Description: Battle in the Kusanagi Dojo, a match is held right before dinner! Will Beni get Kyowned, or does Kyo get Benimaimed? ... Riiight. (Winner: Kyo)
"You sure you wanna do this, Benimaru?" Asks Kyo across the training floor towards his best friend and rival. For tonight's fight, Saishu insisted both fighters don different attire, in this case loose-fitting karate gis (think Morpheus and Neo). Kyo tightens the belt on his outfit and bounces slightly on the tatami flooring, warming himself up while occasionally shooting a confident smirk over at Benimaru, who doesn't seem to be as comfortable. Must be because the clothes aren't all skintight.
"... For the love of- Kyo, you ask me that /every/ time," the blonde replies in a clearly irritated tone. Of course it should be because Kyo asks that all the time that he should be used to it, "And every time you ask, I reply, 'Is it that you're afraid of me, Kyo-chan'?"
Benimaru Nikaido gives a shake of his head, but.. He is indeed looking rather distastefully at his tan gi, tugging lightly at the pant legs, and then does the same for the shoulders of his gi top. He actually flat out refused Saishus suggestion, but when Shizuka said she thought it'd look cute, well..
He draws his taped fists up his chin, almost like cat paws as he slips into his own battle stance, scawling lightly as his cheeks pinken, "Anyway you know the deal, 'my time is now, yours is running out,' yadda yadda, lets do this."
COMBATSYS: Benimaru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Benimaru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kyo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Benimaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kyo
"It's good to see that your strong rivalry spirit hasn't been diminished by all the beatings I've handed out ot you, Benimaru!" Shifting his feet, Kyo puts his dukes up in his own ready stance, still giving Benimaru that infuriating smirk. "Ikuze!"
Benimaru.. feels like a dork. He hasn't felt like one in a long time, too. But he never did look in the mirror, maybe he does look good and he just doesn't know it? That'd be nice, actually. The blonde for the moment is keeping his cool though, his eyes narrowing, "If that was all it took, I'd.. Ah.." baby-blue eyes shift a bit, and unable to think of a good comeback, he just goes for the quick fix, "Things will be different this time, I've gotten even more powerful than before!" and with that he sprints forward, attempting to grapple Kyos shoudlers. Should he be lucky to do that, a quick shot to the knee is given to bend the heir down, and then his right hand slams into his gut, giving a good electrical shock with his unique chi. Unique, dammit!
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Kyo with Benimaru Collider.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Kyo
Zap. Benimaru's quick attack succeeds, giving Kyo a bit of a shock to the system that causes him to step backwards and shake off the lingering effects from his limbs. "Heh," Kyo smirks, pedalling from side to side while letting loose with a few quick jabs.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Kyo's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kyo
Benimaru was expecting his blow to land of course, just.. Call it male intuition. Remaining light on his feet, he deals with the basic techniqes with a simple raise of his guard, Kyos fists smacking into the models as he shifts to and fro. But the last is smacked aside before he returns the combination, a quick one-two combination to Kyos chest. An opening?
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Kyo with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Kyo
Struck again, Kyo decides to launch a more serious counterattack before he gets overwhelmed. "It's been patty-cake up until now, Benimaru!" Planting off his back foot, the scion of the flames hops forwards and whips his front leg upwards, hoping to catch the blonde right in the chin. He then immediately snaps the other leg forwards, hoping to inflict double the damage.
COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits Benimaru with Nana Juu Go Shiki Kai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kyo
A warning with an exclamation point! Benimaru's still feeling the sting in his hands, but he just grins to his rival, nodding his head, "A shame, I thought all of a sudden I was going to have an easy victory," Beni attempts to evade the kick by mere centimeters, but a miscalculation gets him hit but good, grunting as he gets a little air and then staggers back, hand to his jaw, "... Huh, good hit," but he's on the offensive again, again attempting to grapple Kyos gi and with a grunt, twists to deliver a strong shoulder toss to the ground. If he can do that, it's then followed with a quick kick to the shoulder, "The hard way it is!"
COMBATSYS: Kyo counters Medium Throw from Benimaru with Nue Tsumi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Kyo
Grinning at Benimaru after landing his double flying kicks, Kyo doesn't seem to make much of an attempt to get out of the blond's way. Maybe he's curious about how the lightning-wielder is going to respond? In any case, Kyo gets thrown to the ground, but uses his legs and arms to blunt the impact of his back against the tatami mats, and so when Benimaru's foot careens towards his shoulder, he's completely ready: grabbing the foot by the ankle, then twisting on it quickly, and painfully. Hopefully this causes Benimaru to spin around a few times befor landing right on his face.
Yikes.. Right out of a martial arts movie, Benimaru finds himself grabbed then spinning like a top in mid-air. And while he doesn't quite land on his face, crashing onto his shoulder isn't much more fun, a heavy sounding thud upon the collision, "Rrrgh,"
The blond quickly scrambles in an upright position, favoring his ankle a moment, and then violet, rather than light blue bolt, slender bolts of electrical chi dance around his opposite fist, "All right enough of that," he murmurs, launching himself forward and hoping to belt Kyo with the sudden burst of bright energy, "Raijin Ken!!!"
COMBATSYS: Kyo overcomes Raijin Ken from Benimaru with Yami Barai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Kyo
Scrambling to his feet, Kyo stands up at roughly the same time as his opponent, and they're eye to eye when they both simutaneously decide to draw upon their unique powers. Crimson fire roars into life around Kyo's gloved right hand, swirling around until he throws that arm forwards, propelling the flame right into Benimaru's incoming Raijinken. "KURAE!!"
COMBATSYS: Benimaru negates Yami Barai from Kyo with Raijin Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kyo
Benimaru wasn't going to give up that easily, of course, his eyes widening and his growl getting louder, the violet chi seems to die down to a blue one, but then glows a little brighter as he keeps his force up. Unforunatly it wasn't enough to overpower it completely, but saved himself some pain at least. It seems his chi sort of attempts to absorb Kyos flames, but it's likely just fizzling out instead from the impact, leaving both fighters for the moment standing at a stalemate, "..."
Kyo watches his flames collide with Benimaru's electricity once more; this time the two forces of nature cancel each other, both attacks fading away into mere sparks and embers. "...." Kyo stares his rival down for a moment with a serious look on his face... well, at least for a second. The grimace quickly melts away into a cocky smirk as the stalemate ends, the two fighters starting to circle each other again.
COMBATSYS: Kyo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kyo
Benimaru hasn't a clue what is going through Kyos head- Or rather, he wished he didn't know; the smirk was just so annoying, but being able to tough out the Kusanagi Flames, that was certainly a step up. Fists raised once more, baby-blue eyes narrow, expression flat as he tries to read his opponent, tries to find an opening with each passing step. There wasn't room for any more mistakes from this point on.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kyo
Kyo continues circling around Benimaru, a bounce in his steps. However, after a few minutes of the standoff he slows down and sniffs at the air; apparently Shizuka has started preparations for dinner. "Hmpf, we could go on like this for awhile, it seems... but I'm starting to get hungry." He concludes. With that, he sprints right at Benimaru, fist cocked back. This isn't any fancy named technique, it's just a blatant attempt to knock his friend's block off.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru dodges Kyo's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kyo
Benimaru was actually rather fond of his block. The one on his neck, we mean, and while Kyo's fast.. Stupid fast, really, there's that moment Benimaru proves himself faster, stopping to a crouch so the blow swings by him and probably even through his wheatstock of a hairdo, "Oh that's good, I love your mother-," the model murmurs, dropping suddenly to one hand, and his entire body sweeps around, the model managing to hold up his entire body as he strikes at his rivals shins franticly, multiple times, no cries here, but when he completes the technique, "-'s cooking."
COMBATSYS: Kyo interrupts Shinkuu Katategoma from Benimaru with RED Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Kyo
Whiff. Kyo's fist hits nothing except a few locks of Benimaru's impeccably-silky blonde hair. All the sudden, Benimaru is behind Kyo, about to start spinning around like a top to strike at Kyo's legs. The scion of the flames is forced to skid to a halt, plant his feet, and backflip into the air, just barely getting enough clearance to avoid Benimaru's sweeping feet. This manuever isn't an evasive one, however: twisting around in mid-air, Kyo's foot arcs around, hoping to stomp down on the leg Kyo damaged earlier.
Well, truth be told, it could have gone worse. What was more suprising than Kyos quickness, though, was the fact he was getting more technical. Though he doesn't realize this until too late when Kyo manages to stomp down on his leg, knee slamming onto the floor and the model spinning over himself as if he tripped over something, "Rrrgh!" stopping on his back he holds his knee this time, hissing as he just sucks up the pain. Blood pumping faster through his body now, he shakily gets up to his feet, resting more firmly on the uninjured one. But he's not moving, sort of swaying a bit back and forth.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Benimaru 1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Kyo
Benimaru's other leg does manage to slam into Kyo's leg as he lands on the lightning-wielding fighter. There's sure to be a welt there later, but considering the fact that Benimaru seems practically out of the fight now, it seems like it was worth taking the slight hit.
With Benimaru seemingly dizzied, Kyo presses his advantage; "I'LL END IT WITH THIS NEXT TECHNIQUE!!" Bursting up through the tatami mats come a giant column of flame which Kyo promptly charges through, igniting his body and wreathing it in fire. "Kore ga..." Kusanagi now executes a devestating series of attacks that even casual observers might be able to tell is a variation of his "Dokugami" punching combinations, if not of all the fire spraying around as well as the flaming after-images of Kyo that seem to inflict even more hits on Benimaru, "KUSANAGI NO KEN DA!"
COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits Benimaru with Mu Shiki.
[ < > ///////////////////// ]
Benimaru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0 Kyo
Benimaru takes calm breaths, the models stature a little slouched as he swallows hard. He knew what was coming, the problem was he /didn't/ know what he was going to do about it. Maybe he was just relying on a bit of luck to pull him through, the models eyes snapping open almost maniacly wide as he sways and shakes off the first few blows; and then the speed catches up to him, more or less helpless to the assault that follows. Hell, he's not even sure if his body is reacting to the pain fast enough, the last thing he really knows for she is that he's lost in a bath of flames, sending him flying back, tumbling across the floor until the walls on the opposite side of the dojo forces him to a stop.
Beaten and bruise, the model pants heavily, arm holding his ribs as he pushes himself upward, "D.. Damn it all.." But he doesn't have anything left, his legs give out under him and he collapses to the floor again, the man resting on his elbows and head lowered in frustration, "... Good fight.. You got me again.." he grumbles.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kyo 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Benimaru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kyo 0/-------/-----==|
The flames around Kyo finally extinguish themself. The fight's over. Kyo looks around at the scorch marks caused by all the electricity and flame being thrown around. Shizuka won't be pleased that the training room got wrecked again, but it's to be expected. "Yeah, I did." Kyo replies back to his comrade, waiting for him to get up, "...not like that's gonna stop you." He says with a knowing smile.
Almost on cue, Shizuka Kusanagi pops her head into training dojo, "Dinner's ready! o/~" He says with her usual calm smile. Of course, once she sees all the damage and Benimaru's condition, she puts a hand up to her mouth, then looks over at her son, "Kyo!"
COMBATSYS: Kyo has ended the fight here.
Benimaru just needs a moment or two to get his wits back togeather, rubbing a hand over his face, though when he hears that familiar chime, he's suddenly on his feet, granted he's not looking that much better, ".. Yeah," he mumbles in agreement though his confidence was shaken. He'd heard that Shingo actually didn't do too bad against his rival, maybe Yabuki just caught him on a bad day or something after all. Regardless, he was too embarassed to ask about it now, waving his hand dismissivly to Shizuka, "I'm fine, Misses Kusanagi, I'm starving," and trudges his way to the dining area.
Log created by Benimaru, and last modified on 13:55:00 12/05/2005.