Description: Neo League fight, Juli vs a not quite drunk enough Kyoko. Secrets are learned, butts are kicked. (Winner: Juli)
Kyoko leaves the bar.
Kyoko has arrived.
Pick a spot for Kyoko to fight? Well of course, she'll pick a bar! And who'd be stupid enough to refuse that to a wonderful woman like Kyoko? Well it's not the main reason for all of this, but letting cameras around and do some promotions ought to be a really nice reward in the long run. That's exactly why this next fight actually happens inside of Shanghai Sports Bar. A couple of hardcore fans are definately around getting some beer and getting ready for a lady fight... Though the action's not going to be lacking any that's for sure, considering the players involved.
Being here a bit early, Kyoko's actually taking a few liberties. She decided to have a few drinks, chat around and just have some fun while her opponent comes. Guess Kyoko's a little started up but... Since when a few drinks have prevented her from fighting to her best? Never. It's all in your head, really.
A bar. It's definatly the sort of thing Juli needs to keep her head on straight. Actually, it's likely to do just the opposite. While the girl's certainly not empathetic, there's nothing wrong with her empathy, and she can feel the buzz in back of her head even outside of the bar. Drunk people, and a good number of them--she'll have to do her best to tune them out.
As usual, Juli largely ignores the crowd as she enters the bar. It's bad enough that she can feel them making her head a little muddy, she isn't going to pay more attention to them than she has to. Certainly not the way to win friends and influence fans, but Juli doesn't really care about that.
What she does care about, however, is her opponent, and her eyes narrow in disapproval when she sees what Kyoko's up to. On the plus side, Juli won't be the only one fighting off fuzziness. A further glance around the room spots a number of weapons, pool sticks and balls, darts and those handy heavy duty tables. Using her environment like that likely won't lead to fancy improv, but every little bit is useful.
After the short moment to get used to the environment of the place, Juli weaves her way through the crowd to Kyoko. "We are supposed to be fighting. What does drinking have to do with this?"
Seems like her opponent has just arrived! Alas, this means that Kyoko's little fun is over--at least for now. Though it doesn't mean she can't continue to drink and have fun afterward. The nurse's outfit is obviously different than last time. Something more simple than her usual attire. A simple white blouse and a lovely black mini-skirt. Not to mention the high heels. Kyoko spins around on her heels to face Juli and one hand goes up to idly brush away a few locks of hair from her face. "Ah! There you are!" She says with a soft chuckle.
While the crew around get ready, Kyoko takes a last shot of her drink before she sets it aside and makes her way for the more or less reserved space for the two fighters--of course, there's no rule against actually stepping out and using the enviromnent as they see it fit so... Lips curling into a wide grin, Kyoko settles herself in her combat stance--more or less. Thankfully, she still seems enough combat-able despite the fuzziness.
"Ah, I'm pretty sad, you don't come around pay me visits in Gedo... You can come, really! I really love to help out students in everything, or anything... If you have anything you want to talk about and stuff... I'm always all ears, you don't have to be shy..." Kyoko says.
With a grin, Kyoko says, "So... Ready for this?"
COMBATSYS: Kyoko has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kyoko 0/-------/-------|
Visit Kyoko. Juli thinks about that for a moment, then stops... undoubtedly it would be the sort of visit that leads to all sorts of prying questions into Juli's personal life. On the other hand, maybe making more of a presence in Gedo would be a good idea after all, and take pressure off of her for those who may be snooping into her moonlighting habits; Kyoko .did. warn her about that once upon a time.
All this goes through Juli's head in the time it takes for her to give Kyoko an uncomfortably long stare--though such expressions are somewhat the norm for her--then she turns away to get some space between her and the teacher. Once a few feet away, Juli looks back at Kyoko and nods. "Don't stab someone with those heels."
Naerose has arrived.
"Ah, don't worry, I'm just going with the tip not the heel, actually." Kyoko says, a soft chuckling escaping her throat. She tilts her head to one side and adds, "At any rate... I'm glad I get to fight you again but into a more... Professional sort of way. Something official and friendly, I guess." Kyoko admits. She grins and adds, "I'll treat you to a drink after... If you got the legal age, of course." Kyoko says with a wink.
"So... Don't let this gets between us... I just like to befriend my students, have them visit me in my long lonely days at school... Ah, how I love to help my beloved students, and listen to their many problems. Makes me feel like I'm young again! Ahah. I know there's no such thing as a teenager without any existantial problem."
"At any rate... As a good sensei, I guess... I should actually allow you to get the initiative, if you wish to take it..."
Kyoko clearly has personality issues, ones that reward her with a slightly longer stare from Juli as she struggles to put the words together. Ah, here they are.
"Act your age. You are not a teenager anymore." That stinging insult said in a voice as flat as flat can be, of course. Even when dissing someone, Juli's voice changes very little in tone.
But, since Kyoko was so nice to offer, Juli does indeed take the initiative. Actually, she just sort of stands there, waiting to see if her words have any affect on the woman's cool, and slowly gathers herself.
COMBATSYS: Juli has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kyoko 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
COMBATSYS: Juli focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kyoko 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
That's like a rock thrown right into a lovely frail piece of glass. You can almost hear the shattering noise of all of it as Kyoko seems to wince and stiffen up a bit at Juli's comment. She glances up at her and blinks once. Twice. She just returns the stare and remains perfectly silent. Who knows what a fighter with a bit of alcohol in their veins might respond to that game of insult.
As for Kyoko? Will she just burst into a fury of blows? Will she become overtly aggressive? Seems not. In fact, the woman just bursts into tears and she moves her hands over her face as if to cover herself while she cries, "It... It's not my fault!" She says, shaking her head a little, her words a little bit hushed due to the fact she's talking in her hands, "I... I'm just trying to make up for all the time I missed! I never had a teenage life like this, I'm trying! It's so hard, I just envy all of you so much! And never had the chance to do any of this, I just failed my youth!"
Kyoko raises her gaze up, eyes a bit watery as she moves one hand over to her chest and she extends her other to Juli, trying to approch her a bit, "You can't blame me, can you? You can't! It's hard to resist!" The woman attempts to grapple Juli's collar and if she manages to she will actually shake her back and forth quite a lot and rather roughly, "You can't understand what I went through now, can you, can you!?"
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Kyoko's Quick Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kyoko 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
Actually, Juli can't. At the sight of the teacher having a near melt down in front of her, Juli actually blinks once or twice, then allows her lips to curl into a smirk. This could, perhaps, be easier than Juli'd planned. Especially now that she has the teacher so riled up.
Even if she can't understand the source of Kyoko's angst--and more the pity that Juli can't explain what a .real. messed up teenager's life is like. Forced to grow up fast versus being ruthlessly brainwashed and used for an assassin puppet by a world famous terrorist/dictator? Juli has her beat in spades. Regardless, Juli still isn't about to let Kyoko get her hands on her.
Neatly twisting to the side of Kyoko's attempt to shake her, Juli keeps the momentum going in a full circle, building up plenty of momentum before slamming a psycho energy powered elbow at Kyoko's solar plexus.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Juli's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kyoko 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Juli
Alas, Juli can't understand her. Kyoko blinks a few times as Juli easily slips out of her grasp and she looks around for a moment, a bit dazed by the swift manuever. She may have taken too many consomations to actually attempt to dodge this one in her high heels but she at least moves her arm over to block the attempt to hit her right in her solar plexus.
The nurse winces and she growls a bit, glaring at Juli, "Well... At any rate... Forget about that, that's all beside the point." Kyoko snorts and her lips curl into a smile, "Let's focus on this fight instead... Yeah... Good thing..." Kyoko tires to shake off the feeling, even though it still remains in the back of her head. Soon, soon she will need some more alcohol. Yes... Alcohol that will help her forget all about this.
Though for now, she must fight and so, Kyoko opts for a swift counter. She attempts to get her hands on Juli and, if she suceeds to get her steady and hold her she'll go for a few quick knee shots right in Juli's midsection.
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Kyoko's Shokushin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kyoko 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Juli
Knee strikes that never connect. Once again Juli almost effortlessly dodges what Kyoko undoubtedly thinks is a clever attempt to grab Juli, but are in reality slowed by the course of alcohol running through her system. While Juli may have a slight fuzzy feeling at the back of her head, one that's starting to quickly fade as she grows used to the drunken atmosphere of the place and her psycho power induced empathy starts to ignore it, there's nothing intefering with her physical status, which is more than enough to make sure that Kyoko still doesn't manage to get a hand on her.
"Yes," Juli readily agrees. "You should concentrate." That said, Juli makes a grab for Kyoko. One arm will wrap around the teacher's shoulder, and the other lower around her leg. If it all works out, Kyoko will be flung over Juli's back in a classic suplex... and if Juli's especially lucky, it might even end with Kyoko breaking the first table of the night.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Kyoko with Hooligan Suplex.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kyoko 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Juli
Way too slow. Looks like Kyoko's reflexes aren't there tonight. It's her own fault for coming here with a bit of alcohol in her veins after all. With Juli slipping out of her grasp once more, Kyoko barely has the time to see or know what's going on that she finds herself in Juli's grapple and the world begins to spin around and them... CRASH.
Just for the show, for all of those happy viewers, the first table has been broken, causing a bunch of glasses filled with alcohol to be spilled all over. Kyoko grunts a bit and she winces, rolling a bit on the ground and helping herself back to her feet as she can, "Oh yeah... So you want to play like that..." Kyoko says as she gets her hands on one of the chair and then...
She turns around and she growls, charging over Juli as she attempts to break it off on the girl's back, hopefully, before she gets back up fully or, if she's already up on her feet, well... Just give her a nice wooden chair shot in the face.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Juli with Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kyoko 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Juli
It was a miracle shot. Up to the point of being hit, Juli's done everything right, kikkuping with a minor whirlwind of feet to stand up again, then stepping out of the way of the clumsy lunge with the chair. And that's when Juli's footing slips on a puddle of beer on the ground. Not only does Juli have to recover her footing, but she ends up eating a chair in the back.
Shaking her head in disgust of her own clumsiness, Juli backs off from the scene of the crime to her balance--and hopefully away from more puddles of beer. Once at a safe distance away, Juli focuses on her psycho power, letting the blood red energy wash over her form, filling her active reserves.
COMBATSYS: Juli gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kyoko 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Juli
"Ahaha!" Kyoko exclaims as she hits Juli right on with her chair and manages to land a rather solid hit. The nurse's lips curl into a wide grin as she tosses what's left of the chair in her hands aside and she says, "How was that shot, eh?" She shakes her head a bit disapprovingly as Juli starts gathering her psycho power and fills with energy.
"Oh no you don't!" Kyoko exclaims as she moves over and tries to get a hold of one of Juli's arm and forces it into her back in a rather painful way, applying pressure on her elbow and joints to accentuate the pain.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Kyoko's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kyoko 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Juli
While Kyoko manages to get her hands on Juli, it doesn't work quite as well as the teacher wanted. Quite used to applying throws of her own, and her physiology slightly altered by the psychopower that flows through her, Juli just doesn't seem to take too much damage from having her pressure points attacked like that, her faster than normal healing capabilities making sure no real damage is inflicted with those strikes
When Juli's had enough of the discomfort of having her arm wrenched back, she twists free and stares at Kyoko for a moment. What was the teacher trying to do just then? It's a question for later, as once Juli's wrested out of Kyoko's grip she drops down to a crouch in front of Kyoko, bracing herself with a hand next to her legs.
And then she's up again, her strong leg muscles allowing the girl to push herself clear off of the floor and deliver a strong kick, and if that kick connects, several more are waiting just behind, her legs windmilling in the air to deliver a series of hard strikes.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko fails to counter Reverse Shaft Breaker from Juli with One Wing Stance.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kyoko 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Juli
Things didn't quite work out the same way they were used to. Why? Kyoko can't tell, though she's obviously surprised that it doesn't work quite as well as she hoped it to. Unfortunately, her brain fails to actually make up the connection in time and the few seconds she is left to actually wonder why she fails to achieve the wanted results allow Juli to slip out of her grasp.
Kyoko frowns and she actually tries to get herself back into her combat posture and strike her before she does. Alas, once again, Kyoko's not fast enough to deliver her strike. The first kick lands and then the other and so goes a rather harsh series of strong kicks.
Kyoko staggers with each kick, the force sending her backward. The woman eventually loses her footing though and she falls off to the ground. The woman growls a bit and she shakes her head, lifting her gaze up and glaring at Juli, "Huh... Lucky..." She says, "I think... I think I need some more booze..." She says.
After the final kick is thrown, and Kyoko's dumped unceremoniously to the ground, Juli follows up by backflipping nimbly in the air and landing on her feet again. She eyes Kyoko warily to see what Kyoko's up to again. Yammering about more beer? Juli allows a faint smirk to cross her lips, then presses the attack again.
Having already dealt out sufficient damage with her feet, Juli doesn't see why she shouldn't attempt it again. Hopping back a few feet, Juli stares at the woman while she's glared at, then dashes forward a couple steps. On her second step, Juli goes airborne, her rear foot swinging out when she's cleared half the distance between her and Kyoko. That foot, of course, carries the reddish glow of Juli's psychopower--something she knows Kyoko's weak against.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Juli's Sniping Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kyoko 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Juli
Kyoko attempts to get her breath back. She bites her lips and she glances up at Juli, "Time out..." Kyoko says, attempting to get a few seconds off. However, it doesn't seem like it'll make Juli stop her assault. "Wow, wait a sec, I really need a refill here!" Kyoko says, eyes widening a bit.
Kyoko takes a step back and she lifts both of her arms up to shield herself against the incoming blast of psychopower. Kyoko pants softly and she gives Juli a glare, "Alright then... If you don't want to actually give me a few seconds to get myself a beer, I'll try to give myself the time then..."
And so... Kyoko rushes over Juli and she attempts to get a hold of Juli's arms. If she manages to get a hold of her, she'll force her into a series of joint locks and submission, merely to make Juli's body hurt all over and hopefully, for her to be able to fetch a buck of beer while she controls Juli down.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Kyoko's Final Prescription.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kyoko 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Juli
Again with the pressure points, and again with Juli ending up ignoring most of it. Even as Kyoko goes to work on trying to stretch her muscles out to their limits, hit places on her that would cripple a normal man, and various other forms of extreme pain, Juli just ... rolls with it.
Of course, healing treatment like this takes a lot out of her psychopower, and more than a little forced concentration of it on Juli's end to dampen the worse of the negative affects on her body. It's worth it though, as by the time Kyoko finally gives up on the final treatment, the most she gets from Juli is an annoyed look.
"What are you trying to do?" Juli asks as it's all over... this is the second time Kyoko's gone about trying to turn her into a well poked pretzel, and like the last time, it leaves Juli more confused as to what form of attack this is supposed to be than actually hurt by it.
Kyoko's probably better off explaining it later, Juli's psychopowered retaliatory backfist is coming in fast and strong.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Kyoko with Axle Spin Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kyoko 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Juli
What is she trying to do? Good question, even her best barely seems to have hurt Juli and Kyoko can easily tell that. Is that merely because she's drunk? Nah, she thinks there's more to it, though being drunk might not help her any at all. The woman blinks a few times and she seems rather confused at how she fails to hurt Juli, "Well, I, huh..." She blinks a few times.
How did it come to this? The last time she fought her she had the upper hand and now? She's just totally getting slaughtered. Kyoko doesn't have the time to react that she gets hit by Juli's backfist and that actually saps out the last of Kyoko's remaining strength. The woman stumbles about a little, her vision getting a bit blurry, "Oh... No... Not enough... Not enough alcohol..."
The woman doesn't do long though before she collapses to the ground. Seems like this is it for Kyoko.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Juli 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Kyoko can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Juli 0/-------/--=====|
Watching Kyoko dispassionatly as she gives up the ghost and collapses, Juli shakes her head again. She's rather annoyed inside, but she's hiding it quite well. This fight shouldn't have been so easy.
"Don't fight me drunk again, Kyoko. You are hardly worth the energy." And then, Juli sighs. True, this is her first victory in the league, but to get it this way? It's taught her nothing about the capabilities of the teacher. It has, however, taught her a valuable weakness in the teacher. Perhaps it was worth it, after all.
The fight over, Juli looks over the cheering, mostly drunk crowd, and starts to pick a path out of the bar through them. Undoubtedly, the crowd will help Kyoko back to her feet. Perhaps they'll even help get Kyoko even more drunk than she is already.
Log created by Juli, and last modified on 03:04:24 12/07/2005.