Description: A mighty battle at the Duck Pond featuring Dr. Tran and Duck King. Thrown bottles, steamy goodness and a hot waitress. (Winner: Duck)
Another happening night at The Duck Pond, but then again that is nothing new. Of course the crowd is always slightly larger and more rowdy when they find out a fight is going to happen. Duck King made it through the prelims with flying colors and he decides to invite one of the other people that made it into the league over to have a friendly little match. Tran has been treated to free drinks tonight as he waits for it to become the appointed time. Soon the dance floor is cleared and DJ Buddy Lee turns the music down to speak up. "All right people. Give it up to your host for the evening, Duck, Mothafucking, King!"
Cue the smoke from the doors in the back that lead to his office and they soon swing open. There Duck King steps out in all his glory with P-chan resting on a shoulder. He grins widly and passes the chick off to one of his guards and he moves to step out onto the dancefloor. "Oh yeah bitches! Bring out Doctah Tran. It's time to get things started!"
COMBATSYS: Duck has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Duck 0/-------/-------|
It's one thing to challenge Dr. Tran to a fight. Normally, in such an instance, he'll be more than happy to beat your ass down all over the place. But challenging him to a fight and then giving him free booze? Well...he'll still beat your ass down, but he'll be really, /really/ drunk while he does it.
It's not that Tran can't hold his alchohol - let none question the manliness of his drinking ability. No, it's just that with nothing to stop him, Dr. Tran drinks a lot. Like, more than is healthy. As in he's staggering his way to the dance floor after he's called. Words slurring, it's probably a good thing Tran's eyes are concealed behind his shades, because otherwise his eyes might be suspiciously unfocused.
"Hey! Hey! You! You, my friend...are a very shpecial person, for buying me drinksh." He hiccups unsteadily, and without any pretense stumbles forward to hook his arm around Duck King's neck. It's a friendly gesture, but there's the unfortunate fact that Tran's off-balance enough to maybe take somebody else down to the floor with him right now.
COMBATSYS: Tran has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Tran 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Duck
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Duck with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Tran 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Duck
Next time free drinks will happen after the fight it would seem. Duck snickers somewhat at the drunken fighter and he rubs his chin. He actually thinks this might work to his advantage. Then again maybe thinking that is why it is so easily to find himself not expecting to be dragged down to the floor with the drunken Tran on top of him. "Oh shit, get off me man!" he yells out as fans kinda stand there looking a bit dumbfounded. Did the fight really start? Well it is officially about to start right now as far as Duck King is concerned. He grasps for the Tran while he is still on top of him and tries to kick his legs out into the stomach of the good doctor and use momentum to flip forward and to slam Tran on the dancefloor while landing on him then pushing off again to land a few feet away. "Goddammit."
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Tran with Slam Dunk.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Tran 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Duck
Man, that's not how it was supposed to go. Duck was supposed to support Tran, not fall down like a twig! As it is, it means Tran falls, too, and then whoops! He gets tossed like a rag doll by Duck, losing his breath for a moment after Duck slams him into the dance floor.
Groaning and rolling a bit, it seems the pain's sobered Tran a little, because the fact that he and Duck are fighting has managed to pierce into his alchohol-fogged brain. " of a bitsch!" Charging forward with a roar, Tran just hauls back and tries to drive Duck straight into the ground, like, in a neat little hole if possible, with a huge leaping headbutt. It's not a smart move, but damn if it isn't fun to do!
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Duck with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Tran 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Duck
At least Tran is light enough to toss around when Duck is actually prepared to be supporting his weight. The distance is made between them, but for being drunk Tran is moving pretty fast on his feet. And the drunken stagger is making it hard to judge where he is attacking. That is probably why Duck finds himself being slammed into the ground again. A place he is getting all too familiar with. "Okay asshole, here we go." he mutters and he tries to hook an arm around the good doctor and start hefting him upwards then he quickly turns to the side to thunk Tran right on his head. "If you want to roll around the floor you got it, fucker."
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Tran with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Tran 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
Oh, that's a satisfying impact. Rubbing at his forehead for a moment, frowning, Tran takes the opportunity to adjust his slightly off-kilter from the headbutt shades. If you needed a reason for Duck to be able to grab ahold of Tran, aside from the drunkenness, the fact that the adjustments mess up the doctor's vision for a moment might very well suffice.
Regardless, Tran finds himself down on the floor again after a nasty impact, and he just lies there for a minute. Slowly getting to his feet, he staggers over toward the bar again, and orders another drink real quick, before getting back to the matter at hand. "I don't need to roll around on the floor, bashtard! I'll kick your ash!" To prove his point, Tran lashes out from where he is, keeping the distance between himself and Duck, sending several small, thin boomerang-looking things made of steam arcing gracefully toward the King. It seems Tran's finally managed to get ahold of himself enough to actually manage steam manipulation again.
COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Tran's Real American Hero Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Tran 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "Oh, sure. NOW you start succeeding in your reactions. :|"
[OOC] Duck says, "This time, it shall be different. *whack* It wasn't any different at all. :("
Ah hah! Finally Duck manages to get time to resituate himself after standing up and as the music starts to get louder he starts getting into the groove as his feet move across the floor gracefully. "Awww yeah. Bring it!" he calls out in return to being told his ass was going to be kicked. HIs body starts to swivel about and he is quick on the move to undulate and get out of the way of each each blast of steam before giving a thumbs up and flipping forward to land on his head and hands right in front of Tran. Fans cheer on as he lets go with his hands and spins about on his mohawked head as he snaps out two quick kicks at Tran to knock him back.
COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Duck's Head Spin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Tran 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
Reaching back for his drink, which has now conveniently arrived, Tran just smiles and blocks each successive kick with an upraised hand. It hurts, but he barely notices. He has more important things on his mind, like kicking ass, and drinking. The drinking comes first, though, as Tran down a huge gulp of whatever the hell it is before turning to Duck, clearly unsteady. "Conshider it brought, bitsch."
Despite his bold words, however, Tran moves away, slowly making his way down the bar. He knows that he's drunk out of his skull, and he knows that's bad in a fight. What follows is a bit of an effort on his part - make the room stop spinning long enough to nail Duck right and proper. Needless to say, his analytical action ain't up to par.
COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Tran 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
Even after he finishes with the kicking Duck continues to spin and show off to the crowd, which in turn they are getting all more rowdier from his brash actions. He then stops and swings his legs about to kip up back onto his feet and he grins widely. "All right man, lets see what you got!" He starts to move about again and get in rhythm of the the music and he turns about on his heel to start spinning about. "Duck Pond security team barrage...." he begins then comes out of the spin and points towards Tran whine landing down with one foot kicking the back of his knee and doing a toe stand. "GO!" And on signal in come a few empty beer bottles all aimed for Tran. Someone is going to have a shitty job of cleaning up tonight. Probably Xiangfei.
COMBATSYS: Tran reflects Large Thrown Object from Duck with Dr. Tran Doles Out the Harshness.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Tran 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
[OOC] Duck rut roh.
If you could see Dr. Tran's eyes past the dark shades, then they would be glinting mischieviously. As it is, he's grinning widely, managing a moment of clarity in the midst of his drunkenness. When the bottles come flying in, Tran shouts, "You should know better, pal!" Dropping to one knee, he plants his palms flat on the ground and then whoosh! Steam comes erupting in a rough half-circle in front of the doctor, which catches most of the beer bottles and then propels them in Duck's general direction, small glass missiles of PAIN. Pain and the faint scent of alchohol.
"After all...I'm a doctor!" Tran finishes, and if it doesn't make much sense, cut him some slack, okay?
COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Tran's Reflected Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Tran 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
Hah, a great distraction if he does say so himself. Duck is already rushing in behind that barrage as he plans to follow it up, but then he finds himself having to skid to a stop as the steam repels the bottles in his direction. Thinking fast Duck slaps one of the bottles away before catching the second and tossing it aside before rolling forward through the hurtled objects that shatter across the dancefloor as others go into the crowd and hit some of the drunken saps. Duck remains on the ground as he comes out of the roll and his legs sling outwards to kick Tran's legs out from under him. "Hoohaw!"
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Tran with Dancing Dive.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Tran 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Duck
Well, crap. Beer-missiles averted! Incoming King of Ducks with legs outstreched? Catastrophe! Tran really isn't particularly good at moving about quickly right now, given his...condition...and as a result he goes down hard. Right on his face. That one looks painful, folks.
Not that it's much consolation to Tran, but at least the pain helps him focus a bit, as he rolls away and gets up onto his feet again. He's beat up by this point, but he's still more than ready to kick some serious ass. It's just...sort of an effort at this point. Anyway. Studying Duck close, Tran seems unwilling to go on the offensive just yet. "Come over here and get some, you chicken nugget!"
COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Tran 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Duck
He shoots he scores! The baseball style slide takes out Tran and Duck tumbles away and ends up on his feet a few feet behind the other fighter. He then furrows his brows at the catcall to get him to attack again. He tilts his head a bit to the side and he hmms while nodding. "You're one strange person, I'll give you that." he says and he then grins and claps his hands. "This is great. We'll have to do it again."
He then turns about to point to Buddy Lee. "Play it!" and just on cue Rapper's Delight starts up and Duck starts spinning on a heel again and he then drops down to catch himself on his hands and he tries to knock Tran down on the ground again.
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Tran with Neo Break Storm.
[ \\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Tran 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0 Duck
[OOC] Dr. Tran wince.
[OOC] Duck says, "Whoa damn. :O"
And down goes Tran. Once he is downed Duck King springs back up before looking around and then high stepping a few times. "It's time!" he calls out and the crowd goes wild. Duck starts hopping about on one foot and he seperates himself from Tran by a few feet before falling foward and undulating forward across the floor back towards him. He springs back up to his feet with Tran in front of him and he starts swinging his arms about as the crowd yells out. "Dubbya! Oh! Arr! Em!" they all call out then Duck brings his elbow down right on Tran's forehead.
Argh! The forehead! Not the forehead! Tran's head actually bounces from the impact of that mighty elbow, with a nasty, sort of sickening thud. Damn, that looks like it /hurt/. He's not even able to really move for a second afterward, because that hit to the forehead actually made Tran's nose start bleeding. That's how much pain we're talking about here.
Beyond the point of talking now (maybe he could if he wasn't both asskicked and drunk at the same time), Tran really can't do much except, before he goes down, make sure that this fight looks better than it has so far. Chi surges along one arm, and before Duck can get away Tran tries to nail him with an uppercut. An uppercut with about the same effect as having a scuba tank explode right under your chin. And then Tran's out like a light.
COMBATSYS: Tran can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Duck 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Duck with Here Comes Dr. Tran!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Duck 1/----===/=======|
The crowd is going wild, the music is thumping, and Duck is eating it all up. He is already jumping about as if he won and the joke is on him though when he bounces around to find Tran standing and the fist slams into his chin and sends the club owner upwards and back across the dance floor to land in a bit of a heap. He groans after a moment and then gets up while rubbing his chin. "God damn that really hurt...." he says and then he looks towards his fallen opponent and sort of hesitantly wanders over to prod at with a foot. After a moment of prodding he thrusts his fists into the air. "Aww yeah!"
"Ladies and Gentleman, tonights' winner is your host, DUCK KING!" Buddy Lee cries out and security comes out to heft Tran up and move him to a seat at the bar where one of the serving girls tends to him. A pretty sexy one at that. At least it isn't Xiangfei. Cleanup starts working at clearing the glass up and people start moving up onto the floor to dance with the club owner. Good fight and good night.
COMBATSYS: Duck has ended the fight here.
Log created by Duck, and last modified on 07:50:41 12/04/2005.