Description: Dan Hibiki doesn't wake up until late in the afternoon and suffers for it when a crazy girl dressed like a witch, and a crazy discolored wrestler decide to cause a ruckus in the Dojo. At the end of the day though, he shows everyone the true meaning of Saikyo.
Saikyo..? Something like that, it totally sounds like a sushi place and the colors used for decoration..? Well it's clearly got to be something that sells food. Therefore Naerose makes a quick turn on her Vespa scooter, crashes, and gets off to heck it out. Mmm.. Empty. Okay, she'll just.. wait and while she's waiting, find a menu.
The witch, carrying a broom might look like a house keeper to the inept, if not for the faact that she is tearing the place up. Pulling up mats, trying to yank down the sign, generally doing the oppposite of house keeping.
"Damnit, this place has to have food somewhere, at least a menu, what gives?!"
Dan Hibiki's Saikyo Dojo. Home of the world's strongest style. The best style, the style that makes all other styles cry when they look at it out of sheer admiration for its violent punches and kicks. Also, in addition to that the home of Dan Hibiki himself, who seems to have slept in quite a bit and is just now coming out of his one bedroom apartment with a mug of coffee. The mug has long sweeping Kanji strokes on it that translate roughly to 'Number one best Fighter -- Dan Hibiki'
His eyebrows raise up quite sharply as he notices the girl who is ransacking the mainroom, "Er..." The non-coffee mug laden hand shoots up to the back of his head and scratches it, before thrusting its index finger forward and saying, "Who? I didn't call for interior decorating, what the hell's going on out here?"
"Swweet! Coffee, I knew I could get service eventually." The witch leaves a witch shaped dust cloud in her wake while rushing over to the coffee brandishing man, apparently assuming that said cup of joe was intended for her. Therefore she goes for the swipe. It's so fast that if he doesn't pull it back it will be like she never took it, except it's empty now.
"I hope you have a free refill policy, because I'm a member of the team Strongest! and I have a appitite to match my umm.. " she pulls out a small pamphlet apperntly hand written to her by her team mates.
"Gutsu.. spirits.. stomach..?" She shrugs, "works for me! I'll have everything on the menu, oh and I have this coupon.." she pulls out a coupon which is actually a flyer for the dojo, if Dan didn't make saif flyer he can probably blame one of his students, or more likely Naerose did it up herself hoping the sushi place would honor it.
Dan Hibiki, groggy from just waking up, looks down at his now empty mug, and then the flyer, before back to his mug, "Men...u?"
Suddenly a burst of inspiration blasts into his head as he grins broadly, "You're here for a comprehensive course of Saikyo Ryuu? Strongest Style?!?"
His back arches towards a wall, as his hands go to his hips, the last drip of coffe splashing out against one of the tatumi mats, "YAHOOOOOIE! A student in the Dojo!"
Suddenly a blink comes to his face, as he eyes Naerose squarely, "You do have the proper health insurance, and a signed waiver if you injure yourself learning, right? Saikyo takes no responsibility for self-inflicted injuries."
Well if for no other reason, that caffiene is sure a pick me up, so Naerose, who is sure she's in for a great meal, maybe on the house, cool, just goes ahead and flashes a big smile ^__________^ and winks,
"Of course I do, I'm a witch, witches always come prepared.. Lawyer Silvester!" She reaches into her hat and pulls out a white bunny. . "Eh.. Silvester! Did you eat my waivers again?!" Apparently. She blushes, shoves the bunny back under her hat and says,
"Well he is a lawyer, so it should be good enough, right?{"
So this is the dojo. Strongest Style, right? Whatever....Vyle's figured out that while he's damn good at wrestling, he needs some more stuff to make him a real force to reckon with. much as his cash flow has been stunted, he can't afford much. So...he got referred to this place. "Feh...don't seem like much," the purple and green menace snorts before he decides to slip in himself. From the sounds inside, he can hear someone talking...though it seems like there's no one actually fighting. What's the deal with that, huh?
Dan looks at the rabbit for a moment, then back at Naerose, "Th--," awestruck and dumbfounded by the girl he shakes his head, "Are you sure you're a fighter? It seems more like you're an escapee from an asylum! Did someone put you up to this? Is there a camera in that purse?"
"Saikyo ryuu is serious business. Are you prepared to dedicate your time to the training needed to achieve its mastery? Are you ready to demonstrate your fighting skills?"
"...Are you crazy?" Dan Hibiki, always one to get right to the point.
"NO, I mean yes, I mean Yes yes, no, I think.." Naerose replies then adjusts her shades before putting her foot down. " Okay, I'm a witch, I'm on the strongest team , called Strongest! with Xiangfei and Shinobu and some chick I never met named Yuri and I'm really really into eating sushi. Silvester is my familiar, don't you know anything.?" Naerose asks, as if this were all obvious, then notices Vyle and adds,
"Err, I think you have another customer. "
Customer? Well, that's only if Vyle actually finds enough here to satisfy him. He's looking to get into all that fancy chi least more than he already knows. After all, if he can pull that stuff out and take it as well, he's going to be a dangerous man. In any case, as he looks about the much more elaborate inside of the Dojo, the spikey-haired wrestler looks back, eying Dan with a frown. "Who's the fruit in the pink robe?" he asks...not that he has much room to criticize about style.
Dan blinks looking from Naerose to Vyle before pointing at Vyle, "Now that guy, That guy knows what it takes to be a fighter. You see, two seconds into the Dojo and he's already picking a fight with the sensei and master of the World's strongest style, and you you're pulling out bunnies!"
Turning to face Vyle, Dan lets out a loud cry of "Y'SHAA!!!!!!" Before following it enthusiastically, "Are you here to train like this clueless girl, or are you also here to confuse DAN HIBIKI, SAIKYO-SENSEI?!"
And while he heard Naeroese mention Xiangfei, he's going to wait a little bit to talk to her about the humongous foreheaded nuisance. First he wants to see if any of these people are legitimite students!
"Ahh.. Mmm." Naerose says, sits down on the spot and starts to rub her jaw thoughtfully. She wasn't trying to pick a fight, but this place was a weird resturant. Just then she gets an idea. Maybe the food IS the building. She reaches down, grabs a mat, picks it up, bites into it.
"Ehh.. This is really salty," she commments then puts it back down.
Vyle just...eyes Dan. He gives him a look that says it all: "What the *@#$& are you on, man?" "...I was looking for someone who could help me, but all I'm seeing is a small time freak show. I'm passing," he snorts, giving a dismissive wave to Dan's boisterousness. He does give Naerose a strange look though as she bites into the mat. "...and here I thought I saw it all already. Turnbuckle chompers have nothing on you people..."
%For once, Dan Hibiki seems to be the normal person in his Dojo, before he shrugs and says, "Well, I'm not sure about her, but I know that if you're looking for training, this is the best place you could come to. In fact, I don't know it seems like you're both here for a reason. Fate has brought you both together, and I think a good way to determine which of you I'll train, would be for you to both spar against each other. I'll train the winner in the arts of Saikyo." He nods soundly.
Then he notices what Naerose is doing, "And the loser will buy lunch for the Dojo, and if they buy lunch for the Dojo. Then I will also train them, because I'm not a harsh sensei. I beleive everyone should know how to use their fists and feet to accentuate their lives!"
"I wonder if you can use your fists and feet to make food, cause I'm totally starving, so like what do I need to do.. waiiit did you say free? cause I love free stuff." Naerose rocks a little and squeels.
Hopping up to her feet she points around and says, "I challenege whomever is going to buy the food to a duel of honor!" She brandishes her broom in a menacing manner and fixes her shades, adjusts her hat and generally makes sure she's looking as HOT as she feels, YOW!
COMBATSYS: Naerose has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Naerose 0/-------/-------|
Giving Dan another look, the luchadore frowns...then finally says, "...if you're doing it, you better be doing it for free, because I'm not paying for this crap if I have to go through all of this," Vyle snaps. He then looks back to Naerose. Sighing, he shakes his head, then finally lurches down, arms hanging down in a strange sort of wrestling stance. "Fine...lets do this," he grumbles. "Just do me a favor and don't try and eat me."
COMBATSYS: Vyle has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vyle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Naerose
Dan assumes a position between the two sparring combatants, and holds his hand in front of them, before sending his hand downward in a quick slice, and signalling the sparring match to begin, "Fight for glory, fight for honor, fight for Saikyo. Remember, one of you is getting free training. The other one is getting training for the cost of a lunch at that Sushi Grill across the street."
Finally The mystery is solved. There's no Sushi in the dojo, but across the street is another story. Oh Dan. You're going to increase your roster of students by one today. Or at least your roster of meals eaten.
Don't eat him..? Naerose ws totally not going to eat him, at least not untill he said that and then she looks at his hair. A thought occurs to her,
"Hey, I've known more than a few punk rockers, some of them use glue for their hair, but i'm suspecting you use sugar, yeah? SWEET!" And she launches herself at Vyle, totally aiming to bite his hair, she's stopped however by an untied shoe lace and has to bend down to get that.
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vyle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Naerose
Vyle just....glares at Naerose. Oh yeah...she's going down. "I'm not even going to bother to answer that," he snaps to the witch. With her hanging back to tie her shoelace, the wrestler finds himself an opening for his own attack. "Aw, poor baby can't tie her shoes?" he taunts. "TOO BAD!" Launching forward, he flips forward, trying to fly over her and grab at her head, hoping to drag her down into a harsh neckbreaker as he straightens out in his fall.
Dan Hibiki leans against one of the walls in his Dojo and just strokes his chin, watching both of the fighter's respective styles and appraising them, mumbling to himself, "Crazy style, and ruthless style. Interesting."
As he thinks no one is looking, he pops into his bedroom for a quick second to refill that coffee mug of his. Coming back out and sipping it with a smile on his face. He just tricked these two into doing his work for him.
COMBATSYS: Naerose fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Vyle with Deep Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Naerose
Maan Vyle was lucky, because a second slower and Naerose lifting herself up like that would of totally kicked him in the crotch so hard that he'd of well nevermind, instead she gets flung, which is better for him then getting kicked in the crotch, but like, way worse for her, right?
"Hey woah woah, what are you doing? WWEEEK!" and she skids across the ground on her bottom.'s good to be bad. And it's good not to get crotched and have to struggle about like a flapping fish, too. Rising up after dropping Naerose with the neckbreaker, the ill one smiles and watches the struggling Naerose. "What's wrong, mind not on the fight?" he asks. "You know that's just inviting people to step all over you!" Rushing forward toward Naerose, he quickly drops down, thrusting his feet forward as he aims a swift, low dropkick at the witch in red.
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Naerose with Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Naerose
Dan sips his coffee and winces a little bit, "Remember, it's just a sparring match now! Don't hurt each other too much. I can't train anyone with broken bones!"
He's sure glad he's not the one fighting, and it shows. In fact, he's glad he can finally enjoy his first cup of coffee for the morning.
And then she gets kicked! This was like.. Totally not what she had in mind for a nice meal. There is a moment where she looks at Vyle, glowering, then adjusts her shades and shakes her head.
"Okay, I get it, you're a homosexual man sseeking identity. . Right well, keep your closet stories out of my way! I mean like.. seriously, vent on someone else.. "
Limit break time, she summons over her head a big icicle and hurls it toward her opponent.
"Sagita Major!" for those watching, this isn't really ice, it's just air, but . . It's all just chi so who can tell the difference!
COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Naerose's Sagita Major.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Naerose
What? Him, homosexual? Bah. Like that accusation's going to phase Vyle. "If you're looking to get me pissed, you're going to have to try a lot harder than that!" he shouts with a nasty little laugh. As the icicle is launched, the wrestler dives, throwing himself over the pointy projectile and toward Naerose. "Peekaboo!" With arm outstretched, he tries to drive right into his opponent with a flying clothesline...not as much power behind it as there could be, but hey, power moves aren't exactly Vyle's forte.
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Vyle's Quick Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Naerose
"I'm not! Really, calm down, er. geeze, what's your deal, you're going to hurt someone like that," Naerose says while deflecting the attack off her broom and extending a hand toward Vyle, maybe she wants to . . give him a hand? Nope, she opens a can of tornado goodness at him instead and says,
"En Criento!"
COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Naerose's End Creation.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Naerose
Xiangfei has arrived.
"Hey, it's a fight right? You fight to win, otherwise, what's the deal?" Vyle says not-so-innocently. He's treating this like any other match he's in. And that bodes very ill for Naerose. Because that usually means he's pulling out all the stops. As the witch ends up launching a tornado toward him, the wrestler again dives, this time to the side to avoid the windy vortex. "How about you witch your way outtat his," he challenges, diving at Naerose with arms outstretched again. This time, he doesn't try and clothesline her. Nope, he's dead set on grabbing her around the head and tucking it under one arm as he twists and falls back. It's a nice twist on the usual DDT...but the Volatile one? He calls it the Dead Spiral.
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Naerose with Dead Spiral.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Naerose
Is Naerose TRYING to get hit? Because she's seriously doing a great job if that is her aim. At any rate this was getting bad for the witch. Really bad. If it kept up like this, she was going to need to like.. Run for it.
"Ehh? I'm only here because I wanted food.." She complains.
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Naerose
The entrance is abrupt.. In fact it's just short of hardcore, when the doors to the Hibiki dojo SLAM open and a mysterious silouette stands in the sunlight.. Clearly, it is a being of great power?? Almost magically the sunlight dies down to reveal the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown, Li Xiangfei, wearing a light red gi with a white t-shirt underneath, "DAN HIBI-" the girl bursts at first, but then blinks, realizing she's walked in on a fight, "... Oh snap."
Vyle snorts. "Well...if you wanted food, why the hell did you come in here? You blind or something?" he snaps. Jeez, just what goes on inside that witch's head? That's what Vyle tries to figure out as he pricks at his mohawk a little, shaking his head as he hangs back.
COMBATSYS: Vyle focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Naerose
"Isn't this a sushi bar..?" Naerose asks, then points at Dan, "Him in pink.." She points at the sign, " A name like Saikyao.. or Skaik Sake? anyway.. and mats that taste like salted pizza that's been left out too long..? This place has to be a sushi bar. .I demand foo! Oh hey Li X, what's up girl, did you come for food too?"
Naerose looks at Vyle a moment, flashes a V sign at him and tries to whack him with her broom once.
COMBATSYS: Vyle counters Heavy Strike from Naerose with Antidote.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Naerose
Tch tch tch. You should know better than to try and attack Vyle with a foreign object. Heels know those kinds of tricks. And they know how to stop them! As the broom comes down, Vyle sneaks beneath it, looping one hand over Naerose's far shoulder, and the other just behind her near leg. Finally, he lifts up, bringing her near horizontal over his shoulder...before he drops to the floor, sitting out and forcing Naerose to do the same as he drives her chin hard into his shoulder. "All you're eating right now is a lot of pain."
Dan Hibiki looks over from his coffee cup and sees Xiangfei, "...Oh for the love of. WHAT? What do you want?" Yeah, those two are 'fighting' fighting for the right to buy Dan lunch. Because they're suckers.
He takes another sip and says, "You come back to feel the full unbridled fury of SAIKYO STYLE? Or what?"
Xiangfei grasps her black belt about her waist, the girl grinning like a maniac, like.. You know, like she was Goku landing on the planet Frieza and about to totally whip butt or something relativly close to that. The important thing though, was that she was -hardcore-.
It's just she wasn't expecting fellow Strongest! member Naerose about, nor free sushi, "Kick his butt, 'Rose!" Xiangfei cheers, before turning to Dan with slightly widened eyes, "Aha, so we meet again, Mr. Hibiki! And yes, I have come to consume the full unbridled fury of Saikyo Style SUSHI, my good man! Where's the grub at?"
"Waiaaiaiaiait, I don't wanna eat pain, I want to eat fish, raw, wrapped in sea weed and rice." She replies to Vyle, then eats more pain.
"Ouch, hehy hey hey hey! Hah, I mean, I meant to test your strength, I'm not realy fighitng here, see LiX? I havn't even hit him, I'm just.. trying to find the food. " She whines a little, crawls over toward Xiangfei and reaches out to her ankle. "There must be food here somewhere..? Right? Some where.. Please.. let there be.. food."
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Naerose
Dan stares at Xiangfei, like she is a maniac, before he shakes his head and says, "There's no food in here, When the hell did you people get the idea that this is a restaurant." He points idly at Naerose, "Her, she's insane, so I won't fault her, but you should know better that this is a Dojo. Martial arts mats, guy in a karate man uniform? DOJO... DOJO..."
He mutters as he finishes his coffee, "I guess we know it's not a brain that makes your forehead so huge."
Vyle just throws his hands up in exasperation. "Good lord. Everyone's insane in this place," he mutters. Looking back at Naerose...then to Xiangfei, then to Dan, the sickeningly-dressed wrestler points a finger at the dojo keeper. "Hey, Fruitcake. I beat her. So how about I beat you instead so my time ain't wasted here?"
Xiangfei continues to grip her belt. In fact, this position is pretty hardcore, she's just going to stay standing like this for a little while, if nobody minds. She doesn't budge when the witch clings to her leg, though she does sweatdrop a little, "Geez, girl, you got a run for your money there, huh?" is whispered, before she speaks boisterously to Dan once more- She doesn't have any beet with Vyla after all, "What, don't you even own a -computer-??" Xiangfei barks, "Don't insult my intelligence just because you don't have access to the internet, I have my proof right here!" she reaches into her gi and pulls out a flyer, printed on computer paper, "It's says so right here! 'Dan Hibikis Dojo and Sushi Shack'!! It says right on the sign right here, right here!! I saw it while surfing ''! Now can you still deny us??"
Dan's eyes go from Xiangfei to Naerose to Vyle, before he shakes his head, "We don't even have any fish, that flyer is a hoax, a fake.. a fraud. Now, I honor my word all the time. So if you'll excuse me Xiangfei, it's time for me to teach somebody a lesson."
Tossing his cup to the ground, he points at Vyle, "You beat your sparring partner, and now she has to buy us lunch, But if you think you can defeat the might of Saikyo with your cocky headstrong attitude, you're about to be in a world of different thinking landscapes. Your circus hair is going to learn what it means to learn Saikyo under the stern hand of world famous DAN HIBIKI."
Hopping forward, he slides naturally into his stance. "Let's do this!"
COMBATSYS: Dan has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/----===|
" No no no no, I'm not getting a run for my money girl, see, I came here expecting you know, a cup of joe and some food and then this guy with candy hair freaks out and attacks me with like.. fish hands, so I try to bite and ught it didn't taste very good.. See? So like I didn't lose a FIGHT hahahahahhaha!" Naerose says, she didn't actually WANT LiX to fight on her behalf, she'd rather pretend she had never fought in the first place.
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes a breather.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/----===|
Vyle snorts at Dan, watching him toss his coffee cup down and point back at the wrestler. "Bah." Slowly, he starts to pull up his shirt, tossing the brightly colored thing away, leaving him barechested...a little more suitable for a pro wrestler. Maybe he's trying to get serious or something? "Oh, so you're world famous? I've never heard of you? And considering these broads think you're some sort of sushi chef, maybe your Dojo ain't all that." Yeah, he's trying to get under Dan's skin and buy some time. But that's how he rolls, ya know?
COMBATSYS: Vyle takes a breather.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/----===|
Xiangfei's draw drops and she turns into a stone statue, you know that statue when someone hits the deepest key on the piano?
Granted she doesn't really turn into stone, but it's a somewhat similar effect, ".......H.. Hoax? B.. But.. But.. the flyer.." she slumps a little, then reels backward as she cries mightily, "Oh internet!! Why have you failed meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!"
".... Sigh." stuffing the flyer away, she lowers her hand for Naerose to accept so she can help the witch up, "Girl, I have no idea what you just said, but that's good news! Aaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha!" luckily for Naerose, by some miracle of a loudly squawking crow, Xiangfei doesn't hear that Naerose has to buy lunch. Lucky indeed, though she can't help but smirk, "Dan is the best at what he does, 'Rose.. You should check out this match. WHo's the other dude?"
Dan goes from boisterousness to an intense calm, that seems to reverberate through the Dojo's walls. His left eyebrow raising sharply before he points at the man a little harder, "Your ignorance is your own misfortune. Are you a serious fighter, who's never heard of Dan Hibiki? It doesn't matter, because the first lesson in Saikyo is enduring pain. To be able to take a beating is the first skill you need."
With that, the Pink Gi'd sensei starts Vyle's training, and leaps into the air, bringing his knee down towards The purple menace, in a sparring capacity, but a serious Hibiki style sparring capacity.
COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Dan's Heavy Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/----===|
As Dan drives forward at him, the luchadore raises his eyebrows. He really did get kind of scary calm there before launching up into the air. Still, it's not enough to surprise Vyle, who simply slips to the side and lets Dan land on that outstretched knee. "Really. You're going to have to hit me before you can do that," he taunts, thumbing at his chest a little. He then snaps forward, trying to drive a swift drop kick into Dan's leg, much like he had done to Naerose before.
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Vyle's Light Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/---====|
As Dan comes down onto that knee, he looks to the side, to see Vyle coming at him with that drop kick. A smile comes to his face, and he lets his leg line up with the pounding feet, getting pushed to the right, and spinning into a sideways roll. Yes sir, Dan Hibiki is using the extra momentum provided by Vyle to put a bit of distance between himself and the 'wrassler'.
When he comes out of this roll, he looks at the distance between himself and Vyle, and brings his left hand back behind his hip, before slicing it upwards quickly.
As it speeds through the air it begins to glow a pretty cyan color, before the word, "GADOUKEN" escapes the sensei's mouth, and a little cyan fireball putt-putts through the air towards Vyle.
"Candy I think is his name, cause he uses hard candy and sugar to get his hair to do that, I thought that maybe he was the meal but.. I dunno." She shrugs a little having been helped up and places her hand on her hips.
"Hey, we should take that sign.." she points to the school sign and continues,
"See, it would probably make a decent table, e cuold use it for our Strongest! team club house."
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Vyle with Gadouken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/=======|
Vyle just...stares at the little piddly thing. "...what the hell is that?" Vyle snaps, looking at the puttering Gadouken as it sails slowly at him. " looks like someone tried to make a firework and screwed up somewhere." Then he tries to reach out for it.
Bad Move. The power condensed in the little fireball sends Vyle back, hand smoking. "GAH! WHAT THE *@#$&* WAS THAT?!" he snaps, shaking his hand out from the pain that contact made. "NGhh...ok, you asked for it, pink-ass." Diving toward Dan, the wrestler quickly tries to wrap his legs around Dan's neck and toss him over with a head scissors throw.
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Medium Throw from Vyle with Kouryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 1/---====/=======|
"Fighting with anger is a way to make stupid mistakes, young one!" Dan says as if he has any sort of authority.
And as Vyle's legs shoot through the air, D. Hibiki's body has disappeared! Well, not actually or factually, but it's corkscrewed to the point where Vyle's legs are sort of dangling in Mid-air, and Dan Hibiki is crouched in just the right point underneath them to unleash Saikyo like whoa.
"KOURYUKEN!" Is shouted, as the corkscrew uncorks, sending a Violent Dragon fist up into Vyle's glutes and thighs, before Dan lands, with a big ass grin on his face. Dan, winning for once. What could possibly go wrong?
...ok, that sucked beyond suck. Slammed up into the air by the mighty Shiny Dragon Fist, Vyle ends up flying to the far side of the Dojo, sliding until his head hits the wall and halts his momentum. "GHHHHnnn." Slow to get up, the wrestler shakes out his head, hissing as he tries to get his vision straight again. "That's it, time to die." Shoving himself off the wall, Vyle charges at the pink one, hoping to tackle him around the waist and bring him down to the ground. Time for the big set up...
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Dan with Outbreaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/------=|
Duck has arrived.
Oh it's time for pain. Having tackled Dan down to the ground, the sick one quickly gets to his feet, pulling up Dan's legs and tucking them under each armpit. Then, with one big leap toward the cieling, the luchadore starts to flip back, hooking his toes on the top of the Saikyo teacher's shoulders and bringing him along for the ride. He makes sure to give the teach a good close up view of his own cieling, slamming him face first into it...before they flip back down and Vyle does the same thing for the floor, wrenching the pink-gi'd fighter's legs back to ad further pain.
As Dan is dragged upwards toward the apex of his Dojo, only one thought runs through his mind, and in between grunts of pain, he murmurs, "Is that fluorescent bulb--OW!!!" Crunch!
Of course, what goes up, must come down, and Dan is no exception to that rule. And of course by this point thoughts aren't running through his head, but blood is running off of his forehead, before he's STUFFED into the warm comforting poly styrene embrace of his matted floor.
At least that's not as hard as the ceiling. But still, those wrenched legs hurt.
Putting his own physical safety on the back burner, his arms muster almost superhuman strength and try to grip onto any available flesh Vyle might have. And wrench the creepy wrestler from his body. Bleeding Dan Saikyo Style.
COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Dan's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/-----==|
"... Candy, huh.. Interesting." Xiangfei replies, though she's only paying a little attention to what her partner is saying; she's pretty much engrossed in the fight, checking out both fighters styles. It won't be too much longer though, because she was all prepared for sushi, and she won't get any! It's making her hungry, ".. Take the sign?" she then murmurs, eyes wide, "... Hmmn.. I dunno, yet somehow I'm compelled to try it.."
"Right, lets go, while they're distracted!" Naerose discretely. . eh not so discretely, siddles over toward where the sign of the dojo is positioned and gestures for Xiangfei to come and get on her shoulders.
"Pisst, come on, while they're distracted loving on each other!" she makes a hand gesture to get Xiangfei over to her so they can start prying the sign off, well, however it is attatched.
The desperate Saikyo-style pull away catches Vyle enough to get him away from Dan...but it's not enough to hurt him TOO Much. Landing a few feet away, Vyle catches himself on his hands, cushioning his fall enough to bring himself to his feet quickly with minimal damage. "Oh, still game from that? Geez, guess I'm gonna have to give it to you good." Jabbing a little at his throat with his fingers, the wrestler waits for Dan to get up, or at least pick his head up from the ground. ONce that's done...he shows just why he's called Vyle. A great mist of disgusting green poison sprays toward Dan from his mouth, the obvious intent behind it to blind and/or poison Dan with a total faceful.
COMBATSYS: Dan slows Venom Breath from Vyle with Premium Sign.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/-----==|
As Dan stands up from the ground, he sees Vyle blowing mist at him, and quirks his eyebrows in quick succession, before pulling out several of his eight by ten glossies and holding them in front of his face. He's seen kung fu movies before! He is a kung fu movie, and knows that people who spit things are probably spitting something that could probably be deadly or at least irritating.
Some of the mist does get through the photographs, causing Dan's face to be Christmas colored. Red from the blood dribbling down the cut in his forehead, and green in a surprisingly mutton chop-esque pattern on the sides of his face.
He looks kind of like Santa Elvis.
And so he prepares his own attack, leaping forward through the air, and sending out three snap roundhouses at the wrassler. "DAN-DAN-KICK!"
Oh, Santa Elvis. What will you do next?
COMBATSYS: Vyle counters Dankuu Kyaku from Dan with Antidote.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/---====|
Xiangfei... sweatdrops. Loving on each other? ".. That is gross," she mumbles, though she goes to follow Naerose.. A blink, and then she raises a hand to her forehead, "You know, there's a huge flaw in this plan," she snaps her fingers, "Better idea, lets get it later tonight, we can get dressed up and we won't be immediete suspects. In fact, we could hold the sign hostage for the sushi we were screwed out of! Pretty killer idea, eh?"
Oh no. That's not gonna fly. Not with vyle. As Dan snaps out the slashing kicks, Vyle backpedals. Once he leans away. Twice he leans away., not thrice. The third time, his arm reaches out around that extended leg, catching it in mid kick. "Oh HELL NO!" he shouts to Dan before he twists over, spinning onto his back. The result? A nice twist of Dan's leg and a long toss to the other side of the dojo floor, of course!
"Wowh, way cool!" Naerose says and gives a thumbs up. "Right, well lets get out of here before anything else happens, I outside, you wanna drive?" The witch asks, still a little tired from all of this fighting stuff, she still insists though, her only reason she did so bad was thanks to being so hungry.
Xiangfei pats Naerose on the shoulder, "It would be my -honor- to drive." she says, doing her best not to sound TOO excited by the prospect. Xiang has fallen in love with Naeroses vespa. And you'd think she could buy her own right, but it just isn't the same! It's gotta be the witches. And that said the chinese girl rushes off, but not before peeking her head back in the dojo, "Kick his butt, Dan!!!" and then poofs.
Naerose poofs too.
Dan does a push-up to get back on his feet, looking at the tatami mat and blinking slightly. He then turns around to face Vyle, before hopping forwards once, then backwards twice, before sending out another of the Cyan Putt-Putters. "GADOUKEN!" He cries. Trying to regain some ground in this fight.
It's a desperate attack, but it's also one of Saikyo's stylish assaults. Certainly it's not as classy as when he just rolls around telling 'Yo mama' jokes. But hey, it's something.
Gadouken incoming. Do what you feel you need you have to.
COMBATSYS: Vyle slows Gadouken from Dan with Venom Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1 Naerose
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Vyle 0/-------/---====|
This time Vyle knows better. Rather than try and touch the puttering fireball, Vyle generates up a little more of that poison from the sac in his throat, spraying it right into the Gadouken's path. While it doesn't stop the blast, when it does hit Vyle, it's not QUITE as bad as it was before, this time only sending Vyle backpedaling on his feet. "Nghh...this is getting old quick..."
COMBATSYS: Naerose has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Dan
Dan smirks as he crosses his arms, and puts his legs astride. Before he launches himself forward, and sends out a weird twisted hook punch that looks just generally weird. It's almost as if Dan Hibiki is spinning his wrist while sending the punch out.
Crazy Dan Hibiki. Hope it does what you want it to.
COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Dan's Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Dan
The punch meets Vyle's arms as he brings them up to intercept the twisting shot. "Nghh..." Smirking at Dan from behind his arms, the wrestler narrows his eyes at the Saikyo 'master'. Time to drop dead, pinky." Throwing his arms out, he tries to grab hold of Dan's own arms, pull it behind his back, then lift. If he can...well, Dan's in store for a big drop forward on his face.
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Dan with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Dan
Dan looks to get out of the way, but is instead only good at getting in the way. He reads Vyle's throw all wrong, and ends up on his face again A far cry from what was happening earlier where he was, like Leonardy Nimoy in in search of Sasquatch: Kickin' out the jams.
But this doesn't stop Dan from getting back to his feet with quickness and sending out a short kick in an attempt to start to retake the high ground.
COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Dan's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Dan
The short kick is jumped over, however, Vyle reading it perfectly. "YOu know, you do a lot better not to call out what kind of attack you're doing!" he lectures as he tries to tackle Dan around the waist again, this time intent on just pummeling the Saikyo master around the face if he grabs him.
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Combo Throw from Vyle with Kouryuu Rekka.
[ < > /////// ]
Vyle 1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0 Dan
Dan however had a bit of a different plan up his sleeve when he threw out the kick that was so light and quick.
It was a fake out. As Vyle lurches forward to start his next attack, Dan's 'Check' attack comes down and his body corkscrews even more tightly than before.
Like Little Mac uppercutting Mike Tyson, Dan lets loose the fury of his Kouryuu Rekka, and in an act of revenge introduces Vile to the Dojo's ceiling as well. "KOURYUUU---------------------REKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Ok, that hurt. But Vyle's not about to go down without a fight. Even as he ends up slamming into the cieling, the wrestler tries to wrap his legs around that outstretched arm and give it a taste of twisting pain much like he did to Dan's legs and back. One good turn, ya know...of course, if he can't do it, there's always a cold nap on the Dojo floor.
COMBATSYS: Vyle has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Dan
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Dan with Outbreaker.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Dan
Dan is struck to the ground in a simliar way as before, and stands up shakily. Pointing his finger at Vyle he says, "You did well. I commend you. I don't think you need training in this Dojo though. There is nothing I could teach you that you don't already know."
He thinks on that for a second and says, "Well, except I don't sense any real bubbling fighter's spirit from you. You certainly can't throw your energy at others. You seem to be just an up close and personal kind of fighter. So you won't be doing anything like...."
"GADOUKEN!" Oh Dan Hibiki. Seriously, what the hell?
COMBATSYS: Dan has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Dan
COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Dan's Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Vyle 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Dan
Vyle snorts at Dan, leaping over the Gadouken this time as it putters his way. It looks like the two still have more in them. "Oh really? That's too bad," he says, twisting in the air in an attempt to moonsault right on top of the Saikyo Master. "Maybe if I felt like it, I would've shown you just what kind of Fighter's Spirit I have!"
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Fierce Punch from Vyle with Kouryuken.
[ < > /// ]
Vyle 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Dan
Dan's signature move sure is being used like a signature today. A signature at Donald Trump's office. He signs the checks like whoa.
So Dan's body corkscrews down one more time, and the Shining Violent fist goes back up towards the wrestler. So "Kouryuken" is shouted. So Dan Hibiki flies through the air with grace.
Hopefully with any luck this means that Vyle will be going down for the count. Saikyo Style. THE STRONGEST!
With any luck, maybe...but Vyle's going to make damn sure he's not going down without a fight. As the Shiny Dragon Fist rises up and tags Vyle, the wrestler's legs wrap about again, this time around Dan's head as the luchadore falls back. No big flipping driver this time...just an attempted fling toward the back wall...
COMBATSYS: Vyle has reached third wind!
[ \\ < > /// ]
Vyle 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Dan
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Dan with Viper's Coil.
[ \\ < > / ]
Vyle 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Dan
Dan Hibiki flung into the wall, is now showing signs of slowing down, but not quite stoping yet.
He gathers himself up from the wall, and walks very determinedly towards Vyle, before looking the wrestler square in the eyes, "You may possibly have the purest spirit I've ever seen, I may take back what I said about not training you. Enduring pain seems to be all that you're built for. Why, with your high threshhold and my Saikyo techniques, you could be the best fighter ever. In the world. If I instruct you, you could possibly attain the GODFIST."
He hmms and crosses his arm before quickly uncrossing them, "Let's see how you handle this!"
A punch flies out, with the word "HISSHOU" Punctuating it.
Whether or not this connects, Dan starts flipping out, throwing punches left and right, and kicks as well, all very impressive, and all extremely quick. It's an all out battle, and Dan Hibiki is the general. Each Kick or punch is punctuated as such.
"KEN!" Dear Vyle, Please Die. Okay, thanks.
Kula has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Vyle with Hisshou Burai Ken.
[ < > / ]
Vyle 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Dan
Oh, dammit all. Why won't he just die? Well, Vyle probably hasn't much room to talk. Still, as he gets punched and kicked and pretty much @*## beaten, the wrestler prepares...he's not going down without giving Dan one last present. Once the final attack smashes into his face, Vyle jabs at his throat again...and with one parting blast, sprays out another cloud of Green...but this time, it's not poison It's a big, chi-fueled ball of sickly green....something. Obviously meant to LOOK like the poison mist. But it's a whole different kind of pain if it hits.
COMBATSYS: Vyle can no longer fight.
[ \ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Dan with True Venom.
[ <
Dan 0/-------/------=|
Dan Hibiki screams out in genuine pain as he flails backwards to the wall of his Dojo. His hands clawing at his face and chest to get what he thinks is the venom off of him. But it's actual Chi, and disguised.
Still he doesn't know that as he flails and screams, trying and failing to climb up the wall of his Dojo with his back muscles.
COMBATSYS: Dan takes no action.
[ \\ <
Dan 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Dan has reached third wind!
[ \\ <
Dan 0/-------/------=|
ANd Vyle...just sorta drops. He's exhausted himself utterly. And nothing's bringing him back to consciousness anytime soon. Damn...maybe if he hadn't been busy fighting with that witch chick...
COMBATSYS: Dan has ended the fight here.
Dan Hibiki finally stops freaking out. And looks down at Vyle, "Now about that Din--" he searches around for both Naerose and Xiangfei with neither of the girl's in sight, and frowns deeply, "Welching on an agreement? I guess I know how well to trust anyone associated with Xiangfei now!"
He sighs deeply, and slumps down the wall, "Guh. And I'm starving now. Too."
Log created by Dan, and last modified on 12:37:43 12/04/2005.