Kim - Kim vs Mimiru

Description: Kim, an evil pedophile rapist?! FIND OUT HERE!!

With a few licks across her face, Mimiru forces herself to wake at long last. The girl groans a bit and she squirms in the snow, shaking her head a little as she finally returns to consciousness. "Knock it off..." She says as she pushes away Max from her face. The dog barks a few times and his tail waggles about, obviously happy that Mimiru finally came back of her deep slumber. "Oye, my head hurts... What just happened?" She asks Max. While the dog cannot say much of a prehensible answer, it just whines and whimpers a bit and Mimiru just seems to get it. Somehow.
"Bah, don't worry Max... It's my fault, I underestimate him... Guess you had to go through great dangers to get me out of that one! Well, for all the risks you take for me, partner, you can be sure I'll give you a big bone." Mimiru says as she ruffles the dog'S hair a little, "Alright... So where is this place already?" Mimiru asks as she forces herself up to her feet, out of the snowbank, sweeping off the extra snow she has on herself.
"You know... I don't know who make those fortune cookies, but I think we should tell them to at least put warnings in them when they tell you to beat up random people... Like: danger, the next person you can meet might kick your ass or something... Oh yeah, that reminds me, you didn't have your cookie.." Mimiru says as she looks in her pocket for it.
Never mind the fact that Mimiru has no idea where she is. But she'll worry about that later.

Where is Mimiru? Why, right next to the Kim Kaphwan dojo of course!!
Thank god for plot holes and unbuilt buildings, haha.
It's cold today. Cold enough that even the Tae Kwon Do master, Kim Kaphwan himself, is forced to wear a coat made out of light, white cloth. He still wears his gi, complete with sandals, because hey -- when Justice is on your side, nothing like silly, wussy cold weather can REALLY beat you! But man -- it IS really, really cold here. Such that, when he walks outside his dojo, he crosses his arms over each other and shivers a little. But that won't stop him! No! Because he's going down -- down to Chinatown! No seriously. He's kind of hungry.
There are certain things that will often distract someone from their main goal. For example, Kaphwan's goal today is the procuring and consumption of some food. Mimiru's goal is, uh. To find a fortune cookie or something, who knows. But seeing catching a glimpse of a small Japanese girl alone in the deathly cold, with nothing but her faithful canine companion to protect her, sends a pang of sympathy through the Defender of Justice's heart! Brown eyes furrow in concern, and he changes paths -- instead, now heading towards Mimiru and her dog.
"Excuse me!" He shouts, so that she can hear him clearly. He waves a hand through the air to get her attention a bit more, even as he makes his way towards her, "Are you alright?! Do you need assistance??" Well, you know. A man of a pure and selfless heart can't let a poor girl go wandering about aimlessly in the snow, now can he? NO!

That's it, Mimiru is really lost in the middle of nowhere, it's certain now.
However, no reason to panic right now. Nope. She has a fortune cookie and she has Max with her, that's all she needs for the time being. At least she has her attention on the cookie, which one she breaks in her palms and extracts the little piece of paper before she offers the rest of the cookie to Max, "Here you go, boy." She says with a few nods of her head.
The dog leans over and he licks up the piece of oat in Mimiru's hand and Mimiru reads the piece of paper, "Beware of strangers -- they mean nothing good to you and might take away something precious to you." Mimiru hums softly and she narrows her eyes a bit, "Bah, sounds like bad luck..." She admits. The girl blinks a few times and she glances up in the direction she heard someone calling at her. Naively, Mimiru was just about to fall in the trap... But she DOESN'T. Oh no she doesn't, her brain makes the connection just in time. Cookie. Stranger. Cookie. Stranger.
Then, there's a little flashback(tm). Just for a moment, back in the dojo where she learned the basic of jujitsu, knelt on the floor in front of her sensei, the middle-aged man sharing his wisdom with Mimiru, "Now remember, Mimiru, 80% of the fight goes with the effect of surprise, if you lose your calm in a battle, it'S over, the rapist got you and you're done. So remember, always hit where it hurts the most and bring them down. After you can run. ANd always scream, so that way, it'll attract everyone's attention and it might scare him away." Then the image becomes blurry once more and it returns to Mimiru's thoughtful expression, "Ahh... So that's what he meant..." Mimiru blinks a few times and she shakes her head. Oh no! He's coming! Quick, think fast!
Mimiru growls and she shouts, "No! You get away from me you evil rapist!!" Mimiru shouts once Kim is close enough to her. She even tries to give him a powerful kick in the groin, "Leave me alone! Don't touch me!! Eeeek! HE's trying to grope me! Someone help me! YOu won't take me virginity you sick pervert!"

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Mimiru's Heavy Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Kim

... There are fortunes that read 'you look pretty' and somehow, Mimiru still finds the proper amount of faith to rely on them and believe in their abilities! It's a rather special quality that the girl has, it's true, but it probably leads to some dangerous situations. Like, for example, as Defender of Justice Kim Kaphwan comes ambling in, and Mimiru mistakes him for -- a rapist?! Oh, well, this isn't going to end well, is it?
Apparantly not. Hello foot!
Kim is taken aback momentarily in surprise as Mimiru starts screaming at him, claiming things like he's... evil?! An evil rapist?! Well that just won't fly! Kim is certainly not evil, nor is he a rapist pedophile! That kick, though, looks awfully strong for a 'helpless little girl.' She's more than meets the eye! But despite the fact that Kim is no rapist pedophile of evil, he's still not taking it in the junk. No siree. That's why, when the foot comes, it meets air as Kim makes with a swift step to the side. Whew! Close!
"Listen to me, miss! I'm NOT an evil rapist! I'm not trying to hurt you!" But it seems like she needs to be sedated a bit, doesn't it? Which Kim puts into action, slamming a single foot into the snow-covered ground. What comes is a miniaturized earthquake of sorts, shaking the ground around them violently to try and knock Mimiru off her feet. "I'm trying to help you!" ... Well, that statement doesn't seem all that truthful at the moment, does it?

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Mimiru with Haki Kyaku.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0              Kim

The vibration of the ground caused by Kim's tremor are enough to knock Mimiru off her feet, falling prone on her back in a rather painful way. The girl groans and she bites her lips, shaking her head a little dazily. She seems a little out of it and she doesn't notice Kim's explanation but in her mind, it seems that it's all set that Kim's here to take away from her a precious thing! Mimiru grunts and she screams still though, "Help! Some body!" If she can't overpower him, might as well scare him!

And if nobody comes to the rescue, well there's always Mimiru's dog! Max comes to the rescue by attempting to tackle-claw-pounce Kim. The dog barks and growls a few times as it comes to his mistress' rescue, which allows enough time to Mimiru to actually get back on her feet, at least.

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Mimiru's Max Rush.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Kim

Whoa! Double team! Kim wasn't expecting the dog to attack him, too, but as it comes flying to Mimiru's unneeded rescue, Kim can do little more than just block the dogs assault to keep from being completely cut and bitten up, which might hurt a little bit. Instead, Kim raises a hand to block the dog, seeking to knock it -- albeit gently -- away with said arm before his attention turns back to Mimiru, arms up and ready to fight if necessary.
"Listen, I'm not here to fight you!" Though he's in a combat-ready position! "I just wanted to make sure that you were alright!" That's all, really! Don't hate! Appreciate! For now, he's just going to keep his arms up and ready, for if she should come again -- well, he'll just have to make sure she gets some sense knocked into her!

COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Kim

Thankfully for Kim, the dog actually gives him some space to breath after he actually manages to hold him off. Max just leaps off and takes a few times away, though he still snarls and growls at Kim's direction. Mimiru shakes her head a little, finally coming back to her senses and raising her guard up. She's not going to let him get away with what he wants, oh no! Mimiru's been learning self defense just for that reason after all!

"Oh really?" Mimiru says, arching a brow as she lets those words sway her defense for a moment. Then she recalls that while some may be violent, others will use such ways to try and get her guard down and strike! Always one step ahead of the other, that's how she has to think. Mimiru's lips curl into a wide grin and she nods to him, "Oh, I see, that was really what you wanted to do..." Mimiru says with a few nods of her head. "Well, I'm sorry then." Mimiru says.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru focuses on her next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Kim

See, Kim isn't all that bad! It's a good thing that Mimiru can listen to reason, too! Heaving a sigh of relief, the Tae Kwon Do master begins to slowly lower his guard. He relaxes, and offers the girl a bright brilliant smile that shines -- despite the fact that the sun's light is as dim as can be! What does it shine with?! That is, as they say, a MYSTERY.
For right now, though, Kim will just walk towards Mimiru and hold out a hand to help her out, with a smile and a gentle nod of his head. "Right! I'm glad I got through to you. Come with me, my wife is cooking an awfully nice lunch and..." He'll keep going on unless Mimiru stops him, hand offered with that kindly look. Will she trust him?!

COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Kim

Maybe the cookie was wrong after all and Kim is a good guy...
Nah, that can be it! She remembers what she learned in classes... Or somewhere... Or at least she heard it somewhere: 'the devil will always show itself under a tempting form'. Oh! That smile, and the food! They must be sign! Going back cooking with his wife? Sounds more like she'll be -his- wife and be his cooking slave for all of her life!

Mimiru accepts the offered hand. However, perhaps a little bit paranoiac, even at the slightest flex of Kim's muscle, Mimiru reacts. It was nothing, obviously, but still, Mimiru's too nervous, it would seem, "Kya!" THe girl shouts as she tries to press her back to Kim's waist and she bends over to actually force him to get on her back so she can throw him off and slam him down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Mimiru's Strong Throw!

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Kim

See, that's good. They've come to an understanding! That's why Kim smiles when she accepts his hand, thinking that now, finally, they'll be able to be reasonable with each other and maybe Kim can find out where the girl comes from, and return her to her family--
Friends don't normally 'Kya!' at each other, do they?
Kim's eyes snap wide as Mimiru shoves into him, back first, and then slams him... except that when he hits the ground, he hits it prepared. Both hands have jut out to absorb the force of the fall perfectly, and with one motion, the Defender of Justice pushes off to leap into the air, and give Mimiru a light, but solid, kick to the back of the head! Apparantly, she needs to take a nap first! "HUAH!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Mimiru with Light Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0              Kim

There, take that. It ought to keep him down for a while, doesn't it? Well... Doesn't seem like it. In fact, it doesn't even take him a second he's already off the ground and attacking her. That's no good. At least Mimiru was right -- if he truly wasn't someone bad, he would have stayed on the ground and let her beat him up, right? So it was a good play on her part to use a sneak attack like that! Even if the effect of surprise didn't help her much here... Must be because she doesn't have the pry bar.

The kick behind her head actually causes Mimiru to stumble about a little. The girl shakes her head a little and she groans, sparing a glare over in Kim's direction, "Oh yeah!?" She says as she tries to reajust her balance, "Well it'S not over yet!" Mimiru shouts as she dashes over Kimk and attempts to give him a powerful punch in his midsection.

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Mimiru's Strong Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0              Kim

Apparantly... Kim's going to have to take her down as swiftly and with as little pain as possible. He's not bad, but she's clearly not in any mental state to listen to what he has to say! She'll thank him later when she has a nice, warm, home-cooked meal waiting for her to eat! So she should just stay down -- except, she doesn't. And that punch looks like it might hurt, at least a little bit. So, instead of sticking around to see just how much it will sting, Kim --
Flips out of the way! Hiya!
He keeps the distance close, however. As soon as he's done with his flipping, Kim is going to move in to grasp her lightly by leg and shoulder, and toss her into the ground. Not roughly, but... hopefully enough to knock some sense into her!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru fails to counter Sakkyaku Nage from Kim with Ippon Seoi Nage.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0              Kim

Oh no he doesn't! Mimiru won't allow him to get away with a projection! That's her speciality! Mimiru's lips curl into a wide grin and she actually attempts to turn this grapple into her favor! She's going to show him who's the boss!

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite good the way Mimiru would have liked it to go and in the end, well, she's just totally out of it and she ends up being the one thrown off. "Waaa!" The girl shouts as she's tossed down to the ground. The girl groans a bit and she shakes her head a little, the fall dazing her a little.

Well, it's a good thing whatever Mimiru had planned didn't go into effect, huh? Kim ends up grappling her successfully, and with a light toss, throws her away from him and to the ground. There we are! And now, he's ready for whatever else she has!
It seems she's attempting to recover though, and he's no merciless villain. So, as she does so, he waits, his hands still raised. "Are you ready to give up now?" He asks. Man, Kim needs to figure out to better word his pleas to people's rational sides.

COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0              Kim

Mimiru blinks a few times and she glances over to her dog. While Kim has the time to ask her if she's about to give up, Mimiru is more focused on her dog and she gives him a nod of her head, which is just the right command for him to leap off at Kim's back in an attempt to tackle him and pin him to the ground.

Mimiru, herself, as Max charges on Kim, merely roll on the ground away from Kim and she rises to her feet, "Give up? Ah! Super Mimiru knows not the meaning of this! She never gives up!" Mimiru says, beaming a little, despite the fact she's already panting.

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Mimiru's Max Interference.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0              Kim

And there comes the dog again, and Mimiru--no, SUPER Mimiru's proclamation! She'll never give up? Well, those are just the words Kim needs to fuel himself further! He'll knock some sense into the crazy girl and bring her back to her parents, and that's that!! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
And this is exactly what allows him to /flip over/ Max as he charges Korea's #1 hero, landing on the ground just in time to dip low and give a sudden /thrust/ of his elbow, aimed for Mimiru's solar plexus, with the goal of knocking the wind out of her and -- hopefully -- knocking her out!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru parries Kim's Strong Punch!

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0              Kim

Max is just the distraction Mimiru needed to actually slip around Kim's attack, quickly swirling on her feet to actually circle him and avoid his attack, "Time for maximum pain!" The girl says as she actually ends up getting behind Kim, her arms rolling around to try and circle his chest to cling to his back and hold on to him tightly.

With her caniner out of the way after Kim's evasion, Mimiru, once the lock is secured, merely uses her strength to force Kim off the ground and she hurls him off behind her, arching her back to suplex him to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Mimiru's German Suplex EX.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Mimiru           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0              Kim

Time for--what?! Kim is a little bit surprised by Mimiru's proclamation, but still -- he needs to be prepared for anything. And by her words, it seems like she's planning on using something big. And that big something is... a suplex!!
She moves a bit too fast to respond to before damage can be done, so instead Kim absorbs a good deal of the impact with his arms. And when it's all said and done, Kim pushes off the ground, before spinning to assault the girl with a roundhouse kick! "ORYA!!!" He's still more than able to fight!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Kim's Heavy Kick.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0              Kim

Quick to her feet, Mimiru swiftly regains her balance and she takes a step backward in order to parry the incoming kick. Hoping that this will give her an opening, Mimiru charges on Kim and she tries to punch him in the guts, "Ahah! Turn the tables now, villain! I won't let you win this!" Mimiru proclaims.

She even has her own little squad of cheerleaders with her. Yep. Max barks a few times at Mimiru's exclamation. Though this time he stays out of it.

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Mimiru's Quick Punch.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Mimiru           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0              Kim

Turn the tables? Not /quite/... so much! But she's doing a good job! It's obvious she knows more than some of the basics of fighting, but Kim knows even more than that. So when she attacks him again, with that swift-moving attack, one hand is there to intercept the blow. "That's a very quick blow!" Yes, he's complimenting her! He's a teacher, how can't he?!
"My turn!!"
And that's about when he leaps into the air, to deliver a series of rapid-fire kicks right into the poor girl's upper body. Not all that hard, but... yeah. Kicks + Kim = not pleasant.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Kim's Hishou Kyaku.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Mimiru           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0              Kim

"You call that fast?" Mimiru asks, sticking her tongue out at Kim. "That's way too slow!" The little girl adds with a few nods of her head as she doesn't play along in Kim's kick reach, staggering back to let him kick the air but remaining just close enough of them to feel the breeze and to tease him, in a way. Her lips curl into a wide grin and she waits for the flurry of kicks to dissipate before she goes back to the offensive.

"There! Feel Super Mimiru's Mighty Kick of Righteous Justice!" The girl shouts as she spins around on her heel and attempts to give Kim a swift kick right for his abdomen.

COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Mimiru's Light Kick!

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0              Kim

And there comes a kick for Kim's mighty abdomen. And what does the TKD legend do? He shows just how mighty HIS kicks are -- by thrusting his own foot out to meet Mimiru's before it can reach it's intended target, the forces canceling each other out. It leaves Kim to stand in that pose, offering Mimiru a kind and encouraging grin. "Good! Keep it up!!"
But that, of course, doesn't mean he's going to stay put -- as, with a leap, Kim snaps out his other leg, to knock Mimiru squarely in the side of the head.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Mimiru with Light Kick.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0              Kim

Mimiru grunts a bit as her foot is kicked out of the way. The girl whimpers and she says, "Oh yeah!?" But then when she tries to get to him, she gets Kim's leg right on the side of the head and that causes Mimiru to stagger about a little. She shakes her head a few times and tries to shake off the dizziness and she says, "Yeah, well I'll show you!" Mimiru shouts as she takes a few steps to close up on Kim.

THe girl attempts to get a hold of Kim and, if she suceeds, she'll simply sweeps him off his legs and use her grasp over him to knock him down.

COMBATSYS: Kim parries Mimiru's Quick Throw!

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1              Kim

She's coming at him again -- fast, like the last attack. But he won't let her get the better of him. So, when she tries to hold him, two hands settle on her shoulders. With a leap, he flips up and behind her, using her body like a springboard as he just completely moves out of the way of her assault with uncanny grace. He lands some distance behind her, pumped... and that's when he rushes.
Once he gets at a reasonable distance, Kim goes for a backflipping kick with both feet -- his intent, to knock her one more time in the head and hopefully give her a helping hand along to taking a short nap, before he flips away, landing in splits. On the cold ground. Brrr!

[OOC] Kim nods. :O

COMBATSYS: Mimiru parries Kim's Hangetsu Zan EX!

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0              Kim

[OOC] Candy says, "One more to go, Mimi."

Mimiru may be a little bit sleepy but she's not sleepy enough right now to accept that! Taking one quick step backward, the two feet actually swing right in front of her, sweeping through the air and not touching the little girl. Her lips curl into a wide grin, pretty content of that mix of luck and skill actually saved her for a deep slumber, "Ahah! Missed!" Mimiru says, beaming a bit.

Though Mimiru doesn't waste her time with little chatter like this, she simply lunges at Kim once he lands from his backflip, hoping to catch him off guard. She merely gets a hold of Kim's clothing and she hurls herself backward to make him lose his balance. Though instead of falling, she simply uses the momemtum to swing Kim right over her and around her, down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Mimiru's Uki Goshi EX.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1              Kim

Well, there flies Kim! Mimiru's a bit too fast for the man this time, but he's still quite pumped. So when she grabs and tosses him, he rights himself in mid-air. Such that, when he hits the ground -- he lands quite thoroughly in a hand-stand, odd as it may look! His arms sting a bit from the force of the impact, but he'll manage. For now, he just flips back up onto his feet, and goes charging at Mimiru.
He rushes forward again, this time intending to plant one elbow firmly in her sternum, before he rises upwards with a knee to the stomach. The combination is harsh, even despite the fact that he's trying to keep from hurting her too badly, with enough force to send her flying if she's not too careful.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Kim's Strong Punch.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1              Kim

Mimiru's careful enough there, that's for sure. It might have taken her a few hits over the head to finally get back the groove and actually remember that getting hit by punches and kick hurt and therefor, that she has to dodge the attacks that it actually got to her mind and she dodges stuff.

Kim's elbow smash is no exception, and Mimiru swiftly side-steps, avoiding the knee smash at the same time. She's just about to keep on going but Max barks a few time and her canine's growl gets her attention, "Huh?" She glances over to Max and she blinks a few times, "Oh! You'Re right, we'Re going to be late!" Mimiru says.

She returns her eyes over to Kim and she smiles, "Sorry, Mr. rapist, but we'll have to continue this later, I really need to get going, I forgot I had something important to take care of." Mimiru says.

Obviously, the later part must be a joke. Right? Right? At any rate, Mimiru excuses herself with a bow and she turns around on her heels to dash off with Max.

Kim is ready to continue, except it seems... Mimiru is leaving? With those injuries?! What is she thinking -- this girl clearly has something wrong with her! Where are her parents! Kim is /more/ than a little bit worried here. He rubs his head, and furrows his brows. "Err, I don't know if you should really be going anywhere miss, you're not in very good shape to--" Hey, waitaminute.
"I am NOT a rapist!!"
Gah! Frustrating! Kim frowns a little bit, as clearly none of what he's said has gotten through the girl's head. That's a crying shame! Hopefully she'll be alright, though, seeing as how she's not going to be stopping for him anytime soon. "Well, I guess I better get back..." That was weird, all in all, and Kim could use a nice, warm meal. So, he turns, and leaves. Just as simple as that!

COMBATSYS: Kim has left the fight here.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Mimiru           1/-------/=======|

Log created by Kim, and last modified on 21:48:46 12/23/2005.