Description: Vega, determined to make sure Ryu knows the displeasure that Vega has for losing.. er, tactically retreating from their fight, sends a message that he wants a rematch.
The wind rips through his hair, the loud but decent punk music blares in harmony with the roaring engine... Ken is a happy man. With his red Ferrari zipping through the back roads of the Seattle coastline, Ken just takes some time to clear his head alone and cool down after a long work weekend. Ryu has his ways of reflecting on the past, so does Ken. They just differ greatly despite having the same master and base fighting style.
Whatever he is thinking about, it likely isn't that pleasant from the slightly troubled look on his face.
Amusingly enough - this is much like another scene from a world that never was. Ken driving to clear his memory - and Vega attacking from far above. In this case, the private VTOL carrier that is used for moving through airspace undetected is above Ken's car, keeping pace with it, and slowly lowering. Hundreds of feet up, Vega stands on the wing of his carrier, letting the wind whip against his face and through his cape, much like the man below. He watches, for a moment - another, and then he braces, and leaps into the afternoon sky, aiming for the vehicle that Ken drives. He's using his psycho-power to adjust his fall, the impact landing him on the back of the vehicle, feet sinking into the metal. "Masters - your friend did not get my last 'message'.. I believe, in this case.. a reminder is neccessary."
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
"What the hell?" Ken replies, just getting two very familiar boots in the rear view mirror and an even more familiar tone. "I think you need to take a little fall!" With that, Ken just puts on the brakes HARD. The tires scream with displeasure, black streaks going for about twenty feet. Hopefully, Vega is thrown off, the American just taking off his seat belt as soon as the car comes to a stop and he is able to put his car into park. Part of him wants to NOT fight Vega, but the man knows that Vega will come after him until he gets his point made. That and Ken has never gotten to fight Vega.
If Ryu can do it, so can he.
Ken tries to climb out of his car, hoping to get into a fighter's stance before Vega comes at him again. He might be dressed in a simple red t-shirt and blue jeans, but the clothes don't matter, only the fighting spirit the man who wears them.
COMBATSYS: Ken has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ken 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
As suddenly as the car brakes - Vega's still prepared for it. As his weight shifts forwards from the decelleration, he leaps up. One hand taps the windshield, just enough of a balancer to allow him to flip head over heels, and land just in front of where the car stops, the lights of the car reflecting well in his shiny metal shinguards.
He actually allows Ken the luxury of preparing himself for the fight. After all, let none say that Lord Vega, master of Shadaloo fought 'dirty'. Actually, he does, when he feels he needs to - but at this point, he's not quite there yet. "A little fall, Masters? You would think you'd be better prepared for this fight.." With that, he moves forwards, his hand flashing out in a burst of dark purple energy, aimed directly for Ken's head.
COMBATSYS: Ken just-defends Vega's Jab Punch!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ken 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Ken digs his sneakers into the street as Vega comes at him, merely moving foward with his own impressive speed to knock away the attack with the back of his hand, the energy of the attack seemingly going into his hand. Of course, he is at the peak of his game already, so there was nothing gained. Of course, he would rather that then getting clocked in the head, so Ken just lifts his foot in the air to try and snap it straight up and clock the criminal warlord right in that oversized chin of his before crashing it down on that massive shoulderplate. With the physical response comes his verbal one as well, "Sure... Ambushing people ALWAYS means they are ready to fight you? Times like this I wonder if ALL people that stalk me and my friends are really as stupid as you."
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Vega with Inazuma Kakato Wari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ken 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Vega
Nnf. Vega's thrown off by the sudden deflection of his first attack - the concept of being .hit. seeming even more shocking. This is Ken Masters! He's a show fighter, even with all his training, he should not be able to touch the counternance of someone as strong as Lord Vega. But contact he does, and Vega's head rocks back at the first part of the hit, almost pushed down to one knee at the forceful downswing. However, he's stronger than that, pushing up at the leg with his forearms crossed, trying to flip the blonde man onto his back. "You _DARE_ call Lord Vega stupid? I will have your head, Masters!" Hopefully, he will have Ken's head. Y'know - buried into the asphalt.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ken with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ken 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Vega
Ken gets SMASHED into, his head bleeding from the painful attack. Man, this guy means business. He has no idea how best to fight Vega other than 'hit him and don't get hit'. At least he seems to have the first one sorta down. Merely going for another attack with his feet after flipping himself into a standing position, he leans back to give a powerful kick to Vega's upper chest with the side of his foot, the kick powerful enough that he even slides foward a bit. "I'll call you worse than that if you want, you freak! After all, I'm not the one robbing the cradle!" If only Ken's might could only match his mouth.
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Ken's Ushiro Mawashi-geri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ken 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Vega
Vega's certain he's taken the measure of the man - he's seen the man's .. well, not best, but an adequate response of what he's capable of, and is prepared to make his own move. At the step-kick in, Vega actually presses .into. it, taking it square on the sternum. For all it's pressure, it just makes the mad dictator grin all the more, the edges of his gums lined with red from the previous kick. "Freak? Lord Vega is a formidable foe, not a freak. I am the future!" He's in full megalomaniac mode today, as he grabs for that foot that's impacted him. With both hands around it, he braces, and spins, dark energy flowing through his frame, making his attempt to throw the man back against his precious car a blur of motion and purple energy. "Your words mean nothing!" Admittedly, he .has. been trying a lot harder since he started getting insulted..
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Vega's Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Ken 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
Ken gets grabbed and thrown, but he rights himself in mid-air, landing with one foot on the car and the other on the windshield. The window gets covered in cracks, almost shattering, the one of the hood gets a massive dent in it. "My words mean nothing? Well, your ACTIONS mean nothing. The wave of the future is nothing more than a man trying to force his will onto other people? You are no better than that Gill freak Ryu and Sakura beat the crap out of. So..." Ken pulls his foot out of the windshield, causing it to shatter harmless behind him. "...If I have to BEAT YOUR SORRY BUTT in order for you to SHUT THE HELL UP, then SO BE IT!"
With that, he races for Vega, as soon as he gets close enough his fist bursting into flames as he takes to the skies, using his painful uppercut to try and show why messing with Ken Masters is not something to be taken lightly. "Shoryuken!"
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Ken's Shoryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ken 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
The car needs bodywork! Vega wins! Er, well - he's actually trying to beat Ken, but the concept of making him suffer in multiple ways is pleasing, too. His grin widens as he tosses back his head and laughs at the statement. "Gill? Do not compare me to that miscreant! He is nothing!"
rule number one of being a villian - remember to watch for the incoming attacks while laughing at the hero. Vega almost forgot this - but he does at the last minute, sweeping his hand to the side as Ken rises, knocking the hand out of the way at the cost of the burning of his arm and coat, fabric crisping in the attack. "And how do you expect to do that, Masters..?" he taunts, then leaps upwards, impossibly high - Ken will probably get a good look at his reflection in those shiny metal shinguards that Vega has, as he comes downwards towards the other man, aiming for Ken's shoulders with his boots.
COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Vega's Double Knee Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ken 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
Ken blinks as his foe does his Superman thing flying back him as he goes on the way down. He lands and rolls out of the way at the last second, proving how he might not be stronger, but he is indeed much faster than Ryu. Ken would much rather Bison make holes in the street rather than him. Or even the car. After all, while he might not like repairing his car, he would rather lose a car than lose to a creep like Vega.
Putting his palms together as quickly as he can, he channels the chi between his palms with the intent of hitting Vega with the attack before he can even recover. "Like this... Hadouken!" he yells out as he gathers the blue energy and tosses it out toward the evil evil man with both palms facing Vega as the chi fireballs streaks toward him rather swiftly. Ken is having to put some extra 'umph' into his attacks, but it not only shows he is more skilled than he usually lets on, but also the fact that he is taking Vega as seriously as he can.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Vega with Hadouken.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Ken 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
Now.. where _did_ that pesky fighter go? He's fast - and perhaps too fast for Vega to follow. This is definitely more vexing than he was planning on it being, as his knees drive into the hood of Ken's vehicle. He hears the voice behind him,and rolls, not even bothering to turn - knowing what the word means, knowing that he's going to have to be faster than Ken is to get out of the way. Sadly, he doesn't _quite_ evade. The blast washes along his back, and he growls under his breath. "Not nearly good enough, Masters." he says, spinning on his knees - and instead of running at the man, he seemingly teleports, his figure a blur as his hand comes in a strong strike at the red-shirted man's chest.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ken with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Ken 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Vega
With the fireball smacking into Vega, he'll be slower and therefore Ken can just... Crap, this didn't work out! At least, that is what Ken things as he zigs instead of zags, getting himself blasted back by the powerful palm, hitting the hood of his car again. He lays there for a second. Does he even have a CHANCE against Vega? Again, that comparison runs through his head. If Ryu can take him on, so can Ken. And if Ken wins this... He will be EQUAL to Ryu again, not trapped by his own demons or the barbs that others might throw at him.
Pushing himself up to stand once more, Ken's hair starts to waver in a wind that he is starting to generate. "Not good enough? Listen HERE, you sack of over-rated, over-chinned piece of crap! You might have creepy as hell power that makes Ryu get his butt handed to him and make school girls pee their pants. But I'm not a school girl. I'm NOT Ryu. I am Ken F@*$ing Masters and it's time to give you a SHOWING of how good I am!"
What motivates his words? Fear? Anger? Desperation? Maybe Helplessness? If Vega has his 'Psycho Sense' on, he likely gets hit with a storm of all these emotions, the soul inside burning as strong, if not stronger, than the attack is about to do. After all, it is never wise to force the proud and powerful into a corner.
Charging for Vega head on, he kneels down when he's right next to Vega. Not to bow... But to ready himself for his most powerful move. "Shouryuu...." The air about Ken wavers and bends as if the two were in the middle of the hot Sahara rather than the coastlines of Washington state. "Reppa!!!" And with that, Ken takes off, a pillar of fire bursting where he was, complimenting the powerful uppercut that goes with it.
Let's see what you do with THIS, Vega.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Vega with Shouryuu Reppa.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ken 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Vega
Over-rated? Over-chinned? Peice of Crap?! Lord Vega is no such thing, in any way shape or form! While the man might be a crazy, power-mad dictator, he is in _no_ way 'overrated'. Vega's laugh echoes out as the man prepares for that move, his overconfidence showing as he taunts Ken *bleep* Masters a bit more. "You're nothing compared to Ryu! You're an amat*HNGH!*"
The taunting is cut off by the sudden influx of energy - Ken's spirt and fire battering at him as surely as the man's fist comes hurtling at his oversized chin, the flame of Ken' power engulfing them both. Sadly for Vega, Ken seems immune to his own power, and Vega is not at all. Crashed into , spiraling away to land unceremoniously on the car, against it's windshield - the cracking turning into splintering as safety glass shatters from the impact. Vega looks dazed - and perhaps, finally impressed. "Perhaps.. Perhaps I was wrong." And with that, he gets to his feet, and rushes Ken - at least as far as the hood of the car. As he reaches that end, his own dark energy swirls around him, his body launched directly towards Ken's (probably) triumphant grin, both hands extended and wreathed with all the pain and anger and frustration that he can muster.
That's a lot, by the way.
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Vega's Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ken 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Vega
"MY CAR! ...I mean, CRUD!" Ken exclaims, the first when Vega explodes onto the car and the second when he gets off the car and into action. Ken's grin merely steels itself into a resolved look as he puts up his defense, both arms straining to keep the villain at bay. Man, he's something powerful. Though he is rather weak now, he manages to have the strength to reach out, trying to grab Vega by the shirt when the attack has stopped or at least starting to pass him by before casts him aside. Of course, Ken gives a powerful roundhouse to help Vega on his destination to defeat. Or at least a bit more pain before he breaks Ken like Hugo breaks the scales he uses to measure his weight. Regardless of the result, Ken's reply is given between gasps of air. "...Damn STRAIGHT.... You were.... wrong..."
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Ken's Tsukami Nage.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ken 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Vega
The normal finish to this move that Vega performs is to simply land beyond the person, and turn around to finish them. In this case, Vega lands, only to see the roundhouse coming in. Luckily, Vega seems less tired than Ken does, and his dodge is easily done, head moving just enough to the side to let the man miss. "Heh. Still fighting? Come on.. again, Masters." he says, and then braces himself, holding one hand outstretched.. then curling the fingers. Everyone knows the move. It's the 'Come and get me' move. So.. come and get him.Vega, for his part, is using this chance to restore himself - this fight has taken an amazing amount out of him already.
COMBATSYS: Vega takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Ken 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Vega
Ken looks back for a second as the beads of sweat roll down his flushed face. The car is still there. While there are dents in the hood all over the place and the front windshield is smashed in, the car is on... He could try and escape right now. He's proved himself. He has Vega on the ropes. But then again, Vega would come after him again and again... Maybe even follow him hope with that VTOL. Eliza would be in danger... MEL would be in danger. And after his comment about robbing the cradle, he wouldn't want Vega taking his son. He would KILL HIM if he dared. Knowing that he can't just let Vega get back his steam, Ken just races for Vega, trying to give a simple blow to that oversized chin of his. "Since you asked SO nicely!"
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Ken's Jab Punch!
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Ken 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Vega
For now, Vega knows nothing about the son. He _does_ know about Eliza, however - his staff good enough to tell him about the woman. A angle of leverage that he could have used to instigate this fight - to make it more inevitable than it already was. In any case, Vega is determined to end this - and he will, in some way or shape. Whether it's simply because he's certain that if he didn't _destroy_ Ken, Ryu would not bother coming after him again, or if he thinks that leaving Ken standing is inexusable, it would be hard to say. The Shadaloo man watches the move come in - and grins. It's so familiar, the movement that Ken does - just like his own at the start of the match. And in that second, Vega laughs - and blocks with the _exact_ same move that Ken used on him at the first attack of the fight. ".. Hah!" The ease of the motion gives Vega more spirit, more energy - allowing him to find an untapped well that he wasn't sure he still had. And with it, comes power.
He leans in close towards Ken, close enough so that the whites of Vega's eyes light up the other man's face with their eerie glow. "It's over, Masters. And your little friend will be next." With this, he leaps up, hands on Ken's shoulders - a flip to attempt to land knees first on the man. Unlike his Knee Press from before, this attack is worse - while the psychopower normlly is not there for the attack, it would end with a sharp wrenching that would snap a non-fighter's neck. This is, of course, were it to land.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ken with Knee Press Nightmare.
[ \ < > ////////// ]
Ken 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Vega
Ken tries to dodge out of the way, but he is too slow too late and the blow sends him to the ground. He struggles to his feet, knowing that he can't go like this. BUt there is something else he can do. One LAST ace up his sleeve, even as the darkness creeps in. With one final leap, Ken gives out a powerful cry of "Shinryuu Ken!" as his fist is coated with flames for the rise that takes him five feet in the air before he drops down in a heap, sadly unable to do much else other than lay there. The battle is lost, but that doesn't mean Ken won't try to win until the end.
COMBATSYS: Ken can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Ken's Shinryuu Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-----==|
For Vega, dodging out of the way of a fighter's last attack isn't anything difficult - he's used to those pitiful last gasping spurts of energy, of spirit and strength - and he knows how to crush them by making his movements seem easier than they are. Truth be told, he feels the heat of that passage - that attack having been something he would have been almost completely unable to defend against were it to actually hit.
But he presents a look of strength the entire time, and as Ken collapses, Vega looks dismissively down at him. A good fight - but still, not the one he truly wished for. As Ken still seems awake, he gets the sight of Vega standing over him, the creases of his forhead deepening as he frowns down at the man. ".. Send Ryu this message. He may try and best me - but I will continue to appear in your lives until he deals with me." With that, he reaches down as if preparing to grab Ken - but it's simply to recover his cape by the man's head, replace it on his shoulders.. and stalk off.
Ken tries to get to his feet, but he can only move his hand, which grips the street with enough power that one of his fingernails is almost pulled off as it catches in the street. "You... You are the one that is going to have to worry about ME, you sad excuse for a-" Ken pauses to give a few pitiful coughs on the ground. "-human..." More coughs a little blood. "Being!"
Vega would laugh as he walks off, but well - the broken toy no longer seems to interest him. He's simply willing to step away, and ignore the taunts an insults. After all, words are simply words - and fighting spirit is what truly matters. Time enough for more insults and words later, when Ken is ready again - it proves to be most.. interesting.
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 12:30:29 11/28/2005.