Description: The ultimate training match! Kim Kaphwan vs May Lee!! Will the student prove to be greater than the master?!!?! ... Well, no. But she does get in some nice hits! The first two poses have been eaten by the gods of 'Didn't-Know-Who's-Logging.'
(I'm heeeeeeeeeeeeere~!)
Kim looks up, expression bright and grin all the brighter. A single hand raises, forming into a universal symbol of awesome justice:
The thumbs up.
"Wonderful!!" Can you FEEL the teeth ping?!
He stands, straightening his gi. He had a rather rough time earlier as well, a narrow loss to a woman of an injustice that felt wrong on many levels, but even so; Kim is an even faster individual at recovering! And that loss simply means, he has all the more training to do to better himself as an individual before he can feel right facing that woman once more, and bringing true justice upon her! Which is why he's here today, or was here. Now... it's time to focus on one of his students.
"We're going to have a sparring match, May Lee!" It's pronounced so energetically, in such a lively manner, that it hardly seems the tone should belong to a man of his age. And it does, as his grin fades into a smile, feet spreading into a combat-ready pose as arms lift, a single hand beckoning forward. "Come at me whenever you're ready!"
COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.
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Kim 0/-------/-------|
So bright, radiant, shiny! He doesn't brush his teeth, his teeth brush the brush!
Oh goodness, he ... he truly does want to spar?! May Lee seems most excited at this propisition, enough so her little hands ball up into fists and her eyes sparkle brightly. "Yes! Of course, Mr. Kim! And we will fight at our best!" It's almost like she forgot how badly Bernstein stomped her ass, already.
But at the indication to attack, May Lee charges right on ahead, moving in to attack head-on. That's exactly how it should be done in a fair, one on one fight. Not everyone understands the purity of combat such as this! It's saddening, really, to see all the underhanded deeds and the hidden weapons or the taint of evil! None the less, May's first attack is swift and without hesitation, planting one foot to the ground to provide Kim with a solid roundhouse kick aimed at his side.
COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges MayLee's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 MayLee
Let's do our best! Kim wouldn't have it, any other way!
May Lee comes charging, and Kim is prepared for her. In a spar, things must be honorable. In a fight, you must remain honorable. If an enemy uses a weapon, that is their choice - but it is not May Lee's to stoop to that level. Which is why, when she rushes towards him, he smiles a little, tenses his legs...
... and pivots to the side before May Lee's attack can connect. Soaring harmlessly to the side, the wind brushing past Kim's gi, he smiles and nods once, vigorously. "Good! But you need to remember, to keep a good eye of your surroundings!" And as he says this, the Defender of Justice raises a single leg into the air -- before SLAMMING it down into the ground, creating a rather vicious shockwave through the area around both himself and May Lee.
COMBATSYS: MayLee endures Kim's Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
The surroundings-? Oh shit, the surroundin-- *BAM*
May Lee's knees jerk into a folded position as the ground is rocked by the sudden shockwave-- no doubt dust has fallen from the ceiling, inside-- and she drops back a step, hand touching the ground as she nearly falls to one knee. That was a pretty good jolt, but not good enough! Back into movement just like that, and with the bright and cheerful grin that only she can possess, May recovers that step immediately. "Ha!" is her kiai, and in just a moment, airborne.
It isn't much of a jump, but a reasonable hop that puts her a decent height into the air. Kim gets an excellent view of her at the hip level as she makes a swift spin in the air, legs lashing out into a split as one foot is aimed to plant squarely into the Servant of Justice's chest!
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Kim with Surprise Air.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 MayLee
Hop, hop goes Kim, back and away from May after the initial slam of his foot against the training grounds' floor. But she doesn't seem to be completely downed by it, which is a pleasant surprise for Kim. One that he takes with a startled grin as she once more flies through the air in an intent to strike Kim in the chest - and she does, quite successfully! Ow! He staggers back a bit, but doesn't show a grimace. Rather, he smiles. "Your technique has been improving, hasn't it?"
The compliment is meant to be a compliment. But it doesn't stop him from attacking after, sending an elbow for May Lee's chest and, if successful, following it up with a jumping roundhouse kick to her side. A sudden strike of blows meant to send May Lee staggering back and away as Kim lands with a light hop of his feet, hands up and at the ready.
COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Heavy Kick from Kim with Self Rebellion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 MayLee
"Thank you! I've been practicing hard!"
It's odd how people can talk like that in the middle of leaps and kicking and fighting. Once on her feet and ready again, in comes Kim with that lead-off elbow. May Lee grunts at the strike, staggering just a step before the experienced taekwondo fighter brings his leg around with the jumpking kick. Her forearm raises to parry the blow, jolting a step before she smoothly steps in to counter!
May Lee sweeps up her leg for a sharp vertical kick meant to put Kim back into his ascent, stepping forward with the momentum to throw a second kick at his gut, a smoothly executed roundhouse designed to put a degree of distance between them. Quickly resuming her stance, the superhero in training grins and points. "I've also had a great teacher!"
A good teacher indeed!
Apparantly Kim should feel proud of himself. And he does, where most would feel the 'ow' sensation coursing through their bodies. Instead, Kim looks rather pleased with his student's progress so, even as he lets out a grunt of pain as her final, roundhouse kick slams into his gut, he smiles as he rapidly descends to the ground. A good teacher -- what a compliment! Well. It just means he has to prove what a good teacher he is!
And he does so by recovering in mid-air, just before he hits the ground. Hands slam into the training grounds, gracing himself so that he is diagonally upright. Hands press against the ground, tense, and push off, before Kim is leading an aerial strike with both feet - aimed for May Lee's stomach with a good deal of speed and strength behind them.
COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Kim's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 MayLee
So skillful! Look at how he reacts to those kicks, and to the way he so swiftly recovers himself! It's clear as to why she admires him, and why she thinks Jae Hoon and Dong Hwan are so lucky. May Lee's starstruck moment leads her to be left a bit open, snapping out of it as she sees him coming down from above with his attack poised and ready. Oh -- shoot!
Light on her feet, May hooks her body into an acrobatic cartwheel, more of a flip by nature as her hands opt not to touch the ground to give her the appropriate balance and guidance she should, by rights, have. It's just tough when you fight someone like Kim, you know? But her feet touching ground just like that, she takes advantage of the distance and positioning to make a bit of a forward hop, swinging her leg up for a swift kick to the upper thigh, followed by a kick aimed high, seeking to put the top of her foot to his noggin. "Ha!"
COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends MayLee's Lightning Needle!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 MayLee
She's fast. Good! Her reflexes are improving, it's a good sign. He grins a little at the successful dodging fro his attack, landing easily on his feet with a few steps backwards. It affords him enough time to see what's coming as May Lee hops towards him with yet another kicking attack. Of course. It's good to see her growing so adept at the use of Tae Kwon Do! And he'll show her -- just how good she /can/ be!
As the first kick comes, his foot slides out. With almost uncanny grace and reaction time, Kim snaps the foot out to lightly brush against his student's incoming assault, sending it astray from it's path. As for the kick to his head? A tap of two fingers send it so that it flies right past his smiling face. It's all she'll get to see before he leaps into the air, intent on striking /downward/ against May Lee's upper body in a series of powerful bicycle kicks. "Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 MayLee
Though it's surprising to see how smooth he is, handling her two kicks just like -that- ... well ... it just IS. The way he just taps one leg aside, and the way the other was met with a kick of his own. How wonderful! And with his famous Hishou Kyaku in transit, May Lee brings up her arms for a classic cross-arm 'shield' defense, looking to recieve the damage to her forearms rather than take it anywhere else. Unfortunately, the man is just -too- strong, finding her arms cast aside and the feet raining down on her torso.
Dropped to an awkward angle on one knee, May's hands go down to keep herself steadied and balanced. Like being hit with a hammer, that ferocity! But May Lee Jinju is never out for the count until ... she is! In that low position, she scoots her leg around and tries for a swift hook of her legs, her foot looking to plant a swift and almost jab-like kick at his ankle to unsteady his footing!
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Kim with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 MayLee
There we are! There's some speed from the girl! The recovery time of May Lee is absolutely astounding, such that he can't really block her assault in time - he does try to defend, and too the girl's credit, that foot moves right past his defenses to assault his ankle! It doesn't really hurt too badly, though; the man staggers, and falls back a bit, but that's the extent of it.
The falling back, May Lee might notice, is slightly more pronounced... mainly because, as he falls, he suddenly leaps up, both feet attempting to slam into his student's chin with a kicking back-flip, with a good deal of speed behind the assault. She better watch out, there!
COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 MayLee
An awkward position for Kim to attack from, but hey-- it isn't as if he isn't a master of his art! Still in her crouch, May Lee watches the kick and the way it's being thrown at her. How else to dodge but in the oddest of ways? In this case, her expression-- which roughly equates to a Keanuesque "Whoa!"-- is surprise as she pushes off with the leg still supporting her weight, flopping with all the grace and dignity of a fish to narrowly escape having a foot give her chin a 'how do you do'.
Hands poised by her head, she kips to her feet like the snap of a whip, watching him for just a moment. It's more for a matter of timing than anything, not exactly wanting to step forward too quickly and get a good punt to the noggin for all of her efforts. Regardless, she steps in quickly and spins, looking to catch Kim in the ribs with a rather swift back roundhouse kick, looking to lay out the hurt with her heel!
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Kim with Spinning Edge.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kim 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 MayLee
[OOC] Mature shakes her head. :|
There's nothing awkward about anything that Kim does! HUZZAH! Even as May Lee dodges, Kim isn't really bothered much by it. Instead, he prepares for her next assault - which seems to be coming at him rather swiftly. While he doesn't underestimate May's speed, he does seem to overestimate his own, and as he backpedals, the assault knocks him in the side. But despite the fact that he winces and grunts, it doesn't seem to do too much damage... just throws him off, for a brief moment.
A brief moment that doesn't last TOO long before he's tensed and leaping through the air once again. This time, he seeks to slam both feet against the top of May Lee's head, to send her crashing to the earth below. Unless he's otherwise hindered, he'll carry through, landing in a splits-position upon ending the strike with bright eyes and a smile.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Hangetsu Zan.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 MayLee
[OOC] May Lee says, "omg"
Ba-bam! May Lee's head bounces like it were a bobble head, falling swift and hard to the ground from the utter force of Kim's attack. Certainly, the attack rattled the rocks upstairs, but it isn't as if she didn't expect this-- and she's had much harder knocks than that, before! ... Well ... maybe. That kick -hurt-, though.
After her awkward landing, May Lee is up on her feet and shaking her head out, eyes focused and clear. "Here I come!" And just like that, she advances forward with a deliberate step, making with a rather smooth and brutal forward flip. The flip in itself is an attack-- an overhead dropkick of sorts, though one leg will be left behind. Pausing for a second, she follows through with a rather painful spinning back kick aimed to take Kim right off his feet and probably knock the wind right the heck out of him. "Prepare!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks MayLee's Rougetsu Kourin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Kim 1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0 MayLee
You know... Kim is still in splits by the time May Lee comes rushing at him again. Making her intent clear, the man narrows his eyes and nods once. "Show me what you've got!" And there she comes, with a flip kick intended to attack him from above. But Kim is there to block - with a single hand no less, gripping her foot before he springs up into the air and lets go.. and clashes against May Lee's foot with one of his own, with almost perfect precision. And of course, a light-hearted grin as he negates the force of her blow, and then... uses her own foot to push off, and gain more ground in a flipping leap.
The jump sends him clear across, nearly to the other side of the room. His legs spread, tense, arms at the ready. "You put your all into that!" He says this with a nod of approval, and a smile. "Then... let me put my all into this one for you!!" And then? Kim leaps through the air, with one leg outstretched in a jump kick, meant to slam right into May Lee's chest. And if it words, the worst is yet to come!!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Hou'ou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Kim 0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1 MayLee
The first kick hits, but it's only the start. The Hou'ou Kyaku, the move Kim is most well known for - and also his strongest. It seems he really has decided to go all out on her, this time around! So, he strikes her in the chest, and after that... comes a flurry of lightning fast kicks that slam into her chest, her shoulders, her stomach -- all in a rapid succession too fast for the human eye to keep up with. How many he performs isn't really something that can be easily read - just A LOT. And then, to finish it, his legs tense... and he performs a somersault kick, to smash into the girl's chin and send her flying through the air and away from him as he lands with a light hop, ready to go yet again.
She ... doesn't really get the time to talk. Or shout, or scream or wail in pain. It just kinda ... happens. Just like that.
Her arms don't get up to cover herself in time, she doesn't have the speed to dodge away. If May Lee has any excuse for not being able to see the result of Kim's attack, it's because her eyes are clenched shut from each of the repeated, powerful blows. As the final kick comes up and rattles her teeth with the force against her chin, she makes a rather clean backflip through the air and lands on her stomach, hands clawing at the ground as if to grab onto something and cling with all her might. She's conscious, though in a rather strong daze; wind knocked so throughly from her that it's taking her a minute to breathe correctly, eyes having lost their focus. Her arms feel somewhat locked into place, what with the stiffness, pain, and throbbing...
COMBATSYS: MayLee takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-------|
... Hm. That seems to have done a bit more than Kim anticipated. His brows furrow in concern as she seems to writhe and claw at the ground in pain. His eyes grow a bit sad as he frowns, his offensive stance relaxing into normalcy again as he walks towards his student amiably. "You did well, May Lee!" He offers it gently, a compliment to her abilities before he lowers himself to scoop her up. "Here... we'll bring you downstairs and you can rest, hm? You can have supper with us; my wife's planning an excellent meal, and it should reenergize you in no time!" He picks her up gently unless she resists, offering a soft smile to her before heading back inside.
"Congratulations, May Lee; you excelled."
COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kim, and last modified on 08:52:26 12/23/2005.