Description: A dramatic duel of fate! The evil secretary of injustice, Mature, faces off with the savior of justice, Kim, at the abandoned Shrine in the forests of Southtown! Exploding kicks! Witty banter! A DYNAMIC CLASH!! Who will win?!?! Brought to you by Mature's bitching!
There's a harsh, unforgiving chill in the air, one that even the thickest of coats fails to protect when the winds decide to kick up. Still, the cold doesn't keep people at bay. People like Mature.
Somehow, the blonde secretary found herself standing at the top of the long, stone staircase leading up to its courtyard. Like usual, there's an expensive cell phone pressed to her ear, blue eyes squinting through the encroaching darkness toward the main building. "Yeah," the woman says, idly. "Uh huh. I'll call you back. Bye." The clam-like phone is disconnected as her long fingers press it shut.
Tucking the phone away into the depths of her long, black coat, Mature stuffs her leather-gloved hands into her coat pockets. With an exhale and a puff of white slipping past her lips, the woman approaches the courtyard, heels softly click-clicking against the smooth stones. A break, if anything, from the humdrum of her busy, everyday doings. Even arrogant, self-centered secretaries need reprieve from their demanding schedules.
Cold, unforgiving chill in the air?! A wind that even the strongest of people must wear coats in to even stay reasonably comfortable?! There is no greater coat to shield you from the bitter chill... than JUSTICE!!
A nice coat often helps sometimes, though.
This shrine has long since been abandoned. The cold wind whips dull white vapor through the crumbling structures surrounding the shrine. But that doesn't mean that people don't sometimes visit this shrine. On the contrary; a shrine is still a shrine, no matter what the level of decay. The spirit and passion of old religion still holds strong in this place no matter how ancient it may be, and so, as Mature approaches, she might notice... there are a series of lights glowing with orange, comforting warmth within the shrine.
Kim Kaphwan, resident defender of justice and hero of South Korea, has found a temporary residence inside this shrine out of completely voluntary reasons. The long series of candles he has lit serves as a small protection against the cold. The white coat he wears helps in that regard, as well. Here he sits, legs curled in underneath him, head bowed and eyes closed. He's here today, simply to pay respect to his ancestors in the best way he knows how - honoring them in his thoughts and feelings.
Has the shrine been abandoned? Then why are there lights coming from within? Pausing in her trek to the courtyard, the blonde secretary squints at the distant light, lips pursing lightly in deliberation. Is it a squatter looking to spare himself from the cold? Or just some religious retreat for spiritual guidance? Suffice to say, Mature's interest is duly piqued, clear by the light twitch of a smirk that dares to cross her otherwise bored expression.
The blonde seems to care less whether or not the current occupant of the abandoned shrine hears her approach; heels click rather pointedly about the flat stones, the trim of her long coat trailing behind her with each swift step. Eventually those steps lead her to the sliding door that separates her from the occupant within. And without hesitation the blonde's gloved hand reaches out--
--with a sharp jerk the door slams open, and harsh blue eyes peer down at the seated figure with his head bowed. "What are you doing?" the woman barks. A smirk dances sharply across her red lips. "Honoring the dead? How foolish."
It's the cold that he feels first when the door slams open. Not cold from the outside world, though.
He feels the winter chill of a cruel woman's voice.
It causes him to shiver just a little, as his eyes are jarred open from their peaceful reverie, his thoughts disrupted - the dead do not get his complete honor and attention, and for it, he frowns. It suggests a woman who has no respect no honor, not for the dead nor for the living. So when he turns his head to greet her with a smile, is it any wonder why it's devoid of his usual warmth?
"... You must be new here." He asserts this, because it's the only likely explanation for her rudeness. He's never met the woman before; but he does not like the feeling he gets from her. Something off. Something... wrong. "It's tradition to give respect to one's ancestor's. Don't you have family of your own to show your respect to?" He turns now, lifting easily from his crouched position, rubbing his arms with a soft exclamation of how cold it is.
"It's rude to barge in and interrupt the respects of the dead. So that's why you must be new here."
There's the harsh of the unrelenting winter air, and then there's the cold chill of Mature's words-turned-daggers. Icy eyes narrow dangerously, lips pulling into a faint but scathing smirk. Aww, did she interrupt his prayer? Did he fail to truly honor and respect his dead ancestors?
Excuse her for not caring.
"New? I think not," the woman says scornfully, her words as compassionate as winter. Tossing her head lightly to the side, the woman lifts her chin arrogantly, baby blues drawing to a haughty close. The door is, of course, left wide open. Already a few candles have been snuffed.
"'Tradition?' More like a waste of time," Mature states dryly, a hand still pressed against the frame of the sliding door. Does he feel that aura about her? It should be even clearer if he meets her unsympathetic eyes. "Dead people don't listen. Dead people are dead. They aren't spirits floating mindlessly through the ether with hopes of you sending them a prayer now and then. Fool."
Does she have family? The woman just laughs callously. His question remains unanswered. Does she even know? The thought has since been dismissed. "Quit respecting the dead and pay respect to those who are flesh and blood. I am a woman of considerable standing." A finger thrusts forward, pointing accusingly at the Tae Kwon Do master with a smirk.
"Perhaps you should consider paying respect to someone such as I? Maybe then I might find it in my heart to at least tolerate you."
"So you don't know who your family is."
It's the first thing that Kim says as he stands there, calmly, watching her. She didn't respond, save for a laugh and a dismissal. That can be the only answer. "Pardon my rudeness," Not that /she/ hasn't been more than rude in the first place, "but who could you understand what I'm doing here?" It's not angry or mocking. In fact, it's a bit... sympathetic. Something that Mature might find just a little bit irritable, if she's a 'woman of standing.'
Her opinions are all met with narrowed eyes. The way she acts, the way she speaks, all reenforce that there's something more than a bit /off/ about her. So he'll stand there, and contemplate her a moment longer, before frowning decidedly. "People who can't show honor to the dead have no place in a shrine like this. What are you doing here?" Does it matter? Probably not.
Whatever her response, his is simple. His feet slide to either side of him, in a combat-ready pose. His eyes narrowed as his hands lift -- just slightly. A warning more than anything else as bare feet slide across the wood of the shrine floor, scraping across. "You're defiling this place, and I can't stand for that. I'll give you one more chance to leave now, miss... before I have to make you."
In the name... of justice!
COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-------|
"You say that like I'm supposed to care, sir," the blonde is quick to reply, blue eyes harshly focused on the Korean's browns. Really. She doesn't care about hindrances like 'family' or the worth of others. Only if she has reason to give them her respect does she concern herself with others. And, as this R secretary sees, Kim is hardly worth the effort one would waste giving him respect.
Scoffing, the woman finally breaks her hand free of the door, if only to fold both arms over her chest. Turning her nose up, Mature's expression remains cold. "This shrine has long since been abandoned. If there were any worth here, SIR," She makes a point to emphasize sir, if only to scorn the man. "The place would still be in service. As for me?" Mature lifts a hand, pressing the glove flat against her smooth cheek.
"I thought I'd give you grief. I did need a break from the tedium of my daily routine, after all."
Oh, what's this? Is he encouraging her to fight? "My, my. Me? Defiling this shrine? For a man as spiritual as you, I'd say it's you who is defiling these grounds. You want to fight? I imagine your 'ancestors' wouldn't appreciate me spilling your blood on this 'holy ground.'" A tired sigh slips past her lips, the woman turning on her heel and descending the small steps, moving out of the shrine and into the courtyard while peeling her gloves off her hands and ultimately removing her coat, tossing it to the side. She pauses, extending an arm out, beckoning the Defender of Justice to come.
"Well, come on," she beckons with a ruthless but calm smile. "Let's see if you have what it takes to make me leave...if you can keep up."
COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mature
He has very little to say to this woman. She's made her attitude, her nature clear from the getgo. And Kim knew it would inevitably come down to this. She's not a good person, after all; he can tell. And this Defender of Justice will do what it is that he does best. Even if it's in the defense of an abandoned, decrepit shrine. After all... even this place deserves respect, and she is ruining it all.
Cold wind blows in through the door, and more candles are snuff out by the chill breeze that blows through the Korean justice fighter's brown hair. His features are stern. He's not going to underestimate her. The way she acts... suggests someone accustomed to violence. And even, perhaps, good at that dangerous and evil trade. He doesn't know what she can do...
But he'll find out.
"I'll keep up, miss..."
He lifts off his feet.
"... just try to keep up with me, please!"
He leaps into the air. He won't humor her other taunts with answers. Instead, he rushes forward and jumps HIGH into the air, almost touching the roof of the shrine. He descends in a diagonal path towards his opponent, this advocate of injustice, to slam into her with a series of harsh bicycle kicks, one plowing into her after the other. The intent? Mainly, it's just to knock her out of the shrine into the world beyond.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kim's Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mature
His silence is met with a smirk. The silent treatment? Very well. If Kim has little to say to Mature, that's fine by her. She'd rather not wax philosophy with a man such as this--religion is a topic she's not particularly fond of. Blue eyes narrow a touch further, squinting, observing every nuance and slight motion he makes. At least until she turns her back and walks away.
Or so it would seem.
"Please," she asks as she lowers her extended arm, letting it fall to her side. The smile lingers on her lips, her features tranquil, much like the calm before the storm. "Don't hold back just because I'm a woman."
Keep up with him? "Ha!" the woman cries, eyes briefly broadening as she smirks with delight. He's making the first move--great! "Don't make me laugh!" she taunts as he descends, a sharp rush before issuing a series of sure kicks. Heels plant against the stone, and with a cross of her arms she's protected, bracing herself against his assault. "Is," she whispers, blue eyes narrowing as she looks up to him before landing.
"That it!?"
She breaks into a brief sprint, the solid click of her heels the only noise the secretary makes. Yet she does not close in--not from the front, at least. Instead she springs impressively into the air, body twisting as a hand comes down, to slice brutally at his chest as she leaps over him, rather than at him. "I'm not impressed!" she chides midair.
COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Mature's Despair!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mature
Is that it?!
"That's only the beginning!!"
See, now the fight has begun. And that's when the life really enters Kim's eyes. The PASSION unrivaled by the heat of a thousand suns! It's clearly reflected in those brown eyes of his, an intensity that's scary as he flips away from Mature, landing on the ground some way away from her. And then she comes at him, and she can clearly see it...
The look of the Defender of Justice!!
Those claws come at him..
(I'm not impressed!)
And the hand is stopped before it can even attack, Kim seeking to throw her - not harshly, out the door of the shrine.
And it's at this point that he grins. A glorious spread-lipped grin that reveals those pearly whites. And, even in this grim whether... the shine with a lensflare of sorts from some unknown lightsource. A /teethping/, if you will.
And then that's about when he rushes after Mature, hoping to catch her by surprise and deliver a brutal stomp into the ground, that delivers a vicious shockwave all around them.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Mature with Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Mature
Only the beginning? The woman would very nearly laugh aloud, were she not so intent on smearing his bloody, battered body all across the courtyard of the abandoned shrine. Instead she darts forward and leaps into the air, intent on leaving a nice, hearty gash clean through his shoulder and whatever else her talon-like nails can manage to cut. But there is no blood; instead he GRABS her hand and throws her a short ways away. She lands, however, heels noisily grinding against smooth pavestone.
"Maybe you should reconsider!" she hisses, looking none too pleased. Justice...
Without warning Kim tears off after her, and indeed his intentions succeed--caught by surprise, the woman hastily tries to stumble back and out of the way. Instead she's shaken by the stomp, sent flying back once more, skidding across the ground. How many suits is she going to have to repair?
"Oh you," she murmurs, hopping quickly to her feet. A calm, composed smile slowly crawls across her red lips.
With a hearty stomp of her heel against the slab of stone beneath her feet Mature breaks the ground, kicking a small portion of rock up into the air and snatching it in hand. "Catch," she purrs before twisting her body, sending the chunk flying merrily--
--right for the center of his forehead. Is she taking him seriously? Oh no. Not at all.
COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Mature's Thrown Object!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Mature
Not taking him seriously? Well, she'll learn to, soon enough!
Kim is quick to recover from the stomp of his foot against the ground, cracks appearing along the pavement. "I'm sorry." He offers apologetically to the shrine and the spirits within. "But I know you know what I do is just!!" And then, his attention returns to the flying Mature, hands brought up in front of him. He'll wait for her to recover. He's not that rude, after all!
"I would ask you to surrender now and leave, but I can see you're too fargone for that." He sighs, legs spread. "But don't worry! I, Kim Kaphwan, will show you the path of justice... through my Tae Kwon Do!" And then, he seems to get into a more preparatory stance. He even goes so far as to 'HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAH', truly, getting into this -- before she attacks him with a rock? No no. She wants to play catch! So he'll entertain her!
The chunk of rock goes flying, and Kim? ... catches it between his index and middle finger harmlessly. "My turn?" He doesn't wait for a response, though. He's already rushing for her, in an attempt to slide in close and grab her by the leg and the shoulder. And, if successful, well... he's going to toss her, even further away from the shrine.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kim's Sakkyaku Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Mature
His apology to the shrine spirits is scoffed at, complete with a toss of her head and long blonde bangs. Her eyes are quick to return to the Defender of Justice. What he does is just? Mature just laughs unkindly. It's followed up with an exasperated sigh.
"Surrender? My, my. Aren't you a daft one?" she teases, pausing briefly if only to check her nails with a tired expression. "Show me the path of justice?" Eyes snap up, glaring across the space between them to eye the brunette closely. "What's your problem, you ill-bred buffoon?" She stomps the ground and hurls a rock his way, but he's easily plucked it out of the air. She'd show surprise if she weren't so amused by his ridiculous antics.
"Yes," she says, bowing her head in a gentle nod. And, with that said he takes off to grab her by the leg and shoulder--only she shrugs him off, followed by a hearty shove as she dashes away. "Your attempts BORE me," she calls out before again rushing him, if only to get in close and put a tight fist into his face.
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Mature's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Mature
She's fast! She's just... not quite fast enough, that's all.
He has to say, the woman is skilled. Clearly a fighter, though he's never seen or heard of her. Who is she? He'll figured it out later. As it stands, he has other things to worry about. Mainly, a fist coming straight for his face! Eyes snap wide briefly, but he's fast too - a single hand comes up, to block that punch, leaving Kim to grin at his eager opponent.
"I'll try my best to excite you a bit more than, miss!"
That's about all he says, before he pushes off that hand that she attempted to punch him with. Leaping into the air, Kim has every intention of plowing one strong foot down into her back as he flips over her, to push off her and further away from her - and, in that same action, further away from the shrine.
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Kim's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[OOC] Kim says, "... holy. My MAX costs no reserve."
She moves swiftly, covering the distance between in quick time. Once it's sealed there's a fist aimed for the man's face, but quick thinking spares him the pain of having knuckles planted into his nose. Still, a smile manages to crawl across her lovely face, blue eyes narrowing a scant touch.
"Aww, that's so sweet," she replies. Amusement becomes painfully obvious as she smirks, adding, "But I don't expect any less from a man on the first fight. Don't disappoint me!"
Did he try to kick her out again? Well, it seems he fails to do so. He leaps into the air, and despite his intention to put a foot into her back, she ducks out of harm's way and offers a sharp grin. "Too slow," she whispers, pivoting swiftly on her heel before lunging at the man, a hand swiftly raking through the air--and ultimately intent on tearing out his innards, nails laced with sharp, razor-like winds and chi.
[OOC] Mature says, "well you suck"
COMBATSYS: Kim endures Mature's Metal Massacre.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mature
[OOC] Shenwoo says, "Most MAXes don't."
Well, Mature is running at him again. What she doesn't know, though...
Is that Kim has the strength of JUSTICE on his side!
That's why he doesn't move when she rushes towards him. He stands there, calmly, and lets her come to him. The only shift is in his feet, to brace, and the tensing of his muscles, so that when her attack strikes, she tears through his gi, tears gashes through his skin such that he takes in a sharp inhalation of pain... but doesn't budge.
"That's... impressive." And it is. It hurts, but he doesn't let it show. Instead, he immediately flips through the air in an attempt to smack Mature in the chin with both feet, gaining distance on her once again as she finishes her attack. She's foolish if she thinks he'll give up that easily!!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Mature with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mature
It's a good thing he keeps his burning JUSTICE too himself--if she had to listen to it enough she might find herself compelled to tear his throat out and bludgeon him to death with his own trachea.
Ah, but she's not tactless like that.
Instead Mature rushes in, letting her long fingers painfully rake his midsection with her nails. His compliment is met with a grin. She has nothing more to say to him--not at the moment, anyway. She'll save it for later.
He ascends once more, taking to the skies, if only briefly. The blonde follows him, blue eyes watching closely. And once he descends, the woman prepares to stave off his attack. Unfortunately it's not enough, and straight through her defenses he breaks, causing the woman to stumble back clumsily, a hand pressing against her face.
"How rude," she states, looking sincerely offended as she rubs her jaw. "What kind of man hits a woman in the face? I see flaws in your pursuit of 'justice,'" she chides.
That being said, Mature again lunges after the brunette, long fingers reaching out, to grab what of his tattered garments she can and, if fate is kind, send him rolling across the cold stone slabs of the shrine courtyard.
[OOC] Mature ;x
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kim with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mature
"A real fighter doesn't complain about a little nick in the face! I see we're going to have to go through a lot of training with you!"
The attack successful, Kim smiles. What he doesn't expect, however, is the fact that she's so quick to recover. He'll give her credit where credit is do - she's quite skilled. She rushes, and Kim attempts to block - all for naught, as she reaches right through his defenses, and sends him slamming into the ground below. Well. Ow. That didn't hurt as much as the last attack, but still... it burns!
He's not about to give up here, though. Not now! That's why he's quick to recover, pushing off the ground with his arms and jumping into the air. Ow! Well, he'll just have to return the favor.
He rushes towards her in a flip. Both feet come in from overhead, the intent to slam into her quite solidly and send her diagonally downwards, while Kim? Kim intends to land gracefully, in splits at that!
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Kim's Hangetsu Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mature
Staring with a brief expression of disbelief at the Tae Kwon Do adept, Mature's lips purse tightly. Her levels of impatience are gradually rising, despite the calm that remains quite sound upon her pretty-but-slightly bruised face. She has little to no mercy for those who go for her face.
Rushing Kim once again, the woman extends her fingers, long digits successfully piercing his defenses and grabbing that tattered gi and curling her fingers around it. Hefting the man, she slams him into the ground before daintily leaping away, landing gracefully with a soft, audible 'click.' A smile is swift to follow.
His retort is monitored closely. Into the air the man leaps, and with that in mind the woman is swift to evade his descending heel. Rather than make contact with flesh and bone his heel finds only sturdy rock, the ground beneath shattering. Mature?
She just stands her ground, letting her hand rub her jaw. Perhaps she ought to rethink her tactics with this self-proclaimed Defender of Justice.
COMBATSYS: Mature takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mature
She's... not going to attack again?
Kim blinks as she seems to just stand there. What's she doing? Why is she just... standing there, rubbing her jaw? If she's going to rethink her tactics, well... Kim isn't going to give her enough time to!
She's just standing there, so as Kim spins around, and sees her, he simply rushes off once more. She's content to just stand there so he'll come to her, a rush towards her that brings him barrelling down the paved pathway with a single elbow outstretched. The intent is just to knock her in the face again, but much, much harder than the last time.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kim's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Mature
How rude. To interrupt a lady while she tries to mend her wounds?
Wintry eyes monitor the moves of the man, carefully cataloguing his every step and movement. Still, however, the woman lets her hand linger on her jaw, lips parting and closing repeatedly, flexing the poor muscle. Even if the kick was a far cry from what he's really capable of packing, it still stings.
There! Swiftly does the man spin, rushing her like a tank with an elbow wielded to knock her back and ultimately flat on her face. But rather than strike bare flesh his elbow cups nicely into her open palm, though the sheer force with which he charged is enough to force wind out of her lungs. "Charming," she murmurs.
Clearly he hasn't learned his lesson.
Again do long fingers lunge out, intent on grabbing the man by his face. And should those nails find purchase in his face? She'll gladly use both hands to fiercely claw him and send him plowing right for the ground.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kim with Death Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kim 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Mature
She is strong. This is intense...
What... what is this evil?
He's taken by surprise enough by her sudden block, and though the effect has its toll on /Mature/, it positions her nicely to grab him by the face, and then... she claws. It doesn't quite sink as deeply as she might hope, but it's enough to send the man STRAIGHT into the ground, dark crimson flowing against the cold pavement around him, pooling up until...
Kim's hands tense, and he pushes off into a leap. He's flying AWAY from Mature though - very far away, in fact, enough so that he gets a very good distance from her. Preparing for a projectile attack, maybe? No. Kim has something else entirely in mind. Muscles flex as he dips low to the ground, and he murmurs something under his breath. Softly, a force whisper:
"I cannot allow your evil to persist...!"
And that's when he leaps. He moves with rather startling speed, too, flying across the sky to deliver a jumping kick to Mature's chest....
COMBATSYS: Mature endures Kim's Hou'ou Kyaku EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1 Mature
... and that kick connects, sending Kim to deliver a rapid flurry of blows to his enemy, kick after kick after kick delivered in harsh succession to send her driving back. The flurry of blows are titanic in strength, but the ending blow is the real kicker (get it? ha ha). After Kim has driven Mature back with all those blows, he has every intention of smashing into her CHIN with a back-flipping kick once more. Only this time, the power behind it is more than enough to send his opponent flying through the air, further away from the shrine he holds so dear.
Nails bite bare flesh, a nice spray of red rising from the Defender of Justice's face as the other hand quickly rises and slashes him in parting. How delightful! Especially when he hits the solid ground with a nice, meaty thud.
Still, mature seems as calm as ever. Sharp eyes drift to her nails thereafter, eyeing the damage done--if any--to her manicure through the blood on her fingers. Mindful of the mess, she carefully picks small bits of skin from beneath before simply shaking her hand sharply, blood splattering the cold ground with a muted pitter-patter.
Moments later Kim is airborne, landing a short ways away. He's preparing for something--something big. Blue eyes widen briefly, lips puckering a touch. And just what is going to try? The whisper goes unheard.
He's fast. So much so the woman is left with little more than to take what he doles out. It's a brutal onslaught; numerous kicks delivered to her prone figure before he flip-kicks away and harshly strikes her in the face. Sent into the air, Mature lands with the same meaty thud he'd initially struck with. A weak groan follows, and then the woman rises to her feet. He wants to play that game? Fine.
Again she races forward; retracing the steps she'd previously lost when kicked high and sent soaring through the air. Leave the shrine? Oh no. Not yet. Instead she crouches low upon nearing, letting a hand plant firm against the cold ground and letting her left leg sharply extend, intent on slamming the man square in the thigh with her expensive heel.
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Mature's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Mature
He lands. When he does, he starts taking in deep breathes, eyes closing. Mature goes flying away from him, and so he exhales, looking at the wounds on his body, touching those on his face. For a woman who claims to have class, she sure is incredibly vicious...! He's going to have to be a bit more careful from now on.
If she gets up, that is. Which he's hoping she does not. But he gets proven rather terribly wrong as she stands up again, his brown eyes opening into small cracks to peer at her, wiping away sweat and blood from his face. He's going to have to get some serious medical attention after this, but... his drive, his focus, all allows him to push away the pain. He will NOT let this woman defile this place! He won't!
He will continue to protect justice, no matter what the cost!!
She rushes towards him again. She's attacking with a kick, and that's something he's well acquainted with. When her leg jabs out, HIS is there to block it, shoving /downward/ to push it into the ground... and making an excellent ramp for him to run on. Which he does.
Mature will get the feeling of cold, bare feet running deftly along her leg once, twice, before he pushes off and flips away, landing in a crouch with eyes narrowed. "I will not allow you to succeed!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Mature
If he resolves to take her more seriously, Mature seems content in not taking the man seriously. Rather than focus on him or glare intently she smiles politely, blue eyes narrowed in delight. It's been a while since she's had a fight quite like this. And with the shrine's honor at stake? Well. How can she not be amused?
Much to his chagrin, Mature is charging after him. Planting her hand on the slab below with an audible slap there's a long, shapely leg intent on piercing his thigh. Fortunately he's quick to block it, sending it toward the ground. But, rather than run away or get out of dodge he's running OVER her before he leaps off and away, landing a short ways away.
"Hm?" the woman says, slowly rising from her kneel. "I'm sorry." Her apology is quick to follow. Why? A graceful bow follows, her blue eyes sharp. "I honestly can't bring myself to care."
She's quick. Again. Rushing the poor brunette, the blonde secretary dips low, crouching as she closes in before issuing a harsh rake of nails and chi right for his midsection, followed by a slash across, then another with the other hand.
COMBATSYS: Kim interrupts Death Row from Mature with Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Mature
Mature resolves to take the Defender of Justice less seriously? Well then... she can go ahead and feel the price you pay for doing things like that. If she's going to delight and prance about and frolick in mischief and foolish arrogance, well...
Kim's gonna smack her on the head.
Like, really hard.
(I'm sorry.)
She rushes at him, her nails intent on cutting through him with a vicious amount of force. His eyes narrow. He can't allow that to happen. She runs at him yet again, and Kim... leaps into the air.
(I honestly can't bring myself to care.)
Mature's only attack to strike is the first one, nails only digging through one of those powerful legs as Kim Kaphwan, hero of Korea, Fighter of Justice, pushes off that arm... and delivers a series of bicycle kicks RIGHT INTO THE BITCH'S FACE. Over and over again until he finally knocks her away with the final one, landing solidly on the ground. And he grins.
A grin that shines as gloriously as the frickin' sun.
Surely he expects her to have more class than THAT. While some of her cohorts may delight in wanton destruction and bloodshed, Mature has more class and civility about her. She's been kind enough to at least apologize for being unable to really care about his ideals.
It's with a smile the woman darts at him, long, powerful nails slashing quite swiftly through the cold chill of the evening air, laced with chi. Through his leg do the nails cut--wait.
His leg?
Blue eyes dart upward, just in time to see him delivering repeated kicks to her face. It's quite uncomfortable, his succession of kicks, followed by the solid strike of his heel to her face before springing away. Mature is sent flying away, meeting the ground with a nice, painful slap. She takes this moment to consider things. Namely, why everyone is so intent on hitting her in the FACE.
That, however, was THE last straw. He wants her to take him seriously? He'll have it.
"Delightful!" the woman cries, blue eyes wide with morbid delight. Delightful? A wide, pearly-white smile cracks her calm features, long fingers carefully brushing away the blood that slowly crawls down her chin from her lip.
And that's it. Rushing with blinding speeds, Mature tears forward, covering that wide distance in seconds. And, should she make contact with his face, those nails he's now familiar with will find purchase in his skin and take the Defender of Justice for a nice, long jog...
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kim with Heaven's Gates.
[ \\\ < > ////////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0 Mature
There seems to be a jog in store for Kim after all. With a nice, audible squish and splatter of blood against the ground between them, Mature's nails grab hold...and don't seem to have any intention of letting go. There's a brief pause, wherein the woman shifts her eyes to his wound, and then to him before she pouts faintly, offering a soft, "I'm very sorry."
That's all she needs to offer. Holding firm to Kim's midsection, she about-faces and tears off across the grounds, dragging him behind her. Only when they've covered some distance--the sheer force of him being pulled alone enough to aggravate the wound at his gut--does the blonde secretary let her fingers bury deeper before grabbing a hold and sending his back slamming quite painfully into the ground. The earth beneath him erupts in a brilliant column of violet chi, engulfing the man--just as she's quick to backpedal and put some distance between them, a healthy laugh breaking the silence of the cold night.
Pain. Pain is what he feels, wracking through his entire body as Mature takes hold of his face. He can feel, clearly, the nails digging into his skin, blood welling up around those vicious claws of hers. He doesn't listen to what she says. His mind is focused on forcing back the pain, because he knows what is to come, will only be worse. Oddly enough... Kim is serene when she takes hold of his head, still looking calm. He'll succeed. It might not be today... but he'll keep living. And he'll win over this threat.
Because Justice will always persevere.
And evil is lame.
He goes flying, blood spraying from the wound she has created, drenching her pretty hand and clothes. It all hurts, so much, when she slams him into the ground, when she engulfs him in that terrible chi... but he endures it. Barely, and he'll be out soon after, but he's still alive... and she's underestimating him yet again.
She laughs, just as a foot comes out of the haze of chi to smash her in the face.
COMBATSYS: Kim can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kim's Hou'ou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/----===|
Let him be serene--whatever makes his trip enjoyable is fine by her. She, however, delights and relishes in the fact she's causing pain--lots and lots of nice, burning hot pain. There's blood everywhere: on her hands, on her clothes and most certainly on and all over him. A sharp, piercing laugh breaks the night as he's sent slamming into the ground as he erupts in that gruesome light. This is her power. This is the power he seeks to demolish with his justice.
Clearly there's just not enough of that power to stop her.
From nowhere there comes a foot, breaking the haze of her energy to plow RIGHT into her face. Knowing well he likes to aim for just that, the woman lifts her hands swiftly, letting her long fingers and palm absorb the brunt of his blow--which is, suffice to say, a lot. The ground grinds beneath her sharp heel, but the woman keeps her foot, shrugging forward and shoving the man to the ground while she remains triumphant.
"Hmph," the woman says, turning around to retrieve her coat and gloves, though she puts on neither. Not when she's such a mess.
"Clearly," Mature says as she approaches, lifting a foot and putting a heel nice and politely against his shoulder. It's not enough to puncture--just enough to be very bothersome. "Your ancestors don't listen. Otherwise you could have protected this place." She smiles politely, a strange calm about her battered features.
"Maybe you should invest your beliefs in something more tangible and definitely more worthwhile?" Another pierce laughing erupts from her, followed by a gentle sigh. That said she makes her way for the stone steps, descending them and pulling a phone from her coat just as it rings.
Log created by Kim, and last modified on 19:27:28 12/22/2005.