Description: An angry Li Xiangfei takes on Vice in a rematch for the ages in the Duck Pond! Vice is extra saucy in this fight, taking on the Hip-Hop Honeys chinese tricks like woah. :O And then Vice has something to say to Rock! (Winner: Vice)
The Duck Pond is the kind of place you go to, when you want to see the parties jumpin, bodies bumpin, and.. Other things that has to do with dance that rhymes with jumpin! Granted, it's still kind of early for and -true- partying to be going on, but that doesn't mean Xiangfei isn't kept busy.
Or in the Pond, is better known as the 'Radical Warrior Li'. She's dressed in her work ensamble, her hair sprayed a hot-pink and pulled up in a ponytail, wears a super oversized sweater that hangs off one shoulder, pink tights, yellow leg warmers, she pretty much reeks of 80's here. What's keeping her busy this afternoon though is taking the orders of the League television crew, who've decided to take a break here. And such people = big tips, right?? Today is the Radical Warriors lucky day! Though.. She somehow had this feeling she was forgetting something.
Vice smiles in a very predator-like fashion as she saunters into the Pond, it doesn't take her very long to spot 'Radical Warrior Li' and this just makes her smile more. She was bored, she wanted a fight, and lo and behold Xiang Fei is right next to this League film crew, and since she... got beaten... by that irritating scumbag Rock Howard, she figures that she should really go for some kind of league-related matchup, just to get back on track!
But how could she make Xiang Fei accept her challenge... hmmm...
Then it dawns on her! Of course! She worked here, therefore the other people who worked here would probably be her friends! She advances upon the closest waitress she could find, and the unfortunate woman is sudden held aloft by her throat as Vice issues her challenge in a loud, clear voice.
"Xiang Fei! I am Vice, and I challenge you to an official league match! Face me or this woman dies!"
Xiangfei is in the middle of scribbling down one heck of an order, until she suddenly hears the shriek of one of her fellow employees, looking quickly over her shoulder. While there's a look of uncertainty from the small waitress at first, her eyebrow twitches, and the girl immedietly looks furious- And Xiang's not exactly the kind of girl that's so easy to anger, "Y.. Y.. You COWARD!" the girl yells, slamming her notepad on the ground, as the television crew seems to be mumbling with uncertainty.. Of course, they didn't really know much about the rules, but for the Radical Warrior, this went clearly beyond something like that, "It's people like you that make me sick! To threaten my friends..." her eyes widen, and suddenly a pillar of golden chi bursts into existance, the slender pillar swirling and spinning about her form, "Set up the cameras! I'm going to make an example of this lowlife, I, Li Xiangfei, accept your challenge!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|
Vice narrows her eyes at Xiang, and then shrugs, "Whatever, I just want to kick your ass, lets get on with this now, huh?" She looks at the struggling woman she is holding up, well... she never said she wouldn't hurt her anyway, and honestly... in all that 80's style clothing? Death would probably be a sweet release!
She swings the woman around, and then -hurls- her at Xiangfei as hard as she can manage, nodding in a satisfied manner, "Yes, get the cameras up, time I showed the world what I can -really- do!"
COMBATSYS: Vice has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vice 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Vice's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
And of course, the crew is already scrambling to get things set up, Ducks most trusted DJ Buddy Lee double-takes to the happenings, ".. Ohshit," scrambling his way to the turntable and starts pumping the beats and turns on the lights to the dance floor.
Xiangfeis mood doesn't seem to change much, her raging chi stopping short so she can catch the waitress and staggers back, hitting against the wall, "Ooof!" she was strong for a girl her size! The woman set aside, she seems to feel a little better, but that wasn't saying much. Like she were a Power Ranger, she throws out her arms and lifts her legs, taking various kung-fu stances, "Oh, I think we've already got a good idea of what you can do, you creep! Today is the day you're going to learn another lesson the hard way! Hup! Hah! HYAH!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
Vice can't help but laugh, a slightly chilling sound, but she doesn't remain distracted for long, "Really now?" She growls, wrenching from the floor the closest table, she is suddenly on the move, "Lets get going little girl! Lets do this right! Ha-HAH!" She cries, swinging the table around as hard and as fast as she can, she attempts to break it over her opponents head! A simple, brutal move...
Of course, Vice isn't really expecting this to hit, but she hadn't fought Xiangfei in a long time, she wanted some kind of indication as to how strong this girl is... she wants to figure out how she can make this fight last a good, long time before she breaks her...
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Random Weapon from Vice with Majinga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei, tables, it ain't no thing. While Vices strike is brutal, it's slow; and she does painful things to slow attack, Xiangfei zooms forward, and the table smashes right over her head, in fact it nails her in the forehead as her left hand lashes to land a precisive strike to temporarily paralyze the redhead, "This is the beginning of your punishment! Over a thousand years of chinese ancestry and martial arts in one technique!" her right arm windmills, to join the left, her golden chi roaring up again in her cry for power, and then proceeds to release burst after short burst of chi into the orochi nutball. She's like a little machinegun, until the last burst, the biggest of all is released, idealisticly sending her opponent flying backward, "HAAAAAAAAAAH!!"
Vice blinks as her attack nails her target head on, and then grunts as she is sent flying back by the sudden assault of chi-powered-strikes. She lands nimbly, and shakes her head as though to clear it, that had -hurt-, quite a bit in fact, but it had only woken her up! With a loud roar she surges forwards, one hand grasping out for her opponents throat, should she manage to get it, she just keeps on going, right up until the moment she pitches Xiangfei at the closest wall, packing enough force into the rather vicious attack to crack the plaster... oh yeah, she was -pissed off- now!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Vice's Decide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei frowns, sure she's satisfied with the landing blow, but it isn't nearly enough punishment in her eyes. Vice comes storming at her, much like the smaller woman would expect, and a simple side-step at the last moment evades the attack, "You're the -worst-! Do you actually take pleasure in making other people miserable??" she asks, sweeping low and then bursting upward, a ring of dust billowing around her feet as she attempts to slam her shoulder into the woman and carry her with her, "HYAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Vice interrupts Tenpou Zan from Xiangfei with Gore Fest.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Vice grunts, laughing, she grabs Xiangfei by the shoulder as she leaps at her, "Is that a trick question?" She asks, before she squeezes tight, swings Xiangfei around over her head, and slams her straight through a table, into the ground, the small amount of pain she suffers for smashing her down so painfully doesn't seem to faze her for a moment, instead Vice is laughing as she looks down at Xiangfei, its not a pleasant sound. "Come on! Come on! I thought you were going to punish me! If that is all you have got you'll be going home in little pieces!"
Xiangfei yelps, easily swung around and smashes through the table like it were just made of tisse-paper, followed with a weak grunt. She wasn't expecting Vice to handle her technique that easily. Her face getting a little red, she slowly gets to her feet, "I.. Is that so," she replies calmly enough, and reaches into her sleeve for a yen coin and whips it at Vice, hoping to bean the woman right between the eyes, "HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Vice endures Xiangfei's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Vice blinks slightly as the coin hits her smack bang between the eyes, she doesn't even try to get out the way, although she does bend down and pick the coin up, she looks from it, back to Xiangfei, and then frowns, gritting her teeth she begins to squeeze the coin, squeeze it tighter and tighter until it is cutting into the palm of her hand, until blood is dripping onto the floor, "How... dare you?!" She demands, "How dare you try something so... so -stupid-?! Was that meant to hurt?! Was that really meant to like... annoy me or something? Are you that -dense- are you that -idiotic- that you think that could hurt me?! ARE YOU!?" She is practically screaming at the end, all her anger boiling up inside her, oooh.... she was really, really pissed now!
COMBATSYS: Vice focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei actually does grin, not to Vices reaction, but rather when her subtle strike actually lands. but the questions that follow, that makes the girl frown and she simply just doesn't answer, not verbally at least. Xiang hooks her fingers into her mouth, crosses her eyes and then raspberries the orochi madwoman as her chi flares up again, this time without and fancy movement, "Biii~!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Vice roars with incoherent rage as she charges forwards, arms grasping out for Xiangfei, she intends to grab hold of the arrogant... irritating little... grrr... and then haul her into the air before -slamming- her into the ground, head first, with enough force to cause some serious damage to the floor... and hopefully Xiang's head at the same time, she was really, really annoyed now, this girl was treating her like a -joke- like some kind of amusing act, well she'd show her just how serious all this is! She'd show her just who she is dealing with!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Vice's Black End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei silently squeaks as Vice rushes toward her again, throwing out her arms, the chi blaze instantly ending. She's grabbed and hefted into the air, and slams into the ground, cracking the plexi of the multi-lighting dance floor. Granted, she lands on her hands and knees, then jumps to her feet, "HAAAAAH!" her right palm lashes outward, looking to slam Vice in the sternum with suprising strength. With a step forward, it's followed by a double-palm strike, and then finally twirls and releases a mighty shoulder rush to complete the combination, "Hai! Hah! HYAH!"
COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Xiangfei's Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Vice 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Vice snorts, her arm blocks the trio of blows and then she simply leans in to the shoulder rush, bringing both her hands up to push back against her, she barely feels it... sure, Xiangfei is pretty strong, but Vice is much, much stronger. Of course, Vice is also really starting to enjoy this, and making Xiangfei look so weak in front of the cameras is just too good an opportunity to give up!
She darts back a step, and works a few kinks out of her shoulder, "Come on now, is that really the best you've got? You should give up now girl, in fact, I'll give you the chance, if you concede now, I'll let you walk away... it must be pretty scary to come up against somebody so much stronger than you!"
COMBATSYS: Vice takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Vice 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei's eyes half-lid to Vice, and.. Well, surely enough she's looking a bit embarassed when Vice so cooly starts to relax from her moment of WAGE!ing. But she was more suprised that Vice was able to so easily able handle her technique, "Mmnnggh.."
Admittedly, this was a little unlike Xiangfei, but she'd make an exception in Vices case, ".. Let me think here," she says, and this time it's -her- reaching for a table herself, and with a grunt swings it at Vice like a giant baseball bat- Oh her poor paycheck! "HAAAAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Vice interrupts Random Weapon from Xiangfei with Withering Surface.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vice 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Vice grins as Xiangfei comes charging in, "So that is a no?" She asks, "Oh well, in that case..." With a roar she -punches- straight through the table and grabs Xiangfei by the neck, "Goodbye..." she snarls, suddenly whipping her arm around in a wide arc to again smash Xiangfei into the ground, before she jumps up into the air and lands, heavily, on her exposed stomach, one high-heeled foot stomping in with a truly horrible amount of power, and then she leans down, grabbing Xiangfei by the back of the head, to snarl, "You should have given up when you had the chance, now I'm going to take my time breaking you into little itty bitty pieces."
Xiangfei blinks, looking suprised- Or perhaps she shouldn't be so shocked that Vice smashes through the table and grunts as she's grabbed by the neck, "N.. Never," she gasps, and is pretty helpless to the assault, the waitress suprisingly resiliant, but in the end is left bleeding and hurting like woah. But when it looks like she's down she slowly sits up, wiping off the back of her mouth and steadily gets to her feet, her small form shivering, ".. Goodbye?" she then repeats, clapping her hands togeather and then thrusts her palms outward, , her eyes wide again as she shakes her head, "Not a chance! You'll learn, just like everyone else, that Li Xiangfei, DOES NOT DIE! HAAAAAAAH!" and she releases a large blast of chi at the woman, trying to psych herself to stay in this fight, her body may not agree but she still has plenty of fighting SPIRIT!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Xiangfei's Nanpa.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/-----==|
Vice just laughs, she brings her arm up to block the blow, and then watches as Xiangfei just... collapses, she tuts, taking the extra-special time to kick her heavily in the side. "Damnit, and here I was hoping you'd have something -impressive- to hit me with at the end. Oh well, consider this payback." She also decides to spit on her opponent, before turning to the cameras, "And Rock, this is a message to you too, we -will- meet again, and when we do, I'm going to beat you into the ground so hard it'll take -days- to dig you out. Telling me how to fight. Pfah!"
And with that, the angry Orochi storms out of the club... having destroyed quite a large chunk of the Pond, and quite possibly some of Xiangfeis ego.
COMBATSYS: Vice has ended the fight here.
Log created by Xiangfei, and last modified on 14:19:24 12/06/2005.