Description: Rugal and Heidern come to blows yet again, as the Ikari commander falls for a trap created for him by R's leader. This time, however, things take a slightly /different/ turn...
Kazyevsmoblekewerkedistan, Russia.
A rather generic town deep in the heart of the Motherland, Kazyevsmoblekewerkedistan only seems to be important to those who live in it - the oens who have chosen to tough it out in the arctic hellhole. Most of the town's residents left when the big pig-smelting factory was shut down.. only the die-hard Siberians remain, people too proud and arrogant to leave their homeland, even if it means a life of poverty and constant struggling. A great place to conduct business that one wants to be unnoticed.
In the middle of the town is a massive factory - once the heart and soul of the city, most of the people residing here were once employed.. but it has since shut down, and now remains empty - a massive tower of steel and iron, a symbol of better days for the Siberian town.
..But today, it's not quite as empty as though in the town might think..
Inside, there appears to be a number of armed guards, patrolling the hallways - there's no doubt that something clandestine is going down under the cover of this harsh Russian night. What are they here for? It's doubtful that anyone knows.. but there is one person who intends on finding out, having been tipped off in advance by the Ikari Intelligence Division.
Heidern. The guy that makes Solid Snake look like.. well.. Raiden, I guess.
Crawling throughout the facilities' air ducts, Heidern pauses as he peeks through one of the vents, watching carefully as a patrol scans the area, and then continues on their path. Waiting a few minutes and listening closely for footsteps, the Ikari CO decides that it's as clear as it's going to get.. and in one swift movement, he kicks out the vent, drops to the ground, and ducks behind a series of barrels.
Raising one hand to his ear, Heidern begins to speak in a low whisper, so as not to be noticed by any guards in the nearby area.
"I'm in Hallway A-C, Smythe.. right... right.. don't worry about it, this is just like basic training to me.. affirmative, third door on the left in Hallway B-C.. over and out.."
Generic towns always have some value to even those that live outside of it. The fact that they are generic, after all, makes them somewhat /ideal/.
Kazyevsmoblekewerkedistan, Russia, has that ideal setting where illegal activities can be performed.
What makes this town all the better is the factory at the very center. If an abandoned factory does not scream suspcious, well... mercenary and military organizations around the world are doing a terrible job getting their stereotypes straight. A factory in Russia of all places, former homeland of the Communist regime, can only be a recipe for disaster. And it is also a very eager and waiting bait for any groups that deal with the proverbial curbstomping of crime on a regular basis.
Suspicion like that, however, is nothing major in and of itself and is nothing that can be checked out on those facts alone. It's like an unappetizing worm to a fish that is not quite /that/ hungry. Which is why you make the bait larger and fatter, make it appear all the more appealing to the fish. Armed guards, rumors of suspicious activity within the factory - all these things are important to the founding of a solid and alluring trap. So of course, inevitably /someone/ would have to arrive.
What a coincidence that this man happens to be Heidern.
As of late, the members of Ikari and their fellow organization-in-arms, the Vigilantes, have been having some difficulties. Not so much as a whole, but on an individual basis. Charlie, leader of the Vigilantes; Ralf, high-ranking officer of the Ikari and his partner, Clark; all three of these men have had rather unfortunate run-ins with a certain man. One that Heidern has a rather personal connection to. The first two run-ins were coincidental. The last one, Clark, was purely on purpose. All of them messages. With one more message promised to Heidern on the horizon...
How IS his adoptive daughter doing nowadays, anyway?
It is clear sailing for Heidern to get to where he needs to be, though. The guards are armed and trained, but their no match for him. What all of this is - what the central focus of this is, through that door he might be looking for - is a massive production of arms. And there, standing at the center of it all, talking with a Russian contact of his organization... is Rugal Bernstein.
Coincidence upon coincidences.
As soon as his radio conversation is over, Heidern is back on the move - Hallway B-C is only one level up, and so there isn't much ground left to cover. Still, with armed guards posted all over the factory, the Ikari CO still must exercise caution. What follows is a perfect example of how to break into a guarded area and proceed to kill every patrol in your path, the experienced soldier sneaking through the hallways and laying in wait when the guards pass him.
By the time he's reached the stairwell to Hallway B-C, he's broken the necks of six patrols, their bodies now residing in various hidden locations around the factory.. lockers, underneath tables.. anywhere that won't be noticed right away.
Slowly ascending the steps to Level B of the abandoned factory, Heidern is careful that his footsteps are barely audible. Pausing halfway up the stairwell, Heidern gets on his tip-tose and glances over the barrier, noticing one patrol posted in Hallway B-C. How strange that the target would be so poorly defended.. of course, the Ikari CO isn't aware that Rugal -himself- is present.. the one man who could make a large security force utterly needless due to his own supreme power.
Walking up the rest of the stairwell, Heidern presses himself tightly against the side of the doorway, knocking on the steel and waiting until the patrol comes along to check out the noise - when he does, the Ikari CO spins into the doorway, covers the guard's mouth with one hand, and slits his throat with the other. So close to the target now, no need to be stealthy about disposing of the body.. Heidern just lets the dead guard slump to the ground, and then he begins to tip-toe towards the third door on the left.
Reaching inside his olive-green fatigues, the combat vet pulls out a small device, used to peek under doorways.. and what he sees, is surprising. A pile of munitions - which he had fully expected to see there.. the surprise is that Rugal Bernstein is also clearly visible, speaking to another man that Heidern recognizes from the Ikari Intelligence Briefing. A rather high-ranking Russian officer, who also appears to have ties with the R Organization.
Heidern's heart is already pounding in his chest as he pulls the device out from under the doorway and stands back up, depositing it into one of his pockets. Looks like this is the one. All the guards on Level A have been disposed of - and he's not sure of how many are left on Level B.. but none of the armed patrols are truly a threat. The only person in this factory that could face off against Heidern one-on-one is on the other side of that door.
Smashing his fist against the wall next to the door, a massive *clang* echoes throughout the area - no doubt being heard by Rugal and the Russian inside the nearby room. Hopefully one of them will come out to investigate it.. or at least, such is Heidern's plan - the Ikari CO leaping up into the series of pipes that line the high ceiling of Level B - disappearing in the maze of sewage and water pipes at least 2
The guards are trained, of course. But trained soldiers can't do much against a man who has spent most of his life fighting wars and perfecting his style of combat. Thusly, they're all rather easily dispatched until, inevitably, Heidern gets to where he needs to be. Which is right where Rugal Bernstein stands, talking with the other man as he examines the crates of weapons. Speaking in Russian, so that the soldier can be more... accustomed and /comfortable/ in his home country. As much as he can be, around Bernstein.
"... And you're sure that these are all top quality?"
"Da, sir. They have all been made to maximum efficiency. They will do what you need."
There is no marker as to where the crates of weapons being manufactured will be going to. Rugal is not stupid, after all; he always, always has a back up plan. After all (a loud crash can be heard throughout a good majority of the compound, of a fist - something strong)... you never know when the sewer rats will manage to sneak their way in to your business.
The sound is heard, and the prolonged silence afterwards is what is most disconcerting. Or... most promising. Which is why a grin oozes across Rugal's face, something vile and malicious. "My good sir, I think we have a guest. If you could be so kind as to check for us..." The other man nods slowly, hesitantly as he reaches for one of the guns that R has been so diligently making. He leaves the room, looking around him and seeing nothing... even as Rugal tugs on his fingerless gloves, and begins to walk forward. Slowly, but surely.
"I do not see a thing!"
"I imagine... that's because you're not supposed to."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Heidern has left the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Heidern's eye narrows as he watches the door open, prepared to jump down and strike at Rugal, the man who murdered his family. Of course, the Russian is sent out first, glancing up and down the hallway - but not up.. an error on his part. The Ikari CO knows that the time to strike is soon, if he wants to get the drop on the pair. If the Russian soldier didn't spot him, Rugal - and that -eye- of his - sure will..
There, footsteps.. Rugal must be coming to the doorway.. it's now.. now.. or.. never..
Letting go of one of the pipes, Heidern begins to drop towards the ground - as he falls, one hand slashes out before he spins in mid-air to land on his feet. Pushing the Russian soldier to the side, it's clear what that swipe of the arm was meant to do, as the man's head falls clean off, courtesy of a deadly slice of Heidern's razor-sharp hands. Before the limp, headless body can even crash to the floor, Heidern is charging through the doorway, his heart pounding as he comes face-to-face with the man who he's spent much of his later years hunting.
This time, the Ikari CO has even more reason to murder the man.. Clark said something about him threatening Heidern's adopted daughter. He's already killed his family once.. Heidern isn't going to let him lay a hand on Leona. And it's here, here in this dilapidated, abandoned Russian factory that their rivalry seems set to come to a close..
Without so much as a word, Heidern spins on one foot as he approaches Bernstein - aiming to plant a massive side-kick to the man's face.
"It's time to face your crimes, Bernstein."
COMBATSYS: Heidern has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Heidern 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Heidern's Shooter Narnagel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
"Ah, Heidern. How expected!"
Really. Welcome to the party.
The dual-eyed megalomaniac doesn't do so much as flinch as Heidern so easily decapitates the Russian contact. He does frown a little though, irritation present on his features as both head and body fall to the ground - seperately. "I would say it's hard to find people to pay off in Russia, but it's not. Still... he was rather useful at times, Heidern. Why do you always have to be such a spoil sport?" He doesn't imagine Heidern will reply to him though. No... he imagines that Heidern is going to--
(--aiming to plant a massive side-kick to the man's face.)
... go straight to the violent side Rugal does love so about him.
One gloved hand raises. That foot impacts against it, but Rugal doesn't even do so much as budge as the kick is intercepted. His gloved hand only drops after all the force of the blow has been absorbed, leaving Bernstein with that grin once more reforming in a most terrible fashion.
"How is Clark and Ralf?" He only asks this to throw Heidern off - something he imagines will only go over so well. But that's not his actual assault. Rather, Rugal plans on driving his hand, open-palm, right into Heidern's face. To pay back the man for what he tried to do to R's leader.
COMBATSYS: Heidern blocks Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Rugal
Heidern frowns slightly as Rugal blocks the kick aimed at his face - not because his initial blow was just negated.. but because the man said that he was -expected-. Could this whole thing have been a trap? It seems strange that the leader of R would lay a trap that puts him face-to-face with the Ikari CO who wants nothing more than to spill his blood all over the factory floor.
If this is his idea of a 'trick'.. well, then it's -his- funeral.
Raising both gloved hands to block the open-palmed strike, Heidern remains firm as his lanky, but solid frame, absorbs the impact of the brutal punch. "Coward.." hisses Heidern as he lowers his hands and steadies himself after the last blow, "If you have a message for me, deliver it to me -yourself-!"
Lunging forward, the veteran combatant kicks out with his right leg, aiming to sweep both of Rugal's feet out from under him..
COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Rugal with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
The kick is enough to send his foe off of his feet, leaving Rugal airborne for a split-second - before he's even given a chance to make the small trip down to the factory floor, Heidern steps forward and delivers a solid punch to the man's midsection. With any luck, it should be enough to send Bernstein flying backwards into the solid steel wall behind him.. enough time to give Heidern the chance to back up and prepare for a counter-attack.
His idea of a trick extends a little bit further than this, of course. This is simply the icing on the cake. Something that Rugal has wanted to do for a while now, but hasn't quite gotten the chance to. So then, let Heidern come to him. Rugal will just show the man the error of his ways through a small bit of excessive force. That has always been something that Rugal has always enjoyed - quite a bit.
When Heidern moves to assault him, though, Rugal doesn't even try to react. The blow connects, and sends Bernstein flying... but even then, even as that attack strikes home and sends him slamming into a wall? R's leader laughs. "Coward? I'm simply fighting back! Self-defense was never a wrong thing to do, last time I checked!" It's mocking, yes. What of Rugal's words is /not/ mocking in relation to Heidern.
"But if you insist..."
Heidern doesn't get much of an opportunity to gain more room before Rugal is upon the man once more. He rushes forward, intent on delivering a rather solid roundhouse kick to Heidern's side, the force of which is enough to send the other man flying through the air should it connect.
COMBATSYS: Heidern blocks Rugal's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
"Was it self-defense when you murdered my family?" asks Heidern, pausing only to raise one arm up into the path of Rugal's -devastating- roundhouse kick. Considering the fact that his arm shakes violently upon impact, it's safe to say that it's fortunate he didn't catch that boot right in the side of the head. "Was it self-defense when you killed God knows how many other innocent people?"
Backflipping a few steps away from Rugal so as not to be immediately open for a second attack, Heidern lands lightly on his boot-clad feet, falling back into an attack position - fingers curling in towards the center of his palm as he narrows his remaining eye at the man who turned him into a cyclops.
"Nothing sadder than a goddamn lunatic trying to justify themselves in their own sick, sick mind.. at least have the courage to -admit- that you're nothing but a gutless fuckin' coward!"
Raising both arms into the air, Heidern lets loose an x-shaped chi projectile, which slices through the heavy, dusty factory air on a collision course with the well-dressed crime boss.
COMBATSYS: Rugal reflects Cross Cutter from Heidern with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Rugal
"No, no. Those..." Rugal only frowns a /little/ as his second assault is blocked, but even then, he can see the toll that reaction takes on the Ikari CO. Good, good... it's time to keep pressing the advantage. Which he would do... if Heidern didn't have to be so foolish as to flip away. "... those were fun. And to prove a point. Did you know how easy it was to kill your child? Surprisingly so! I would have thought the little Heiderns would have had a bit more strength to them, but..." Rugal straightens, his grin terrible. His gaze, malevolent.
"... their necks snap just as easily as any other child's."
But there Heidern had to go and insult Rugal. His eyes narrow as his right hand flexes, curls into a fist. "A coward, am I? Bold words from a dead man." The reason for this is fairly obvious when Heidern launches his assault. Green chi begins to well up along Rugal's right arm before he SLAMS forward...
And all Heidern's energy, all that chi, is absorbed /right/ into a shining green disk that erupts between the pair.
It's only gone for a fraction of a second though, before the Barrier spits out that chi - no longer in an X-shape, just a blob of roaring fury - headed straight for the person who originally sent it.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Heidern with Reflected Cross Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
"Son of a bitch!" bellows Heidern, charging in towards Rugal - following the path blazed by his flying projectile.. but it seems like his emotions have got the better of him, as his blind charge has left him wide open for the reflected chi blast, which strikes him dead in the chest and sends him stumbling back a few feet. One gloved hand goes to clutch the front of his fatigues, as the man catches his breath and recovers from the startling impact. He's taken worse.. much worse.. and, fortunately for him, it appears as though much of the power was absorbed by Rugal's energy shield.
"You monster.. I'm doing the world a favour.." he says, his voice practically dripping venom as a faint red energy begins to gather up his arm - before bursting into full-on chi flame that travels right up to his shoulder. His arms alight with this energy, Heidern hangs back a bit - beginning to pace around Rugal and waiting for a chance to strike. He can't let the man bait him into attacking without the proper preparation.. he's made that mistake one too many times..
COMBATSYS: Heidern gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Heidern 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
The point of the Dark Barrier is not necessarily that it strikes the opponent as hard as they would him. It's that it uses their own energy to use it, a humiliation upon humiliations. Which is why Rugal laughs as Heidern staggers back, curling that right hand and uncurling it as he arches a brow. "So I see that your own energy is still as weak as ever. Honestly, if you expect to beat me with /that/, well... you're sadly mistaken." He does not move, however. He's not going to fall into the same traps that he has been setting up for Heidern. "I have to say, you need to train your men a bit more thoroughly. Had I not been a merciful god, I could have easily torn Clark in two - just like I did to your poor wife. And just as, I imagine, I will do to your new daughter." His cybernetic eye flashes as he takes Heidern in... being sure to memorize the other man's movements.
COMBATSYS: Rugal focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Heidern continues to pace around Rugal, having no choice but to listen to the man's mocking words - it's enough to draw a scowl from the Ikari CO, but he doesn't rush forward to attack.. no.. that would just be walking right into Bernstein's trap. He -knows- what the man is trying to do here, he's trying to drive him into a blind rage.. the sort of anger that makes it easy for mistakes to be made. The sort of anger that will -kill- him in a battle like this.
No, Heidern remains calm, the scowl disappearing from his face, replaced by his usual stony, stoic glare.. his eye never leaving Rugal, not even for a second. Finally, he stops circling the man, the red chi surrounding his arms dying down as he falls back into a defensive position. It looks like the two have reached something of a stalemate, with neither prepared to make the first move.
"You won't get the chance to touch her, Bernstein. I'll make sure of that. Now, are we going to stand around all day like a couple of old men, or are we going to -finish- this?"
COMBATSYS: Heidern focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
"You are a fool, Heidern. Trying to bait me into a trap?" Rugal knows this full well. But still... if Heidern isn't going to come to him, Rugal will have no choice but to greet his 'friend' head on. If this is to be a stalemate, well. Rugal will most certainly be glad to break it.
Chi wells up in Rugal's arms once again. Once more, he rushes forward... only this time, he jumps up. He flies high into the air as blue-white energy roars into life around Rugal's arms, as it begins to grow and grow until finally... he snaps BOTH arms forward a massive WAVE of chi erupting from Rugal's arms in a blue-white inferno meant to consume his opponent from directly above his head and send him SMASHING into the ground. If Heidern won't come to him, well... Rugal will be glad to come to him.
COMBATSYS: Heidern blocks Rugal's Kaiser Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Heidern 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
That's the only sound that Heidern has the chance to make, before a -massive- wave of chi is approaching him from above. This is no doubt a true showcase of Rugal's power, and there's no time to get out of the projectile's sizeable radius.. gathering up all of his strength and will, the Ikari CO makes a stand in the face of the ball of sheer power. Crossing both his arms to protect his face, Heidern lets out a downright feral yell as the wave of chi begins to wash over him.
A lesser man.. would be dead.. but when the smoke clears, Heidern is left standing tall - his uniform is, naturally, nearly completely ruined.. but he appears to have suffered little damage himself. Turning his head to gaze at Rugal, the veteran cracks a small grin.
"You are the fool.. if that was your trump card, you should've thought twice before leading me here."
Rushing towards the well-dressed man, Heidern rears back with his right arm before lunging forward with it - aiming to impale his gloved hand deep into the man's midsection..
COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Rugal with Heidern End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Piercing Rugal's gut with his razor-sharp, spear-like hand, Heidern actually lets out a laugh as he feels his hated foe's tough flesh give way to his stabbing strike. He's dreamed of doing this for so many nights.. that when it finally happens, he tries to wake himself up. It's all almost too perfect.. but this is no dream. This is his chance to get revenge for that horrid act that Rugal committed those many years ago.
Actually managing to lift Rugal's sizeable body off the ground, Heidern makes sure to prod around inside of the crime boss' body as he lifts him up with one hand stuck in his gut. "Now I know why you didn't give me the message yourself.. you're -afraid- of me.. or at least.. you -should- be.. it's time, Rugal.. it's time for you to go.. to.. HELL!"
At that last, yelled word, Heidern's hand explodes with chi - equalling the force of a grenade or two going off -inside- of Bernstein's stomach. The blast is easily enough to send Rugal rocketing off of Heidern's bloody, gloved hand - the Ikari CO swiping the hand through the air as he watches his hated rival go sailing backwards from the explosion.
"Surrender, and I may find it in my heart to -try- you for your crimes, rather than executing you here."
His trump card? ... Hm.
Well, he'll let Heidern think that for now.
Of course, Heidern comes prepared. And while that massive wave of chi might be hard to dodge, it is not hard to block. That's not really the point, though. Rugal didn't intend it as a last resort - merely as something to get the other man into ACTION again. And now that he sees that it has, well... they can actually /begin/ again. Which is what Bernstein wanted all along.
If he were to say the attack didn't hurt, he would be lying. But then again... it doesn't particularly harm him, either. Not to any great degree. So that, when Heidern pierces his gut, it is like piercing a metal wall. He still does it, mind - but maybe not as deeply as he might have thought he would have. The explosion - it hurts, but he has felt far, FAR worse than that, and so when Rugal goes flying... he quickly recovers, in midair, even as he twists his body to land feet-first against one of the walls.
It is about when Heidern talks about trying Rugal for his crimes that the weapons dealer is launching himself off the wall, LAUGHING as he juts out an elbow to smash it solidly into Heidern's sternum.
COMBATSYS: Heidern fails to counter Fierce Punch from Rugal with Killing Bringer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Rugal
Heidern certainly wasn't expecting Rugal to recover so quickly - a great mistake on his part, underestimating the dangerous man.. but he -thinks- he's prepared for the crime boss' strike when he rushes back towards him.. yet another mistake, as the elbow eludes his grasp, plowing deep into his sternum and robbing the Ikari CO of his breath.
Gasping for air, Heidern stumbles back from the sheer impact of the brutal blow.. his head woozy, his vision temporarily blurred. It only takes a moment or two for him to recover, but when he does he's not in any shape to immediately attack the man. No, he needs to get his lungs full of air again.. now is the time for him to prepare for yet another attack from the man.. prepare, and recover.
He says nothing, preferring to fix Rugal with a deadly gaze.
There we are! Now things are getting /exciting/, aren't they?
Rugal PUSHES himself off Heidern as he blow lands, flipping through the air. He lands only a little bit further away from where Heidern stumbles, but he does not intend on allowing the other man to catch his breath. Instead, Rugal charges once more, his motion a blurr as he rushes across the ground for a head-on collision course with Ikari's commander. When he's close enough, he leaps directly /upward/ to deliver a vicious kick across the other man's jaw, followed by another to his ribs before he flips away once more, laughing all the while. More. More, more MORE.
COMBATSYS: Heidern fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Rugal with Neck Rolling Slashes.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Rugal
No.. too slow again..
Heidern attempts to counter-attack the initial kick, but he's not fast enough to escape the blow - knocked to the side by the first kick, he has little time to stumble away before the second boot to the ribs sends him back-first into the hard steel wall of the room. "No.." he hisses under his breath, a small trickle of blood appearing at the corner of his lip.
This.. can't be happening.. he's too fast, not at all like the last time they met. Perhaps today -isn't- the day that Heidern is meant to exact his revenge.. but he can't stop fighting.. not when he's so close to the man who murdered his family.. he has to finish him.
Straightening his back, Heidern holds one hand out towards Rugal, curling a single finger towards himself in the universal 'bring it aaaawn' gesture.
Bring it aaaawn?
Well then, Rugal shall bring it.
He drops to the ground again, a few feet away from Heidern. "Let's finish this, shall we... friend?" The remark is meant to be mocking, really. An attempt of Rugal to throw Heidern off, even as the other man staggers around. No, no. Rugal isn't done with Heidern YET. There is yet more to do, after all. Yet more to see... and more to /enjoy/ before this is all done.
One foot braces. Rugal launches off, in a blur of motion that makes him virtually undetectable to normal eyes. Yet Heidern isn't normal, is he? No...
That's why this will be fun.
Rugal simply attempts to get into Heidern's defenses. If successful, he'll leap up, and deliver a powerful blow to the other man's chin, chi trailing from his polished shoe. And that, is only the beginning.
COMBATSYS: Heidern dodges Rugal's Genocide Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
This time, he's ready. When his rival begins to charge towards him, Heidern remains still as a statue, the only movement being his remaining eye - which narrows as he begins to work through the exact logistics of one of Rugal's trademark manuevers. The Ikari CO figures that he's going to try and finish the fight with a rising kick, right here and now.. so, when the kick is thrown, Heidern is prepared for it - ducking and rolling to the left as the kick strikes the air where his face was milliseconds earlier.
A close call if there ever was one..
But now, time for the counter-attack, Heidern leaping up into the air after Rugal and attempting to wrap his arms around him from behind..
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Heidern with Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Gripping Rugal around the waist, Heidern lunges backwards, flipping himself - and the captive Rugal - around in mid-air. What follows is rather simple - a fall of about ten or so feet.. looking to be quite a painful impact for both of them. That is, until Heidern kicks himself away, leaving the crime boss to strike the solid steel ground head-first - as his opponent flips away in the air, landing lightly on his combat boots several feet away.
"It'll take more than that, Bernstein."
It'll take more than that.
Indeed it will!
Whatever Rugal attempted, goes sadly awry as the other man manages to outmaneuver Rugal yet again. He'd feel rather upset about it, save that the pain takes care of that. Almost as bad as the other attack, but not quite. Rugal can manage... he can't let Heidern get the advantage. Not this time.
Shoving out with both hands, Heidern aims to create some distance between him and his opponent - just enough to lash out with a brutal, jaw-cracking roundhouse kick, expertly performed by the veteran of countless battles. No more fancy stuff, this melee has become down and dirty.. whoever hits the hardest is gonna win this one..
COMBATSYS: Rugal interrupts Strong Kick from Heidern with Dead End Screamer.
[ \ < > /////////// ]
Heidern 1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Heidern has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/------=|
It'll take more than that.
Ah, it's a pity that Heidern forgets...
Close quarters with a prepared /Rugal/ is an especially dangerous place to be.
If he doesn't remember, he will soon. The distance taken by Heidern is not one that is swiftly crossed. Instead... Bernstein smiles a little, glowing crimson eye narrowing as his feet spread out. "This is the end, you know. I felt I should warn you." And that's the only warning Heidern /will/ get on the matter, before the Ikari CO attacks --
And Rugal Bernstein is in the air.
A jumping kick takes him right through the roundhouse kick that Heidern had prepared. Smashing through the defenses of his enemy, Bernstein plows that kick RIGHT into Heidern's head with brutal force. But it doesn't end there. The force of the kick is enough to send the other man towards the ground, and as he does so? Rugal's feet gain a secure hold around Heidern's head... and he twists, brutally. Of course, Heidern's a strong man. It shouldn't snap his neck. But, the pain -- well, that's another story, isn't it? In the end, Rugal finishes the motion with a solid kick off of his would-be nemesis, flipping through the air and away from him.
"Understand why you're just a /gnat/ now, Heidern?"
Heidern was so close to defeating his hated rival, he could feel it. This time, there was no place for Rugal to run - and the patrols around the factory (the ones that survived Heidern's infiltration, that is) are no where to be seen. It was the perfect opportunity for the Ikari Commander to finally take his brutal revenge upon the man that killed his family..
..but it was not to be. Rugal ploughs through his strike, sending the military veteran flying up into the air. What follows only serves to knock out what little fight remained in the fatigued Heidern. When he finally does strike the ground, there isn't much movement at first - his entire body in pain, the slightest twitch of his muscles causing a rather unpleasant sensation.
But if he's going to die here.. he's going to die on his feet.
Visibly struggling, the injured and beaten Heidern manages to force himself back up to his feet, although he is unable to straighten his posture, hunched over and breathingn raggedly as he stares hatefully towards Rugal.
"..At least I'm man enough to see this through to the end, Bernstein.. instead of fleeing like a coward.." hisses the Ikari Commander, "Now, finish the job."
"Finish the job? ... oh, Heidern. You're priceless. Why would I dirty my hands finishing off someone like /you/ personally? You are, as you will always be: a waste of my time."
Unlike Heidern, Rugal is still cool and composed. There is blood that sullies his nice crimson coat, a wound created by Heidern's own hand, but he seems to simply shrug it off. The damage is negligible. Not in the face of this... this sweet victory, that makes him grin a little. Finish Heidern off? Why bother? The man is trash. Instead, he'll give him a gift.
Gloved hands lift, to straighten out his coat as he makes a glance towards Heidern, arching a brow ever-so faintly and narrowing his eyes. "I have to be honest with you now, Heidern. I feel it's necessary since this will likely be your last moment on earth. You weren't really expected." As he says this, he pulls out a device -- a trigger.
"Your daughter was."
One leap is all that it takes Rugal to get to the upper level of the room, closer to another one of the doors. "I planned on making this her funeral. Her grave was going to be this factory. It's a pity you won't be able to see or experience the painful loss of her death, but don't worry!" His smile... is especially malevolent. "Her death will be following shortly after yours. Cheers, Heidern." All staff that survived Heidern's vicious assault have been evacuated, for a specific purpose. Rugal exits with a composed sort of grace, up towards the roof, where a helicopter awaits him. And soon after his exit?
He pulls that trigger, and the factory goes off in the deafening boom of an explosion.
The revelation hits Heidern like a sledgehammer to the gut - this entire thing wasn't a trap for him.. no, it was all laid out in the hopes of luring his adopted daughter into Rugal's hands. -She- was the target all along.. and while he is glad that he decided to go on this mission personally instead of sending Leona out, that just means that Bernstein is going to try again.. and again.
He has faith in Leona's ability to survive, but against Rugal? Even with the protection of Ralf and Clark, her future is a rather dangerous one. Heidern was the only one who could protect her, and he failed..
"You son of a bitch.." growls Heidern, forgetting about the stabbing pain that runs throughout his entire body. He lunges towards Rugal, as though he were getting a second wind.. but alas, the damage inflicted is too much to bear, and he collapses to one knee. "Heh.. heh.." chuckles the Ikari Commander, rather odd considering his situation - about to be blown sky-high, along with the entire factory.. but before Rugal can turn around and leave the room, he has one last cryptic message to deliver.
"She's not what she seems.. I'll see you in hell, Bernstein."
And then, the defeated Heidern - the man who practically grew up in the jungles of Vietnam, the man who has fought countless battles on every continent, the man who has killed thousands in combat.. finally gets a chance to rest. No doubt the sight of the complex collapsing in on itself is a thing of joy to the twisted, evil man who pulled the trigger.. he's done away with one of his greatest rivals..
Or has he? DUN DUN DUNNN!
[OOC] Rugal says, "TO BE CONTINUED IN IKARI 2: THE END?! Starring Vin Diesel as Heidern!!"
[OOC] Heidern says, "You take that back! ...Kurt Russell, if -anyone-."
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 19:00:15 12/28/2005.