Description: Li Xiangfei begs Chin to improve her drunken style. He agrees, but only if she proves herself in a match! Chinese Kung-Fu gone wild! :D :D :D
Training. The Shrine was one of Chin's most favorite places for training, because of several factors. First, it had a lovely quiet atmosphere, and was in a place the sun shined a lot, so it managed to be warm even in the cold days of winter. ...Oh, and it had lots of steps and stuff for making exercise all that much more difficult and things like that. But -mostly- the atmosphere and how awesome it was to drink, smoke and take naps here. Currently, Chin was engaged in the last order of business mentioned, lying on his side at the top of the shrine steps, one hand propping up his head, the other resting on a heavy gourd bottle as he snores soundly. It wouldn't last for very long, however. Though no sound actually awakens him, he's suddenly awake, and the sun has already set. Casting an eye to the sky, Chin grumbles and mutters a bit as he stands up, using his hands to 'straighten' his back out, stretching with some audible pops here and there. "Oooh..." he says as this occurs, then begins to walk a little into the courtyard of the shrine, taking a swig of the gourd he holds. "Mmnn..."
It's then he pauses, stock still, and then takes in a deep breath. Lets it out. "KENSOU YOU LAZY BOY, YOU DIDN'T BRING ME HOME!" Chin belows this as loud as he can, and then turns around to face the steps, frowning. Well, he'll see about that... maybe a bit more stricter training would work that lazy bit out of Sie. Not likely, but it'd ease his ire! ...And so does the booze, apparently, as he takes a sip of it again.
Xiangfei, dressed up in her usual chinese ensamble, save for demin jacket, was actually on her way home after buying some... You guessed it, liquor! She's going to go home and do a little practice, you see. But she comes to a halt at the shrine steps as soon as she heres the familiar cry of an old man, "... Eh?" Wait, could it be? The chinese girls expression lights up as she dashes her way up the stairs, bottles in the plastic bag clinking and bells on her pant-loop jangling along the way.
Once she makes it to the top, her eyes widen, and she waves her free hand, "U.. Uh... Mister Chin, um, sir!" she cries, "If I could have a moment of your time, please, remember me? I'm Li Xiangfei, I was the one who fought Kensou and Kelvin a little while back!"
It's difficult not to hear the approaching girl, even as drunk as Chin is. So, as she jingles and jangles her way on up the stairs, Chin turns his attention to gaze down the dark steps at the approaching warrior, narrowing his eyes a bit behind the omnieyebrows to see clearly. "Hmm...? She seems familiar..." and of course, while waiting patiently for her to climb the steps, he takes a swig of his gourd once again, and seems inclined to simply wait there until she's standing in front of him, panting and asking for his time. Chin gives her a glance over, decides she really -does- look familiar, but can't place it... and then she places it for him. "Hm? Oh! Yes, yes, I recall now. That wasn't a bad display on your part, Miss, ah, Xiangfei. T'was a sight to behold. The leasht I can do is give you a moment. What would you need of an old has-been like me, hm?"
Xiangfei's nose scrunches up a little, and she silently 'whew's, she can smell the boozebut good! It doesn't turn her off much though, the mans modesty overrides it bigtime, "Hehe, thank you, sir.. I ah.. Well.. I actually was kind of hoping you could help me improve my drunken style a bit," she explains a bit sheepishly, "I thought that I may be able to learn a thing or two by having a match with you, and for -further- incentive!" she holds up her shopping bag, grinning even broader now, "I will throw in some free booze in the mix! What do you say, sir? Please? Pretty please?" the waitress clasping her hands togeather and hops a little, "It would mean a lot to me!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/-------|
Now, Chin is happily married, and by no means lecherous, but it's still true that people do things for pretty people that they wouldn't do for ugly people. And despite what Kensou might say, Li isn't -that- bad. Additionally, she was a good fighter seeking to improve her skills, which Chin both understood and was approving of. She was also offering a fight, which would allow Chin to work off some steam, and... well. Free booze. Who could turn down -that-? A mostly toothless grin lights up that old face as the points come together, and the old master nods his head. "Mn, mn. Your enthusiasm is admirable, and your will to train hard is unquestionable." Chin turns away and begins walking off away from Xiangfei a short distance. "If you can defeat me," he says, after taking a final swig of his gourd, "I will instruct you." And then, without much in the way of warning, the gourd is suddenly no longer in the codger's hand, but rather flying towards Li's face, a string connecting the heavy gourd with the man's hand.
COMBATSYS: Chin has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei overcomes Gourd Sling from Chin with Nanpa.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei figured that her ace in the hole would do the trick, she didn't have the best grasp of Chins personality, but she had a hunch she knew what would work and what would not. It's a good thing she went to the liquor store today! Ahem, but now then, she had to win a fight that she wasn't exactly sure she could win with drunken style alone; no she's have to use every technique in her disposal, and a whole lot of guts, "All right! -Word-!!" she cries in delight, and is cut short by the rather unexpected first attack- And she's barely able to get her defense on, throwing her palms out and releasing a large blast of light blue chi at the offending goard, knocking it up into the sky as her blast continues to push forward- And it takes quite some effort to make it keep traveling, "HYAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Chin overcomes Nanpa from Xiangfei with Double Gourd Sling.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
A good counter for his attack, surely, given the suddeness of the attack, not to mention the, er, oddness of it. Though it wasn't entirely unexpected for an old master to simply attack out of the blue, is it? It's something you see in movies all the time, and the girl was no doubt familiar with using gourds as weapons. The energy blast knocks his gourd into the air, but with a practiced flick of his wrist, the gourd sails straight back into Chin's hand again, and his other hand snaps back in order to grab his second gourd, and then both are sent to fly again at Xiangfei, the heavy gourds impacting against the projectile... and then sailing forward and through it as it disperses, heading straight for Li once again.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei negates Double Gourd Sling from Chin with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
".. Oh man!" She wasn't exactly expecting that counter attack, when she had watched Chin fight Kensou before the only thing she could really remember was the huuuge blast of flame that was spat in the end, the rest of that fight, a complete blank for the Hip-Hop Honey! Not to say that she wasn't on the ball though, The toe of her sandle catches a nice hunk of loose stone, and with a grunt that's knocked into the air with her foot, and her hand most regretably reaches into her shopping bag and whips out one of the glass bottles at the other gourd, stopping them both cold at least, "Hup, Hyah!" and alcohol splashes everywhere!
Xiang looks proud of herself at first.. But then she blinks, and tears stream down her cheeks, "... What was I thinking? That cost me ten easy..."
Comically, an omnieyebrow is raised as his gourds are blocked, the kinetic energy being met with equal force enough that it's all Chin can do it give his wrists a flick and bring the gourds on home, tucking them back into his sash-belt. A slight admonishing sound - tsk tsk tsk - can be heard from the older man as he folds his arms behind his back and stands their easily enough, watching Xiangfei as she begins to cry over the spent booze. Chin might've done so as well, though it was more of a disappointment than a full out saddness over the waste of the booze. "Mn... too focused during a fight, enough so you don't pay attention to your surroundings. That's a disadvantage when you're in fight against multiple opponents. You must be wise to your surroundings at all times, even when engaged in a deadly battle. Or even a friendly one, like this, I suppose. More like this..." one hand is brought up, and Chin strikes a more traditional pose by holding his index and middle finger up while keeping the rest curled. A deep breath in, and out... but no other action.
COMBATSYS: Chin focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei mmnnghs, her lips curling inward.. She of course deserved the lecture for her actions, but even she knows that she's just a spontaneous fighter, often her body moves before she even knows what she's doing! She sets the plastic bag down to avoid any more temptations, and gives a meek, ".. Yes sir," calm breath herself, and she claps her hands, one eye closed as she fans her fingertips outward, followed by a very quick hand motion, left with just her thumb and pointer fingers togeather as she cries, "HAH!"
A golden pillar of chi appears, long and slender, taking an almost dragon-like shape as it whips and twirls, blowing her hair upward, "All right then, I'll avoid such mistakes again, lets go!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chin 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
He was quite familiar with spontanenity in fighting. After all, he was Kensou's master. But that didn't make it any more acceptable. Chin watches calmly as the chi flares about the girl, and gives a slight nod of his head. Yes, that was the way to do it. And while Chin could more or less let this lie and perhaps even gather his own will, admonishing the girl for letting the fight lie... no. He was slightly inebriated, and also slightly irked still about Kensou leaving him here. So, he quite simply begins to charge the girl, and then upon reaching her, grab for her wrist. If it connects, he'll spin the arm, then crouch low, and more or less shoulder check her roughly to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Chin's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei doesn't have her guard dropped when she's doing this, in fact she's well aware that Chin is pressing on the attack, and more than ready, by the time he reaches and grabs her wrist, the pillar has vanishes and she twirls around with him, but her free arm is ready to take the brunt of the shoulder-check, "Oof!" and she slides back a little, scuffing her sandals, "That was close," she murmurs, mainly to herself, and then the girl twirls around again by herself, sweeping low and holding her arms out like airplane wings.
And at that very moment a ring of dust blows from beneath her feet, sending the girl rocketing upward, and she attempts to slam her shoulder right into the old-mans chest on the way up, "Yaaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Xiangfei's Tenpou Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
Chin's attack being blocked is a sad thing, yes, but not disheartening. As Xiangfei sweeps around to follow up his attack with her own, the old man is inclined to more or less let the alcohol take over at this point. The best way to dodge is for your body to not be in the way of the attack, so the old drunk master does what he does best. In a almost inhuman display of flexibility, considering his age, the man bends backwards. Waaaay backwards. The shoulder rises and meets air, and at the same time, Chin keeps flexing backwards, hands raising to catch himself as he meets the ground, and then he more or less performs a flip. But as he does so, he aims to bring his foot up, aiming for the girl's midsection with a rough flip kick.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Chin's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is in shock when the man displays such flexibility without dying! Not that she'd wish such a thing on the drunken master, but you know.. After backflipping as well in mid air, she thrusts her palms outward toward Chins kick on the way down, more or less deflecting hersekf off if the kick without getting hurt too much herself, "Yikes," she mubmles again, shaking out her hands, and then is back on the offensive, sweeping forward with a simple combination, kicking at Chins left side and then his right with a step forward, "Hup! Hah!" and completed with a palm thrust toward the chest, "KYAH!"
COMBATSYS: Chin blocks Xiangfei's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Yikes indeed. He may be ninety year old, a drunkard, and pretends to be a dottering old fool most of the time, but no matter whether he really IS addled and senile or not, Chin knows more about fighting than most fighters alive right now do, even if his condition ails. So he's already prepared as Li prepares her follow up, and as the man rises, his arms come up to absorb the blows and the final strike, which ultimately don't seem to hurt all that much - though it does hurt - and sends him skidding across the ground a short distance. Here, he lowers his arms and then breathes in deeply. "You aren't bad," he confesses. "But you've yet to show me what you can really do, hm? You'd better get serious!" And just then, in order to show her how serious -he- is... he... grabs a gourd and begins taking a swig. Xiangfei might remember this from watching his fight with Kensou, however - he's not just doing it to taunt, he's gathering his will. There's no obvious signs of it, though one could -feel- it happening.
COMBATSYS: Chin gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei gasps lightly, but quickly slaps a hand over her mouth.. She actually can't tell what Chin is -actually- doing, in fact she easily confuses it for just setting up for the tremendous attack he had used last time she saw Chin fight. But what was he waiting for? SOme sort of opening? "Er, thank you," she replies cautiously, "But I'm not ready to show everything I have just yet, that's unfitting for my style!" she takes a couple of steps forward, and then her hand sweeps down, thumb catching the loose rope dangling from her pocket, and when her palm thrusts outward, her beloved N-Gage swings outward, somewhat protected in a silver, metal case, and she's hoping to whallop the old man right in the head with it with a loud *CLACK*- before it's tugged back in the same motion, slung idly over her shoulder, "Wataah!"
COMBATSYS: Chin interrupts Esaka from Xiangfei with Demon Drink.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Perhaps it's best that Xiangfei doesn't feel the energy flowing about. She'd probably be less confused. Most fighters in this situation do as the girl did - they block, or otherwise take evasive action. Chin, however, will have none of that. In a show of drunken, mighty force, the old man's hand comes up to more or less catch the N-Gage as it's sent in to crash against him. And yes, the attack hurts once again, but perhaps not as much as it could've. Though... was that a -creak- in the old man's arm? Nevertheless, as the attack is stopped, Chin gives a broad grin... and then breathes outwards, most of the sake he had just taken a swig of being spat out, but then immediately converted into flame by Chin's psycho power, though this probably isn't felt. Not as big as his previous use of it that Li saw, the spout of fiery psycho power is still formidable!
Chun-Li has arrived.
"WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" completely unexpected all right, that right there is the pain train, and Xiangfei for a moment is lit up like a match, legs kicking upward as she crashes onto the rocky surface of the ground. Needless to say that was a -lot- more painful than it looked, as the Hip-Hop Honey learns the hard way. Clothes singed as she manages to get to her feet, she looks to Chin in utterdisblief, and then in admirance, "W.. W.. Wow! That was more effective than I ever imagined! B.. but I'm not out of it yet, believe that!" indeed not, as the female chinese fighter sprints forward again, and spins around throwing a spinning heel kick at the mans shoulder, "Kyah!" her hands pull into fists now, and she delivers two quick punches toward the gut, "Hup! Hah!" and finally she reels back one one foot, and strikes forward to complete the combination with a big-ol headbutt, "Hai!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Xiangfei's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
[OOC] Chin says, "Hey, she's trying to learn the art of drunk-fu from me. :|"
[OOC] Chun-Li says, "Y-You're turning my greatest fan to the ways of debauchery?!"
[OOC] Xiangfei *_*
[OOC] Chin says, "She came seeking me!"
[OOC] Chun-Li says, "That won't hold up in court, mister. You're goin' down!"
[OOC] Chin >_> <_<
[OOC] Chin *ninja vanish*
[OOC] Chun-Li locks and loads. =.=
[OOC] Chun-Li!
[OOC] Chun-Li says, "Next time, Gadget!"
Didn't he warn her to get serious?! He's pretty sure he did. Though the alcohol was getting to him now. Well... getting to him -more-, anyway, you see. And that's why, as the young fighter praises him, the man laughs cheerfully, and then gestures with his gourd. "If you can beat me," he says in a sing-song, "You'll learn much the same! Otherwise, you will need to train as with Kensou." But then, the woman's in action again. And there Chin goes, displaying his flexibility and speed and mastery of the drunk-fu ways by first bending under the first kick... and then... falling? Yes, that's right, the old master seems to lose his footing and ends up on his back with a pronounced whoop of air as it seems he's knocked the air from himself. He doesn't move after the dodge, either, instead simply content to lie there for a moment, with a goofy grin on his face, chuckling to himself about something or other.
COMBATSYS: Chin takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
"W.. With.. K.. K.. Kensou?" Xiangfei sputters, her eyebrow twitching and then she quickly shakes her head, "N.. No way!!" Please, give the girl a moment ot completely freak out while Chin lays passed out on the floor- She.. She'd rather die than have to do that! But it also fires the chinese girl up, hands clenching into tighter fists as she nods her head, and stares... Downward? Though she's not going to fall for that trick, she's used that technique before, and as such she leaps into the air, flips and then stomps a foot at his gut! And should that connect, he's used as a real life DDR pad, a series of stomps following, "Yaaaaa-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-TAAI!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Xiangfei's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Perhaps he was chuckling about her reaction to his little speech. Or perhaps he's just drunk. Bets on the latter? Probably a lot. But no matter, as Chin proves he's possibly an even -more- dangerous fighter when he really is inebriated, for as the Hip-Hop Honey descends from her jumping kick... her foot connects with nothing but the gravel of the ground, as Chin has rolled backwards onto his feet once again. "Hoo!" He cries, and then immediately following that, he's going for the gourds once again, tossing two of them out as he had done before at the girl, both hurtling towards her midsection at top speed.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Chin's Double Gourd Sling.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Call it an act of desperacy, granted Xiang was still in fairly good shape given the circumstances, but she definatly didn't want to take any more hits.. But she's got to figure out a way to get a blow in on the drunken master! When the double slings come racing toward her, she immedietly leaps upward, having a good idea when the gourd strings would go slack and stops her decent around that time. She drops into a crouch, slaps her hands togeather in front of her face again and curls one into a fist as she mutters something under her breath, eyes locked on the old man. Hold on to your butts!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
A good, solid dodge that is, and as the gourds strike nothing but air, Chin recalls them by giving a tug on their strings, and they're "reholstered" onto his sash belt. But then, he watches her as she backs off and then begins to seem to focus on something. Well, Chin decides to play ball with that! But in an unusual way. Rather than attacking, he simply seems to be content on... dancing. Quite literally, the old man begins to hop from foot to foot, performing a simple dance that more or less enhances the image of him as a monkey, laughing along merrily as he does so. He even takes a swig from one of the gourds again...
COMBATSYS: Chin gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 1/------=/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei.... Sweatdrops. I mean really, is there any other appropriate reaction for what the man is doing? She's done some goofy stuff in her time yes, but this was beyond her level of understanding, ".... Uh," she replies, her eyes just little dots for a moment as a tumbleweed passes by. ".............."
Xiangfei isn't sure how to react at first, but this time she sprints forward and moves just alittle faster, fairly sure that this time around she can strike fast enough to maybe get him to spit that liquor right back out before he can use that insane technique again, "WwwWWAAATAAH!" she twirls around and leaps, hoping to strike the mans shoulder with her heel and land just as quickly. Should that connect, it should leave his side exposed, the woman twirling gracefully again to ram her shoulder into the small of his back, "HAI!"
COMBATSYS: Chin blocks Xiangfei's Ryokuchi Kou'en.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chin 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Chin had to admit that Xiangfei was a good fighter. And her sudden launch of an attack was proof of that - just how fast she moves is really quite impressive. So caught up in his dance, he has very little time to react, though he manages to catch the first strike on his raised arm, redirecting it from his shoulder, and the shoulder rush he actually catches with his gourd, though his arms give creaking sounds again as they impact, and the man is forced to yowl a little with pain, skipping back away from the Chinese girl. And then? Then?! Chin... begins dancing again, this time literally flipping down onto his hands and clapping his feet together as he hops from one hand to the other, moving in a circle, and clapping his feet together. "Ish this the besh you can do? Come, come, I want to see shome effort, lesh Kenshou g-getsh-sh a new trainin' partner! Hee hee!" He's acting wild for a reason, of course. But few know Chin's methods, really. He's just so unconventional. Like even now, you'd think he was parading around drunk, but his eyes, through the omnieyebrows, see all, observing Li's moves carefully. As he laughs, claps (with his feet) and dances (on his hands).
COMBATSYS: Chin focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chin 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is just.. Is just like -what-? Chin is growing gradually more and more confusing, and the only thing she can really do about it is.. Uh.. Assume that it is clear that Chin has reached another level of hardcore by being so TOTALLY drunk. What's a girl to do? "What?? N.. No -way-!!" Xiangfei cries again, utterly horrified by the very suggestion, but again she doesn't do anything rash just yet- There's got to be a weak point in his style somewhere, and she's got to find it! She reaches into her denim jacket and whips out a large yen coin, gripping it tightly and then curls her hands back as if she were about to throw a hadouken!
Which is only the half-truth, the kung-fu fighter crouching and the shiny silver coin goes racing from her cupped hands like a bullet, aimed to hopefully smack the old coot right between the eyes!
COMBATSYS: Chin endures Xiangfei's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chin 1/---====/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Oooh! The coin impacts where it was intended, and for a moment, Chin's eyes are visible behind the hair, wide and looking shocked from the pain. In fact, he's in pain so much that he literally falls backwards off his hands and begins to roll around, crying out a few times, or rather -yelping- in pain. "Ow ouch ouch ow ouch!" He moans... but see, there's something odd about how he rolls. While at first it seems random and wild, after a brief moment, Chin begins to roll towards Xiangfei after briefly getting to his feet and then initiating a swift roll towards the girl. As he nears her, he smoothly rises to a crouch, and aims a firm uppercut to her midsection, with a cry of: "Hoowah!"
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Xiangfei with Totsu Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Chin 1/---====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei isn't suprised by the fact her attack hits dead on, she's just more concerned about Chins reaction.. That was.. Uh.. was that part of the script? Unfortunatly for her, it isn't nearly as helpful a technique as she would have hoped it would be, he's still moving not only very quickly, but very wildly as well, she isn't sure is she should sway left or right.. And then it's just too late, the small fighter grunting as the uppercut hits dead on and sends her airborn for just a brief moment, "Uurgh!" she's lifted upward, leaning back to hand-spring back to her feet and she gives a light shake of her head- And BOOM! A cloud of dust billows out behind her, Xiangfei swinging her palm forward and looking to slam her palm into the old mans chest, "HAH!" this is followed up by a double-palm strike to the same spot, "YAH!" and finally she twirls and completes the combination with a powerful shoulder-rush, "KYAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Chin interrupts Chou Pai-Long from Xiangfei with Gou'en Shourai.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Chin 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Chin seems to have a bit of trouble getting to his feet after the move... it seems the 'smooth' part of rising from the roll into a punch is only because it's been practiced time and again. Giving a grunt as his ankles creak, the old man seems in no condition for what he's about to do next. But Chin's just full of surprises, isn't he? The first attack lands successfully, however, the palm striking his chest and illiciting a heavy 'oof!' from him. It's that moment, however, when the hand is drawn back in order to initiate the second attack. That's when things turn to hell. Almost literally. Because the air around the two fighters, quite suddenly, ignites into a hellish sphere of flame. Chin, as well, launches forward, and before Li can even make the second strike, he's all up in her grill with a punishing series of kicks, punches, and even gourd slings, before there's a final strong, dual-open palmed strike to her midsection that should send her flying back out of the flaming sphere - though that disappears as soon as the attack is over, Chin left standing in his position panting a bit.
Hoooly mackeral! It had to happen at some point, didn't it? But it all happens so fast, one minute she's delivering swift, kung-fu justice, and the next she's lost within a painful combination, completely dazzled by the hardcoreness of it all. And surely enough that's got to be all,as the girl flops onto the ground motionless for a moment, but then her eyes snap open, and with tremendous effort, she sits up, singed, huffing and wheezing, "A.. All right... Fair enough," she sputters, "But you won't get me down that... Easy.." she slowly gets to her feet, breathing heavy, and she slings another coin at the old man, clearly going for a set-up of her own.. Of course, this would only be good if she could somehow keep herself pumped up, and trick her body into continuing to fight!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
[OOC] Xiangfei waggles her eyebrows.
[OOC] Chin says, "augh she's so cute"
[OOC] Chin says, "And not you."
[OOC] Chin says, "Elysia on FMA."
[OOC] Xiangfei says, "......"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Xiangfei's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Hm...? She was still up? Now -that- was surprising. He'd heard - and fought a few - fighters who could rely on deep pools of reserve. The stuff you kept locked up somewhere inside. So he's almost shocked enough that he gets pegged again by the coin, though he's got enough sense to move his head, and there the coin goes, whizzing by his head. A moment later, Chin manages to unlock his body from the position he had gotten himself into (and how his joints complain, ow). But then, the old man's in motion. He races towards her... and moves to more or less jump up and land on her shoulders with his feet, crouched down. What's he do then? He... takes his gourd bottle, pops the cork, and then moves to make with the drinky. Or rather, to make her make with the drinky. "You've done enough! Sleep well!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Chin's Gou Inshu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Chin 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
"....." is a pretty accurate representation of Xiangs thoughts.. I mean, she's just so suprised he up and leaps on her, that she doesn't react at first, and she slaps her hands upward, thinking he's going to smash the bottle over her head or something. Whatever's going on though, she gets a little bit of alcohol in her mouth and over her face, but that's the extent of it before she pushes the guy off, "Quit it!" she yells, spitting a little and staggers to the side, then the girl bursts forward again with her triple combination, palm thrust, double palm, and instead of a shoulder to finish things off, spins around and gives a powerful heel kick, "KYAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin interrupts Chou Pai-Long from Xiangfei with Totsu Ken.
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Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
[OOC] Xiangfei LAUGHS!!
That's some high-proof alcohol he gave her! And he seems a bit saddened she didn't enjoy it! No one wanted to share his liquor when he offered. It was obviously too much for most. Still, she she begins to flail, he jumps off her shoulders and lands easily enough... though not fast enough to see her attack coming so fast. So the attack impacts against his chest once again, like it did before, and while he had done something pretty fancy before, this time he goes for the simple thing. As her fist begins to withdraw, Chin's hands snap up and he grabs her wrist, and then quite simply he clings to the arm as she pulls her arm back, and impacts against her midsection with his feet, then lets go of her wrists and gives a roll backwards, springing to his feet once more.
Round and round she goes.. Where Xiangfei stop, nobody knows!
And she'd probably be having a little more fun if she wasn't totally aching all over, groaning weakly during the trip and with a comedic *zing* flips in the air and crashes hard onto her back. And she... Is still alive? How is that even -possible-? It's because the darn girl never dies, that's why! She's definatly worse for wear now, shoulders heaving, stature slouched, but despite how tired she looks, her spirit is burning brighter than it's ever burned before, it's totally sweet! Distance isn't a problem for her next technique, growling lightly and another large cloud of smoke bursts behind her, the force seeming to take a part in suddenly shooting the girl at Chin like a little bullet, her shoulder extended, and looking to give the drunk man the shoulder rush of his entire life! "M.. Man.. You're really tough.. Sir.." she manages to sputter.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Chin with Dai Tetsujin.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\ < > ]
Chin 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
[OOC] Chin says, "Hah."
And apparently, so is she. Though his counter was spot on... her own follow up was rather intense. Too fast for him to dodge, even if he makes the attempt, the shoulder slams neatly into the old man's middle, and how! It causes a rush of air from the older man, and a yowl of pain. But... he's not out yet. Not just yet. Standing there, panting heavily from his exhaustion as well as his pain, Chin has one final trick up his sleeve. It should look familiar. Because as it's made, the entire courtyard lights up, and a heat wave pushes back the cold night air. The huge flaming gout rushes from the old man towards Xiangfei... and regardless of whether it hits or not, after it clears, he can be found, collapsed, on the courtyard floor.
COMBATSYS: Chin can no longer fight.
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Xiangfei 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Chin's Roaring Flame Inferno.
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Xiangfei 0/-------/-----==|
That was really the point of the whole fight.. That was the attack Xiangfei wanted to see! However she doesn't really have time to enjoy it, her body is seriously getting overworked from this fight! And she knows that even if the attack grazes her she's done for- So she digs down.. She digs -deep- down inside of herself, taking a light, yellow glow for a moment, she takes a page right out of Chins book and leans back, waay back, but uses her arms to balance herself, depending on her chi to protect her a bit from the intense heat of the roaring flame. "Nnngh..." see, she learned! But the girl from that point barely has anything left herself, she then collapses onto her back, gasping for air, and eyes clenched shut. That was certainly one heck of a fight, and she was very very lucky in the end.. But that's all part of having guts, isn't it?
Log created by Xiangfei, and last modified on 21:09:26 01/04/2006.