Description: Don't let the title fool you: this fight went down fair and square. But still, even so... come on, Mimiru. Feminine wiles are Alma's *weak point*, you can't do *that* to him, what did you expect? What results from this debacle is one of the coolest and most dramatic fights ever, and one that you simply cannot miss. But in summary: First Boss Defeated! Level Up!
"Arf! ARF!"
"...Max? What is it, boy...?"
The mall security officer finds himself halting mid-lecture to stare wide-eyed at the tall youth before him. Telling off a teenager is all well and good, but when said teenager stoops to place his fingertips on an unconscious girl's forehead and starts emitting waves of purple-pink light all over her, it's hard to know what to think. Thus silence reigns until the tall young man rises to his full height and looks at the security guard with a calm, almost serene smile. "I've just sped up her natural healing processes," he says, low tones carrying easily. "At this point she's already basically fully healed, but I believe now she should revive soon."
"I know you," the security guard finally says. "You're that fighting kid in those commercials! Alma what's-your-face! My daughter has posters of you on her wall."
"Alma Towazu," the youth says, lowering his head modestly in greeting, before his smile turns sunny. "And it's always a pleasure to meet a parent of a fan. Your daughter is how old?"
"She'll be twelve come December!"
To his credit, Alma's smile does not change, but admittedly, his eyes do dim slightly, making him look a little bit less enthusiastic. "...naturally..." he murmurs under his breath, before turning back to Mimiru. "Imouto-san?" he murmurs, for the nth time. No wonder the security guard thinks she's his sister. "Are you reviving yet...?" But feeling an aura growing anxious behind him, he turns, concerned, and sees the security guard looking a bit unsure.
"Uh... say, Mr. Towazu... do you think I could... get your autograph?"
This canine is special. It's extremely intelligent. So intelligent that it actually got a new pair of shoes for Mimiru. Of course, they aren't quite her old shoes but at least it'll do for the time being. Where did he find them? Questionable. Then again, it's about the same thing on how Max actually brought Alma out here as well. Was it on purpose? Hard to know. Though the security guard figured that the shoes were hers and so, Mimiru's feet are not only sock clad, but they are also shoes clad now.
That little glimmer that touches her head actually causes the girl to squirm and groan a bit in her dazed state. Alma's right for one thing -- she'll soon wake up. Slowly but surely, Mimiru's eyes open up with the help of Alma's soft murmur that keeps echoing and calling out for her. Imouto-san. When she opens her eyes, slowly but surely, Mimiru blinks a couple of time and her first reaction actually blushing a little. Thankfully, when she wakes up Alma is not facing her so Mimiru can actually feint that she's still unconscious.
Of course her strategy doesn't fail to Max, and the canine actually barks a couple of time. In her current position, Mimiru has to use everything to her advantage to actually try to win up this one. Use strenght and power? She's not certain... No, she must fight them with something greater! She has to. That's what that Guardian tried to make her believe... Or at least that's what she dreamt about. Yes... To overcome them, she might need more than strenght alone. Come on Mimiru, think... Think...
Use their weakness... Yes... Try something at least... Mimiru squirms a little and she groans a bit under her breath, frowning and twitching about over the bench she has been lied upon, faking some uneasiness as if she was having a real bad dream.
The security guard appeased with an autograph, Alma can now turn his full attention to Mimiru, and he looks quite pleased to see that she's starting to recover. "Imouto-san!" he says warmly, approaching the bench once again, the tall youth lowering his head to look at her. "You're back with us." Though his eyes are heavy-lidded and his expression is its usual mild friendliness, his gaze does reveal a genuine pleasure at happening upon her here. Make what you will out of it, but Alma really is the kind of guy that gets a big kick out of being able to help others. Especially his, well, his friends. It's kinda weird to think about it, but he and Mimiru are friends, aren't they?
"What happened, Mimiru? Did you fight somebody?"
Sneaky-sneaky. Mimiru truly is evil. In her own little way. With Alma now paying attention to her, she uses this opportunity to actually try to lure him right where she wants. The girl still keeps her eyes semi-closed and she plays her own little acting. Her whimpering doesn't die down and it merely causes her canine to whine a little.
Mimiru whimpres and she grunts a bit. Her lips move and she tries to say something, though it appears to be quite faint, as if she barely can manage to say anything above a whisper. She coughs and chokes a bit, continuing on whispering a few feint words that are probably unheard unless Alma actually happens to be close enough.
Despite himself, it's Alma's turn to blush slightly, self-consciously, and he glances around to make sure there's no one watching to see his cheeks color. He shouldn't be getting his face so close to a moaning, whimpering girl -- who he's already had in his bed no less -- but he can't stop himself. What if she needs his help?
Patting Max's head quietly to calm him down, the tall youth masters himself and leans in. "Did you say something, imouto-san...?"
Closer... Closer... Yes that's it. Closer and closer to her goal! That is good, yes, lean closer. Mimiru coughs a few times and she bites her lips, whispering those faint words to Alma's ears, "I... I finally... Understand now..." Mimiru says. She shivers a little, mostly as she already has that plan elaborated in her mind and she has to find the courage to actually pull it off.
She keeps on whispering softly to Alma's ears, "The Orochi are darkness... Abanboned by God, manipulated by war, betrayed by dreams, hurt by failure, stranger to pity..." Mimiru lets her words trail off, Alma perhaps being close enough to actually hear the girl panting as well as feel her warm breath.
"In the last few rhymes of the poem... I've found it... The way to defeat the Orochis... And the one that is about you, too..." Mimiru says with a slow nod of her head. "Come closer... I... I'll tell you the secret... The last rhymes..." He says.
Alright. Believe it or not: Alma almost always knows what he's doing. Maybe not consciously, maybe not in the same way that everyone else 'knows', but he does. And this means that even though his mid-battle eloquence and inspirational mien are all perfectly natural and flow uninhibited and unenhanced by his everyday ego, he knows what showmanship is. In a word, he's a good actor. Just witness his deadpan humor.
If you keep this in mind, it will better explain his initial reaction.
Alma rolls his eyes.
It's not a mean gesture so much as a long-suffering one. He just casts his gaze heavenward for a moment -- he has no desire to be rude, but, I mean, *really*, does she think he's *dumb* or something? There's no need for her to be acting all weak; he can sense people's strength anyway. But whatever deadpan comment he might be prepared to toss out now, if any, is cut short by the poem's verses. His expression softens, growing slightly slack almost, and his eyes appear almost vacant for a moment, as though he's drawn inside himself to give himself time to think. Something has struck him; something he wasn't expecting.
The moment passes.
Turning his head to look at Mimiru for a moment, the youth can't help biting his lip, though it's hard to tell whether at the weirdness of the whole thing or at the fact that he can feel her breath tickling his face. Knowing Alma, probably the latter. Still, amiable as his demeanor remains, there is something slightly more... serious about his eyes. "The last rhymes?"
He leans in again, closer, accepting his fate.
"Yes... The Orochi have given up hope in humanity. In order to overcome them and defeat them... To weaken them enough to defeat them, I must give them a reason why humanity is woth being saved. Those last rhymes... They talk about you..." Mimiru whispers to Alma. Or do they? Are they simply an evil scheme for Mimiru to actually get the upper hand against Alma!? Who knows!
Mimiru leans over a little and she says, "Those last rhymes... I will keep a secret to actually let you wondering what it is that caracterises you... And let the curiousity eat you from within..." Mimiru says, her lips curling into a wide grin. "But Alma... I'll give you one good reason why humanity is still good..."
And alas, Alma is caught in Mimiru's folds! The girl has carefully weaven her webs around the super model and she has caught him straight into her trap. With one hand sneaking up over Alma's head she presses the top model down closer to her and she actually leans over to press her thin lips against his, forcing a kiss against Alma. The girl's cheeks turn a faint hue of red as she actually locks in that kiss with Alma, closing her eyes as she just stays like this...
At least, until Max actually interfers by growling and leaping him. It barks a few times and actually attempts to pounce Alma. Sort of. Getting behind him to push him off from Mimiru and stop that kiss. That's one protective dog! If he actually fights the dog's pounce he might just end up being... More or less 'mounted' by the large canine but Alma's not tough enough to support a dog's pounce like that, no?
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Mimiru's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
"The Orochi?" murmurs Alma, blinking. "Wait, you mean that old legend, right? About the eight-headed dragon? I think I heard about it once..." Then he smiles slightly, eyes warming with affection; Mimiru sure is imaginative. But where did she get those verses? They were chilling. "That sounds like a noble goal, imouto-san, but--"
He blinks again, his usual mild reaction to a surprise, when she mentions him. As she continues, his expression shifts, until by the time she's finished, he's ended up with an amusing wide-eyed semi-frown, brow raised, looking totally bewildered. "Eh?" is all he can say to her bizarre remarks. "Did you get hit on the head?" Alma sounds mildly concerned. "Do you want me to take you home again? I can--"
Much later, looking back on this moment, he realizes that this would've been a good time to start pulling away. When she gets that grin on her face, nothing good is going to happen, and you want to be as far away as possible. But... he expected her to hit him. He was willing to take the shot, you know? Obviously she was trying to ambush him, and he didn't have a problem with that; it'd hurt for sure, but she could use the edge, and he could use the extra challenge. She has to win eventually, anyway. When she wrapped her arms around him, he thought it was... a grapple... or something. He didn't expect her to start leaning in, face closing in on his own.
Some psychic *he* is.
~ Is... is this right? ~
Then her thin lips are pressing up against his full ones, Alma only able to make a muffled "Mrph!?" followed by a quieter "Mrph..." as the younger girl artlessly caresses him, and instinctively, unthinkingly, he relaxes into her grasp, eyes half-closing for a brief moment. Only a second or two passes, but to an onlooker, of which there are hopefully none, it might seem to go on for much longer.
And then he's rearing back, gasping for breath and straining to get away, arms braced against the bench, cheeks flushing.
~ The hell it's right! God DAMN! ~
"Mimiru!" he manages, eyes wide. It's incredible that his expression *still* seems somehow mild -- maybe he's more flattered than appalled? -- but he still definitely looks shocked. "What's gotten into you? I--" And then a furious and enormous dog hits him from behind, barking loudly in his ear as it sends him sprawling onto the bench, his head hitting the rim with a painful thunk before he rolls off dazedly, Max starting to gnaw on his arm. "Ah! Shi-- gerroff, Max, I wasn't-- aagh!" Finally bringing his superior strength to bear and shoving off the canine, Alma rears to his feet and glares at Mimiru.
He's confused and irritated and in pain and maybe a bit betrayed--
--hell, he's *pissed off*.
Psycho Power starts to surge around him, and a single moment stands frozen in time, Alma with his eyes gleaming, lips set almost into a snarl of effort, before a blast of wind sends his clothes whipping around him, and his eyes begin to glow white-pink. "Dammit!" he says, in a rare expletive. "You're going to get it for that, kid!"
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
Such a sweet delightful little kiss. Something chase and noble, coming from an immaculate pure girl. Right... Or is she? Eyes closed and keeping Alma locked in her grasp, Mimiru only allows him to pull away after a few seconds -- what has gotten into her? She can't really answer that question either but it just felt right -- like the right thing to do. When Alma actually asks her that question, Mimiru's eyes open once more and the girl's cheeks turn a bright red hue. "Huh... I..." She stammers a little, lowering her gaze and not too sure what to answer to Alma.
With Max leaping in action and barking out loudly, their lovely romantic moment is broken and reduced to dust. With Alma being shoved more or less over her, Mimiru closes her eyes and she lets out a loud 'mee' out of her throat, squirming a bit underneath Alma's body. Thankfully, both of their struggling and squirming is enough to throw off Max off from Alma's body.
All of this action calls out to Mimiru's inner instincts. To fight for surival. Especially as all the softness goes away to rather loud and sharp expressions. Mimiru just bites her lips and she decides to use this opportunity with Alma being so close to her to actually attempt to grapple him and throw him off over the bench, "Kyaaaa!" Mimiru shouts.
Whether or not or grapple suceeds, after this, she quickly attempts to get to her feet, not to remain prone on that bench.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Alma with Uki Goshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Alma says, "...oh god."
[OOC] Alma says, "...why did I do that."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "... How did you fail that? :D"
[OOC] Alma slaps his forehead and groans.
[OOC] Alma says, "I *dodged*. So I lost all my super. I forgot I charged."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi laughs.
Almost immediately, Alma begins to regret his hasty reaction. Look -- she's blushing. Was this... was this not a trick? Did Max jump on him entirely of his own volition? All of the power Alma has gathered suddenly disappates altogether at this. Maybe this wasn't supposed to be a fight. I mean, it's natural he might think so, with all the Orochi stuff, but maybe... maybe she really...
...oh, crap!
Feeling like a bastard, Alma lowers his arms, wilting slightly, and reaching up to lightly scratch the back of his head, looking self-conscious. "Oh... er... listen, Mimiru, I'm so--"
And that's what you get for letting your guard down, fool! Failing to avoid his enemy's usually infinitely avoidable attack, Alma is grabbed and thrown, flipping through the air and hitting the top of the bench on the small of his back, grunting in surprise and pain as the breath is knocked out him, promptly after which the bench collapses under his weight and the force of the throw. If people weren't watching before, they are now. "Oh, that's *it*!" the usually serene young fighting model shouts as he staggers to his feet, arms aflame now, rosy golden aura becoming visible with summoned power. "I'm not going to go easy on you *this* time! STAR SHOOTING!" Blasting from the wreckage, Alma immediately lashes out with a flaming flying hooking kick, a fierce attack that'll bust Mimiru's head something awful if she ain't careful.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Engeki Shooter from Alma with Max Interference.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Mimiru
Unfortunately for Alma, as soon as he gets back to his feet and prepare to fire off his energy ball at Mimiru, Max leaps once more against him and he barks loudly as he tackles Alma off and pins him down to the ground. Of course, this causes the energy ball to be thrown totally in a different direction that Mimiru's location. The dog actually tramples on Alma and rushes off, though it still barks and growls at him. Obviously, Max didn't like the kiss the two exchanged now, does he? The canine truly has a mind of its own.
Mimiru can't do much about it though and she forces herself up to her feet, while Alma is taking a beating. Mimiru folds her arms across her chest and she glances down at Alma, "..." She bites her lips and remains a bit silent for sometime, turning her gaze away some, "I'm sorry Alma... but I have to do this... You understand..." Mimiru says with a slow nod of her head. She raises her fist up and she adds, "I can only hope that... Well, you don't give up hope in humanity. Because this world truly has a lot to effort, and it is great to live in it. One day I am sure you'll be able to see..."
"Grgh... hhrkk..."
That's it. No more flying kicks. Not while the dog is around. Seriously. Alma's starting to feel like a frisbee here. Shoving off the dog for the second time, the battered and dazed youth staggers to his feet once again. Maybe this would be a good time to get himself in gear again -- but he can't focus. He doesn't really want to focus. The girl is being too ridiculous. This isn't a fight like the others... this is just... a brawl.
He's pissed off!
"Sheesh!" he exclaims, boggling at the girl. "You're getting way too caught up in this story of yours! I can't believe-- you-- for a game, you'd-- sheesh!" is all he can say, all eloquence failing him now. Unable to really reply, he rushes forward, rears back, and aims a stone-crushing thrust kick right at Mimiru's torso, fighting spirit surging through him even though his Zen may be gone.
"Let's just get this over with! Hmph!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Mimiru
Mimiru has dropped a connection.
Mimiru blinks a few times at Alma's words and she raises her gaze up. The girl just shakes her head and she says, "This... This isn't a game!" Mimiru shouts, frowning a bit at Alma, seeming obvious offensed by his statement, "I... This is for real! Whatever you say, that's what I believe down there! And... it doesn't matter... It's just that..." The girl bites her lips, failing to find the right words to explain herself.
Mimiru actually moves aside, avoiding Alma's thrusting kick. She takes a few steps away and she just frowns at Alma, "Listen... This is no game for me... It's really important..." Mimiru admits. She growls and says, "Damn it, why won't anyone believe me?" She says.
Mimiru doesn't counter. Nope. In fact, it's Max that actually counters, growling and dashing right for Alma's back to attempt to tackle-pounce him into the ground and claw through his clothes.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Mimiru's Max Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
Gabriel has arrived.
Alma is unconcerned at Mimiru's evasion; though this time, it's not because he's going with the flow, but rather that he's simply too irked to even care what happens. The dog lunges again, but Alma sees it coming this time, and almost negligently he shoves Max away, returning the dog's snarl for a moment before looking back to Mimiru, eyes narrowing as he continues to move in. She's slippery, but if he keeps up the pressure, he might be able to get her.
"Why should anyone believe you!?" the older boy asks, sounding exasperated. "With all the tricks you always play! For goodness sake!"
He lashes out with another fierce kick -- and then, image blurring, the same kick strikes again, even as he's punching out. And as the same punch strikes again, the second image coming in with equal force, Alma sweeps out with a low kick, and then finally unleashes a wind-blown uppercut; twice, of course. Not all of the blows will hit, of course, but those that do will hurt... if any do.
With him comes the scent of onrushing stormclouds.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru fails to counter Autumn Rain from Alma with Ippon Seoi Nage.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Mimiru
"Max! Stop it already!" Mimiru shouts over to the dog. Thankfully, that's enough to actually cause the dog to back away from Alma while whimpering a little. Mimiru just bites her lips and she returns her attention to Alma, though she lowers her gaze a little as he shouts back at her, "With all the tricks? I'm not playing tricks!" Mimiru says, frowning at Alma, "This... What... I don't play any tricks..." She says.
When Alma charges for her, the girl attempts to defend herself but she fails to actually intercept the boy's attack. Alma might have not expect his series of kick to all hit but they actually do. Punches and kicks alike and by the end of it, Mimiru just staggers a little and that uppercut is enough to hurl the girl backward.
She falls on her back and winces a bit, growling slightly as she tries to straighten herself up a bit, "You just... You just don't understand anything... I thought you did but no..."
"*You* don't understand!" is Alma's reply, powerful chest heaving from the exertion of performing a perfect execution of his attack. "Didn't I tell you? I don't actually *have* anything to give you! This Moon Tiara is an idea of yours, a-- dangit, I don't feel like playing around right now!" he huffs, only able to repress his embarrassment at actly so immaturely with the indignation from being subjected to all this. "Don't look at me like that! I should've known you'd ambush me! But I never thought you'd-- aww, sheesh!" He still can't say it. Frustrated as he is, he still can't say it. As though not bringing it up, even so soon after the fact, would mean it hadn't happened.
Closing in again, Alma unleashes a series of fierce forward punches, aiming to get around Mimiru's defenses, if for no other reason than to keep up the pressure. "To think you'd use feminine wiles," he mutters, more to himself than anything. "Who would've thought you *had* feminine wiles?"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Mimiru
Mimiru frowns a little, moving swiftly on her heels to evade Alma's attack, though she's having a bit of an harder time after she took his first onslaught but she's quick to raise her defense back. "That was no ambush!" Mimiru protests, "No... This isn't just an idea it's an ideal! Something to strive for I..." Mimiru blinks a few things and she moves about, "Damn it, Alma! You don't want me to go mad! Stop it! What's with you? Why are you so frustrated about all of this now, what's your problem?" Mimiru asks, frowning a little as she gives Alma a glare.
Not too keen on actually attempting to counter Alma, Mimiru merely attempts to get a hold of Alma's arm and twists it around to force him into an arm lock, in order to actually calm things down a little. Mimiru bites her lips and she tilts her head to one side, "Why do you think I've done that? Just for a game? Do you think it's just a game for me? It's not just that..." She blinks a few time and she blinks, "... What the hell! What do you mean, that -I- would have feminine wiles!? Do you imply that I shouldn't have any!?"
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Mimiru
Unfortunately, it looks like things won't be calming down any time soon, as Alma is able to weave out of the way of Mimiru's lock attempt, just furrowing his brow in mild irritation as his reflexes take over. "Nothing personal," Alma says, with slightly grudging graciousness -- he's angry, not a jerk -- though he maintains his fighting stance and circles for an opening. "I just mean, you're a little young for *wiles*, you know? You're very cute, I bet the guys at your school all have crushes on you, but I mean, I didn't think you'd be so... tricky. I mean... sheesh!"
Again with the sheesh. Finding his power urging for release, Alma just lashes out unthinkingly and aims a gout of purple-pink flame in Mimiru's general direction, to keep her busy. "To think you'd trick *me*, with something like *that*... I'm embarrassed." He does sound pretty grouchy, yeah. Usually bad vibes don't just mess up his flow (which clearly has already happened), but they halt his Psycho Power; but he's still got it at the moment, clearly. What's going on? Maybe his soul responds to the ridiculousness of the situation, and is letting him get away with it?
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Mimiru
Her grapple doesn't quite work, though Mimiru doesn't leave Alma any time to get a straight solid hit. She lifts her arms up and blocks the incoming purple-pink flames that were hurled her way. Mimiru bites her lips and she just gives Alma one of those glare, "Well fine then... If words falter then, it's time to let our fists do the talking..." Mimiru says. No matter what she says, Mimiru can't come up with anything good enough to get herself out of this. Everything has been going on so fast since she came back to consciousness, her brain doesn't let her think swiftly enough to actually come up with good arguments to ease down the super model.
Mimiru just tries to approach Alma and hits him with her right fist, and if she's losing the defensive verbally, she just shifts on the offensive, "Beside! I bet you're just so angry because that was the only real time you had the chance to get something! Damn it, don't be so angry and frustrated if a girl actually gives you a kiss, you're not going to die from it!"
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Mimiru
Alma snaps his head away from Mimiru's oncoming punch, just in time for his jaw to drop at her comment. Oho, that one stung. "Wh-- I-- that was uncalled for!" he blusters, flushing again despite himself. Man, he shouldn't've tried this, she's just got too much material on him. This is humiliating. "My personal life is none of your business! And it's not like that was-- I mean-- well, I--"
Aha. Not only is Alma still incapable of being entirely rude even when he's angry... he also appears to still be incapable of telling a flat-out lie.
He huffs, now in an impossible position.
"Forget it!" is all he can say, snapping out with a fierce couple of jabs.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Mimiru
"See! See!" Mimiru says, lifting her hand up and pointing it over to Alma. She shakes one hand to him and she claspses one hand against her heart, "This isn't just some game that comes out of a little girl's imagination, Alma, this is reality. Under the form of images of metaphors. At first it wasn't that way but you made me realize this, all of it. The Moon Tiara, it's not real, it's not an item, no, it's my own inner strenght. This journey will allow me to unlock it through the ordeals I will face, I thought you knew this all along..." Mimiru says.
The girl steps about, avoiding Alma's punch, swirling around the boy as the two more or less seems to dance against each other's attacks as they stay relatively close to each other, always in a constant fluid motion, "The guardians are people I met and from whom I learn things, and the things I learn only make me stronger, what does it matter if I name it otherwise? The stories that we are told when we are children, they aren't child's stuff, they are true stories that goes through the ages for the simple reason that they are something that truly affects all of us because they possess figure that can be associate with problems of our lives, with fears we constantly have to face. They represent humanity and not only just a bedtime story..."
Mimiru growls and she narrows her gaze, "Say what you want, Alma, but I was right -- I know that those rhymes of the poem fits you -- your reaction only demonstrates it. And the one time you act the least accordingly to what you thought was my game is the one time you actually are the closest to being the Orochi, when I actually see you as you really are." Mimiru says. She quickly spins around and attempts to deliver a powerful kick to Alma's midsection.
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Mimiru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 Mimiru
Alma stops.
Face finally relaxing, the anger finally released, the tall handsome youth straightens to his full height and just listens to this unprecedented and articulate exposition, just gazing at her, expressionless. Just watching her speak.
For a moment, he wants to protest. No, this isn't how I really am, he wants to say. I just lost my temper. The way I usually act is the way I really am. Otherwise, how would it be the way I usually act? Do you really think I put up a front all the time? But that's the opposite of me. I'm probably not even capable of that. I certainly wouldn't be able to fight the way I usually do if it was.
Then he wants to tell her she's amazing.
~ How can I call her a child? I remember being her age. It wasn't so long ago. ~
He settles for: "Very well."
For the first time since helping to revive her, Alma Towazu's eyes are clear. He smiles slightly, expression inscrutible, mysterious in his usual bishounen way, and tilts his head away slightly, though he continues to meet Mimiru's gaze. "There's a new power growing within you, Mimiru Kasagi. If you are as ready as you believe yourself to be-- reveal it!"
His power returns, full force.
With a single hand glowing white-pink, he lashes out...
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's The One Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Mimiru
...and meets nothing but air.
~ Impossible...! ~
New power has grown within her indeed. With her infinite amouth of determination as her sword and her courage as her shield, Mimiru carries on despite adversities. "Those Orochis, they all represent aspect of people, the bad stuff that are within them, and while I fight you this isn't a battle against you, but it's all about myself, so that I make sure that I don't give in to things like that..." Mimiru says, growling a bit.
Hands clenching into fists, the girl actually waits for Alma's incoming strike but... With the luck of the devil and through nimble movements, Mimiru actually parries Alma's strike of pure energy, arching her back to actually get through Alma's inconming arm and Mimiru dashes over him and she uses her legs to jump off once she gets by Alma's side, lifting her hand up as she tries to give Alma a powerful rising uppercut, "To understand all of this, you have to look farther than words, Alma! Call it a game if you want, but it's no game to me!" She shouts.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Alma with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Mimiru
Alma's head is snapped back powerfully, hard enough to actually send him sprawling to the ground, severely unbalanced by the explosion of power that has just vaporized into nothing. Staggering to his feet dazedly, he stares at Mimiru with a new respect. Dang, did she hit that hard before? "Is that so?" he responds coolly, clearly battered but apparently not finished yet. "Then I'll stop playing around!"
Looks like he's back into his flow, too.
Aiming for a nice and dramatic attack, Alma's eyes flash as he draws upon his remaining power, and with a roar of exertion, summoning up the last of his resolve, he fires out a huge glowing ball of purple-pink energy toward his younger opponent. But halfway there, it suddenly splits into fragments, like a cluster bomb, and then all of them explode in rapid succession, the collective mental shockwaves surging forth, intending to batter Mimiru about.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Mimiru with Heavenly Ether Blast EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1 Mimiru
Mimiru falls back to her feet afterward and she moves about a little to regain her balance. Her lips curl into a smile and she actually prepares herself for Alma's incoming attack. Unfortunately, the problem with people who have such weird powers is that it's rather hard to have a good defense against those. Mimiru just blinks a few time as the glowing ball actually spreads into various fragments that all blasts about here and there. She tried to avoid the big blast but it's not really the thing she had to.
The explosion blasts Mimiru off away against a wall and she hits it hard. The girl coughs and chokes a bit, falling back to her feet. She bites her lips and pants loudly, raising her gaze up to Alma, "Heh... You're not too bad..." She says, lips curling into a wide grin, "But this time, I'm not going to lose, I will defeat you... I know it, I can feel it..."
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1 Mimiru
Alma's lips curl into a grin of his own.
Eyes sparkling, he pulls his fist back, and just rushes Mimiru, charging forward and gathering up momentum until his image is almost blurring, the wind from his own movement whipping around him. Finally, grin tightening, his narrowing--
--he punches out, once, right at Mimiru's face.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Alma's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\=======\1 Mimiru
Mimiru lifts her arms up and she blocks the incoming punch, saving her face from a rather powerful punch. Mimiru bites her lips and she says, "Well, I'll show you a real punch..." Mimiru says as her hand clenches into a tight fist. Mimiru takes a step foward and her hand begins to glow brightly with that white aura surrounding it, "Have a taste of this!"
And with that, Mimiru just swings her fist over Alma's midsection while she screams, "SUPER MIMIRU PUNCH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Mimiru's Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\=======\1 Mimiru
[OOC] Alma says, "Oh snap."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Oh no. :o"
Alma just sweeps his hand, and his aura completely absorbs the damage from Mimiru's punch. Her little fist bounces harmlessly off of his midsection. "Enough!" he says, eyes glinting in the light as he shifts his weight and brings his leg up in preparation for a fierce twisting roundhouse kick, definitely powerful enough to take the girl off her feet if she fails to defend against it. "It's time to end this!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Heavy Kick from Alma with Red Dragon Cascade.
[ \\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "GUARDIAN DEFEATED!"
[OOC] Alma says, "It's not over quite yet..."
"You're right! This is the end!!" Mimiru shouts as her other fist glows brightly with energy. The girl swiftly ducks the incoming kick and she just dashes for Alma, hurling her fists one after the other against Alma's chest, "Super Mimiru Punch!!" She shouts as she goes into a series of quick punches into Alma's chest. The girl kneels slightly and she jumps in the air, bringing her fist under Alma's chin, "SUPER MIMIRU UPPERCUT!!" She shouts.
And before Alma can lift off the ground too much, she gets a hold of Alma's feet and she quickly turns around on her heels and swings Alma higher in the air. Mimiru kneels down once more and chi swirls around her feet, giving her quite a boost as she leaps in the air and flips over to actually intercept Alma in the air with an heavy axing kick covering in that white flaming glow of chi energy, "SUPER MIMIRU KICK!!!" She shouts as she hits Alma and sends him down soaring and crashing back into the ground.
Swiftly, Mimiru lands back on her feet, back to Alma's body. She folds her arms in front of her chest and she says, "Such is the way of the Chou Mimiru-Do... I hope you've gotten enough..."
Alma lands directly on the shattered bench again, cracking the stone beneath him and reducing it to rubble as a cloud of dust and dirt goes up, obscuring him from view for several moments. But no one emerges. It looks like... this fight is over.
And then...
In an explosion of dirt and stone, a single flaming fist emerges.
"Hm hmm hmm hmm..."
Narrowed eyes sparkling, a single line of blood trailing from his full lips, Alma Towazu steps out of the dust, smirking at Mimiru, entire body wreathed in fire.
"...ahh ha ha ha ha!"
And then, without even seeming to lunge, he throws himself into the air, right leg shining with unearthly light as he opens up into a final, fierce flying kick, a kick of dreams, to end it all--
COMBATSYS: Mimiru interrupts Engeki Shooter from Alma with Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\ < > ////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Mimiru
[OOC] Alma says, "........"
[OOC] Alma says, "How... how are you so awesome?"
Mimiru heaves a sigh. Why can't they just curl up and die after she uses her super awesome technique? They always have to come back and ask for some more. Mimiru grunts a bit and she turns around on her heels to face Alma. She lifts her arms up and she folds them in front of her chest, "What? You didn't have enough of it?" Mimiru asks, sticking her tongue out a little at Alma. "Alright then..."
Mimiru says, waving one hand about. If Alma wants more, she'll give him more. The girl growls and she actually dashes toward the incoming Alma, her fist glowing brightly, "Take that... SUPER MIMIRU PUNCH!!" Mimiru shouts as she swings her fist right at the incoming kick of energy.
The awesomeness of the flying kick with the Super Mimiru Punch actually causes both of them to be stuck against each other like that, knuckles against Alma's foot while he still remains like this in the air and then the energy swells up and builds before it makes up a big explosion and BANGS sends both fighters off away from each other in their respective corners.
The Super Mimiru Punch has dealt a finishing blow. Alma lays upon the ground, eyes closed, expression serene in semiconsciousness... before beginning to stir again. Groaning quietly, he gets to a sitting position, struggling to maintain his hold on the waking world, and somehow, after great effort, staggers to his feet. Wordlessly, eyes foggy from the damage he's received, he stumbles forward and attempts a last gasp of an attack--
--he simply throws himself at Mimiru. And then...
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Mimiru 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Quick Throw from Alma with Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi.
[ \\\\\ <
Mimiru 0/-------/------=|
Alma's not the only one who's pretty much injuried from that little accident. In fact, Mimiru's recklessness actually probably caused her greater injuries than Alma actually has. Unfortunately for him, the little girl's still quite aware enough to actually change the grapple to her own advantage. It's a bad thing to try throws with someone who knows her way in jujitsu after all. Mimiru growls and she just swings herself around and forces Alma off his feet before she slams him down to the ground. THUDS.
Mimiru pants softly and she straightens herself up, glancing down at him, "I did it..." She mutters. She bites her lips and she smiles, "I DID IT!!" Mimiru shouts striking a pose, "Ahahah! Yes!" Mimiru says, joy getting over her as she stands victorious after so many defeats, "I've overcome him... The first Orochi, the first guardian..." She pants and glances down to Alma, her lips curl into a smile.
Mimiru kneels down by his side and she leans a bit closer to him, "Alma..." She whispers. She leans a bit closer and brushes away a few locks of Alma's hair, leaning ever so closer to whispers her words to her, knowing that he must be able to hear her still, even if he's probably knocked out cold, "Heh, I can feel it... The seal being removed..." She bites her lips and then adds, "One day... One day Alma, I can hope you'll understand what this was all really about... And maybe, maybe one day you'll know the rhyme I'm talking about... And I can only hope that you will learn to have faith in humanity.." She grins and adds, "Hang in there, tiger."
Again, that expression of serene peace, on the unconscious youth -- but this time, he's not getting up. That final strike definitely took it out of him. Arms and legs spread out upon the ground, lying on his back, face turned to the sky, he does not react to Mimiru's words.
Until the last ones.
At those, his eyes open slightly, and the ghost of a smile, a real smile, touches his features. "Don't worry... about me," he breathes, just managing to get the words out. "Well fought... imouto-san..."
A pause. His eyes flicker closed again.
"Thanks for... the kiss. It was... my first."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "LIAR"
[OOC] Alma says, "No really!"
The girl was obviously not expecting Alma to actually come back to his senses right away. Though he seems pretty exhausted and beat. The few words that comes out of Alma's mouth are enough to make Mimiru blush faintly. She tilts her head back and she bites her lips a bit. She gives a faint smile to Alma and Mimiru just chuckles, "There's a first time to everything, eh?" Along with the light-hearted mood, Mimiru just winks and she says, playfully, "I hope it was good for you too."
Mimiru then leans over and she actually uses this opportunity to sneak a quick chaste kiss once more on Alma's lips. She giggles and forces herself back to her feet, waggling a finger as she says, "This'll be our little secret." She comments. Her eyes glance up over to Max and she grins, "Alright boy... Let's get going, we're done here..."
Alma sinks back into blissful unconsciousness, but not before he feels those thin lips pressing against his one last time.
And all he can think is: ~ Oh boy, in front of everyone, too... ~
Well, that's what you get for losing, man.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 19:46:23 11/26/2005.