Description: Incredibly attractive combatants? Check. MAX dodging and accidental groin shots? Check. Jiro referred to as Alma's girlfriend? Double check. Intense finish? Check. Decisive victory? Weeeell... (Winner: Draw Match)
Alma Towazu, Neo League Warrior. It has a nice ring to it, huh? Well, Alma thinks as he strolls down progressively dirtier streets with effortless calm and grace, maintaining his aura of elegant simplicity even amongst the dilapidated buildings that surround the Gedo High area, perhaps he'll allow himself some satisfaction. Perhaps not pride, per se; but his usual mild smile does look a bit warmer than usual today, and he does seem to be paying a bit less attention to his surroundings, apparently lost in thought. It's nice to know he's come far in the year since he was orphaned. Of course, he's always known it -- always believed in himself, in his somewhat circular and unassuming fashion -- but, Zen or not, a kid his age can always do good with some positive reinforcement.
He's a really real fighter. For reals.
It's almost proof that he's alive.
However, he didn't see Jiro Kasagi on the listing, and this has slightly disappointed him. He hasn't come to Gedo to pressure the guy; far from it, Alma's younger rival could use a break from fighting, unless he's only going to use it to train more with that Heinlein fellow (in which case Alma would prefer he enter the Neo League instead). But he would like to ask why. And maybe -- though he's feeling very hesitant about this now that he's really thinking about it -- ask if there's going to be some sort of Kasagi Christmas gathering.
He'd never try to invite himself along... of course not, of course not. That would be infinitely rude. Disgraceful. Unmanly. The height of insecurity, and thus unallowable -- to be a burden on others would be unthinkable. But still... it would... be nice.
Lost in thought, the would-be bishonen approaches the entrance to Gedo.
A tournament? Kyoko actually encourages youth that has talent to actually participate in such events. She believes in the blossom of such talents via challenges such as those, and Kyoko just has the eye to notice the kids who can actually become great fighters. Perhaps as an initiative mean, the nurse actually got into this whole thing. She still has to talk to Hideo about it but she's certain she could drag him in.
After all, it may give their students an opportunity to fight them and actually compete. Friendly competition, at least. And if Kyoko happens to beat young teenagers that way, well all the best for her. Though the point is just to get more in touch with those gangs and... Well! Feel young again. Beside she probably wouldn't mind using this exercice.
Right now, the nurse is making her way out of Gedo with that wide smile on her face. Looks like someone had a good day. Well more or less, but Kyoko's off to party once again and that's a good enough reason to make her smile. She gives nods to those she meets and are polite enough to return the greeting and not ignore her. That's until she actually spots Alma walking around.
That young boy, the one she lost to... "Oh, hello there." Kyoko says, loud enough in an attempt to force him out of his reverie, "Ah, what are you doing here? Coming to get your girlfriend from school? Ahhh, that's so sweet and nice of you..."
~ Girlfriend? Hmmm... ~
Alma actually thinks about this for a moment as he looks up, startled out of his reverie by Kyoko's words, before he smiles. "Yes, something like that," he agrees amiably, eyes clear and warm. "Hello again, Miss Minazuki..." He bows his head, a sort of low nod, in greeting; a habit of his toward older acquaintances. "I enjoyed our competition during the last Saturday Night Fight... how have you been since?" The pauses in his speech are definite, though they seem natural enough. He still just seems a bit distracted, even though he's stopped to talk.
His hospitable nature finally gets into gear and reminds him to pay more attention to the lady, but suddenly something new is bugging him; didn't he see her name somewhere recently? It was... oh yes!
"Is it true you've joined the Neo League competition?" Alma continues politely, inclining his head slightly, low tones friendly, eyes sparkling as his smile widens a bit. "I believe I saw your name on the list once I passed the preliminaries."
With a soft chuckle, Kyoko closes her eyes and she turns her gaze away for a moment. She simply lifts one hand up and brushes off a few stray locks of hair behind her ears. "Well I am glad that you enjoyed our previous battle. It was rather interesting, I have to admit." Kyoko states with a few nods of her head. She glances over to Alma, lips curling into a tight smile, "Doing fairly well, thank you, I hope the same goes for you as well, Alma."
The woman hums softly and she arches a brow. Her smile only grows wider as Alma mentions the Neo League competition, "Of course I have -- there are many students from Southtown's highschools that participates into it. It's the perfect opportunity for them to actually try to best one of their sensi." Kyoko lifts her hand up and she adjusts her glasses, "See it as a way for me to try and help my students further their talent in the field of martial arts." And some other things she does keep to herself as well.
She nods to Alma and keeps her modesty, "Yes, I have. It's no easy feat and it was an hard task but I've done it. And so have you." She shakes her head and says, "I'm certain you wouldn't miss on that, would you?" She asks. "So ho about it... You give me a little chance for a rematch for that Saturday where you beat me?"
~ ...knowing Jiro, he's not even here right now. ~
Alma's smile widens into a grin.
~ And I'm in the mood, really. It'd be good for me. ~
"I could never refuse you, Miss Minazuki," the youth replies graciously, and though his expression remains as calm and relaxed as ever, he can't prevent his eyes from glittering with inner mirth. "I'm perfectly ready to oblige you right now." Straightening the low collar of his white long-sleeved shirt and stepping back, Alma relaxes his limbs as he straightens, feeling all of his previous concerns just wash away for now. Ah, yes, this really *was* what he needed. "Though if you defeat me, I hope you'll agree to treat my injuries."
Only a relaxed Alma could pull off saying that.
Still grinning, eyes mild but brighting with anticipatory passion for the fight, the handsome Eurasian youth inclines his head with cheerful composure. "Please, do your best." Raising his arms into what looks like a half-ready position, he prepares himself, and lets his challenger make the first move, feeling himself feel the flow of the energy around him more fully. Hopefully, this will be good...
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kyoko has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kyoko
"I'm a nurse," Kyoko says, giving Alma a slow nod, "I would be a shame to my profession if I did not take care of your injuries afterward." Kyoko states, lips curling into a wide grin. She stretches idly, as if preparing herself for the battle to come. "I do intend to give you my best. After all, you're quite a capable fighter, Alma." Kyoko comments.
After those few quick stretches, Kyoko's stance shifts from a casual one to a more combat oriented one. Considering her opponent's words, she figures that he's ready for battle and so... Kyoko decides she might as well take up the initiative.
"Alright then... Let's have our 'take 2'." Kyoko says with a soft chuckle before she dashes over to Alma. Despite her heels, Kyoko doesn't have much of a trouble to make up the distance between herself and all with all grace. She leaps off in the air to make the rest of the distance, quickly spinning around herself. One of her leg is lifted up and it makes a wide arc as it goes straight for Alma's midsection. That long leg followed by a wide trail of chi as it goes diving for Alma's side, "Kyaah!" She shouts as if to empower her first wild swing at Alma.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Kyoko's Kaishin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Kyoko
Alma takes the hit with a full-on cross-block, taking no chances as he covers his face with his forearms and lets his aura and command of Psycho Power distribute the force evenly throughout his body and partially into the ground. Still, he slides back a bit from the hit, and takes advantage of this gathered momentum to, as he fades back, thrust a hand out and emit a low gout of spiralling pinkish-purple Psycho Power flame, the mind-jarring blast aiming to disrupt any pursuit attempts from Kyoko while he recovers his balance.
His eyes flash with summoned power, and then:
COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Kyoko
Alma's distraction seems to work well enough. It stops Kyoko's assault so that she may defend herself. She braces for impact and leans back a little, her arms raising up to take most of the hit and dissolves the energy away, letting it surges through her arms. It's painful, her nerves overexited by the surge of psycho powers actually twich but Kyoko tries to shake it off. She grimaces a bit and shakes her head.
The woman doesn't wish to actually let Alma too much time to recover and so, despite her block, she charges on Alma once again. The slight delay might give Alma a better reaction time, though Kyoko takes that risk. Hands clenching into tight fists, Kyoko frowns and she hurls her hand over to Alma's face, "Yaaahhh!!" She shouts again with her strike. Another way to attempt to make her strike more powerful. Does it work? Well most martial artists do it!
COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Alma with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Kyoko
Despite his preparation, Alma isn't quite prepared for Kyoko's burst of speed, nor her battle shout. Caught off guard, he's forced to take the hit, his head snapping back, and even as he's wincing he can't help but frown slightly; he's a bit off right now. In an effort to take better command over himself, he circles around his opponent and stepping back, takes a quiet breath and draws back into his fighting stance, re-establishing himself, re-inspiring himself.
There's the flow; there's the beat. Come on, Alma... find the rhythm!
Energy surges within him, and he starts to feel better about all this.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Kyoko
Right after that punch, Kyoko's lips curl into a smile. There's a slight delay before her next action, as if she debates what to do or she actually allows Alma a few seconds to get back to his senses. Just enough for Alma's body to flow with energy. Kyoko bites her lips and she says, "Such a spirit! You are truly something..." Kyoko admits. "In a way, it's such a shame that we have to fight but... From each fights I force my students to push themselves beyond their limits, they grow stronger... I can only hope this will be the same for you and as profitable..."
And with those words, Kyoko leaps over Alma and she lifts her leg up to deliver Alma a powerful rising kick. Though it's not the only one, Alma gets the chance to get another one that comes from Kyoko's other leg and a third one! She keeps the momemtum, still in mid-air as she kicks in front of herself and presses herself over him, probably forcing him to back away from her powerful kicks.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Kyoko's Shouten Sekkai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Kyoko
"Thank you, Miss Minazuki," Alma manages to say, even as he begins to block the series of fierce kicks, letting his psychically-enhanced reflexes take over completely and giving his conscious mind a bit of a respite. Under normal circumstances -- had he blocked in the same way as before -- the attack would definitely have forced the tall youth back, but instead of just full-guarding, Alma makes the effort to parry each one of the attacks, knocking them aside as he immediately closes in on the older woman.
Right hand suddenly suffused with white-pink motes of energy, Alma cries "Haa!" and stabs out, aiming to penetrate Kyoko's defenses just long enough to unleash a point-blank blast of pure battle aura.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kyoko with Self Expression.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Kyoko
The woman obviously wasn't expecting this outcome from her attack. Though despite her best effort, the way Alma manages to knock her kicks aside actually forces Kyoko to fall back on her feet and it leaves her defense open enough for Alma to manage his blast of psi energy into her. The woman growls a bit in pain and she takes a few steps back from the blow. One of her hand reaches for her breasts, seeing how she took the hit on her chest and her fingers tightens around her clothes. The pain quickly dissipates though, Kyoko has seen much worse but still that point-blank shot obviously didn't seem to do her any good. She winces and she straightens herself up, "Nice shot..."
The woman then strides foward and she quickly attempts to reach out for one of Alma's arm. If she suceeds in grasping one of his limb, she'll force him into quite an uncomfortable position, manipulating his joints and squeezing/twisting his arm in a rather painful manner.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Alma with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kyoko
Okay, he can't help it; Alma starts to feel a bit self-conscious when Kyoko reaches for her... you know. I mean, it was just a psychic blast, it's not like he actually touched her, and it's just the sensation of pain attacking her brain, there's no real actual damage -- but he can't help but feel pretty terrible about it. I mean, she's a fighter, of course, fighter equality and all that, but, she's also a girl--
It only takes a moment of Alma losing his flow like this for Kyoko to lunge in and totally get him in a painful lock. Oh, damn, this is what he really wanted to avoid. Alma is not a fan of grappling. "Ergh... urgh... ahh..." As Kyoko twists his arm behind his back, sending searing pain to his body, the youth is forced to drop to his knees before her in an attempt to escape as much of the damage as possible, lowering his head and grimacing slightly. Anyone watching would think he was swearing fealty to her; will Alma Towazu be forced to tap out!?
Not quite.
Raising his head, he gives her a smile, albeit a slightly pained one.
He raises the hand which she has not grabbed. It glows white hot. And then the blast--
COMBATSYS: Kyoko dodges Alma's Absolution.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Kyoko
--fails to connect.
~ Crap. ~
"Now, now, now, don't squirm that much or you might really hurt yourself more than you need..." Kyoko says. This woman has the situation in hands that's for sure. She doesn't even seem to try. She got Alma just where she wants and he's as defenseless as a little kitten to her for the time being. She just moves about swiftly and easily avoids that blast of energy, in fact, she even attempts to give Alma a few nice knee shots in his flank to actually put the emphasis on the 'as defenseless as a little kitten' part.
If those few hits connect, Kyoko will then simply attempts to trip Alma and force him down to the ground using her hold over Alma's arm and with the pain... To get him just where she wants him to be. "Now, now, be a nice boy and I'll play nicely." Kyoko says playfully, lips curled into a wide grin.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Kyoko's Shokushin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Kyoko
Okay, Alma will be the first one to admit that, even with all the pain? Being forcibly manipulated by Kyoko is pretty hot. But this a tourney fight. Now, don't get him wrong; that doesn't mean he cares because the loss is going to be officially recorded. He cares because he has asked her to do her best in this fight, and that implies that he will as well be doing his best. So he must make every effort to not fall easily.
Maybe there'll be time for some physical manipulation later.
Dispersing that thought with that battle cry (what did you think it was for?), Alma manages to twist out of the way, and rolling with surprising grace even while on the ground and still clung to by Kyoko, he attempts to pull his arm around and bring her in with her own lock, allowing him to aim a quick high kick at her head from his prone position, with just enough force to knock her away and allow him to escape from further arm-pain.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kyoko with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Kyoko
Unfortunately, Kyoko's hold finally gives in as Alma manages to get a weak spot and get a good hit at Kyoko. It forces the doctor to actually let go of Alma and she staggers back a few steps. Of course, she attempts to regain her defense as quickly as possible. She bites her lips and shakes her head, trying to shake off the dizziness.
Her eyes narrow into a glare and her lips curl into a tight smile, "Good thing, for a moment I thought I might have had it easy." She says. The woman spins around on herself, making half a turn as she gets her back to Alma. She bends over and she lifts her leg backward to actually deliver Alma a powerful rising kick. Of course, this awkward posture also makes it a less accurate kick but it's quite a powerful one, if that connects.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Alma with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Kyoko
Alma, if you felt bad about hitting Kyoko in the chest? You can stop now. Like really. I think she just got her revenge.
Whether on purpose or by accident, the nurse's rising kick in fact hits Alma right in the unmentionables. Now, it is a measure of Alma's impressive Bishonen Score that his eyes do not bug out, nor does he start retching or anything, as would probably be totally appropriate at this juncture. Instead, his entire body stiffens, as Psycho Power shuts everything else down in order to focus entirely on doing something about the face. His neck muscles especially begin to tighten. Even as his eyes remain clear and eeriely calm, his face starts to turn very, very red, with extreme effort.
Then he just snaps out with a jab, right at Kyoko's face.
It's really all he can do right now, thanks.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Alma's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Kyoko
Once Kyoko swirls back on her feet and faces her opponent, her eyes widen and she bites her lips, "Are you alright? Did I hit too hard?" She asks, tilting her head to one side. She's a doctor after all, she knows how to feel other's pain and that kick seemed to have hit Alma... Pretty bad somehow. She's not too sure why exactly but she can at least tell that much.
When Alma attacks her, Kyoko defends herself and she raises her arm up to block the incoming punch. Her lips curl into a smile and she says, "Well it looks like you're fine.." She says, heaving a sigh of relief. And so, the battle can continue. After her block, Kyoko just keeps on the fight since Alma seems alright and she opts to give Alma a quick kick on his exposed side, "Kyyaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Kyoko's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Kyoko
Deep breaths, Alma, deep breaths. Deeeeep breaths.
~ ...pain... I... hurting... with... nnngh... ~
For goodness sake, you just kicked this guy in the crotch, what do you want from him? Well, needless to say, he doesn't do anything about the kick. Actually, it's a bit impressive -- so invested is he in overcoming the searing pain that he seems to entirely fail to notice the attack, and it genuinely just bounces off of his side, rock-hard, as he's continuing to flex what appears to be every muscle in his body. He just stares straight ahead, eyes clear, face red.
And then?
He turns pain into gain. In one sharp motion, his right arm flashes, and he just punches out, the fist curving downward as he strikes-- at the air. He completely misses. He's too far away. But he keeps on staring into Kyoko's eyes with that huge intensity. It's a bit weird.
And possibly distracting enough that she fails to notice the geyser of Psycho Power emerging underneath her until it's too late...
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kyoko with Full Confession.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1 Kyoko
Nope. Kyoko never saw that one coming. She does take a few steps back to make sure she doesn't get it by Alma's punch, though she's totally obvious to the real meaning of Alma's attack. The woman blinks a few times and before she can do anything she's already engulfed within that geyser of psycho power. That definately doesn't do her any good that's for sure.
Once this is all over, Kyoko is merely left staggering about a little. She bites her lips and winces, "Oh boy..." She mutters to herself. The woman just squirms a little and she lifts her right hand up, to idly knead her tensed muscles from all the surge of energy that has been running through her body. She deserves a little break for now after all. She lets her delicate fingers run over her shoulders and give herself a vigorous massage.
Aww heck no. Even though Alma can't sense any aura emanations from her technique -- interesting, is it really purely physical in nature? -- he has a pretty good vague idea of what it is she's trying to do, and he can't just sit around while she's doing it! Fighting spirit surging through him, the only thing keeping him from keeling over like a... well, like a defenseless kitten, the young Neo League Warrior lunges forward, closing in quickly.
He stops only to rear back, letting his momentum gather with tidal force, and thrust out with a powerful single thrust kick, aiming to knock the nurse onto her back with the board-breaking power of his strike. "UURYAH!"
He looks better now, though he still looks pretty strained.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Kyoko with Vigorous Massage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\======-\1 Kyoko
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kyoko with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Kyoko
Ah... That massage feels good. But then again, that kick she just gets actually hurt as much as it feels good. Quite a mixture of pain and relief that basically puts her in the same bad state she used to be some moments ago. Kyoko winces and she staggers back a couple of steps. She doesn't fall just yet, nope, that's for sure.
Seeing how she doesn't get much of any time to make herself feel better... Well she'll just have to give herself that time by trying to make Alma hurt so much he won't be able to do a thing. The solution to this? Well she just has to use her secret power to make men as defenseless as little kitten. And all of thise starts up with a simple grapple. If she can get a hold of Alma, he's going to be in a world of sweet, sweet pain.
COMBATSYS: Alma interrupts Final Prescription from Kyoko with Divine Intervention.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Kyoko
As she grabs him, Alma smiles slightly, grimly.
This time, she's not getting away.
"Surrender," he murmurs, and placing his palm flat against her abdomen, with a cry to the heavens -- "Haaaah!" -- he unleashes a beamlike blast of white-pink surging Psycho Power *through* her, actually emerging out the other side of her body even as it fails to leave an actual mark on her, sending pain through her body and confusion and disorientation through her mind.
Needless to say, the force of the attack not only probably knocks the nurse back, it helps knock Alma away as well, and though he wrenches himself a little as he tears out of Kyoko's grasp, all in all? He's still standing tall.
Disorientation? That's for sure. As for Kyoko? Well she's not too sure just what has happened though she stammers about back and forth. She's pretty much out of it, though she notices Alma still being there. What was going on already? Oh yeah, she has to grapple him and show him how much it hurts. That's it.
Kyoko shakes her head and she tries to snap out of it as she moves over to Alma to actually do what she wanted to do. Did she fail her grapple? Nah, in her mind it's all blurry and she forgot all about it so she's back to step one, the only difference is that in her last breath she seems more or less half drunk in her attempt to get a hold of Alma's limbs.
COMBATSYS: Kyoko can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Alma with Final Prescription.
[ <
Alma 1/-----==/=======|
Here comes the pain. Oh yes the sweet, sweet pain. There's not a part of Alma that's going to hurt after all of this. The poor guy. The arm locks, the headlocks, the sleeper hold, think about the sharpshooter and the leg bars. Every single joints get that lovely little bit of attention for an overal prescription of pain all over his body.
He's obviously going to submit through all of those lovely painful grapple and he's probably going to discover that he can hurt at places he never thought before but thankfully for Alma, Kyoko actually more or less passes out by the end of it, which is a good thing for him.
Alma turns away from his oppponent as she stumbles back, and heaves a great sigh of effort, feeling the repressed pain from her terrible kick before flood back into his body. All Psycho Power released, his fighting spirit having finally given up the ghost, he starts to bend over to clutch at himself, and maybe just stand there for a little bit and hope no one is watching--
--and then she grabs him.
And the last thing he's able to think is: ~ But she was supposed to surrender... ~
And then comes the pain. The *real* pain. Alma would tap out, except he can't move his arms, and Kyoko's probably too disoriented to even know what that would mean at this point. So the poor guy just groans and takes it, finally just going limp halfway through the ordeal. There's no way he's coming back from this.
With a quiet sigh, his battered body gratefully sinks into blissful unconsciousness, and Alma passes out by Kyoko's side.
COMBATSYS: Alma takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 07:51:24 12/04/2005.