Description: Guy and Sagat meet by chance in Hawaii; they decide a league match is in order! (Winner: Sagat)
Hawaii is the place to be! An island paradise in the Pacific. Host of many films, events and vacations for both rich and poor- err well less rich. So Sagat, the Master of Muay Thai, being on this island should not be all that of a surprise. The big man travels! And he happens to be in the island chain today taking a tour of the Volcanos. Sagat's wearing a pair of flowery shorts, similar to his normal Kickboxing attire, and a pair of sandles.
In a nod to the festive island atmosphere, Guy is here dressed exactly like he usually is, except...he has one of those flower chain thingies hanging around his neck. Just like Sagat, the ninja gets around a bit, too. He just...doesn't look particularly festive.
As it happens, he's here on a volcano tour, as well, for heavens knows what reason. Maybe he figured it was just time to take a break, a vacation. It's not a traditional tour, however. Really, it mostly consists of Guy wandering around on the volcano by himself - at least until he sees another tour group with a very big man in it.
Moving closer, easily visible, Guy just stands for a moment, staring at Sagat, saying nothing.
Sagat does not usually look this festive, but some people insisted that he at least try to look cheerful. The big man is slightly interested in the volcano and the words the tourguide is spewing about island births and how the island is still getting larger with each eruption. He's paying at least half attention towards the guide... that is until someone catches the Tiger's notice. Guy standing there staring down towards him kind of gathers the rest of Sagat's attention. The Tiger hrms to himself and excuses himself from the tour, going to start his own 'tour' similar to Guy's.
Tony has arrived.
Well, it's true that the volcano is interesting. However, it's only so interesting - really, it qualifies as a momentary diversion, and not much else. Why bother with a big mountain when you can face up against a big man? Big, and powerful, and in the same league you're in?
Now, if Sagat were a ninja, then clearly he and Guy would have already started to beat on each other, not needing words to come to an agreement to fight. As it is, however, Guy should probably say something. "Sagat." Well, it's a start. A crappy start, but a start.
The big man continues down a rough path towards Guy. The Muay Thai Master prefers this sort of momentary diversion. He came here on a whim because someone suggested it... however it's not something he wishes to be doing any more. However spotting Guy here... that provided Sagat with something more. When the Tiger's name is uttered, he nods his head once towards the ninja. He intones deeply, "Fancy meeting you here." In an almost joking manner... or at least it could be considered joking if it were uttered by someone other than Sagat.
If Guy weren't already frowning, he would frown. He's not here for idle smalltalk. That sort of thing just gets in the way of what he's really after here - a fight. Still, Guy's not very skilled with words - generally, he doesn't have to be. Still, it's not in his nature just to give up, so he has to continue the conversation somehow.
"Fancy that." He pauses, searching for something else to say, and finally decided to just be blunt about things. "Let's fight. For the league."
Sagat scowls at Guy as he attempts to converse. When he becomes blunt, the scowl turns upside down, into a grimace! The Muay Thai Master nods his head slightly at the suggestion from Guy and utters, "Good idea." He responds back at Guy and looks away from him and around the area, towards the volcano and the vegetation. Sagat's one-eyed gaze is returned to Guy and his arms are raised up into a defensive posture. His sandles are promptly kicked off. Sagat was just looking for a reason to ditch those. Unfortunately he's still got the flowery shorts.
COMBATSYS: Sagat has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 0/-------/-------|
Guy wouldn't want his bare feet on the ground around a volcano, but he's used to wearing sneakers most of the time. Sagat's probably got soles that make toughened leather look soft. In any case, Guy's glad. It's not showing on his face - he's still frowning - but his relief at getting all of this talking crap out of the way is still substantial.
With a nod to indicate his own readiness, Guy wastes no more time, impatient to get things started. Leaping forward, flipping through the air, Guy reaches out for Sagat's neck in the middle of one of those flips. It's no easy task to bring a big man like Sagat flipping around in a big circle, before slamming him into the ground, but Guy is a ninja. He's got lots of practice doing this, so it should be okay - assuming Sagat doesn't manage to thwart him.
COMBATSYS: Guy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Sagat 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Guy's Izuna Otoshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Guy
The Mighty Thai man is releived that the talking is out of the way too... all too often the big man is forced into 'small talk' before getting it on with the fighting. Ryu is a good example. I mean... how many times can Ryu lecture him about his choices and how he once was honorable and whatnot? Jeez! Err... but any way, this is Guy vs Sagat. Much better combination. Two anti-social people! Guy comes at him and attempts to haul his big, bulky body and spin him around. That doesn't quite happen the way Guy would probably want. Upon impact, Sagat staggers backward, twists and attempts to deflect the rest of the ninja away from him. Sagat then quickly responds to Guy's initation of hostilities with a punishing swift side kick towards the man's thighs or knees!
COMBATSYS: Guy blocks Sagat's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Guy
Landing smoothly from his attempt on Sagat, Guy's not pleased. That didn't go as well as he had hoped, but no matter. He's still got plenty of time to duck down and lower an arm to soak up most of Sagat's kick, and make no mistake, he still feels it quite a bit. But then, Guy knew what he was getting into, and he's not really surprised - it's one more reminder not to underestimate his opponent. Fat chance of that.
Still, Guy need to go on the offensive, here, so he retaliates in kind - swinging a leg around at Sagat's knee, trying to bring the big man down a notch.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Sagat with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Guy
The Mighty Tiger is hit quite firmly against his leg. His tensed muscles are not enough to deflect the majority of the blow from the ninja. Sagat sidesteps and then hops backwards to get away from Guy for a moment. That kick stung the mountain of a man. The grimace on Sagat's face falls back into a scowl as he starts to focus on his pain and on his opponent before him. Sagat has little experience with Guy, and ha snot studied him as well as some people. However Sagat does not study all of his opponents, he can think on the fly. Sagat rushes forward, "TIGER CRUSH!" He shouts as he leaps into the air and careens speedily towards Guy, knee thrust in front of him!
COMBATSYS: Guy endures Sagat's Tiger Crush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Guy
Guy kicks hard. At the moment, however, he's fairly sure that Sagat kicks harder. No surprise, there. Still, how hard someone kicks has never been much of a concern for Guy, and despite his quiet, reserved nature, he's pretty gung-ho in a fight. Putting a foot back to brace himself, so that he doesn't get knocked back from the impact, Guy just takes Sagat's knee right in the chest with a pained grunt. It's a pain that's worth it, however, as Guy immediately takes advantage of Sagat's position in the air by leaping up himself, intercepting Sagat. Spinning upward, leg outstretched, Guy tries to carry Sagat upward with the force for more, successive kicks. Heck, it almost looks like something Ryu would do.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Sagat with Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Guy
The big man is caught at a disadvantage. He was not expecting the Ninja to simply brace and take the hit like a man! No... Sagat expected his opponent to crumble underneath the withering assault, like so many others. However deep down the big guy didn't expect that to occur with Guy. Nor does he honestly expect it from most of the top quality fighters he has run into his entire career. After getting kicked a few times, Sagat drops to the ground and rolls backwards. The moment he's back on the balls of his feet, he bursts forward towards Guy. The Tiger pounces towards his prey. He starts with a sweeping kick towards Guy's shin and spins to follow it up with an extended side kick towards the Ninja's chest or throat!
COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Sagat's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Guy
It's a powerful blow coming Guy's way, and honestly? He would really rather not have to deal with it. He knows how much Sagat can hurt already, and it's not the sort of experience anybody is willing to repeat. Flipping backwards, evading first the sweep and then ducking underneath the second kick, Guy is safe. For now.
Things are going well so far, and Guy would have to be a fool not to press his advantage. Stepping forward, Guy tries to plant a punch right in Sagat's very impressive gut. It might be like punching a brick wall, but Guy's done that before, too, so no worries.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Guy's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Guy
Indeed it would be like hitting a brick wall, however the Muay Thai God does not give Guy the chance to experience that great pleasure. He lowers an arm and twists his body to the side to deflect the blow away from his body. The Tiger attempts to manuever his other arm to grab ahold of the ninja after deflecting his attack. Sagat then plants one foot and attempts to tighten his grip and then tug at Guy's arm. The Thai Man attempts to throw Guy over his shoulder. And because of the height difference, this could prove quite painful for Guy.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Guy with Tiger Carry.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Sagat 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Guy
Yes, that does hurt quite a bit. Guy is first unable to escape from Sagat's grasp, and then he fails to significantly soften the impact with the ground. IT might hurt more if Guy was bigger, but as it stands his impact with the ground is still enough to cause him to wince. He's quick to recover, however, rolling to the side and coming up smoothly on his feet in a crouch.
From there, it's an easy matter to propel himself forward at Sagat again, in a slide now - not very fast, but Guy's sneaker is aimed at Sagat's ankle with the entire weight of his body behind it. It's not that impressive, but it should still cause significant harm.
COMBATSYS: Sagat dodges Guy's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Sagat 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Guy
The Muay Thai legend leaps up into the air when he sees Guy sliding towards him. The jump was to propel the Tiger to the side a few feet. When he lands, he backpedals even more. His arms fall to his sides and slightly behind him. Sagat grits his teeth together tightly, jaw clenching. His arms are thrust forward and he shouts, "TIGER!" His forearms, wrists and fists and engulfed in flame. The flame inspired from the gathered chi in these limbs. The concentration of chi is expelled and hurled towards Guy when the thrusting arms are thrust to their maximum extend. A flaming crescent of chi careens towards Guy's location.
COMBATSYS: Guy blocks Sagat's Tiger Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Sagat 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
Now, that's a dangerous technique, right there. Raising his arms, however, Guy's able to take it fairly well - it cuts into his arms painfully, but most of the area damaged isn't terribly vital. That still leaves Guy in a bad position, however - Sagat's all the way back there, surely waiting for his next move. Guy won't play along with that. Instead, he'll hang back, studying Sagat, giving the man the initiative. Guy is playing this cautiously.
COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Sagat 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
And the initiative Sagat will take. The mighty Thai Fighter rushes forward towards Guy moments after his Tiger Shot is released towards his opponent. Sagat isn't going to sit back and watch or ponder, he acts. The huge warrior has to act, it's how his strategy works. He needs to be in his opponents face at all times, using his size, speed and strength to tip the balance in his favor. So it takes little time for Sagat to get to Guy's position, and when he does, gives Guy little time to focus on his next action. The Muay Thai God unleashes a salvo of strikes. A fist to the head, an upwards elbow strike to the jaw, another punch towards the sternum.
COMBATSYS: Guy interrupts Medium Punch from Sagat with Bushin Hassou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Sagat 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Guy
When Sagat comes at him, Guy is ready. He can see it coming easily, and he knows just how to properly react to it. Guy stands in place, letting Sagat's punch come in, and then he leaps into it. The punch hurts, to be sure, but Guy's fairly certain that he's punching harder, and overall more. Indeed, it's a lifting rain of punches, carrying Sagat upward, Guy pursuing with his fists, before flipping around and delivering an axe kick to Sagat's shoulder to send him crashing back down to the ground. It wasn't an easy thing, but it was to Guy's advantage. He just wishes it didn't hurt quite so much.
The Tiger was caught off guard by the salvo of strikes the counter-assaulted during his own salvo of blows. The huge man is hefted up into the air and then brought back down to the ground hard by the axe-kick. Sagat's back slams into the earth and he immediately rolls forward to get back onto his feet. He's pushing himself through the pain of that assault and the awkwardness that it forced him to endure. Once on his feet again, he's in a kneeling position. He leaps up into the air only moments after landing, "TIGER-" He shouts as he flies through the air with a Tiger Crush, towards his foe. He attempts to stun Guy with this sudden move. Hit or miss he will follow up with a series of punches and caps those off with a pair of devestating Tiger Uppercuts, "GEENNOOOOCIIIIIIIDE!"
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Guy with Tiger Genocide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Sagat 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Guy
Guy could see it coming, and he knew his odds of getting out of the way were crappy at best. Heck, just trying to defend against that furious assault, well. It seems damn difficult, and so Guy just tries to weather out the storm as best he can. He doesn't do a very good job of it. Guy gets pummeled.
Flying up and back after that final uppercut, Guy is slow to come back to his feet. There's really only one option left: give his last hurrah, and try to take Sagat down with him. With one last dash forward at the big man, Guy's chi surges and then he makes a simple grab at Sagat's neck. Whether he succeeds, well. That determines a lot of things.
COMBATSYS: Guy has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Guy
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Sagat with Bushin Musou Renge.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Sagat 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Guy
And then Guy flips out. All of that chi that was building surges into his limbs, filling every fiber of muscle with artificial strength and speed. It's a flurry of blows, every one exploding with a bright, flashing light, chi leaking out of Guy's fists and feet because it's too great for his arms and legs to contain. It's all so much so fast that Guy can't truly keep track of himself - that initial grab was more to make sure of his positioning relative to Sagat, over anything else. He's operating on pure remembered technique, here. Finally, he kicks off of Sagat and backflips away, his attack completed. He staggers once, but then straightens, not quite as out of things as he thought. He's tired, but he's not ready to give up just yet.
The Mighty Thai expended a tremendous amount of energy in that incredibly quick series of strikes. When Sagat lands, he expects nothing short of Guy collapsing to the ground. He put Adon in the hospital with that combination! The least he expects is for Guy to get back up and come at him with his 'last hurrah'. To sagat's surprise Guy's outstretched arms reach out and and his hands wrap around his neck. Sagat is then struck hard along the chest and the big man staggers backwards. He drops down into a kneeling position. The suddenness and ferosity of the assault from Guy was almost too much for the Muay Thai legend. He lifts back up and the battered warrior launches himself at Guy once more! Guy should have gone down during the Genocide, so Sagat hopes to end it now with the following technique. Sagat will reach out for Guy this time. If successful, the big man will drive his knees up into the ninja in an expression of his love... I mean rage. His rage. Yea.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Guy with Tiger Rage.
[ \\\\\\ < > ]
Sagat 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Guy
No doubt about it, that was a bit of a rush. But the thing is, Guy's in a bad condition - not really suited toward dealing with further attacks. He tries to duck out of the way, but Sagat proves himself too much for Guy, his powerful knees causing the ninja to cough up blood, before sending him on his back. Now Guy's feeling more out of it - he stumbles up onto his feet, trying to persevere, before sending one last kick at Sagat's gut, trying to backflip up and off of him again. Even if the kick hits, Guy's backflip doesn't work, however, and he'll fumble and end up on his back again, totally worn out.
COMBATSYS: Guy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Sagat 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Guy's Kamaitachi.
[ \\\\\\ <
Sagat 1/-------/=======|
This is the moment where all of the beating and all of the pounding pays off. The Muay Thai legend feels the successive blows collide with the ninja. It's quite satisfying, really. When Sagat releases his opponent, he begins to backpedal, expecting Guy to come at him again. Sagat doesn't expect to down him, he expects him to keep going... keep coming at him. Much how Sagat keeps going... keeps charging forward at his opponent, regardless of the beating he takes. As Guy comes at him, it's do or die time for the Muay Thai Legend. His arms are raised and a leg is poised to absorb any and all impact Guy will make with the Tiger. When Guy hits, Sagat's jaw opens and he shouts in defiance. When Guy hits the ground... Sagat remains standing. His defense gradually lowering, as if Sagat were concerned that Guy was not done. However he comes to the conclusion that it's all over and his arms drop to his sides. He stares down towards Guy.
For his part, Guy is done. He's down, and he's not quite able to get up under his own power. He's not unconcious, but it's pretty clear that he's helpless. He tries to prop himself up on an elbow, and then fails and falls onto his back. He looks a mess, to be sure, but he'll be fine. Though it's hard to focus, he stares right back up at Sagat. "I'm done."
"I concur." Sagat intones as he turns around and away from Guy, "You are done." He says as he walks to where he kicked off his sandles, "And now I need to catch up to my tour." He says almost annoyed... almost disappointed. The Muay Thai Legend is looking very worse for wear right now, but he's standing tall and not showing the injuries he must surely feel right now. He glances back over his shoulder once he retrieves his sandles, "Should do this again some time." He offers before walking further away.
ooc I think I've got it...
Log created by Sagat, and last modified on 03:12:45 12/06/2005.