Shingo - The True Might of Dan Hibiki

Description: The power of Saikyo-ryuu revealed in the OOC Cafe!

Frei says, "What... does Chouhatsu Densetsu even DO?"
You say, "NOTHING."
Kim says, "No Shingo."
You say, "Much like the goggles."
Mr. Big says, "Whowhat?"
Kim says, "You have to say..."
Kim says, "'What doesn't it do?'"
You say, "Chouhatsu Denestsu is actually Dan's most powerful attack."
Frei says, "...oh really."
You say, "It destroys mountains and causes tsunamis."
Frei says, "...I bet."
Kim says, "People die like, 50 to 70 years after he uses that technique."
You say, "It is like combining both the Yamaseiken and Umiseiken techniques."
Kim says, "And it's all because he used it."
Mr. Big says, "Dan used Chouhatsu Densetsu on this guy I knew and then 5 or 6 years later, BAM. Herpes."
Mr. Big says, "True story."
Candy says, "I was a wild boar before Dan used his Chouhatsu Densetsu on me."
Kim says, "Damn Chouhatsu Densetsu!! You never know when it'll hit!"
You say, "Dan once used Chouhatsu Densetsu to kill an entire town all because some guy dropped a spoon in a diner."
You say, "And after he left? The town then exploded."
Candy :(
Kim says, "Dan created the species platypus through Chouhatsu Densetsu."
Kula says, "The Chouhatsu Denestsu power came from when Dan sold his soul to Satan, which is also where he got his good looks."
Kim says, "And in that very Chouhatsu Densetsu, created global warming."
Kula says, "And when the Devil was going 'nice doing business with you', Dan Chouhatsu Denestsued him in the face."
Candy says, "Dan is clearly a very powerful being."
You say, "Chouhatsu Densetsu is what keeps the Sun burning brightly."
Kula says, "And the Devil was like 'OH SNAP, SHOULD'VE SEEN THAT COMING' and gave him back his soul. Now they're poker buddies."
Candy says, "Dan wears pink because it's the only color that can contain his power."
Kula says, "Dan actually wears red, but the power of Chouhatsu Denestsu bleaches it."
Candy laughs.
You say, "I thought it was because that his gi was stained with the blood of his enemies and he had to bleach it?"
Eiji says, "Dan is weak to waterfowl. :("
Mr. Big says, "There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Dan allows to live."
Kim says, "One day Dan killed a bison with Chouhatsu Densetsu, and then revived it."
Sakura says, "Okay, you guys are pulling these from the Chuck Norris pages, I know it."
Kim says, "Do you know the technique he used to revive it?"
Candy says, "Did he from that day on become M.Bison?"
Kim says, "He did."
Candy wows.
You say, "The Big Bang was actually Dan's first use of Chouhatsu Densetsu."
Kula says, "Ryu used to walk with a limp and stutter, until Dan Chouhatsu Densetsued him so hard, he went past death and came back to peak health from the other direction on the health meter."
Kim says, "One day, Ryu, Vega, and Terry all rushed Dan intent on killing him. He stopped them with a finger, and then released a beautiful white dove into the air, healing their souls."
You say, "With Chouhatsu Densetsu?"
Candy says, "On the first day, Dan said 'Chouhatsu Denestsu!!'."
Kim says, "He then Chouhatsu Densetsu'd them and killed them all."
Candy says, "And it was so."
Mr. Big says, "One day at the Saikyo Dojo Dan brought a stillborn baby lamb back to life by giving it a prolonged backrub. Shortly after the farm animal sprang back to life and his students had gathered, Dan roundhouse kicked the animal, breaking its neck, to remind the class once more that Dan giveth, and the good Dan, he taketh away."
HeavyD says, "...what is Dan, Chuck Norris?"
Candy says, "Or Kevin Sorbo."
You say, "Dan hit Chuck Norris with Chouhatsu Densetsu."
Mr. Big says, "Chuck Norris is actualy a character based on Dan."
Eiji says, "Donny Yen."
Kula says, "Dan's Chouhatsu Densetsu is so powerful, it erased Highlander 2 from history."
Sakura waves out. Taking cats to the vet.
Candy waves.
You say, "Just let Dan Chouhatsu Densetsu them, Sakura."
You say, "They'll be fine."
Sakura says, "I don't see him."
Kula says, "Now people just wonder 'when is the prequel to Highlander 3 coming out?'"
Mr. Big says, "The popular videogame "Doom" is based loosely around the time Satan borrowed two bucks from Dan and forgot to pay him back."
Mr. Big says, "Dan played Russian Roulete with a fully loaded gun and won."
Candy wows.
Kula says, "Kirby's Dream Land is what happened when Dan Chouhatsu Densetsu'd reality."
Kim says, "The sheer might of Dan's Chouhatsu Densetsu is such that Mr. T cannot even stop it with his technique, Stop Yo' Jibba Jabba."
Kula says, "All because Dan wanted to ride on a star, and catch bullets with his teeth, turn them into dark matter in his mouth, and spit them back."
Candy has one more.
Candy says, "Your katamari must be this big: 92m10cm8mm to roll up Chouhatsu Densetsu."

Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 13:03:52 12/29/2005.