Description: An Exhibition Match in the Master's Stadium pits Rugal Bernstein against both Saikyo-ryu student Hinata Wakaba and the Heavenly Hip Hop Honey Li Xiangfei. A match that would go down in history... as the beginning of the 'GIMME BACK MY YEN' Saga!!
Xiangfei can't help but laugh to Hinatas nervousness, "Got the jitters, huh?" she never had such a thing.. Ever.. Er, she thinks, "Just concentrate on the fight, Rugal isn't someone you can easily strategize against, so we're both gonna be on our own for a while. But I'll keep my eyes open if you find a weakness," a light pat on Hinatas shoulder and then she faces Rugal with a broad grin, "Haha! For serious, Mister Bernstein, it's pretty exciting to get another chance to fight you! But the bad news is, this time you're going to get beaten!"
At her own pace, of course, she is sort of assuming that Hinata's similar fighting style to Sakuras should give her a good idea what to expect from her partner. So surely Hinata knows how to summon muchly needed chi, right? "I'm uh, gonna have to decline there, Big Guy," she then mumbles, slapping her hands togeather, fanning the tips out and makes a diamond shape with a powerful, "HYAAH!" The crowd is treated to a preview of her enormous power!! In the form of a golden pillar of chi the sweeps and spins about the small girls frame. It's hardcore!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Hinata
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Hinata glances sidelong at Xiangfei, an eyebrow quirked. Just right off the bat, Rugal is giving two opponents the chance to strike first, and willingly at that? Something's up, and the Sunshine Girl isn't sure she likes it.
"... Okay," she says hesitantly, shrugging a little and finally raising her fists into a fighting stance. Xiangfei is falling back to do some really important bit of screaming she has to get done, so it's up to Hinata to hit the first strike as hard as she can. Some kind of two-person set up? Honestly she hasn't practiced at all with Xiangfei. She'd be much more suited to a team battle with Sakura on her side, the two of them know each other's moves so well.
"Okay, you asked for it!" Hinata smacks her fists together powerfully, and there is a minute flash of light between them. She can't help it, she just bubbles chi all the time! Cocking her right fist back, the glow sticks to her knuckles and grows even brighter before she punches forward, fist erupting with bright yellow energy that detaches and launches outward. It's not so much your average chi ball, but more bright yellow with flaring petals, and a greenish trail. Like a big ol' energy sunflower. "Orrrrya!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal overcomes Kikou Shoutei from Hinata with Reppuken.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Strike first, but --
That doesn't mean Rugal isn't going to defend himself.
It seems that Xiangfei is preparing for something, and far be it from Rugal to interrupt her. They'll both need all the help they can get, after all; so instead, the large man just focuses in on Hinata, his legs casually sliding out to the side. She is rather remarkably like that girl Rugal beat just outside Metro City, isn't she? Hm. Perhaps she knows Ryu, too. All the better--
Except his train of thought is ever so slightly derailed as a giant sunflower is heading his way. "... I hope you're not serious." It's said to himself, even as blue-white chi trails up his arm. "But, if you insist...!" And then, that arm snaps forward. All that chi is transferred to the ground in a large wave of blue energy, rushing RIGHT into Hinata's blast of power and screaming right through it, intent on slamming right into the Sunshine Girl. Well then! This should be fun!
Xiangfei blinks a bit, and then... Well wouldn't you know it, Hinata races off without her, making her jaw slack a bit. .. Well uh.. Live and learn as they say! Her lips curl inward, and once she's got enough of a boost, she storms toward Rugal as well as he deals with Hinata. Xiangfei herself? She busts out with a little chi madness as well, "Now it's my turn!!" she declares, spinning around and thrusts her open palms at Rugal, unleashing a large blast of her own chi at him, hoping to send him stumbling back as a result, "HAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Hinata with Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
"Booyah!" Hinata announces after the launch of her chi ball, raising a fist triumphantly. She was rather hoping it would be a nice strong opener, being her patented attack after all. Then Rugal just sort of gives a disdainful little 'hmmph' and blows is straight out of existence as if it were nothing.
That was unexpected, and so totally not cool at all.
"Whaaaaa!" She shrieks when the sunflower ball dissolves ineffectually and something comes back in its place, tearing across the ground with a rising wave of blue-white chi. She throws up her arms to block or deflect it, but she's just not fast enough. The energy has the unfortunate effect of striking both low and high at the same time, blowing upwards through the Wakaba girl's guard and tossing her backwards as if she were nothing. Which, in the face of Rugal's attack, she really is.
"Oh, that is *it*!" Hinata growls, rising from the ground and still smoking slightly. She charges recklessly forward and launches a jumpkick, energy sputtering to life around her heel before trying to smash it into Rugal's face, then give a quick repeat performance by hitting him again and again as she spins. That oughta teach him!
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Xiangfei's Nanpa.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Rugal with Enbukyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/---====|
And here comes Xiangfei. Finally. He glances towards her, offering the slightest incline of his head and a smile. "Please, do try your level best." And then, the attack comes. He's seen it before, of course, and it's dealt with rather effectively -- Rugal raises the hand not securely in his pocket, and BATS the blast aside, dispersing the chi around him with a chuckle and a grin. Except--
He's forgotten there was someone else here, hasn't he?
His eyes move, to look towards Hinata as she charges forward. He has every intention of moving out of the way, almost casually, except... he makes a SLIGHT miscalculation of the girl's speed. That chi-enfused jump kick hits him solidly in the face, over and over, but for Hinata's effort, the man staggers back one step... then two... and then the muscles in his legs tighten.
"My turn, then?"
And that's when a single leg lances up, to strike Hinata in the back rather hard.
Xiangfei is watching pretty closely, and she thinks she may even have a faint idea of what it is that Rugal is up to. Though it's an extremely vague idea, it's enough for her to make a counter-plan of her own, "Nice hit, Hinata!" Xiangfei yells, not seeming very suprised when Rugal deftly handles her blast, but now with Hinata totally up in his grill, she can get in closer herself, sweeping low, and then bursts upward, a ring of dust blowing from the ground and she attempts to slam her shoulder into the big man to hopefully introduce him to a little bit of air, "wwWWWATAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Hinata with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
Hinata is somewhat pleased with herself for having hit Rugal back for the opening chi attack. She is somewhat less than pleased when it hasn't seemed to phase the man in the least. "What?" she responds briefly to his question that it's now his turn, blinking once.
That's all she manages to say, really. A foot connects sharply to the center of her back, carefully aimed to hit her right on the spine. There's a sharp sound of impact, and something that may or may not be a soft *crack*. To her credit, Hinata doesn't go flying straight across the arena again. Instead she staggers, thrown to her hands and knees and quite unceremoniously coughs up all the saliva that was in her mouth, dry heaving once after that.
Where was she again? The crowd.. how come there's a crowd here? The ground is hard. Cold. "Xiangfei?" she asks in mild confusion, then shakes her head. That's just the stun. Shake it off! Get it together, Wakaba!
COMBATSYS: Hinata focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Tenpou Zan from Xiangfei with Genocide Cutter EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Xiangfei 1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/----===|
[OOC] Eiji catches the top half of Xiangfei's body and swings it about.
Xiangfei might have a faint idea, but... it's not nearly enough. That kick connects, sending Hinata to the ground with the force of the blow, even as Bernstein calmly sets his foot to the ground once more, and brushes off his suit. Except that -- it seems that Xiangfei is rushing after him, now. And he won't leave her unattended, either. After all -- he hasn't paid much attention to her, has he? There's a grin that spreads across his lips that can only mean Bad Things.
Time to change that.
The moment Xiangfei launches at Rugal, he leaps into the air, not quite the way she might have anticipated. A single foot snaps out, to intercept her shoulder. Negating the force from the blow with that powerful leg, the Heavenly Hip Hop Honey of Southtown only gets a brief reprieve -- before Bernstein's other polished shoe smashes firmly into her chin, trailing dark golden chi after. Bone-breaking strength is meant to send Xiangfei hurdling into the air, where Rugal is quick to follow. Another, leaping kick, infused with chi sends her flying up further, before he twists... and sends one empowered axe-kick spiralling through the air, slamming into her gut and sending her STRAIGHT into the ground.
Like a lamb to the slaughter; there's some concern for Hinata of course, but she can't really worry about that in mid-strike. But then again she suddenly doesn't even remember what she was doing once Rugal busts out with the mad skills; YEOWZA. The sound of Rugals strikes echo in the arena, fireworks going off in her head as she sails upward, twirls, and then crashes lifelessy to the ground, bouncing onto her stomach. Why, Rugal....
Though we know better than that, Xiangfeis hand shakily raises and slaps onto the ground to shakily push herself up, crimson liquid dribbling down her mouth, ".. oh man.." she sputters, for the moment her left side entirely numb- But she sucks it up, showing just how tough stuff she is, and a large cloud bursts behind her, sending the girl flying forward, "HaAAAA!!" her right palm extended, she looks to slam Rugal at his side with suprising force, which is followed by an equally strong shoulder tackle. Finally she staggers back and shoots forward with a flying kick, hoyeah, baby! "Hup! Hai! HAAAH!"
"Xiangfei!" Hinata says, having finally pulled herself together enough to realize where she is and what's going on again. Oh yes, that was a refreshing break, wasn't it? She barks a short order, as much strategy as she can manage at the moment. It's something that works when she fights alongside Sakura, but hopefully it'll do for now, too!
"Double team! Set, GO!" Hinata, at last back on her feet, jukes to the opposite side of Rugal, lifting her right leg up in the air to an almost perfect vertical stance. "Rasen!" The foot positively ignites with burning flames, shifting colors throughout the entire spectrum. "ENBUKYAKU!"
Slamming her right foot down powerfully, Hinata pivots and brings her left around quickly in an upward arc, the same rainbow flames springing to life. Following the form of her normal Enbukyaku of before, the left foot lashes out, quickly followed by the right, as fast as her body can force itself to spin. "ORRRRRRRRRRYA!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Xiangfei's Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Hinata's Rasen Enbukyaku EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
Kill Xiangfei...? Well, hopefully she hasn't died /yet/. That would be unbelievably dull.
Except, Xiangfei /does/ manage to get up. "Excellent!" So persistent, isn't she! That's good though. It makes things a touch more interesting. They're both rather strong. At least, to the point of being entertaining. That's why, he won't hold back on them. That's why, when Xiangfei comes at him again, he removes his left hand from his pocket, finally... and intercepts her attack. The first blow with his right hand, the second with his left, and finally... both hands lift to take Xiangfei's flying kick and absorb the force with a smile. "A decent amount of power." He murmurs, before pushing her foot OFF him--
Right in time to see Hinata.
She's coming in close and strong, too fast to conceivably block or dodge the attack. So what does Rugal do? He /stands there/, taking in the brunt of those chi-laced kicks, and through it all? He LAUGHS.
"GOOD!!" One fist snaps forward, in a vicious hook meant to SMASH into Hinata's face when her maneuver has completed itself.
Xiangfei is starting to regain the feeling on the left side of her body now, that's a good sign! The bad sign is, it's registering that it hurts.. It really really hurts! "Rrrrgh!" she groans, trying to push through Rugals guard but to no avail, curses! "C.. Careful, Hina!" she manages to sputter before falling onto her back from the push and rolls kind of into a ball until she's on her feet, her golden chi roars again, her eyes wide, "Part two!" she yells, now that he's dealing with Hinata she strikes again, another cloud bursting her forward and she attempts another combination, this time with a pained double-palm strike first, hopefully to make him face her, and then a flat out punch to his gut to make him double over. To complete the combination, "RaaaaAAAA" she'd then grab him by his collar, reel back and land a headbutt as never seen before on the planet earth.
COMBATSYS: Hinata endures Rugal's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Xiangfei 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Hinata
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
"Graaaaaaaa!" Hinata wails back as she sees Rugal's fist incoming. She tries to push herself forward and actually *into* the punch, hoping to short it by coming in before Rugal has a chance to muster the full momentum. She leaps foward and straight into the fist, hoping to cut some of the impact by crossing the distance, and instead of impacting in her face, the blow slams powerfully into her chest and drives the air from her lungs.
She exhales involuntarily, finding herself gasping for air but still intent on driving her next blow home. It may well be her last. Tears are welling in the corners of her eyes, face red with exertion. The crowd has disappeared, at least to her perception. They simply ceased to exist, and actually did some time ago. There's just the square stone arena, Rugal, and Xiangfei.
She is staggered by the blow, but not down. Standing just an arm's length from Rugal, her head is lilted slightly down. "See how you like THIS!"
Setting her feet, she grinds the sand and grit of the stone arena beneath her sneakers, Hinata's right fist lashes out with a flash of energy, flickering at fist but growing with intensity with each blow. Alternating jabs from the left and right, as fast as she can, trying to treat Rugal like an immobile punching bag. As fast as the Wakaba girl is moving, he very well may be.
"Ora! Ora! Ora!" The punches grow slightly slower as her energy wanes, but no weaker. In fact, as they slow, the energy and her strength intensifies, putting everything she has into each blow.
"Shouyoukeeeeeeeeeen!" When she feels she can no longer drive the punches home, Hinata crouches and balls her fist, energy surging through her entire body and surrounding her with a corkscrew of flames. Then with a spring, she drives her right fist upward in a jumping spin, chaining her blows and mustering as much strength as she can.
COMBATSYS: Hinata can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Rugal with Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Rugal reflects Hisshou Rengekiken from Hinata with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Well, the plus side for the pair is that Xiangfei's attack goes through as she desired it too. It strikes, all of the blows hitting him perfectly. Rugal's guard comes up a little to slow, once more underestimating the pair. Except, as soon as the Chinese fighter headbutts the man, and sends him reeling back... she might hear him /laughing/. He is clutching his head from that final blow, but there can be no mistaking it. The man... is laughing. Out of sheer enjoyment.
"Great!! You put a lot of effort into that, didn't you? Very well... I'll put effort into my next strikes, too." A pause. Who's this...? She's not DOWN yet?
"In a moment."
Hinata comes charging at him, with that incredible combination of hits. Except, she fails to realize -- Rugal is not an immobile punching bag. As soon as the first blow hits, it is intercepted by a green, shimmering disk of energy channeled through Rugal's right fist. All those blows are intercepted, the energy, absorbed. And when Hinata winds up for the final attack...
She is interrupted by that energy being channeled RIGHT back into her, to send her flying far and away.
"Now then," Rugal stretches out his right arm, arching a brow as he looks to Xiangfei. "Where were we...?"
Um, oops.. Xiangfei should have kept a better eye on Hinata, again perhaps its the lack of actually having experience teaming with the Sunshine girl that was part of her bad judgement. She cringes to her partner, wiping the blood from her mouth and already panting a bit, ".. Geez.."
A bit of a nervous smile is given to Rugal, and she rubs the back of her head with her free hand, "You've, uh.. Gotten stronger since the last time we've fought," she says, almost sheepishly, but she has an inkling that if she presses on with enough guts, she'll be able to take this dude down! "We were just at the part, where I bust out freestyle!" the chinese girl cries, racing toward Rugal, perhaps a bit foolishly, but she can't win if she's not up in his grill! She snaps out with a kick to the mans side, "Hah!" this is followed up then with a palm strike to the mans gut, and then finalized with a double-fisted punch, "Itaaah! HAH!"
Sakura has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Xiangfei's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Gotten stronger? "Hm. You could say I've gotten a bit of the rust off." Not that it matters. With an easy, casual smile, Rugal turns his focus entirely on Xiangfei. Meaning, when she charges forward with that attack, he can see it coming, quite clearly. Enough so that he intercepts it with a single hand, and considers briefly. "Not quite--" The palm, caught with his other hand, before he breaks his hold on her leg to fend of the final strike, "--strong enough."
He doesn't really give her much time to answer, however. A single leg lances out to HER side now, to strike her solidly and knock her off balance. And, if successful, it will be followed by a punch to her sternum, with enough force behind it to send the girl flying if it does, in fact, connect.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Xiangfei with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
[OOC] Sakura says, "Problem solved!"
Yeow! Now good ol Xiangfei, she at least was able to get up in his business, but the problem here was, while she couldn't make the contact when she needed to, Rugal most certainly could; even as she attempts some awesome kung-fu agility, it's not enough to escape Rugals combo, she nearly falling onto her side until the second strike indeed sends her flying back, she targets the nearest wall with flying body! Ah haha.. Ua.... Ahhhh...
Xiangfei is knocked for a look, the wind and some of that crimson juice knocked out of her, but she manages enough sense to slap her hand out, and then crash onto her feet, sliding back and coming to a complete halt before actually hitting the rails. Sweet! Quick hand signs are made, ended with her punching her fist into her hand again, "HwAAAA!" she cries, the golden pillar of power and hope, and serious badassery roars to life, being exceptionally threatening this time around. Seriously!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Aaah. There comes that pillar of chi once more. Except this time... Rugal doesn't have another fighter to entertain himself with while allowing Xiangfei to continue whatever it is she's planning. No, this Chinese Radical Warrior is the only one left, and as such, Rugal allows himself a smile as his feet spread out, and he cants his head to the side. That strike he just used did it's damage, he's sure. So, all he needs to do now...
Is keep /pressing the advantage./
Without hesitation, he rushes forward. She might be preparing something, but it doesn't matter, because Rugal has EVERY intention of plowing one hand RIGHT into that 'pillar of power and hope' to grab Xiangfei by the face, before throwing her into the air... and smashing a single foot RIGHT into her stomach with an immense amount of force.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Xiangfei with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Man, Rugal means business! Xiangfei honestly thought that she had put Rugal on a -disadvantage- in trying to make him come toward her again, and truth be told, she probably was. But just before Rugal lashes out at her, she just completely blacks out, looking to fall over and as such secures the hold pretty well. Up she goes and then back down into the kick, and to say that looked painful is an understatement, really. Lets just say it's good she's got a stomach of iron or she likely would have coughed out a lot more than blood!
Xiangfei flumps onto her back again, for a moment nearly swirly-eyed, but showing signs of not only life, but still some fight left in her! ".. urgh.." she groans, cringing from the pain of even trying to sit up, but she deals with it, drawing her fist back and with a light *plink*
A yen coin is fired from her hand, looking to nail Rugal between the eyes, perhaps stalling for something much more....
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rugal catches Thrown Object from Xiangfei with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/=======|
.. Alas, Xiangfei.. You fought well. Even the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey can't get up from that as she flops back onto her back. You can borrow that money for now, Rugal, but she WANTS IT BACK.
Not quite. What happens next, though...
Rugal stands perfectly in place as Xiangfei goes flying. A hand once more slips into his pocket, and he cants his head to the side. "Hm? Can you still fight...?" Well, it looks like she can at least try one final thing against him. And what it is -- is a yen coin being launched at him? Well.
A single hand snaps up, lightning fast, to catch the coin before it even gets close to smacking him in the forehead.
"Thank you very much, miss!"
It's not genuine thanks, of course, and it's debatable whether she can even hear it. Still, Bernstein simply tucks the yen into his pocket. Keeping it? Why yes. Yes, he is.
Consider it a souveneir.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 08:59:56 01/18/2006.