Description: Happening upon Bao having a yo-yo malfunction, Kensou accepts the younger Psycho Soldier's request of a sparring match; but can Bao deal with Kensou's improving skills?
It's a beautiful day when you're Bao.
The sun is shining in the air, despite of the wintry chill breezing through the air. Few drops of snow are seen around the vendors. Everyone is actually ready for the seasonal weather. With the afternoon calling for people to purchase items, this leaves for the street to go with some services done.
Of course, this is actually a day that Bao isn't really helping anyone. They didn't need the youth's services. Oh well. The day is still beautiful.
Where is the boy now?
Currently playing with a green yo-yo, a brown haired youth with an orange mushroom cap and Chinese orange clothing is skipping along. Walk the dog! Bao vainly attempts to get the yo-yo going. But unfortunately, the dog wants to be a vicious mutt and wrap itself around him. Swirling all around the youth, Bao's eyes wander until the string ties him down.
Bao groans, "Aww man..."
Isn't it nice to be so helpful? Well, honestly, Kensou wouldn't know; the older Psycho Soldier, the first of Chin's students, is usually either too busy training under the old man's watchful eye, or too busy being lazy and skiving off of any such training, to give nearly as much of a hand to the local community as Bao does. For his part, well, he's been enjoying a day off from his usual schedule. Mostly, this has involved lazing around the house (and waking up at noon!) but now, Kensou is outside! Walking! And eating a candy bar. Which is about when he spots Bao, entangled in his yo-yo and fallen. "...Bao, what happened?" the older boy wonders, blinking owlishly down at his fallen comrade. First it's Vega, and now he's defeated by a toy? Poor kid.
Such is the life of being Bao. A clumsy, even if he does mean well, child. Bao is struggling, growing nearly fustrated as to roll around the ground. But eventually, the string loosens up to where Bao can pull an escape and he forms a satisfied grin.
Looking up to Kensou while on his knees now, Bao says, "Hi big brother!" He beams brightly, the he says, "I was just playing with this yo-yo, but.... I'm strill trying to learn 'walk the dog'." He smiles, "That medal tournament was fun!" He frowns, "I lost... I wanted to impress Momo too..." He mumbles. He starts to rewind the yo-yo
Then, he pulls a grin on his face, "How are you?"
"Oh, yeah. Never had much luck with yo-yos, m'self," Kensou replies, finishing off his candy bar. Mmm, chocolate. Crushing the wrapper down to a small ball, he sticks it in the pocket of his hoodie - rather than litter! - before tilting his head. "Well, if y' lost, then y'oughta train harder, Bao," the 'big brother' says sagely, wagging a finger at the younger fighter. Because really, Kensou knows what he's talking about, right? Right. He can, at least, sympathise with wanting to impress a girl, though he hasn't the foggiest idea who this 'Momo' is. "As for me, I'm okay. Just out for a walk."
Frowning in dismay over the yo-yo ordeal, Bao promptly pockets the thing so that he can save it for later. His eyes observe the older man when he pockets the wrapper-ball. Bao can't help but grin at his older brother, then he blinks.
"Oh! But I have!" He bounces a few times. He beams at his older brother, "I have been training hard too!" He offers a smile, "Oh! I don't think I ever shown you how strong I've become!" His eyes widen as a burst of excitement fills his very core. He has to spar with his brother and perhaps spar with Athena eventually!
The youth grins, then he says, "How about a spar?"
Kensou could tell Bao all about how harsh sparring with Athena can be, really. It's a reminder of just how far one still has to go, facing the likes of her! The taller youth blinks a bit at the suggestion, before he shrugs his shoulders. "All right, sure," he says, grinning a bit as well. "But don't think I'm gonna go easy on ya." He knows better than /that/. The people around them, overhearing, do the smart thing and back away - this isn't just any part of Southtown, where people know enough to keep out of the way of fighters, it's /Chinatown/, where these two boys are famous - while Kensou backs up a few steps and assumes his stance, a sidelong position, feet slightly over shoulder-width apart, with his left hand leading, fist extended and turned palm upwards, while his right hand is also balled into a fist, held closer to his body. "Come at me whenever you're ready, Bao!" he calls, watching the younger Psycho Soldier /very/ carefully.
COMBATSYS: Kensou has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
With the challenge accepted, Bao is looking very pleased to see that Kensou is getting ready. This is a good thing. However, the sight of all of the people moving out of the fighting arena has Bao shifting his head around. Drifting his eyes all about, the young boy's eyes wide in wonder.
"Ahh..." He beams, then he shifts his head oveer towards Kensou.
With the older young man in his fighting stance, so does Bao. He takes a step backwards, tightening his fists. He leans his right hand forward as well as the left leg. The boy immediately sprints forward, then he lunges forward.
Stepping his right leg to the ground, the young boy presses himself into the air. He lifts his left leg up into the air, the he swings the leg down right at Kensou's head. "YA!!!"
COMBATSYS: Bao has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou parries Bao's Light Kick!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Well, it's not like all the civilians want to get accidentally hit... Especially with these two boys' penchant for tossing around spheres of powerful destructive energy. Kensou is also known for, well, moving around a lot in a fight; it's sort of a staple of his acrobatic fighting style. With Bao running at him and then lunging, the older boy tenses briefly, slipping back out of the way of that foot by mere inches; with the smaller fighter presumably then on his way to the sidewalk, Kensou lashes out with one fist in a wild haymaker! If that hits, he follows it up with a succession of further punches, ending it with an uppercut to knock Bao away. "Hyaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Bao with Ryuu Renda EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Okay, that was rather unexpected, even for Bao, to see what would have h appened. With the leg lauched out at Kensou's head, the agile older brother immediately slips away anddraws forward with a wild haymaker as Bao is preparing for landing.
POW! Right in the kisser! Then, Bao is give a series of punches to keep him air-bourne and he's finished off with an uppercut. The motion and the raw power is enough to have Bao spinning around in the air.
Making a crash landing onto the ground, Bao gives off a groan, "Eghn.... that didn't go so well..." He stands up, staggering as he tries to regain his equilibrium. He's watching Kensou to see what he plans to do.
COMBATSYS: Bao focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Actually, that was pretty unexpected for Kensou, too, who looks plum surprised! Well, he /did/ say he wasn't going to go easy on the younger boy, now didn't he? "Here I come!" he declares, and now /he's/ the one sprinting forward, covering the distance between himself and the younger boy quickly, finally throwing himself forward into a horizontal jump, his left elbow and knee extended to hit Bao! "Yo-!" If that hits, well, then he twists around to bring his /right/ knee to bear, trying to strike the other boy with it. "Hyaa-!" And then his twisting momentum continues, his left leg extending fully in a big roundhouse, as Kensou tries to smash his heel against the head of his 'little brother'. "Uryaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Bao fails to interrupt Ryuu Renga from Kensou with Dan Kougeki - Front.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Bao 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Yeah, Kensou did say that he would not go easy on the boy, but man, this feels like a massacre in the fight. Bao is busy staggering aroud, groaning a b it as he feels so woozy. Slowly collapsing onto his knees, he still tries to keep watch of Kensou. And that is whent he man charges. His eyes widen as he watches what could be a train wreck come his way. Bao is quick to get back up to his feet, then he brings both of his hands into the air.
"PSYCHO!!!" A ball of energy is slowly formed in his grasp, until the elbow and knee strikes him to the gut. The, the other knee strikes Bao further, ruining his concentration and sending him further back. And lastly, the roundhouse's heel slams against Bao's head, sending him sprawling to the ground. "Ooof..." He groans.
Landing in a low, three-point stance - both feet and one hand - Kensou exhales a puff of air and looks over at Bao. Well, maybe he /is/ overdoing it... Bao is just a kid, after all. "You sure you wanna keep this up?" he wonders, sounding a bit concerned... While, rather subtly, he starts to build up energy, a few little motes of blue light appearing in the air around him, swarming in to meld with his already present Psycho Power. "S'not like I wanna go an' bully you or anythin', Bao." But it's obvious that, at least... Kensou's strength has definitely improved, lately. Maybe that crazy Dan Hibiki was right!
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Does Bao want to continue?
Does Bao -want- to continue?
In the art of fighting, a warrior must never give up for anything. Although Bao really isn't a warrior, he does want to show that he isn't just a little push-over. So, with that in mind, Bao is offering his older brother a smile. "Mmmhmm!" He tightens his fists together, then he spreads his right foot back.
Witht he Psycho Power melding together, Bao is tightening his knees and he shuts his eyes.
~ Be... like Sonic... be like Sonic... Super Sonic! ... Or... Be like Goku! ~
Bao draws his hands together, tightening them. His aura emits a bright flare as he is channeling the Psycho Energy from his mind pool. Digging deeper, Bao is concentrating to bring forth his energy. "Haaaaaaaaa.....!"
COMBATSYS: Bao gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
"All right, that's the spirit!" Kensou says, breaking his stance long enough to flash a thumbs-up at the younger psion. "Show me what'cha got!" And he's dashing towards Bao again, skidding to a stop in front of his 'little brother'. He can sympathise with wanting to prove oneself... It's the same thing he's struggled with all his life. Wanting to prove to Chin that he was good enough, wanting to prove to Athena that he was worth attention, wanting to prove to himself that he wasn't just holding his friends back... And nobody, not even K' or Balrog, have put the slightest dent in Sie Kensou's determination. "Show me you've got the spirit of a Psycho Soldier!" he proclaims, rearing back on one foot, and then coming right back down, his raised foot stomping harmlessly on the sidewalk, purely for show, while his hands come down towards Bao's shoulders, aiming to plough through his defenses and strike him!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Bao with Kobokushu.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Bao 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Determination.... Courage.
Those are what makes the warrior. Hell, Bao is actually a warrior after all, even if it isn't realized by most. Bao doesn't move too much, given that he's currently channeling the raw power before him. With the energy gathered, Bao is bracing himself over for his older brother to come after him. "Ready!" He calls out cheerfully, then he tightens the stance.
Unfortunately, Kensou is overpowering Bao's brace by a lot, given his powerful impact of the pressed shoulders sends Bao flying all the way towards the wall. Such an impact has the young boy flying quite far.
Bao is twitching repeatedly while he's on the ground, groaning in pain. That took a lot out of him. The young child staggers back onto his feet, tightening the muscles. Slowly, but surely, his hands lift forward to point at Kensou. Shutting his eyes, Bao is now starting to concentrate. "Haaaaaaaaaaa......" The Psycho Ball glitters and starts swirling in his grasp, sparkling with a heavy amount of energy. Bao can feel his power level intensify! Or rather, he is gathering his will power to muster up the powerful Psycho Ball.
Tightening his stance, Bao lifts both hands back, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Then.... The ball gets bigger. Rapidly growing through his will, the brow is soon sweating in anticipation. Struggling to maintain the hold, Bao's eyes become serious. "KAMEHA...MEHA.... HYYYPAAAA... PSYCHO..."
The youth launches his hands forward, aiming to thrust the powerful, and very large ball of energy towards Kensou, "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!" Larger and wider than Bao and perhaps wider than Kensou, the ball is creating a shockwave on the side as it trails straight towards Kensou.
A huge ball is flying straight through the land, crushing everything in sight. Will Kensou be able to survive its onslaught? Or will he face Baodomization? Find out on the next Bao Ball Z!
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Kensou with MAX Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Kensou
Oh fudge. Kensou's eyes widen a bit as he sees that /gigantic Psycho Ball/ launched at him, and he tries to dive out of the way, but... No such luck! The beast of an attack strikes him true, the smaller fighter's energy knocking him back, sending him bumping and rolling along the sidewalk. "O-ow," he says, as he sits up, wobbling a bit. Try as he might, he knows he can't surpass Bao for raw levels of Psycho Power... But it's not like Kensou doesn't have his own advantages to rely on. Getting back to his feet, and staggering a bit, he calls out: "Good one!" And then he's running straight towards Bao again, though this time it takes longer 'cause he ended up so far away. Once he gets close enough, he leaps forward again, twisting in midair to try and deliver a roundhouse kick to the younger psion. But if it hits...!
COMBATSYS: Bao dodges Kensou's Shinryuu Seiou Rekkyaku.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Such a raw force of power does not come without a price. See, once the ball is released, Bao is being sent back flying towards a nearby wall. But the good thing about it is that Bao is flying over towards a harden wooden stand. Bao is using that as leverage, especially since Kensou comes at him with a leaping roundhouse kick.
To escape this, Bao immediately bounces off of the platform, then Bao starts to shift his weight down, aimig to grab Kensou by the shoulders as he's right over his brother. Attempting to use the mometum, if he locks hold of his brother's collar, he's going to unleash a powerful swing to send the older boy diving to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Bao's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Not so much! Kensou's attack might be dodged, but he manages to avoid getting tossed into the ground, instead landing easily on his feet. "Yeah, that's the spirit!" he calls cheerfully, and with Bao close enough, the older boy drops right off of his feet, landing on one hand. His entire weight rests on that one hand on the concrete, his lower body lifting as he lashes out with first one, and then a second pistoning kick at Bao! "Yaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Bao with Senkyuutai.
[ < > ///////////////// ]
Bao 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Unfortunately, Bao didn't put enough power onto it. So instead, the youth lands right on the ground, shifting over to see that kensou is lunging forward oce more. The second kick strikes Bao against the chest, "Ooof!" Bao's eyes widen, then he is sent sprawling straight towards ther ground. "Eghnn..."
The youth staggers back up to his feet, looking like he's ready to collapse. However, he lifts a had into the air, then he starts to gather his Psycho Power. It starts growing rapidly as he channels forth the energy. "Psycho..... BALL!" The bigger it gets, the more it is showing a vicious sign. It looks like electricity has gathered along it. But then...
It shoots out towards Kensou, then Bao collapses on his back. "Eghnn..." Thud.
COMBATSYS: Bao can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Bao's DX Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|
Oh man, here comes some more trouble for Kensou, huh? His eyes widen as another enormous Psycho Ball is launched his way, but this time at least he's got enough room to get the hell out of the way. Diving to the ground and rolling, he goes straight under the Psycho Power attack, letting it splash harmlessly against the wall behind him, before he hops back up to his feet. "Whew, that was a close one," he says with a nervous laugh, scrubbing a hand through his hair. Then he's walking over to the fallen Bao, offering the boy a hand up. "Man, you're as powerful as ever, Bao. S'an awful lot a' Psycho Power you threw out there."
COMBATSYS: Kensou takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has ended the fight here.
Slowly coming back to, Bao is getting back up to his feet, even if it is a bit slow. His eyes lift up towards Kensou with a grin on his lips. "Hehehehe.." He lifts a hand up, then he gives his older brother a V sign with a smile. "Hehehe..."
He grins, "I am glad that I managed to show you how far I've become." He pauses, then he groans, "However... I know I have a long way to go." He beams, "No matter. I'll be able to surpass you in the future!" He beams.
Even the infamous Senki Hakkei probably doesn't have /that/ much power behind it... Though, for the most part it does a good enough job anyway. Kensou tilts his head slightly to one side, folding his arms across his chest. "Well, y'ain't there yet, Bao. So you'd better keep trainin' hard, if y'ever wanna be able to surpass me." But Kensou doesn't think it's likely! Of course, that sort of friendly competition is one of the best ways to get stronger, in the estimation of Sie Kensou. "Still, since you lost, you get to buy dinner," he explains, with a big ol' grin. Ha ha ha!
"Awww...." Bao states. But slowly and surely, the young boy is drifting his attention over at the sky. Then, he looks back down to see Kensou with a grin. "Alright! Dinner it is!" He stands up, the he turns around to begin running...
... Until he slips and falls on his face, rolling along the g roud. He comes to a halt, his eyes swirling, then he starts giggling.
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 18:53:39 11/24/2005.