Description: Great evil! Terrible power! The mighty force of the great Shadaloo dictator comes bearing down on May Lee and Kim during a training session!! Can the Justice Duo take on the world's most dangerous ass-chin?!?! WATCH AND FIND OUT! (beginning round, was sacrificed to the same god as the second log. Don't complain!)
Let it never be said that Vega lacks a flair for the dramatic. In fact, at times he can be overbearing - but intense. And intensity is what he brings today. A large leap from the treelines, a burst of a psycho-powered boot, and he's aimed and ready to attack. Today, there's no holding back on his part, and he's certainly in the mood to crush the two that were simply practicing just a moment ago.
"Preperations are unneeded, unneccessary. Instead - acceptance of your _doom_ is what you should be feeling." He'd twirl his mustache if he could, at this point - but instead, he just dives into that kick, putting as much speed on the attack as he can. Let' see if he can remove some teeth from that brilliantly smiling man!
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kim with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 MayLee
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
Of course, there's no doubt that the man that suddenly appears before Kim and May Lee is far superior to them. Both of them, in fact. Ultimately, this is going to be a very short-lived fight, Kim imagines. But he's not going to let this man simply gallavant around in this forest and pervert it with his evil. So, instead of running away, Kim stands firm -- even as that kick comes. He tries to block, but Vega is just too fast. The foot slams into his face, and hard, sending Kim flying through the air. But the Tae Kwon Do master? ... lands on his feet.
"May Lee." Unfortunately, there are no missing teeth from Kim Kaphwan. His teeth are a far greater force than Vega could ever hope to be, after all! "If things begin to look as if they're going badly, I want you to run." And then, he's rushing off. As simple as that, the Justice Fighter runs towards Vega, intent on leaping into the air midway with a "HUAAAAAAH!!" His attempt, is to strike Vega with a series of fast and hard bicycle kicks before the man knows what's coming.
Vicious-- evil! And -- "Kim-sensei!" she exclaims, hand held out dramatically. Woe to the man who dares do such a thing to the majestic and mighty -true- Servant of Justice! The young apprentice stands firm and ready as Kim gets his footing like a true master, preparing to strike Vega with all that he has! Ah yes-- she knows that attack well, Kim's wild and powerful kicks. Surely a man such as he will fall to their strength! Though her instructions are to flee if it becomes too grim, May Lee slowly, carefully cycles herself to the side as the elder man with the pearly white teeth that shine moves in for his attack. Her eyes narrow and her fists clench. More than anything-- she waits for an opening!
COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 MayLee
> //////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Kim
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Kim's Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 MayLee
> //////////////////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Kim
"Heh. Noone can escape the clutches of Shadaloo, or the might of Lord Vega." It's said confidently - and certainly Vega has no plans on losing this fight, or of even showing any sort of weakness. So when that rain of kicks comes in, can Vega do anything less than stand there with that grin on his face, as Kim's feet batter and slam into his forhead and chin over and over? When the attack finishes - Vega looks at most, slighty winded. But relatively unharmed.
"Your skills need adjustment, 'Kim'. Let's see how your student fares." And with that, Vega moves in a blur of speed, dark purple psi curling around his fist as he draws back, and attempts to catch the flailing female of justice in the stomach with a punch. Here's her opening - or is it?
"It seems you know my name, stranger, but I don't know yours!" As expected -- Vega takes his attack without even a slight wince. This is going to be a bit harder than even Kim anticipated. Even if he loses, though... he's not the greatest defender of justice. Just the most avid. Which is why, when his attack finishes, and Vega looks hardly harmed in the slightest, there is still a look of determination that no amount of the Shadaloo's beatings can remove.
"Is picking on those less powerful than you the passtime of villains?!" Kim looks more than /slightly/ concerned when Vega goes charging at his student, though. Soemthing that breaks him from his speech. "May Lee...!" And that's all he needs, to leap forward and strike Vega with a powerful knee thrust, before going to knock the man in his large head with a strong open-palm thrust. Don't attack her!
COMBATSYS: MayLee fails to counter Jab Punch from Vega with Self Rebellion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> //////////////////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Kim
Strong-- he just-- but -- how did he recieve such a blow?! That's the sort of kick that had her reeling when they had fought. Clearly this feeling-- this EVIL-- it's ... ... wrong! And not just! Though instead of refrences to badong, May Lee instead decides to deal with the attack being suddenly thrown her way. Though her movement is skillful, it's clear that there's just too much of a power difference between them. Her arm and leg raise as if to become a shield, and ... well. Owch. The fist hooks cleanly into her stomach, and the girl doubles over as she falls backwards, staggering back against a tree and gripping onto the bark to keep her balance. Good thing she hasn't had anything to eat lately.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kim's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> //////////////////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Kim
One of those things that Vega seems to be good at is knowing where to be in a particular fight. In the first case it lets him simply slide through the guard that May Lee presents, to allow his attack to hit - in the second case, it allows him the ability to sense the new attack from Kim - and evade it in a split-second motion that leaves him to the Tae Kwon Do Master's side. Under his breath, he growls - and then cackles out a laugh at the pair. "No pastime. A life's work - Kim." He's assuming that is the man's name - after all, when May Lee cried out his name, it gave some semblance of being a way to address him.
"Now - let's see how you deal with strength!" With that, he brings his elbow in against Kim's chest, thick curls of purple vapor speeding the attack in as he tries to cave in the man's solar plexus. In this case - it would be a powerful hit indeed.
COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Vega's Fierce Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Kim
He's fast, strong. Clearly this is going to be a difficult fight. Kim will do what he can, of course, but this fight is not one he or May Lee have the advantage in. Still... that does not stop him from FIGHTING. And the determination in his eyes stays, along with a frown at Vega's words. "A life's work? Then your life's work is miserable!" And he'll cure Vega of it... with JUSTICE. And as Vega comes crashing towards him with his proclamation, Kim shows the great Lord of Shadaloo how he deals with so-called 'strength', by jutting his hand forward--
And giving a THUMBS DOWN.
One leap sends Kim up in the air and landing, both feet first, on the very elbow Vega hoped to hit him with, no doubt the sudden weight sending that strike on a viciously downward path. Almost instantly, Kim pushes off, to jump high into the air before assaulting Vega with two kicks from both legs, before pushing off to land some distance away from the megalomaniac in splits and narrowed eyes! FOR JUSTICE!!!
Strength, so he claims! STRENGTH!? This isn't strength! This is terror. It's evil! Rotten! Badness! And May Lee sure as heck isn't going to stand for it. As he makes his strike at Kim-- and her master's subsequent and -masterful- defense (by way of using Vega's own limb as a springboard), May Lee charges in from the side.
Her attack is swift and brutal-- a short hop into the air followed with a tight, speedy spin of her body as her legs lash out into a mid-air sort of split, the rotation and speed making it quite the nasty little kick-- especially if it hits Vega where she rightfully intends it to, which is right on the face. Someone needs to wipe that smirk off his face and kick that gigantic chin, and she knows it's going to be her!
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks MayLee's Surprise Air.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> ///////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Kim
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Kim's Hangetsu Zan.
Interesting. This may end up a fascinating battle after all. Vega's only gotten a second or so to think about this as his arm gets pushed downwards, the feet coming at his chin being deflected by his free hand. As Kim spirals away from him, Vega turns his glance from the man, and to the man's student instead. His grin grows feral, that bloodrush that comes in from being attacked by more than one person making him heady with power, making that dark aura swell and seethe until his whole body is wreathed in black energy.
As May's kick comes towards his face, he waits. He waits until the last possible second, and then draws his hand up, batting at her ankle to throw the attack off from his chin to his shoulder. As he does so, he attempts to grab, and throw her to the side, using the strength of his body and the leverage given from having her in the air - as well as the power of his aura, that deep, dark thing called psychopower.
He's deflected both of their attacks? As good as Kim anticipated. He still carries through with the attack, despite Vega absorbing the brunt of the blow, flipping through the air in a landing position. But... he's attacking May Lee yet AGAIN? Kim frowns. The man is picking on his student /too much/. Kim isn't going to stand for it. Instead, he'll bring the fight to Vega yet again, and try and deal damage to the man as he assaults his poor student with whatever devious trick he has up his sleeve.
Kim is almmost instantly up on his feet again, rushing towards Vega with single-minded determination. He covers the distance between himself and his enemy in record timing, cutting across the distance before leaping into the air, intent on grasping Vega's head quite firmly between his two feet in a mighty cross-chop, and then -- still flipping through the air -- toss the dictator into one of those trees with extreme force. "HUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAH!!"
COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Vega's Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 MayLee
> ///////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Kim
Apparently learning from her mistake the last time, the second Vega makes a move to attack, she puts up an honest to god defense-- and still, she ends up getting tossed aside like she were an old newspaper. Though decidedly different this time, she doesn't go flying or get the wind knocked clear out of her. May Lee gets it in her head to twist while in the air, feet planting against yet another tree to stop her flight dead. And then, a hop to the ground, hand bracing her footing.
As she stands, the light in her eyes is drastically different. The fire burns, the passion is untamed! May Lee suddenly ... runs behind the tree?
And emerges anew! Dressed in the same clothes, albeit with a difference-- her gloves, the pristine navy blue leather that they are. Her scarf as it flies in the wind, mighty and bold! "I have felt the unearthly power that you possess! And I shall not stand for it! Prepare yourself you horrific villain, for in the name of JUSTICE--"
Twirl. Point. Scarf flies, her gaze becoming dangerous swords with which to pierce Vega's cruel heart. "May Lee Jinju shall punish you until you cry for mama!"
Yes. Somehow, she's still deathly serious.
COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 MayLee
> ///////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Kim
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Vega with Kubikime Otoshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 MayLee
> ///////////////////////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Kim
Justice? The HELL?!
Vega is .. quite flabbergasted as May Lee comes about and does her posing and posturing. It's.. incomprensible! How could someone be in that inane, that crazy to do this in a fight between a titan and two less - than..
Vega never gets to finish that thought. As he's caught staring in surprise, he's caught in another way - that being the double leg squeeze from Kim, his head crunching most mightily against the heavy tree. He pushes himself back to his feet, and then growls in something akin to pain. Over his shoulder, towards May, he spits a bit of blood - and then speaks. "May Lee Jinju should instead just watch her teacher fall down."
And with that, he slams his hand backwards into the tree he'd just hit, a bright purple flare of energy searing through the trunk, and sending it falling towards Vega's shoulder. He catches it with his free hand - and then twists and sends the thing spinning directly at Kim, eyes narrowed as he tries to make the man pay for daring to hit him..!
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Vega's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 MayLee
> /////////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Kim
Today, though Vega may prevail, he will NOT prevail easily. May Lee seems to make a sudden change of action, and Kim only eyes her for a second before another attack is coming for him. He would hope she knows what she's doing, but -- Kim has nothing but absolute faith in his student! And so, he decides to deal with the problem at hand!
Which seems to be a tree flying towards him.
Eyes snap wide only for a brief moment, before they narrow in resolve. He won't let Vega get the better of him by liberally destroying Mother Nature, oh no! Instead, as that tree goes flying at him, Kim does what any logical person would do. He assaults it... with a jump kick. He does not fall, but jump up!, a single, powerful leg slamming FIRMLY into the trunk and, with great effort, Kim PUSHES off it and sends it to the side and out of harms way. His leg is more than a little numb, but it's nothing major--
--He's more concerned with his landing.
That landing being a holy heel flying towards Vega's cranium. It's not particularly fast, especially with Kim having just BLOCKED A TREE with it, but it's powerful nonetheless -- with every intention of slamming Vega RIGHT into the ground!
That's right, punk. You just -- whoa that's a freaking tree flying through the air.
May Lee looks quite surprised, and amazed as Kim puts that tree right in it's place. That's right, man! That's what you get for messing with MOTHER NATURE and JUSTICE. The student wastes no more time, however-- it's fortunate that Kim is making his dramatic attack there and now, as it gives her the time and space to follow up with a sudden attack of her own!
Running forth with a whole new vigor, her fist rears back for something Kim likely hasn't seen before. Silver lightning crackles and speeds around her hand as she flies at the would-be dictator, her kiah a strong "UWOOOOOOOOOOOOH~!" The mighty swing is looking to plow right into his side while he's busy dealing with Kim's attack. A two fold attack! A mighty attack! An attack that would convey that very same electrical force-- chi in nature-- right from her fist and into his body.
COMBATSYS: Vega endures MayLee's May Lee- Lightning Blow!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 MayLee
> /////////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Kim
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Heavy Kick from Kim with Head Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 MayLee
> ////////////////// ]
|=======\=====--\1 Kim
Vega is truly impressed when Kim stops the tree trunk that was flying towards him. It's a mighty movement - and certainly one to express admiration for. At least, were that Vega's 'thing'. It isn't, in most cases - and certainly, he won't be admiring the man's ability out loud. Instead, how best to crush his spirit.. hmn..
And with that, a plan is formed - an instant to decide, and then he leaps into action. Vega steps into May's attack, catching that blazing punch on his shoulder, at one of the pauldrons that seal his cape to his back. As he rocks backwards from the surprisingly strong impact, he flips up into the air, and then 'deals' with the kick coming in from Kim by crashing down atop him with both knees on the man's shoulders.
The landing is only so-so, sadly, down to one knee for a split second, before he recovers himself, and turns towards the pair. "Heh. Justice? It's nothing - power is all that matters."
... ow.
That smart a little bit.
More than a little. But if Vega thinks a stomp to the head is going to crush Kim's fighting spirit, well, the man is damn wrong, is what he is! Does hurt a LOT, though, as Kim goes crashing into the ground beneath them in a heap. He's not down for long, though.
Almost as soon as Vega lands on one knee, Kim is up once more with a quick hop to his feet. It hurt, to be sure, but... he won't let that stop him. Not /now/ of all times! Instead, he spins around to May Lee, and offers a reassuring grin. A grin... that shines with the force of a thousand suns. "Good work!" And then -- it's time to focus on Vega once again.
"Justice is more than your power will ever be, cretin! It's something great that you can't hope to understand!" His legs spread, and tense, and instantly Kim is flying through the air, to deliver not one, but TWO strong roundhouse kicks to Vega's side with incredible force, before finishing off the maneuver with a swift overhead axe-kick to plant right atop his stupid red hat!
That be the cries of justice!
"Thank you, sir!" she replies proudly, fist thrust into the air as if to declare some sort of small victory.
May Lee springs backward as Vega is sent reeling with the MIGHTY POWER of her fist, even while she watches Kim get a good boot on the noggin. But merely standing around and doing nothing?! This is something that a young and brash superhero cannot ever overlook! Stepping back, her arms throw out wide to the sides, her head tipped forward and gaze intently set on Vega. It's close-- it's nearly time to do it. IT. The one and only!
She thinks it's intimidating, anyway. May Lee's guts and courage begin to gather, scarf suddenly flapping every which direction as if the grand winds were here, there, all around. "Sensei! Together, let us make him understand the error of his ways!"
COMBATSYS: MayLee gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 MayLee
> ////////////////// ]
|=======\=====--\1 Kim
[OOC] Charlie says, "That is truly weird."
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kim's Sanren Geki EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 MayLee
> ////////////////// ]
|=======\=====--\1 Kim
Sadly for Kim, Vega's cute little red hat is not to be knocked off by him. No-sir-ee, not today. Instead, the scary, scary Shadaloo man simply steps back with the kicks, giving just enough ground to let the attacks hit his hands, slapping them aside without a care. For all Kim's power, Vega may just be more than the man could handle. "Justice's power has failed to impress, Kim." he says as the attack ends, leaning in close to Kim so he can show his own pearly white grin - his, much more demented than the other man's.
For a second, he ponders simply blasting May while she 'prepares', almost distracted by her antics - but in this case, he's more interested in finishing off the man before him. So instead, he simply ducks down, and sweeps his hands up from ground up, a large wave of dark energy forming in front of him - a close range blast of pure Eeeeeeevil! Let's see how Kim handles that!
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Vega's Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 MayLee
> /////////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 Kim
"Justice is not just my power! This is why a person like you could never hope to understand it! Justice..." Even as he speaks, Vega's attack roars into being. As for how Kim handles it -- he can't FEEL this power like chi, which is mildly upsetting, but he'll deal with it just the same! One hand lifts, than the other, and as the blast impacts against him, it pushes Kim back - quite a bit, at that. It hurts just a little, tingles flying up his arms, but with determination... Kim KNOCKS that power to the side with both arms, dispersing it around him. THAT is how Kim handles that!
"... is the power of everyone who stands against people like you!!"
And that is when Kim rushes forward again, to smash one fist solidly against Vega's jaw in an uppercut to send the larger man flying, determination sparking defiantly in his brown eyes.
Excellent! Wonderful! Why it -- it might just be ... -that- word!
With Kim defending the latest of onslaughts from the merciless and horrible Vega, it leaves the magnificent superhero in training that critical time she needs in order to bring him a whole new world. That world, my friends, is the world that she calls PAIN.
Leaping into the air, May Lee uses yet another of her magnificent woodland neighbors-- such as the tree she currently leaps toward-- and uses it for a springing board of sorts, arms spread wide and voice booming. With her knee leading off to catch Vega right in the side of the head. Prepare, evildoer-- this move may just be--
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Vega with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> //////////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 Kim
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Vega with May Lee- Dynamic!.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> //////////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 Kim
Dropping to the ground right in the man's face a split second later, May Lee follows with a swift series of kicks-- a roundhouse with the left leg, a spinning roundhouse with the same leg-- just as suddenly, the attack mirrored with her right leg! Defying all sense of logic and physics, she rises into the air, twirling around swiftly and giving him a stern boot to the head or two, then a wide split as her torso bends forward and her arms come down for a vicious overhead axe-handle blow! A smooth motion into a backflipping kick! And then, landing on her feet, her arms rear back in preparation for the final blow: A vicious, one handed and mostly-bodychecking chop with her arm that will propel the most evil user of Psycho Power away-- with JUSTICE!!
Once on her feet, the girl points and speaks loudly-- "You will not besmirch the good name of the LAW anymore!"
Feel the burning fists of justice. Yes, yes that would be them. Right there. One from Kim, under his chin, sending Vega upawrds - directly into a series of May Lee's hard, pummeling kicks. To chest, to shoulder, to chest. To chin, sending him up, to being axehandled behind his neck, sending him to the ground. And finally, a backhand that knocks him outwards, into one of the clearer areas of the outskirts.
When he stands, he's breathing hard - his body is definitely showing the pain of this fight. But he's not done yet - not at all. "Is that all that you can show me? Is that all the power you both have?" Yes, he's speaking just like he didn't hear Kim at all - but really, is that any surprise? Vega's set in his ways, his opinions unswayable by the bright teeth and shining smile of the two Justice-fighters. Instead, he turns his thoughts inwards, to pain, suffering and anger - all three of which he has in ready supply at the moment. And with that, he springs into action. Leaping forwards, his hands outstretch - his fists burning with a bit of that psychopower from before, then as he rushes towards the pair, it's a blazing explosion around him, encircling his body in that dark, powerful aura. "Now - Vega will show his power.. And you.. will.. FALL!!" For a second, it's hard to tell which he will attack - but in the end, it's inevitable - the stronger of the two must go down. And in that case - this time.. it's Kim Kaphwan.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kim with Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 MayLee
> ///// ]
|=======\====---\1 Kim
It's just a /bit/ too much for Kim. Were this any other fight, he would have had a better chance. But Vega is as strong as he is ruthless. This is not Kim's fight however. He had no strong beliefs in winning. But he knows how injured Vega has to be, at this juncture. He's proven his point. These two people, so much 'lesser' than Vega, have done this much damage to him. Such that, even as Vega's attack slams into Kim with an explosion of Psycho Power that sends the man flying, even as pain washes over him completely in a white hot flash that knocks him out of consciousness for a brief time, Kim...
... looks serene.
He lands on the ground in a stumbling roll, flying across it messily. It hurts, but Kim is far from done in yet. No, he stands, his eyes still determined, as if showing everything Vega stands for as being what it really is -- weak and petty ambitions. His legs tense, his eyes narrow. "Huuu...." And he rushes forward. This is it, the last attack he has in him. There is a great distance between himself and Vega, but he crosses it in a mighty leap, one immensely powerful jumping kick aimed -- right for Vega's chest.
COMBATSYS: Kim can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Vega with Hou'ou Kyaku.
[ \ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 MayLee
"You'll be going with me!"
The first kick lands, but it's not the end. What comes next is blindingly fast -- Kim's renowned move, what he is most famed for. A series of kicks, all coming one after the other after the other, strike Vega's head, shoulders, chest, his entire upper body becomes the source of a flurry of lightning fast, immensely strong kicks. One, five, ten, eventually they become too many to count. Kim keeps it up, despite the pain wracking his body, despite the overwhelming instinct telling him to simply PASS OUT -- he keeps it up, to show Vega.
To show him his justice.
It all finishes, with a backflipping kick snapping right into Vega's jaw. Eyes narrowed, focused, Kim falls to the ground... and then immediately after, collapses, blood flowing from his mouth to the gentle, cold green grass beneath him.
"That.. that... is justice..."
Crash. Nooooooooooo~!
Cue the horrified expression of one May Lee Jinju, watching as her one and only master is left to be laid out in the grassy woods, fallen at the hands of the cruel and ruthless dictator. No-- he just. He ... No! Her horrified face stops from that contorted stare as she falls to her knees at his side, hands on his shoulder. "No! NO!"
Standing up tall and proud, it seems like now her wrath is at it's peak, her eyes becoming swords and her spirit ablaze. May Lee rubs a gloved hand across her face, yes, with tears rolling down her cheeks. This man shall be made to pay! Rearing back, the Korean girl runs headlong at Vega--
-- and releases a wide, brutal chop worthy of a karate movie with her arm, aimed to slam across the tall man's chest and deliver unto him the gloriousness of JUSTICE!
COMBATSYS: Vega endures MayLee's May Lee- Chop!.
[ < > ////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 MayLee
The series of attacks is all a blur. Vega's hands move to intercept, yet each time they seem to be there an instant too late to avoid Kim's feet, the brilliant sparkling light of Justice wearing him down through sheer speed and energy. Vega still stands at the end of the barrage, even as Kim falls. But truly, Vega has felt the power of Justice - he can in no way call this fight a win. In fact, it would be a loss for most people, when they reflected back on it. Vega, in his mind, honors the fallen warrier for a fight well CHOP.
That's right. Apparently JUSTICE sucker-punches people from the side when they're applauding a victorious warrior, catching them off guard, and blowing them off-balance! Vega's surprised by the maneuver, but catches himself down to one knee. And if he was angry before, when he burst into his dark aura - well.. that was a mopey pout compared to the temper tantrum he's about to throw.
"You DARE?!!" Vega's howl is angry as he rushes the girl - this time, the energy comes out of his fists unasked, unwanted - that furious exclamation fed by his rage at being so callously attacked by such a trifling thing as this girl - and he's intent on blowing through her in a fashion similar to Kim - but this time, he's truly, very, impressively angry, the blazing power of his launched form something to behold. And certainly - it isn't justice.
COMBATSYS: Vega can no longer fight.
> ////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Vega's Final Psycho Crusher.
> //////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 MayLee
Yo' darn right.
Ka-POW. May Lee's furiousness and strength pour into that blow, sending the horrible man down to one knee.
Breathing hard after such a manuver, the girl's eyes narrow and her body draws once more into tension-- he's up to something, and that something is ... EVIL. Yes, she is indeed shocked and a little impressed by the blaze created by the warlord; never before has she seen evil use such wicked power! But there's a strength within her that has yet to be seen, yet to be realized!
Planting her feet and turning to one side, May Lee lets out a deep-throated roar once again (natch) and coils her arms, throwing herself against Vega's palms in a manner similar to a shoulder check, if one were bracing themselves for the blow. Once colliding, she starts a feverent push against the evil flames of psycho power, and yes-- eventually, they break!
May Lee regains her senses upon the ground, sitting up and rubbing her head. Her back hurts, marked with bruises and gashes all over, but she's still alive-- and more importantly, conscious. Forgetting all about Vega for now (wherever he lands, anyway), she runs to Kim's side once more and takes up his hand in those leather gloves, expression fearful. "Sir! Please! Speak to me! Please! You cannot let the bad man have defeated you!"
And what of Vega? Lord of Shadaloo, recently butt-kicked by JUSTICE?! He's landed away, on his feet. As May turns away from him, he ponders for a second, returning that favor of Justice!'s backhand from surprise. But in this case - now is not the time. Vega's body aches, and his spirit is dimmed, due to the sound thrashing, and the strong devotions that they assaulted him with. This will be something he takes back to Shadaloo with him. And in the future, neither will be treated easily. This much, Vega is certain of.
And on that note, he slinks off into the shadows - becoming nothing more than the ghostly nightmare that most of the world thinks he is, and leaving behind the merely human monikor that Kim and May Lee know him for now.
What will happen to Korea's -- no, the world's -- favorite Tae Kwon Do master?! Will he survive to see another sun rise!?!? tune in next time to--
Well, his wounds weren't so bad as to leave him in a coma or anything. In fact, Kim will be fine with a good day's rest. as it is, he slowly rolls so that he lays on his back, blinking up at May Lee as she seems to be... worried about him? Crying for his life? Buh. Well then. A single hand lifts...
And gives the THUMBS UP.
The grin that accompanies it, is SPARKLINGLY BRIGHT even despite the blood flowing from his mouth! Shining with /justice/!
"I'm fine, May Lee. We did it. You did very... agh!" He lets out a soft gasp of pain as he struggles onto his feet, allowing himself to stand by strength of will. "... well. Let's get back to the dojo now. I think we could both use a good rest." Well, Kim does.
Because holy crap nuggets, that hurt like hell.
Log created by Kim, and last modified on 09:24:17 12/23/2005.