The Large Clearing. Sagat has moved to this section to get some distance between himself and the next soul that is utilizing the Large Clearing for their own endeavors. Sagat sets himself down on the ground and pulls out a newspaper from his long overcoat. He sits on the ground, cross-legged. The paper is opened and the one-eyed warrior is actually spending time, reading it.
Even if one were totally ignorant to the particulars of /Muay Thai/ culture, one might presume that it roughly follows the Master/Student protocols of many other martial arts. The Master is to receive a wide berth when it comes to the realms of respect, while the student is expected to adhere to any request the Master makes, no matter what it happens to be. In the one-year relationship between Tony and Sagat, one could debate how closely the student has adhered to the master's requests, though generally Tony has been...uncharacteristically deferrent in Sagat's presence.
So, then, how presumptious is it to suddenly make requests of the master? How rude? How insolent?
That, too, could be left to debate. No matter the result of that particular debate, however, that doesn't change the fact that Tony did make such a request. They were to meet before the scheduled 'knife fight', and they were to fight.
A good fifteen minutes before the scheduled meeting time, one can hear the arrival of a car--the low rumble of a well tended to engine growing close, then cutting off. A door opens, closes...and then nothing more than the squawking of an errant bird overhead for a long moment. Slowly, footsteps pad through the area surrounding the clearing, crunching the light covering of snow underfoot, grinding it into a more compact form. Tony emerged from the forest line, braving the colder temperatures of Japan's winter in shorts and wrappings. Once his eyes fall on the seated Sagat, he offers the slightest in bowing nods--a show of respect, perhaps.
The Muay Thai master looks up as he hears the approaching vehicle. A certain article had caught the old Master's attention. And it pertained to the meeting he and his student were going to have here. Normally Sagat would not be 'summoned' by anyone. However there are a couple of exceptions. His student is one of them, as he knows his student needs his attention at times. Hearing of this 'Knife Fight' would be an exceptional case where Sagat would not be slightly put off at this meeting. When Tony arrives and gives a bow, Sagat raises and removes his overcoat. Underneath, are his typical garb. He's wearing a pair of brown shorts with an orange stripe on either side of his legs. His arms and legs are wrapped tightly. He nods again to his charge, "I'd ask how you were, Tony. However I could probably assume it." He motions towards the paper he left on the ground when he stood.
Tony's eyes dropped down to the newspaper, only long enough to see the 'Sports' header on it before bringing his eyes back up to Sagat proper. Standing to full attention, Tony offered another nods...this one more of acknowledgement that anything else.
"So then you know why I've asked you to come here. I'm hoping that's why you've decided to come." His voice carries a certain level of...seriousness, of gravity not generally contained during his time with Sagat--certainly, he's been serious about his training before, as serious as he could be. another level entirely.
"I don't view this as a cramming," Tony replies, voice level. "I'm not trying to get some kind of last moment studying in before the big final. That's not what this is about--if it was, I deserve to fail, I deserve to lose and I ought man up enough to fulfill my own word."
Rolling a shoulder slowly, Tony quietly worked at loosening and warming the joint up--an exercise he did before coming here, though lately he was having problems with it anyways.
"What this is is an opportunity for me. All my life, I've been my surroundings, by what took place around me, by myself. When I got serious about my career out here, and you decided to take me in, I worked at getting myself to the point I needed to be..."
The rolling motion stops, Tony's eyes refocusing on Sagat. "But then I ended up being plagued by my own past. This knife fight that I've been booked into is just another point where they've tried to pidgeonhole me, force me back."
"The Japanese public views me as a sideshow, a one man clown car at the carnival of carnage. I can't be that anymore. That's half of why I'm doing what I'm doing."
Sagat shakes his head and raises his arms up over his head, stretching out his shoulders and his back. The big man continues to look at Tony though, "And you are letting them get to you." Sagat says, "Do you think winning this fight will change how they view you?" Sagat frowns and steps up onto the balls of his feet, "Just stay true to the form you have studied, Tony." Sagat offers, "Regardless of what they think of you, you stick with what you believe you should be doing." The Tiger pauses, "I know that's what you're attempting to do with that little statement in the paper. However there's no reason to stop what you're doing if you fail. THat's not going to heolp you attain a higher level of skill in Muay Thai."
The worst part, perhaps, was that Tony couldn't help but acknowledge Sagat's logic. It was something that was nipping at the back of his head ever since he sent his letter in and made his intentions publicly known. "It probably won't," Tony acknowledges, reluctantly. "But it'll be a start. That's why it's only half of the reason why I'm doing it, though."
Tony falls quiet briefly, watching the master and rightful emperor go through stretching. "The other is...simple, I suppose. It's a test for myself, a test of my mettle, my..." Tony paused, digging around for the right words--and coming up with words that didn't even completely seem his own. "...Fighting Spirit. This is the most important fight of my career. Everything rides on this fight. Supposedly, this 'Edge' is roughly my equal, albeit in his own knifing technique. If I can't summon up the intestinal fortitude to pull it through, then I've got a bigger problem than what these people are seeing me for."
"If I lose this, I -need- to pull it back, sit back, and maybe figure out what's going on. I'm not -quitting-, I'm getting off of the public circuit, and getting onto something a bit more...arighting."
The Muay Thai God nods his head once at all that Tony has stated. Sagat shrugs his shoulders and slides a foot back and getting into a fighting stance, "Than let's get some training into you, Styles. Just a warm up, to make you more limber and to figure out your strategy and game style for your 'bout' with this 'Edge' individual." Sagat's arms raise to hover in front of him, fists clenched tightly. The Muay Thai Legend does not fully understand why Tony is making this out to be huge, but he understands that it is never-the-less important to his student. This is also a great distraction from his own troubles and problems.
COMBATSYS: Sagat has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Tony has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Tony 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
"Alright," Tony intones, bringing his arms up to a high guard, shifting his weight forward onto the balls of his feet. Developing a light, bouncing rhythm, Tony is quick to move forward, quick to push an offensive. While the tactic might not be as effective against Edge, Tony was starting to get used to the idea of fighting Sagat, the idea of pressing him and seeing what happened.
Of course, Tony had no clue what sort of things could be troubling Sagat--it wasn't much his business, and if Sagat wanted him involved, he would tell him as much. A spar is a spar is a spar, though...which is always good for at least a momentary reprieve. Better than the Bars, even.
Stopping his forward momentum at just shy of leg's distance, Tony quickly lifts up before pushing his foot out in a front kick. Nothing amazing, nothing -flashy-, but then the vast majority of Tony's Muay Thai repetoire comes across as very...stripped down, without additional motion.
COMBATSYS: Tony successfully hits Sagat with Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
The Muay Thai Legend watches Tony with his single eye. He's studying how Tony's movements are made on his way towards Sagat. The way Tony's feet hit the ground, the way his legs move to propel him forward and even how Tony sets up for his kick. Sagat tries to move, albeit slowly, to get away from the incoming strike. Sagat fails though and Tony's leg slams hard into the larger's man's body. Sagat grunts, but does little else in response to the strike from his student. As Tony has closed the distance for him, Sagat will just counter-assault and then press his own offensive strategy. Sagat attempts to knee Tony hard in the gut, when he's close. He follows the knee up by extending his leg into a kick afterwards, aimed for Tony's head!
COMBATSYS: Tony counters Strong Kick from Sagat with Chokehold.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Sagat
The kick, had it been allowed to hit, probably would've taken Tony's head clean off: Sagat's strength and ferocity contributed heavily to the legend of the Muay Thai emperor...the countless fighters left crippled or worse by his hands(and knees and feet and elbows and...)
Of course, Tony had other plans. Circling around, away from the kick, the Muay Thai student's hands went high--abandoning their defensive posture with the hopes of scoring a second score on the master. Reaching high overhead, Tony's palms quickly shift to rest at the back of Sagat's neck, fingers steepling and knitting into one another. Muscles straining, Tony pulled down sharply before putting the rest of his weight into it...hopefully stressing Sagat's neck and keeping him in an awkward position...and within knee striking range.
The Mighty Thai man does not feel the satisfying crush of Tony's midsection and skull against his outward flung lower extremity. Instead, his student has managed to wrap his hands around his massive neck and start to choke at him. The big man does not allow this to happen for long. As he jerks his head backwards to release the grasp, he quickly lashes out with a knee. He spins around to bring his knee towards Tony's upperbody, a way to make his student back off for a moment.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Tony with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
The blow lands more or less as expected--after facing so many people within his own capability level, it was both refreshing and surprising to find someone who could escape simply by standing up. Sagat earned his status as a legend, that much was certain. It was that surprise that earned Sagat the strike--Tony's defense adjusted a moment too late to be effective, knee colliding against and through his forearm, driving into the side of his head and sending him stumbling backwards a few paces. It would earn Sagat a moment or two to breathe, though Tony would recover quickly, return to the offensive and press. He couldn't let up now, not if he didn't want to go home bloodied and battered without any kind of gain.
Driving forward oncemore, Tony brings his arms up to high guard, snapping an arm out and around so that the elbow strikes with the side of Sagat's body...assuming nothing happens between here and there, at least.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Tony's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
The Tiger's arm rises slightly and angles itself so that when the elbow comes, it slams hard into Sagat's thick meaty apendage, but also to slide off and be pushed away by the Legend. Sagat appears to be phased very little by Tony's attempted strike. Sagat just grunts as the elbow collides with his arm. As the elbow rolls off his arm, Sagat lashes out with a quick upwards Elbow strike of his own. Is the Muay Thai Master going easy on Tony? Tony may think that right now.
COMBATSYS: Tony endures Sagat's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Sagat
Easy? Yeah, okay.
What's easy for a legend is torturous for their lessers. It wasn't particularly damning, not like taking one of Sagat's high roundhouse kicks, but it was nearly blinding with it's speed. Tony knew on some base level that the blow was going to land, on an instinctual level more than anything else. He would be hit, and it would likely hurt. He'd have to soldier past the blow and keep going.
Doing his best to accomplish just that, Tony coiled low, taking the blow on the top of his head. As soon as the strike found home, the student exploded forwards and upwards--looking to drive a knee into Sagat's gut. Hit or miss, his other leg rises to follow the path of the first, putting the whole of his body and momentum into it.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Tony's Panther Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Sagat
Sagat also knew that his student would not have much of a chance to dodge or block the blow the Legend threw. Rather than instinct, Sagat utilized experience to come to that conclusion. He knows how quickly he can throw such an elbow strike. So when he feels Tony's body give under the pressure of his blow, Sagat raises his other arm up at his side to already build his defense. If Tony took anything from his student, he would go on the offensive as quickly as possible. And Tony does not disappoint! Sagat raises both arms up and tenses just in time to absorb and deflect the majority of the Panther Assault. Sagat spins and rolls to the side to avoid any follow up strike by Tony. Sagat, as he spins raises a leg and follows through with a spinning roundhouse kick towards Tony's upper legs. A crushing blow with his wrapped foot and shin!
COMBATSYS: Tony blocks Sagat's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Tony 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Sagat
Eventually, Tony was going to have to concede to the fact that he couldn't stonewall Sagat's offense forever. Heck, he probably couldn't do it for a couple more minutes. However, he did have to acknowledge one fact--he was doing a hell of a lot better than he ever did before. Usually he'd be knocked stupid by now. Instead, he's still on his feet...and could likely do so for a while if his luck held together.
Bringing his feet back down, Tony was prepared for the inevitable--guard held low to accomodate for Tony's position, tight together. As such, the kick meets with forearm...painfully so, perhaps, but at least he wouldn't have to deal with what would've happened otherwise.
Holding the position just long enough to ensure that nothing was following the kick, Tony responded in kind--mimicking Sagat's strike, right down to the spin and ending location.
COMBATSYS: Tony successfully hits Sagat with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Tony 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Sagat
The Massive Muay Thai Fighter raises an arm up to attempt to block his student's mimiced attempt at kicking him. However for once, the Muay Thai God is too slow to react. The big Thai man gets slammed hard in the legs, and he takes a step to the side to accomodate the force he was hit with. The Tiger smirks slightly, a sense of pride rising up in the old warrior. He gives Tony a stiff nod before uttering quietly, "Tiger-" He launches into the air, knee thrust forward, "-CRUSH!" Game time.
COMBATSYS: Tony counters Tiger Crush from Sagat with Panther Ambush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Sagat
Tony went airborne at almost the same time as Sagat, eyes wide and mind focused with the burst of adrenaline surging through his body, synapses sending directives to his muscles at speeds that would've been otherwise impossible for the comparatively young student. Pulling his legs up and his body low so that air resistance is as low as he can make it, Tony's trajectory is slightly higher than Sagat's...a difference that pays in spades and makes all the difference in the world. Whereas Sagat's knee finds nothing but air, Tony's scores a point.
The weathered warrior's face is impacted by his student's knee. This flings his head and upper torso backwards as he flies through the air. This causes the Muay Thai legend to land uncerimoniously against the ground. When the man hits the ground, he rolls and within moments of hitting earth, he's back on his feet. He's off and rushing towards Tony, impressed with Tony's counter to his Tiger Crush. When Sagat is within striking distance, his leg lashes out. It's swung very similar to a Football Punter's leg when they kick. Sagat's aiming to kick his student up into the air and backwards, to land a few feet away.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Tony with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Sagat
...He's goin' for distance!
Tony at least had the opportunity to see what was going on, here--Sagat was using an attack that Tony occasionally used himself--granted, it was when he was going for insult, but it was still mildly familiar. Dropping down to one knee, Tony braced himself as best he could, looking to weather the punting Sagat was looking to otherwise deliver.
This proves to be an awful idea.
Caught beneath his guard, Sagat's leg lifts Tony skywards despite his best efforts--sending the younger artist a couple of yards back and in a heap on the ground. Ouch.
Rolling back up to his feet, Tony's face crumpled into a determined grimace, refocusing his efforts and working on the problem at hand. Moving in a hard run forward, Tony went skyward oncemore, body assuming a form similar to what was done a moment ago, but lacking a number of assets: Speed, for one. The intensity is there, though, and if Tony had his way his knee would impact oncemore with Sagat's head.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Tony's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Sagat
As Tony comes towards Sagat, he's going down. He's changing his center of gravity so that it's much lower. In fact, Sagat is in a defensive posture that has him kneeling down and covering his upper body with a leg and his face with both arms. When Tony comes at him, muscles tense. The powerful kick collides with the impenatrable defense that the Muay Thai Legend holds up. After Sagat deflects the blow, the Tiger shouts, "TIGER-" And with a burst of speed his leg muscles spring his body forward and upwards. One of his arms arcs upwards and the Legend performs his trademark move, "-UPPPPPERRRRCUT!"
COMBATSYS: Tony counters Tiger Uppercut from Sagat with Panther Ambush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Tony 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Sagat
Already in midair, Tony didn't have many options available to him. He could see what was about to happen, and for a moment he could see himself as one of the countless random fighters Sagat has fought during his earlier career, one of the countless that got suckered into Sagat's trap, one of the countless that got crushed with Sagat's counter to Ryu's Dragon Punch.
Certainly, Tony was better than the faceless masses, wasn't he?
Rather than rebound off of Sagat's defense, Tony's forward momentum seems to redouble itself, pushing with the kind of speed that was lacking in the initial attack and ultimately driving the student through. Even if the Uppercut continues, it continues without a target. When Tony finally lands, it's behind Sagat, crouched low and looking to turn himself back around, back to face Sagat.
The Legend isn't used to being muscled out of his trademark technique. Oh no. And were this anyone else countering his Tiger Uppercut, he'd be immensely angered right now. Probably to the point that rage would take over and the Tiger would fight with lethal ferocity. However... Sagat's only current student has the perk of being spared his Master's wrath. Sagat hits the ground on both feet. He's not in that one position long. He springs towards Tony, smirking as he rushes for his student. He stretches out with one arm and attempts to punch Tony in the head. However that's not all. He follows that up, after he takes another step towards his student, with an upward elbow strike with the other arm.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Tony with Medium Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Tony 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Sagat
Tony's moment of recovery left him open, the time he wheeled around to face Sagat, Sagat was already on top of him. Eyes widened as the first blow slammed into his forehead, staggering the Muay Thai Panther and leaving him open for the followup.
And what a followup it was.
The next thing Tony was aware of was cold...and wet.
On his cheek. Why was there snow on his cheek?
Oh. Wait. He was on the ground. Aie, the brainmeats.
Spitting up a healthy chunk of blood and spittle, Tony slowly righted himself, rather obviously on his last legs, rather obviously done.
"One last thing. Oblige me."
At that, Tony doesn't so much crouch as he does fall over onto his hands and knees, spittle hitting the ground before Tony dashed forward one last time.
COMBATSYS: Tony can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Tony's Panther Ambush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 1/------=/=======|
Sagat raises his defenses one last time when Tony dashes at him. It takes little effort from the Muay Thai God to block and deflect the incoming Panther Ambush. He does such a thing and steps to teh sdie to allow his charge to drop to the ground after expending that energy. The Tiger crosses his arms over his shoulder and looks down at the panther, "Your technique has improved." He states matter of factly.
COMBATSYS: Sagat has ended the fight here.
Indeed, there's little more for Tony to do than drop to the ground after giving Sagat one last Panther Ambush. He put his all into the fight, went toe to toe with Sagat, and did considerably better than he's ever done before. When Sagat's words of praise hit his ears, Tony can do little more than force air into his lungs and offer a nod. "Thank you...and thank you for coming to meet with me today."
"We need more of these sessions." Offers the Tiger down to the Panther. The Muay Thai God grumbles and leans over and holds out an arm for his student to tug himself up, "Though I have the utmost confidence that you will dominate your opponent in this 'Knife Fight', I want you to know, I am here when you require more training and wish to work on your techniques."
Tony accepts the help for what it is, using it to work himself back up to his own feet. He's wobbly, he can feel the beginnings of bruises and welts threatening to close off parts of his vision and limit movement. He hurt...but it was probably the best thing in the world for him now. He felt...accomplished, somehow. Vindicated. "When this is over and done with, then." With that said, Tony takes in a deep breath and steadies himself. "Again, thank you."
With that said, Tony falls silent--not making the motion to leave, not yet. That would be a touch disrespectful, after all.
"You are always welcome, Tony." Sagat states as he leaves Tony's side and moves to grab his coat and the paper he left on the ground before they had fought. The Muay Thai God nods towards Tony when he turns around and begins to put his coat on, "It would be beneficial for you if you meditate on our fight and your 'big' fight. Perhaps you will gain a degree of clarity on what you must do to accomplish your goal." Sagat ties the coat shut at his waist and he rolls the paper up and stuffs it under one arm.
Now there's something he hasn't done in a while. Meditation. Go figure. Given all of the problems he ran into during the last month or two, Meditation was simply the last thing on his mind. He'd have to give that some serious thought, if nothing else.
With Sagat packing it in, Tony begins to do the same--by which we mean get his bearings and look in the rough direction of the car that delivered him here. Wordlessly, Tony begins to trod off in that direction, forcing his split lip up into a smile as he did so.
Sagat quietly watches Tony move towards his car. He gives a nod and turns his head to look for a point of egress. Sagat does not drive... often. So he lacks a vehicle here. He travels the old fashioned way, walking. And he walks off towards the rest of the city. He's probably got to pick up a bite to eat or something!
Log created by Tony, and last modified on 16:30:41 12/15/2005.