Kim - Kim vs Xiangfei

Description: A fated encounter! Li Xiangfei, Avatar of Guts, comes to blows with Kim Kaphwan, Defender of Justice!! Which is mightier?! Watch as Kim proves through great bravery and a lot of kicking, the hardassery of JUSTICE!!

Somewhere in Chinatown, Xiangfei had caught word that Kim was rearing his handsome head now in good ol' Chinatown. Man.. Kaphwan Kim, she hadn't seen that man in -yeeaaaars-! But a smile like his was hard to forget, but over time she'd forgotten she had a score to settle with the man.
But after having had to deal with DongHwan (whom she actually had no idea was related), and hearing some rumors, two and two was added togeather, and it was time for the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown to break into action; AW YEAH!
It wasn't a long walk, there was a bit of blind walking though, but eventually she stumbles upon the Kim Dojo, the little chinese fighter dressed in red chinese pants with matching silken blouse; atop her head a black skullcap tied around her head. See her hair got involuntarily snipped, so she can't wear them in her usual braids. Her bells? Tied to string wrapped about her belt loop. Her entrance is anything but quite, the doors suddenly swinging open with a loud BANG! "BRING ME THE HEAD OF KIM KAPHWAN!" the girl booms, in the way only a squeaky voice can. However she reconsiders her words, ".. Er.. I mean, TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!"

Well, considering the man's debupt back into the world of fighting with the League matches, it would be hard not to have heard Kaphwan was back in town, here to strike fear into the heart of people who did injustice around the world!! And after his successful rematch with the Evil Secretary of... uh... Evil, Mature, Kim has been quite pumped as of late. And being pumped, means MORE TRAINING!!
When Xiangfei crashes through the door dramatically, she's greeted with... silence! It seems no one is home, despite her resounding warcries demanding battle. All is silent for a while, until--
"... Can I help you with anything?"
Kim's head drops RIGHT in front of hers!!?
Except it's attached to the rest of his body. Kim hands upside down, legs hooked around a beam on the roof of the dojo, apparantly doing some warm up exercises before he goes into full-blown training mode! "Though you don't have to call me Leader! Kim will do just fine!" His grin is wide, and dare he say it? It SPARKLES. But, uh. "What do you need, exactly?" He's kind of confused!

Cue awkward silence as Xiang looks around and it seems no one is home. Well that was kind of a waste, wasn't it?
But the girl then doubletakes as Kim just... APPEARS! And then blinks, Blinks; And then takes a small step back in shock, "WAAAAAAAAAAH!! --- Oh." If she didn't know any better, she'd then say that Kim didn't recognize her! Which, in all fairness was perfectly understandable, Xiangfei wasn't exactly the hottest fighter on the scene way back when. Fair enough! She takes a moment to let her heart settle back in her chest and laughs boisterously, "Aaah ha ha ha! That didn't scare me one bit, of course! But ahem," beat, "I am here for a couple of reasons actually, first, I would like Jhuns phone number.. And secondly, I, Li Xiangfei, the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown have a score to settle with you, Kim! Believe that!" and she crosses her arms, her expression a bit stern to the upside-down hero/nutjob.

"You aren't one of the girls stalking Jhun are you...? We're, uh, not allowed to give out his phone number for legal reasons, and--"
Of course she wasn't scared! The Tae Kwon Do master is a kind enough man to overlook the fact that she just wailed in shock and horror and what have you, instead giving an upside-down expression of curiosity. "Li Xiangfei...?" Hm! Kim ponders in his justicey mind over that name! It sounds familiar, /but/. "I guess I will!" Believe it, he means. He lets his feet unhinge from the beam as he falls to the ground, landing on his hands. One push, and he flips up onto his feet in a swift maneuver, offering the girl a brief, curious look. "What kind of score??" He doesn't owe her money, does he?! No no, probably not! But still -- is the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey looking for a fight?!!?

"Stalker?? Well I -never-!" Xiangfei cries, bringing a hand to her chest, "How could you say such a thing to a girl as sweet looking as myself? But, fine, I suppose I'll just have to find it the hard way.." the girl nods her head sagely, and.. Actually she seems perfectly content to speaking with someone who's upside down. Nutty, that.
Excuse her as she then beams brightly to Kims confirmation of 'believing it', because she thinks she's the 'real deal', and it's imperative that Kim believes as such, otherwise her next words don't hold much meaning, "Now then," as Kim stands upright once more, "I am the leader of my own team, we are called Strongest! Team, and we fight with guts! Word is that you're still fighting with burning justice. Today, I want to find out which ones will burns brighter, Kim. I would like to know, no, it is -fated- we learn which source of power is Strongest! What do you say??" she cries, pumping a fist in the air.

"I'm sorry, Miss Xiangfei!" He really is! But you know, there are a lot of people who like Jhun more than is appropriate and -- and her next words aren't entirely ENCOURAGING but he'll look them over! Mainly, because she has something else she wants to tell him. Kim stretches out his arms slowly, before crouching down, moving from one leg to the next. He's still listening of course! And his ears perk at the mentioning... of a challenge to /Justice/!!
"Guts or Justice, hm!"
Slowly, a single hand points towards LiX, in the shape... of a thumbs up!!
"Let's do it, then!"
Thankfully, the entrance to the dojo isn't any living space. So, Kim just makes an easy stride to the center of the room, grinning eagerly and giving Xiangfei a respectful bow. "Give me your best! And if you win..." He drops into his patented fighting position, raising both hands up to the level of his eyes briefly.
"... I'll give you Jhun's phone number!!"

COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kim              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Xiangfei

Wow, Kim is still so polite, that's.. That's really charming actually, and for the briefest of moments, so very brief, Xiangfei swoons over the mans manners and energy.
*sparkle eye*
The thumbs up the first of many awesome things to come, Xiangs hands tighten into fists and she nods enthusiasticly, about to comment on giving her best, but instead she shrieks in delight and excitement; it's definatly good that she has a stronger drive now, while she enjoys a good fight, it's hard to dig deep into the sources of her ancestors power without DRIVE as well as guts! "IEEEEEEEEE!! Yahoo! Yes! Now you've gone done did it!" the girl cries as she rushes to join Kim, punches into her open palm and bows as well- A golden pillar of chi roars to life around her lithe figure, taking an almost dragon-like shape as it swirls and twirls, "Now I'm totally FIRED UP! Lets FIGHT!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kim              0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0         Xiangfei

... Wow! Who would have thought such an offer would have inspired such a wealth of energy in the girl! Kim blinks once, and though he grins wide and enthusiastically --
It's kind of intimidating!
Despite the rather scary nature of that chi pillar though, it's hardly at all frightening to Kim! No really! His legs tense as that golden chi twirls around LiX, and nods enthusiastically! "Good! Let's... give it our ALL!!" And that's about when Kim rushes at LiX like a madman. His powerful legs launch him in the air about halfway through his run, and he twists as he leaps, so that both legs can snap forward in a scissor-like snap against Xiangfei's neck. If successful, he'll continue to swing forward, through the air, using those powerful legs of his to toss the Heavenly Hip Hop Honey into one of the walls of his fine establishment! "ORA!!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Kubikime Otoshi.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kim              0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0         Xiangfei

Luckily for Kim, Xiangfei actually DID want a tour of the dojo, I mean, she'd like to get a good idea of the surroundings and junk before she goes and starts doing her Kung-fu craziness.
So it's very nice of him to break through the girls guard, her palms thrusting out at nothing as she's grabbed, and starts things off with an introduction to wall, "WAUGH!!" she crashes against it and flops rather comedicly to the floor again, but she's quickly up to her feet again, holding the back of her head, "Impressive, now watch this!"
Go forth, mighty warrior, as Xiangfei sprints forth, claps her hands, and thrusts her palms forward.. While it looks like she's going for an unorthodox strike, the truth is a wave of blue chi is actually being blasted at her opponent, hoping to knock him helluva back, "KYAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Nanpa.
- Power hit! -

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kim              0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

Well, uh. Ow! Kim is knocked helluva far, as if LiX's projectile were in fact Mr. T pityin' the foo'! It strikes harder than he had originally anticipated it would, so much so it smashes through his attempts at guarding with a sudden and swift smash to his upper body! With an explosive burst of light, Kim goes crashing back...
But when he hits the wall, he his it legs first!
Vision a little dizzy because of all the pretty blue lights, Kim still sends himself hurling after Xiangfei, bellowing his battle cry. He's not trying for anything fancy, though. Spinning impressively through the air, he's going for a very short, very sweet snap kick to LiX's jaw! Full of Justicey Might, or something relatively similar!

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Light Kick from Kim with Chou Pai-Long EX.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Kim              0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0         Xiangfei

Xiangfei wasn't expecting her blast to do -that- well.. So hey, when Kim comes flying back, she goes ahead and just presses her luck, she takes a chance, because how hard could it be to disrupt Kims simple attack?
Unfortunatly harder than it looks, 'cuz when she thrusts her palm outward, it's just short of striking the man, and she gets a nice kick in the jaw for her efforts, reeling backward and crashing onto her side, "Oooof! Oh man!" she groans, tumbling a bit but then is on her feet once more, her head clasped and looking a bit dizzy for a moment, ".. Rats, I messed up.."

!! Woah, good thing whatever Xiangfei was trying to do didn't go off successfully! It looked as if it could have been potentially /painful/. Kim doesn't give it much regard, though; he keeps on pressing his attack until that swift kick strikes the young woman. He gives a light push, flipping through the air... before he lands nicely on his feet! Messed up?
"Don't worry! Just keep trying!"
Kim waits for a moment, waiting for the Chinese fighter's balance to fully recover, before he charges again. This time, he aims to knock Xiangfei harshly in the shoulder with an open-palm strike. Hopefully, it throws her off-balance enough to set her up for the spinning roundhouse kick he hopes to pull off -- one foot slamming harshly, right into the girl's side. "KYA!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kim              0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0         Xiangfei

Xiangfei is out of it, but not out of it long enough for Kim to take advantage! In fact, she even looks a little more enthusiastic thanks to Kims encouragment, and she cries, "Yes!" woah, open palm strikes? Rather familar with those set ups, she thrusts her hands to the side to deflect the strike, and twirls into a crouch to avoid that nasty kick; "Ah, that was close," which sets her up for her own combination, she strikes a chop across the mans gut, and should she be lucky enough to get that to connect, it's followed by her own palm thrust with her opposite hand, a very quick combination, "Hai! HAH!"

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Quick Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kim              0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0         Xiangfei

She's on the ball today! But so is Kim! So even when his technique is blocked, he's completely ready for the girl's coming assault. One leg lifts, blocking her chopping strike with a grin. And then, before the other palm can even come close to hitting him, the Tae Kwon Do master grabs it with one of his OWN hands. Great! She's really good at this, isn't she? Well... Kim does a quick backflip, to gain distance from his opponent, before he's up in the air once more! This time, as he descends towards Xiangfei, he releases a rapid-fire series of bicycle kicks, all aimed at Knocking the Hip Hop Honey right into the ground! There's a bit too many too count -- his legs are moving like he's on speed or something!

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Hishou Kyaku.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kim              0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

You know come to think of it, for some reason, Xiangfei is still feeling the sting of her last defense, she has to shake her wrists out a bit as Kim continues to move so quickly and acrobaticly to this time assault her with more hardcore kicks. What's the girl supposed to do?
Summon the awesome powers of kung-fu apparently, bicycle kicks just happen to be something she's familiar with defending against; it's like a wire-fu flick, her palms strike out as fast as the kicks come, taking slow steps back during the assault, and now she's really going to feel the burn from that one! Well, no use crying over spilled milk, she has a fight to win! "Huff, huff.. Oh man," two seconds to get her breath, then she sweeps low again as if going for a sweep kick. But a ring of smoke billows beneath her feet, Xiangfei bursts upward and tries to knock Kim into the air with her with her china-style shoulder rush, "HaAAAAA!!" break through Kims mighty guard, of flying rooster!

COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Xiangfei's Tenpou Zan!

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kim              0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

Well, if LiX is going to summon the awesome powers of kung-fu... Kim will just have to show her the awesome powers of TAE KWON DO, Justice-style!! Even as Xiangfei blocks his assault, he doesn't look discouraged. Rather, he looks HAPPY that the woman is so skilled at defending his attack like that! That takes skill, he knows! But as he lands, he sees... LiX coming at him following a ring of smoke?!
Well that just WILL NOT DO!
It seems, whatever intention Xiangfei had for that shoulder-rush, it goes completely void as the man STOPS her with one incredibly forceful slam of his palm against that rush. The force near-perfectly negates each other, leaving Kim to grin before he lifts a foot -- and SLAMS down. What follows, is a very violent rumble across the ground, like a miniaturized earthquake, intending to knock the Hip Hop Honey right off her feet!

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Haki Kyaku.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kim              1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1         Xiangfei

Ok this is the part where a bad situation gets a whooole lot worse. Because man, fending off the last attack was not an easy feat, and what follows is just as alarmingly quick! Um, whatever that attack may be. There's no way the kick Kims sending is going to hit he- "WAAAUGH!" her legs fly up in the air, the chinese girl flailing her arms and she crashes onto the dojo floor once more, knocked for a loop briefly, and very very confused to what just happened, "Wh.. What??"
Yes, that's an appropriate question! But behold her kip-up, just dismissing it as t.k.d. at its finest, and she reaches forward to get super hardcore with a bit of NON-kung fu. She attempts to grasps the mans gi, and should she be so lucky she reels back, tugs downward and goes for a killer headbutt. KILLER. "YAH!"

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Heavy Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kim              1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Duck heads OOC.

That was a leg stomp of JUSTICE! You don't get much better than that!! And it means that Kim is quite aware of the situation now! Even as LiX struggles up, he's ready and raring, pumped and totally alert. So that, when Xiangfei grabs his gi, Kim's eyes snap wide. But as her massive err... ... guts, yeah!, comes for him, he jerks forward a single hand to intercept what would have been an otherwise deadly blow!!
Immediately afterwards, Kim pushes off the ground, flipping through the air and away from Xiangfei. He only pauses once, to rearrange his pristine white gi, before he rushes forward again, launching a single elbow for the woman's chest! And immediately following?! A mimghty JUSTICE KNEE! "OOOOOOORYAAAAA!!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Strong Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Kim              1/-----==/=======|=======\======-\1         Xiangfei

Wow, and just.. WOW! This is bad, this is very very totally 'not good' tm. Xiang figured she'd be able to take at least two more strikes before she were to start falling onto her backup plan. Rats.
It was a bit of a longshot, but still feeling the sting in her arms, she just tries for another evasive technique; but she dodges right -into- the elbow, and then proves no match for the mighty knee that follows, "OOOF!" she groans, doubling over and then just flops onto the mat again, holding her gut and looking to be in all kinds of hurt! But with a bit of effort, she manages to throw herself upward again, twirling around and releases another blast of chi at Kaphwan; she may not blast him helluva far, but she's got to get herself pumped, has to get ready to ROCK OUT and show the true power of guts!! "HAAAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Xiangfei's Nanpa.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              1/-----==/=======|

But um.. That kind of doesn't happen. Once she releases the blast, she wobbles and crashes onto the mat again, groaning with pain.. She can't trick her body this time, sadly, ".. owww.. Geez.."

Well. It was a truly great attempt, all in all. But this time, Kim can see that next energy attack coming. And JUSTICE does not stop, not even for severely beaten young ladies! This time, Kim is ready. Anticipation allows him to see the attack as it roars into life, and with one smooth motion, Kim LEAPS over it, letting the blast harmlessly soar over him as he lands RIGHT in front of Xiangfei. Unlike her, he's still pumped, and still full of an excessive amount of energy. But when he sees her fall, he knows it's over. And so he walks to her...
And offers his hand to help her up.
"You did well!!"
But I think we ALL know Justice is more hardass than Guts now! HOORAH!

COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.

Xiangfei grunts a bit in frustration as she pushes herself up to a knee, not so much because of Kim, she was more disapointed with her own performance. This fight, while it had its moments, it was most certainly not a very good display of Guts in her opinion! A small sigh is given, and Xiang raises a hand to take Kims with a small smile, "Er, did I? I uh.. Well I suppose so, but I'm still rather embarassed.. Maybe I need to fine tune the power of Guts! a bit, your Justice was just simply too overwhelming!" she'll definatly confess to that at least, "But next time we meet, believe me it's not going to be as simple!" in fact, she seals that deal with a handshake if his hand doesn't draw back, the small chinese fighter grinning again.

"Keep on training those guts of yours, Miss Xiangfei! Next time we fight, we'll see how much you've improved!" Kim returns her shake vigorously, complete with a grin that makes his teeth *ping* with a light all their own! The light -- of JUSTICE! "Until then, you can feel free to stay in the dojo for however long you need to until you recuperate. We have food here, if you're hungry! Feel free to have whatever you want before you go!" Maybe a bad thing to say to miss Xiangfei, but hey -- how's Kim to know?! Instead, he'll just offer a kind smile and a nod of his head, before he heads upstairs to begin the rest of his training! Huah!

Xiangfei is worn, weary, and certainly in need of a nap! Yes, rest sounds like a good idea, and she bows to Kim for his generous hospitality! Free food! A place to rest! She stands back up, and then a cloud of dust takes her place, as she goes to dig in and regain her strenght!
Good End!

Log created by Kim, and last modified on 15:26:20 12/23/2005.