Neo League 076 - #93: Shenwoo vs Sagat

Description: Shenwoo has another League battle in his hometown, Shanghai! This time, he faces off with the legendary Sagat! But despite an impressive showing, the younger fighter may have bitten off more than he can chew. (Winner: Sagat)

The streets of Shanghai are witness to the arrival of the Muay Thai Legend from Thailand, Sagat. He has travelled all this way for a League Match. He's been all over the world, but he has yet to come to Shanghai. A make-shift ring is cordoned off along one of the more busy streets through a business and commercial district. The Muay Thai Tiger has come here to fight and he's dressed to do so. Underneath his overcoat, he's wearing his typical wrappings. The trunks he wears are dark blue with a faded red stripe running down each side. People have begun to gather, hearing of the day's match. Sagat simply waits there inside the blocked off area, stretching his limbs.

Perhaps fighting on his home turf will bring Shenwoo better luck /this/ time? Well, his fight with Rose certainly wasn't the worst ever, but the self-styled 'God of Battle' is certainly looking to pick up a win; the tall blond man stands on the far side of the cordoned-off 'ring', actually talking to a few of the locals... This is his home town, and even if he's mainly living in Southtown these days, he still has a certain attachment to the place and the people. But, soon enough he's nodding to the League official and stepping closer to the middle of the ring, tugging his leather gloves tighter and then slipping into his casual boxing stance. "So," the young man says, his broad slash of a mouth pulling into a grin. "You ready for this?" Oh yeah, fighting a legend is always fun for someone as crazy as Shen!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.

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Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sagat

The overcoat falls off the big Thai man, as he prepares and continues to stretch for his match. The coat is kicked away and out of the blocked off area. A league official rushes to grab it and will stow it in a safe place until the match has concluded. Sagat starts to jog in place and his hands reach to tighten the wrappings around his wrists and hands. He begins to move to the center of the fighting area just as Shenwoo approaches as well. Sagat raises his arms into a fighting position and slides his feet under him so that he's in an offensive stance and resting on the balls of his feet. That must be his response to Shenwoo's question as he lashes out towards Shenwoo with a swift upwards sweeping side-kick. It's aimed towards the other man's upper leg.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo blocks Sagat's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sagat

Sure, but there's a difference between 'aimed towards' and 'hit'; Shenwoo isn't the sort of person to block with his lower leg, mind you, so instead he just drops ome rock-hared, tattooed forearm in the way of Sagat's kick, the impact stinging... But nowhere near as much as it would've otherwise. The younger fighter grins wolfishly at the kickboxer. "Almost!" he chides, and then he suddenly crosses the brief distance between himself and the Thai fighter with surprising speed, lashing out with both fists in a simultaneous strike at Sagat's midsection. "ORA!!"

COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Shenwoo's Strong Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sagat

The swift kick isn't meant to be particularly powerful, just a probing strike perhaps. The Muay Thai God is testing out his opponents defenses and reflexes. The Tiger has little experience against the likes of Shenwoo, so he's chalking this up to a learning experience. The wrapped foot and shin slam into Shenwoo, but it meets more resistance than Sagat intended. Sagat jerks his leg back and tries to backpedal once both feet are on the ground. Just as he attempts to back up, Shenwoo's on him and lashing out with both fists. One arm is lowered by the Thai man and both fists are absorbed and deflected by the Tiger's powerful arm. Sagat then attempts to use his other arm to grasp one of Shenwoo's outstretched arms and then fling him sideways.

COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Shenwoo with Quick Throw.

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Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Sagat

Well, let's chalk that one up to a mistake of judgement! Shenwoo tries to avoid Sagat's grip, but it doesn't really work; instead, he gets handily thrown, and he learns that yes, the big palooka really /is/ as strong as he looks. Geez. "Ha ha ha!" laughs Shen, almost gleefully, as he rolls to his feet. "Nice!!" Shenwoo then takes a pair of steps forward, before he suddenly /hurls/ himself at Sagat, his hair and unbuttoned silk shirt trailing behind him as he throws his beringed left fist forward in a rushing punch. "GRAAAH!!"

COMBATSYS: Sagat endures Shenwoo's Gekiken.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0            Sagat

The Tiger's swift on his feet. The big man's speed takes many opponents by surprise. Is Shenwoo surprised by it? Probably not. The Tiger's quick throw allows him a second or two to decide how he wants to proceed in this fight. What does he decide? He decides to run towards his opponent after flinging him aside. Sagat comes rushing towards Shenwoo and Shenwoo comes rushing at him. Shenwoo launches into his Gekiken and Sagat starts to tense his muscles and bend down slightly. His body folds over and he takes the shot in the shoulder. A moment after Shenwoo collides with him, Sagat announces, "TI-GER UPPERRRRCUT!" And springs forward and upwards. He rockets skyward with his fist flung up into the air and threatening to collide with Shenwoo at point blank range!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo interrupts Tiger Uppercut from Sagat with Tenrenshou.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Sagat

The light in the dark eyes of the brawler from the streets of Shanghai gets all the wilder when Sagat takes his attack like a man - as it were - and while there's a certain amount of recoil after his attack... There's probably not enough time for him to get out of the way. Instead, it's time to do what Shenwoo does best: Take a possibly insane chance. The Tiger Uppercut does hit home, but it's a shallow hit... Almost no bite to the impact at all, because Shenwoo managed to - at the precise moment of Sagat's attack - get his leg up between the two of them, shoving his heel into the larger man's gut to shove the two fighters away from each other as hard as he can. "SHYAAAA!!" He staggers a few steps after managing that technique, rubbing his chin with the back of one hand, watching Sagat carefully despite the wild grin on his face.

Apparently Shenwoo is just as speedy as the Thai Mountain. Sagat's Tiger Uppercut isn't as effective as the big man had wanted. He had hoped to crush the torso or jaw of his opponent, instead he was interrupted by Shenwoo's own manuever. Sagat hits the ground, feet first. He stumbles back a bit because of the suddeness of the 'God of Battle's counter-assault and rubs at his midsection. The Tiger does not allow this to deter him though. He remains on the offensive, trying to overwhelm Shenwoo. He rushes towards Shenwoo and launches into a series of manuevers. The series starts with a couple of jab punches, a hooking elbow strike and with the opposite arm a swift forearm blow.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo Toughs Out Sagat's Medium Punch!

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shenwoo          1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Sagat

Speed is something Shenwoo possesses in surprising amounts; oh, he's not as fast as a lot of fighters of his 'caliber', but the brawler always seems to have a few surprises for anybody who thinks they've got him pegged. Most folk, with a monster of a man like Sagat bearing down on them, would probably try and get the hell out of the way... But not, it seems, Shenwoo. Instead, the lean young fighter stands his ground, getting quite handily smacked around by Sagat's combination, but he doesn't budge an inch throughout, despite the powerful impacts. "Not enough yet!!" declares Shenwoo loudly, as he swings a ferocious uppercut at the larger fighter's jaw, to be followed by an incoherent yell and a second punch, this one aimed right at Sagat's face, before he twists around and simply tries to hiptoss the larger fighter into the pavement. "HRAAAAH!!"

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Sagat with Saikouhou-Geki.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Shenwoo          1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1            Sagat

The series of strikes Sagat performed against the 'God of Battle' was meant to lead into another series of strikes that were going to be used to chop down the other man's defenses and lead him open to a good finishing manuever. However it appears that the strikes Sagat started with were not effective enough or powerful enough to set the other man back or cause much damage. Concern washes over the older man's weathered face. Sagat does not have time to react to how the other fighter takes his hits because within a few seconds the large fighter is on the ground, facing skyward. His eye blinks and he grunts as the damage to his body is registered in his brain. He kicks his legs and flips onto his feet, "TIGER CRUSH!" He announces the instant he's on his feet. The Tiger is up in the air within a second and flinging his whole body towards Shenwoo, knee thrust out in front of his body.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo blocks Sagat's Tiger Crush.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shenwoo          1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1            Sagat

Yes, way to go, Shenwoo! If he could hear the crowd, the self-styled 'God of Battle' would know they were cheering for him, egging on the boy from their hometown... But he's 'in the zone', as it were. Focused, almost tunnel-vision, on the fight. He never feels more alive than he does in the middle of a good fight with a strong opponent, and he's definitely getting that right now. Sagat's knee impacts Shenwoo's crossed forearms, sending a bit of stinging pain down either... But it's a lot better than getting hit in the kisser with that big ol' knee. "Not yet!" he says, shoving back against Sagat's attack and, when the Muay Thai Legend has presumably gotten to a standing position, Shen is lunging in to try and catch Sagat with a shoulderblock before he can catch his balance completey! "ORA!!"

COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Shenwoo's Strong Punch.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Shenwoo          1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sagat

The knee strike into his opponents waiting defense was expected. Sagat expected a more hurried defense and expected to crash right on through and deliver a punishing blow to the 'God of Battle' but he does not get that satisfaction with the Tiger Crush. Sagat lands and raises his arms up to defend against the incoming strike from Shenwoo. The shoulder blow slams into Sagat, but with his arms he pushes away and the rest of his body he twists to better react to the momentum he's being forced into. As he twists the mighty Thai man thrusts a knee up into the air and hopefully catch Shenwoo in the midsection!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo interrupts Medium Kick from Sagat with Zetsu Gekiken.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1            Sagat

"Heh," chuckles Shenwoo quietly when his shoulder check is pretty handily defended against; and then there's one bad mutha of a knee coming his way, huh? It's pretty clear that when it comes to physical power, the younger man is outstripped by a good margin... But there's one thing that very, very few people can boast about having an advantage over the self-styled 'God of Battle' in, and that? Is being /goddamn crazy/. So, sure, Shen gets kneed in the gut by Sagat, but once again the impact of the bigger man's attack is mitigated by Shenwoo's choice to attack at /exactly the same moment/, as recklessly as anyone could hope for. Even as the knee hits home, Shenwoo's left fist, big metal ring and all, smashes into Sagat's face with a frightening amount of speed behind it, a shockwave of bluish energy surrounding the lean fighter as he strikes, the force enough, at least, to knock both men away from each other. "SHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Crazy, crazy SOB.

And of course the Knee strike can not hit the 'God of Battle' without the 'God' thrusting out and doing something to interrupt his strike. Sagat's simply knee strike is punished by the 'God's Zetsu Gekiken. The mighty Thai staggers backwards, painfully clutching near the area of his body most effected by the manuever from Shenwoo. Sagat's eye widens as rage begins to take over the big man. This opponent is a nobody! Why can Sagat not land the finishing blow? He launches forward in what appears to be a Tiger Crush, "TIGERRRRR-" he begins to shout. Upon landing he launches into a series of fast punches, "GENNNOOOOOCIIIIIIIDE!" and ends with a pair of crushing Tiger Uppercuts!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo fails to interrupt Tiger Genocide from Sagat with Tenrenshou.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sagat            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sagat            0/-------/-----==|

There is a downside to being a reckless sort like Shenwoo, of course; sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes... The bear gets you. In this case, it's less a bear than a tiger, but you know, the same principle applies! So really, if Sagat was worried about being able to 'land the finishing blow', he shouldn't be anymore, as the lean young man tries to get his leg in the way of Sagat's attack, but not this time! This time, he gets treated to the full force of the larger man's assault, finally flying back and smashing into one of the barricades, which breaks from the impact. "Keh... Ha ha ha ha!" he laughs, though the sound is mixed in with some coughing, because /that hurt like crazy/. "That was fun," Shen adds, before sort of, you know. /Passing out/.

The Mighty Thai Warrior is pushing himself hard now. Fueled by anger and the desire to cause some definative damage to the self styled 'God of Battle'. The Thai Mountain recieves the satisfaction of feeling the 'God's defenses crumble as his successive blows threaten to pummel the much younger man. The former Emperor of Muay Thai's utilizing his most powerful series of manuevers. This manuever ha sended many fights and put many of Sagat's opponents into the hospital. Sagat hopes that this opponent does not end up in the hospital... at least he will hope that when he calms down a bit. After he lands from the final Tiger Uppercut, he stands there for a moment, staring towards Shenwoo... waiting to see if he gets up. He then slowly strides towards him and looks down. The Tiger grunts at the other then turns away when he realises it's over, "Indeed." He mutters in response to Shen's final comment as he walks towards the League official that has his coat.

Log created by Shenwoo, and last modified on 05:30:05 12/24/2005.