Description: The Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey takes on the Psycho Doll in Chinatown! What starts off as a one-sided battle turns into a comeback of the ages! (Sort of.)! (Draw Match)
Oh SNAP! It's Chinatown again!
When Xiangfei caught word that one of her league matches would be on her own home turf, she was completely psyched out! As well she should be too, because not only are the cameras rolling and flashing, and the fans a'yelling, but there's a lot of fried dough and cotton candy carts! The chinese girl is dressed in her chinatown high-school uniform, her hair covered up with a skullcap after her rather embarassing run-in with Eiji not too long back. It's a good thing she had a back-up outfit!
The streets have been cut off with barricades, keeping people on the sidewalks and cars from turning on this particular street, and the girl noticing the time races over to the arranged fight spot. She had never heard of her opponent before, so she thinks this could be interesting! With a huge wad of blue cotton candy in her mouth, a fried dough in the other hand, the girl frantically looks around and then bellows, "Where fo'f mah offonent??"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/-------|
Not everyone's as pleased as the crowds as the chinese girl is. Case in point, one Juli, last name unknown. A far more stoic girl than her opponent, one could say that Juli simply doesn't have any emotions at all. These people would, of course, be wrong. While the full subtle range of human emotions is lost on her, there's a few blunt emotions that she knows the full measure of.
Annoyance is one of them.
With a record of 0 and 1, Juli realizes that she needs to win the next match to get anywhere at all with it. She wasn't expecting this sort of match .. far too many crowds, far too many people, and worse yet, her opponent is .still. scarfing her face with food. Annoying.
Nestled near the front of the crowd, her choice of blue jeans and a red leather jacket keeping her more or less anonymous, Juli considers all of this for a moment with her eyes almost burning a hole in the back of Xiangfei's head. Annoying. Deal with it.
And so she does, making her way from the crowd to place where she's .supposed. to be -- and not so incidently raising a curious murmur from the crowd as the bystander has the gumption to take Juli's place.. though there's enough in the crowd who have the proper idea that the confused murmur's replaced with the realization that this .is. the proper girl.
"You are Xiangfei." She asks in a monotone, the raise and fall of her voice subtle if it's there at all. "You are my opponent. Are you ready to fight, or is candy part of your weaponry."
It probably doesn't help that a majority of the crowd is chinese either.. There's just simply no doubt at all that she's the fan favorite in this match-up. On the other hand, Juli doesn't come off to them as very 'boo'able, so at least there's that, right?
Xiangfei also shres Julis record, but her frame of mind is a little different; without the idea that she'd meet Chun-Li at the end, her attitude about fights have been a lot more 'lax', she now just looking to make improvment so that she herself can one day be the Strongest Woman in the World. With squirrel cheeks. She blinks, feeling that stare, and jumps when her name is announced, "Mmmf?" she replies, taking then a big bite out of her fried dough, looking pleased as punch, "Ahm fee fang feh! Uh 'evanly 'ip'op 'oney of FOUFTOWN, an' am awfays reggy 'or a FIGHT!" she bellows, spitting bits of the dough at the psycho doll, flailing her arms wildly. It's apparent she must be really psyched because without warning she starts off the battle with a mighty yell, a golden pillar of chi, slender and almost dragon-shaped, spins and twirls about her small frame, "Awww YEeaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Juli has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Juli 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
Juli too has her own light effects, though it isn't chi at all. Rather, a red glow of energy radiates from her body as she focuses on you. Psychopower, the energy that holds the girl a slave to the dictator that controls her life.
Unlike her opponent, Juli remains calm and quiet, not even raising a question mark as she struggles to attempt to decipher what the girl said. It was probably something like 'help me, I'm just a little girl about to get her butt kicked'. Whatever.
COMBATSYS: Juli focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Juli 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei blinks and... Well, even she realizes that Juni isn't very impressed with her display of power, and she quickly scarfs down the rest of her goods, and wipes off the mouth with the back of her hand, "Ok!" she cries, zipping toward the doll and claps her hands togeather. With a quick twirl she throws out her palms and "HAH!!" releases a burst of chi, the wave of blue and white energy looking to knock the woman back and hopefully throw her off her groove.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Juli with Nanpa.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Xiangfei
Projectiles? Juli finds herself flat footed for a moment as the wave of Chi rushes in her direction, and even though she attempts to avoid it -- it's all for not. And it hurt, as Juli expected it to.. her encounters with Chi so far have been less than pleasant.
So she has to close the gap. She does so with a quick jump kick towards the girl's head, her leading foot thrust almost straight out with the other one curled underneath her. There's psychopower in this, of course.. fight psycho with chi and fight chi with psycho. Now, if she can just hit the girl.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Juli's Sniping Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is glad that she managed to nail Juli with that attack, if her opponent hadn't slowed down for that extra half a second, it was.. Likely that Xiang wouldn't have been able to get her guard up in time. Her hands cross at the wrists and she throws her hands sideward to help shift the momentum away from her, "Hai!" The kung-fu fighter twirls around and shakes her head. There's no way Juli could keep that speed the entire match, she's pretty sure of that, she'd just have to hang in there. Homing in on the doll, Xiang waits for Juli to turn around before she twirls again and aims a chop across her opponents chest, and then quickly strikes out with a palm thrust afterward, "Hai! Hah!"
COMBATSYS: Juli interrupts Quick Punch from Xiangfei with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/--=====|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
She's faster than that -- much faster. The moment she hears Xiang behind her, Juli ducks down in a twisting motion to bring herself in a crouch facing Xiang. "Too slow." She murmurs, then launches herself at Xiang.
There's more of that red glow around her foot as Juli drives it upwards against Xiang's chin, making the minor damage she took from that punch all the worth it. As soon as she snaps Xiang's head back, Juli does a nimble backflip in midair, landing on her feet to meet whatever Xiang has to throw at her this time.
Woah wait a minute.. Xiangfei's pretty sure she's seen that move before, but she's a little more concerned about the weird sensation she's feeling from that glowing energy. It seems similar to Kensou and Baos, but.. That didn't make any sense, did it? Reguardless, once her head snaps back, she yelps from the sudden pain as she reels into the air, tucks in and manages to land on her fet in a crouch, arms held out like airplane wings. But then holds her jaw, "Rrrghhh.. Oh man.." she groans, but she slaps her hands togeather, bringing her fingertips togeather, fans them out, and then balls one hand into a fist, closing her eyes as she mutters to herself. "......."
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/--=====|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Xiang's not going to have too much of a chance to focus on herself like that. As soon as Juli's on her feet again, she dashes after Xiangfei again. Turning her body to the side as she nears the girl, Juli tries to ram her side into the concentrating.
A basic body check -- not too damaging, but she's intent on disrupting Xiang's attempt to focus on Juli. If the doll moves fast enough, she realizes, she can run circles around Xiang .. and some of them .through. Xiang.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Fast Throw from Juli with Ryokuchi Kou'en.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Xiangfei
As basic as it is, it's clear that it isn't quite enough for Xiangfei to deal with.. The chinese girl makes a clumsy attempt at trying to reach at Juli and catch her waist, instead catching the blow right into her chest and grunting as she staggers backward, "Ooof!" though to her own suprise she doesn't fall completely over, instead dropping to one knee and for a moment looking a bit out of it. Looks like she couldn't duplicate the dolls actions that easily.
And with the girl staggered, Juli does her damnest to make sure she actually goes down. Turning on her heels, Juli swings a foot up, then brings it crashing back down at the top of Xiang's head.
Even as she's dealing this punishing blow, Juli's expression doesn't change a bit. Xiang's in her way of victory, Xiang's slow, Xiang will be forced to get .out. of her way.. preferably while on her back and trying to regather herself.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Strong Kick from Juli with Chou Pai-Long.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
One could argue that Xiangfei was just throwing a faint there.. When Juli is on the girl again, she's.. Not exactly as out of it as she looked before suddenly, and her eyes narrow, looking over her shoulder, "Ah!" This was the opening that she was looking for, with a little extra speed she would be able to lay a ton of hurt on the girl!
Perhaps she didn't take into account her reach would be too short, her palm stops just short of hitting Julis sternum and the dolls leg crashes down on her, and crashes down -hard-, the girl eating pavement and almost comedicly faceplants onto the ground. She twitches slightly in utter confusion, her eyes crossed in another moment of dizzyness. She clearly didn't see that one coming at all.
And with her foe on the ground, Juli just stares at the fallen girl. She doesn't even acknowledge the noises of the crowd as she so handily mangles their favored fighter, boos and catcalls washing right over her back.
There's only a moment of hesitation for Juli, a thoughf of what to do with the girl she so easily outclasses.
Finally, Juli grunts in her throat and lifts her foot again, leaving it hanging a mere half foot above Xiangfei's head.
"You cannot win. This fight is pointless. Concede." Of course, should the girl .not. concede .. or even worse, try to get up, Juli has a sneaker with xiangfei's name on it.
COMBATSYS: Juli takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Juli 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is suprised at first when she actually comes to again without having to deal with another attack. Holding the back of her head and wincing, the chinese fighter responds to Julis 'suggestion' with a frown, ".. Hah, so you think you've won already, do you? It seems to me that my name is the only thing you do know!" she gets to her feet, huffing a bit and clenches her free hand into a fist, "If you had been paying attention you would know that I'm Li Xiangfei!" she sprints toward Juli, and with a little hop, aims to hit her with a moonsault kick to the side, and should that connect, two quick palm-thrusts to the gut follow, "I never give up, and I never die! Hai! Hah- HYAH!"
COMBATSYS: Juli interrupts Light Kick from Xiangfei with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Juli 1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Foolish girl. There's almost a smile on Juli's lips as Xiangfei decides to press the attack .. almost. Juli's seen this before, knows where it leads .. she's just surprised that Xiangfei hasn't realized it yet, or perhaps it's just a suicidal urge for the girl.
If Xiangfei didn't remember this move from the one time she did it, she certainly will remmeber it this time .. that *CRACK* it makes as Juli's psy empoered foot smashes into chest will probably linger for a while. Juli's hit, yes, but she's still standing .. Xiang? Juli doubts it .. the girl was on visible on her last legs before she foolishly attacked, let's see how she's doing now.. And if she doesn't surrender .now.--or preferrably just fall down-- Juli's not about to let her get a second chance.
Xiangfei had to berrate herself for that one, she should have planned that one out a little better, but she's relying on her guts more than her fighting prowress at this point. Even if she had to take down Juli a little bit at a time to defeat her then so be it! Of course the astounding flip kick nails the chinese girl again, causing her to gasp and wheeze in a bit of exhaustion, her vision slightly blurred as she crashes hard on the ground this time, followed by a chorus of pained 'ohhhs' from the crowd. Grimacing a little, the waitress slowly sits up, "R.. Rgh.. Rats.." slipping a hand into her pocket and draws out a yen coin, blood trickling down her mouth. She whips it with expert precision toward Juli, hoping to nail her between the eyes, her entire body trembling as she attempts to work herself up and keep going. Just so long as her body cooperates, she could still win this! "Hnnhg!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Juli 1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Juli endures Xiangfei's Thrown Object!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Juli 1/-----==/=======|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
She didn't drop. Stupid girl. She even attacks Juli! Stupid, stupid girl. So surprised by this decision is Juli that she realizes something small and is being thrown at her head. Making the best of the situation, Juli allows it to hit her in the head, drawing a bit of blood as its edge cuts into her skin.
Stupid, but chockfull of Moxie .. Juli has to give her that much credit. Credit easily spent however. Closing the distance between her and her opponent, Juli reaches out to grab her by the shoulder. If that's secured, she'll literally haul the coin flipping chinese girl over her head, and send her crashing back down on her knee.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Juli's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Juli 1/-----==/=======|=======\======-\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei's stature straightens slowly, her body taking a gentle, blue glow for a moment, and the frustrated look on the small fighters face becomes a small grin. Yes, this was her chance, and she couldn't let it go to waste, but how could she take down Juli without eating another sneaker to the face that was her question. maybe she'd have to be more technical. Sprinting after Juli, the girl sweeps into a crouch, and then sweeps her leg out as if going for a sweep kick. Instead, however, she bursts upward, attempting to slam her shoulder into the doll, "HAAAAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Juli with Tenpou Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Juli 1/--=====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei flipsbackward and lands on her feet, flailing her arms as she yells, "That's for kicking my face!! ... Twice!" and pulls her cheeks out, giving the doll the raspberry of a lifetime! "Biiii~!"
It worked.. though not in the way Xiangei probably anticipated. She sidesteps to the left when Xiangfei moves for that sweep, stepping out of the range of that sweep. That much works, yes .. but then there's the follow through.
Maybe she stumbled on her own two feet -- but whatever it is, she's caught entirely flatfooted by that shoulder charge, and the psi energy it carries with her. Clearly, this fight isn't over. She's even starting to feel it now.
She's put the girl down once though, and she figures she can do it again.. And just in time for Xiangfei to bust out that raspberry. Feet go horizontal as well as vertical though, and just to prove it, Juli jump kicks the girl, her foot thrusting out and glowing psy.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Sniping Arrow from Juli with Dai Tetsujin.
[ \ < > / ]
Juli 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
One might argue that Xiangfei was taunting Juli in an attempt to make her act a little more wrecklessly, but.. In this case, Xiangfei's not even sure that she's going to get much more advantage than the dolls arrogance, but it's worht a try and either way it pays off big! This time when the technique is shot, Xiangfei is ready and there's a bit of a dangerous gleam in her eye, a fire of sorts as she crouches as if getting ready for a football tackle and a huge cloud of dust bursts behind her, sending the little fighter screaming to a head-on collision with her oponent, "WaatAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" the kick connects, but her flying shoulder ram connects even harder, hopefully sending Juli flying back and knocking her down for good!
Starting to huff and pant now, and blessing her ancestors for her change of luck, she takes a page out of Kasumis book and points berratingly at the other woman, "I cannot win, you said! This fight is pointless, you said! See what happens when you underestimate the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southown??"
The change of events gets a huge applause and roar of approval from her chinese fans!
Not again, dammit. Not again.
The Doll lands in a heap on the ground, the stuffing quite clearly kicked out of her. Scrambling back to her feet though, Juli gathers the last bit of fight she has in her .. she'll need it.
Launching herself foward, Juli flies feet first towards Xiangfei.. It's clearly a psychopowered move though -- people just don't fly that low to the ground for far.. but if anything, Juli's gaining speed and along with it, momentum. Should it hit .. should it .. and it's Juli's last prayer of getting anything out of this fight.. Juli's momentum will suddenly shift .upwards. to juggle the girl into the air with more kicks.
If it doesn't work? Juli'll simply pass out in her own defeat. Last stand.
COMBATSYS: Juli can no longer fight.
[ \ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Juli's Spin Drive Smasher.
[ <
Xiangfei 1/------=/=======|
Xiangfei's eyes narrow as she stares at her opponent, looking a little smug now and sets a hand on her hip. She's sure that Juli still has something left in her, but now it was time for a little test herself. The move.. The assault of kicks is fast, it's really fast, but with a mighty yell, she takes the barrage of attacks on, "AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" the girl twists this way and that, he teeth grit with each blow and even is sent up into the air afterward, but backflipping and landing in a crouch, hand tightened into fists again, "RRRRRRGH!!!"
But she doesn't lash back, she focuses on all the pain she's endured, and then stands up, crossing her arms as she bursts out into laughter, "Aaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha haaa!! The Strongest! style is unbeatabl-.. A... Ab.." she wobbles a bit, coughing out a bit of blood.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
Xiangfei then flops over, landing face first in the ground.
And the crowd goes.. Oddly nuts! While Xiangfei may not have emerged victorious this fight, she did manage to beat the odds with such a bad starting advantage! This one is a keeper for the record books!
Log created by Xiangfei, and last modified on 03:05:48 12/06/2005.