Description: Vega returns to Chinatown - no Bao this time. However, two psycho-powered warriors show up for a battle on the rooftops.
Ahh, Chinatown. An amazing place to go shopping, especially for groceries. This is what has brought Alma Towazu here today: the desire to get creative in his cooking tonight. He's bought all manner of things bizarre by most standards -- ox tongue, fresh carp, hell there are probably some sheep's eyeballs in there -- as a reward to himself for satisfying Mimiru's desires for a good solid fight today. Of course, she beat him fairly, no doubt about that. He'd never claim he let her win. But still, he doesn't doubt for a moment that it was on some level a fluke. Given another opportunity, he'd beat the stuffing out of her, just like the -- what, six times? seven times? -- he has before.
Then again, he might not get another opportunity for a while, will he? She's got other, what was it, Orochi to fight. The thought actually saddens him a little. Her fighting spirit inevitably inspires him. Their fights are always very dramatic... Fei Long would be proud.
Still, Alma has green tea to perk him up right now. Sitting by the sidewalk outside at his favorite Chinatown cafe, shopping bags at his side, the tall blonde youth drinks from his black and maroon porcelain tea cup and surveys the crowd with a calm eye and a mild smile. He's had a big day: an emotional meeting with that Miss Rose plus a fierce fight... now it's time to relax. It's not like anything else can happen; it's almost evening. Finally, he can take a break.
He's a psychic. He knows these things.
Isn't it funny how things work out, in Southtown? Coincidental meetings with people you know almost seem to be the norm, or maybe there's some kind of unconscious 'pull', from fighter to fighter... Or, maybe it's just a Psycho Power thing, in Sie Kensou's case. The Chinese martial artist does of course consider Chinatown his home turf - but he probably wouldn't eat some of that weird stuff Alma bought, even if he /is/ a mainlander. C'mon, eyeballs and tongue? That's disgusting! - which would be what he's doing here. As for what he's doing in a more specific sense, well, he's walking down the street, and he has a plastic bag. With candy in it. What? Shut up! Anyway, yes. He's eating red licorice, specifically, and walking... His path bringing him, generally speaking, by the cafe where Alma sits. He doesn't notice the other psychic, not yet, but Kensou does have a way of standing out a little bit.
Especially when he trips over his own shoelace and falls flat on his face on the sidewalk, with a loud: "YEAAARGH!" Oh, the drama.
Sadly, there's a difference between being a psychic, and 'knowing things' - it takes time, perseverance - and quite possibly, an immense font of power to pull from. Even with the amazing amount of dark energy that Vega has to draw upon, he wouldn't trust himself to predict the future. Instead, he just works to make his own desires a reality - if he can't predict it, he can simply .make. it happen.
This time, the desire is simply put. To find out what's drawn him to this turf, this locale where the young boy Bao was - to find another with the same power? Is it soething about the locale, or perhaps just a simple coincidence? He stays on the rooftops, knelt down to watch the goings on of the people about and around. Of course, Kensou draws more attention than Alma - at least at first. Admittedly, how can one not notice the pratfalling young man? He focuses those eerie white eyes, and waits, to see if this is who he needs to seek. Around him, that perpetual dark psychic aura emenates - broadcasting like a beacon to those who know what to feel for, and who have the psychic abilities to know about it's presence.
Ryu has arrived.
Shoulders quaking with quiet mirth, Alma rises silently and walks over to where Kensou as fallen, leaning over to block what remains of the sunlight, a halo of light surrounding his mildly smiling face and sparkling eyes. "Need a hand, Kensou?" he says, low tones good-naturedly amused as he reaches out said hand in an attempt to help his fellow psychic and occasional opponent off the ground. "That looked rough." He's wearing the shirt he bought at the mall again; hopefully he won't violate the Guy Code of Guyness again by asking if Kensou notices. He's clearly washed it thoroughly. And ironed it, too...
"Looks like you spilled some of your cand--"
Did time stop or was it just Alma?
Being the kind of man who lives to go with the flow, it is rare to see the youth so totally frozen in place. Seconds pass. Then, moving with slow fluidity, as though the air around him had turned to mollasses, slightly widened eyes and slightly slack jaw are raised up, aimed toward the top of a nearby building.
~ Yamazaki again...? No way. Definitely not.
Could it be...? ~
"Hey, Kensou," he whispers. "You... feel that...?"
Nooo! Not his licorice! Kensou's eyes widen as he sees some of his delicious candy ruined, spread out on the sidewalk and lost to the ages. It's... Well, it's enough to make him want to rage at the heavens, you know? But this is hardly the time to go being overdramatic like that. Of course, by the time he's spotted it he's pushed himself back up to a crouch on his knees, and that's when Alma gets all whispery. "Yeah," Kensou replies, getting back to his feet and dusting off his knees. Man! Yes, he actually seems more concerned with having taken that spill than he does with the OMINOUS PRESENCE pressing against his consciousness. "Whoever it is, it sure ain't good news," he says, his own attention turning to that rooftop. How's that for coincidence, Vega? Those two kids are looking in your direction!
Good. He's been noticed. That brings Vega a smile, his teeth and eyes white in the growing dark. With Alma and Kensou in close together, it's much easier to notice that the sensations of that hidden psi power focuses on the pair. Two, in the same locale? Even odder than before. But a boon - more people to perhaps.. lead into a correct use of the power they contain. He moves to stand on the rooftop that he occupies, the heavy cape that he wears flapping in the night's soft wind - dark black cloth seeming to shroud him as effectively as that psi power he weilds does. With an effort, he holds one hand out, towards the pair - he sees them too, acknowledges them as a warrior should. And he taps into his power, giving them a message, projected for their minds only.
'Come to me, show me your power. Or else... I may just wipe this locale from the map.'
At least, that threat worked on Bao - let's see what the other two do with it. To seal it - his hands begin to glow with a black and purple energy, hard to see in the dark - but the sensations it creates are still there. For those of you playing the home game - these are what is commonly known as 'bad feelings'.
Wooh, yeah, those are some bad vibes right there. Ohh yeah. Whew. Hmm.
In fact, the vibes are so strong that Alma is trembling. Fear would make sense -- but all it takes is one look into his eyes to realize that this is not the case. In that bright gaze is iron resolve cloaked in wholesome clarity, steel sheathed in silk. But his heart is open, and he is receptive to ambient energy, and so the energy from above passes through his body and makes him quake with the power. To combat it, he must summon up his own, start his own flow, beat out his own rhythm. And thus, without consciously meaning to, Alma causes his hands to ignite in quietly flickering white-pink flames, his eyes beginning to glow with molten cores.
~ You asked for it, ~ he casts out into the psychic flow. Perhaps his thoughts will be carried to Vega. Perhaps not. He's never managed telepathy before, but then again, he's never been inspired to try. Still, his flaming hands and passion-bright eyes, if nothing else, reveal his intent...
"Hey, Kensou," he murmurs, eeriely calm. "Afraid of dying?"
Honestly? Kensou has probably never felt this much raw Psycho Power before. Not even Athena, for all her psychic prodigy, could match this. Not even Chin, for all his knowledge. Not even Bao, for all his raw psionic force. And what's Kensou got that comes near to matching any of the three of them? He doesn't have Chin's knowledge, or Athena's talent, or Bao's power. The shorter youth's eyes are shadowed, hidden, his features set in a light frown as they're battered upon by Vega's superior psychic force. And there's an unusual feeling inside of Kensou's heart, now; fear. It's not really something he's used to feeling, that sinking, sickly sensation in the pit of his stomach. Not all of the times he's faced people who vastly outstripped his level in a fight, not even the ones who brought obviously malicious intent, has he ever really felt that gripping him. But none of those people are here. None of the other Psycho Soldiers are going to come to his rescue right now; there's just him and Alma, whose Psycho Power strength Kensou has witnessed, and well. "'course I am, I ain't stupid," he says towards Alma, letting out a bit of a chuckle. Is he going to give in? Is he going to beg for mercy?
Ha ha ha, don't be silly. Kensou looks up at the man on the roof, smirking confidently, his normally gentle brown eyes focused and intent, with the briefest flash of blue light. "Let's go kick his ass," the Psycho Soldier tells Alma, starting across the street towards the building on which Vega perches!
He did indeed ask for it, didn't he? Vega can sense those rhythms and flows - that energy that spikes up through Alma and Kensous' frames like beacons, calling out to him. It's far too 'light' for his tastes - but that won't stop him from crushing it, and attempting to push the young men into something much more fitting for a dark, angry warrior like Vega. Luckily, it also makes them easily visible - giving Vega a moment or two to study them in the flaring lights of their own psi power.
He fades back when the pair begin to approach the building that Vega stands upon - he'll await the inevitable there, already making a mental circle in his mind. An invisible rooftop arena - a fitting area to test the young men in - and perhaps, a time to train a new student in the darker side of the arts they already seem to practice. It is, after all.. so much more powerful. All he does as they approach is concentrate - breathing in and out in a slow pattern, tapping into those dark forces that course through his body, drawing them out to just below the surface - letting his hands and eyes flare brightly with angry, raw power.
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
Alma pauses, quiet for a moment, eyes thoughtful. He looked as though he was about to answer right away, but then he apparently has to think about it for a little bit, as though having come across a little revelation just from his natural drive toward honesty. Finally, he glances over to Kensou, expressionless as ever.
"Yeah," he murmurs in response, "me too."
Then he smiles, the purest of gestures.
Walking side by side with Kensou, he reaches the side of the building, and with a flash of his eyes he leaps into the air, finding a jutting brick and kicking off of that as well, grabbing a handhold and impossibly pulling himself yet farther into the air, and then finally making it over the lip of the roof, sinking into a calm crouch. If he's going to get punked, he might as well make a stylish entrance.
~ This is what I live for. ~
He looks toward Vega, and despite his words, his eyes are fearless.
~ Here, on the brink of death, I can feel the fullness of my existence. ~
Flames gathering in his right hand, he steps forward.
~ And for what do I live if not the good? ~
"Surrender!" he shouts, as warning, and casts forward with that hand, emitting a gout of whirling Psycho Power flame at the super-powered dictator. It's on, man. Let's do it. "KUUSEIHA!"
This is, no word of it a lie, exactly what the Psycho Soldiers exist for. Sure, they participate in fighting tournaments for the sake of fame and fortune and just generally to hone their skills against other opponents... Sure, they talk about fighting for 'justice', a nebulous concept if ever there was one. But the real purpose, the whole point behind Chin Gentsai gathering his Psycho Powered proteges, is to teach them to use that power for good purposes, and to stand up against, well, let's face it: People like Vega. Though they probably weren't supposed to try and do it solo, huh? Well, sometimes you just have to deal with the reality in front of you, rather than hoping for something different.
Kensou likewise climbs the building in an impressively, almost superhumanly acrobatic fashion, using it and the building beside it as points to leap off of to get to the roof, alighting not far from the taller young psychic. "Heh... Lemme guess. You're the guy who went after Bao, huh? 'Vega' or whatever?" Kensou cracks his knuckles, and even as Alma launches that gout of fiery Psycho Power, Kensou breaks into a speedy dash towards the leader of Shadaloo, leaping at the last moment and twisting around, swinging his sneaker-clad foot at Vega's head. It's not just a normal kick, of course; his foot is surrounded by Psycho Power, a blue-tinged white energy, that follows the arc of his foot in a streak. "URYAAA--!!"
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Vega with Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/------=|
Admittedly - they're impressive. The way they scale the building with prodigious leaps, an amazing display of physical prowess. The strength of their attacks - fascinating to see, in an abstract sort of way. As they reach the apex of the roof, and launch into their attacks, he grins widely. This is what he was waiting for - this is the power he hoped to see.
Alma's attack is studied as it comes in, the large Shadaloo head reaching out, catching the ball of pinkish white flame in his fingers, the dark energy in his own grip extinguishing it without any effort whatsoever. "Good! More!" he taunts them on, even as Kensou's foot hits true, the solid sneaker smacking switftly against his temple. However, even with all that - Vega doesn't falter, or show any signs of injury. Instead, he just laughs.. Something dark and evil, to be sure, a low cackle of pleasure. "Now - you've shown me what you have - let us compare.." Yes, it's time for the 'My Psi is better than yours' - And Vega does this by simply moving in a blur towards where Kensou will land - a psychopowered hand going for that ankle that DARED to hit him, to attempt to throw and toss the boy towards the edge of the roof.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kensou with Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Even as he's unleashing his projectile attack, Alma is already charging forward, breaking into a full out run and then smoothly transitioning into his relaxed fighting stance a moment before he reaches Vega. Attempting to interrupt the evil psychic's attack on Kensou -- though clearly not reaching in time -- Alma still tries to preoccupy his enemy with a blurring series of attacks, this time manifesting his Psycho Power internally as fading images rather than externally as soulfire.
He punches, and the image punches again. He shifts into a roundhouse kick, and kicks twice, and even as the second image-kick is coming, he's already reversing into a sweeping low kick. He's definitely not fast enough to really get Vega, but the sheer volume of the attacks may allow Alma to get past his opponent's defenses... maybe...
And with him comes the sweet smell of rain.
Of course Kensou dared to kick Vega! Actually, he'd dare all sorts of things, he's just getting started... Though, uh, clearly? So is Vega! The agile young man is clearly not agile enough right now, and he gets quite handily grabbed and tossed, smashing into the edge of the roof hard enough to knock the wind right out of him. Owwww. Coughing and gasping for air, well... He certainly can't deny that Vega is strong. But it's going to take more than that to put Sie Kensou out of the fight. He springs back into action, this time depending more on his physical abilities than his psychic ones as he strikes while, hopefully, Alma has the Psycho Powered monster's full attention: He leaps in a short arc, which is intended to bring him /behind/ Vega, landing on his hands with his arms tucked at the wrists... And from there, he explodes into upward momentum, spinning around to try and deliver his own kicking combination with both feet. "Hyaaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Alma's Autumn Rain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kensou's Ryuu Gakusai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Vega, preoccupied by a rain of physical attacks? Kicks and punches that seemingly move at a blurred speed? Vega fears not these things! As each image flickers, Vega discards it. The first punch he ducks beneath, letting the fist whip harmlessly by his head. The roundhouse kick is avoided, a slap of his hand to the back of the kicking leg to let Alma know he could have simply hurled him away at that point. "Slow. Too SLOW!" he growls angrily, that dark aura he wears flaring up as he hovers up in an impossibly long jump to avoid the footsweep. The rain smell? Most people love positive ions, and their 'after the rain' effects - Vega cares not about these things.
And one might even think that with the distraction of attacks, Vega wouldn't be ready for Kensou's feet. With Vega still in midair from his psychopower asssisted leap, his back is to Kensou. Perfectly positioned for a hard hit. However - Vega isn't that easily attacked, or hurt. He moves swiftly, his hand to the heel that comes in against him, and flipping over the other boy as if he weighed nothing. "Weak! TOO WEAK!" he yells as Kensou moves away from him.
But perhaps - Kensou's lost his interest. At least for now, that is. Vega rushes forwards towards Alma as soon as his heavy boots hit the ground, low and fast as his hand comes around, blazing with that dark enegry, aimed directly for Alma's midsection. "Prove to me you're worth my time, boy!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Alma with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Alma cries out in pain as the Psycho Power-imbued hand strikes him, quick as a flash, and sends him skidding back along the rooftop... and yet, tiles underneath him scuffing with the effort, eyes flashing with exertion, the youth slows himself, and he does not fall. With a shuddering exhalation, arm muscles flexing so powerfully the limbs quiver, Alma stands poised in his ready position, still able to meet Vega's gaze.
"Haa... haa... HAAAAA!"
With a final shout, the pretty psychic ignites entirely, a rosy-hued gold field spreading out around him for a moment, cloaking himself in auric radiance as wind whips his clothes around him and ruffles his hair. The defiant roar awakens yet more fighting spirit within him.
As usual, his fighting spirit is his only hope...
...but can it even conceivably overcome *this* kind of ability?
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Okay, so... That was totally no good. Kensou tucks his limbs in at the apex of his rise, landing on the rooftop on his feet. No, this is really no good. They're pretty much no match at all for Vega, most likely... But it's not like Kensou's ever let /that/ get in the way. He doesn't have the time to even try and intervene in Vega's attack on Alma - even if he could! - but while Alma is gathering his energy Kensou is continuing to try and assail the Shadaloo dictator, running up behind him and trying to jump on Vega's shoulders, to grab the big palooka (well, in comparison to Kensou) by the head and use all that momentum to flip him over. It's... Not the most /refined/ technique, but he's trying! Honest!
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kensou's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Vega's hair and outfit ruffle in the fire that whips around at his body, Alma's energy gathering setting off a response in Vega's own psyche. He starts towards the boy, one step after the other, a deliberate, strong stride. Clutching his fingers into fists, that psifire works further up his arms, towards his shoulders, engulfing his torso as well - leaving his face free, so Alma can see that bright, demonic grin and those eerie white eyes as he's approached.
And then - he's jumped on from behind. The momentum would take a normal man over easily - but Vega, as has been said before, is no normal man. As the flip starts, he brings one hand down, hitting the roof with it and completing the flip - shaking Kensou off of him as the entire flip completes, aiming the candy-munching boy directly at Alma's preparing form. "Bah! You two have shown nothing of interest yet!" he growls as he pushes Kensou all the faster with a burst of his own psycho energy.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Vega's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Alma, to his credit, doesn't balk, even at Flying Kensous. His aura flowing over his entire form to ready himself, he simply reaches out his arms and catches his ally -- the force behind the blow causing the tiles behind his feet to rupture and splinter, as Alma desperately wields his Psycho Power to channel the impact to places other than his own body. He sinks onto his haunches, but he does not fall back.
Then, setting Kensou on his feet to the side with surprising gentleness, Alma turns back to Vega, and his eyes turn to fields of shining white-pink. "UUURRYAHHH!" Alma screams out his battle cry to the heavens and charges forth, blurring with his speed, tendrils of purplish flame trailing behind him as, fists igniting, he begins a series of blazing punches and kicks, just cutting loose entirely in a vicious combination attack far faster than anything he's attempted thus far.
Hey, hey! That is totally not cool! Kensou is pretty surprised as he gets hucked like that - he'd thought his attack was going off pretty well - and he still looks pretty bewildered when he's set on his feet. Most people might, well, decide to sit down a spell after that... And Kensou would be lying if he claimed he wasn't tempted. But this is hardly the time for that, right? Right. Letting out a slow, deep breath, the Psycho Soldier reaches behind his back and produces, seemingly from nowhere, a piping-hot bun. Is it time already for that, Kensou? No, not yet! Because actually, he tosses the bun right at Vega's face, as hard as he can. And if it hits, Vega's going to learn something: That's a pizza bun, not a meatbun. Hope you like boiling hot cheese and tomato sauce, big fella!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Vega with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Vega with Sacred Rekka Revelation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
And, again - there's a common theme in this world. That being - 'If you don't immedeately die to the bad guy, they will start making mistakes' - Vega's quite used to this, and he's trying to get better. However, when he's faced with the joys of a .. pizza bun.. He tries to swat it away. Sadly, he's overjudged his own strength, and as he hits the pizza pastry pocket, it explodes in a gooey mess of cheese and hot sauce. Vega's face gets the brunt of it, one hand going up to block, his eyes and cheeks getting splattered in red and yellow. "NGH!" This, sadly - leaves him completely open for Alma's attacks. Each hit moves the Shadaloo man back an inch, giving up ground only unwillingly. He growls under his breath as he's pushed, and then wipes the cheese, sauce, and the hints of blood at his mouth away. "Pathetic little weaklings. Tricks will not help you."
As he growls this, that dark aura swells - intense enegy whipping around him, scattering the small pebbles on the asphalt of the roof in a swirl of psycho power.
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Is Alma finished?
Heck *no* he ain't finished!
His own aura manifesting as a golden shield, simply due to being in such close proximity to Vega's own gathering power, Alma finishes his combo of punches with a fierce flaming uppercut -- maybe causing Vega to flinch slightly if Alma is lucky -- but he just keeps on moving. One of the main rules of Hiten-ryu is that you should fight as though your attacks and defenses are one long combination, and Alma, with his flowing and natural style, follows this to a tee. Twisting on his feet, he turns just to gather momentum, and with another roar of sheer fury--
--he blurs into a crouch and punches the roof.
Guess what happens? A geyser of white-pink sparkling Psycho Power emerges underneath Vega's feet -- or at least, where Vega's feet are at the moment. But who knows? It's all part of one chain of attacks. Will Alma's luck hold out?
Yeah, that's more like it! One of the earliest and most important lessons that his teacher, mentor and adopted father figure, Chin Gentsai imparted on a young Kensou was simply this; fighting fair is all well and good, but if you have to fight dirty, do it without regrets. Sure, he probably didn't say it in so many words... And maybe he didn't even teach it /intentionally/... But what else are you going to learn from a guy whose preferred combat style is Drunken Boxing? Kensou feels no sympathy for Vega's facefull of pizza bun, nor for the pummelling he's taking from Alma; instead, he fully intends to add to it. His hands come up in front of his face, and for a moment his own Psycho Power gathers, before those hands are swept out with a cry of: "Choukyuudan!" And a sphere of blue-white psychic energy forms in the air, hurtling towards Vega, bright and pure Psycho Power to strive against the dictator's dark and oppressive. Sure, it's probably not much in comparison... But at least it isn't pink?
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Kensou's Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Vega negates Two Heavens Harmony from Alma with Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Later, when asked 'Where did things go wrong, Lord Vega' by one of his subordiantes.. Probably Sagat, the man always does do that kinda questioning to him.. He'll reply 'Things did not go wrong. This was a test of the pair. To find out what they can do with the energy that they use.' And in this case, he's getting that chance to do so. He gets to see Alma reaching down for the ground, that first burst of psychopower from the youth beginning to well up beneath him. He sees the bright beach-ball sized batch of blue energy washing towards him as well - and he attempts to deal with both attacks at the same time.
Both hands held out, both begin to glow with energy. The hand pointed down throws a blast of dark power into the upwelling blast, the energy climbing as high as his ankles before being shut down, blasted flat against the surface of the roof. The ball that rockets towards him from Kensou is deflected by his glowing fist, the blazing light burning his hand - but otherwise, leaving him unaffected. He steadies himself, and then displays his power again, speaking into their minds directly - no need for them to hear if his voice is out of breath or anything of the sort.
'Again. Show me your power, not this pitiful impression of strength that you both play at.'
Alma manages to barely escape being hit by the spray of his own deflected power by back-handspringing away almost immediately after releasing his geyser of Psycho Power, flipping once before landing in a graceful crouch, eyes still clear though noticably less bright. Unlike Vega, he has no compunction about breathing heavily, and he proceeds to do so for a few seconds. Releasing that much power all at once is bound to fatigue him. He's never performed that combination before...
Hmph, so he wants power? He'll get power! "AASHHAAAA!" Alma shouts this time, as he clenches his fists and opens his heart to the remaining ambient spiritual energy, letting it surge through his body, serving as a vessel for the power of the universe's flow and making that power is own as he continues to inspire himself, and rekindle his fighting spirit.
He's got to stay in top form if he's to have any hope of victory.
Gotta get back in gear....
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
And really, Alma's not the only one breathing heavily. Kensou's getting worn down too - he's been attacking /constantly/, after all - but his heavy breath is drawn through clenched teeth. It seems, though, that he like Alma is entirely willing to oblige Vega's request to demonstrate his power; settling into a wide-legged stance, Kensou spreads his hands, and tiny blue motes of Psycho Power, like little fireflies, begin to wink into existence in the air around him. They fly about furiously, faster and faster, merging together and becoming larger and brighter, the blue tinged with white, as they get closer to Kensou himself. "You sure you wanna see our power?" he says, with more of his unfounded confidence, hair and clothes shifting in a breeze that only he can feel...
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/---====/=======|
Most people wouldn't reach into the surging bolts of light that prove to be the impending formation of an attack. Vega, however - is not most people, as has been evinced thus far. When Alma and Kensou both settle back on their haunches and look up to the sky, their respective energies flowing about them - Vega laughs. It's almost hysterical, certianly megalomaniacal.. And definitely disturbed. For the first time in the fight, he seems truly happy as he launches himself directly for Alma.
That 'open heart' seems like a good target to attack, another psi-wrapped hand moving in a quick strike directly for the center of the boy's chest. Hopefully, the impact will hurt - but the effect of hitting a boy trying to draw on psi around him with EVIL DARK ICKY PSI will have lingering aftereffects.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Alma with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/---====/=======|
Alma's reaction is noticable in that there isn't one. Not that he would be fast enough to block Vega's attack if he tried. But he doesn't. He just keeps on drawing in all that power, accepting everything around him as fuel for his own pure passion--
--and thus he must accept Vega's hand in his chest.
And more than that...
Alma's eyes flash dark, and his head snaps back, emitting only a strangled gasp as the far more powerful psion's energy floods his body, surging through him, aiming to tear apart his psyche and collapse his so fervently fueled fighting spirit for good. The essence of evil, so foreign to this youth's body, attacks him from within. Vega's hand sends all this blasting into Alma--
--and Alma grabs that arm, and refuses to let it go.
He looks up, and those eyes of his, overwhelmed black-purple a second before, suddenly flash white-pink all over again. He bears his teeth in a fierce grin, and even as weakness and fatigue show clearly on his features, his aura becomes palpable with gathering power once again. This manuever has cost the youth greatly, and after the fight, after the passion and adrenaline fade, he will come to regret the lasting psychic pain. But for now-- for this moment-- just for an instant--
He has accepted Vega's power, and made it his own.
"KEEENSOUUUU!" he screams to his ally, as he unleashes all the Psycho Power he has, all the same vivid white-pink color, with tidal force, the raw assault of battle aura artlessly battering at the dictator's formidable ego. He clings to that arm, and tries to hold the man in--
~ THIS is my power! ~
The energy gathering around Kensou vanishes from visible sight with a bit of a ripple in the air, the power fully combined with his own. He lets out a deep breath, reopening his eyes focused on Vega. You want to go attack the 'weakest link', crazy dictator man? Well, it's not like Kensou can really stop him... But maybe he can prove that Vega shouldn't treat them so flippantly, so dismissively.
Kensou starts dashing across the roof towards the clash between Alma and Vega, the colliding auras of Psycho Power, starting to force all of his own energy into his right arm, ready and waiting to be unleashed. It's almost more than he can bear, his arm quivering as he crosses the roof quickly, focused and intent. He's not far away from Vega and Alma when he strikes, doing his best to calculate his attack so that it doesn't, well, strike the both of them; his right arm extends fully, palm open towards Vega, while his left hand braces against his right shoulder, and for the briefest of moments, Kensou's eyes gleam with a blue light... And then he unleashes all of that gathered power in one singular, massive blast.
It's a spherical explosion of Psycho Power, pure white light erupting into the air in front of him and ideally centered right on Vega, the power of it pushing back on everything around it, Kensou included. And whatever happens, when he finally loses control of the energy sphere, it pops like a balloon, sending Kensou back to the other side of the roof where he started!
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Vega with The One Strike.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|
Mr.Big has arrived.
Vega's eyes open wide as he feels that power sink into Alma's frame. Normally, that kind of expendeture would kill most men - but for Alma, the youth seems to soak it up like a sponge. It's a scary thing to watch your energy being drawn out - and then forcefully redirected into your own body. It shakes him, and actually drives Vega down to one foot. This, in it's own way, a good thing. For even though he's taken the full brunt of Alma's hit - the Shadaloo warrior's faltering step means that the ball of energy that erupts from Kensou's hand misses him. It's not by much - the heat of it's passage making Vega realize just how formidable that the youth is.
And sadly - that makes him a target. Vega spins on his knee, and seemingly leaves Alma and his brilliant power strike alone - instead, he moves in a blur, up to vertical, two steps - and then he stretches his arms out in front of him, and leaps at Kensou - showing off his own energy - thick flaring strands of purple energy flowing around him as he blasts towards Kensou, Superman style. "Not good enough!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kensou with Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/---====/=======|
Oh, yay. Alma's going to be left alone for a while. This is a good thing, because it gives him a few seconds to stagger around in a semi-comatose state. I mean, for goodness sake, he just soaked up *Vega's* Psycho Power. Do you think that was easy? Do you!? Clearly, it had just the effect Alma intended -- pretty wily ain't he -- but even planning for this sort of pain doesn't make it any easier to endure.
But then Kensou is in trouble.
"NO! Nnnrgahhh--!" Somehow snapping out of his daze through sheer resolve, the young fighting model shakes his head wildly to clear it and then charges forward, stagger-lunging suddenly into a forward leap and lashing out with a quick flying kick, aiming to hit the dictator in the back of the head once that incredible attack is finished.
Because it looks like there's no hope of stopping it...
Even though it misses, Kensou's blast still eventually rages out of control and smashes him into the lip of the other side of the roof, knocking the wind right out of the young psion... Which is about when Vega comes flying his way. Oh /crap/. Kensou tries - valiantly, even - to get out of the way of Vega's attack, but it doesn't really work out how he saw it in his head. Instead, the Psycho Soldier gets goot and Psycho Crushered, the blast actually knocking him off the roof. Uh... Whoops?
Except actually, he's clinging to the window of the topmost floor, trying /really hard/ to not fall, because that would probably hurt a lot. Not that what Vega did didn't hurt /a whole hell of a lot/, but, you know. "D-dammit..." Even with his tangible increase in power, Kensou still can't seem to catch a break. Even though he was able to best his own teacher, he gets swatted aside so easily, his most powerful technique avoided by the Shadaloo dictator. Truth be told? It kind of hurts his feelings. Thin arms straining, Kensou pulls himself up, getting his footing on the windowsill and then leaping up... And /over/ the edge of the roof, towards Vega again. This time? Both hands are extended towards the big guy, as he tries once again to catch the megalomaniacal psychic with that burning sphere of white light. "EAT THIS!!" Hi, Vega!
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Alma's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/----===|
Mr. Big nods.
This was supposed to be a test. Easy, in fact. In this case, however - it is proving to be most annoying and stressful. He's supposed to .win. these, not feel as if he's teetering on the edge of defeat. And this starts to drive him more insane with anger. As he lands from the other side of his Crusher, he stands up straight. As the kick comes up, he swings his forearm indifferently behind him, catching the kick on one meaty arm. He grunts at the impact, a half-step towards the edge - directly into the path of the brilliant ball of light. This one, he doesn't attempt to evade - instead, he simply brings his other arm up, repelling the ball with the psi from his fingers, the burning of Kensou's spirit like a hot spike drug up his arm.
He steps back just a bit, and then stands up taller, taking a deep breath to refocus himself, to get that fog of exhaustion from his systems, and revitalize himself. ".. When.. ever you are both ready.. I will destroy you."
[OOC] Mr. Big says, "Err@!"
COMBATSYS: Vega takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/----===|
[OOC] Mr. Big's ghostly visage forms in the clouds above the battle and nods sagely.
"I've been ready," Alma replies, still grinning, and totally running on empty at this point. He'd try to recover too, except that if he stops moving, he'll probably just collapse instead. Critical follow-up strike aside, maybe that power-accepting thing really *was* a bad idea. But whatever the case, the young Hiten-ryu fighter has to keep his momentum up, and so he continues to charge, stagger-stepping and igniting his right foot with more instinct than actual remaining Psycho Power as he lunges and leaps into the air. With a flicker of white flame and the cascading sparks of a falling star, Alma lashes out with another, more powerful kick:
This time, when the Senki Hakkei bursts, Kensou goes /up/. Pretty much straight up, too, flipping around at the height of it, landing hard on his feet a short distance away. His breathing is ragged and heavy, his right hand trembling slightly from having all that power forced through it twice in such a short period of time - even if he used both hands for the second - but he's definitely not done yet, battered as he is. "Let's see you try it!" Kensou calls out, dashing towards Vega and, in an act of synchronicity, leaping into the air to try and kick Vega right in the head at the same time as Alma's own jump-kick, his foot limned again in blue-tinged white Psycho Power. "Uryaaaa-!" No, he /doesn't/ shout out his attack names. Sorry.
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Kensou's Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Alma's Engeki Shooter!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Vega
[ \\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
"You've never been ready, boy. Let me prove it." As Alma comes in, Vega's eyes burst into light. Here's a trick that Alma may not have seen before - and he may never see again - But Vega _takes back_ that power that he infused the boy (unwillingly) with before. Pulling the 'psychopower' out of the kick leaves it a simple attack - one that is easily knocked to the side. But.. we'll come back to that.
Kensou's own leaping attack is addressed in turn - the attacks actually coming in extrodinarily close together, giving him little time to attempt the same to Kensou - instead simply letting him throw his own leg high, sweeping his metal-shod shin up uin a wide arc to deflect the brunt of that attack.
With his body tilted this way - Vega's got his hands close to the roof - and near that foot of Alma's that just came down. He latches his hand around the limb, and attempts to lift him up, and over. Oh, he won't throw him, no - he'll just try to slam him into the roof, face-first. "It's OVER!"
COMBATSYS: Alma fails to interrupt Psycho Fall from Vega with Random Weapon EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Alma can only stare at his opponent, appalled and utterly flumoxed, as he feels the last of his power being siphoned away, and he already knows it's all over. There's absolutely no way he's getting away from this. In the split-second available to him while Kensou's attack is deflected, the tall youth manages a weak but brave little smile at his ally and fellow psychic--
--and oddly, as he is taken hold of for the final blow, he has a strange urge to hit Vega with a big rock, or, or something. But the feeling passes... as does everything else.
Finally beaten into unconsciousness, Alma lies limp. His face remains oddly serene...
Admittedly, right now? Kensou does not have a whole lot left. His breathing is more ragged than before after his attack is blocked, leaving him even more tired than before from the expenditure of that extra power. And yet Vega... Vega goes after Alma, finally defeating the less experienced psion with that brutal slam into the rooftop. Kensou rests his hands on his thighs, watching Vega, waiting for his opening... And then he goes for it. He runs towards the Shadaloo dictator, all or nothing, putting one sneakered foot on the big man's thigh to push himself up... His intent? To slam his foot into the back of Vega's head, ideally knocking him down. "Hyaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kensou's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Having not let go of Alma yet, Vega is turning cruel. With only one opponent - he's more than willing to 'play' and taunt the other person he faces. He stands still as Kensou leaps upwards, letting him set up for the back kick - but instead of being there for it, he tosses Alma's half-fallen body in the way. Maybe he'll be lucky and the poor boy will get hit by the kick. "You both are pathetic, boy - The child Bao was so much more worthwhile.. You're too set in your ways.."
Vega moves again, a blur as he dodges down to a crouched position, then flips up head over heels, giant boots coming down in a wide arc towards where Kensou will land. ".. You should have given up long ago..!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kensou with Somersault Skull Diver.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Vega 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Maybe Vega's right, and Kensou IS too 'set in his ways'. And being compared to Bao like that, well. Anyway, the short of is it that Kensou attempts to roll out of the way of Vega's leaping stomp, but he doesn't so much manage it. Instead, Kensou gets soundly landed on, which produces some very pained-sounding noises. Yep... He's pretty much out. The damage is just too much for Kensou to keep fighting much longer, but surely he's got enough in him for one last long shot. "Personally," he coughs out, "I ain't much interested in what you find 'worthwhile', freakshow." That's right, defiant to the end. Why? Because he's a good guy. It's in the union rules, look it up. Anyway, he rolls away from the site of his getting landed on so roughly, and... Oh, hey, look at that. Some scrap pipe! He picks it up, and gets to his feet with an agonising slowness... And then he runs towards Vega with all the speed he has left, swinging that length of pipe as hard as he possibly can. "But I can still improvise a little!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kensou's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-======|
Good Guys. Always with the defiance and frustration and the 'I'll win, I'll never give up!' Vega hates those. The ones that he can break are all the better. But in this case - he offers some honor. As the weapon comes in, Vega sidesteps. But.. he doesn't attack further, letting the youth fall to the roof. Taking stock of his own injuries, he nods. A fight - a good one. "This is the day where Lord Vega shows his gracious side. A good fight, the both of you - a day of reckoning will come.. But not today." With that, he starts towards the edge of the roof - and simply steps off, landing on the street below, and making his way towards the outskirts of town - towards the jet, and back to the base.
COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 11:50:31 11/27/2005.