Description: It's Thai time in Seattle! Vyle and Alma square off in the middle of Tawon Thai, and tables and curry are thrown as dinner, in the form of flaming fists, is served. Or at least, Vyle gets served, anyway. But maybe throwing Alma through two tables made it all worth it? (Winner: Alma)
Seattle, Washington. Home of Starbucks, the Space Needle, Nirvana, Microsoft (sort of), and Ken Masters. A fine city, if you like water, or having only two seasons; a clean city for the most part, at least in the better areas. But as the home of said Ansatsuken master, it has been designated as one of the main stopping points for fighters all over the world who have joined the Neo League Tournament -- and with this sudden surplus of fighters has come the lobbying for places to appear in said battles. No doubt all sorts of locations will gain a surge of fame and recognition as being the host of a Neo League battle.
Like, say, Tawon Thai.
This high-class Thai restaurant has an exceptional cultural ambiance and atmosphere that is matched only by its delicious cuisine, and has reasonable prices to boot. These prices have enjoyed a bit of a hike today, however, as tables have been spread out in a row along the wall, a safe distance away from the soon-to-be combatants. Not all of the tables and chairs have been removed from the other half, however. It looks like somebody at this restaurant doesn't mind a bit of damage for the sake of a more interesting fight; perhaps he's a kickboxing fan. Whatever the case, the time for the fight is drawing nigh, and conversation quiets as the lights dim slightly.
"Ladies and gentlemen!" announces the head of the restaurant, beaming brightly, slicked back hair gleaming in the low light. "Thank you so much for coming. Today we have a presentation that will put Tawon Thai on the map: a Neo League fight, hopefully one of many to come! Today's fight pits--"
As he continues with the introductions, a tall young man walks calmly and quietly in through the main entrance, unnoticed by most, and seats himself at one of the tables. "Excuse me," he murmurs to the waitress, who glances over to him and blinks. "May I have a thai iced tea, please?"
She's silent for a moment before replying a bit hesitantly, "Of course, sir, but... aren't you in this fight?"
Alma smiles gently. "I'll just wait for the music to start."
He doesn't have to wait long. While the lighting here may not be as good as an arena's, the lights dim just enough to make the entrance worth it....
o/` EVERYBODY (COME ON)! IF YOU WITH IT (COME ON)! BRING IT ON! COME ALONG! S-T-Y-L-E-S BEYOND-OND-OND-OND-OND....IT'S LIKE BEING...o/` That's right. That's his cue. Barreling through the doors of the kitchen, the man known as Vyle (with his oddly colored hair pulled back into a ponytail now, of all hairstyles) leaps forward, planting himself with one foot on a chair, and another upraised on a table, arms outstretched as if he were on a turnbuckle. "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT!" he shouts, jumping off the table as his theme continues on. As soon as he's settled, he gives a slight glance to Alma, snorting at him. "So you're part of this league too, huh. I just hope you don't expect to get out of this with your looks, pretty boy."
Alma Towazu glances at Vyle out of the corner of his eye, and takes a quiet sip from the glass of Thai iced tea now in his head, calmly and easily ignoring the stares of the rest of the audience, who've now realized the other contestant has just been chillin' right next to them. "I suppose not," he murmurs, sounding slightly disappointed even, though his eyes warm merrily as he rises from his chair. He tilts his head back and takes a long gulp from the glass, half-closing his eyes, and continues walking forward, evading chairs without looking and finally finishing by leaping onto a table and scooting himself off, only then lowering his head and placing the glass behind him. He's managed to drain it completely. He hasn't spilled any, either.
"Don't hold back just for my sake," the would-be bishonen says, low tones serenely cheerful. "Please, do your best."
"And..." The manager-cum-announcer takes a deep breath. "FIGHT!"
Shifting his stance -- or perhaps more just shifting his attitude, giving the psychic impression he's shifted his stance -- Alma straightens and just gazes into Vyle's eyes, his stare seeming to become more and more piercing as the moments pass, his intensity doubling with each passing second as he suddenly surges with fighting spirit, expanding his awareness. He shifts his legs slightly, his only real movement besides his increase in poise, to subtly open himself up for better kicking.
Slowly, unstoppably, he begins to smile.
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Vyle has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Vyle
Vyle simply snorts at Alma, cracking his knuckles as he watches the psi-kid simply hang loose, drink some tea, and keep that infuriatingly calm attitude up. "I hope you don't mind if I kick out some of those teeth and mess up that smile," he snaps at Alma. He hates those people that try to act like everything's chill. It's why he never got along with that...what's his name again...Van Von Ham or something. In any case, whereas Alma takes the slow approach, Vyle goes for the quick dish. Leaping toward Alma, the wrestler quickly tries to aim himself toward one of the heartthrob's limbs and tackle him to the ground with a quick wrap of his legs around either arm.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Vyle's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Vyle
With a quiet grunt of effort, Alma thrusts his arms out and halts Vyle's momentum, leaning back onto his haunches a bit before rebounding and attempting to push his opponent back, unbalancing him and then leaning into the move. His eyes flash slightly with the effort, and then lashing out with his right hand, he summons a fierce pinkish-purple glow around his arm and sends it blasting out point-blank at his opponent, aiming to surprise and disorient him with a short-range sudden psychic attack.
COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Alma's Self Expression.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Vyle
the sudden blast of energy surprises Vyle, but not enough to be caught flatfooted. So his grab was kind of shunted. He's still quick as all hell, as he demonstrates by the quick drop onto his back, slipping under the point-blank attack. "Try again, pretty boy!" he shouts, twisting so he's face down before delivering a nice mule kick right toward Alma's chest.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Vyle's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Vyle
As Vyle drops, Alma, in a surge of speed, immediately leaps to the attack, avoiding the kick by lunging up and past it, and then aiming to drop down to the ground with a fierce punch to the kidneys, the main light gleaming around his form dramatically for a moment before he plummets, the gathering wind rushing around his fist.
COMBATSYS: Vyle fails to counter Strong Punch from Alma with Antidote.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Vyle
Ok, that was not good. So VYle's mule kick was dodged. It was more of a transitionary attack anways. As he flips back onto his feet and turns to face ALma, the wrestler watches the heavy-handed punch sent his way, hands ready to catch the damn thing. HOwever, those lights....BRIGHT lights....they end up getting into his eyes, yeah, that's the ticket. That's why he ends up getting the attack right in the gullet rather than catching it and inflicting pain.
"WHORRRF!" comes the sound as Vyle doubles over, falling to his knees and nearly puking up after that massive punch. Stupid lights....>_>
With Alma's punch successful and his opponent sinks to his knees, the young fighting model takes the opportunity to sail backwards, apparently pushed back by his own momentum from the punch -- totally impossible without Psycho Power getting involved somehow -- and gracefully and slowly flip once, only half-tucking, before landing quietly on a table. Why? Because hitting Vyle while he's down, at least at this juncture, wouldn't be sporting. Alma fights using his instincts. His instincts direct him to some sort of fair play.
Go figure.
But while this may have given Vyle a bit of time to recover, Alma's not going to take it easy on him; that wouldn't be sporting either, and that's not the point. Still, he knows (at least subconsciously) that an acrobatic manuever like that is probably going to irritate his opponent, which, given Vyle's persona, may help him more than hurt him. Whatever the case, Alma is attacking now, summoning up another gout of purple-pink Psycho Power, this time manifesting as flame as he calmly casts out in his signature technique--
COMBATSYS: Vyle overcomes Sacred Wave from Alma with Venom Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Vyle
Hell yeah, Vyle gets pissed at that. He's the one that's suppose to be showing off. Heels do that, not faces, especially prettyboy faces he's supposed to be beating down. In any case, he does get the time to recover thanks to that, eyes glaring hard at Alma with anger burning. "Oh hell no," he grumbles, watching the blast of psycho power fly out at him. Stabbing at his throat with his fingers, the luchadore summons up his OWN signature technique. As the Sacred Wave nears, Vyle sprays out his trademark sickly green mist, the sudden burst of poison negating the attack as it continues to spread toward Alma.
[OOC] Alma says, "Aww, what the hell."
COMBATSYS: Alma overcomes Venom Breath from Vyle with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Vyle
Uh oh.
Blinking once in surprise, Alma wastes no time. He hops off the table he was standing on and promptly kicks it right into the air, sending the round wooden piece of furniture flipping forward and splintering on impact with Vyle's mist attack, disintegrating in the air from the poison. The crowd oohs at the damage wrought by the two forces.
But through the mist, still intact, comes the plate of red curry from on the table, and if Vyle doesn't watch out, he's about to get some delicious half-venomed curry in his face.
COMBATSYS: Vyle overcomes Large Thrown Object from Alma with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Vyle
It's probably good that some of his poison ate into the table. Otherwise, Vyle probably wouldn't have been able to do what he does. As the hot curry from the destroyed table flies his way, the wrestler leaps and grabs a nearby table of his own. "Gonna play like that?!" he shouts, grunting as he hefts the piece of furniture into the path of the plate. The dish ends up shattering and spreading across the table rather than the wrestler, thankfully, the whole kibosh flying back toward Alma.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Vyle's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Vyle
Food fights are fun, but it's time to get serious. Even before Vyle takes out Alma's table, the Hiten-ryu prodigy is already lunging, and when his opponents projectile comes soaring through the air, Alma just leaps into a forward roll and avoids the attack by a hairsbreadth. Needless to say, the table goes crashing into other tables, causing needless, senseless, and totally awesome chaos and destruction.
For Alma's part, however, he transitions from his roll directly into another attack. Body igniting with gathering spirit, he rolls to Vyle's feet and then just thrusts himself into the air, suddenly unleashing a series of psychically-enhanced flaming snap kicks, and then shifting into a series of spinning roundhouse kicks as he aims to knock his opponent into the air, attacking body and mind simultaneously.
COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Alma's Rising Fury.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Vyle
The massive roundhouses that Alma snaps Vyle's way are blocked, for all of Vyle's skill, thankfully keeping the luchadore on the ground. And as for the effect on his twisted mind? Well, he just gets more angry is all. "You wanna see fury?" he asks, waiting for that last kick to come. Finally, as the kick passes by, Vyle lunges, trying to slip behind the landing ALma and lock his arms behind his back, grasping both in chicken-wing holds before falling back, hoping to suplex the boy right over his own head. Tiger Suplex, anyone?
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Alma with Medium Throw.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Vyle
Uh oh.
Alma doesn't just get suplexed; he has the misfortunate to get suplexed into one of the few nearby tables that survived their earlier table-throwing chaos, breaking the wood with his head as he's grabbed and slammed through the thick planks and onto the ground. The audience ahhs.
But with a sudden burst of energy, Alma thrusts his legs into the air and breaks free, rolling once through the wreckage and immediately twisting, hand glowing until pure white and eyes glittering white pink as he lashes out. "Surrender!" he commands, and as his power is unleashed, a trail of white light quickly zigzags its way to the ex-wrestler--
--giving Alma just enough time to snap his fingers, and trigger a geyser of white-pink Psycho Power right underneath Vyle's feet.
The announcer is narrating frantically, but the fighters themselves, of course, cannot hear.
COMBATSYS: Vyle fails to slow Full Confession from Alma with Venom Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1 Vyle
Long story short? Vyle gets owned.
But you want the whole story, you say? FIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE, be that way. After suplexing Alma, Vyle rolls back up, loking somewhat pleased with himself as he stands up from the attack. That smile on his face turns to a frown quickly, however, as Alma bursts out from the wreckage, glowing like some sort of alien. "Surrender? *#@$& no!" he says defiantly, even as the trail of holy light barrels his way. Fully intent on stopping that laser with another burst of his VEnom Breath, he's caught totally by surprise by the eruption of psycho power beneath his feet, the wrestler blasted into the cieling face first in one hell of an impact. That...hurt.
And now!
Power gathering again, this time in solely in his right arm, Alma watches Vyle descend from the ceiling, still trailing a bit of energy from Alma's powerful attack, and prepares for the finishing technique. Rushing forward, right arm beginning to blaze now, Alma grunts powerfully and then leaps straight up into the air, white and pink motes of light spiralling beneath him in a fantastic display as he prepares for a fierce uppercut that may just end the fight for good.
"Riiiising... FUUURY!"
Or rather: Shoooryuken!
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Vyle with Rising Fury EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Vyle
Ok, the kicks? THey didn't hit before. But the uppercut version of the attack? DEAD ON. Smashing right into the falling Vyle's back, the wrestler is smashed right back up into the cieling. Seemingly out of it, the wrestler starts to fall...but not before he tries something drastic. Reaching down as both he and Alma drop to the ground, the luchadore sends his body spinning, hoping to get in one last ditch slam on the prettyboy and drive him spinning, face first, into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Vyle can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Alma with Outbreaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/=======|
Ahh, what a spectacular finish. That's the way these sort of fights need to go. Alma, feeling rather good about the overall efficiency of his combined efforts and techniques, lets himself drift slowly back to the ground, lowering his punching arm as he rotates quietly--
--only realizing, too late, that Vyle's gotten a hold on him.
~ Uh oh. ~
Kablamm! Alma's slow fall suddenly becomes a fearsome plummet as the two fighters spiral their way down, crashing into -- would you believe it? -- the last table on that half of the room. A plume of dust goes up into the air, and the audience collectively holds their breath. The manager/owner/announcer, for his part, doesn't look pissed at all about the destruction of all his furniture. He looks positively mesmerized. Perhaps remembering the fantastic Thai kickboxing matches he'd watch in his youth. And the amount of cash flow this taped fight will generate will more than make up for the cheap tables. (It's not like they put their better ones on that side, I mean, come on.)
For a few moments, there is no movement.
Then, coughing quietly and rubbing an eye, Alma bursts out of the dusty wreckage, shaking himself once before rising to his feet and calmly raising a fist in the air. Once the audience begins to applaud and cheer, he immediately lowers said hand to run it through his hair. Eegh, splinters.
"The winner: Alma Towazu!"
COMBATSYS: Alma has ended the fight here.
Vyle meanwhile simply...well, doesn't move. He's in the wreckage there somewhere. But he's out of it. Alas, none of that stubborn unwillingness to fall down here, unlike past matches.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 17:10:46 12/06/2005.