Naerose - Naerose Christmas Special!

Description: *Season one, X-Mas Special* In the next thrilling episode, Shingo Yabuki unsuspectingly stumbles onto a prank to take advantage of his celebrity status for personal gain, but hey, it's charity, right? Also the sun never sets on psycho Ron Burgundy. NEXT TIME, The Naerose Christmas Special! Watch it or you'll be sorry!

Off in an alley today near Christmas, if you celebrate, you might see a santa ringing a bell. Well the woman in red (a coat with red underneath) a witches hat and a broom, almost looks like she might be santa, with her snow white rabbit on her shoulder, she is ringing a bell and the snow has been cleared away for a large box in the alley. A sign written on marker on a cardboard box reads,
'Charity Fight, for the Hungry!'
Under which sits a donation box. A few people have gathered, afterall, it is a charity drive. . Ahh.. right?

It's not unusual to see Santas all about the place this time of year with their collection pots and ringing their bells. They're practically on every corner collecting donations for the Salvation Army, Red Cross, and what not. What is unusual is that this particular Santa seems to be not representing any specific charity and even stranger still is the fact that's a Charity Fight for the Hungry. Strange and curious. This is what causes Shingo to stop and peer. Decked out in a thick blue winter jacket, the Taiyo student glances at the sign and then the 'Santa'. "...Hey. Don't I know you?" He asks of the young woman.

The witch may attempt to answer that question, but she was more concerned with actually being remembered. The thought was terrifying given that if Shingo DID know her well he might know she was planning this for months as a means of making money or rather free food. Still she couldn't admit she is someone he knows, instead she says,
"Ho ho ho, No, but I am Naerose Delphine, here to feed the hungry.. I need a young strapping fighter for this charity event to go against yours truly.. Would you be willing to.." RHG,
She remembers announcing his fight.
"Eh-heh.. yeah, so .. would you be willing to.. help..?"

If her intention was to ensure that Shingo didn't remember her or pretend that she was someone he didn't know...she failed miserably. Mostly by announcing her name. If her looks didn't trigger anything in his head, then her name surely did. If only because he remembered it from when she was the special 'guest announcer' at his one SNF match. "Oh yeah! That's right! Naerose. How are you..." He's cut off when she asks her question about willing to help. "I didn't know you did charities. But okay. I'll help out. Who is this for, by the way?" Not that he doesn't trust her. Just that he wants to know who she's representing.

Quick thinking witch, ah, diversion tactic one, blame someone else.
"You see it's all Li Xiangfei's idea as super popular fighting team Strongest! should do a grass root donation themselves to.. too the red cross!" She beams brightly.
"So all you have to do is fight me, the crowds come, deposit money, we donate and the hungry are fed!"
If you knew Naerose and Xiangfei you might be very suspicious of them and the word hungry in the same sentence.

"Xiangfei? Why would it be her fault? It's not like you're doing anything wrong, right?" Asks Shingo innocently enough. "I mean, I think it's great that Strongest! is helping out the Red Cross like that." He sage nods. "I definitely will help you out then! Since it is for charity and all." The boy grins widely and seems to be taken wholly within the deception. Would this be one of the reasons why nice guys finish last? Who knows.

Shingo next starts to remove his jacket. The temperature is chilly but he can't very well give a good fight with the restrictive clothing on, right? He carefully wraps it up and places it near to the sign. "All right, Naerose! I'm ready when you are!" He grins and raises his fists into a fighting stance.

COMBATSYS: Shingo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Naerose doesn't take anything off, not her red coat or cute red mittens and certainly not her stylish red witches hat. She doesn't even remove the rabbit, which is taped to her shoulder, from her shoulder. Maybe it's supposed to look like her santa beard, instead it just looks miserable.

"Hereeeee I come!" Naerose exclaims and aims to nail Shingo in the gut with a poke of the end of her broom. Sort of a lame little attack, designed to get Shingo over time. Someday.. he'll get a hernia there and then, she'll win. This is the WAR not the battle.

Meanwhile the display is so bizarre, people do actually start to show up.

"Check this folks, I have Shingo Yabuki here!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Naerose's Weapon Jab.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

While a broom isn't exactly the most dangerous of weapons, heck it's not even considered a real weapon in most fighting circles, Shingo knows that in the hands of good fighter any object could become a weapon. So the use of the cleaning object doesn't cause him to lower his guard or underestimate his opponent at all. Though he isn't quite sure if there are some secrets hidden within it or not and settles for grabbing a hold of it by the handle just as it touches him. If you could call that a graze, much less a touch. "Oops! Almost! But not quite!"

Shingo grins at her and then it's his turn to take action. "Ok! My go now!" His other hand quickly joins the one holding the broom, albeit a little further down. He then pivots sharply while holding onto the broom. His goal? To pick up the woman on the other end and chuck her in an arc through the air. Barring that, she'll end up being tossed around him instead of over him. The end result should be the same though. Her landing on her rear in the snow.

[OOC] Shingo says, "Yo LiX."

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Naerose with Medium Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Yeah, basically she ends up flung to land in the snow on her rear. She's not thrilled about that either, really Shingo, how rude. She's not letting go of her broom though, she holds onto it the entire time! Then she gets up and. . and.. ER.. does nothing. She just stands there and watches him. Come on Shingo, make your choice! I mean, attack, or.. don't. .. ..

COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Shingo

At first Shingo is thinking that maybe he threw her a little too hard. That thought doesn't last for long though. Naerose is a fighter, right? She should be tough enough and smiles at her as she does absolutely nothing that involves attacking at the moment. "Hey? What's wrong?" Shingo bends over to the side and scoops up some loose snow. In fact, it's some of the snow that Naerose cleared for her little setup here. Compacting it his hands, Shingo turns his smile into a grin, "You want to turn this into a snowball fight or something?" The sphere of ice is then hurled at the female in red.

COMBATSYS: Naerose overcomes Thrown Object from Shingo with Sagita Major.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Shingo

"Sure a snowball fight!" Exclaims Naerose, way too cheerfully for her own good, while her other hand summons a big what looks like icicle of pain. Clearly this was stolen from a Final fantasy move becuase it looks like Edea's move of ultimate pain! It's aimed at Shingo, goes through his snowball, leaving just fragments of it and continues toward the fighter.

"I call that Sagita Major.. I don't really know what it means, I read it somewhere on line and thought it sounded cool.." Her eyes are total stars too, she eats herself up.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Shingo with Sagita Major.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Naerose          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Shingo

That's ok if she doesn't know the meaning behind her technique name. Shingo doesn't even know who Edea from Final Fantasy is. So if such a character were ever mentioned he would draw a complete blank. Almost what he does when the icicle bursts through his snowball. Then again, it was just an ordinary snowball. Anything should be able to break through it. He wasn't expecting so many shards from her projectile to splinter off though! They may be small, but there are just too much for him to escape. Slipping on the wet snow doesn't help either! Pling pling pling pling. If he were wearing armour that's exactly the sound it would make.

Crouching low from slipping and almost falling over, Shingo hehs at Naerose, "It does sound cool! In fact. It may even be cooler sounding than..." He pushes up off the ground and leaps at the witch with his leg coming down to her shoulder, "...SHINGO KIIIICKU!"

COMBATSYS: Naerose interrupts Shingo Kick from Shingo with Wisp.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Naerose          0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Shingo comes up with that foot so hard and Naerose is totally like woah... SO she takes a step back and remembers what she said before about Shingo Kick. . Most people who are hit by it, wish they hadn't been hit by it. So when he gets near her she throws up her hands, creates a flash and then while his foot is connecting with her, though probably off target - which doesn't stop it from hurting more than you can imagine - she whaps Shingo upside the head with her broom, before flying into the snow with a thud.

*CONK* Shingo's head is jerked to the side from being knocked on his right temple by the broom. "Owwwww," he comments. Even though Naerose is feeling the brunt of that little exchange they just had by the way she's in the snow. Does that mean he's going to hold back? Of course not. Shingo rarely, if ever, holds back in a fight. He believes in giving one's best one hundred and ten percent in a match. Friendly or otherwise, and no matter who it is. "That was a good hit, Naerose! Keep it up!" He's all about pumping others up too.

Then he rushes in on the girl, not too fast. Just enough so that by the time he gets there she's up on her feet and ready for a really lunge that he executes after pivoting backwards. Does his left fist look bigger than usual to anyone? Because it's coming straight for Naerose's upper-body in a wide and powerful hook punch. "KURAE!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Naerose with Dokugami Mikansei.
- Power hit! -

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Naerose          1/-======/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

A quick look at the world. . People are depositing money into the box, some canned food. They ARE interested in watching the usually lively Yabuki get into a small exhibition match. Clearly there is a massive skill difference here, but even so, the exchanges are not all one sided. So they cheer, they ooh they get hit by a flying which as she is flung like a bad mitten birdie and end up in the snow with a red clad witch on top of them. .


COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/---====|

See that? That is a big fist. Is it not the biggest fist Naerose has ever seen? Probably not. But it sure was big enough to lift her up off her feet and launch her at the ground and managed to knock down those in front. It wasn't even an uppercut!

Shingo's face gets an 'Oh crud!' look and the boy runs over to the heap of people and before he even gets there starts apologizing profusely, "So sorry, so sorry, so sorry, so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! Is everyone okay?" He starts checking everyone on the ground and sees that no one is really hurt in any way. Save for the witch. Whom looks like she's unconscious.

Shingo crouches over her and looks her over, "Hey Naerose? Are you...all right?" Hopefully she's just taking a nice nap.

COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.

She was taking a nap, but then another person deposits money into her donation bin. The sound of paper on paper, pity money for the beating the witch just took, she wakes right up! SCORE! She jumps to her feet as though someone just blinged her on. She beams at Shingo and exclaims Seasons greetings ! Happy Winter! and then bolts over to the box to see her winnings. Just then she grabs said box, jumps onto a snow drift which turns out to be a buried Vespa scooter and shouts, "SEe you sucka's! The hungry of the world, will start to be fed!" And zips off.

Log created on 16:38:54 12/14/2005 by Naerose, and last modified on 08:24:09 08/19/2007.