Kim - Kim vs Ralf

Description: Kim comes across Ikari Mercenary Ralf Jones at one of his favorite diners in South Korea! But when the mercenary begins to tred upon ground he shouldn't, Kim decides it might be best if they both vent their frustrations -- through a whole, whole lot of asskicking.

It sure is weird to be in Korea again. Sure, it's technically made of two different governments, but only the naive and gullible would think that rivalries stop at the border. Trash filters through even the tightest lines, and it's for that reason that there is, once again, an Ikari presence in good old South Korea. The job was simple; ferret out some terrorist, cocksucking commie assholes, dead or alive, and secure the foreign dignitary. It happens a lot, you know? The South America-based mercenary group gets a lot of jobs like that, touching what 'official' forces can't dare to attempt, whether it's because of treaties or bad press.
Still, it's good to relax after a hard day's work. Jones hardly got a chance to shower, but the facilities in the poorer areas really aren't of much use. The water is chunky sometimes, so his skin is covered in little dried-up flecks of dirt here and there, whatever he's missed as the afternoon progressed. There's still a lot of time until the pickup is scheduled, so the men, as usual, are allowed to meander about for beers, food, souveniers, that kind of thing. Just be careful, as always.
Back to the point, Ralf usually gets good and hungry after killing freedom-hating pigdogs. The problem is that, in Korea, pigdogs are just what's usually on the menu, too. No beef, meager chicken, the town's staple is dog and pork, two things that just really don't sound appetizing. Still, food is food, and that dogburger can't be THAT bad, can it? Giving in, his seat ends up being in front of the window of the small diner-like place, and the Cau--Brazi-- ... The big guy sitting there, even behind the dirt and grime of the painted glass, looks out of place. You just don't see a lot of people like that. Obviously, you don't HEAR many people like him, either, as he's started to yell about finding bone chunks in his meat. Really, that's just nasty.

If you can't stand the food, go hunt some down yourself! At the very least the mercenary has a /selection/ of food he can choose, from pork to dog to vegetation! So really. He shouldn't complain so much. Dog burgers are better than dirt, after all.
South Korea may not be the shining prestige of countries worldwide, but it is still a humble little nation that strives to continue to be free. There is more hope here than despair, more good than evil. Just that people seem to look towards the corruption rather than the efforts to make this a better place. Which is why, though there may be some negative images about South Korea, while there may be some corruption... there are people who combat that injustice that attempt to permeate through it. And then of course, there are mercenaries like Ralf Jones who do it for money. But every attempt at furthering the establishment of a justice-filled South Korea is appreciated!!
That's what Kim Kaphwan, defender of Justice, believes!
He isn't here as often as some, but now and forever South Korea will be Kim's homeland, his most treasured of homes. The league, and work in Southtown, has kept him away for some time. But Kim makes it a point to have as many visits as possible, and to ensure that work is done to keep South Korea as wholesome as possible. Which is why the Tae Kwon Do master is here today! Well --
He's here today because he could REALLY go for a good dog burger. Man. Who could hate those!
Apparantly someone yelling at the top of their lungs. The door jingles as Kim Kaphwan steps in, dressed in the classic white gi he's known for. There are some murmurs, but really; Kim's a common enough customer here. What gets /his/ attention is the large man hollering about the food. It earns a curious cant of Kim's head to the side, a brown eyebrow arching as arms cross over his chest. "Is something the matter?" He asks, with all curiosity and concern! Perhaps the man's burger wasn't cooked correctly! Never fear, Ralf! Kim is here to save the day!

Now, be fair. Ralf isn't screaming at the top of his lungs! By now, he's at the counter with the questionable burger, and he's just...talking! Sure, the Ikari's hearing isn't quite up to snuff, what with having guns going off for the better part of half an hour earlier. At least the ringing has subsided, but it's still a far cry from being perfect.
"I mean, c'mon, I just want a new burger, something without the-- ...The gristle, and look! This is bone, here! I'm payin' you good money for this, here!" Oh, it's just a good thing that he hasn't yet noticed how watered-down the beer is here, or he really WOULD be angry. The plate, if you can call the drab, lop-sided plastic thing they serve food on here, is allowed to rest on the counter itself, and thankfully, taken away. A grunt passes Ralf's throat, just in time for his head to turn at the jingling. He can hear that, at least.
"NAH, just didn't butcher the poodle well enough before cooking it, you know?" His voice is still much louder than need be, even though he doesn't realize it. He turns further and begins to return to his seat, hands slipping knuckle-deep into the pockets of his fatigues, when...he stops. Beat. Turning his head and torso a bit, he looks studiously at the Tae Kwon Do superstar, his brows, still a bit slick from camo grease that hadn't been properly washed off. The unspoken thought, whatever it was, is uttered only in a kind of grumble, one of his hands lifting to scratch all fingers along his stubbly cheek. Maybe he remembers something. Maybe he doesn't. All he knows, at the moment, that at least there's beer. God knows he needs something to wash that crap down.

Ralf's brows creased, of course. Commies must have stolen that part of the sentence.

They do what they can with the money they have! Ralf should be damn appreciative that these people go out of their way to make the best possible burger out of a slaughtered domesticated animal for his enjoyment! Of course, not everyone can be happy! And it seems that Ralf is one of those people. Thankfully, Kim is pretty sure this is not a restaurant that remakes their food with a special dosage of spit sauce.
However, Kim can't let this event simply pass over so simply! No, clearly this man is distraught, which is why he's talking in such an obnoxiously loud voice! Brows furrow in concern. Of course, the man seems familiar -- and from the man's look alone he can tell he's a fighter. Now... where does Kim remember him from! For now, the Korean hero will walk forward easily enough, sitting down at a seat nearby the loud American. God. SO LOUD. It's a good thing Kim's vocal himself, though--
"Oh! They made your meal wrong? I'm sure your next one will be fine; the second time is a charm here!" And with that, Kim offers a thumbs up, and a grin -- and that grin? /Shines/. You could even say it PINGS with some light source other than the sun, other than the dim lighting of this diner. "What brings you here? Tourism? There's a lovely sight just south of here if you're interested!" See? Kim is HELPING. By being informative, and overly talkative, which will certainly ease this poor man's troubled soul and cure his problem with yelling. Of course, Ralf should also enjoy the beer. Watered down, so he doesn't get too bad of a buzz! Just how Kim likes it!

To hell with that! What kind of backwater yokels can't even make a burger correctly?! Just grind up the meat and cook it! DONE! Any useless mongoloid can do that! But nooooo, not these people. They're probably too poor; have to ration out their thoughts to save money. Probably took 'penny for your thoughts' literally. Spit sauce or no, Ralf just wants a damn burger, something he can at least PRETEND is beef, and not have chunks of bone slitting his esophagus on the way down. Is that too much to ask, asshole?! Is it?!
By the time Kimmy-poo meanders over and has his seat by Ralf, the latter has this odd, constipated-looking expression. The problem is not a surprise batch of boxer brownies; his mouth is open with a thumb and forefinger digging back behind his teeth. A little wriggling finally pulls out the offending item, which is a little chunk of dog femur that had gotten lodged between teeth. "Tch." The thing is dropped into the overturned bottlecap set on the table, his fingers wiping once along his sullied flak jacket. Lesser of the two evils, perhaps.
"Work, actually," comes the gruff answer, his lips pulling closed and pursing, jaw dropping as he probes for any more bits of bone with the tip of his tongue. "Just finished my job, trying to enjoy a bit of downtime 'til I can go home." At least his voice is a LITTLE lower now, but not by too much. "Wha'about you, lunchtime at the tournament or something?" He gestures to Kim directly with the bottom of his bottle, which is held by the neck. The liquid inside sloshes about inside its thick prison, soon released into its new home in Ralf's belly via a long, long slug. This, at least, he must not have any complaints about.

Yes. Yes, it is too much to ask.
You see, here in Korea, people believe in eating things as natural as possible! And if that means risking your life or your comfort to chew down bones, well then, you better damn well do it! Except... probably not. Kim wouldn't complain about eating a little bit of bone with his food, but he's pretty used to boneless variety too! Still, this American must not be used to life in a relatively poor nation! Learn to love the bone chunks, you unappreciative tourist badass-wannabe!!
Kim places his order -- nothing too fancy, really, just a sandwich and some salad, before his gaze returns once again to Ralf. "Work, huh? What kind of work would bring someone like yourself here?" He's not really suspicious. In fact, Kim's tone is honestly curious, even as he relaxes back in his seat, settles his hands into his lap. "There's plenty of things you can do to pass the time here, though! Many sights to be seen. Trust me; it's great fun here!" No really. Can't you just FEEL the excitement?!
"Tournament...? Oh, right! I just decided to come home to visit friends and family before my next match." Which could be happening anytime. Kim doesn't ever really know until he receives a letter to be in X location within X amount of days. Which is what makes it so exciting! But, Ralf knows he's in the league? Or at least a tournament goer. So why is the man so familiar--"You wouldn't have happened to be in the King of Fighters tournament, would you have?" That's where he remembers Ralf from. It must be! He can recognize that look anywhere. The look of a fighter! The look... of a potential DEFENDER OF JUSTICE.

Ah, what, exactly, DOES Ralf know? At some point between answering Kim's question and said goofball ordering rabbit food, Jones's mouth had started to take on a slight, maybe even impish sort of grin. It's the sort that sets the lips parting, the slick curve of a canine visible even in the dim light of the cheap-ass bone-serving dump these people call a restaurant.
If Mister Kaphwa..uh. Kaptain.. Kikkenface is anything at all like he remembers, this should be fun. The two only really met once, and even then, it was fun to torment the poor Justice messiah. He looked so clean, so green, so horribly naive about things, and hey, come on. When isn't it fun to push the buttons of zealots? That grin of Ralf's widens, akin to a sneer, both of his elbows now resting on the table with the forearms set against one another, his back a gentle arch as he leans over his bottle. "I guess about..oh, ten, fifteen of them. Real bastards, too." One of his hands lifts up, lifting the collar of his jacket away. Underneath the edge is a fresh bandage, though the red leaking of a still-fresh wound taints the thing. "One almost got me, but he's not bothering anyone anymore." He lets go of the jacket, securing it so that it doesn't grind unnecessarily against the gauze.
"Shit," he starts again, reaching for his bottle, letting his features settle something as close to deadpan as he can manage at the moment. "Maybe I shoulda just eaten them, huh? Probably woulda been cheaper."

"... What?"
Hey wait what now? Kim's demeanor has suddenly changed, looking a bit worse for wear -- well. More like looking a bit shocked than anything else! He's wordless for Ralf's entire little speach about what he had been doing, staring at the man with a bit of a wide-eyed, dumbfounded expression. He... what? Well, if Ralf is looking to push buttons, he's going to be succeeding pretty well.
Kim's food comes. He doesn't even look as he lifts a hand, and gently pushes the plate away. He's not up to eating anymore. The server only nods once before walking away, even as Kim leans in to just kind of... STARE at Ralf. "Killing people?" He says after a moment. He doesn't imagine Ralf's a /bad/ guy so these guys must have been no good. Doesn't make the man any less of a conflict-loving jerk, however! "You just decided to kill them? There was no other way to resolve the conflict?" No, he doubts /that/. Maybe Ralf was paid to do it. Or maybe... it doesn't matter!
He stands after a moment. "No matter what your reason, the killing of anyone is wrong! Why would you do such a thing!?" Kim's feeling the ENERGY. The energy of JUSTICE flowing through his body!! "Why didn't you bring them to the authorities? They could have taken care of it from there! There was... no reason at all for that!" Nope. Not very hard to push the man's buttons at all.

Oh, that grin is back. Ralf can't stop it, and the fact that he was currently mid-drink doesn't help. His bottle is tipped down and his cheeks puff, obviously trying to keep the liquor from spilling out. His shoulders constantly lurch by hard-held laughing, sounds eminating from his throat that sound somewhat like choking, but controlled. His eyes open wide and he sits up straight, forcing his mirth away just long enough to swallow, and then? Oh, then the laughter REALLY starts. Loud, boisterous stuff, his head tilts back and his right arm pulls back, leaning over the back of his chair.
After just a bit of this, Jones starts to relax, uttering a 'Hoooooo' while catching his breath, his left hand lifting up to wipe at his eyes. "Ah, jesus Kim, you haven't changed a bit, have you?" Sure, it's no surprise that Ralf isn't recognized. He's stayed out of the major tournaments a lot lately, actually doing his job, what with all of the terrorist turmoil. The bandana is gone, and the most important thing, his hair is cropped. Sure, it's been a couple of months since he and Charlie both lost their bet, but the Argentinian's rich black hair is only a couple of inches long, just enough to be parted. It'll be a good, long time until the guy's bangs are back. Such a damn shame.
"Of course there was, you damn hippie, they had hostages. It was our job to take them out before they killed any after the warning." Leaning back in his chair so that it balances on the rear legs, Ralf has picked his bottle up, extending his index finger to point at the Korean before him. "These are people that just don't wanna sit around for campfire songs and play grabbemass until their problems go away, they're just fucked in the head. Lot of people like that, you know?"

Laughing at him? Is Ralf LAUGHING at him? Well... that's just not nice at all! Kim, however, remains calm and composed, though his posture is more than a little bit rigid now as he stands straight up. Arms cross over his chest once more, as he does his level best to just remain in control of himself. Which he does, and remarkably so, his mouth stiffening into a straight line as Ralf laughs and laughs. Let him laugh! Kim won't change his convictions for some mercenary who gets his jollies off mocking the beliefs and values of others! He'll show Ralf not to be such a jerk, soon enough!
But--it seemss that Ralf knows who he is. And they've met before...? Kim squints a little, leaning in to get a better look at the other man. Hair's different, and he doesn't /quite/ recall the mercenary's face, but... there's something familiar there. Still doesn't matter, though, considering Ralf is being such a bastard! "So you had to kill them all? I'm sure there was some way you could have 'taken them out' without just ending their lives! There's no reason to to lower yourself to their level! If anything, you should try to make them see the error of their ways!" After all -- everyone's capable of good! Even this boozer Kim is talking to!
Still -- Kim Kaphwan heaves a sigh. Not out of anger... out of DISAPPOINTMENT. He'll turn, then, on one shoeless heel, to walk /right/ out of the diner, on a hair's edge. One more word -- ONE MORE word and Kim will have to teach Ralf a lesson about Justice!

What a show the diner is getting, isn't it? By now, EVERYONE'S turned to watch the exchange between the two men. Sure, a bunch of them are annoyed, but who's really going to step up against a monstrous oaf of a foreigner? Look at them, they're all tiny, and...god, you probably couldn't boil some of them for stock.
Tipping his bottle back, Ralf watches Kim depart silently, without even paying for his food! W..what kind of nerve does a bill-runner have to question his morals?! Sure, there's a LARGE difference between stiffing someone and slaughter. For one, the killing's a bit more gratifying. Not the act itself, mind, but just knowing that the world's a little better place with cockholes like terrorists dead. The chair scrapes against the wood as it's returned to all fours and pushed back, the now-emptied bottle slapped down on the table. Getting up, he fishes through his pockets, leaving a chunk of the nation's currency in a wad next to the plate. ...Maybe a little more, to cover Kim's share. He's not heartless, surely.
"HEY! Hey, hold up, you damn bleeding heart!" Ralf comes out the door behind the chop-chop-karateman with heavy steps. As soon as he gets close enough, Jones slings a heavy arm over Kim's shoulders, making all buddy-buddy with him despite not being close. "I just paid for your meal back there, hypocrite. No need to thank me!" His free hand digs under his jacket, procuring a slightly-wrinkled, pristine cigarette from one of the pockets therein. "Tell me, Boy Wonder," he starts, pointing at the Korean with his fag. "What would you'a done with a dozen Northies holed up with explosives and guns, threatening to kill people on the hour? Huh?"

Hey now hey now, Kim turned down the meal! He didn't eat a single piece of it! Thanks to SOME JERK ruining his appetite! Besides, Kim more than graciously tips them whenever he manages to stick around. Which is always, except for today. /All because of Ralf/. And there's no one in South Korea who would say differently, except anyone who hates the very foundation of justice!
Except, here comes Ralf again, to keep on irritating Kim! The Korean man can't take much more of this, and while he usually only fights to defend justice, or to spar with others, he might have NO CHOICE this time. Kim continues to walk until Ralf catches up with him, manages to sling his arm 'round the TAE KWON DO (not karate-chop-chop!!) master's shoulders. This is an express violation of personal space and while Kim is incredibly LAX about his personal space, he is surprisingly not so around people trying to annoy him! "What would I do?" Still, the question is a difficult one. What /would/ he do? "I certainly wouldn't kill them! Even in a situation like that, there are ways to incapacitate a person without killing them!" But what's done is done. And Ralf probably won't listen to him.
Still. "Please remove your arm from my shoulders." He'll ask once, very simply and politely. "And take a step back." Why? Well, if Ralf DOESN'T do it, then there will be problems! Justice promises that much!!

Who CARES if the meal was turned down?! What're they gonna do, give it to someone else? Maybe that works here in Honkeytown, but in the civilized world, getting the food means you PAY for it. God, some people are so squeamish.
"Right, right." Ralf removes his arm as bidden, and in fact, stops following altogether. He reaches into his jacket again, pulling out a lighter, which is immediately flipped open and sparked to life. A cupped hand over the end of his cancer stick makes sure it gets lit, a couple of quick, sharp puffs igniting the shredded tobacco and paper quite nicely. "In other words, you don't have any idea what you'd do. Probably let the killer go, right?" The lighter is closed with a tinny snap of metal against metal, replaced in his pocket and left forgotten, preferring to instead attend to what's hanging from his lips. His hand sits in front of his mouth like a fist, the circle that his conjoined middle finger and thumb make just above his thumb, his raised index finger rolled over the top of the cigarette, holding it still so he can take a healthy drag. "You know, I admire people who wanna help set things right, but you know? Those guys, you let them free, they only do the same thing again. Do it over and over. How many chances you think you should give 'em, huh?" Pulling the smoke from his face, he holds it out and flicks the filter, letting a tiny stack of loose ash fall to the ground, nearly complete with the lack of wind.
"Who knows how many people I've saved by getting trash like that out of here, yeah? I figure, shit, we're just trying to get some Justice served, when shriveled old polititions are too busy smearing their britches to do anything about it."
Standing still, his eyes narrow slightly, fixed sternly on Kim's head, or face if he turns around. His jaw is tensed too, his expression one just DARING the Korean to go on with his gospel. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but christ, bleeding hearts always tend to push his buttons just by being THEMSELVES.

The food isn't even the point anymore! Nono, Kim's too angry to think about his food and that's a fact understood by his fellow man! The real issue is the man staring him right in the face now. Or, the back of the head, as Kim continues to walk. He won't get angry because really -- it's not Ralf's fault he can't see beyond the simplest solution. And that fact, that knowledge? Calms the man more than anyone might think it could.
So much so that, when Kim turns to face Ralf again, stopping dead in his tracks, his expression is absolutely calm and composed. No attempt to hide his frustration. In fact... he looks /serene/. Like a dove in a John Woo movie or something. His lips split into a small smile as he shakes his head at Ralf. "I wouldn't let them go, no. But there are a lot of different ways to solve a situation like that. I'm only sorry that you can't see them. Anyone is capable of good, you know -- it's just that few people are capable of giving the effort in order to show them." And he really believes that, too! /The more you know/. If Ralf is asking for Kim to continue his sermon, he's going to get it, until the Ikari warrior decides to try and shut the man up or walk away. "They could have been taken care of in a way that wouldn't have ended up in their deaths, put in jail where they could pay for their crimes. At least then they would be given the opportunity to repent, or face some real justice. What you did wasn't Justice, Ralf. It was well-meaning, but it wasn't Justice." But hey! Kim's just a countryman. What does he know?
"There are many ways you can deliver justice. Killing isn't one of them." He knows THAT much, at least.

There's a pause after the immediate answer, one used to take in a deep, sweet breath of glorious nicotine. The breath is exhaled through his nose, sending two long streams of smoke toward the ground, which are stopped halfway before curling up and dispersing slowly into the air. Two fingers point directly at Kim (two because, hey, he needs to hold the stick between them) as smoke further curls off of the end of their burden. "You sound like a good man, but you've got so much of that new-age bullshit about loving your fellow man and All One Under God's Great Nutsack to see that these people are FUCKED. It's not like we're called in on first-offense pre-schoolers finding new ways to stick sinful things up their ass, it's to weed out these cocksuckers that ain't about to reinvent themselves under the watch of some day care, makin' sure they don't go flingin' crap from their oversized Underoos." There's a pause there, letting Ralf catch his breath. It surprises him, you know? Why is HE getting so fired up about this? Sure, his passion really drives him at times.
"Tch. Sorry, but until I see the Second Coming of Jesus god damned Christ telling people to get their act together or he'll cornhole every one o' those assholes as once, I can't buy your story, no matter how much you try to beat it into me." Hopefully, that's precisely what WON'T happen.
"Besides..that happens? People like me are out of a job. Gotta feed alla my fifty wives an' children, you know?" It's almost like he LIKES the fact that there's evil about to stop. Poor bastard.

COMBATSYS: Ralf has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ralf             0/-------/-------|

He stands there, calm and composed, even as his hands rest on his waist, and his legs spread shoulder-width apart, toes scraping against dirt and rock. "There's something wrong with them, yes. But that doesn't mean they're completely irredeemable! At the very least, bring them to a justice system, where they can be tried for their crimes rather than killed! There's nothing good and just about taking a man's life! And no matter what you have to say to me otherwise, I'll never believe there is any reason you could justify taking someone's life!" Nope, he won't believe it, ever! And that's why he can remain calm, even as Ralf starts to get fired up. It seems they're both men who are led by their passions, it seems. Just in entirely different ways. Which is why Kim's expression sterns up a little bit, his lower lip stiffening even as the muscles of his legs begin to tense.
"There is always an alternative to killing, Ralf. Always. And killing can never be considered 'justice.'" So says the Defender of Justice! And, rolling his neck once, he offers Ralf something of a smile. "Here. I'll show you..."
His leg lifts into the air, easily enough.
"... MY Justice!"
And then he SLAMS that foot into the ground, the earth rumbling as if impacted by a miniaturized earthquake, to knock Ralf RIGHT off his feet.

COMBATSYS: Kim has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ralf             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Ralf endures Kim's Haki Kyaku.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ralf             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0              Kim

Well, it seems that, from the start, this was a doomed conversation. Very well, not everyone can see eye to eye, right? Perhaps after a few beers, types like these two can become far more amenable, but right now? Not a chance. While Kim yammers on and on about his little 'I LOVE LIFE DURP DURP' ideal, Jones draws in a deep, deep breath, sparking that reddish-orange ring circling his cigarette to life anew; bright, but short-lived, as it's not neared the filter.
"Show what? Your crotch?" he answers quickly, dropping his spent butt to the floor, pressing down on it with the end of his heavy steel-toed boot. His words are a little high-pitched, as he's obviously trying to hold the smoke in, milking it for all it's worth before releasing it. The choice, eventually, isn't entirely his. Just at the first grind, Kim's foot comes down, and honestly, it's an earth-shaking move that even Ralf wouldn't really expect. Send upward a bit at first, his body is slightly turned by the shockwave,'s something the Ikari can handle, right? His arms shoot out to his sides, palms down, and as they smack against the ground, so does his back, releasing most of the air in his lungs in one harsh puff. Really, the smoke rising up is like a thick cloud, mixed with dust, sticking thickly together. It might be a shock to see a fist flying out of it.
The mercenary's body is pushed up with one arm, torso turned, explaining the quick retaliation. It's instinct, you know? Ingrained. The cloud disperses with the thick arm and shoulder passing through it, and whether it snaps Kim cleanly in the jaw or misses, there's a muffled 'BOOM' kind of sound, and the scent of more acrid smoke is immediately prevelant, along with the lick of fire and concussive force from the meaty fist. That's not enough, though; it's pulled back immediately, this time faster, more like a jab, but followed by another explosion, then another pair, and another, making a small, quick flurry of man-made explosions.
"What happened to your piety, kid?"

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Ralf's Vulcan Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ralf             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0              Kim

In situations like this -- well, in situations like this, it's usually best that the two parties having a disagreement beat the crap out of each other. It helps vent frustrations. Kim realizes this, that's why he's slammed his foot into the ground, sending those violent shockwaves through the area that shakes the ground so much. It seems that Ralf wasn't expecting it. But... he seems to handle it rather well regardless, and Kim gives a brief nod. Well. This looks like it's going to be a good fight, at least!
Except there comes an arm, flinging /right/ at him.
Kim's eyes snap wide for a brief moment as that huge fist comes barelling towards him. He doesn't try to move out of the way, though. Instead, he lifts up both hands to guard against the fierce strike. The explosion of power is dealt with by those arms too, absorbing most of the force, even as it sends Kim tumbling back in a bit in surprise, enough so that all the rest of those explosions are evaded. Thankfully, too; Kim didn't really want to ruin his gi any today. That happens enough. But -- it looks like it's unavoidable today.
"Believe me, this is necessary!! Now don't hold back!"
Still, even as soon as Kim recovers, he's leaping through the air. His intent is to fly right at Ralf, to give him a solid smash in the face with a single hand, open palm. It's not really meant to hurt, but to disorient enough to lead up to Kim's second strike -- a massive, leaping roundhouse kick, meant to smash into Ralf's side and send him toppling over with the sheer force. "HUUUAAAAH!!" And /besides/!
"Who are you calling kid?!"

COMBATSYS: Ralf dodges Kim's Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ralf             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0              Kim

Despite being quick to lash back out at Kim, even Ralf can't recover from getting knocked on his back THAT quickly. It's not the smoking that draws a small coughing fit, but just having so much air expelled so quickly. Happens to anyone! As soon as the string of jabs dies out, the Ikari's other hand taps at his chest, trying to spur the process along. C'mon, diaphragm! Do your stuff!
Still, it's a bit nice to see that Kim hasn't slacked off much since their last round. It's been a long, long time, and honestly, Jones doesn't remember so much. He remembers kicks, lots of those, but that's just how Tae Kwon Do works anyway. Close-quarters stuff, things he can deal with. Things he loves. Those fights, just man to man, toe to toe rumbles always feel the most rewarding. And now, with Kim saying to not hold back? The man's lips tighten in a mildly excited grin. Hey, he DID ask for it.
The strike for his face, one can see coming from a mile away. Even as bulky as he is, it's not something that Ralf can't evade with a simple ducking to the side. The kick is literally ducked under, and as he rises up, a hand reaches out, trying to simply grab the man by the back of his gi and lift. It looks like sturdy material; it should hold, right? If his hold proves true, the Justice-loving wonder is in for a harsh wake-up call. Lifting him up and over his own body, that sole arm rotates as it moves, bringing Kim toward the ground, upside-down, head-first. How hard's that skull?

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Ralf's Strong Throw.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ralf             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0              Kim

Well, if Ralf can't remember, Kim will be ready to enlighten him! And Kim can't remember a single thing about his tussle with Ralf, so this will be a nice learning process all over again. The man hits hard, that much is clear from just how /big/ he is. And that's why Kim is going to have to stay on his toes. Keep his eyes wide open, and stay alert, because -- because whoa, here comes Ralf!!
The Ikari warrior gets a grasp on Kim's gi, but it's too brief to do much of anything. Because as soon as he feels a hand grasping onto the back of that pristine white uniform? Kim tenses one leg, and then PUSHES off it, mightily, so that grip is unable to hold and fingers slip through the firm white material of Kim's gi. Close, maybe, but not nearly close enough!!
Still, the push goes off without a hitch, and Kim continues to go with the momentum. This type of a fight is /fun/. Kim loves to fight all varieties of fighters, whether they hurl around chi or like to punch their enemy repeatedly until they pass out. But there is something great in fighting a like-minded opponent. Enough so that it pumps Kim up to keep him going with that push, turning it into a /flip/ -- one that means to send one foot lashing out in one swift motion to smack Ralf right in the head, before Kim continues on his path, landing on the ground in a crouch.

COMBATSYS: Ralf fails to interrupt Light Kick from Kim with Ralf Tackle.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ralf             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0              Kim

Tch. So close! Is it the remnants of grease on Ralf's hand that lets Kim pull away so easily, or is he really strong enough to pull from the Ikari's MIGHTY grip? The departing fabric actually snags one of his fingernails, making for a short-lived, but mildly painful tug on that oh so precious flesh holding the nail onto the finger. Ever had one of those ripped off? It HURTS like a BITCH.
Were he the type to read thoughts, or even intuitive at all, he could take pleasure in that so-called like-mindedness. Rest assured that, once this is done, the two might get a little closer. It's heart-warming, isn't it? There's nothing quite like seeing two grown men go at it.
Not like that, you sick fuck.
Clenching his teeth at the missed opportunity, Ralf is already digging his foot into the dirt, twisting his ankle until he's got a good lump to push off against. His left hand slaps into his right, and his head ducks down as he sprints forward with all the grace of a cow truck barrelling over a cliff. With his face down, he can't see the clever kick coming his way, and so, before the merc can slam into anything, the heel comes down on HIS head. His momentum does nothing to help; he goes right down, face-first in the dirt, sliding a good foot before coming to a stop. A groan is heard, followed by a couple of muttered curses, but he starts getting right back up, as if the dirt-kissing was only a menial sidetrack. He's spitting out dirt in the process, apparently taking time in rising; plenty of time to try and further wear the self-professed indestructible man down.

Indestructable man?
Well, that just makes this an even better challenge!!
Of course, Kim /sees/ that attack barrelling towards him like a train driven by a man infected with rabies snorting a line of crack, so timing is crucial. It'll likely hurt if that thing connects, so his leg snaps out with all the speed he can muster -- and connects before Ralf can. Sends the man straight into the ground, even as Kim pushes off to make the last of his flipping leap.
Internally, he heaves a bit of a sigh, even as he lifts up and rolls his head. Still, this is fun, isn't it? Loads of fun! And he's ready to go again -- except it doesn't seem Ralf is. Even if the man is taking his time to rise, Kim isn't about to kick a man when he's down. That just wouldn't be right. Instead, he waits until /precisely/ when Ralf gets back up onto his feet --
And then he's barelling off like a hurricane.
He rushes, and about midway between himself and Ralf, he leaps through the air. As unnaturally graceful as the Tae Kwon Do master is, his legs jut out from side to side as he flips, intent on smashing Ralf over the head with not one, but /two/ feet, to send him on a collision course face-first with the ground again, even as momentum carries Kim straight to the ground as well -- in splits.

COMBATSYS: Ralf blocks Kim's Hangetsu Zan.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ralf             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0              Kim

It's a valiant attempt! Really, it is! However, Ralf never asked to be given time to recover, and even if this is just a friendly fight, only the naive would expect to be given quarter. As he stands up, his head lifts, and likewise, his torso lurches backwards, avoiding the first kick entirely. Still, it's close enough that he can feel the wind from such an AWESOME kick. The second foot? Well, that one's a little different. This time, Ralf leans in, catching the kick squarely in the meat between his neck and right shoulder. Immediately, his right arm lifts, curling around the Korean's lower leg, doing its best to keep it there, and Kim in an awkward position.
"Shoulda followed up quicker."
Even with the chiding, Jones bears an amiable smirk. There's no malice in it. But...the guy done fucked up, trying to sling around with all of those crazy fool-ass kicks and whatnot. The arm that had wrapped around the trapped leg releases it, instead moving out to try and grab the back of Kim's neck, pulling forward as if to further the split. That's not the painful part, though. Unless the guy's soaked in butter, or stronger than Ralf now that he's going for a firm, serious grip, it's the sudden jump and tilting in midair, then the horribly sudden bodyslam against the ground, the one leg mashed under all of the Ikari's two hundred and some off pounds that promise the pain...not to mention crushing Kim himself like a berry.

COMBATSYS: Ralf successfully hits Kim with Strong Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ralf             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0              Kim

It is a valiant attempt! Sadly, it doesn't go /quite/ as Kim anticipated it would. His second kick is intercepted before momentum can take him any further down, and hes caught in a rather awkward position. Still, at Ralf's words, Kim offers a wide grin.
"It's not good to attack a man when he's down--"
And that's about when he's grabbed by the neck, his voice cutting off. That's when his world starts to hurt a little bit more. Kim is SLAMMED against the ground. Thankfully, Ralf chooses to land most his bodyweight against Kim's leg, so the odds of anything being /broken/ are slim -- those things are damn mighty, he'll have you know -- it's just the crashing to the ground thing that /really/ hurts. Kaphwan lets out a little wince of pain, but doesn't vocalize it. Instead... he focuses himself on getting /out/ of that grip.
So what's a man to do when he's pinned under another man, leg-first? Use the /other/ leg to try and knock that guy off him. Which is /exactly/ what Kim intends to do, lifting a single leg to snap it straight to the side, to smack into Ralf's face and roll the man off of him. Get off his leg, god dammit! "KYAA!!"

COMBATSYS: Ralf blocks Kim's Light Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Ralf             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0              Kim

Fighting with honor, as a zealot? Color Ralf impressed! Just a little, though. Don't let it go to your head. See what honor gets you, though? It gets you slammed to the ground, with your leg stuck up like some cheerleader taking up a half-pound of quarterback tubesteak. Kim, you SLUT.
If there's something to keep in mind while grappling, though, it's to not linger. Clark, he can turn his grip around, change one hold into another, and throw a man around in more ways than he can count...not that counting is easy when one's head is being slammed all over the floor and walls. Ralf, he's not so good at that. Sure, he can rassle, but nine times out of ten, a good, faithful punch is enough to get the job done. This, though? This is just funnin' around.
Quickly, Jones rolls off and away, ending up on his back by the time he sees the kick coming in. Fucker's flexible, he'll give him that. Now that he thinks about it, the guy's hip didn't pop, either. ... That's just weird. But yes, about that incoming kick.. Ralf's right arm lifts up, bent at the elbow to catch the attack in his forearm, strong as iron sometimes, brittle as wet paper at others. Thankfully, it's the former in this case. Immediately, he tries to flip his hand around and snag the offending ankle, and whether he gets it now, or after he gets up, well, it's just a matter of how much effort he has to put into it. He has something to do, right now, so that's what he's going for. LIKE IT OR GET OVER IT!
"So, you were saying.." he starts, either trying to get and secure that ankle. "About a man down?" If Kim can't break free from the grip, Ralf will help him up, sure. It's a strong heft, and if successful, Kaphwan will be off the ground. Upside-down, sure, but off the ground...and in that state, it's easy to grab him with the other hand as well, lift, and simply toss him down to the dirt, like discarding an unwanted sack of salt.

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Ralf's Quick Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ralf             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1              Kim

A zealot? Hey hey, stop using words like that! Kim is certainly no such thing! He just believes in JUSTICE!! There's a distinct difference in being obsessed and being a zealot, after all. And maybe having that sort of honor gets Kim crushed to the ground, but it certainly doesn't keep him out of the fight, as Ralf is sure to soon find out.
Ralf seems to be able to intercept his kick, once more, but it doesn't get Kim down in the dumps any. In fact... it really just encourages Kim onward. Which is why, even as his ankle is caught, even as he is lifted into the air, unable to jerk away in time, his eyes still burn distinctly with life and determination. Funnin' around? Sure! But Kim's still going to put his all into this, funnin' around or no! That's just how he rolls, baybee!
Which is exactly what happens in this particular scenario. Ralf seems to have every intention of tossing Kim -- and he does so. Except -- Kim's still alert. He's tossed, but when he hits the ground? He hits it hands first, devoid of the meaty thud one might have heard if he hit the ground full body. His arms do wonders to absorb the blunt of the blow, and from that point... Kim just pushes, RIGHT off the ground -- and right towards Ralf.
He twists in midair -- "Doesn't count when we're both down!!" He makes this exclamation along with an 'ORYAAA!!' as he flies right towards Ralf, his legs intent on SLAMMING against either side of his neck in a scissor blow. And if it connects? Momentum does wonders to keep Kim soaring through the air, until, with one harsh motion, Kaphwan performs a flipping toss to slam Ralf /right/ into a building wall.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Ralf with Kubikime Otoshi.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ralf             1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1              Kim

Well. That was unexpected. Rather than falling to the ground in a horrible, painful heap, Kim rolled with it, turned it around, and threw the FURY back at him. He must say, if he weren't on the receiving end, that would have been an AWESOME use of momentum. IS against him, and Ralf IS the one that gets snagged, pulled with arms flailing, and summarily tossed against the wall with a crack of his skull against the shoddy concrete.
"FFFFUCK!" The Ikari drops to a squat, his head ducked while one of his hands gingerly touches the bloody spot. Nothing permanently damaged, but it still hurts! As he rises, he looks at his hand, the tips of his fingers stained red. "Lucky hit," he mutters, curling his hand into a fist, then the other, holding the latter out in front of him, the former clenching and relaxing repeatedly just a half-foot away from his gut. "Alright! Let's make this serious, huh? Not doin' either of us any good to pussyfoot around like ballerinas, yeah?"
In other words: BRING IT.

COMBATSYS: Ralf focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ralf             1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1              Kim

There we go! With Ralf flung into the wall, Kim uses the force he expended to flip through the air, and land on his feet, even as Ralf seems intent to stand, and... stand. And stand. Kim blinks as the other man seems to be intent on doing nothing at all. And all things considered, it seems as if the other man is preparing for something. Which isn't exactly a /good/ thing. So, Kim will stand in place for a moment, crick his neck to the side, and then to the other, before he grins, and gives a mighty... /THUMBS UP./
Well, that's about it, then. Kim has every intention of rushing Ralf at this point. And when he gets close enough, well... he leaps RIGHT into the air, again, and descends towards his target. Legs tense, and as soon as he is upon Ralf, Kim intends to let loose with a series of blindingly fast kicks against the other man's upper body, unrelentingly smashing him with bicycle kicks intent to drive him straight into the ground. "UWOOOOOH!!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Ralf with Hishou Kyaku EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ralf             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1              Kim

Ralf's arms lift up as soon as he sees Kim coming in. A formidable, usually? No, it' He's coming in lower. Higher? Erm. Crossing his arms, the Ikari's iron-like forarms fail him, the kicks coming fast enough to bounce off at first, but they just keep coming, and his guard is passed, finally! The string of kicks sends him backwards, but thanks to staying by the wall, he doesn't have far to go. In FACT, hell. This is better! He can at least stay upright, weathering the blows, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth. He takes it man, he just TAKES it! What a man! The assault leaves him worse for wear than he realized, however. His intent was to swing right back in, but the knock against his head and the battery makes him a bit woozy, a little slow.
Pushing off the wall, one of Jones's eyes cracks open, just enough to see the white blur of Kim's gi, and..something else. Something large. Some poor bastard, his bicycle is SO fucked. Reaching out for the object, holding the frame with a sturdy grip, he swings the thing down, overhead, trying to clip the Korean, to get him away. The bike's light, but shit...see those pedals? Fuckers HURT.

COMBATSYS: Kim interrupts Random Weapon from Ralf with Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Ralf             1/-======/=======|===----\-------\0              Kim

Man. You know what? Kim doesn't WANT to be assaulted by bike pedals. But it's not like he can help it. For you see, it's kind of hard to avoid an attack --
That's /right/. As soon as Kim hit the ground from his last assault, he's already up and off his feet, like some sort of rampant, kick-happy energizer bunny made in Korea! As soon as Ralf grabs that bike? Kim is /flying/ through the air, twisting /just so/ so that he inverts... spiralling right through the air like a madman. The bicycle smacks him right in the side, but he just keeps on going, intent on smashing his feet RIGHT into the back of Ralf's head. The force of the blow should send him right into the ground --
Except, as soon as Kim lands, he's jumping again.
The jump is straight vertical, a kick planting itself right into Ralf's chin, sending him up further into the air. And then another kick, to send him higher. Another jump kick, another, another, juggling the Ikari Warrior higher and higher into the air.
And one, final, MIGHTY kick to send Ralf up UNGODLY high, before Kim lands, to let Ralf land in whatever way he chooses. TAKE THAT, SOUTH AMERICAN MERCENARY!

...OOOOH jesus. Oh jesus god, this is pain. Pain, pain, pain, Pain, PAIN!
With the blind swing, it's not like Ralf can do much to avoid the attack. Sure, there's the sensation of skimming Kim with the bike, but the more immediate thing is that SEARING PAIN in the back of his head, the kick landing right where it had been smacked against the wall. The reward, at first, is a nice smear of Ikari blood on his foot and some drops smattering up his pant leg. That shit'll stain, you know? Ducking forward reflexively, he only serves to help that next hit, and indeed, for such a BIG man, Ralf sure can fly high. Some small sounds of pain and swearing are renewed with each hit, and all that's going through his mind is something akin to "I'mgonnakillthatsonofabitch,dogeatingwhoremongerDAMMITthatwasmylip!" You know. Something like that.
The landing is none too soft. The sensation of freefall is actually kind of nice, but the impact is harsh, bringing white to his vision again. For a second, he lays there, ass in the air with his neck bent forward, legs hanging on either side of his head. It looks painful as yell.
You know what, though?
That fucker, he starts moving again. With groans and popping of joints, he falls over to his side, unfurling like so. On all fours, he rises a bit, pulling a leg under him as if to stand. A large red and white bubbled glob is spit into the dirt, making a small home in the way liquid on dirt can only do, making a pooled-up little bubble. It's hard to tell from the angle, but Ralf, he's actually smiling. Mmn, maybe that's a bit far.. It's a wide, amused as hell thing, and as he stands up, he yells out, a loud, long expression of either anger or pain, or...whatever. The man's crazy. "I've had harder hits from toddlers!" he bluffs, obviously looking quite battered, his teeth smeared with a bit of red. His knees bend again, and all of a sudden, he rushes in toward Kim, much like before. This time, though, he's more upright, his left arm pulling ahead and bending, as if to ram his forearm into the other man's chest. It'll hurt a bit, but the most important thing is screwing his balance, making it easier for him to tackle him to the ground.
What's a little revenge between friends, right?

COMBATSYS: Kim endures Ralf's Umanori Vulcan Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Ralf             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1              Kim

And down they go, both of them! Kim is sure to slide a good few inches, and even if he tried to get up, Ralf's already there, using his bulk to keep the man down while he straddles his midsection. Looks bad, right? Horrible. He holds Kim's upper body down with his left hand, pulling his right up, taking his time so he KNOWS what's coming.
And then, it starts. Much like the kicks previously, the Ikari returns the hail of blows with alternating left and right punches, all RIGHT to the face. Left, right, left, right, just a constant stream of facial pain. It does let up, though. It has to. Again, that hand is holding the Korean down, the other up, pulled back..and this time, released for a MONSTROUS collision, a punch with such effort behind it that Ralf rises onto only one knee, the shot coupled with a glorious explosion of fire and smoke, something that would leave mighty divots in looser soil.

Well -- jesus, Ralf is moving really fast, even though he just got smacked with an ungodly amount of jump kicks and landed from an ungodly height onto the ungodly hard ground. Really, Kim can hardly even BLINK before Ralf is upon him, rushing like a maniac. Kim doesn't have time to react... and so just holds his ground, FIRMLY. Just in time for the Ikari warrior to tackle him into the ground, hard. All the air is forced from Kim's lungs with an OOPH as he smashes into the dirty ground beneath him rather harshly... just in time to see Ralf straddling him? What--oh hey, that's a fist isn't it? Hey there fist, how are you, I hope you're not--
Smack smack smack smack smacksmacksmacksmack smack smack SMACK, the punching doesn't ever stop, does it?! It's like a free-for-all knuckle sandwich all-you-can-eat buffet that Kim didn't even want in the first place!! Each and every one of those punches connect with the man's face, very very hard, even as broken blood vessels already begin to leave purple and blue marks of bruises all over his face, blood streaming freely from his mouth. Let him repeat: OW. But at least it's over, right? Ralf gives him a reprieve--
Except he doesn't.
The ground cracks underneath Kim's skull, like a miniaturized crater. Burn marks are given along with those bruises. But... as soon as Ralf lifts up enough?
There's a mighty jump kick aimed right for his face, filled with the determination of KOREANS EVERYWHERE.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Ralf with Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku.
- Power hit! -

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Ralf             1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0              Kim

Let the kicking fun begin!!
As soon as Ralf is launched into the air, Kim is soon to follow, eyes BLAZING LIKE A CRAZY MAN. Kim, in fact, leaps ABOVE Ralf, giving the man a split second to realize what's going to happen with the noticeable tensing of Kim's leg muscles.
And then? A series of lightning-fast, titanic bicycle kicks SMASH into Jones' chest and gut in rapid, merciless succession, all intent on driving Ralf further and further and further towards the ground mercilessly... before Kim slams ONE foot, MIGHTILY into Ralf's face, to send him /crashing into the ground/. Even as Kim follows soon after, in a crouch, panting to recover his breath.

Now THIS is how the fight SHOULD have happened from the start! Earth-shattering blows, mighty punches and kicks, THIS is a FIGHT!
This is ...hurting a lot. First sent high into the air, now deep into the ground, Jones has taken considerable abuse, and the more he takes, the more energetic he seems when he gets up! Will he ever stay down?! ...Well. Now, at this point, it seems he might. The soil gives way, making a nice Ralf-shaped crater under the abuse, and Jones is soon laying in a good half-foot deep hole. It's impressive. The way he's in there, it looks like it would be hard for any man to pull out. It would just be better to sleep it off, to recover some...he's thinking about it. His eyes are closed, finally stalled.
Oh, but no. No, no, no no no. His features grimace, mindful that he's in the middle..or, well, at the end of an asskicking here. Will he REALLY be satisfied, having some hippie beating him? No way in hell! His left hand flexes a little. It's able to move, at least. Go ahead, Kim. Catch your breath, sit next to him like that. That's fine.
The first warning that something's amiss is the dirt between Ralf's arm and his body. It's shaking. Actually, his arm looks awfully tense, doesn--
And that's when, with a mighty yell, Jones wrenches himself onto his side, bringing that left fist out in a furious swing, right for Kim's midsection. It's a good thing he's crouching, or the only thing in reach would have been kneecaps or danglybits.

COMBATSYS: Ralf can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Ralf's Galactica Phantom.

[                          \\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/----===|

Aaah. It's over. Now THAT was a good fight... he hasn't had one like that in ages. Just a hardcore duke-it-out without stop. Well. One stop, but HE WON'T CONSIDER THAT for the sake of making Ralf not look like a pus--
What the HELL?!
Ralf's sudden swing is caught with an immense amount of surprise by Kim. He only has a split second to react, and in that split second, the man juts his arms down across his midsection -- and intercepts the blow. Except--
Even despite it, he still goes FLYING.
Flying RIGHT through the air, the force of the blow knocking him right off his feet in a low fly that sends him tumbling across the ground soon enough in a couple of bounces. He was sure he /blocked/ that but it still hurt like all hell! He's just going to lie here for a bit, stare up at the sky...

COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.

[                          \\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/----===|

... and then leap RIGHT onto his feet!!
With a bit of a stagger, Kim stands completely, gripping his eyes and staring at Ralf. WELL THEN. He's still standing -- IS JONES?!

COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.

Hell no. Ralf is half-laying in his hole, hand still in a fist, and...asleep? Jesus. He's just out, like a light. He better not miss the pickup.

Log created by Kim, and last modified on 19:45:25 01/17/2006.