Description: League showdown at the Seijyun Gym! Kusanagi-ryuu Kobujutsu vs Sumo! (Winner: Shingo)
The Seijyun Girls' Academy gym. Not exactly the most exotic of locations for the Neo League matches that are already underway all over the world but just because this is an international league doesn't mean that every engagement must be held in a fascinating foreign locale. Sometimes it's just as good to stay at home. Even if home will be always there. Give or take a disasterous occurance. Such as a giant orbital satellite laser firing upon Southtown and vaporizing the place. Like that would ever happen.
The stands of the large building have been, well, not completely filled. This isn't exactly a match of epic proportions as opposed to others. But it's enough that students from all the other schools are here as well as parents and other fight enthusiasts are here to watch, enjoy, and cheer on their favourite. The camera crew is already set up and ready for things to commence and there's even an announcer's table off to the side of the main floor where the fight would be taking place for the benefit of the viewers at home.
And speaking of the main floor. Because this is the home turf of one of today's participating fighters, it has been marked off as a regulation sumo ring. Complete with referee. Only for aesthetic purposes of course. A traditional sumo match would be entirely too boring as compared to the excitement good ol' fashioned street-fighting brings. That and it would give one of the fighters a distinct advantage over the other. Or it would if there weren't such a big size difference.
Shingo stands just outside of the ring waving and grinning to all the fans in the stands and those who chose to sit on the ground instead. As well as to the camera, which gets a signature thumbs-up and smile. Looking over to his opponent, the boy smiles at her and gives another thumbs-up. He's heard of her before thanks to the highschool community. Not many girls her size want to take up sumo. Unfortunately they've never had the pleasure of meeting before today. So possibly no matter how this fight turns out he'll have another friend to add to his already long list.
Well now... Shingo might be bigger than Hinako, but his size may end up being less of an advantage then he thinks. Of course, she doesn't /look/ very dangerous, standing there in her gym outfit with a white shirt and dark blue gym shorts. Hinako's already decided that her school uniform isn't particularly suited to fighting, but she still hasn't come up with a good replacement. This will do for now, though.
Hinako waves to some of her classmates in the stands, then turns to Shingo and bows in his direction. "Thank you for coming. I hope we have a fun fight!" She's heard of Shingo, yes. He might not be one of the biggest names out there, but he's far from unknown. And Hinako loves having the opportunity to fight against skilled people.
Checking the tape around her fingers, Hinako reaches down into a small bag set by the edge of the ring. Pulling out some salt, the blond girl casts a small handful of it over the ring, then nods to herself. Crouching down, she places her left hand on her left leg, leaning to the right as she lifts it up before stomping down with enough force that the ring actually shakes slightly. Then she grins at Shingo. "Maybe someday we can have a real sumo match! But for now let's both give it our all, okay?" Smiling brightly, she waits for the referee to give the signal to start the fight.
COMBATSYS: Hinako has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hinako 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shingo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Hinako
A real sumo match. That could be interesting if not something Shingo is exactly rushing to get done. To him Kusanagi-ryuu is all. But suppose he can look at it the same way he looked at training with HeavyD. That is it could give him a better understanding on how to fight others who use the same discipline. In this case, it would be sumo wrestlers. Those are thoughts to be entertained later though. And Shingo learned long ago never to judge a fighter's skill by his or her size. So he doesn't really think that being a lot taller and heavier than Hinako gives him the advantage to end all advantages. But it sure does help.
Shingo grins back at her and gets into his own fighting stance by bringing his fists up and widening the placement of his feet so that they're shoulder-width apart with one leg back to provide balance. "Sure! Why not? And of course! Good luck!" With that said it's just for him to wait on the referee as well to signal the start. Which isn't long in coming and the man wearing the robes with a flag in each hand, one red and one white, shouts out loud and clear (thanks in assistance to a microphone on his collar), "Hajime!"
That's Shingo's cue that it's time to rumble. He darts to the left side of Hinako instead of coming in with a straight on attack and then hops forward into a sliding kick across the ground, "SHINGO SLIDAAAAAA!" It's his new variation on a typical slide kick. In fact, it is just a typical slide kick. All that's different about it is his battle cry. No matter since he looks like he wants to start things off by tripping his opponent up to fall flat on her rump. Or simply just fall.
COMBATSYS: Hinako blocks Shingo's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Hinako
Luckily for Hinako, 'not falling' is pretty high up on the list of skills she's acquired in order to be proficient at sumo. Hinako crouches down even further as Shingo comes sliding in toward her, bringing her hands down to catch his kick before it can hit her in the legs. Her leverage is good enough from this position that it doesn't even knock her back, although the impact does run through her whole body.
Catching Shingo's foot also gives Hinako a good opening to do an attack of her own. She tries to clamp her hands around Shingo's ankles, then quickly stand up and lift her arms into the air. She can't throw Shingo with quite as graceful an arc as she might be able to get by grabbing his torso, but she /can/ still put in enough force to send the boy several times his own height into the air, if she pulls it off properly.
COMBATSYS: Hinako successfully hits Shingo with Tasuki Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Hinako
This isn't a good beginning for the Taiyo student. In his mind he was totally meant to somehow evade being grabbed and hurled into the air like some sort of rag doll or beanie baby. There's no mistaking the astonishment on his face when this small girl (from his perspective) holds on to his attacking leg and then uses his own momentum against him. Not because of the fact that her petite size is capable of doing it but the mere fact that he did get lifted high into the air. It's a very good thing that the ceiling isn't lower than it currently is.
On the positive side things. He is now in the air. Quickly approaching the zenith of his flight, but still in the air. If he could fly or air dash, this would be an advantage for him. Higher ground. It would give him a +9 to Agility. As it is he's just a rock in the air. A rock that's capable of manoeuvering his body into a, "SHINGO KIIIIIICKU!" By sharply twisting his body he is able to change his velocity enough that it hits with the force of a regular Shingo Kick. Instead of you know, falling flat on his face. Which he has been known to do.
COMBATSYS: Hinako endures Shingo's Shingo Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Hinako
There's not really a whole lot of options for Hinako here. Shingo's coming in from above at rather high speed, thanks to all the air time she gave him. Although she's a small target, Hinako's sumo training hasn't really focused on moving quickly, so getting out of the way won't work. She's not really trained in anti-air techniques, and she's better at stopping a large moving body then the much smaller target of an incoming foot. So... She stands there and takes it.
Firmly setting her legs against the ground, Hinako leans back as Shingo comes down, getting the air quite knocked out of her as the boy's foot slams into her chest. But she stays on her feet, which will hopefully come as a surprise to Shingo. What will hopefully be even /more/ of a surprise is when she tries to wrap her arms around his waist, pulling back and then using all the force she can to slam him down shoulders first into the mat.
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Rebound Throw from Hinako with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Hinako
Tons of surprises in this match up. The first being when Shingo got launched like a rocket towards the ceiling of the gym. Second was when Hinako made no effort or attempt to sidestep the devastating Shingo Kick. Well, devastating in his mind. Thirdly would be when Shingo opts for not being thrown around anymore by the smaller blonde girl when she wraps her arms around his waist in some sort of pain inducing hug.
The cry is loud and distinctive. It could only come from one person. Shingo Yabuki. This would be the eighteen year old fighter that slams a downward elbow into Hinako's trapezius to slow her down from her attempted technique and then bending far to the side to send a thrusting side kick to her upper midsection region. This part of his counter is what is accompanied by the shout. Of course he is now looking like an odd 'T' with the cross being longer than the support. He tumbles over.
Now, that is finally enough to send Hinako staggering backwards. Even if she's not very tall, that kind of blow is still enough to throw her off balance. Not to mention that her upper torso is getting a bit bruised now after taking two nasty kicks from Shingo. It's also opened up a bit of distance between her and Shingo, but that's okay...
Rather than immediately pressing the attack, Hinako takes a moment to catch her breath, letting Shingo climb back to his feet. Once he /is/ back up, though, the blonde girl suddenly leaps forward toward him, attempting to grab him by the head and shoulder with a grip that's far firmer than any girl of her build has any right to have. Should she manage to snare him, she spins around, yanking the boy off his feet, then hurling him away at a fourty-five degree angle. If this were a real sumo match, this would put him well out of bounds. As it is, it'll just leave him crashing into the ground a surprising distance away, and with a good deal of force behind him.
COMBATSYS: Shingo fails to counter Gasshou Hineri from Hinako with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shingo 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Hinako
Regardless of this not being an actual sumo match, Shingo still gets thrown way out of bounds. There is a representation of the boundries on the gym floor after all. This, by the way, would be surprise number four. He didn't expect at all for Hinako to snag his head in the way she does and then manage to twirl around to send him flying yet again. This time in a horizontal manner and not vertical. But flight is flight. Even if short lived as his is when he crashes to the ground and rolls about a metre more. The referee holds up the white flag representing Hinako to show that she scored as hit. Much like he has been doing the whole fight. Red for Shingo, white for the girl. This coming after the boy wanted to crush the Seijyun student's traps once more with another elbow strike. Serves him right for picking on schoolgirls smaller than himself.
Despite it not being an actual sumo match, Hinako hesitates for a moment before stepping over the lines that would mark her as being out of bounds. It just doesn't feel right! Still, the fight's not over, and just waiting for Shingo to walk all the way back wouldn't be much fun, now would it? Once she steps over the line and gets her confidence together, Hinako starts picking up speed. In a moment she's actually running full tilt toward Shingo, reaching out to scoop him up as she goes past...
COMBATSYS: Hinako successfully hits Shingo with Yorigiri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shingo 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Hinako
...And after Hinako plucks Shingo up from the ground, she keeps running forward, pushing him along in front of her as if he weighs nothing at all. Luckily there's a spot up ahead of her that doesn't have any stands in front of it, because it would be rather awkward to have to abort this technique at this stage. Still running at full speed, Hinako slams Shingo into the wall with all the force she can muster. Her weight pushing up against him doesn't do much, but the strength of her legs lends a considerable amount of 'oomph' to the impact.
Shingo is beginning to think he should change his name to Raggedy Andy with all the being tossed about the place he's getting himself too. It would be nice he could actually avoid getting caught up in all of these throws that Hinako keeps putting him into. Almost like fighting a certain Scary Devil Lady. Fortunately for him, the blonde he's fighting though being man-handled by would be more appropriate, is no Vice. Or else he would've been laid out already. Which he is awfully close to when the girl scoops him up and plows him into the wall. A great deal of air is forced out from his lungs. That would be another point for her.
Shingo has to take a breath to get the life-sustaining atmosphere back into his system. That is if he wants to continue this fight. Which he does. Given even a little bit of leeway, he slips out of Hinako's grasp to back-hop a few metres away to recoop and gather his bearings. It's time to think up a strategy to end this fight in his favour sometime soonish. Like in the next two attacks or less. He takes another breath and plans.
COMBATSYS: Shingo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shingo 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Hinako
Well now... Things seem to be going fairly evenly. All right! Hinako's not going to let it get to her head though; or so she tells herself. She's still getting a bit excited, however. She asks in all honesty, "Are you having fun, Shingo?" Smiling at the boy, she begins closing in on him again, hunched over slightly into her sumo posture, with her hands out in front of her.
Hinako tries to grab for Shingo's shoulders this time, intending to hurl him down and to the side, sending him off his feet and perhaps sliding along the floor for a short distance. There's not a huge amount of force behind her attack this time, although it's not really necessary; Hinako's fairly good at picking the angle of impact to maximise the chances of her opponent staying down, or at least not wanting to get back up. That assumes that they don't manage to adjust things in their favor, of course.
COMBATSYS: Hinako successfully hits Shingo with Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shingo 1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0 Hinako
He's hurting from the numerous times he's been hurled here and there, that much is obvious. But he's been in worse situations before so he'll get through it like he has done in the past. To the question asked of him, Shingo can't help but grin-smile back to the girl. Despite her advances. Combat advances that is. "Of course! I don't think I've fought a sumo as good as you before! So this is really fun!" The grin stays on his face and only disappears for the second it takes him to hit the ground. But when he's on his feet, it's back.
First he takes hop away to gain some room and with a wide grin on his face he says to the girl with lots of confidence, "You're really great at sumo! But now you face the might of Burning..." The boy then surges forward with a lunging step together with a swift punch hooking in. Due to her height he has to adjust the angle of his punch so that he doesn't bash her face in but her torso. "SHINGOOOOOOO!" And when that hook punch hits it is followed by an uppercut to her collarbone. Next is a downward punch to her traps. Actually, two of them. Finally is a hard and forceful slam of his shoulder and upper arm straight into her sternum to send her flying like she has sent him and hopefully end it right here and right now.
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Hinako with Burning Shingo.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Shingo 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Hinako
Well, even with the necessity of adjusting for height, Shingo doesn't seem to have much trouble laying the pain down on Hinako. She starts to double over after the first blow to the torso, then gets staggered back up by the blow to the collarbone. She's already getting rattled, and it's still not over yet. Finally, after a few more blows, comes the end of the attack, and Hinako sees Shingo rearing back for a shoulder strike.
There's very little time to react, but Hinako has to do /something/ before she gets blasted off her feet, because she doesn't think she's going to be getting up for some time after this. So, Shingo crashes into her, sending her flying back... but she tries to drag him with her. Hinako attempts to latch her arms around Shingo's arm and shoulder, twisting with the force of his impact. With the last of her strength she attempts to hurl the boy over her shoulder, sending him sailing on ahead of her as she does a faceplant on the gynasium floor. Not unconcious, but she doesn't really feel like getting up right this moment.
COMBATSYS: Hinako can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Hinako's Gasshou Hineri.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/-----==|
A nice effort by the female sumo wrestler. But either because of skill or luck on Shingo's part or Hinako being that tired from getting hit one too many times from the might burning fists of Shingo. Cough. Uh, right. Whatever the case may be, Shingo twists his body while being thrown to lessen the impact and damage from the fall he takes. The boy lands on the balls of his feet and slides severeal centimeters with the fingertips of one hand on the ground for support and panting heavily. He maintains this position and watches to see if Hinako wants to continue the fight. Apparently she doesn't and the ref calls him the winner with a loud, "Ippon! Soremade!" The red flag held up longer than before to give the crowd a clear decision.
The Taiyo student stands up and extends only an index finger on his right hand that he holds up, "Heheh. Good fight. Too bad you got burned." The finger is brought closer to his lips and he blows as though extinguishing an imaginary flame. What a jerk. Or is he? Shingo walks over to Hinako, though the medics are there first, and looks her over to see if she's alright, "Hey Hinako? You okay?"
Hinako doesn't respond for a few moments, but finally she manages to turn and flop over onto her back with an 'ooph'. "I'm okay, just a little winded..." She grins, giggling for a moment, although she cuts off quickly. Better to save her breath, for the moment. Finally she sits up, shaking her head for a moment to clear her thoughts.
"Thanks for the fight, Shingo! But you better watch out, I'm going to do better next time!" She points at him dramatically for a moment, then laughs and lets her arm drop before climbing back to her feet. "Ooph... You hit pretty hard, you know that?"
"Hehehehe. Yeah," Shingo grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his head, "I get that a lot. You're pretty awesome yourself, you know that?" A thumbs-up is offered to her. Not knowing if she wants to get up or enjoying her time on the floor, Shingo waits for the medics to give her a clean bill of health save for bruises from being hit so many times and then offers her a hand up. If she wants it. "And I totally got lucky there. That was like a last ditch effort on my part. But it sure was fun! I'm looking forward to our next match."
Hinako gratefully accepts the hand helping her up. "Thanks. And yeah, I'm looking forward to our next match, too. Maybe I can convince you to sumo with me!" She grins at Shingo, nudging him a bit with her elbow. "It'd be fun! But then, it'd be fun either way, because this sure was."
She stretches for a moment, then winces. "Oww... I think I'm going to need to go take a nice hot bath after this... But anyway!" She focuses back on Shingo. "Hopefully we'll be able to square off against each other again soon!" With that Hinako waves to Shingo, then begins walking off toward the dorms, humming happily to herself.
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.
Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 07:52:33 12/04/2005.