Final Psycho Crusher.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks Vega's Final Psycho Crusher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Chun-Li
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Rose
Here it comes... the attack she has avoided feeling the full force of, in various ways during her many battles with the abominable dictator. Vega's trump card. She has seen others fall before it, can feel the frightful surge in power whenever it is used, but never has its entirety been inflicted upon Chun-Li. Could now be the time? Her gaze focuses hard upon the man as he prepares himself, the beauty taking her time in reassuming her stance, a sidelong glance taking in Rugal and Rose just briefly before all her attention is on her nemesis. Muscles tighten, her jaw clenches. "It will never end..."
Her quiet voice dies suddenly in a maelstrom of power, the waiting woman consumed in a furious tunnel of energies as Vega's power threatens to consume her. She's blasted backward by its force, launched across the ground to pass fallen soldiers' bodies and so much frozen wasteland. When she lands it is a good distance away, and it seems indistinct at first as to the damage she has taken; but one thing is certain. Hot clouds of breath still rise from Chun-Li, who now kneels upon both legs, arms crossed in front of her face and wisps of purplish energy working their way off her pale flesh. She breathes in, she breathes out...
Then rises to her feet.
"IT WILL NEVER END!" She screams at the very top of her lungs, breaking to a headlong sprint back toward the most detestable man she has ever encountered, those muscular legs pumping away as she covers the distance in a streaming blur. Streaking forward, she drops to a skidding crouch to cover the remaining feet, a slew of frosty dirt hurled in a slipstream around and behind her. When she arrives underneath Vega's guard, she is halfway through her next sentence, finishing with a dramatic bursting of her voice as she thrusts off an applied palm to launch her enemy heavenward with three swinging kicks. "Until I claim what is MIIIINE! TEN-SHOU! KYAKU!"
Win or lose, hit or miss.. she will continue upward with each rotation of her form, destroying whatever presents itself in her path before spinning about in a graceful flip... and falling to land in a dishevelled heap. Unconcious? Perhaps not entirely. This woman is made from powerful stuff...
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rose
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Rose with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rose
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/---====|
By the head? Not so much; Rose is too quick for that, even if she can't avoid the major thrust of Rugal's attack. He does get a grip on her shoulder, the chi shocking through her body as the psychic is hurled backwards, just barely catching herself on the tundra and rolling to a stand as Vega brings his own might to bear on Chun-li. Sadly, that attack -- drawn from a power so near to Rose's own, yet so far -- causes her some distress. The psychic holds her head in pain, less from Rugal's throw and more from the backlash of the Final Psycho Crusher.
But in the darkness... there is something. Chun-li's determination, shining like a beacon. And it is that bright spot -- even as Chun-li drives her last into Vega, Rose rushes Rugal with surprising speed, hand sparkling with a particularly bright nimbus of Soul Power. "If you knock us down a hundred times..." she murmurs, voice like iron despite her soft tone, "we will get up a hundred and one." And if Rose can get her hand even remotely near Rugal? Off into the Soul Powered blue yonder he go.
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to reflect Soul Fade from Rose with Dark Barrier EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Rose
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/---====|
Well... Rose is /quite/ fast, isn't she? Fast enough so that even when Rugal's throw slams her into the ground, she still manages to recover swiftly enough to launch a counter strike. And despite his attempts, Bernstein doesn't move /quite/ fast enough to stop her. Whatever he was planning only goes off in a bright flash of emerald green before he goes flying through the air, propelled by the woman's 'Soul Power.' But even as he does? He is /laughing/, loudly. It hurts, but... that POWER is just so incredible he can't help himself.
He lands in a roll, which ultimately ends in a crouch. But even as he does, he stands, looking towards Vega and Chun-Li's fight. "It seems the match between them is just about over, wouldn't you say?" He questions, lifting his gaze to settle it on Rose. "Despite her anger, she couldn't win. You said you would get up one hundred and one times? Well..." His voice? Brimmed completely with amusement.
"We'll simply crush you to nothingness after that point. Hopeless optimism is only entertaining after so long."
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Vega with Tenshou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Rose
[ \\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/--=====|
Vega lands past Chun-Li, and tosses his head back to laugh. To celebrate his victory over the other woman. This time, he's the winner. This time, she's the one blown through the metaphorical VTOL. This time, he won't ever have to worry again. Crushed! Defeated!
And then, he's hit - struck by the blast of her foot, turning in midair, and catching the next in his throat, causing a choking, abrupt sound to escape - and the third, against his temple, sending his sight out of whack, an explosion of dark spots that make it almost impossible to see. However.. he's seen what he needs to - he's seen what he has to - he's seen Chun-Li fall. And that, in the end is enough. And with that spiraling series of kicks, he aims his fall towards Rose - towards the other woman, determined to take her down as well. As he hits the ground by her, again, he bursts into psi, purple aura flaring bright enough to scorch the ground, melt the snow crushed around him..
This would be a fine death. But yet.. he lives.
COMBATSYS: Vega can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Rose
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Rose
Sadly, Rose has tapped herself to the limit overcoming Rugal's defenses. Exhausted and painfully injured, there's very little she can do to weather Vega's assault. Thankfully, her own significant psychic defenses turn a potentially lethal attack into something that merely stings... A LOT... but it's a pain Rose can't weather. Now is the time for an expeditious retreat. If there were only something she could do to cover it...
And suddenly, the dark violet eyes flash with an idea.
Pulling herself standing with great effort, Rose looks at Rugal with an impassionate gaze, her aura suddenly blazing bright flashes of violet and gold. "YOu cannot. We cannot be destroyed. You understand nothing of the human heart. You think of victory in terms of who is left standing and who is not."
And suddenly, the area is filled with Roses. One delivering a punch here; another swinging her scarf there. A kick, an attempted throw, a bevy of physical attacks coming from all directions, with phantom copies of the psychic spinning at a bewildering pace throughout the battlefield. And all the while, Rose's voice is present in Rugal's ears. "And that is why you will always lose. Farewell."
Once the smoke clears, for good or for ill, Rose and Chun-li's body are gone.
COMBATSYS: Rose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Soul Illusion from Rose with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
Hrm. It seems... that Vega has been defeated as well. But that final maneuver he pulls is reasonably effective in stopping Rose flat. Well --
Not so much /flat/, it seems.
There's the faintest arch of one of Rugal's blonde brows as Rose continues to stand. "Your resolve is impeccable as always! You can still stand after all that. You're rather like a cockroach, aren't you?" He doesn't respond to her /quite/ yet however. He takes his time, legs tensing for what will be an inevitability. Her final, futile attempt at a meager victory.
"What matters is who is living and who is dead." Simple, direct.
Then, Rose disappears into a veritable army of herself. He blinks for a moment, confused, before a grin spreads across his lips. "Another trick? Can you still fight, then?" One has to be Rose. And as those attacks come at him, Rugal's eyes dart around until finally--
He swings a single fist straight for 'Rose's' windpipe, to crush it and bring an easy enough end to this--
Except his fist passes right through it.
The illusion ends. Rugal's eyes widen as his fist passes through, losing his balance and stumbling to his knees. His eyes narrow, his gloved fingers dig into the tundra. Make a fool of him, will they?
"Only someone destined to lose would run in such a cowardly fashion!! I... will KILL YOU." It's a scream to no one. But rest assured...
... They will both see their ends, painfully.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 15:31:33 01/12/2006.