Description: A few days after losing his chance at regaining the Killer Bee, Vega had decided to teach those that interfered a lesson. In this case, Kula.
Most people in high school don't have time for playgrounds. They're too 'cool' for swings, see-saws, or the spinning merry-go-rounds. Now and again, nostalgia might overwhelm their pride and let them have a little fun, but not very often. However, most of them have grown up playing on them. Not very many students have never had a chance to enjoy a real childhood. Kula Diamond, sadly, falls into the latter group to the point where today is her first time seeing an honest-to-goodness playground.
The girl has it to herself, this late in the evening, and has spent her entire time going from set to set, trying them out and having the time of her life. Monkey bars? Sure, her feet /could/ touch the ground, but that would be cheating! That giant dome of metal? She scampered up it like a monkey to sit at the top and proclaim herself queen. And now? Why, the swing set of course, kicking her legs out as she goes forward, and then bending them again when she moves backward. It took her some time to get the hang of it, having never had anybody show her how to use it, but it wasn't too hard to figure out. Basic physics, really. She has her eyes closed, and her hair occasionally falls into her face as she continues lazily along, going nowhere.
Most dictators don't have time to use playgrounds as well. It's certainly something that the mad man with the bright eyes and thick chin would use. He's far too big for those sorts of playthings, for certain. He's also far too beyond those childhood days where he may have bullied other children .. er, played on any such toys. So instead, he's found himself here, hunting down a loose end. One that interfered with his last plan.
The Shadaloo soldiers he'd gotten released from jail were all certain of the same thing - a girl with ice-blue hair and an interesting command of frost and cold had taken them into pieces, demolished them in an astonishing fashion. Perhaps beneath Vega's skills, but certainly worth looking into. And, as well - this has a second rationale. Vega needs to make certain that everyone knows to interfere in his plans causes pain and suffering. And that.. should be done personally.
So he moves silently towards the playground, the small group that spotted the blonde-haired girl making a positive identification and then slipping off to head back towards the waiting jet. He pauses, on the edge of the wood-chip enclosure, and growls quietly, before speaking.
"I've been waiting to find you, Girl. We should.. talk."
Kula, for all intents and purposes, is completely oblivious to the danger she's in. But even she can sense Vega as he approaches, untrained as her 'chi-sense' is. The swinging girl slows as her legs stop swinging, and her eyes open as she looks at Vega. the back of her mind, a small voice wonders if maybe he wanted to use the swings. Common sense drowns it out, though, and her gloved hands grip the chains tightly.
"" Her voice is timid, which might go against how she gets described to others, but Kula tends to get nervous in situations where there's no clear orders for her. And encountering this man certainly wasn't on her to-do list. For a moment, she remembers the warning Megumi gave her, and swallows. Her feet scrape on the ground as she brings herself to a stop. "Okay, I can talk..." She has a pretty good idea what it's about, though.
Sadly, it's not to play. Vega doesn't have time of the urge to do so.. No matter how attractive the monkey bars may be to children. He steps into the wood-chips that deleniate the playground, each footmark swirling dirt and dust about and around from the slight corona of energy that always surrounds him. Towards the girl, towards the inevitable.
"This will be short, girl. You interfered in my business, and cost me a chance to reclaim what was rightfully mine. I am..." Here, his knuckles crack as if of their own violition, meaty hands forming into impatient fists, his shoulders shrugging to flip the cape back and expose the psifire in his grip. ".. here to explain to you what it will cost you for that action." With that, his eyes narrow, and his grin grows wide.
Oh, right...that whole thing of throwing that poor guy out the window. She had barely been able to catch it, but had seen enough to know that Vega had tried to grab him out of midair which let Cammy deliver a hard blow onto him. Kula's hands reach up higher on the chain and grasp it tightly when he approaches, and then she suddenly pulls down on the chains hard. This could have two possible effects. One, the chains will snap off the bar holding them, and Kula will land on the ground rather unceremoniously. Two, and fortunately what does happen, Kula picks herself up and plants a foot on the swing before jumping again and landing behind it.
"...I don't suppose it would help if I say I'm sorry?" Kula's mind races, even as her hair shifts quickly, ice crystals forming over it and turning it blue, even as the temperature around her plummets. Vega would easily be able to sense the swirl of chi that seems to always be around her when she taps into it. Like trying to fill a drinking glass with a fire hose, she taps into a well she can't fully control yet. Maybe, though, she can get him to talk. Her time at NESTS has taught her that those who have grand plans usually like to talk. "...why were you trying to kidnap her anyway? What do you mean she's 'yours'?"
COMBATSYS: Kula has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kula 0/-------/-------|
"Sorry wouldn't nearly begin to cover it, girl. Apologies are for the weak - you have already proven yourself past the point where an apology would suit you. You are no weak, sniveling cur." Vega's grip loosens, hands going slack. Instead of a lessening of tension, it's simply radiated up into his shoulders, into the core of his body. At that point, he draws it out, translating the emotions and eagerness of this.. lesson-teaching into power. Dark power that flares around him, blowing woodchips away from his feet in a wide arc, leaving his boots to contact the bare earth below.
"Consider this a chance to prove yourself worthy of the gift of life, girl. That I should not just erase you from existance to prove to others what it means to interfere." He doesn't respond yet, to the questions about Cammy. From his stride towards the girl - it's relatively obvious that any further answers will have to be .. earned. When he's close, he lashes out with a fist, taking a swipe at the blue-haired girl between the chains of the swing that she was so recently on, his hands clouded with that evil energy he carries within him.
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kula 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kula with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kula 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Vega
It's very true that Kula's never met anybody with the same 'presence' as Vega. The dark power that swirls around him makes Kula want to run, put part of what he says catches her off guard. She's...proven herself? Kula's hesitation costs her dearly, however, as the girl slips on some loose bark and stumbles, catching the punch in the chest. Breath hisses from between her teeth, and Kula hunches over a bit. She could /feel/ that. ...few people can make her feel that much pain from just a punch.
The girl quickly reaches out to grab the chains and twist them to wrap them around Vega's arm and trap it there. Still holding the chains, Kula jumps, pulling herself up, and then swings a bit again, but this time she kicks her feet up to plant them against Vega's chest before pushing off and moving back, reaching a hand down ahead of her to coat the bark with a layer of ice for her to slide along.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Kula's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kula 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Vega
Wrapped in chain, Vega's arm would normally be immobile. Trapped. If he were a normal man, he'd perhaps even be able to be caught that way and hurt by the strong kick that Kula attempts. Vega, however - is no normal man. Instead, something darker, something more sinister, to be sure. As the kick comes in, his hands wrap further into the chain - the strong metal rod above bending, breaking into a section, the chain still holding it tightly, but allowing him the movement of his hand again. As the double-footed kick comes in, Vega presses his hand to her foot, blunting the blow by pressing forwards early - allowing her the spring away, but keeping his balance, and preparing for his own movement.
"There is no escape that way, girl. No matter how far you may fly, I will catch you. I will test you - and you will remember this day." With that, he swings the chains and rod from the broken swingset at the girl, attempting to loop her with them, and then use them as leverage to toss the girl away, counting on the fact that she's on ice to make it all the easier. All the while, his grin grows wider, eyes starting to flare white with power.
COMBATSYS: Kula interrupts Medium Throw from Vega with Behind Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Vega
Kula's arm extends out, as if to block the swing, but can't keep it from wrapping around her and squeezing rather tightly. Ow, that hurts. However, a sudden shift in her facial expression is all the warning before she shifts suddenly and plants a foot on the chain, pulling the end around her arm taut. When Vega pulls his end taught, she uses it to snap herself up into the air, riding the throw as best she can. Instead of flying past him, she goes higher into the air, riding it until the chain goes taught again, and she pulls herself downward, her other hand becoming encased in an icy claw. Normally, she holds back on her claws against opponents, not wanting to hurt them too badly. This isn't one of her usual fights, though, and Kula's claws are razor sharp. She swipes as she goes past Vega's back, digging them into his coat and going for blood even as she lands hard on the ground and rolls a short distance away to get back on her feet, a light trickle of blood coming down from her lip. Any questions she might've had are pushed away, as Kula prefers to focus on the fight when she's serious.
"Hng!" Vega's surprised by the attack, the speed of her recovering from the throw fascinating from an abstract. Annoying, though from the concept of pain - Ice carving down his back, drawing and ripping his cape and tearing the back of his uniform. He reaches behind his back, and rips the cape free, throwing it into the air.
"Well enough. Well enough, girl. An interesting power.. One that I could use, in my organization." That would be 'brainwashed and shanghaied into a Doll uniform', but few would know that. As she falls into the serious men, he grins - this is a fight that he wanted - that enthusiasmand spirit calling to him just like a signal flare. He sweeps his hand free of the chain - and then reaches to the crossbar, taking a hunk of it in his hand - he launches himself at the girl, bracing and pulling the piece of metal into a striking position, swinging it faster than any normal human could.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Kula with Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kula 1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Vega
Kula's arms raise up to shield herself from the impact of the pole, however the other man's speed catches her completely flat-footed. Only a minimal shield is ready when the pole comes down, smashing through her barrier and cracking against her arms. A scream of pain comes from Kula's lips as she feels a bone or two in her arms make a sudden 'SNAP' sound. The impact drives her down, and it's all Kula can do to roll herself away from him and get back to her feet. Tears are already frozen on her face as the temperature around Kula plummets suddenly, and the ground around her seems to just spread in ice. Vega wouldn't have to guess that Kula just opened the floodgates further and let out a lot more power that she was holding back before. She unsteadily gets back up to her feet, her arms becoming encased in ice to keep them set in case of a break, and Kula looks at Vega. Again, she says nothing, she just raises up a foot, all of her power swirling around it like a miniature snow hurricane, and then she slams it down on the ground, funneling all of it below her.
There's a moment of silence, and then the nearby water fountain that's just off the bark, behind Vega, starts to rattle in place. It's the only warning before a column of ice, about as large around as Vega, erupts from beneath his feet, rising to five feet off the ground in a heartbeat to knock him into the air.
Now was usually the time that Kula is in the park, and Candy Diamond is on her way down to meet her 'sister' there.. Perhaps a block or so away from where battle ensues however, Candy is forced to come to a stop, something within her going haywire! ". Nnf.."
She winces a bit, her red eyes suddenly taking a dull glow- And she's able to see that Kula is in another fight- Last she knew the Medals tournament had closed already; what could this be about?
COMBATSYS: Kula successfully hits Vega with Freeze Execution.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Vega
After the column strikes, that's when things around Kula just get /weird/ to those who can sense and see chi. It swirls wildly around Kula, almost out of control even as her arms snap free from their icy prison. Whether or not she's feeling an extreme amount of pain, Kula raises her arms, pointing them vaguely towards Vega. And that's when the winds come. A windstorm sweeps out of nowhere, chilled as though having blown straight from the arctic, complete with flurries of snow and chunks of ice as large as Kula's fist in it to batter against Vega, providing enough updraft to keep the other fighter aloft for a minute, and then dying to let him fall back down upon the column. Once this burst is done, Kula wobbles slightly, and takes a few more steps back watching cautiously, small swirls of snow still swirling around her.
Vega almost cackles as he hears the bone snap under the assault of the thick metal rod - it's a pleasure to inflict that sort of pain on another person, to feel a test of his strength pass and succeed. His head tosses back, and he lets free with that laugh, dark and angry - hands braced in front of his chest, to savor the feel of victory. He throws the rod away callously, to let it clatter on the cold earth.
And misses the moment of silence, the moment of concentration from the woman. If anything else causes Vega more problems, it's that inability to not give in when he feels like he's ahead, winning in a battle. When that energy washes over him, his eyes snap open wide and he tries to move, body blurring in purple energy as he tries to perform an almost-teleport.. and fails.
Thrown into the air most ignomiously, he tries to brace against the biting chill of the wind that flows at him, curled up into a battle-crouch in midair. The mild telekenesis that his psychopower gives him keeps him from flying back, his hands striking out at the chunks of ice that hurtle towards him. Crushed, battered by the heavy pieces of bitter cold, he falls back to earth. Bracing himself and sweeping the ice from his coat, he growls. "Good, girl. Very, very good." And then, he launches himself forwards, to duck under the girl's frame, grabbing for her midsection - that psifire around his left hand blazing into life with all the pain and anger that he's suffered so far, tinged with his determination to show her just how angry he's been made. If he hits, he's going to throw her directly towards that ice spike she's formed in the ground - hoist her on her own petard, as it were.
Wait a moment.. Suddenly it's all too clear to Candy whom Kula is up against- Granted she doesn't have much more to go off of than the Saturday Night Fight fiasco. It doesn't take a robot to know that this isn't going to go well, not at all, and suddenly she's picking up the pace, almost a blur as she approaches the two fighters.
COMBATSYS: Kula fails to reflect Psycho Fall from Vega with Counter Shell.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Kula can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-======|
Kula was trained not to back down and to press any advantage. And in her dazed mindset, successfully hitting someone with that attack she just used normally means they're in enough of a weakened state that she can hit them again rather easily. The girl senses the incoming energy, and closes her eyes as her foot lifts up, pulling out a chunk of ice that she prepares to kick at Vega...and then she realizes it's not just energy that's surging towards her, but a hand as well. Caught off guard, Kula can only try to brace herself as her midsection is grabbed and she's hefted up, screaming again from the pain that surges through Vega's hand into her. Psifire? Why, yes, it does sting like few things have ever stung before.
When she's thrown, she can barely focus her eyes, but she still twists around to try to roll out of it. However, the ice column seems to have completely slipped her mind, and she impacts against it with a rather sickening crack, her vision exploding in lights and stars. Kula actually seems to be indented slightly into the ice, but then she slowly leans forward and falls out of it, landing on the ground with a limp thud, not moving.
"There you go, Girl. Your own attack - impressive enough.. but futile." He stalks towards Kula, his right hand starting to flare up, a distinct aura of flame forming - purple energy that crackles and moves as if alive. Each step takes him closer to the girl, his metal-shod feet crunching on the ice that she attacked him with.
"You'll remember this, won't you? Remember the feeling of futility, of pain, the next time you think of interfereing in my business ever again?" His voice is harsh, each word accented with a step closer to the woman, bringing his hand up and back, the dark energy swelling into a ball, as he prepares to finish the fight - perhaps permanently. After all - he hasn't made his full, final decision. Maybe, this time - he shouldn't let her go. Just destroy her and leave her as a warning..
Candy only has a few seconds to decide what she needs to do at this point.. And lucky for Candy a few seconds is all she needs. Once she storms into the park, she leaps upward, her holographic system causing her semi-gothic appearance to flicker out, as if there were radio intference, and flickers back in as a different appearance..
Stealing the identity and voice of Kulas friend Cammy, in her Pacific High School uniform, "Bison!" the woman yells from behind the man, screeching to a halt as she crashes onto the sand. Height wasn't something she could duplicate- But not being much taller, maybe he wouldn't be the wiser.
COMBATSYS: Candy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Vega
Kula doesn't seem like she's going to be much help to her rescuer, in fact, it'd be a miracle if she was even conscious. However, it seems luck does have one slight gift for Kula, as she weakly moans, moving a hand to the back of her head where she hit the ice, and then glancing up from her spot on the ground. "...Cammy..." It's all the dazed girl can say as she squints her eyes. She doesn't even have the strength to get up.
That voice.. He knows it, like he knows his own. It was, after all, meant to be a part of him. He looks away from Kula, leaving her to lie on the ground, that hand of his coming close to her face - so she can feel the deep, dark emotions that make up his power, flames licking near that pretty blue hair. He hisses out sibilantly as he's called out, his voice cast down for that girl he'd just attacked to be heard. ".. The Bee is mine. She is not 'Cammy'.. That name will be lost to her, when I reclaim .my. Bee." With that, Kula's dismissed as an afterthought, and he turns to spin at the other woman. Blonde hair, pigtails - it's just as he remembers, picture-perfect. And this time, no other man to 'help' and keep him from his objective. He calls out across the playground, even as his legs take him into motion, charging directly towards the girl. "You're mine, Bee. You cannot escape again!" With that, he literally explodes into energy, purple psychopower blazing around him as he launches forwards, airborne and aimed directly for the center of the schoolgirl's chest, hands outstretched in a classic 'superman' pose. "MINE!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Candy with Final Psycho Crusher.
[ < > ////////////// ]
Candy 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Vega
.. Not the reaction she had expected. Well, at least not completely, 'Cammy''s eyes widen a little and then give another dull glow- He's moving so quickly, but if she could just get a proper speed reading, she could evade the atack.
She's unlucky though, completely overwhelmed by the wild power Vega posesse. Flying backward like a ragdoll, she crashes and tumbles along the ground, alarms going off in her mind- She wasn't built to take this kind of damage, red and black fluids spraying violently from her shoulders and knees and a large cloud of steam cloaks her small form, relieving some of the 'stress' in her systems as it were.. But amist the injuries, 'Cammy' manages to sit up, a brighter red glow of her eyes seem within the steam and it billows out further, burst after burst of white energy flying from the cloud toward Vega in a feeble attempt to dent him during the confusion, continuing to try to keep his attention from Kula.
COMBATSYS: Candy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Vega with B.S.O.D..
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/=======|
This.. is not Cammy. Not at all. Not in the least. A sham, a simalcrum that he can tell from the second he drives into her. Perhaps even through her, the spiraling wave of his psychopower leaving wake trails in the air. He lands before her, looking down at the broken doll.. Not his Doll, sadly, not his Bee. And this simply makes him angrier. As those bursts of energy erupt from the cloud of steam that hides the faux-Delta Red Doll, he slaps at them irritatedly, much like one would push at the buzzing of gnats, trying to slap them into walls and the like. Most explode against his hands, those white bursts doing nothing more than exfoliating his skin, leaving his hands shiny, pink and new - one or two actualy impact his craggy chin, soot marking his skin there and leaving the only impression of his 'battle' with her to be the smell of soot and singed flesh.
He turns his back on her then, and steps towards the downed Kula - after all, she .was. worthy of his attention. And she was still awake - all the better to leave his parting message. He kneels down before her, and holds her chin in his hand, raising it to eye level. "Girl, your toy is broken, my message is sent. Tonight, you will remember - and if you ever cross Lord Vega's path again.. I will not be so lenient." With that, he turns to walk away, dismissing both from his mind, and his worries.
But.. he does make sure to step down .hard. on the ice that encases her already wounded arm as he moves towards the deeper part of the park, and where his jet awaits. To prepare.
COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 22:22:23 11/24/2005.