Description: Rock vs. Vice for both fighters' first Neo League battle! (Winner: Rock)
Vice strolls out of one of the bars dotted around the area, a smirk on her face, it was about the right time for Rock to turn up, she had had a decent drink, a bit of a laugh, and now that night had settled on the town it was time to round the evening off the best way possible- at least in Vice's opinion- with a good fight.
With that thought in mind she leans up against the wall and waits for Rock to make his entrance, this tournament was a great idea! She could get all the fighting she wanted, she could arrange them at her leisure, and it was all completely legal! As an extra on top of the work she did for Rugal, it was great stuff! It would help her keep sharp, and let people know exactly who they are messing with.
Of course, one of the downsides is that it is all publicized, and that means that quite a crowd has gathered, well... maybe that isn't -such- a bad thing, especially if they cheer when she wins... so long as no idiots come up and demands autographs and the like.
It's not many opponents that make Rock nervous. Not scared, mind you -- that's reserved for the likes of people who could break him with one hand. No, nervous is something else, and it's a rare kind of person to instill that. Vice just doesn't look at fighting and life the same as everybody else does, what with all the brutality and malice. Great. His hands in his pockets as he tries to ward off the cold with a zipped-up jacket (and maybe a few flurries of snow while he's at it), Rock approaches the fighting area, looking over his shoulder before he raises his chin in Vice's direction.
"Hey," he states, calmly and loudly. "Better luck this time than next time, eh? You ready to get this show on the road?"
Vice hauls herself from the wall, nodding slightly, she moves over to take up a position just a little way away, and yawns widely, "Yeah yeah, come on lets get started, whilst we are still young. You are starting to bore me already!" She settles into her usual, swaying stance as she observes Rock, before nodding briefly to him.
"Heh, to play fair I'll even let you attack first, come at me, give me your best shot... lets see what you can do big boy." A smile, wide and feral, creeps over her features as she watches the man, waiting for him to make the first move, ready to snap into action at the first sign of movement.
COMBATSYS: Vice has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rock has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rock 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vice
COMBATSYS: Vice focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rock 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vice
Rock breaks out into a faint grin, one hand rising to his torso to unzip his jacket in one sweeping motion. "'Letting' me go first," he remarks, as though there's some sort of joke inherent here. "Gee, thanks." Raising his right hand to the side, Rock opens his palm, a small marble-sized ball of purplish flame -- or, is it wind? -- twisting and whirling around in his grip. "If you say so, lady--" His entire body pivots on his heel, all to drive the growing chi in his hand forward like a bowling ball, racing across the street towards Vice, rolling and shifting as the wave of energy streaks towards her feet. "ReppUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Rock's Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Vice
Vice charges forwards, no more talking from her, it was time to fight! She kicks aside the wave of energy before charging onwards, it stung a bit, but barely enough to really bother her, and certainly not enough for her to take note, instead she just keeps on running, and she doesn't stop once she reaches Rock, instead one arm lashes out to try and grab hold of the man and keep on going, until she hurls him at the wall of the bar she had left with as much force as she can muster, brutality is indeed one of the traits she is displaying to full here... the power behind this attack would be more than enough to kill the average person!
COMBATSYS: Rock interrupts Decide from Vice with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Vice
The average person -- that's not Rock. Rock's entire body rolls to the side, initially attempting to pull his way out of the way of the attack but instead turning it to his advantage. Rock seizes the arm with his own, the force of the attack lifting him off his feet -- but he uses the opportunity instead to send himself flying /at/ Vice, delivering a punch to the face as he flies right up and over her, hitting the ground on his feet and sliding a few meters before coming up on his feet. A little worse for wear, but not altogether bad.
Vice growls deeply as her attack is manipulated in such a fashion, with a roar she spins around, she had underestimated this guy... she wouldn't make that same mistake twice! She rushes forwards as quickly as she can, arms snatching forwards to attempt to grab Rock and lift him off his feet, that punch had done a lot to awaken her, done a lot to really get her into this fight, and now that her blood was pumping, she was really ready to cause some serious damage, if she could get her hands on him of course...
COMBATSYS: Rock blocks Vice's Black End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Vice
Vice intends to lift Rock off his feet and spin him around in the air before ploughing his head into the pavement with bone-crunching force, a simple technique, but with the amount of strength she packs behind it, more than enough to cause some serious pain, not only to Rock, but to the ground as well...
Rock's not going to stop and let Vice move him around to her heart's delight -- on the contrary, he's going in for the offensive. Windmilling his limbs around, Rock locks one elbow into place and then takes off charging right into the heart of Vice's assault, his free hand deflecting her arms as he cuts through to point blank range in an attempt to deliver that blazing elbow right into Vice's cheek, sending her sailing a few inches back. A prime time for Rock to draw the heel of his palm, blazing with collected chi, into his foe's chin. "Fighting like an animal's got it's advantages... but try a little technique sometime, sister! EDGE!"
COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Vice with Hard Edge.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rock 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Vice
Rugal has arrived.
Vice grunts as Rock slams into her not once, but twice, and sends her skidding back quite painfully, she chuckles slightly, shaking her head very slowly, she is breathing a little heavily, but she doesn't seem to be too pissed just yet, oh no, quite the opposite, she is starting to get really into this, her blood is pounding round her system, her anger building, oh yes, everything was welling up inside her, and she takes a moment to wipe a little blood from her lip before she decides to make a move.
She steps forwards quite simply, and then aims a single, powerful blow at Rocks face, it isn't meant for much more, really, than to get him to shut the hell up, oh, and to let out a little of the overwhelming rage that was starting to boil up in her, that too.
COMBATSYS: Rock counters Strong Punch from Vice with Joudan Crack Counter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Rock 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Vice
"You're not listening, sister--" He's been bruised up a little, but Rock still isn't quite bloodied, which is good. It's easier to look confident when you're not spewing blood all over the place. "Try a little technique with your Anger-Os this morning, would you?! It'd do you a world of good!" Rock steps into the oncoming assault, both hands rising to catch Vice's fist as though in a net, dispersing her strength between both of his arms and leaving him unharmed, and Vice's arms trapped. "CRACK!"
Rock's entire body lunges forward using Vice as a fulcrum, dropping one kick down onto his opponent's shoulder, and then using that leverage to help Rock rebound off and back onto his feet without much of a recovery time. So far, so good.
Vice grunts slightly as her shoulder actually makes a sick cracking noise, when she gets up it is in a pretty horrible looking position, she growls deeply, forcing her shoulder back into place with one hand, she rotates it a few times to make sure its good for fighting, yup, it is. Good.
She then narrows her eyes at Rock, "Don't tell -me- how to fight little man, you can do that if you can still walk when I'm done with you, got it?" She spits, her voice barely above a low snarl, her hands are already clenched at her sides, oh yes, that one was going to cost him... she'd tear this guy into little bits, she'd make him -pay- for making her look so... so foolish!
COMBATSYS: Vice takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Rock 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Vice
Rock actually cringes a little when Vice has to adjust her /shoulder/ in the middle of the fight. His disease is visible on his face and in a moment or two of hesitation as he maintains his combat stance but does basically nothing. That's--man, that's just not right. But--okay, eye on the prize. "Hey, you, quit ignoring me! It's good advice I'm giving you, lady --" Rock takes off in a sprint, charging Vice as fast as he can. He, too, is momentarily shrugging off pretenses of technique to send himself sailing feet first at his opponent, using his entire body as one makeshift battering ram, seeking to take advantage of Vice's momentary pause.
COMBATSYS: Vice fails to interrupt Random Weapon from Rock with Withering Surface.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Rock 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Vice
Vice whips her arms around to attempt to snatch Rock out of the air at the last moment, but... she is just too slow! Not only does her shoulder twinge again, but he sends her staggering back a good few steps, she snarls, taking a sharp intake of breath, but she isn't down and out yet! She still has some fight left in her!
"Shut the hell up! God damnit I'll kill you! You hear me?! You think I don't know how to fight? I'll show you!"
Rock skids to a halt several feet away from Vice, spinning around on his heel to face her as he stands upright, one fist held low to the ground, braced by his other fist. Something is happening. Clenching his teeth, Rock's eyes -- blood red, each of them, the sort of color that most folks aren't just born with -- lock on Vice. "You know what?!" he barks, a faint glowing light showing through the cracks of his bracing hand. Something's going on with that other fist. A great collection of light and power. "You remind me of a whole load of people I used to know, lady--wild dogs, all of them! People like you... people like you really annoy me." Cracks of lightning jump from the asphalt to Rock's gathered hands, the light within becoming more and more brilliant. "I'm going to show you what happens when a wild dog fights a wolf!" Tearing both hands away from one another, Rock submerges the entire area in a glow not altogether unlike the sun itself, the light from his fist bathing everything and everyone in a blinding, brilliant light that not even the television cameras can catch. "Shine--"
Rock takes off like a bullet. One second he's standing a few meters away, and the next minute he's right on top of Vice, the blazing sun in his hand propelled right into her torso with all the power and rage of a freight train.
COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Vice with Shine Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rock 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Vice
Vice is sent flying back, she lands in a heap, coughing a fair amount of blood onto the pavement before she forces herself back up to her feet, swaying gently on the spot, she could already feel her body shutting down, but she hadn't done anything in return to this guy! She had just... just taken two nasty hits and already she was being forced to give up?! No! She isn't weak! She couldn't -let- herself go down just yet!
With a roar of sheer rage she charges forwards, arms grabbing forwards for Rocks throat, hoping to at least give this arrogant fool something to remember her by before she collapses...
COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rock 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Rock counters Withering Atlas from Vice with Joudan Crack Counter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rock 0/-------/---====|
"I don't think so--" Rock roars, both hands reaching out to grab the arms that reach for his throat and stopping them where they are, eye to eye with Vice for a few split-seconds as he stares his opponent down. "--Not today!" Rearing back with his shoulders, Rock drives his forehead right into Vice's, intent on knocking her backwards and unconscious with one sharp headbutt -- borrowing a page from her playbook.
Vice is indeed sent sprawling back, right up against the wall of the bar in fact, for a moment it looks like she might be able to charge forwards again... but no, it is not to be, instead Vice sinks, slowly, down on to the floor, eyes closing as her knees touch pavement, and then she falls forwards, down and out.
Rock dusts his hands, zipping his jacket back up as the bitter cold starts to catch up with him after he exhales once, sharply. Looking down at the fallen Vice, Rock just opts to shake his head. "You're strong," he admits. "But strength isn't everything. Violent people like you... just piss me off."
Log created by Rock, and last modified on 20:16:12 12/05/2005.