Description: Vega - getting guns. Rugal - delivering guns. Mr. Big - interrupting the getting and delivering of guns.
An ugly place. Seedy in most parts, at the best of times. In this case, a dock by a crowded bay - it's downright hideous. Rusted out cargo ships dot the harbor, thick red patches where identifying names and numbers have been 'worn off' by time and an attempt to disguise. The ships might as well have pirate's skulls and crossbones etched on them, for all the non-legitamate work they do.
But in the end - they are useful, and Vega certainly knows this. He's expecting a shipment, from the leader of 'R', Rugal Bernstein. A promised shipment of weapons to give to his shock troops - for when the inevitable comes, and Southtown and Geese Howard are ground down under his heel. He's come to personally inspect this shipment - and to be prepared lest something comes that overcomes Vega's right hand man, Sagat - who has now twice been 'interrupted' when overseeing shipments.
That's just bad business.
And so, Vega stands with his hands folded across his chest, waiting for the newest ship entering the harbor to dock and unload, a frown on his features, the only emotion showing a vague irritation.
Thailand is a den of corruption. It's filthy, filled with crime and the occasional civil wars. It is a very run down, disgusting country.
Which makes it all the better for business, in the end.
Nondescript boats have just recently entered the horizon. It's cold here -- but being winter, it's cold everywhere. At night time, these things get worse, but that is when crime is best for business. Consider it the rush our of illegal activities. It takes a while, for the boats to arrive at the docks where a man in red awaits. They're not propelled by anything overly expensive. Just a generic propelling system to help them get from one country to the next with little problem. Nothing conspicuous about that. They are nothing but a blot on the horizon at first. But eventually - inevitably - they arrive at the docks.
The first ship is the largest. 'R' delivers on time and as promised, and deliver with efficiency. Men looking more like crew aboard a shipping vessel carry various weaponry with them - guards - that throw down the a ramp to the dock. And from there... comes a man similarly draped in red as the great Lord Vega, hands shoved in his pockets and a heavy black overcoat draped over him as he takes a casual stride down to Shadaloo's leader.
"Ah, Lord Vega! You came too... what a coincidence."
The grin on Rugal Bernstein's face is that all-too classic expression of amusement, as his men already begin to work on unloading.
"Trees... I take care of 'em..." the old homeless man mutters to himself oddly as he shambles the wooden walkway of the docks a good distance away from Vega and Rugal. "...I'm a tree wizard..." he adds helpfully to the empty night as slowly makes his way over to an overturned garbage can. "Tree wizard... six dollars and forty-eight cents..." the crazy old man continues as he begins to rummage through the refuse, not giving the other two men or the commotion on the dock more than a second feverish glance."...Alabama, Alabama, Alabama..."
"Good evening, Rugal." Vega's voice is blunt, direct. After all - there's little love lost between the two, this marrige of convienence already chafing on Vega's nerves - moreso for his last lost against the man. Grr. "These will be quite adequate, I am sure. Your skills at procurement are very adept."
It's a bit surprising for Rugal to show up - Vega assumes it to be because of the man's hands-on personality. Vega's glower towards the rest of the docks shows his own distaste at having to do this. "I would have sent a reception if I'd known you were to arrive yourself, Rugal. I .. have had several shipments as of late tampered with.. I wanted to see if it was incompetence on my underling's part, or if it were more." He glances over the boat again, and then stretches his shoulders, just a brief bit. "So far - everything seems quite smooth."
Unlike his 'partner,' Rugal seems to be in more than good spirits. He has no reason not to be, after all. His involvement in the overall scheme of this war is small. He is but an arms dealer, after all. But where Vega sees a chafe on his nerves and a potential overlordish ulcer in the future, R's leader sees... opportunity. "Of course, Vega. I only brought you weapons of the /highest/ quality. We're partners after all, hm?"
He'll even give the great Lord Vega a discount.
Of course Bernstein has his own reasons for being here, whether it be a simple case of personality quirks or otherwise. "Ah, it's not a problem. We won't be at this for long after all, will we? A simple arms deal should never be interrupted." Such things are sacred, after all. Interrupting them will only end in disaster.
Slowly, Rugal's dual gaze scans the docks. There is a form on the horizon, but... probably nothing. "Yes. Quite smooth indeed." His gaze lingers for a moment, before returning to Shadaloo's lord and master. "If there are rats on the shipping vessels, we will simply have to squash them out of existance."
Nassir has connected.
"...Tree wizard..." the hobo insists as he appears to grow bored of the garbage can and turns his shambling gait towards the pair of men on the docks... are those stingray boots on the hobo's feet?! No... he wouldn't... This is Lord Vega of Shadaloo and the formidable Rugal Bernstein we're talking about here. No one would be foolish, egotistical enough to think they could take on both men at once, would they?
"Hey! Who you callin a rat?!" Mr. Big shouts as he sheds the hobo robes from around his shoulders, letting the rags fall to the boardwalk around his stingray boots. Navy blue fur-lined coat draped over his shoulders and a smart brown vest worn underneath with a snow white ascot around his neck, it's very hard to imagine the well dressed Mr. Big passing for a hobo just moments ago.
"Looks like someone forgot my invitation to this party!" The egotistical Mr. Big calls out smarmily as he strips the dirty fingerless gloves from his hands and tosses them onto the ground next to the rags. Reaching behind his back, the Southtown Syndicate Mobster pulls out a pair of shiny black batons and twirls them once in his hands before striking his laid-back fighting stance. "That wasn't very thoughtful."
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|
Unsurprised, Vega turns at the sound of the man approaching. It seems that things simply don't go his way when he's trying to get good, dark work done. And in this case, well - mph. The Lord of Shadaloo turns to face the bold, brash person, gaze straying away from Rugal and then that frown that he incessantly wears deepens.
"This was a private party, miscreant. However, in this case.." he starts, then pauses, the frown creasing into a cruel smile, as he braces himself as well. ".. I believe I may make an exception. What is your name, so that when Lord Vega crushes you, we may send your remains back to the proper location..?" Vega then tenses the muscles of his shoulders up, and his neck cracks loudly, one of those theatrical displays that so many people tend to do. Vega, in this way, is no better than any other showboater..
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Juli has arrived.
"His name is Mr. Big. An enforcer for the Syndicate. Isn't that right...?"
Rugal steps forward, past Vega as he postures. Bernstein has never been much for that. He knows who Mr. Big is, and likely why he is here. He did, after all, only just meet the other man a few days ago. "How are you, sir? Have you recovered yet from the beating you received?" Almost casually, Rugal tugs his gloves a bit more firmly onto his hands, leather creaking ever so slightly. Though he doesn't turn to regard Vega, his voice is nevertheless directed at him. "Though, 'Lord' Vega... you need not concern yourself with names, yes?" His legs tense.
"Just refer to him as the first of many to come."
He does not like to posture. That is why, after he's finished, he leaps off his feet in a rush towards Mr. Big... and past him. That speedy drive carries him straight past Big, before he stops DIRECTLY behind him. One elbow swings out at this point, to knock the other man solidly in his shiny, expertly polished head.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mr.Big with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Rugal
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Vega
"Yeah, Blondie has it right. The name's Mr. Big. I guess that makes you 'Lord Vega'. I like the hat. It's a little too 'Village People' for me, but the metal shoulder pads make it work." Glancing at Rugal as he steps forward, Mr. Big's smirk pulls slightly into a sneer. "Yeah, felt as right as rain the next day. Don't even think you left a bruise," he adds with a dark chuckle. "Though, next time just come out and admit that you need help to take me down. I mean, really, tricking a punk like Shenwoo into doing your dirty work is kinda pathetic."
His eyebrows twitching slightly as Rugal dashes behind him, Mr. Big seems reluctant to take his eyes off of his main target, Vega; which is really too bad, because the elbow in the back of his head doesn't feel very good. "Gah," Mr. Big grunts as he stumbles forward a few steps.
"I ain't here for you Rugal, don't feel that special," Mr. Big says over his shoulder as he lets the force of the strike propel him forward towards Vega. "I'm here to teach Duke Vega not to interfere with Syndicate business, just like I taught his lackey Sagat. He was a good little student..." Lashing out with his right-hand baton as he nears Vega, Mr. Big attempts to catch the imposing man on the even more imposing chin with a backhand strike before following it up with a poke to the man's silly little hat with his left hand weapon. Normally he'd follow it up with a trust to the nose, but the sailor cap's just too tempting a target.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Vega with Medium Strike.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Rugal
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Vega
Duke Vega? Pfah! Lord Vega! He's about to explain the difference between the two when that fist comes in. He laughs - this will be easy. Take it, and return the force right back at the man as a 'gift', a show of power from the Shadaloo leader. Sadly, this is not quite how it works. Instead of soaking up the energy of the impact, he feels something go 'crunch' against his jaw, teeth rattling from the blow. He doesn't stagger, or show weakness, but it's probably pretty easy for big to notice that he took the hit poorly. The followup swipe is icing on the cake, though, the 'silly hat' flying off, into the bay. Perhaps that bothers Vega more than the actual impact of the hit.
"So you dare to treat me as a common bar brawl, do you?" Vega wipes blood off of his mouth with the back of his hand.. then grins. After all - this is an opportunity to learn about the Syndicate - and so far, they've only been showing him what they can do. It's time, perhaps - to strike back. And so, he does. He rushes towards the man, belying his size with speed, and reaches down towards Big's knees. His hands flare with dark energy as he tries to simply hoist the man up and into the air - and then return him to the ground with a crushing slam.
"Ah, you're mistaken. You lost a fair fight between three competitors, Mr. Big. I hope you're not too sore about my not letting you have access to the hotel rooms, of course -- that right was reserved for the winners. As I recall, you came in last." The tone is all too pleasantly chiding and mocking, even as Rugal's elbow slams solidly into the back of his enemy's head. Only enemy, of course, because of the mere coincidence that Big happened to make the drop on a deal between Shadaloo and R that both leaders only /happened/ to show up at. Lucky him. Rugal will be sure to reward Big for his wonderful timing.
"Do you need some help, Vega?" The question is posed calmly, even as Rugal shrugs off that overcoat, and sets about straightening his crimson jacket, making sure the cuffs look nice and neat. "A good lesson is taught when the student has been thoroughly beaten, after all. If you're going to do this... allow me to help."
Even though Rugal started the fight, he offers his 'helping hand' now as Vega attempts to heft the would-be pimp into the air. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to intrude, Mr. Big..." Regardless of the outcome, Rugal is leaping through the air, spiralling as he attempts to plow two nicely polished shoes into Biggie - whether he's on the ground or otherwise, it really doesn't matter to Bernstein.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big dodges Vega's Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Rugal
> //////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mr.Big with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Rugal
> //////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Vega
Leaping back as Vega gropes for him, Mr. Big snickers and wags a baton at the Shadaloo Lord. "Aww, too slow Bega," Mr. Big taunts. "And you know what? I reget the hat thing. I mean, that's one BAD case of hat hair. Do you /ever/ take that thing off?" Chuckling softly as he has fun at Vega's expense, Mr. Big doesn't quite notice Rugal assaulting him from behind. That's the second time disregarding Rugal has gotten him pummeled. He'll learn his lesson... eventually. "You know, you're starting to get on my nerves Bernstein," Mr. Big warns as the kick sends him stumbling. "Don't you have a cat to molest or something?" Big asks as he turns towards Rugal and whips his baton towards him, sending a plume of orange chi flaring along the dock towards the German.
Vega, Ignored.
This only seems to drive the dictator more mad - not only has he failed to touch his opponent after he was hit with a blow, he's been pushed aside for the man who's beaten him. This is _very_ unacceptable. Vega's face purples with fury, those bright white eyes flaring up with energy, licks of purple psi causing an eerie glow in the night air. His voice is cold, simple fury in his every whispered word, even if the other man cannot hear.
"You _will_ pay for your insolence, _boy_. Ignoring me is the last mistake you will make!" With that, he breaks any good rule of a fight, and attacks Mr. Big from behind, with a wave of pure psychopower - energy from emotion.
And in this case, since it feeds off of his negative energy - it should work well, as he's plenty mad.
COMBATSYS: Rugal reflects Ground Blaster from Mr.Big with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
> /////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Vega
Ah, dear. Now Big has gone and upset Vega. Rugal imagines this fight won't last much longer, than, which is unfortunate - he had been hoping to be able to play around with the Syndicate member a bit longer. But the would-be pimp has earned the lord of Shadaloo's ire and now, he gets to learn first hand about the power that has so recently caught Rugal's intense interest in a massive wave of it. As it is... Rugal lands away from Mr. Big, one hand slipped inside his pocket, his back turned to his enemy. "Oh? Surprisingly enough, you've yet to get on my nerves. Perhaps it is because you are worth less than a gnat to me." The chi races towards him, and Bernstein? ... heaves a sigh. "I've already tasted your power BEFORE. Here. Let me show you how weak it really is."
His free hand - the right one - simply lifts, fingers splayed and palm pointed at Big and his spurt of chi. Green energy flicks around Rugal's hands before sprouting into a broiling disk of emerald green that ABSORBS all of that energy that Big has just send the crime boss' way. There is only a second's pause, before the energy not simply /disperse/ by the Barrier is all rechanneled, refocused, and sent HURLING straight back at Big. Cheers.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Mr.Big with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big overcomes Reflected Ground Blaster from Rugal with Blaster Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Vega
"GAAH!" Mr. Big shouts in surprise as the purple energy shreds into his back painfully. "What's the matter Duke Bega? Can't hit me face to face like a man? You're pathetic. Geese is going to chew you up," the Glittering Sultan of Southtown sneers over his shoulder as his own Ground Blaster races towards him. "Tasted my WHAT?" Mr. Big repeats as his attention focuses back on Rugal. "You know, I thought the giant cat thing was pretty fruity, but you just keep getting creepier and creepier!" Mr. Big adds as he holds his black sticks aloft, a large arc of electricity springing to life between his batons.
"You need to get out more man. Seriously." Whipping the batons back and forth, the crackling rope of cobalt electricity seems to stretch and grow like pulled taffy. Throwing his batons forward as the ground blaster grows perilously near, Mr. Big throws the arc foreword, dissipating the ground blaster and sending the electric attack flying towards Rugal, where it will violently explode with a thunderclap of electricity if it should hit the man.
"That is what you get for turning your back on me, whelp." Vega's voice is still cold, still angry with the insult and slight from being ignored by the attacker. And yet again, Rugal seems to be more the 'target' than Vega is. This draws his ire even higher. Vega moves, faster than most eyes can see - but not to the back of Big - instead, to move around to face the man as the arcing attack flies back towards Rugal - face to face, in close and personal.
"I will show you what happens when you ignore me, Syndicate man. This is your lesson." With that, he drops down, and swipes his hand at the man's chest, thick black and purple psi flaring up as he basically tries to bury his hand into the man before him. Grr. GRR.
[OOC] Rugal does something potentially stupid.
COMBATSYS: Rugal slows Blaster Wave from Mr.Big with Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Vega
[OOC] Rugal says, "Boom. :o"
[OOC] Vega says, "Hee."
[OOC] Mr. Big says, "I guess Mr. Big > Geese."
[OOC] Rugal says, "Well, if you want to sting him to death. :o"
COMBATSYS: Geese has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Vega
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Geese
[OOC] Geese says, "Say that again."
[OOC] Mature says, "lol"
[OOC] Geese says, "Say that again, Big. I dare you."
[OOC] Rugal XD
[OOC] Mr. Big coughs.
COMBATSYS: Geese has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Vega
[OOC] Geese kids, of course.
[OOC] Mr. Big o_O;;;
"It seems you've forgotten, Mr. Big..."
As Rugal says this, Vega swoops down towards the Syndicate man to dig those psi-power laden claws into his chest.
"... I'm not your target tonight."
That elecricity comes at him, and Bernstein's response is simple. It's too fast to dodge or block, really, but he can render it practically useless. Chi crackles around his right arm, white and blue in color before he snaps it forward. The energy races across the ground, tearing through the flimsy wood of the docks as it clashes with that electricity. It's not intended to overcome, though - merely to make it so that it disperses wave after wave of energy until, when it hits Rugal...
It's more like a static shock than anything else.
"Mm. I find you're sadly lacking in areas of chi as well as in physical prowess. It's a pity... Southtown's enforcer ends up being nothing worthy of note beyond hired muscle." It's at this point, Rugal simply tucks his hands into his pockets and begins to walk - away from Big. "What a disappointing discovery."
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Mr.Big with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Vega
This just isn't Mr. Big's night... either that, or it's just not his night to take on the leaders of two of the three biggest criminal organizations in the world all by his bad self. And it seemed like such a good idea at the time too. Battered and bloody, Mr. Big stumbles backwards from Vega's assault, clutching his chest painfully. "So, you finally started getting lucky..." Mr. Big groans. "I may be losing this fight, but after the Syndicate is done Shadaloo will be nothing but a memory..." Launching himself at Vega, Mr. Big begins to swing both his batons in large circles towards Vega's chest and chin, milling his arms like a Taiko Drummer. After about 13 or 14 revolutions, Mr. Big will quickly turn his body slightly at the waist and send out both batons toward Vega's chin, then circling around the weapons for another strike at the Lord's chest, following through powerfully enough that it /might/ knock Vega off of his feet. If it even hits, that is.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Vega with Drum Shot Typhoon.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Vega
Feet - meet air. Vega's hit on every revolution - starting with trying to simply take the attack, ending with being swept from his feet and almost landing unceremoniously in a heap. He manaages to hit his hands to the ground, and turn the fall into a flip, landing on his feet a few feet away, a second later. "Nhh.. You DARE?!" Vega staggers backwards, reaching out blindly - one of the boxes of weapons is hefted up in his hand, and he throws it directly at the man with the batons, trying to knock him off his feet.
Big is busy with Vega, and Vega is busy fuming and snarling over Big having ignored him for all this time. So what does R's leader do? He moves over to the shipment of weapons - which has been continuing despite the fight, a reflection of the dedication of R's members - and pauses one of the men carting along one of the crates. As Big unleashes that rather nasty looking technique of his that he used before on Vega, Rugal opens the crate systematically, tossing the lid to the side... and pulling out a rather large looking machine gun. "When you get up, Vega..." He notes nonchalantly, stepping forward. The gun is pointed at Mr. Big with a rather uncaring air, his cybernetic eye glowing crimson in the night. "Allow me to give you a demonstration of the weaponry you will be receiving from me." And then, he fires.
[OOC] Mr. Big cackles with joy. Now we're talkin.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mr.Big with Large Thrown Object.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big dodges Vega's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Vega
Easily stepping out of the way of the thrown crate, Mr. Big sneers happily as the box flies past him to crash open on the ground. "Just when I think you might have earned your reputation..." Mr. Big says to the Shadaloo Lord. " remind that you're a damn joke. I guess even Shadaloo needs a figurehead. Oh well, Geese will be pleased when I deliver your hea-GAAAH!" Mr. Big yells as a trail of hot lead shoots up his back, the bullets sinking deep into his flesh. "Son...sonnova bitch..." Mr. Big groans as he hunches over, clutching his chest in excruciating pain. "You goddamn...cowards..." the mobster rasps as he bends down to snatch up one of the weapons from the crate Vega broke."You won't... get so lucky... next time..." Mr. Big promises as he carefully slings the gun over his neck and let's himself tumble off of the dock, vanishing into the dark waters below.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big takes no action.
> ////////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big can no longer fight.
> ////////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Rugal
> ////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Vega
Round after round is fired off, biting flesh mercilessly before Rugal releases his hold on the trigger, and lets the gun itself fall to simply rest against his side. "Don't blame us for not having a quick enough reaction time, Mr. Big. That's a problem with genetics, not with external sources." He doesn't even bother trying to pursue the gangster, instead turning to look at the weapons transfer taking place. "... I hate fighting trash." And now /Rugal/ is in a bad mood, frowning as he runs a hand through his blonde hair. "Pick up the pace! I would like to get out of this disgusting piece of filth as soon as possible!" Another glance given back to Vega, a nod of his head. "As always, it is a pleasure to do business with you Lord Vega. Next time, though, try not to get as hit as frequently!" And with a /good-natured/ laugh, Rugal heads back to R's main vessel, to treat himself to a lovely glass of red wine.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has left the fight here.
> ////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Vega
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 08:59:13 12/08/2005.