Description: Xiangfei and Naerose team up in operation: Steal Dans Dojo sign for one reason or another. Dressed as ninjas, Naerose distracts Dan while Xiangfei makes with the goods. Poor, confused Dan. Hilarity ensues.
Not far from the Hibiki Dojo, is a plan. A plot, if you will, that is taking action.
A week or so ago, there was a dispute. Somehow someway, Xiangfei and Naerose were under the impression that there was sushi at the dojo upon their visit. There was no sushi. And by hook or by crook there was GOING TO BE SUSHI.
And the plan was a simple one.. To head down to the Hibiki Dojo, and obtain the beloved sign of said dojo. They were to strike at evening, when there'd be the least amount of 'trouble'. And best of all, they would be dressed as NINJAS throughout the whole ordeal! And as such, racing down the Southtown Village streets with a backpack on and a traditional full-body ninjawear, though instead of wearing black, she's wearing the brightest-ass yellow in the business with her black backpack. "There's the dojo up ahead," she whispers to her cohort, motioning to the building, "Chances are Dan may wake up while we're trying to take the thing, so it's your duty to keep him busy until then, got it, 'Red Shadow'?"
Feilong has arrived.
"Yes Yellow Lightening, I will use my ninja stealth cloud to get in close and then my Tenchu ninja strike to take him down," Red Shadow says while wearing a flaming red outfit with hunters orange wrapped around her face and arms.
"When I say go we break and .." Clearly Red Shadow is looking toward Yellow Lightening to tell her how the plan goes.
Speaking of outfit, the witch's hat is ditched for a hood, which is also hunter's orange, her red dress is kept, her feet are covered in orange pads and orange tights. On her back she has a wooden ninja sword and a pair of rubber sticks tied together with rope. She's totally decked out.
Inside the Dojo, Dan Hibiki is blisfully unoblivious, dipping a pair of chopsticks into a box of delicious white rice drowned in soy sauce. As he moves the balled up grains from box to his lips he mmms delightedly, enjoying his dinner in front of a small table in the Dojo.
Next to his big-ass bottle of cola, is of course a heaping helping of chinese cuisine. General Tso's chicken. It's spicyness deleting Dan Hibiki, and blinding him from all the cares of the world. Even his recent league tournament defeats cannot break his heart.
So, in conclusion. Dan? Eating Dinner. Chinese Dinner. Still awake.
Xiangfei glances to Naerose, and her expression, could it be seen behind her red mask, is clearly amused when her partner starts to recite the plan and sort of trails off, "Haha, when you say 'break' you go in there and make the strike quick, just be sure to mention that you're of the 'Tseg Norts' clan and to prepare himself before taking him on. He'll be confused and have no choice but to fight back while I do my thing." the two come to a stop at the dojo front at this point, Xiang looking around a bit and sniffing the air, "Once you've taken him out, meet me back out here in the front. I've previously parked the vespa around the corner so we can make a quick getaway by then. So just give the word," Xiangfei gives a wink and a thumbs up to her cohort in arms! A pause, ".. If you can, get some of that food too, I'm kinda hungry."
"Aye aye, or wait no, Yes.. Hi? .. Right, Hi Yellow lightening," Naerose says and starts to run toward the building, when she gets to the door she slams headlong into it, bounces off, then kicks it, then bounces off, then just tries the window. When she finally makes her way into the dojo, by no lack of force, she charges toward Dan, draws her sword which turns out to be a short brook used for you know corners and behind pieces of furniture.
"Dan Hibiki, I am Red Shadow of the Ewgh Nwog Ninja Clan, prepare yourself, because I'm here to challenge you!" She points the broom at Dan dramatically.
COMBATSYS: Naerose has started a fight here.
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Naerose 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Dan has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dan
Dan looks up to the 'ninja' in his house, he does so with his chopsticks lodged deep within his mouth, and gives a very quizzical glance to Naerose. Chewing slowly he finshes every grain in his mouth, before putting his chopsticks back into the rice and standing up.
He then asks very quickly and flatly, "What? What are you talking about? What are you going on about? The Dojo is closed for the night, I can't take challenges or accept new students. Are you some sort of insane person from the insane asylum? Can't you let me eat my dinner in peace. I just got back from Mount Rushmore. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?"
COMBATSYS: Dan focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dan
"I will not allow you to eat another bite of that food! It will be .. liberated by my ninja clan!" Naerose exclaims, holding out the broom toward Dan. She reaches into her ninja clothes and pulls out the plastic num chucks and makes a swing toward Dan's head with them giving a cry of
"Yeee-aw! I will defeat you for the honor of my ninja clan!" Oh yeah, LiX you just do your thing in the background!
COMBATSYS: Dan fails to interrupt Medium Strike from Naerose with Quick Punch.
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Naerose 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Dan
And Xiangfei just facepalms when Naerose messes up the clan name. It was that clan name for a reason! Augh! But whatever, she was at least getting the rest of the plan correct, and that was what was important. There's a chuckle from the failed door entry, but then she's on the ball, leaping and climbing up onto the roof, and then goes into her bag to take out her 'sign aquiring' tools. Oh yeah, this was going to be sweet. Hella sweet.
Dan thrusts his hand forward since he's about to point at the Ninja and begin to mock her outfit, but instead, he does no such thing as his head is harmlessles thwacked by hose nunchaku. He blinks twice as it registers...
"Are those P...Plastic? What the hell, are you serious? Is this some sort of prankster TV show? Why do people keep trying to PUNK Me?" He shakes his head and rubs his temples in an attempt to figure things out.
"Seriously, What the hell is all this craziness! Explain yourself!" (IS WHAT I MEANT! -- ED)
"Shut up! This is the end for you, Eat this, Chou Ninja FOOT KICKu!" and the Red Shadow extends a foot and makes a swing toward Dan's shin. She makes a way overly dramatic jump while kicking and swinging her hands in the air all wowoo style.
"Now time for a sneaky combo attack, this time you're going to experience my full fury of Ninja power, secret thousand year old technique, taught by my venerable grand mother!" Hi-ya!
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Dan with Light Kick.
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Naerose 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Dan
Dan seems like he's in a bit of a predicament, as Naerose won't let up her crazy ninja Schtick. He shakes his head, and says, "AUGH, Stop hitting me, DAMMIT! You fake-ghetto Wal*Mart Ninja!"
hrowing his hands towards Naerose's shoulder, he attempts to toss her around the Dojo, to maybe take a little bit of the fight out of her. "DAN THROW! DAN THROW! DAN THROW! I CAN MAKE UP TECHNIQUES TOO!"
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Dan's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Dan
"Ahhhrrhg.. Ninja weasel roll!" Red Shadow exclaims and rolls through the Dan throw to her feet. She points her finger out dramatically again and then places her hand on her hip before continuing,
"Your Dan Throw is a powerful technique, but it is no match for my Ninja Magic!" Then she totally points the broom-sword-thing at Dan and doesn't attack, she waits for him and says,
"Gearing to go, Ninja return technique!"
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Dan
Xiangfei can HEAR YOU ALL down there.. And while she is crowbarring away, she is struggling so darn hard not to bust out laughing at what's going on inside. Naerose indeed puts her heart into the part of the ninja, its very admirable! And poor Dan just has no freaking clue what's going on, it's utterly fantastic! Ahhh.. This is good stuff right here, goood stuff indeed. Crowbar crowbar. Chisle chisle. Creeeak.
Dan crosses his arms, "Honestly, are you high on drugs of some kind? It's clear to see that you're in no way a ninja. You seem very familiar in fact. I just wish I could place my finger on it."
He points his finger forward, "AH! AH, I know who you are! You're Chun-Li, right?"
He nods sagely, "Of course. To frightened to fight me without losing public face, you came up with a stupid ninja disguise so you don't lose honor. But it won't work! I know every fighting style ever made. So prepare yourself, Chun-Li, if you dare, for the ultimate in Saikyownange! DAN DAN KICKKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"
So with that Dan salls through the air, delivering a powerful aerial Roundhouse towards the 'ninja'
COMBATSYS: Naerose interrupts Dankuu Kyaku from Dan with Sagita Major.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Dan
As Dan comes sailing in, ready to start wailing on the Ninja, her first ready response is to say, "Yes, I am Chu--" then she remembers that she is after all in the team Strongest! the official team which is the fan club more or less, which Naerose is aware of.
"I mean ho ho ho ho ho- I am not Chun-li, the legendary warrior and Strongest! fighter in the world, I am the mysterious Ninja Red Shadow, but if you must know my alter ego, I am mild mannered Mimiru Kasa- Holy crap! " *OH YEAH the kick!* She gets wailed by the first one in the face before fliinging her hand out and sending a icicle of impaling pain the size of an arm at Dan which bloody well hits him too!
"Sagita Major!"
"Ninja magic! So where was I, yes I am Mimiru Kasagi and then when I put on my magical circle of power! And I am Red Shadow the ninja!"
Dan lands, looking a bit confused by all this ninja magic stuff. A bit of a wince slides on his face as he realizes his famous kick has been interrupted by being struck with, "An Icicle? What?" He taps his foot on the floor roughly, making the tap echo throughout the dojo before pointing, "I don't even know you then, Mimiru Kasagi! What business do you have in my dojo, you crazy girl? Seriously, you shouldn't have any beef with me. If that is your real name."
Shrugging he says, "If you think you're Mimiru-Li Xiangano or Steve Guttenberg, I don't care. You interrupted dinner. I will have vengeance."
Hopping towards the girl, Dan brings his hand behind his hip, before shooting it forward quickly, and releasing a little fireball towards the Ninja:
"Hey, Ninja-twit! GADOUKEN, BABY!"
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Naerose with Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Dan
This time the Ninja is struck, head on by the attack which causes her pain, oh great pain, it's such short range now that she is sort of shocked and amazed that this strange thing manages to hit her. Woah, it's like Godouken baby, yeah.. Wow. She flies back off her feet, you know, to have flown in the manner which she just flew, she must of had help, she must of literally JUMPED and threw herself away from Dan. Strangely enough, she lands by the food <3.
"Oh, this is terrific," she says, taking a bite and in general taking a moment's respite and holding Dan's food ransom.
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Dan
Dan blinks quickly and points, "HEY, GET AWAY FROM THERE! I paid for that! Not you! That's my food, Ninja! Not yours! You damned.. FOODNINJA!"
Breaking into a Run, Dan keeps up his assault, pulling his sharpie out of the left side of his Gi, and as he vaults forward, one foot way out forward, and the other way out backward....flings the sharpie with deadly speed, "UNTORTURED SOUL OF SAIKYO!"
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Dan's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Dan
What the? The ninja deflects the attack off of the side of her hand, while taking a bite from the Chinese food. She rubs her hand and then makes another dramatic show of pointing her finger at Dan.
"Okay Round two, it's time for you to experience the full extent of my Ninja powa! Here I come! Ayum.. umm mmmm mmmmm." She continues to eat the Ninja food. I mean Chinese food.
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Dan
Dan hops into a ball, before coming out of it quickly, and currling his fist out with a quick strike to Naerose's food stealing hand. Almost like a catholic school nun with a ruler, slapping at an inattentive student, "Get your damn dirty hands out of my General Tso's you damned dirty Ninja!"
Oh yeah, Dan's not happy right now. Someone's stealing his food. If only he realized what was going on outside.
Ain't that the truth. Man, poor Dan, this is just not his evening tonight. Meanwhile Xiangfei is trying her damndest not to laugh her ass off, oh if only she could be inside to watch!
Alas, she has to do what she has to do, and with a bit of effort, she's nearly done with her part of the mission, the pseudo-ninja breaking out in a sweat.. It's kind of like a surgeon doing a very sensitive operation, in fact it's EXACTLY like that. ".. *huff* *huff*.."
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Naerose with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Dan
Dan gets nailed with, no wait, Naerose gets nailed by the punch instead of Dan, but she's not done, no she isn't, she's going to start nailing Dan back, right? Right? Actually, she's aiming to get the hell out of here now. Therefore she mounts her sword, shaped like a broom and bloody well hopes that Xiangfei is done with her part, because the broom shoots off toward Dan, her arm dangling out to grab him along the way. If he hits and manages to get Dan, she'll drag him , lift off the ground and then drop him while up in the air before losing steam herself and landing on him, if he dodges, she'll probably crash into something.
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Dan with Maha.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Dan
Poor Dan. He's so confused about what the hell is happening. Some crazy Ninja just decides to come in, talk a lot of crazy talk, and now he finds her on top of him. His face becomes a long mask of confusion as he says, "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME YOU CRAZY...Girl."
He blinks and grasps at her ankles and wrists, and attempts to toss her the heck off of him.%b%bHe's realized she's certainly no ninja by now. What kind of Ninja would have such a clumsy attack? Ninja's do Izuna Drops. That was more like a, a..
"With your stupid.. SUCKZUNA DROP! YEAH!"
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Naerose with Seoi Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Dan
Badda-bing badda boom! The sign finally unhinged, (who knows what took her so long) Xiangfei drops from the roof with the newly aquired tresure, sets it on her back, then runs like heck! 'Rose is gonna have to hold on a little longer! "*huff* *huff* Whew!"
And she gets lifted and dropped and chucked and actually is more or less happy to run, but the fact of the matter is, here is the cruel bastard Dan chucking her around places. So what is she going to do? I mean, he's nuts right? Totally nuts, he's going to hurt her somehow and she just knows it. Unless.. She can hurt him first. . Finish him off. . Make it all over. Lifting her hands over her, she summons a splash of darts made of air and chucks them at Dan,
"I'm going I'm going, lemme go! Sagita Minor!"
COMBATSYS: Dan negates Sagita Minor from Naerose with Chouhatsu Densetsu.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Dan
"Yeah, that's right you're going! Get the hell out of my Dojo! STAY THE HELL out of My Dojo, and if you crazy ninja jerks ever set foot in my Dojo again, I'm going to use all the power Saikyo has to reconstruct your face like playdoh! Your Ghetto Wal*Mart Ninja style sucks! Your face, although cloaked in mystery and shadow, SUCKS! Your manners SUCK, and in fact. Oh my god, your stupid Icicles SUCK!"
As Dan unleashes the fury of his legendary taunt style, his screams rise to the resonant frequency of the air darts coming towards them, and as his final scream of 'KORE GA SAIKYO-RYUU, Y'SHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!' Echoes through the dojo...they simply cease to be.
"That's Saikyo-Style, baby!"
"Now it's time for.. NINJA Vanish!" exclaims the unphansed Naerose, because come on, her stick is Witchness, she doesn't care if he makes fun of her ninjaness because she doesn't really care for Ninja's either. Therefore it is met with total indifference.
"This is my Super Mimiru Ninja screen of invisibility!" she tosses a smoke bomb down and it makes smoke, she tosses another smoke bomb now and it tosses more smoke. A moment or two later and she's just standing there coughing her head off. Huuury LiX!
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Dan
Dan blinks and crosses his arms, moving very protectively towards his food, and guarding it with his life. As he notices the ninja just standing there. He narrows his eyes and points at his Dojo's door, tapping his foot sternly, "You're seriously still here? What the hell. Go! Get! Scram! BEAT IT!" His face takes on a considering kind of face, "Or am I going to have to call the.. NINJA POLICE?!?!?"
............. What the crap.
Well anyway, Li Xiangfei is on the way, hey hey hey!! Though it's a shame as it looks like she's not going to be having any free chinese chicken tonight.. Fair enough. There's a familar putt putt sound of Naerose's famous vespa, that pulls up not too far from the dojo, coming to a screeching halt and she yelps to the sound of the bombs going off. Is.. Is that gunplay go-- Oh it's smoke that seems to be pouring out the windows. Anyway, she finally gives the secret signal of ninja escape, a code word that rings in the sky and around the world, a passcode that not even the FBI would make heads or tails of, "OLIE OLIE OXEN FREE!!" :O
COMBATSYS: Naerose has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dan 0/-------/----===|
Naerose in turn, turns tail and runs like there wasn't anything more scary then what she was running away from.
"Okay, I only got a little bit of the food, but I did get some, it's delicious, I have it in the safest compartment there is.. " She pats her tummy and hops on the vespa behind Xiangfei.
"Hey Yellow Llightening, lets blow this facist popsickle stand!"
Xiangfei stares good and long at her compandre' for a moment, and at first she looks really excited that Naerose seems to have arrived with a little 'on flight' snack, that's great! Well, that is until it's revealed -where- it is when her eyes half-lid. That is weak. So totally WEAK. The sign securely tied to the side, Xiang raises a fist in the air, "Well anyway, good work Red Shadow! We are outta hair like a bald man!"
Vroom vroooom!! Or as loud as a vespa will vroom, the tires peel out (sort of) and the ninjas make what will be known in history books as 'The Great Escape!'!!!
....That voice, calling out the code, is it? It might be!
Dan blinks suddenly and runs to the window after Naerose, shaking his fist in the air at the speeding away Vespa that has seemingly caused him such confusion this evening, "I'LL GET YOU LI XIANGFEI! I'LL GET YOU! MARK MY WORDS! You're going down! ALL THE WAY DOWN! DOWN TO THE GROUND! I WILL HAVE MY....."
Log created by Xiangfei, and last modified on 20:39:12 01/04/2006.