Description: Vice is angry, Juli is curious... Vice gets freaked out -at- Juli, and hilarity ensues! Well... if not hilarity, at least a kickass fight!
It's a beautiful day out for once. Weather above freezing for the first time that Juli remembers -- just how long .has. this foul country been cursed by winter anyways? Juli almost forgets what warmth feels like, though today's a good reminder of the pleasantness that can come when there isn't so much of the white stuff on the ground, and she can venture outside without being dressed up like an Ainu.
And since it is such a nice day, Juli's... playing hookie. Not the ideal thing to do while attending school at Justice. Miss a day or two of classes, and you find yourself lagging behind--and certainly no teacher's about to give you any slack and help you catch up. Juli isn't in this freezer blast of a country to go to school though, she's hear to explore other schools, look for fighters, and find new recruits for her Lord's machine. That's what draws Juli to Pacific High. It's one of the schools she hasn't had much of a chance to visit yet, and what better time to go than when school is in session. As to her schoolwork? Meh, She'll have to catch up later.
Of course, the route to Pacific crosses the Pond. Not one for clubs, she'd normally not give the place a second thought.
Vice is having a very bad day.
First, she gets her butt kicked by Shingo, oh that made her -mad-! It'd be a full week now before she could even hope to start trying to catch up with her partner! So, what does Vice do when she wants to go and forget about something? Why... she goes to get drunk and start a fight of course! Not necessarily in that order, but that was the general plan...
But is the Pond open, is it hell! She slams her fist into the wall in frustration, why couldn't the Pond be open? WHY!? This is just one more thing to add to her list of why today sucks.
She was running out of bars that she hadn't already smashed up... and those that she had, well, nobody would dare pick a fight with -her- in there, no matter how much she mouthed off, which meant more work for her... bah!
Vice clenches her fists against her side, the next person to give her any kind of excuse... they are going to -get- it.
There's moments when Juli suddenly looks like she got hit by a truck for No Very Good Reason Whatsoever. It's the looks cats get when they suddenly stop doing their CatLike things to stare intently at a corner of the room, which is very likely possessed by an unspeakable horror that only cats can see. It's a very unsettling expression on her face, and it causes a few of the natives to carefully start to skirt around the girl as if she Really Wasn't There. The reason for this look? Juli's suddenly aware of something. Something big -- something almost even off the charts as it hammers at the back of her head.
Rage. And not just the 'I lost my last subway token in the sewer grate and now I have to .walk home' but the 'I think I'll throw the subway off of its tracks and messily kill everyone inside. Because I hate the particular shade of red the subway uses for lights'.
having definately got Juli's attention, the girl changes her goal immediately. Time to see where this emotion is coming from. By the club?
Vice growls softly... amazingly, albeit not through any weird psychic powers, but more through their own innate self-preservation instinct, not one person even -thinks- about getting in her way. She too has a particular look on her face, though hers is more one of focus... she -is- going to go and hurt something, she is going to hit something until it stops moving, or she does... and there is only one person whose location she knows, and who almost certainly will not kill her if she attacks him...
She's off to visit Yamazaki's Bar!
It is, after all, the one bar in all of Southtown that is free from her wrath... because its protected by someone who can beat her... and it is almost certain that she can get a good drink and a fight there... as well as check up on some things.
Unfortunately for at least one person involved, getting to said bar involves walking right past Juli, and who knows what her reaction will be.
A stare. It's not a .deliberate. stare, mind... but rather the way Juli usually faces the world, an unblinking open expression that suggests she's looking at something a few yards past her actual target. That, or trying to follow the curve of the earth as it disappears into the horizon. It's your usual Ten Yard Stare, the look prefered by war veterans the world over, or a certain breed of psychotic..
This close to Vice, it's obvious where that flash of emotion came from. This adds a hint of a frown to her expression as the girl actually dares to step .closer. to this clearly dangerous woman. Overly emotional people have their uses, after all... and are usually worth getting closer to. But, does this woman have the skills Juli's looking for? Something tells her it wouldn't take much to figure that one out.
Vice blinks slightly, feeling -someone- looking at her, she hesitates for a moment, and then stops mid-stride, looking around until she notices Juli... just a short distance away, and gazing at her like she is some kind of zoo exhibit! How dare she! Vice pivots on one foot, and stalks closer to the girl.
"What are -you- looking at, little girl? Its very... rude... to stare at people." She growls, fists clenching and unclenching subconsciously, normally she wouldn't even consider the girl a threat, but there are two things which mean she is going to treat Juli just like any other gawping idiot- the first is that recently she has run into a long string of 'little girls' who have actually managed to hurt her... the second is that right now, she really wants to hit something, and if one hit kills this little brat, well, it'll be one less brat, and it won't delay her by that much in getting to the Bar.
And, showtime. As Vice advances on Juli, the Doll shifts her stance just so. It's a subtle shift of her feet, easily mistaken for regaining her footing as if intimidated by the woman bearing down on her with wrath in her voice and death in her eyes... but Vice, and any other fighter watching, should know what it is. Broaden your stance, bring a hand up... prepare to defend yourself.
Even in the face of Vice's anger the girl doesn't react much... a slight twitch of the corner of her lips, her eyes narrowing just so, and of course the almost casual shift into a more defensive stance. The very nature of her blood red eyes don't change at all though, still holding their fixed stare. "You. Obviously. You have a lot of anger." Juli observes. Her voice, of course, matches her gaze... flat and emotionless. It's clearly not the reaction Vice was looking for. No sign of intimidation, no sign of backing off.. No sign of her gaze averting. Taking her eyes off of Vice right now would be a rather .bad. idea, anyways.
Vice actually pauses for a second... no... no it couldn't be, could it? No... this wasn't her... but those eyes, those eyes, and that voice, that flat emotionless voice...
Last time Vice heard a voice like that, a voice saying words just like that, it was injecting her with heavy drugs and describing her as a curse upon humanity... last time she head a voice like that, she had been captured by some secret organization, and some spanish woman had insulted her, humiliated her, made her fight for her like some circus act...
For a moment, it is as though Vice is again looking at Foxy, from behind captivity, her pupils dilate for a moment... and then...
Vice lunges forwards, screaming her rage and fury... and also her fear... aiming one, powerful, shocking blow at her opponent, "YOU WON'T TAKE ME!" She shrieks, quite suddenly losing all pretence of self control.
COMBATSYS: Vice has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Juli has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vice 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Juli with Strong Punch.
- Power hit! -
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Juli
That was unexpected. Juli obviously underestimated how quickly Vice would spring on her and deliver a crushing blow to her chest. Caught flat footed, Juli staggers backwards with an explosion of air. Damn she's fast.
Once Juli's recovered, she lashes back at Vice with a leaping kick, her striking foot glowing with rust red psychopower. It's one of the most reliable moves in Juli's arsenal, and faced with Vice's speed, she needs to take the enraged woman down quickly.
If Juli wasn't so overwhelmed by the potency of Vice's anger, she'd've likely recognized the style of dress. Faced with the last mauling she received by someone like that, maybe the girl would have fought better about this entire idea. Maybe.
COMBATSYS: Vice endures Juli's Sniping Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Juli
Vice screams in rage, the blow slams into her, but she doesn't show any indication of actually feeling it, "Die! Die just die! DIE!" She screams, her arms reaching up to grab hold of the girl's leg, whilst she is still in mid air, if she should manage that she shall swing Juli around her head- yelling- "I told you people NEVER to follow me!" Before she flips her grip to grab her by the waist and then -plough- the poor girls skull into the ground with all her might, she wasn't just angry now, she was enraged... and just a little frightened, which only makes her more angry, since she is not used to being scared of anything.
But those needles... the drugs... the room and the helplessness...
She would -die- before she experienced that again!
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Vice's Black End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Juli
Something Vice'll have to learn fast--if she is capable of learning in her enraged state--Juli's pretty fast herself. And screaming about telling Juli to die? Well, even after she avoids the clumsy attempt at a grab Juli's expression changes very little.
She's breathing a bit hard, admittedly, her chest heaving as adrenalin floods her system. It's the first time Juli's had to fight for her life in quite a while.. It's invirogating to finally fight someone who fights like they mean it. It means Juli has to try harder.
Once she's on her feet again, Juli's eyes narrow again as she studies the woman trying to kill her. What's her problem? And why is there a flavor of .. fear? in her aura.
COMBATSYS: Juli focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Juli
Vice roars with rage, "Stop looking at me like that!" She yells, charging forwards once more, this time, however, she tries a different tactic, actually leaping into the air, her foot arcs down overhead, seeking to connect with the girls temple, if that blow lands, she follows up with a blinding, powerful series of kicks to the girls head and upper body, seeking to drive her into the ground before she backs away...
Oh yes, this was no ordinary little girl... she was right, they were back for her! Coming to get her! That secret organization that waited in the shadows, that wanted her blood! Well she'd show them! This time they only set one agent on her, well she'd beat this one senseless, and then she would leave them a message, yes, she'd let them know exactly what waited for them if they came for her! She'd kill them all!
COMBATSYS: Juli interrupts Mayhem from Vice with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Juli
Jumping on Juli? She can handle that. It's easy, just put a psychoflavored foot in their gut. Of course, putting the foot in the gut's easier said that done. It involves a rather odd contortion where Juli crouches down, then pushes herself up again, flipping backwards to thrust a foot straight in the air. If it wasn't for the unlikely trajectory, and that flare around her foot again it would be an odd looking bicycle kick. Bicycle kicks are for soccer gimps though. Cannon spikes are for ass kicking.
Of course, throwing herself .into. Juli's attack does little to keep the Doll from not being beat on. Even as her foot collides with Vice's gut, Juli gets a rather nice beatdown in the short period they're in the air. It's enough to make the girl wobbly on her feet, her extended foot feeling like it's been wrenched out of its socket.
Reaching down, Juli gets a grip on her leg and squeezes.. Stop that, behave. Get back in there and defend yourself again -- she's certain Vice isn't done with trying to beat her into the ground yet.
Vice grunts, and there is quite a sickening crack when Juli's foot collides with Vice's stomach, oof... there goes a rib, damnit, too much fighting in one day, maybe... either way, she isn't done yet! Oh no, not by a long shot.
Vice hauls herself up, blood dribbling from her mouth, she takes a moment to lick some of that blood away, and then she looks down on her opponent.
No time for pain. No time!
Quite suddenly she is leaping back into action, she surges forwards, one leg cocked back, she intends to kick this girl in the stomach, to rise her up to eye level with Vice, and then her hand will, hopefully, grab this girl by the hair and slam her into the wall before she lets her drop...
This is the one thing that got to Vice last time... no matter how much she beat the freaks at that place... they wouldn't scream, lets see if she can make this one at least recognize pain.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Vice's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Juli
No admission to pain yet.. Juli's a rock. That expression barely shifts either. Of course, were she less brainwashed and more in tune with her emotions her reaction would most likely be rather different. Of course, before that ... operation ... she'd be paste under Vice's feet by this point. While her memories of the process aren't as clear as Vice's, Juli hasn't spent half a second thinking poorly of it. Not a second. She's Vega's doll, even unto death.
%Pushing Vice's foot to the side, Juli avoids another devestating blow to her slender body with the small sacrifice of a tingling sensation up her arm. Still feeling the pain Vice has dished out, Juli continues to press her attack on the rage possessed woman with a basic hip toss. Nothing fancy ... but it should get Vice out of her hair for a moment longer.
COMBATSYS: Vice endures Juli's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vice 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Juli
Vice remembers every moment of the stay with NESTS with horrible clarity, it was mostly question and answer... but she didn't care to answer... and so she got drugs, lots of drugs and lots of pain... and it is these memories that burn most strongly as she works to get a grip on this... this little -girl-
With a growl, she lets herself be tossed, but she rolls with the blow, and leaps from her crouched position, hands seeking to grab hold of the girl, going for the waist, a good midpoint, and it doesn't matter if she grabs some other part of her, all she cares about is inflicting as much pain as she possibly can... and that is exactly what she intends to do.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Vice's Withering Atlas.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1 Juli
Vice manages to grab hold of Juli and, wrenching her around, manages to slam her into the ground once...
And then Juli kicks out of the throw. Even with her foot tweaked, it's still enough to get enough force to wrest herself out of Vice's grip.
She's starting to hobble on that foot when she regains her balance, and the back of her head is starting to feel like she's been thrown around far more than she actually has. Clearly, it's time to finish Vice off before that foot gives out on her entirely.
And so she drops to the ground, and *pushes*. There's a brief flash of psychopower about her body as it propels her forward and low to the ground, her body a spiralling torpedo headed straight for Vice's legs. That brief flash that sent her body flying forward was the last of the aura around her body .. from here, it's strength, and strength alone, that's going to determine how hard Vice is struck. That, and how much her foot (Sprained no doubt) feels like giving out more damage.
COMBATSYS: Vice endures Juli's Spin Drive Smasher.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
And after a few of those corkscrew kicks into Vice's body, Juli comes to a skidding halt with her legs entangled with the older woman's. It's not done yet, though. When she comes to a halt, she rolls over to a crouching position and launches herself upwards again.
It's like an attack Vice faced already, the one that broke the rib. This time though, her feet swing in rapid strikes against the woman's stomach and chest, carrying Juli and her opponent a few meters in the air before Juli flips out of it again. It leaves Juli to land on her feet with a cringe of pain as her sprained foot folds out underneath her.. but Vice has a lot farther to fall.
Vice doesn't even vaguely attempt to stop the attack, she rides it through, the pain is staggering, but she puts that to one side, no time for that, no time for pain. Time to kill this girl. Because the instant that Juli lets go of her, although she is still in mid-air, this is when Vice flips out.
Quite how she manages it is uncertain, it looks like there is more than enough distance between them for Juli to be safe... but Vice somehow attempts to grab the girl by the shoulders, ready to take her down once and for all...
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Vice's Black End.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
Vice grunts as her arms close on thin air, and she lands heavily, shoulderblade making a nasty cracking noise as she lands, she rolls over onto her hands and knees, coughing up a small puddle of blood... "NO.... I won't die... not today... NOT TODAY!"
Die? That's what Vice is supposed to be trying to make Juli do, right? Panting heavily as she considers this, Juli takes a break to catch her breath .. The fight's damned close at the moment, any any opportunity she can get to give her an advantage must be taken care of.
And hopefully, as she focuses on recovering from the damage she's taken, Juli can deal with the throbbing pain of her sprained foot. At least Vice's managed to, finally, smack that stare off of her face.. Juli looks nothing more than winded at the moment.
COMBATSYS: Juli takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
Vice staggers to her feet, she is swaying, and breathing heavily, but... but she isn't down yet! She isn't... quite down. She starts to lunge forwards, before she realizes that... yes, the arm she is trying to punch with isn't working. She looks down at the limp arm and brings her other hand to her shoulder.
She then grits her teeth, wrenching the shoulder back into place with a series of truly horrific noises, when she is finished, she is breathing heavily, and glaring at Juli.
"Well? Finish me off you {censored}, because I'll die before I let you freaks take me away, I won't go away, not again!"
COMBATSYS: Vice takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
Still gasping for breath, despite the short time she had to recover, Juli frowns in confusion at Vice. Is that where that fear came from? Shifting her balance so she's off of her sprained foot, Juli responds in her emotionless tone, her voice made a bit ragged from breathing so hard.
"I.. am not here to capture you. I do not even know who you are but that did not keep you from attacking me. Go away. I will not follow you."
While she's talking to the girl, Juli's watching her carefully... ready to respond if Vice doesn't back off.
COMBATSYS: Juli focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
Vice narrows her eyes at the girl, still breathing heavily, she licks her lips... "But you talk like one of them! You look like one of them! Don't lie to me! Who are you working for?" She demands, "Tell me now, and I'll... I'll leave, okay?" She certainly sounds sincere...
In truth, she is lying through her teeth, the instant the girl responds, if it is anything other than 'nobody' or maybe she'd even accept 'The supermarket!', she is ready to leap in and kill this girl... for now, however, she is really appreciating having the time to... recuperate... a little.
COMBATSYS: Vice takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
Who does Juli work for. Vega, obviously.. but as her cover requires that being a secret for the time, a secret she's somewhat surprised hasn't leaked out all over the place yet, Juli can't say that now, can she?
"Nobody. I am a student at Justice High." Juli announces.
It's a direct lie, but tshe's quite practiced at this particular deceit, and her natural voice makes it so hard to read.
COMBATSYS: Juli takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
Vice straightens up a bit, "Pfah, a high school student... no wonder, darn freaks, the lot of you. Well... you just watch yourself! Because if I so much as think that you are looking at me funny again... I won't go so easy on you! Consider this a lesson, girl."
And with that Vice turns to stride away, feeling good enough that she doesn't even limp on the way... that'll show her!
COMBATSYS: Vice takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Juli
COMBATSYS: Juli has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Vice has ended the fight here.
Log created by Vice, and last modified on 04:56:01 01/07/2006.