Description: Dan Hibiki and Shingo Yabuki decide to start a Youth League. Dan has a commencement ceremony. It's awesome. There is punch and pie.
The Saikyo Dojo is a hustle and bustle of activity today, as news reporters and even a local government offical stand around gladhanding a crowd of concerened parents. Around the tatami mats on the floor is a large red ribbon going across several golden security-rope poles.
In the center of all that commotion? Dan Hibiki, chilling behind a podium.
As the murmur of the crowd continues he reaches up to the gaggle of microphones in front of his face, coughs slightly and taps the centerpiece.
"SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEACH," goes through the PA System, and Dan looks around the room, eyeing the gathered...uh. Gathering.
A hunched-over figure troops down the sidewalk past the dojo...then pauses as it notices the busy crowd inside. He peers inside, then gives a shrug, making his way to the back of the crowd. Cai cranes his neck over the people, giving the pink dude up at the podium a wide-eyed stare. Huh. He settles back as the feedback rips through the dojo to wait to hear what the dude has to say. In the meantime, he slips a flask from his coat, taking a short swig. Nothing like a refreshment at a public event, after all.
Amongst the gathering? Well that'd be none other than the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown herself, Li Xiangfei! Granted, due to her ealier antics, she couldn't very well just waltz in with her usual look, and she had a ransom video to deliver! And this 'event' was just the perfect time to do it, it'd be nice and inconspicuous if things went right. Oh ho ho ho.
And so the chinese girl went out of her way to look a little different, wearing a wig of long, black hair, large swirly-eye glasses over her eyes, and sports a pink karate gi, with a black shirt underneath the top. On one arm is a simple, leather handbag. Under the other arm is a big posterboard, which she holds in the air once the microphone makes that godawful feedback, which reads 'Dan is my Dad!!'. "Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!"
Finally, after a long window of pause he speaks, letting the crowd's conversation dies down.
"Welcome, students, potential Saikyo-phytes, and concerend parents alike. In light of recent events, the Hibiki Dojo was considering not having this youth league any longer, as some hooligan has decided to take it upon themselves to commit grand theft signage upon this Dojo. This matter will be resolved in due time, however and will not dampen my spirits so much that I cannot accept new fresh blood into these hallowed halls that many have succesfully earned their black belt in."
"Today is the official commencement ceremony of the Saikyo-Ryuu Youth League commencement. The storied history of this youth league is long and loving. One of the parties behind the idea could not be in attendance tonight, however as he is a youth himself and is off studying ....whatever you children study today.. mathematics? History? That stuff. You know, reading, writing, arithmetic. The three Rs."
"That's an odd phrase, the three Rs, as arithmetic clearly starts with an 'A' but I'm getting off topic. Tonight we will be handling signups and other such paperwork issues for the youth league, and with the proper consideration some of you who sign up will be able to spar against each other in a friendly, non-official, non-threatening, and virtually painless way."
"I'd like to hand the podium over to the treasurer of this fine village for a moment, but they didn't send him. We couldn't even get the comptroller. In fact....the man who is cutting the ribbon is a clerk at the local bus station. He may not be glamorous.... but he's what we've got...."
At the unpleasant echo of feedback, equally welcome snickering sounds from one corner of the Dojo, apparently belonging to a particularly unruly group of youngsters. A petite adolescent girl in full biker-chick regalia stands between two scruffy wannabe gangsters, one of stocky build and the other almost snakelike; all three of them forming a loose semi-circle to the side of their supposed leader. Gedo's own Edge Yamada, he of the knives and purple clothing. Slumped against the smooth wooden wall, he wears a wide smirk that marks him as entirely 'too cool for school' and bears no signs of the enthusiasm displayed elsewhere in the room. "Tch." ...and to think he criticises Justice kids for their superiority complex.
When the speech begins in earnest, he does at least have the respect to swipe a lazy kick at the heels of the nearest gang-member - he known as Chunky - and darts a scathing glance sidelong before turning his gaze back to Dan. The further along the Saikyo master gets, the wider becomes the grin on Edge's lips, until he's mugging away Cheshire-style, teeth showing in malicious amusement. "What a wonderful idiot!" Chirps his female companion, looking back at the older boy with a distinctly uncute giggle, and Daigo's lieutenant shows no sign of dissent, catching her eye and nodding slowly. He's just waiting for the stand-up to continue.
A slight and frail looking asian man steps up to the podium as Dan Hibiki steps down, holding a comically big pair of scissors and a look of bewildered confusion on his face. As the news of his 'official position' is spoken some of the news reporters get puzzled looks on their face, and a few of the photographers begin to pack their gear away, disappointed that they don't have any kind of real scoop on their hands.
"Ah, th-thank you mister Hibiki. I'm ahha.. I'm oh my, look at this crowd you've got here, I only see this many people at the holiday rush. Ahehehehehe. Oh my. I'm Yukinori Sawata. I'm a bus clerk in the down town area. You, may have seen me when you ah went and bought a bus ticket. Ahahaha. I really have no idea why I'm here. This man just threw these scissors in my hand and said I had to come to his Dojo quickly. I was off the clock and figured it would keep me from going back home and dealing with the wife, but, now I'm completely confused."
"If ah, if Mr. Hibiki is so enthusiastic about his martial arts though, I'm sure that um. Er.. Hehe. I'm sure that the city formally recognizes this as a respectable use of the property. In fact, I'm going to errrrrrrr, talk to my boss and have him talk to his boss and try and get a brand new bus stop added right here in front of this great building so that the students who choose to accept his tutelage and dedicated time and effort will at long last finally be able to do so in their daily errands. Aheh..."
Stepping away from the podium, the official walks towards the ribbon between the audience and the mats, and opens the humongous scissors wide.
Then he slams them down, and wouldn't you know it. They don't cut the ribbon.
"Eheh. That's peculiar."
He tries again in earnest, and the second time, the ribbon finally snaps.
"I prounounce this Youth League OPEN FOR BUSINESS," shouts Dan enthusastically, "Now who wants to sign up!"
Throughout the whole scene, Cai's smile gets wider. The reporters around him look disappointed, but this looks like fun. As the people in the back start to filter away, Cai begins to push through the the front. He holds his hand up high, waving it around. "I'm in!" he calls out...rather oblivious to the flask that remains in his hand. The unstoppered flask. This, coincidentally, helps clear the uninterested crowd around him as they find alcohol splashing on them. "Um..oops?"
"YEAH! Rock /ON/!"
"Bus stops forevaaaah!"
Edge lifts an eyebrow as his posse of Skinny, Susy, and Chunky all give their contributions to the utterly dramatic and exciting proceedings, finally joining in with the next action when all three decide to hurl something into the air. Airborne goes a short length of steel chain, a crowbar and a compact mirror as the Gedo kids show their appreciation, and a fraction later these articles are followed by a sudden burst of motion from Yamada, and three switchblades soar upward with their blades retracting audibly... *thunk* Three times they strike into the wooden ceiling.
"Ehehehehehehe..." Shaking his head as he doubles over giggling, Edge's manic display of humour is greeted with only a brief pause from his lackeys, before they all start laughing and cackling. Looks like signing up has been forgotten for the moment...
.. Riiiiiight. Sometimes even Xiangfei has to question some of the things Dan does, but.. Well, a mans gotta do what they gotta do to get the job done, right? While part of her feels a bit sorry for the poor bus driver and his miserable life, another part of her wants to see the ribbon cut, in which she cries, "Cut! Cut! CUUUT!" when it doesn't, "Booooo!"
But when it does, "Yaaaaaaaaaay!!" and she flipes the sign around so it reads 'Saikyowned' in big, pink letters.
This enthusiasm however, is cut short for one reason and one reason only, and that's when her glasses gleam with a mightly *KURAN* to the voice of Cai- A... A chinese brother?? Wh.. But why?? Why??? she wonders in her mind. It wasn't that she didn't admire Saikyo at all, but it most certainly was not a -chinese- art, it isn't even as mighty as kung-fu! So shocked she is, that she even completely overlooks the cheering for buses (because she's down with public transportation too). Heck, even her sign slips from her hands and falls to the floor, "................"
After having tried Mr. Frank's, uh... franks, it has become Monday custom for Frei, the magical mystery monk, to wander around Southtown with a bag of the things, eating at random and seeing sights that interest him. Is there any better way to get to know a town? Before you respond, the answer is no, and yes, the hot dogs are mandatory. Thus it is with the spirit of meat-induced nirvana that the young monk is wandering through Southtown village this evening, right as the ribbon-cutting gets underway.
What can you do? It piques Frei's interest. Making an elaborate turn on one heel, he pops the last of his current beef frank into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully as he eyes the dojo's sign... or lack thereof. "Whoa..." he murmurs aloud, confused. "I thought dojo destroyers were, like... a legend or something. Do they really have those now?"
Dan runs over to Cai with his oddly oversized sign-up book, a big grin on his face as he's happy to have any kind of turn out at all to this little adventure. In his hand is another oversized object, an oversized pen to be exact, and just as he gets to the wandering chinese man with the flask, who sends more of the reporters away with his alcohol drinking habits, he hears the thunk of switchblades against his ceiling and gives a sidelong glance to the gangsters.
The man from the transit authority, however smiles at all the grouped ruffians. And says, "Busses are the wave of the future! Yes! I've been working at the bus stop for the last fifteen years! It's ehehe so nice to see the youth of this city appreciates my very very important job. Thank you! Thank you! Oh. It's nice to be recognized. I'm more than just a pretty face."
Freakin' Weirdo.
Cai Xuan stops up the flask and makes it disappear within his oversized coat. "So what is this?" he asks, even as he reaches for the book and pen. "Some kind of contest? Will I win a free trip?" He scribbles his name, Zhou Cai Xuan, and other relevant information into the book. "I always wanted to go on a cruise, y'know? Free food all day every day, good drinks, pretty when's the drawing, pops?" He looks up at Dan, expression completely innocent of realization that this is, in fact, a dojo.
Edge's outburst is cut short when he's elbowed in the stomach by little Susy, looking up with only a little aggravation at the sudden contact to focus on the action once more - one look at her mischievously shining eyes is all it takes. She's the brains of the outfit, and usually turns up something worth looking into... in this case, it's Dan and his newly discovered signee. Naturally this isn't the only thing going on within the Gedo set - and Chunky takes a moment to cast a rather stupid grin toward the chosen Lord of Ceremonies, watching him glassy eyes before replying, "Pretty face? You're not /even/ that, pops!" A comment which naturally requires alleviation: gotta keep the guy on his toes, so out he comes with a vigorous fistpump. "Go buses!"
The school's lead representative has better things to do than mock the old public transport enthusiast, though, and is already swaggering forward between Skinny and Susy, making his way through the crowd through way of some nastily-aimed pushing and shoving to come up near Cai and Dan. Naturally it becomes a little easier, the closer he gets, and the aforementioned snakelike gangster is right in tow, snickering happily as he sniffs alcohol - a Zippo lighter flickering into his hands a moment later. "Hey, hey!" Edge calls out, not sparing a glance backward and instead covering the last distance to the pair, rudely interrupting proceedings.
"I thought this was about fighting... this scrawny piece of trash can barely hold his drink still, let alone take on the likes of me." His tone is as mocking as might be expected, a demoralising sneer turned upon Cai after a brief look at Dan while the punk grabs both their attentions. Hands once more buried in his pockets, there's no other sign of vicious intent for the moment.
The shock! The awe! The horror! Xiangfei simply just does not get it! Maybe.. Though maybe she just heard incorrectly, maybe there was some sort of fluke? Anyway, she pays close attention, -really- close attention. So close attention that she in fact, is peering over Cais shoulders, adjusting her glasses and lips pursed in wonder.
And then gives a sigh of relief, nodding her head in approval, "Good good," she murmurs, taking then a step back and redirects her attention toward the loudmouth Gedo group, looking a little perplexed at first, then salivating at the thought of a challenge.
But no, Xiangfei, NO! You have a job to do! and as such finally looks amused by another new face (at least to her) Freis question. Ah, the dojo destroyer. Good times, good times. Though this may be the key moment of distraction she's been waiting for, the girl eyeing the podium and rubs her chin.
Yes.. Yes, that may do quite well.
Dan blinks at Edge for a moment as Cai sign's his book, before looking back to Cai and then smiling, "WELL! If both of you would just sign this book you'll be entered in the league and you can test your mettle against each other! This isn't a contest! The only trip you'll be taking is down the path to enlightenment! Saikyo enlightenment or the art of your own choosing. They're all good arts, really. Saikyo of course is the best but that goes with out saying. Honestly, a day without Saikyo is like a day without love. And a day without love is like a day without..."
Dan suddenly stops in his train of thought and then pulls his lower lip out, "Hrmmmm.... a day without.... Ah! SAIKYO!"
The Bus clerk blinks as he gets ridiculed, but then says, "Well.. your enthusiasm for busses is still quite acceptable! Go busses! Haha. Oh, why don't one of you kids come up here, and I'll tell you all about busses as I know everything there is to know about busses," then he shakes his head, "Even better.. Stay right there! I'll come to you!"
And so, the Bus station clerk moves towards the gangsters, ready to talk their ears off.
Cai Xuan looks a little bewildered as Edge comes up to him while he's signing his soul away- er, signing the book. Eh heh. He looks Edge up and down, expression taking on that of a practiced veteran gauging one's strength...then nods vigorously, beaming. "Can't argue with you there. You'd probably kick my butt from here to China." He takes out a small bottle of sake, holding it up. "Path to enlightenment sounds good to me. You guys wanna drink?" The rest of Dan's...poetry receives a couple of encouraging nods here and there, followed by Cai making a V sign when it ends. "Go Saikyo," he agrees, sounding more polite than passionate.
Munching on another hot dog, Frei continues to look around, drinking it all in. A dojo without a sign, huh... and gangers, and that drunk guy, and somebody wearing pink. Certainly makes for interesting scenery. The conversation is moving so fast and furious it's difficult for the absent-minded (sort of) Frei to keep up, so he does what any sane person would do: he turns to the closest identifiable person -- Xiangfei, in this case -- and smiles at her with a distant, confused expression. "Hi there! Can you tell me where the heck I am?" Thinking fast, the monk decides to make sure his question is answered by offering a bribe, holding out the insulated rucksack full of foil-wrapped hot dogs. "Weiner?"
"Sorry I'm late!"
A voice calls out from the entrance of the dojo. Anyone curious enough to turn around would notice that there is a heavily panting highschool student by the name of Shingo Yabuki leaning against the door frame with one hand as he catches his breath. Looking up to the crowd and to no one in particular he grins widely. A thumbs-up is given after he rubs his head feeling slightly embarrassed about showing up late out of nowhere like he did. Realizing that possibly all eyes are on him he quickly straightens up and bows deeply to show his apologizes to all who are here already.
Uh oh. Chunky visibly pales on seeing the clerk move toward him. Like most Gedo punks, he's not all that hardcore at heart and isn't overly keen on committing further acts of cruelty - but nor could his brain stand the onslaught of hours of Bus Facts. So he does the only thing he can possibly do, at this stage, which is to look toward the delinquent school's female showing. "Uh... Suze? Do something?" His expression is hopeful and desperate, gaze flickering between the blocked entranceway, the approaching official, and the miniature biker girl. Who thinks fast, does the same set of glances, then.. throws herself on the stocky gangster, arms obscuring the back of his head and lips meeting his.
Oh my.
Edge remains oblivious to the antics of his schoolmates, Skinny included (though he's currently lurking behind in the act of finding the largest patch of alcohol-sloshed floor). Meanwhile, Edge's attention has shifted briefly from Cai to the man in the pink gi, not acknowledging the seeming drunkard's comment until he's done staring at the Saikyo wonder. "...Saikyo, right. So I sign here and get free license to kick ass, eh? Heh!" Mouth twitching from a scowl to a lopsided smirk, he reaches out to snatch the pen and scribbles down his handle in scrawled block capitals. Then, his attention is free to drift back to Cai...
"Y'reckon? I guess we'll have a chance to find out some time..." He glances sidelong at the sign-up book, "Calx... uh." Stammering to a halt, Edge does a great duty to the name of Gedo by completely failing to translate the writing, instead punctuating his point by jabbing his finger toward the boy's chest with intent to get a nice, hard poke in. "Just watch it, okay? I'm a shark in yer pool, pencilneck!"
Xiangfei, has her eyes locked on that podium, and for the newcomers, Xiangfei's strutting around in her own pink gi, wearing a long-hair black wig and swirly-glasses, and it trying to do something important! In fact her fingertips just touch her handbag before she suddenly freezes up to Freis voice.
Blink.. Blink.. And she looks over her shoulder to the monk with a weak smile, "Ah... Uh.. You.. Is new here, yes? So solly, so solly," she punches a fist into her palm and bows deeply to Frei not once, but twice! "You is in Dan Dojo, for big.. Ah.. Meeting. Is good, is good," and she bows deeply to Frei again, before gasping in shock, cupping her cheek, "Ah! So amazing! Young man, you have such big weiner! No see weiner like that in japan! Lin-Lin have taste!" and surely enough, if allowed, she leans forward and takes a big bite.
Don't take food from strangers. Pffft, please.
Dan shakes his head and says, "Well not exactly a license to kick ass. A license to engage in friendly displays of martial arts. Don't get the meaning of a youth league wrong. It's more for your benefit and excercise. Something that every child should have, be they black, white, green, red, orange, or burnt sienna!"
"Why, I bet this kind of youth league could become an international sensation overnight! And I'm so glad you signed up. Thank you for joining. The group can be attended every night at just around this time. I'm so grateful to you both!"
"Hey, Sensei--" comes a voice from the doorway, a little bit more confident and a little less exasperated than Shingo, who just arrived through the door. "--Looks like you've put together a pretty big following today, eh? Maybe the Saikyo Dojo will finally take off for real, y'think?" Any eyes that turn the door will take note of the sight of Rock Howard, clad in his distinct red jacket, leaning in the doorframe; casually, as opposed to trying to catch his breath. "Long time, no see, by the way. Good to see the place is still... prosperous." That's putting it nicely. There are plenty of people here, after all. "Room for one more?"
"Cai Xuan," the fresh-out-of-highschooler supplies helpfully. "You can call me Cai." He listens attentively to Edge's warning, barely moving or acknowledging the antagonistic poke in his chest. "You're a shark, huh? Okay, Shark, I'll be sure to remember it." Cai gives Edge a thumbs-up before popping the top off his bottle and taking a gulp. "Haaaaa! So you sure you don't want any?" Cai thrusts the bottle under Edge's nose. "There's plenty for everyone! I'm sure we have time for a drink before the fighting starts, hey?"
Such big... oh god. Frei's face instantly goes red, his eyes actually watering for a moment. "Oh, you can have the whole thing..." he squeaks out, handing her a brand-new hot dog and then pointing to the bag. "I'm fully stocked. Also, would you excuse me for a second? I think I see someone I know." And giving Xiangfei a surprisingly flowing Chinese-type bow in return, the monk suddenly bolts through the crowd as quick as he can, ending up somewhere near Cai and Dan and then laughing so hard he's crying. His voice is squeaky and breathless. "Such... big... WEINER! Bwahahahahaaaaaa..."
Shingo is already inside the dojo when Rock shows up and getting to mingling somewhere with someone. And getting to the food. Because food is good and running over here tends to work up an appetite. Should've ate something before he left the house. But he just wanted to get all his homework done beforehand so that his mom wouldn't catch a fit. As he's helping himself to whatever there is, the loud sound of someone laughing is heard over the din of the crowd. He thinks to himself that the voice sounds familiar. When he spies Rock, he gives the other young man a nod and wave of recognition. Where's the water? Need water too.
Edge's expression once more shows a flicker of displeasure as Cai completely fails to be intimidated. This.. does seem to be happening an awful lot lately. Damn it. Naturally then, the delinquent youth is not to be outdone and after watching the alcoholic schoolboy take his drink, he's quick to snatch out for the bottle before it can even waft its scent up into his nostrils. Fingers closing around the bottle firmly, he gives a dismissive snort - 'anything you can do, I can do better' - and pulls it back for a long swig.
Gulp, gulp, gulp... and then the taste and smell assert themselves all at once. Suddenly very pale, Yamada pulls the flask away with cheeks widening alarmingly, a suppressed gagging sound emerging from his throat before he reflexively hurls the offending recepticle back over his shoulder. Directly toward Frei. ...and then he's doubled over, coughing like a chain smoker.
Xiangfei just... Smiles. A sweet little smile, and pretends to be completely oblivious to Freis struggle to keep from busting out laughing. That was somewhat her intent, though the bonus is that she gets a whole hot dog! Score! "Aaaah!" she cries, bowing again, "Thankee, thankee! Bai bai!" as she waves. That was resolved... Quicker than she had anticipated! Finishing the rest of the 'dog in one bite, she then spots Rock that makes her jump a little in suprise. Oh and Shingo too! Ah, youth.. Youth is just everywhere, it's a wonderful thing. Now then, where was she?
Before she continues her business, she does happen to catch some drinking going on, which again makes her mouth water- Until Edge proves himself a drinking n00b, which forces her to bust out laughing herself now. "Hahaha! Tall-hair no tough as he talk! Knees shaking to little drink!" It's sad, really. :( Poor chump.
Dan looks over from the posturing gangster and the laid-back chinese man to see Shingo step in and give a wave at him, before he hears Rock's voice and smiles, "Rock! Howard you," he asks, combining the greeting with the young man's last name to save his words, as he meanders away from the two people he's already got signed into his faustian oversized book, "You're always welcome in the Dojo."
Holding up the book he motions his palm to it, "Pretty nice book, right? Youth league signups. The Yabuki Hibiki Youth league, eh? Eh? Could use some more names in the roster. Names like Howard. Rock Howard. Mmm? Yeah? You could rekindle your interest in Saikyo with some friendly competition from the schoolyard kids around this village. You might learn a thing or two!"
Oh Dan.
Rock looks at Dan with red eyes -- they're always like that, he's not high or anything -- before repressing a lopsided grin. "Well, I like Saikyo-ryu. And I like competition. So..." Rock shrugs his shoulders, reaching for the book and, presumably, a pen somewhere. "I haven't forgotten the lessons you taught me, Dan. They've served me well. Least I can do is sign up for the League," he says, before signing his name into the massive Youth League roster.
Cai Xuan doesn't seem perturbed at all by Edge snatching the bottle. He was offering it, after all. His pleasant smile turns into a look of surprise as the alcohol hits Edge's system; the way the thug was acting, you'd think he'd be one to hold his liquor. "Hey, you o- wah!" Edge's health is suddenly secondary to the life of the bottle now in midair. That sake can't go to waste! Especially not when it's heading right for an innocent bystander!
"Excuse me!" is all Cai has to say before he LEAPS up, twisting his body so that he rolls his back over Edge's own, doubled over as he is. Cai lands with his feet on the ground behind the Gedo thug, arm reaching out, fingers just barely finding purchase around the bottle's neck. Frei wound up being an inch from having glass shattered all over him. "Whew. That's expensive stuff," Cai mutters.
Frei's laughing goes on a good long while. Apparently Xiangfei, agent of FOXHOUND, has thoroughly researched her distractionary methods. That or Frei just has a hair trigger when it comes to laughing. Either way, the monk straightens, wiping his eyes. "Oh, man. Such big weiner." He reaches down into the bag and removes the last hot dog, unwrapping it and starting in. They're good, damnit. Very good. So good that he has no idea there's a bottle hurtling at his head and continues babbling away with his mouth full to nobody in particular. "Suf bih weenr..." Swallow. "I should put that on a business card." And then Cai's sudden last-minute catch causes the monk to turn, blinking at the Taiyo graduate. "...hello."
"...the hell..." Edge's voice is cracked as he makes his confusion known, turning from his task with one last choked cough to straighten up an instant after contact is made with his back. Cai's hardly the heaviest of burdens, but it's more than enough to draw attention, the Gedo punk whirling around after the flash of motion to focus on his unintentional tormentor. "" He pauses a moment, lifting his hands back to his pockets with a surreptitious glance to either side.. did he look uncool for a moment or two there? Well. When in doubt, /get angry/. "WHADDYA THINK YER TRYIN' TO PULL, MONKEY BOY?!" Practically shouting despite the proximity, he stares daggers at the back of Cai's head, scowling deeply and straining not to show a single sign of embarassment.
Xiangfei blinks.. Blink.. Er, ahem, got a little side-tracked there, eh-heh. She clears her throat after her moment of amusement, glances around a moment again and rather casually makes her way toward the podium again, leaning against it cooly at first as she fidgets with her glasses once more. And once things look clear, she twirls around it, leaving the videotape on the stand and then walks away from it whistling lightly. Actually the snacks table was suddenly looking really good, maybe she should give that a go!
And so this is the scene when Hotaru pokes her head in. She'd heard of the 'Youth League' thing starting up, but between League fights and homework she never got a chance to really take a look at it... but that's why she's here now, just a face in the doorway for a moment. Rather than being dressed up in her usual outfit she's wearing the Seijyun school uniform, having just come from school as it is. So naturally she's got the bookbag, too... Looks pretty chaotic in here though...
Cai Xuan smiles apologetically at Frei. "Hello. Sorry about that." He looks about to say something more, but the shouting coming from right behind his ear causes him to wince. Better deal with the blowhard first. He turns around, waggling the open bottle under Edge's nose again. "It's a very dangerous thing to throw glass bottles," he chides. "They could break and hurt someone, plus there's always a big mess to clean up. Why don't you settle down and enjoy yourself, huh? All this yelling is gonna give you a sore throat." He takes another drink of sake; despte Edge's volatile reaction to the stuff, he downs it like water.
Dan notices the commotion and then rubs his head a bit, before looking at Rock, "It would be nice to see you in this Dojo more often, we're just now beginning to get things underway. As for me, The youth league is more for you young whippersnappers who can stay up later than hours exist in the day. I'm going to turn things over to the other brain behind this great idea. Well.. Ah..."
He walks over to Shingo and hands Shingo the book of signups before saying, "Listen, Shingo. We've got three names already. You get every kid in this crowd to put their name in this book, and I'll buy you a lobster. Not a lobster dinner. A pet. You can cook him for dinner, if you want, I guess. He'll still cost the same. Let them stay as late as they want, and start the music at an appropriate time. If that..." he cranes his head to look at the book, "Edge and Cal start a fight. Let them. But if it looks like they're serious. Break it up. You're in charge. Do it and do it right."
With that Dan begins to head towards his quarters, taking one more look behind him at the Dojo. One last chance for things to go awry.
Log created by Dan, and last modified on 23:49:05 02/17/2006.