Neo League 001 - #17: Shingo vs Talia

Description: Crimson. Will it be Shingo or Talia? Since you know, the Red Square is already kinda-sorta red. (Winner: Shingo)

Formerly known as the U.S.S.R, the country of Russia has been chosen for another Neo League skirmish. And why not? It is an international league. What sort of fun is it to have all the fights in Southtown? Not very, anyone knows that much. Which is why this all expenses paid trip has been take care of by the sponser of the league in order to bring the very best in street fighting entertainment to one and all. Today's pick in the vast hugeness of country that Russian is known for? None other than the Red Square, the most famous city square in all of Moscow and the most well-known Russian city square in the world. And for good reason.

Placed in the centre of the city, major roadways all extend outward from the red bricked square in all directions making it a major focal point for not only Moscow but all of Russia. What also makes this square famous is the number of Russian landmarks that surround it. Ranging from Saint Basil's Cathedral to the south, the State Historical Museum to the north, Lenin's Mausoleum, the Kremlin, and the only sculpted statue in the square, which is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. Because of it's popularity and fame, it's no wonder as to why this location was chosen for a fight. Nevermind the coldness twenty-five degrees Farenheit weather brings. Also pay no attention that it feels more like fifteen degrees thanks to a wind blowing in from the south-east. A thin layer of snow covers the ground.

But the cold is not enough to keep the spectators away! Stands have been erected a safe distance around the make-shift arena on a cleared area of the square just for on-looking. Cameras and sound equipment are all ready and on stand-by waiting for the signal from whoever is running the show to give them the go ahead. Close to the stands is an announcer's table ready to give their commentary for the locals at home as well as for the videos when they come out.

Fully prepared for the weather conditions that he knew was going to come with flying to such a northern geography, Shingo is decked out in a warm and comfortable winter jacket. That's about it really. Other than that he's in what he normally wears. Down to the slacks and sneakers and the black fingerless gloves on his hands embroided with the Kusanagi family crest. At the moment he's taking the time to wave to the crowd and take care of some last minute autographs for the fans he happen to have over here before moving to the arena when he is called. A wave in greeting will also be offered to his opponent.

Talia, on the other hand, is long familiar with what the weather in her homeland can be like. She isn't terribly fond of it, but she is accustomed to it. To all outward appearances her outfit is the same as normal, but the insulating lining does more than enough to keep the chill out. While Talia hasn't been in the public fighting circuit to have any actual fans herself, the fact that she's a native to the country produces a small draw itself, as Russia hasn't been the source of as many televised fighters as some other nations.

Come fight time, Talia simply takes up a position across from Shingo, looking at him with a fairly flat expression. There's no direct response from Talia to the wave other than to settle into a combat stance; one arm leads forward, the other slips into the coat, resting on something unseen. The only discernable message from this is, simply, readiness. She doesn't have anything else to say to her opponent.

That's not very friendly of her. Here Shingo is doing his thing of being as amiable as he normally is and he gets nothing from the older woman. Not even a slight tug of a smile or a wave back or anything. The day stuff like that visibly bothers Shingo is the day Kyo becomes his student. In other words, the boy quickly gets over it by shrugging it off and doing what he needs to do to get into his combat ready stance. Then it's all about keeping his eyes on his opponent while waiting for the bell, as it were, to ring and start this scuffle off. Just before that happens though, Shingo gives Talia a quick nod and says pleasantly enough, "Good luck, miss!" The signal is then given with the shooting of a flare gun into the air. Why would they need to do this in the daylight hours is anyone's guess. But it works well enough. Ready? Fight!

COMBATSYS: Shingo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/-------|

During all of this, Talia remains perfectly still, regarding Shingo with the same emotionless mask. Taking in the details of his stance and positioning, Talia considers the layout of the immediate area she's spent spent so much time studying. Once the signal for the fight to begin is fired, Talia bursts into motion. As she sprints towards Shingo, Talia draws her pistol, not taking specific aim at her opponent while she fires off a single shot. Just as that clears the barrel of her weapon, regardless of the result, she shifts directions to move at a tangent to Shingo, not heading directly ahead or away from him, but preparing to circle instead.

COMBATSYS: Talia has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Talia            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Talia's Quick Shot.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Talia            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Sweating why exactly this young woman won't return the same cordial gestures is something that Shingo isn't planning to do. The boy is fully aware that not everyone in the world is as open and out-going as he is when it comes to meeting others. There isn't much he can do about such individuals except maintain his positive attitude. One of his best traits some would say. Even if it makes him a bit weird.

But really. What could be more weird than bringing a gun to something that has been primarily a contest of one's street-fighting skills? Weird is also what Shingo feels as some sort of advance warning when Talia sprints in at him and reaches into her coat to pull something out. At first he's thinking that she's one of those concealed weapon fighters like Malin is but it's clear that she isn't exactly a concealed weapons fighter as she is a gunner. And last he checked, bullets hurt. Which means it's bad to stay standing in one spot. He also begins to move. But not being as quite as fast as he needs to be means that he's also got to do some fancy footwork to twist his body in a fashion that it doesn't hurt as bad when he gets shot. Something he accomplishes pretty well. Given that the bullet merely grazes his arm. Incidentally, tearing his jacket. He can tell he's going to need a new jacket after this.

First he's got to prove that his fists are mightier than any bullet. Best way to do this? Hitting Talia would be a good start. Tracking her movements as she circles him, Shingo smiles and waits for her to get into range. For what? Why for him to take a speedy step in at her swinging his right hand in a punching motion right for her torso, "Your body is...WIDE OPEN!" Hopefully he can tag her out of her little run-circles tactic.

COMBATSYS: Talia endures Shingo's Aragami Mikansei.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Talia            0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Shingo

Talia has already returned the pistol to the confines of her coat before Shingo's internal monologue can begin in earnest. Even while she's still moving in her circular path, she's reaching into her coat with crossed arms, slowing down her rate of travel as Shingo approaches. She's skidding to an almost stop while turning to face Shingo, seeming entirely unconcerned at the punch heading her way. Just as Shingo is calling out, she draws both hands out, quickly moving one object to the other, finishing a motion that makes a soft 'clack' noise right as a fist impacts with her gut.

There's a soft 'uff' as Talia staggers back from the blow, but that is probably drowned out by the sound of the shotgun she's drawn being racked. Before she's even been moved back by the blow, she's leveled the shotgun at the inside of Shingo's arm, aiming to damage the joint with the buckshot.

COMBATSYS: Talia successfully hits Shingo with Shell Effect.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Talia            0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Shingo

Before Shingo can even begin to realise what's going on, he's got a shotgun targetting his elbow joint. There really isn't much anyone can do when put in a predicament such as this. Maybe if he were a little bit faster he would've been able to pull off some sort of amazing display of agility or do some kind of insane blocking motion where the blast would've been somehow deflected. However, he isn't faster. The shotgun shell flying out at point blank range and causing a decent amount of damage to his arm. A lot better than getting the entire arm amputated as with the average person. Blood starts to seep into the lining of his jacket and producing a darker wet spot at the point of impact. Shingo gritting his teeth and then shouting out in suprise and pain, "Aw crud! That stung!" He'll be fine though. Figuratively speaking.

And yet, somehow he's not ranting and raving like a crazy man hell-bent on a homicidal killing range. "Geez lady, those things can be dangerous!" Thank you, Captain Obvious. That could be the whole point to her using such weapons. Shingo thinks he'll settle for his own two fists and feet. Well, more like one fist and two feet. But still. The point remains. And to drive home the point is another punch to Talia's upper body. Several fast punches, in fact. Single strikes they're not much of a threat. It's when they all hit is the problem. As Shingo intends. "Ya!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Talia with Jab Punch.
- Power hit! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Talia            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Talia was fully prepared for Shingo to still be combat-worthy after that; she hasn't spent as much time in the circuit as her opponent, but she's learned that what would be debilitating for a normal person is usually at most an annoyance for the types she's aiming to defeat. To that end, she had a plan for how she was going to proceed, to ensure that she can maintain an advantage and get the win at the end of the fight.

The problem is that her plan didn't account for the slight difference in experience at melee combat between Shingo and herself, and thus didn't have a specific response ready when Shingo's fist slams into her chest repeatedly. Doing what she can to minimize the impact on her own control of the situation, Talia moves with the momentum, leaning backwards into a flip that leaves her in a defensive crouch, shotgun at the ready. She doesn't immediately take further action, but instead begins to revise her plans. She can't afford another mistake like that.

COMBATSYS: Talia focuses on her next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Talia            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Combat ready is one thing. Having pain shoot up your arm while leaking blood is another. He should probably take care of that, and quickly if he wants to avoid losing too much blood to the point where he passes out. That's not exactly the best way to end a fight. So seeing that Talia is so kind as to give him some breathing space after getting tagged repeatedly by his flurryof punches he reaches into a pocket for a handkerchief and uses it to quickly tie and secure his injured elbow. Enough to slow the escape of blood.

Shingo looks over to Talia and grins at her. "Almost as good as new!" He holds up his injured arm for her to see his hasty first-aid as he dashes over to her and abruptly leaping forward with a spin kick with the sole of his shoe to lift her off the ground, "Teya!". A second spin kick coming less than a split-second later to go even higher, and a third downward smashing kick that will floor the Russian onto the snow covered ground. Unfortunately there isn't enough to serve as a comfy place to fall. Unless one lands on Talia. Which Shingo sure does. He's injured and didn't take into account an extra factor that he probably should've. Messing up his landing in the process and turning it into a face first fall onto the prone woman.

COMBATSYS: Talia fails to interrupt Oboroguruma Mikansei from Shingo with Snap Shot.
- Power hit! -

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Talia            1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Shingo

There's little Talia has to say in response to Shingo's cheerfulness. She has little opinion on the matter in general, except that it takes a specific form of mental failing to be that happy while bleeding that much. Deciding she needs to regain precision, she returns her shotgun to within her coat while Shingo finishes the binding, standing slowly to return to a ready stance. Shingo comes in with his kick sequenec, and Talia is under the impression she has this under control, drawing her pistol and quickly bringing it to bear.. However, she's not moving fast enough, and is struck with two kicks in sequence. When the third comes, she manages to regain enough of her composure to take it in a glancing fashion, diving to the side to land in another defensive crouch.

Meanwhile Shingo pulls himself up from off the ground after his botched landing shakes his head side to side to clear the dizziness that slightly overtakes him. Though one would figure that if he was experiencing very mild and slight vertigo from the famm he would want to not move his head so rapidly. Then again, this is the kid that's still cheerful after being shot at and getting his arm almost blown away.

It doesn't take but an instant for him to see where Talia rolled off too and for him to come up with the best way for him to attack her and press the clear advantage he seems to think he has over the young woman. For now punching her as hard as he can is something he'll take pass on. He'd rather nurse his injured arm with his other free arm than use it to attack. This only leaves his feet. So, why not? "SHINGO KIIIIIICKU!" The schoolboy leaps forward and creates an arc with his leg as he brings it down onto one of Talia's conveniently placed shoulders in her defensive crouch.

COMBATSYS: Talia dodges Shingo's Shingo Kick.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Talia            1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0           Shingo

Three times, she's miscalculated the capabilities of the Yabuki boy. Three times, she's gotten slammed with a strike or series of strike that's sent her reeling. She's had enough of this. When Shingo brings about his greatly telegraphed attack, Talia simply stands up, sliding to one side as she raises her weapon. Letting the foot go flying by her, Talia fires her weapon when the barrel should be roughly even with Shingo's knee, aiming for the side of the joint with the hope to disrupt his mobility as much as possible.

COMBATSYS: Talia successfully hits Shingo with Nerve Lance.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Talia            1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1           Shingo

If she's had enough of this then Shingo just bring this fight a conclusion, shouldn't he? Now of course he was planning on doing this with his signature technique. But that didn't quite come to fruition. In fact all it really managed to do is cause for him to become an easy target for more of Talia's gun antics. Ok, easier target. Dodging bullets is harder than he thought. Moreso when his leg gets put out of commission temporarily by the Russian woman's latest attack. Sort of anyways.

Thanks to his durability he's able to gain some remenants of strength from it for one last charge at Talia. Shouting out loudly, which carries pretty far given how well cold air conducts sound, "Feel the burn of the Flaming Phoenix Forger!" It's not as fast as it would be had his leg not started going limp, but hopefully he has enough steam in him to make it to Talia and drive his shoulder, upper arm, and elbow directly into her gut. Obviously not the elbow that got blasted at the start. Or else he would definitely feel the pain too. If the gunner is not careful she get knocked back hard and far. Hit or miss, Shingo's leg goes limp and he supports himself on one leg and one hand down on the ground.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Talia with Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  /////////////////             ]
Talia            2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0           Shingo

Already aware that the end of the fight is fairly close, Talia is again swapping weaponry, pulling out the shotgun. This time, however, she's changing ammunition in it as Shingo's preparing his charge, loading a slug into the firearm in a swift practiced motion even as she's turning to face the latest attack. Taking careful aim at Shingo, Talia is waiting until the last moment to fire, not wanting to miss the critical chakra point she's aiming for with the large weapon. Unfortunately, she misjudges the speed that Shingo can move even with a slightly gimped knee, and finds an elbow planted firmly in her abdomen. Letting out a gasp, Talia maintains enough of a presence of mind to make one last attempt to fire, discharging the round as she falls in an unconscious heap some distance away. That's it for the Russian girl.

COMBATSYS: Talia can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Talia's 12-Gauge Chakra Shatter.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/------=|

An unresponsive leg and a 12 gauge shotgun pointed at him. What is he going to do? Hint: It's sure as heck not going to be run or jump out of the way. That would call for use of magic, incredible chi or psycho power, accelerated healing factor or being an alien or mutant. Shingo, not falling into any of the aforementioned categories, opts for option 'E'. That would be contorting body to the side and falling out of the way of imminent attacks. The powerful blast of the shotgun missing him totally. Shingo's jacket, unfortunately, cannot say the same thing. The boy hops up to his singular good leg and shrugs at Talia's unconscious body as a call for the end of the fight is made and the medics zoom out to tend to the fighter's wounds. "Did that burn?" Pause. "Just kidding. Good match, miss!" Noe he's going to let the doctors take care of the bullet wounds.

COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.

Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 20:13:10 12/05/2005.