Description: Intending to test his power for her 'employer', Mature challenges Kensou on his home turf of Chinatown. While she Mature manages to pull out the win, she still gets a little more first-hand experience with Psycho Power than she probably wanted.
Ah, Chinatown. Kensou's home turf, naturally! Of course, the Psycho Soldier is enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon, with little of anything important for him to do! Yeah, he got all his training done in the morning, and then Chin got drunk enough that the younger Chinese fighter was able to escape from any further hard work. Right now, then, Kensou is stepping out of one of his favourite Chinese bakeries, with a fresh meatbun! Yes, he gets those for free, you know. Huzzah for sponsorships! "Ahh," Kensou sighs contentedly as he looks up at the crisp blue early December sky, before taking a bite of his nikuman. How delicious! Hopefully, nothing bad is going to happen today.
Chinatown may be Kensou's turf, but that doesn't keep the outsiders at bay, oh no. It's the very fact that it's HIS turf that brings a particularly eccentric figure into the neighborhood, blonde hair all neatly tied up at the top of her head and her particularly stunning visage swathed in a curious dress in black and white tones. She has peoples' attention, those who notice her, even if briefly so. But it's not that she's concerned with. It's a young man--the one who currently steps out of his sponsor's restaurant.
She beelines casually toward Kensou, blue eyes focused like a predator on its prey. This is the kid Rugal mentioned--the one with this 'Psycho Power' he's curious about. Leave it to the man to make his subordinates do the dirty work. A sigh escapes her. She really hates the idea of possibly breaking a nail on some kid.
"Excuse me, you're Kensou, right?" the woman says, her tone casual, a touch amused as she taps his shoulder with a tiny smile. "I do hate to be a bother to you at this time on such a lovely afternoon, but I regret to inform you that I must test your abilities. Is this a problem?"
And he's such a harmless-looking kid, too! Who would ever think of Sie Kensou of having anything special about him at all? Except, of course, he /is/ a fighter of at least moderate fame. "Huh?" the youth wonders as he looks over at Mature, crumbs of meatbun on his face. What the hell is she even talking about, 'test his abilities'! Quickly stuffing the rest of the bun in his mouth, the Psycho Soldier somehow manages to not choke on it, before he wipes his mouth with one hand. There we go, now there's no wasted food and he doesn't quite look like a mess! "What, uh... What exactly are you talkin' about anyway, lady?" He doesn't get it!
Harmless, indeed. To be fair, the woman isn't taking much of this seriously and, chances are, she might not take the entire fight seriously. Regardless of the outcome, the woman has a job to do, whether she's fond OF doing it. As he regards her, the woman's lips purse a touch, a brow ticking in mild annoyance. She keeps her cool, however.
"Isn't it obvious?" the woman says, folding one arm across her chest, the other idly tossing her hand about. "I mean that I want to see what you're capable of. You seem to be a formidable opponent, from what I've heard. Contrary to appearances, I happen to be a fighter myself." Taking a step back, the woman's arm slips, draping across her midriff as she elegantly bows, holding the hem of her half-skirt out. "The name is Mature. Consider it an honor to have me want to test your skill on behalf of my employer." Who? She does not say.
Instead she takes another step back, lifting her hand up and out, gesturing with her fingers for the kid to take the first strike. "Come on," she says, smiling. "Show me your skills." More importantly, that Psycho Power. But that too goes unsaid.
COMBATSYS: Mature has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
"You want me to..." Kensou trails off, letting out a bit of a sigh. People always seem to be trying to get him to show off his 'skills', these days, however they put it. "Okay, but... Don't go regrettin' it, now," he adds, putting his feet slightly apart and lifting his hands up in front of his face. Yes, he's plotting to start out with something bit it seems as he gathers energy for a moment... And then sweeps his hands out. A sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power forms in midair, hurtling speedily towards Mature, crackling dangerously. "Choukyuudan!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Mature with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kensou
"Yes," the woman says, even as he trails off. The look on her face shifts a touch, going from amused to slightly-annoyed. How difficult is it for him to understand she just wants a test of his prowess? That's it! "I figured most boys would get excited at the prospect of using their talents against a woman such as myself." She grins slightly, a hand rising, fingers splaying as she rests it against her upper chest.
Ah, there we go. About time he decided to take a stand against her. Though, honestly she didn't anticipate him throwing a Psycho Power-charged ball her way. Scoffing lightly, the woman shifts her feet, looking to get out of its way--only, she doesn't, and it strikes her verily, causing the woman to issue a 'hrrk' of sorts and skid back. "Very good," she says, smiling in a most charming fashion.
Her turn.
The woman moves in, letting her feet quickly cover the distance between them before she leaps up and forward, delivering a kick at the young man midair, her figure twisting slightly to one side.
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Mature's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Not much point in making double entendres at Kensou like that; they'll probably just go right over his head. His sweet, innocent head. He's such a good-natured young lad! His energy sphere hitting home makes Kensou grin a little, but then here comes Mature right on the offense again! Some people wouldn't be able to go so quickly back on the offensive again after something like that, but... Here comes Mature! The leaping kick is dealt with by Kensou simply ducking to one side, avoiding that foot - she's probably wearing painful heels, too! - and raising his /own/ foot almost simultaneously for a big sneakered kick of his own. "Hyaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kensou's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kensou
She'll do as she pleases--she doesn't concern herself with the naivete of others, or other such details. There's an underlying reason behind her actions, that's for sure. The woman doesn't look like the sort to just randomly engage in friendly sparring matches with perfect strangers. But he knows as much already--she stated her reasons. But that's just minor detail. It's all business now.
Running for the kid, the woman takes to the skies, only to have her kick dodged by the young man. Sneering in amusement, the woman lands, quickly lifting her arms up and preventing that big, sneaker of his from coming painfully down on top of her as she comes to a stop. "Cute," she says, grinning with delight. "You've got some skill, I'll give you that."
Lifting her arms, the woman crosses them at the wrists before gesturing sharply in a forceful, downward motion, long fingers cutting the very air itself, sending an arc of energy right after the young man. Clearly she needs to take herself a TOUCH more seriously. It'd be nothing but embarrassment to get her ass handed to her by a kid.
COMBATSYS: Kensou negates Ebony Tears from Mature with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Nuts. And here Kensou was hoping for a solid impact! But not this time. "Heh, I guess you ain't too bad either," the Chinese youth replies, and then Mature is making some weird hand gesture and crap that's probably not good. For a second time, Kensou raises his hands in front of his face, sweeping them outwards after a moment of gathering energy. For a second time, he hurls a sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power forward, this one meeting Mature's attack in midair, the two energies annihilating each other as Kensou hops back, and drops into a casual combat stance. "C'mon, now!"
She won't dare give him the honor of answering his reply. Not at the moment, anyway. Letting her arms cut through the air, her attack is sent arcing forward and ultimately AT the young man. Lifting her head, she's given the sight of seeing him hop back and sending out a sphere of light, which ultimately meets and otherwise annihilates her Ebony Tears. This irritates her, but her features suggest otherwise; she's as calm as ever. Only a brow ticks slightly.
"Tsk," the woman grunts, lips pulling into a small grin. "Is it wise to provoke me?" she asks, looking all to humored by his antics. "Very well. I suppose it would be quite a shame to disappoint you, wouldn't it?" Blue eyes shift about, eyeing her environs carefully before she simply darts forward once again, rushing in at the Chinese youth to offer him a hearty fist to his face.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kensou with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Ha ha ha! Kensou totally has the upper hand in this little battle! He isn't getting cocky, really! Well, okay, maybe a little, as even he has to admit when he gets clocked in the face by Mature's fist. Ow, damn! Isn't she supposed to be all delicate or something?! Staggering back with a hand to his face, Kensou shakes his head and plants his feet wide apart in a bent-legged stance. "'kay, I guess you're gonna try seriously now, huh? In that case... I'll just havta do the same!!" And then? Little motes of light appear in the air around him, swirling around the Chinese boy like a tornado of bluish-white fireflies, stirring at his hair and clothes. And as this happens, his Psycho Power builds...!
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Kensou
"Who said I wasn't before?" the woman offers once her punch connects and smacks him silly. Landing daintily, Mature steps back, giving the kid some room and giving herself some space. What's this? Is he offering to take himself more seriously now? "Oh, I'm offended," Mature says, looking put off by his statement. Lifting a hand, she idly fidgets with her earring, lips pulled in a mock pout. "You mean you haven't been giving it your all?"
Her lips pull into a sneer.
"Then let me give you a REASON to start taking me seriously, kid."
Rushing him once more, even as the kid gathers his will--pyrotechnics and all--the woman closes in and crouches low before she springs upward, aiming to slice the kid up with her arms flailing. Mature? Well, she giggles all the way in her ascent, lips pulled back over her pearly whites in morbid glee.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kensou with Sacrilege.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Kensou
And all that collected energy gathers inward, vanishing from visible sight as Kensou reopens his eyes to see... Aw crap. He doesn't try to get out of the way, though, or even visibly attempt to guard against Mature's attack, hoping to stand his ground; alas that slicing is a bit too much for him, hitting hard and knocking him back! "Heh... Okay then," he says, a bit the worse for wear. "If y' wanna be taken seriously so badly...!" He dashes forward, then, timing it with the intent of being /right there/ when Mature lands. What exactly does the Psycho Soldier have up his sleeve? Actually, he just extends his right arm fully forward, palm open towards Mature, his left hand slapping against his upper right bicep as his arm extends, and...
COMBATSYS: Mature endures Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
...There it is! For a brief moment, Kensou's eyes gleam with a bluish light, and then an enormous, hellish sphere of Psycho Power forms in the air, centered on Mature! The blast of pure white light even covers Kensou's extended arm, up past his elbow... But it sure doesn't seem to hurt /him/ any. As the energy burst continues, it lifts bits of debris and trash from the ground in the area, force pushing back against Kensou himself, until finally he loses control of the enormous sphere, which shudders and then bursts, sending Kensou flying back several feet... And tossing Mature pretty much straight up. Have fun, Mature!
She does. She really does--otherwise it makes her endeavor moot, at best. And her boss wouldn't appreciate that, surely he wouldn't. Thus she takes advantage of his prone state, rushing him like a fiend and rising into the air, arms flailing all about before she lands, heels clicking against the concrete. Spinning around on her heel, the woman turns to see...well, the kid doing something she'll most likely regret in the morning. Regardless, her eyes narrow, and with a faint sneer she'll just put up with whatever he puts out.
And it's a lot. The projectile of energy that the young man collects is sent forward, blasting the woman high up into the air before she lands rather unceremoniously against the ground with a meaty thud. Slowly but sure the woman clambers to her feet, looking a touch perturbed. That...hurt. More than she'd like to admit, even--not that she'd DO such a thing, oh no.
"Impressive," the woman says, lifting a finger up to fix her smudged lipstick...and wipe a touch of blood away the corner of her lips before turning her head and spitting to the side--lifting her hand up to cover such a nasty little sight, of course. "I'll give you credit. You've got a lot of power for a kid that looks like you do." But will he stand up to her? And will she to him? Well, time will tell, won't it?
Again the woman lunges forward at considerable speeds, lifting her arms from her sides and slashing the air rather viciously. Three consecutive slashes are issued, the motions swift and violent. Should they connect...well, she'll end with a move familiar to him--a quick arc of vicious wind energy as her arms rise and slash downward once more. Her eyes are, to say the least, looking quite ferocious, even if her face is as the calm of the dead of night.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kensou with Nocturnal Lights.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Oh man. Okay. That totally did not pan out how Kensou wanted it to. He tries to get his arms up, to get his guard in the way of that incoming attack, but... It's just too fast. There's no time, man! "Hguh!" he exclaims as he falls back, collapsing to one knee, some blood spattering to the pavement. Ow, damn. "Tch," mutters Kensou, and he gets quickly to a standing position... Lashing out with his right palm again, but this is a simple attempt to smash the heel of his palm into the blonde woman's face! "Yaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kensou's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Kensou
So it would seem. Catching the young man off guard with her onslaught, Mature races in and seals the distance, lashing her arms viciously about, letting her fingers violently rip and tear through the air. Lances of wind follow in their wake, slashing and cutting the young man's exposed arms mercilessly. The more blood shed, the wider her grin seems to grow. She'd very nearly break out in maniacal laughter were she more like her violent cohort.
But she has class.
Once the kid takes the brunt of her blow and is finished with an arc of wind, the woman lifts her hand, eyeing her nails carefully. Good, a nail isn't broken. "Don't get disgruntled," she says, her expression jovial, almost sarcastically so. "I wouldn't want you to get sloppy."
He rushes in with a punch, aiming to smack her in the face with his palm's heel. This won't do. Not at ALL. Lifting her arms quickly, she lets them take the brunt of his attack before she sneers, blue eyes widening a touch. She says nothing; instead the woman crouches before she springs, spinning midair above the youth's head, letting her arms again lash out, aimed for his shoulders as another harsh, tearing arc of wind slice right at him as she herself leaps nimbly OVER him.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kensou with Despair.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Kensou
"Gaaah!" exclaims Kensou as he gets wind-slashed again, blood once more spattering towards the ground. Oh man, the shoulder of his shirt is torn right open, too! That's not good. Staggering away a bit, the Chinese youth eyes Mature warily, reaching behind his back with his uninjured arm, and producing... Another meatbun? What the hell? This time, though, he pops the thing whole into his gaping maw, and starts to chew. ...Wait, where the hell did he even /get/ that thing from? It doesn't even make sense!
A successful strike, the woman lands, though her grace is far from its usual prim and proper finesse. Winded, the woman exhales and inhales, looking a touch worse for wear, considering what she's put up with. Still, she smiles nonetheless, a pleasant gesture, but one that hides the ferocity that's burning within. The more blood he spills, the happier she becomes. Yet she has to remember one, key factor here:
She's supposed to gauge and test, not rend him limb from limb.
Rising from the crouched position she once held, Mature's eyes meet the young man's, and with a smirk she just...stands there as he eats. She won't attack him; instead she just gains composure and, ultimately, seeks to gain her calm and breath. "Somehow," she says, "I don't think you're taking this seriously."
COMBATSYS: Mature takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
You want to see seriously? As Kensou finishes off the bun, he visibly perks up a bit... And more noticeably, the visible injuries he's sustained - from those slashes of energy - close up before Mature's very eyes, the flow of blood slowing and then stopping entirely. "You're pretty dangerous, ain'tcha? But there's somethin' y'oughta know 'bout me..." Kensou says, before suddenly dashing forward, intent putting one sneakered foot on Mature's leg to propel himself up, so he can twist around and bring his other foot towards her face. Except, that foot is limned in blue-tinged white Psycho Power, a trail of it following the arc of his foot. "...I'm just gettin' started!!"
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Kensou's Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Mature 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Of course she wants to see serious! That's the whole point of her going out of her way to approach the kid while he's eating and make him fight. Still, as she rests, the woman's eye is keen on the young man, and more so as the food he consumes seems to...well, mend the injuries he sustained from her assault. Bowing her head a scant touch, the woman's eyes narrow, the smile on her lips widening as she finds nothing but amusement.
"Oh, do show me!" the woman shouts, wide-eyed and clearly delighted. He ascends in a show of acrobatics, rushing at the woman with a show of speed and propelling himself OFF of her before contorting his body to bring that huge sneaker right into her face. This won't due. She's trying to catch her BREATH. So, rather than take it, Mature instead decides to let her arms protect her face. The audacity...the sheer audacity of him.
Her feet slide against concrete against, heels scraping against concrete. Still, her face is safe, and that's what matters most. "Very nice," she says, grinning all the while. "You're more than I imagined you to be; quite a handful." How annoying. Her brow ticks slightly. A hand shakes, twitching slightly before--
--before she spins around and seeks to plant it square in his face.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Kensou with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Mature 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Damn, man. Kensou wasn't expecting his kick to get stopped like that! "Tch," mutters Kensou as his leaping kick is blocked, falling back onto his feet only to, well, get hit by Mature's swinging punch. "Hurk!" pronounces the Chinese fighter, and by the way, ow. He's not the sort of person to just lie down and lose, though... Not Sie Kensou! He twists with the force of the punch, bringing up a leg to swing around in a wide roundhouse arc, aimed right at Mature's side!
COMBATSYS: Mature interrupts Heavy Kick from Kensou with Ebony Tears.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Mature 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
The punch strikes fiercely, her fist slamming straight into the poor kid's face. This, of course, sends him reeling--which, in turn, gives him the momentum to spin him around and let him deliver a nice, fierce kick square at her side. It hurts.
But not so much as this will.
The moment his leg strikes the woman swiftly goes into action--gesturing her arms fiercely again, her eyes go wide, and once more does she draw her arms down. In the wakes of her gesture the air howls, sending razor-sharp winds tearing right into the poor, young Chinese man. "Arrogance!" she cries, lips pulling over her white teeth.
Oh crapola. Kensou's kick gets interrupted by that blast of energy, which hurls him back, but....! Kensou lands on the balls of his feet, skidding back along the pavement a bit, before running straight at Mature in a blind rush. He hurt s /lot/, and he knows he's basically got no more fight left in him... But again, Sie Kensou never lays down and surrenders; instead, he throws everything he's got left into one last attack. "Uryaaa-!" he cries, lashing out with a powerful punch at Mature's face! If that hits, he goes for first one, then a second punch at her midsection, before twisting around to try and sweep the blonde woman off her feet, but after that... He's pretty much going to go down, succeed or fail.
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Mature endures Kensou's Ryuu Renda.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Mature 1/-------/=======|
The Ebony Tears he'd initially nullified with that damned Psycho Power of his is reintroduced to the Chinese boy in the midst of his assault, causing the razor sharp winds to lash and lap at his body, resulting in shoving HIM back and away, and giving her some time to breathe. Her attack does more than intended; looking up as she rises from being hunkered over by her attack, the woman's eyes see the kid rushing in at her once more, despite his clearly fatigued and well-worn state. Whatever he's intending to do, the woman will endure. Still, the attack does very little, and she hardly skids of stirs from her spot. The smirk on her lips widens.
Clearly the victor--though just BARELY--the woman stands, looking down at the kid with a grin. "So," she says, hands on her hips. "That is what Psycho Power is? If it's so amazing, why am I not impressed?" Her head crooks to one side, looking down at him, eyes harsh, hardly compassionate. "Still, I admit you're more than a handful I'd have liked to deal with." She scoffs, stepping away as she tosses her head.
Rather than rub it in more, the woman instead reaches into her sleeve and withdraws a compact, opening it up and eyeing her makeup, fixing her hair and ultimately procuring a tube of lipstick and fixing the small smudges. Content that her face is back in order, she clasps the tiny compact shut, stuffing it casually into her sleeve. "It was a riot, my dear. I thank you for the time and effort. I'm sure the results will please my superior." That said, Mature laughs merrily, turning on her heels and waltzing away, head held arrogantly high...even if her step has a considerable less amount of oomph and bounce to it, no thanks to the brutal assault he dished out. She'd give credit if she weren't so damned arrogant.
But alas, Kensou's pretty much out cold! Sorry, Mature. He doesn't get to hear any of your sassy taunting. A few of the locals, since the Psycho Soldiers /are/ one of the most popular 'hometown' fighting groups around here in Chinatown, quickly move to help Kensou once he's fallen. So, there's no worry about him ending up in a bad way as he gets rescued so. Lucky for him, huh? The really sad part is once he wakes up, he'll get fed, and then it'll be like he never got hurt at all!
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 15:06:45 12/04/2005.