Description: Shenwoo's introduction to the Neo Fighting League is a battle in the Pao Pao Cafe, against Andy Bogard. The two give it there all, and in the end it comes down to a hairsbreadth difference...! (Winner: Shenwoo)
There's a crowd gathered in and around the Pao Pao Cafe now as we get started on this league fight.
"Laaaaaaaaaaaadies and gentlemen and chiiiiiiiiildren of all ages, The Pao Pao Cafe is proud to host today's Fighters League Bout, proudly sponsored by Ken Masters. Now let me introduce our contenders!
On the left the Shanghai Boxer iiiiit's, Shenwoooo!"
And the crowd errupts, yayay, cheercheer!
And on the right it's the local boy, well...not the Lonely Wolf, but well it's one of them it's...Andy Bogaaard!"
Yayyay, cheer cheer.
Andy stands tall on the right, resolute and uncompromising. Completely ignoring the crowd, until the announcer calls out his name Andy opens his eyes and stares out across the Cafe floor to Shenwoo, giving him a polite bow. Despite all the curtesy, however, Andy is all business and ready to fight. This was his first fight in the league and he wanted to do well, but he knew next to nothing about Shenwoo. He had nothing to gauge his opponents strengths and weaknesses, all he could do was fight with all his strength.
"Fighters, get reaaady!"
Andy takes up a fighting stance, ready for anything.
COMBATSYS: Andy has started a fight here.
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Andy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Andy
And really, why not make a big show of the fight? Some people might be content to just meet up and clash - and honestly, Shenwoo's perfectly happy with that alternative, too - but there's just something about a fight in front of an audience. Of the opportunity to display one's prowess and skills, to show off and respond to the crowd's energy... It's a different order of experience, entirely. Standing in his corner, Shenwoo tugs his gloves tight with his teeth, unable to hide the wolfish grin on his face. Of course, he's never fought Andy Bogard before, though he's fought /Terry/... And he saw what Andy was able to do to Benimaru. So all in all? He's quite curious to test his strength against the other man's. He steps a bit out of his 'corner', nodding to Andy as he assumes his relaxed, pseudo-boxing stance - leading with his right hand, so he's probably a southpaw. "Let's make this fun!" he says, before the announcer lets out a 'FIGHT!', and true to form... Shen attacks right off the mark. He takes a pair of quick steps closer to Andy, before hurling himself into even faster forward motion, his beringed left fist extended in a rushing punch that causes his hair and shirt to trail behind him. "RAAAAAH!" He's definitely to the point, at least.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Andy with Gekiken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Andy
Andy is suddenly caught by surprise as Shenwoo rushes forward with his Gekiken, reminded quite sharply of his battle against Benimaru - which quite frankly started off much better for Andy than this fight did. Andy immediately shifts to a defensive stance and tries to dodge Shenwoo's attack but it's all in vain as Shenwoo smacks right into Andy's chest. Stumbling backward, Andy grits his teeth replies by launching himself into the air feet first in his trademark move, the Kuuha Dan. Andy coils through the air aiming with both feet for a nice counter-strike on Shenwoo's face. "SHOU!"
COMBATSYS: Andy successfully hits Shenwoo with Kuuha Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Andy
Bouncing back from his rushing punch, Shenwoo lets out a little 'heh', and then... Uh oh, here comes the response. The Bogard brother's own attack hits Shenwoo quite solidly, despite his own attempt to get out of the way, Andy's feet knocking the tall, lean young man to the ground. "Geh!" exclaims Shen, bouncing a little... And getting quickly to his feet, hopefully right in front of Andy, with his hands clasped together in an axehandle position and swung at the other blond's face. "Is that all you got? C'mon!!"
COMBATSYS: Andy blocks Shenwoo's Fukuko-Geki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Andy
After striking his foe, Andy immediately bounds to his feet and straight away he's got two hands ready to pummel his face in. Not good. Andy brings both arms up, blocking the double handed axe strike, and for a moment Andy and Shenwoo are right up in eachothers faces. "Hmph. Alright, if that's the way you want it..." The Youngest Bogard says, bringing his right knee up and aiming a powerful knee at Shenwoo's gut. "Then that's how you're going to get it!"
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo interrupts Heavy Kick from Andy with Tenrenshou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Andy
Of course that's how Shenwoo wants it! He'd hate to fight someone who was giving it anything less than their all, honestly. It's almost insulting! The berserker keeps on grinning wildly as he's right up in Andy's proverbial grill, and the knee, well... Maybe there'd be time for him to get out of the way, but Shenwoo doesn't really try to avoid it. Instead he brings up his own leg, pushing himself back with his foot on the ground to reduce the impact of that incoming knee, while his raised leg lashes out in a straight-legged thrusting kick at Andy's gut, which results in the two men flying back from each other. A reckless counterattack, but... That's Shenwoo's style.
Andy is a master of Koppou, the lethal art of bone breaking close combat - Andy like his brother can take a hit! Andy lands right on his feet in a crouch holding his stomach for a second, but immediately Andy locks his left fist in his right palm and with amazing speed rushes at Shenwoo elbow first leaving Shadow Images behind.
"Zan'ei Ken!"
Andy might not be as vocal as his brother, but he's got the same hungry desire for the fight, a real fight that holds nothing back. But who will win this fight? The Berserker or the Cold-Hearted Ninja?
COMBATSYS: Andy successfully hits Shenwoo with Zan'ei Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Andy
Okay, so maybe... Maybe Shenwoo got a /little/ cocky, underestimating Andy like that. The rushing, shadow-imagey elbow hits the tall young man good and hard, knocking him back even further, but this time at least, he doesn't fall. "Heh," he chuckles instead. "You're strong, I like that." Yes, it was a compliment. And in the middle of a fight, no less! But Shen was just being honest. He crosses the distance that's opened between the two of them after that elbow quickly, reaching to try and grab Andy by the shoulders... Is he trying for a throw? Hell naw! Shenwoo is just going for a big ol' headbutt, trying to smash his hard skull against the ninja's!
COMBATSYS: Andy interrupts Strong Punch from Shenwoo with Hishou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 Andy
Oh yeah, Andy can hit back hard when he wants to. But, despite being a humble and that stereotypically nice man that every dad wants to introduce to their daughters, Andy grins back at his opponent. "You're pretty good yourself, Shenwoo. It's an honour to fight you...but I'm not going to hold back." But then, when Shenwoo reaches out for him, Andy steps back and gathers his will into his fist, then in a flash of lightning the fist flies out sending a blue ball of fire right at Shenwoo's head...which still manages to smack him through the ball of chi. Ow. But, Andy still gets the feeling that he won that round.
Uh oh, chi tricks! Shenwoo honestly can't keep up with those... He doesn't have anything of the sort, himself. The blast sears and burns, knocking the tall young man back, but rather than a pained expression... Shen keeps right on grinning. "Hey, it'd hurt my feelings if you held back," he remarks, dashing right back in to aim a quick strike with his right fist at Andy's cheek. "ORA!!" Yes, it's not exactly up to par with his other attacks, but maybe he's leading up to something...
COMBATSYS: Andy endures Shenwoo's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/----===/=======|=======\=======\1 Andy
And just to humour, Shenwoo (or maybe because he wants to build up his super bar) Andy takes Shenwoo's punch so he can place himself in an greater advantage for his next attack. "Very well then my asked for it!" Andy gets on his hands and knees and then /launches/ himself at Shenwoo again, much like the Kuuha Dan...except well...Andy's body suddenly immolates as his massive ki transforms Andy into a burning arrow of strength, aimed right at Shenwoo's chest.
"Chou Reppa Dan!"
COMBATSYS: Andy successfully hits Shenwoo with Chou Reppa Dan.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Shenwoo 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Andy
Uh oh.
Shenwoo sees that ki-charged touble-legged kick coming his way, and for a brief moment his dark eyes widen... But then he gets a more focused, confident look. Is he going to try and avoid it? To block it? Actually, no, he's just going to stand right there and take it. His intent was, in fact, to strike out while Andy was still vulnerable... But it doesn't really pan out, the blast knocking him back, where he hits the ground and rolls... Ending up on his feet in a crouch. He's battered, he's bruised, and he's looking pretty tired, but he's shaking, like he's barely restraining himself from something... "Good! But it's gonna take more than that to stop me!!" The ground beneath Shenwoo's feet concaves just a little, as he lets out a wordless roar, surrounded briefly by a violent red aura, and then he's off like a shot at Andy, swinging a wild left-handed haymaker at the younger Bogard...!!
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Andy with Bakuma Assault.
[ \\\\\\ < > //// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Andy
...And that first wild haymaker connects across Andy's face, and what follows is best described as barely controlled chaos. The self-styled 'God of Battle', now a berserker in truth, lashes out at Andy with everything he's got, seemingly using every part of his body as a weapon; fists, elbows, feet, knees, and of course, his head. The barrage seems to go on for quite some time, the tall, lean young brawler venting his pent-up fury on the ninja, but it's not really /that/ long, before Shenwoo deals a last, powerful, punishing headbutt, and steps back a bit, shoulders heaving as he calms down. "Hah... Hah..."
Andy gets counter smacked hardcore by Shenwoo, his entire body feels like it's just been smacked to kingdom come and back, and seriously, the self-styled battling god can truly dish out the punishment. But, Andy Bogard is not done, he's got one more attack in him! "...That hurt...but I can repay the favour!" Andy snarls getting back on his feet with sheer will and elbow grease, the Youngest Bogard truly does put in 110% into every battle!
Andy charges forward and rushes Shenwoo with his elbow and if he strikes follows up with a deadly combination of punches and kicks, finally finishing up with a super large chi ball.
"Hishou Ryuusei Ken!"
COMBATSYS: Andy can no longer fight.
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Shenwoo 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo dodges Andy's Hishou Ryuusei Ken.
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Shenwoo 0/-------/---====|
But you know, Shenwoo thinks he'll... /Not/ get hit by that, thanks! The tall fighter's avoidance isn't anything fancy or acrobatic, worn out as he is... He's just simply /not there/ when Andy's strikes hit the space where he would've been, instead dodging to the side. "Heh, that looked like it woulda hurt," Shen says from there, doubling over a bit to rest his hands on his thighs and catch his breath. That was definitely a speedy match, but he has to say... Andy certainly knows what he's on about.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has ended the fight here.
Andy misses his foe, and with the last of his strength failing the Youngest Bogard falls to his knees panting.
"Hah...hah...Yeah, you should have seen Geese's face when I hit him," Andy says breathlessly.
Now, Shenwoo might be someone with a certain amount of anger issues, and the cheers of the audience as his victory is declared over Andy by the announcer bring a broad grin to the tall, lean brawler's face... But he's not the sort of person to go rubbing his opponent's nose in it. Violent and aggressive as he may be, cruelty isn't in it. Instead, he displays a certain amount of sportsmanship, straightening and walking over to Andy to offer the other man a hand up. "Maybe next time," he says, still grinning broadly. "That was definitely fun."
Andy nods, but doesn't say anything. He just got the snot beaten out of him.
Log created by Shenwoo, and last modified on 07:51:38 12/04/2005.