Description: Plans for a PPV get postpone, leading to a league fight in the West Outskirts! A close battle between Sakura and Kensou ensues! (Winner: Sakura)
Since Kensou /knew/ he was coming out here for a fight, the Chinese youth has arrived in his fighting attire rather than just street clothes; who cares if it's December! He's gonna wear shorts anyway! His teacher would probably say it was good for endurance training, anyway. So, right now, the young psychic is here in the outskirts of the city, going through a few really cursory warmup exercises as a small audience forms. There's... Sort of an area defined for fighting, anyway. It's not exactly a ring, or even a barricaded off section of street or anything; it's just trampled down scrub and grass, already dry and browned with winter on the way, near some train tracks. Clearly, then, one should probably avoid ending up /on/ the train tracks, just in case. Finishing limbering up his legs, Kensou stands and starts stretching his arms and sides, waiting for his opponent to arrive and likewise be ready! Oh yeah, he's planning to be totally prepared /this/ time he faces Sakura Kasugano.
Little Miss Hadouken found herself running just a bit late for this fight. Sure, it was planned, but that doesn't mean other stuff can't come up -- in this case, forgetting her backpack at school. The long and short of it is... there's enough of a crowd gathered that Sakura practically has to weave through the crowd to get to the cleared-off area. Ducking left, swerving right, leaping over some moron who'd taken a seat on the curb... yeah.
But she's here, at last! Plowing to a halt as she throws her arms out to either side, she chirps, "Sorry to keep y'waitin'!" And then she snaps a quick salute to Kensou, stepping past the line of people into the ring.
"So much for this weekend, huh?" she quips with a light wink. "Ah well, this works! Whenever you're ready!" Balling her fists, she turns her left shoulder towards Kensou, already bobbing about in her usual fighting stance.
COMBATSYS: Sakura has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
A fight's a fight's a fight, right? This would make Kensou's /second/ League fight, and here's to hoping the Psycho Soldier can keep up the momentum he built in his first one. Finishing stretching as Sakura makes her arrival, Kensou steps forward, tugging his gloves tighter. "All right! Glad t' see ya made it," he tells her with a grin, briefly assuming his own fighting stance. "Good luck!" Kensou then calls over to Sakura, before he... Runs straight at her. Well, never let it be said Kensou isn't enthusiastic! When he gets in close enough, the Chinese fighter reaches out to grab Sakura by the front of her top, and if he manages that... Then he falls backwards, presumably taking her with him. On the way to the ground, Kensou will pull up his right leg, bracing his foot against Sakura's midsection and then /extending/ his leg while letting go of her, to ideally send her flying. Pretty standard throw!
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kensou's Tomoe Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
"Good luck to you!" Sakura counters. This is the kind of fight she likes the most -- a battle between friends! It's a warm feeling to know you won't get bricked in the head the next day by a vengeful opponent.
Grinning back at Kensou, Sakura doesn't shy away from the challenge -- indeed, she keeps her eye on the boy as he reaches for her fuku top. A split-second later, she realizes what he's up to, and in a way, lets him grab the garment -- but rather than grant him the full pleasure of a successful throw, she leaps into it! Sure, Kensou's foot in her stomach isn't the best sensation, but by jumping early, she keeps control of her -flight-, and can hit the ground in a tumble, instead of head-first!
And once she stands up, well... she realizes Kensou's probably still gonna be in the process of standing up to. All the better to whip her foot overhead, to bring crashing down onto his head. Never mind the upskirt fanservice inherent in such a move. "Hriii-HAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Flower Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Nuts. Kensou is indeed getting back up, which is when Sakura is coming in for that big axe-kick aimed at his head, and he /tries/ to block it. His arms come up, but not fast enough, so he gets the fighting schoolgirl's heel right in the head. Owie. "Augh!" says Kensou, as he's knocked down a bit to a kneel, but he's not staying like that. Obviously. Instead, he pushes back up, whatever Sakura's since done with her kicking foot, swinging his right hand up in an uppercut, aimed at her jaw! "Yaa-!" If that hits, then he'll launch into a bit of a punching combination, remaining at quite close range throughout...
COMBATSYS: Sakura fails to interrupt Ryuu Renda from Kensou with Shou'ou Ken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Sakura's turn to owie! She thinks she has the edge here, but Kensou clearly has the speed advantage -- primarily because he's trying to uppercut her before she can recover. And because she's trying to uppercut him in kind! But just before she manages to whip her punch out, Kensou nails her in the jaw, forcing her to stagger backwards. The followups keep her busy as well, pretty much forcing her back and onto her duff. "Kyaa..." she bemoans, before half-kicking, half-kipping herself backwards. "Got me, there!" she notes, in good humor!
Wow, man, Kensou didn't think he was going to hit Sakura /that/ hard. So actually, for a moment there the Psycho Soldier looks /about/ as surprised as Sakura does to see her get hit and fall backwards like that. Yeah, he, uh. He meant to do that! "Hehehe," Kensou chuckles, hopping back to give Sakura some room, and dropping back into his sidelong stance, watching her veeeery closely indeed. "I've been trainin' pretty hard... It's started t' pay off a little!" he says by way of explanation, beckoning Sakura on with his leading hand.
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Of course he meant it! This is a fight, not a sissy slapfight! Sakura's not, like, offended or anything. She's grinning, see? "You sure have! A -lot- tougher than last time..." And though Kensou seems to be keeping his distance, Sakura seems to think there's too much. So she'll just stick with range attacks like always.
Not! She dashes forward at Kensou, first aiming a kick at his thigh, before changing up into a kick for his chest! "Ha-HAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Light Kick from Sakura with Sunda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
"o/~ I got the MAGIC STICK. I know if I can hit once, I can hit twice, I hit the BADDEST chicks," what is a fight without the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown, people? Answer me this. Said Honey was actually on her way home after making a run to the liquor store, and is carrying two plastic bags full of alcohol. Good ol alcohol, this girl is going to breathe fire even if it KILLS HER.
Though wouldn't you know it, she just happens to come across the fight between Kensou and Sakura, and her jaw drops in suprise. Awesome! "Aaaaaah!! Go Sakura! Kick his butt!" the chinese girl cries, yelling good and loud because she can't hear herself over the volume of her new iPod. <3 Having money is AWESOME.
Well, Kensou can certainly compete in close combat, that's for sure; he might not be the strongest or the toughest, but dammit... He's got /heart/. And also crazy Psycho Power attacks, as Sakura is about to be reminded. His eyes remain focused on Sakura as she charges in, his boyish face set in a very neutral expression for once; he's taking the schoolgirl /very/ seriously, as he knows she's quite strong. No cocky looks, no sign of overconfidence. Not yet, anyway. Sakura's foot does hit home, but most of the force is deflected by Kensou's own attack, his right hand lashing out at her sternum in an open palm strike that... Actually doesn't hurt much. It's the sudden flash of blue-tinged white energy that does the damage, tossing poor Kasugano /away/ from Kensou again,
STUFF'D. Sakura's gamble most certainly did -not- pay off here, even though she thought for sure it would! Live and learn, don'tcha know. And -boy-, that's a whole lot of learning there -- that blue-white charge of energy sure stung! Kasugano's face seems to be a bit numb from the way she's slapping herself to stay awake. No funny quips at the moment, anyway. Instead, Sakura just gathers her hands at her sides, offering a rather goofy smile back to the Psycho Soldier as she forms a charge of her -own- blue-white energy -- this one, though, is just a -bit- larger than his, considering it could probably engulf the boy whole at this close range. "Hadoooooouken!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Large Hadouken EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Yes! Success! Okay, /now/ Kensou is starting to get a little cocky, as he demonstrates by grinning confidently towards the fallen schoolgirl. And then, oh crap, here comes a Hadouken. Well, no problem, thinks the Chinese fighter! He'll just get out of the way! But... Not so much. Though he tries to dive to the side, Kensou is nevertheless struck by the blast, which knocks him back and away, almost into the audience! "A-augh," says Kensou, looking a little wobbly as he gets back up to his feet. "Geez, were you goin' easy on me before, or somethin'?" However, Kensou is so not going easy on Sakura, that's for sure! As he is about to demonstrate, reaching behind his back. Oh no, it can't be... But it is! It is! Kensou produces a meatbun seemingly from thin air, and then flashes a guilty grin at Sakura before he pops it in his mouth, and starts to chew.
Sakura's still a bit numb in the mouth, but even that doesn't explain why her jaw's hanging open limply. ... It's the meatbun, Kensou! She's staring straight at it! And here she'd passed on dinner just to -fight- the Chinese youth! "Mmmm... that looks -yummy-..." starts Sakura, as she starts walking towards Kensou with her arms outstretched. Has she turned into a zombie? Has the hunger actually destroyed the schoolgirl's mind? ... Quite possibly. But it's notable that she's =not= taking her eyes off the boy...
COMBATSYS: Sakura focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
And as Kensou chows down, the faint burning from the Hadouken he ate earlier fades before Sakura's very eyes, since she's looking at him so closely. And... Oh, what's with that face, Sakura? Kensou blinks owlishly at her, looking somewhat befuddled. "O-oh, didja want one too?" he wonders, tilting his head to one side. It's not going to help her the way it did him, of course - and if it did, he probably wouldn't help out, because this is a /fight/! - but either way he reaches behind his back, producing another bun... Which he tosses at Sakura. Yeah, it's an attack. Kind of.
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Sakura with Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Oooooooh, meeeeeatbun! Sakura nodnods in reply to Kensou, and for a while, she actually looks like she'd be willing to take the meatbun! But... the bad thing is, Kensou's pitch ends up falling a little short of her mouth. That is to say, it looks like it was aimed at her chest, or her hands. And when she ducks to try and catch the meatbun in her mouth... well, she overcompensates and it beans her right between the eyes, knocking her over and -slamming- her head into the ground. ... Ow. And to add insult to injury, the meatbun's done tumbled off into the grass, contaminated. Oh, the =agony!=
Grumbling, Sakura picks herself up. She doesn't notice the meatbun, she just... well, it's a lost cause by now. "Now why'd you go do a dumb thing like that? It's ruined now, Kensou!" She may be smiling as she charges towards Kensou once more, but you never can tell with girls! "Now give me another one before I get angry!" And just to underscore her point, the schoolgirl whips out a rapid left hook, then a right cross, and then steps in for a kick! "Yuu! Yuu! HYAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Sakura 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
See, wasn't that nice of hi--OH MAN THAT WAS NOT HIS FAULT. Kensou looks like he knows just how much that was really not a good thing to have happen, especially since Sakura's charging at him again. And then she punches (and kicks) the hell right out of him, though he tries to get out of the way. "D-Dammit..." He's not going out like that, man! Though he staggers back after the kick, Kensou goes back on the offensive almost immediately, snapping his fist out in a speedy punch at Sakura's solar plexus. "Hu-!" Yeah, now they're back to /real/ fighting!
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Quick Punch from Kensou with Shou'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Sakura 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Sakura grins back at Kensou -- she knows she'll get an -interesting- match whenever he's around! It may not have been as nutritious as she's hoped, but... hey, it's getting there, right
And when Kensou closes with a punch, Sakura thinks to herself, 'If at first you don't succeed...' And it seems like the aphorism pays off this time! She takes the punch on the right shoulder, but considering she was already twisting it backward, it's not -that- big of a downer to her momentum. Indeed -- she brings her right fist up underneath Kensou's outstretched arm, rocketing it forward into his midesction with a leaping uppercut. "SHOOOO'OOU KEN!"
That's... Not good. Kensou gets blasted by that leaping uppercut, going up up up, and then down down down to smash into the ground. Jiminy cricket, man. Kensou tucks his body in to hop back onto his feet, wobbling a bit... He's /definitely/ showing the strain of this fight by now. Yikes. "Ha ha, okay, you sure got me with that one," he says, staggering a bit. And then he twists around, and tries to kick her right in the face. ...What, you wanted something flashy?
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Light Kick from Kensou with Small Hadouken EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Kensou
Oh, but flashy is cool! You can have 'real fighting' and 'flashiness' all rolled into one, it just takes practice, right? Right. Thing is, though... Sakura's been burned by Kensou a bit already. And when the boy comes close to kick her in the face, well... the girl just doesn't think she wants to take it head-on. Curling back, she raises her leading forearm to deflect the blow -- it =smarts=, if her light yelping is any indication. But she's also up to something, from the bright blue-white glow in her hands. Stepping forward after Kensou's kick, she unloads the orb of cerulean chi right into Kensou's midsection, hoping to tag him while she steps back for an escape. "Hadoooouken!"
Ow, blasted. Kensou's sure getting a taste of the full buffet of Hadoukens today, huh? The chi burns and sears, sending him staggering back... And honestly, he's not sure just what to do now. He's almost out of the fight... But Sakura's not looking all that great, either. So, for once, the Psycho Soldier decides to play it (relatively) safe, producing another meatbun which he proceeds to chow down upon! Maybe he's taunting you now, Sakura! ...Either that, or he's just getting the stuffing beaten out of him. Sakura hurts!
Taunting? ... Well. "See, there you go again! I put off dinner to fight you, and here you go teasing me with delicious nikuman!" Stamping her foot on the ground, Sakura shakes her tiny fist at the boy. "Just for that, you get -another- one!" Smirking, she rolls back on her heels, a crackling, seething mass of electricty forming between her hands. That's right -- electricity! She's been practicing, and watching tapes of the master in action! "Denjiiiin..." Her hands thrust forward at that point, with the schoolgirl's now-familiar battle cry resounding: "HADOOOOUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou slows Medium Hadouken EX from Sakura with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Dammit, here comes another fireball! Well, Kensou can deal with that. Sort of. Well, he can try. Shut up! Kensou's response to that crazy Hadouken is to bring up his hands - after dusting off some meatbun crumbs - and collect Psycho Power for a moment, then sweeping his hands out with a cry of his own. "CHOUKYUUDAN!!" the Psycho Soldier exclaims, causing an almost pure white sphere of energy to appear in the air and fly towards Sakura's Hadouken, but it... Doesn't manage to stop it, and Kensou gets kinda blasted anyway. "Keh..." he grunts, breathing raggedly as he watches Sakura.
Whew. This fight is really close, and Sakura -knows- it! Wiping her forehead with the back of her handguard, the schoolgirl grins back at Kensou's attempt at a projectile war. "Almost!" she chirps, hoping he can realize that she's being sincere about cheering her opponent on. Not everyone can, she knows, but that's never stopped her from trying!
But even though she's cheering him on, she =does= still want to win. And that's why she dashes in close, once more leading with a driving one-two punch combo -- but the followup sees her balling both fists together for a hammerblow, swinging it like a wrecking ball into Kensou's guard. "Hiiiiiyaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Sakura 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Crap crap crap! Kensou tries to get out of the way, but... Not so much! He gets hit with the one-two punch, and the axehandle, which drives Kensou to the ground, painfully landing on his knees. He wobbles a little, definitely not able to go on much further... But just laying down isn't Kensou's style! "Heh... Good one," the Psycho Soldier says honestly - because Sakura made one hell of a comeback, here! - before pushing off the ground into a backflip. Of course, he's still trying to hit Sakura in the process of this flip, with his feet, which are... Surrounded by a blue-tinged white nimbus of Psycho Power, a trail following their arc as he flips back and then... Lands flat on his face, succeed or fail. Whoops.
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kensou's Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/----===|
Oooh... yeah, that looks -painful-. Whenever Kensou starts whipping out the blue energy, Sakura's learned from experience -- say, earlier in this fight for example -- that it =hurts!= Perhaps lucky for her, though, she'd managed to put some distance between the Psycho Soldier and herself before that backflip started. A tight smile remains on her face as she watches the incoming attack -- but when it actually comes, it's a bit faster than she expected. Not to mention -higher-. So while she'd originally planned to leap backwards to get out of the way, she finds herself needing to throw both arms before, to keep that kick from hitting her in the face! The attack lands with a dull thud against her forearms, but since she's already airborne, it doesn't hurt -quite- as much as it could have.
Sakura lands a fair distance back, upon both feet, but she's still ready for whatever Kensou might be pulling out next... at least until she sees him land. "Oooh... ow. You okay, Kensou?" Fists unclenching, she dashes over to check on her friend's condition, even as the on-site referee starts the count.
COMBATSYS: Sakura takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Sakura has ended the fight here.
And Kensou is... Right out! Like a light! Aw, he looks like he's asleep, and he's definitely not going to be getting back up anytime soon, so... It definitely looks like this is a win for Sakura! He'll probably be pretty hungry when he wakes back up, too.
Xiangfei stares and stares a little more.. Well, the fight went pretty much how she had expected... At least at the end anyway, the back and forwardness of the match itself was a really big suprised to the Hip-Hop Honey... On the other hand, she wasn't one to express being impressed with Kensou so easily, and she mumbles to herself, "Haha, owned.." and then continues on her way.. She's say hello to Sakura, but she's already wasted enough would-be training time.
Heh heh.. Heh.. Fire.. FIRE.
Aww, he's so cute when he's sleeping, like a little kid! ... Well, a 'little kid' that almost knocked the bejeezus out of Sakura Kasugano, one of the 2005 King of Fighters champs... but still! Once she's sure he's down, Sakura throws up her fist in triumph, loyally performing her duty to the fans as a small breeze whips up, ruffling her skirt and headband about.
And as the stretcher comes up from the medical van -- one of the benefits of pre-arranging a fight -- Sakura crouches down to pat Kensou lightly on the shoulder. "Good fight, Kensou. We'll fight again soon, okay?"
Log created by Sakura, and last modified on 03:05:17 12/06/2005.