Description: Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey vs Ninja round 2. Eiji ends up keeping a good track record against Xiangfei as not only does he pick up the win, but he adds another trophy to his little collection. (Winner: Eiji)
The new league sponsered by Ken Masters seems to be spreading like wildfire. Several fights have already been happening and many a fighter have been signing up. Even some that have no care for most prize fighting style tournaments and the like have decided to enter. One of them just happens to be involved in tonight's fight here in the park. Though where most fights going on have several fans and cameras to take in the action, there is only a few people here gathered to watch. All of them are officials just to make sure to record the actual results. It is like this due to Eiji making the special request to have some more fun with the ninja wannabe he met not long ago, Li Xiangfei.
The ninja has been waiting for quite some time already. He has been silent and unmoving with legs crossed Indian style and hands resting on his knees. His eyes remain closed and the only signs of life he shows is the subtle rising and falling of his chest. Soon she will arrive and then he will make the young fighter feel pain again.
COMBATSYS: Eiji has started a fight here.
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Eiji 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has joined the fight here.
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Eiji 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei wasn't exactly sure why she joined the league herself.. She wasn't sure if it was because she was looking for a strong opponent (there were -plenty-) or she was trying to make a name for herself again- Yet she joined in anyway. Well there was no turning back this time, the chinese fighter in her usual chinese ensamble of red top and white, loose pants.
When she approaches Eiji though, the chinese fighter is nothing but bright smiles, pointing to the ninja with the other hand on her hip, "Hey! I've been waiting for a while to get another shot at you!" the girl pipes, "Are you ready to take on the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of southtown? I don't think you a-... Uh.. Hello? Are you listening to me?"
How could one ever not notice the arrival of such a fighter? Such loud speaking is rather painful to the ears of someone trained to hear the footfalls of other ninja like himself. Slowly those dark eyes open and they stare at the girl across the field. "I think everyone in the park can hear your banter." he replies in a more quiet and dry tone. He then stands up and he rolls his shoulders before cricking his neck. "THen you are ready to start. I shall not waste your time then." he murmurs and his form begins to shimmer then fade away.
The air almost seems to grow colder now and even the officials seem slightly chilled as they back away. None of course can see the ninja due to his quick movement. None are that well trained to keep up with a professional such as Eiji. They don't seem him again till he appears up in the air as he comes downward at Xiangfei in an attempt to slam his foot right into the girl's forehead. "Let's begin!"
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Xiangfei with Stallion Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
".. Banter?" Xiangfei repeats, scratching her head, but then just dismisses it with a shrug, whatever! What she could agree to though was that it was time to fight! So when Eiji breaks out with his first attack, she can't even get her guard up in time, the blow slamming right into her forehead and causes her slippers to drag along the ground a bit before she staggers back. It's questionable whether she felt it or not, she's immedietly back on the offensive, hopping forward to strike the ninjas chest with her palm and then twirls to slam her foot in the same spot, "Hup! HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Eiji endures Xiangfei's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
All too easy. The ninja grins slightly behind his mask after landing in a graceful manner after knocking the other fighter back. His next movements are a bit odd. No, he isn't trying to move out of the way at all when Xiangfei charges at him. He remains focused on her movements and he then takes a deep breath and actually takes a step forward to let that fist and then foot slam into his solid chest. "Thank you for saving me the trouble and running up to me." the ninja taunts and he grabs for the girl's top to twist and then pivot on a foot to toss her back away. THough perhaps he shouldn't toy with her too much. She did end up doing a considerable amount of damage in the past when they fought.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Eiji's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei quirks an eyebrow to Eiji, and a light frown plays on her lips.. Just a slight one though, she's dealt with rather.. Snobby types before, she won't let it get to her just yet, "Oh really?" she asks, she only leaning back when the ninja reaches for her, evading the grasp, and then leaps into a couple of backflips, "Well thank you for letting me get a free hit, is that what your style is now, Mister Ninja?" she asks with a playful smile, a clap of her hands and her chi bursts to life, a golden pillar of light swirling about her form. "How about you stand there and let me get another!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
Any attempts to possibly get under the ninja's skin aren't apparent on the surface. He still seems his usual calm and arrogant self as he hmphs lightly and he folds his arms to stare down the girl while she puts on a light show. "An interesting offer, but since it offers me no monetary gain I believe I will pass." he replies in a calm manner and he bows his head. He unfolds his arms and he then claps his hands together and starts to make a few strange motions before throwing his hands outwards and his body shimmers as it splits into five. In unison all five ninja raise their left hand and it errupts in red energy and it gets focused to look like a wakazashi as they all rush forward. Four of them may be harmless, but in the end the true Eiji is going to do his best to attempt to impale the femme fighter on that blade of energy as he seeks to stab her right in the kidney area.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Eiji's Bone Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei tsks, "Dang, too bad," she replies, waggling her eyebrows a bit, though her expression faulters when the guy suddenly just.. Like, splits into different entities, "Woah!!" She clenches her eyes shut quickly, the pillar of chi stopping at one point and it's then that she spins and kicks the offending arm, sending its momentum in another direction. In the same movement, she spins and stomps forward, attempting to drive her shoulder into the ninjas side, "HAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Eiji dodges Xiangfei's Ekisupo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
The blow may have been deflected, but the ninja is too experienced to allow himself to be caught off balance by such a thing. He just continues forward as he dips low to allow Xiangfei's strike to sail over him as he runs forward and towards a nearby tree. He kicks up and starts running upwards along the trunk of the tree and then he pushes off to flip about and twist in the air to come down towards the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey. His aim seems a bit off as he lands in front of her, but then again maybe that is what he was intending to do as he attempts to at first push the girl off balance and then swing a leg around in a roundhouse to slam into the side of her head.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Heavy Kick from Eiji with Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei was waiting for the right moment, and then the opportunity presents itself! Well it's not immedietly obvious at first, eyes narrowing a bit when the ninja rushes for the push, and it connects, the kick following right after, "HNNGH!" her head snaps to the side, then her legs kick upward, as if she were going to twirl and crash to the ground. Instead though, she lands on one foot, spins and drives her foot with suprising strength into the ninjas side, "HYAAH!" her weight thrown forward, two palms are thrown out, slamming into the ninjas sternum, "HAH!!" and finally she reels back and delivers another shoulder rush to knock the big man back, "KYAAAAAAH!!"
A slight exhale of breath is the only real sign that the ninja was hit with the surprise attack that Xiangfei makes. No scream of pain, no surprised expression. Just that cold stare looking right at her as she slams her palms into him. Of course that shoulder comes in to slam into him, but Xiangfei will find herself tearing through his body as if it was paper as she goes sailing through right where Eiji stood as smoke just swirls about in his place. Once she puts her mind to it the girl really can pack a punch. Eiji needs to be a bit more careful in this case it would seem. While the girl is still down he attempts to get the jump on her as he flickers back into existence and attempts to drive his foot right into the girl's spine with a surprise attack of his own.
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Xiangfei with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is actually pretty impressed, she wasn't expecting Eiji to take her strikes that well, but the more you know, right? Xiangfei does her best to keep from falling over, but then her mind is on bringing up her guard as she can just somehow tell the ninja is going to strike again. But no dice, Xiangfei grunting with a bit of frustration as the ninja gets yet another clean hit on the girl, letting out a yelp of pain as she slams onto the pavement, one hand pressing the small of her back. Wincing, she spins around, with a yen-coin resting between the pointer and middle fingers of her free hand and whips it at the ninja, hoping to bean him right between the eyes, "HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Eiji with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Eiji 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
There it was. A small cry out of pain. Something that will hopefully give way to begging or perhaps even fleeing. Then again this girl didn't seem to be bright enough to beg for her own life or to know when to quit. It is a shame in a way, but as long as there is bloodshed Eiji can't care too much. He lands gracefully once again on his feet and he stands up just in time for the coin to slap into his forehead and then slide off to land in an outstretched hand. "Insolence...." he mutters and he tosses the coin aside before rushing in with a hand raised. It ignites into red as he nears and he brings it down across the chest of the femme fighter in an attempt to cut her open finally and let him inhale the sweet scent of blood.
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Xiangfei with Mist Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Eiji 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei chuckles a little in amusement to the ninjas reaction, her hand drawing from her back. Usually the coin-toss means something big is going to follow; but uh.. There was a small mistake in that set-up, the girl realizing that there's still too much energy in her opponent to go in for another big blow.
Suffice to say this is Not Good (tm). Eiji slashes quickly, the chinese girl shifting, but not quite enough to keep from getting cut and her eyes cross, "Hhrrk!" the material slicing and darkening from the fluid, hand quickly raising to the cut as she winces, ".. A.. Ah.. Oh man, that hurts," she grumbles, knees shaking a bit, but she's still willing to keep her fight on, "Hai!!" she snaps at the ninja again, going for a quick combination of two palm strikes to the ninjas sternum, "Hup! HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Eiji dodges Xiangfei's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Eiji 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
Eiji pulls his hand away and he flicks his wrist to let droplets of blood that cover his hand to fall upon blades of grass. "Ahh much better. Now this is a real fight." he muses while chuckling low. He does give the girl credit, she really doesn't give up even when facing someone with a much more refined style such as the ninja. He seems to have slowed her enough to where he can judge her movements easily enough at this point as well. He dances away from the two strikes before ducking low and then coming in to grasp at the girl's wound and twist some as he attempts to lift and toss her away from him.
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Xiangfei with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Eiji 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei's shoulders buckle a bit, ".. You've got to be kidding," she mumbles, "Blood isn't what makes a fight a good fight!" her hands draw outward, and the girl takes her chance to try and read the attack, her body shifting once more, and then a pained cry as he grasps tightly at the wound. She can't even fight back that one, it was a bit of cruelty even -she- didn't see coming. Hefted upward and tossed, she hugs her chest tightly, the pained grimace on her features all the while as she flips and clumsily lands on her feet with a light stagger. She's starting to understand what her problem in this fight is now; it's just unfortunatly it may be too late at this point. She'll take the chance that she isn't though, the girl claps her hands, twirls around and with a powerful, "HAH!!!" sends a large blast of energy toward the ninja.. And in a display of intense will, the blast actually starts storming toward the ninja rather than just fizzling out after a couple of feet.
COMBATSYS: Eiji parries Xiangfei's Nanpa!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Eiji 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
They never do understand, do they? No, not even someone like Rugal can understand the thrills that can be had from seeing an opponent bleed and suffer. To hear cries of pain as wounds are created. Truely the only fighter that perhaps knew of the bliss of murder and blood is Yamazaki, a man even more crazed than Eiji. He gives no verbal reply, for now he sees no point in it. Why try to get someone to understand something they refuse to. He rushes forward at the same time as Xiangfei and as that blast comes at him he surges forward and he thrusts his hand forward as the red chi surrounds his hand and he simply just slices through the attack. The last thing Xiangfei sees his a rather large grin from the ninja as he then gets enveloped in a bright light and he explodes into an array of energy blasts shaped like shuriken as they sail around the fighting area and also possibly snagging some of the officials with slight nicks and cuts.
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Xiangfei with Spirit Blast EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Eiji 1/---====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Well.. That was unexpected. Xiangfeis eyes widen again as Eiji blazes through her blast as if it were nothing and she.. Well, looks rather annoyed. That really was the worst possible time he could show that kind of athleticism, the girl trying to dance lightly on her feet tilting one way to dodge one of the shuriken, and is quickly overwhelmed by the rest, another cry coming from the frustrated chinese fighter once the chi strikes her repeatedly, breaking the skin and her pants as well are stained in red, she slumping forward afterward, but still standing. Xiang tightens her hands into fists, "Nngghh.." and she throws her hand out again, whipping another coin at the ninja, her breathing picking up and she attempts to psyche herself up, she just had to focus! Her guts will show her through this match!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Eiji 1/---====/=======|
COMBATSYS: Eiji dodges Xiangfei's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Eiji 1/---====/=======|
Well.. Perhaps another time, her body doesn't quite agree with her mind, and the chinese girl is forced to drop to one knee, then collapse to her side as she holds her chest again. Looks like she's out of this one.
So an official or two got hit as well in the process. They are alive so they can't penalize him that much can they? They shouldn't have been so damn close to the fighters. They were careless and sloppy as far as Eiji is concerned. The ninja tchs lightly as he flickers back into existence in front of Xiangfei and this time the coin in snatched out of the air when tossed at him. "Word to the wise, woman. Stick to something that your kind is good at like sewing and cooking." he tells her as he steps over to her and then kneels before her to set the coin on the ground. "One day I might not feel generous and leave you living. But tonight I think I will collect a trophy." he murmurs and he flicks out a kunai and he uses it to cut off a lock of the girl's hair before standing up. He quickly turns about and casually walks away from the battlefield as his craving for violence is satiated for the time being.
COMBATSYS: Eiji has ended the fight here.
Xiangfei grunts again once she's lifted, one eyed closed and there's a bit of fury in the one that's still open. Man, of all the people she had to lose to, why'd it have to be -this- jerk? Little did the ninja know, one day she WAS going to be a cook! A kickass one! ".. Whatever, hater," she spits back, though she suddenly looks horrified when he actually cuts her hair. Her -hair-! Falling to the ground, she's in such shock that she can't even say anything, she just holding her braid that's now been cut in two.
Log created by Eiji, and last modified on 07:52:52 12/04/2005.