Description: Kensou's daily training ends in a spar with his apparently drunken sifu, Chin... And the old master discovers that maybe all his hard work is panning out, after all!
It was an easy afternoon. Chin liked easy afternoons. They were... easy. And when the weather was just right, up here at the higher altitude, where the air was clearer than you could get in the city, the sky seemed a vivid, lovely shade of orange, dipping down towards red, then switching to blue, and finally black as night took over. Up here, beyond the monks that occassionally cleaned, there wasn't much noise, either. It was a perfect place to pray, or meditate. Perhaps even study or read some. And due to the long set of stairs leading up to the courtyard, and the spaciousness of the courtyard as well, it made a prime place to exercise without disturbance.
Right now, however? Right now, it was a perfect place to drink. That's right. Chin is settled under the awning of the shrine proper's porch, just at the top of the stairs leading into the courtyard itself, settled cross-legged and leaning back against a support pillar for comfort. In his hand is one of his trusty gourds, which he takes long pulls from every so often, letting out long, heavy sighs to accompany the burning liquid as it slides down his throat and into his belly, warding off the autumn crisp that's snuck into the air. The only thing that would make this better, he thought, would be a fireplace to warm himself by. And of course, the Missus. Ah, how he missed her. But he was needed here. Perhaps not right here, but right here was where he was. And had been for two hours. Drinking. Needless to say, the old man was quite sloshed.
So, what's Kensou doing? He's running, that's what! Of course, he's been doing a lot of that lately, ever since his teacher returned to Southtown and decided to crack down on his first student's training. But the thing is... It actually seems to be having an effect! He's a little faster, he's taking longer to get winded... Of course, he's probably also getting loaded down with more weight, but still! The fact of the matter is that he's getting /better/. Faster, stronger, tougher. He's actually working hard, and it's actually panning out! Reaching the top of the steps with that weighted training dummy strapped to his back, the Psycho Soldier teeters on the edge... And /very nearly/ falls back, flailing his arms as he balances on one foot, before regaining his footing and pitching forward a few steps. Okay, so, some things never change. "Oiii, Chin-sifu," Kensou calls, working with the harness that keeps the Chin dummy in place, to detach the damn thing. "Where you hidin'?" And drinking, no doubt! Tsk!
Hiding? Chin is doing no such thing. He's quite out in the open, actually, visible from the courtyard, though with the light it might be more difficult to see the old master. A shame, too, as while Chin *had* been there to supervise, the alcohol had simply gotten away from him, and being 'partially hidden' as he was, it was easier for him to do such! But right now, Chin's teetering on the edge of his third favorite activity, which is that of napping. Drinking so much tends to wear him out, after all! He settles the bottle down beside him, mindful enough to cork the thing, and then his head nods down once, twice... snap! The voice of his adoptive son cuts through the impulse to nap, which, combining with the alcohol, immediately makes him irritable. You know how it is when you're woken up from a nap - you're usually grumpy, and in Chin's case, he hadn't even gotten to the point where he was asleep, so doubly grumpy he was!
Of course, there's no rest for the wicked, as it were... But then, when is there ever? Kensou finally gets the harness off, setting the heavy dummy down on the ground beside him and rubbing his shoulders. Owww. "Y' mean that while I was out there runnin' and runnin' with that heavy thing on my back, you were sittin' here drinkin'!?" he wonders incredulously. How could such an irresponsible old man have raised a paragon of virtue and hard work as Sie Kensou?! Heaving a disgruntled sigh, Kensou shakes his head. "How'm I supposedta do the rest of my trainin' if you're passed out back there? I thought you wanted t' help me get stronger, sifu!" Crazy old man! Watch how Kensou crosses his lean arms across his chest, looking elaborately disappointed with the aged kung fu master.
"Stronger?! You've been training for months, and I-I've yet to shee anything come of it! You shirk your duties too much to be in thosh sh-*whistle*-illy Saturday Night Fishicuffs! Bah." Waving a hand dismissively, the old master paces off a small distance, and... yes. His hand again reaches for his gourd, bringing it out and uncorking it with one hand, then taking another sip, the sigh and mouth-wiping accompanying it like an old ritual. He then turns, and thrusts the gourd accusingly at Kensou. "Th' only way I'm-a teach you anythin' is to put it in your brain the hard way." A cheerful grin spreads on the old man's face as he adds: "Though it'd take shome forsh t' put it there given yer thick head, hee hee hee!"
Wh-what?! Kensou has never been so dissed in his entire young life! Actually, he probably has, but to hear his efforts so soundly denigrated by his adoptive father, his teacher... That can't help but make it worse. Kensou's eyebrow twitches, but he's going to take the higher ground here! He has learned discipline and self-control! The boy's arms unfold slowly, and he takes a deep, deep, calming breath. He is definitely not going to--Oh to hell with it. The Psycho Soldier just totally hauls off, in a big huge overhand punch aimed at the shorter Chinese fighter, putting his entire weight behind it. He doesn't even a have a snappy comment! Yeah!
COMBATSYS: Kensou has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Chin has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Strong Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Oh snap! Well, one could always tell Chin wasn't -really- being mean. Sure, he'd pick on Kensou, but all friends and family did that from time to time, and... well. If physical violence was involved, that just meant that were *that much more loving*. Right? Of course! And while it might seem like a terrible thing to punch at an old man pushing one hundred... any onlookers would be quite startled to see as the old man's knees bend, and his whole back simply curves until he's parallel with the ground, one hand holding the gourd, the other simply tucked behind his back in his usual posture. The fist passes straight over him, and, not missing a beat, Chin takes one step and then swings his torso around in a semi-circle, bringing his hand up in a wider arc in order to strike at Kensou in retaliation with the gourd he holds, crying out with, "Ho ho ho! Too slow, too slow!"
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Kensou with Suiho Hyoutan Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Yeah, it would definitely seem to be too slow, all right! Kensou misses horribly, and /then/ he gets throughly smashed with his teacher's gourds, which kinda hurts, you know. "Geh!" exclaims he, staggering back... And almost falling over. Okay! That's /totally it/. He's gonna cut loose! Kensou's hands come up in front of his face, and for the briefest of moments he gathers energy... Before sweeping his hands out, which causes a blue-tinged sphere of white Psycho Power to form in midair, hurtling towards Chin! "Choukyuudan!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
The gourd impacts, and Chin, to right himself, simply spins in place, straightening himself right up. Of course it's not without incident. While he makes it back up, a nasty *crick* noise is heard from the general area of his hip, which he placed a lot of weight on. "Ooh!" He says... but then, there's athe Choukyuu Dan being charged and flung. Chin seems to take this easily enough as the blue-white sphere of power rages towards him, lighting up the courtyard. In fact he takes it so well that he... leap-frogs over the thing as it passes under him, and flies off into the woods, impacting on a very unfortunate tree. And it's *right then* that Chin suddenly snaps in a voice that doesn't sound at all drunk: "You're too worked up! Calm yourself or you'll keep making stupid mistakes!" As if to emphasize this, Chin doesn't follow up the projectile with an attack of his own, rather, he stays where he is - swaying lightly in place, though oddly now balanced almost perfectly on one foot - and seeming to make a mock of a tai-chi 'cool down' motion, bringing his arms down and exhaling slowly. Of course, he can't resist a little sip from his gourd, seeing as it's still out.
COMBATSYS: Chin focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
N-no way! Kensou lets out a quiet tch as his attack is thusly dodged, which is... Honestly, it's kind of vexing! But he's letting himself get caught up in his anger, isn't he? Making terrible mistakes, just like Chin is saying! Heaving a sigh, Kensou closes his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself. "C'mon, Kensou," he mutters to himself, opening his eyes back up. "Okay!! This time, I'm comin' at you seriously!" the youth declares, dashing towards Chin and attempting for another overhand punch... But this one is much faster than the earlier! If it lands, he follows it up with a succession of more punches, hopefully ending the combination with both hands clasped together in an axehandle position, trying to strike his teacher in the jaw! "Uryaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Chin fails to interrupt Ryuu Renda from Kensou with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Well, the fight had actually been easy, so far. Kensou might've actually /regressed/, so far as Chin was concerned! But maybe some of that was the alcohol, maybe some of that was simply boldness on Chin's part. Nevertheless, as the attack comes in, Chin attempts to step forward and grab at Kensou's clothes for a throw-style attack... but is simply too slow! Thus, the series of attacks lands, and it all ends with Chin flying backwards a small bit, landing on his back, with a loud cry, probably more out of surprise at being sent flying than pain... though to think there wasn't any of the latter would be a big mistake! Still, that was quite a hit.... Dazed, Chin will settle for lying here at the moment, grunting a little as he tries to move.
Under other circumstances, Kensou would probably go out of his way to press his advantage... But with his teacher, one never knows what might turn out to actually be some sort of complicated trick designed to lull him into a false sense of security! So instead, as Chin is thrown back, /Kensou/ hops back away, landing in a bit of a crouch further back on the courtyard. "C'mon, sifu," he says, cracking his knuckles... And then tensing as those familiar motes of energy start to form in the air around him, swirling about and gathering closer to Kensou, his Psycho Power building visibly!
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Chin eventually gets back up. While it might've been more speedy if Kensou had attacked, seeing the younger man back off a distance gives him just a little extra time not to hurt his old bones. "Oof!" He mutters, still, and then... he takes the gourd, which he still hasn't put away, and simply pops the cork to take a drink. It would seem like the old master is going senile, yes? But Kensou should know better than anyone what this would mean, especially at the sudden emergance of psycho power from within his opponent. Nothing so fancy as blue-white spheres of power, Chin simply lowers the bottle, and exhales. Of course, he exhales a gout of flame at Kensou, but beyond that? Nah, nothing flashy!
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Chin's Demon Drink.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Kensou
No indeed, Kensou would have to be foolish to see his teacher's taking a drink as anything innocuous in a fight. The gout of flame hits, sure, and it burns too... But most of the incoming damage is deflected by Kensou's raised arms. "Ow ow ow ow ow!" he says, because that /hurt/, you know! "Geez!" But he's right back on the offense, rushing in close to Chin and lashing out with a simple straight punch, his fist snapping out and back in speedily. "Yaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Chin with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Kensou
Too fast! The attack is made before Chin can even recover from spitting fire from his mouth, but the attack doesn't deterr him for too long. Right after the punch impacts against his chest, forcing him back a step or two, the old man steps right back on up. One step, plants his foot, and then he brings his hand up in an open-palm strike, using the firm planting of his foot as a strong base to attempt a strong, open-handed punch in retaliation.
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Chin's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Kensou
"Hoo," Kensou exhales, ducking just barely out of the range of his teacher's counterattack! He twists, letting the palm pass him by, but since Chin seems like he wants to keep this close-quarters... Kensou is happy to oblige! The younger fighter finishes his twist with an attempt to bring his leg up under Chin's extended arm, trying to smash his knee into those exposed ribs! On the bright side, at least he isn't aiming a little lower, for the kidneys. "Hyaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Kensou
He'd missed his open-handed strike, proving Kensou was just a bit faster than his feet than he been in previous fights against his old master. And yes, Chin was drunk, but not quite drunk enough to miss important details like this. Not to mention, the sharp blows that Kensou had managed to land were something of a sobering experience! The old man believed it was time to get serious... well. As serious as one could be while they were actually taking a literal adaptation of their 'Drunken Monkey' stance by balancing on one leg, swaying lightly from the alcohol, and taunting their opponent. His attack is dodged, and when his adopted son jumps back in with a knee, Chin obliges with much the same, by taking a hop back, letting the knee strike at where he was. Immediately after, Chin slips forward, and hopefully, before Kensou recovers, takes advantage of the boy's awkward stance by grabbing his shirt, and then lifting him up and over, giving him quick toss, something Chin actually needs to fall backwards for, if it actually succeeds!
COMBATSYS: Kensou endures Chin's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Kensou
Aw, weaksauce. Kensou's knee, of course, strikes nothing but empty air, and then he gets well and truly tossed, hitting his back on the stones of the courtyard! Ow! He skids along a bit, before getting back to his feet with another spry hop. Okay... That really could've gone better, but! Before Chin can, hopefully, recover from his throw, Kensou is running straight towards the creaky old man, trying to hit him while he's still down by skidding along the ground in a baseball slide, one foot extended! But, judging by the sudden buildup of energy, that's probably not going to be the end of it...!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Chin with Shinryuu Seiou Rekkyaku.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
...With his sliding kick striking, Kensou then proceeds to kick his teacher /up into the air/, pushing off of the ground to follow for a vicious kicking combination! Unfortunately, though, it seems like his aim was slightly off, or that Chin managed to dodge the first hit enough to make the rest of the combo off-balance, because at some point he's not kicking Chin anymore, just empty air! Aw, snapple.
Chin isn't too fast in getting up from the throw, so he's more or less still down when Kensou comes sliding home into the old master... but he's only clipped, somewhat, so when sent into the air with a yowl like a cat who had just been tossed into a pool of water, he's off-center for Kensou's follow up of kicks. He still gets HIT, but is already falling to the wayside before the majority of kicks in general can be done. If the full attack had hit, maybe it might've stunned the drunken fighter, but as it is, Chin still has most of his wits about him for a counter - in the air, no less! As Chin begins to descend, he attempts to grab Kensou by his foot, and if all goes right, he'll be in for yet another throw - this time aided by gravity, and Chin more or less tossing him straight down into the stones, which he then follows up by using Kensou to break his fall back to the ground, by lading on him. Not that the old man's weight would do much to hurt, when you've already been tossed to the ground! "Hooooya!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Chin's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Not this time, Chin! Kensou manages to wrench his foot free from his teacher's attempt to slam him into the ground, instead landing on his feet. Ha ha ha ha! Exhaling slowly, the younger psion then dashes forward, running low to the ground to intercept Chin shortly after the old man's /own/ landing, finally thowing himself forward in a horizontal leap, his left elbow and knee extended to try and hit the old man. "Yo-!" If that hits, then he twists his waist to bring his right knee on the attack, aimed at his sifu's midsection. "Hyaa-!" And then?! And then he keeps right on twisting, swinging his left heel in a wide arc for a big ol' roundhouse kick. "Uryaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Chin endures Kensou's Ryuu Renga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chin 1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Well, that plan didn't go so well. So instead of having a nice, comfortable landing on top of his student, Chin is left to land, badly, on his own feet, which combining with the alcohol and his old bones, it quite a bad one. He lands on his feet, but then stumbles and nearly falls, and would have if not for him shuffling his feet and catching himself. "Oof!" He cries out, and then has to take a moment to readjust himself... in time for Kensou's elbow to smash into him, following it up with an expertly produced combo. It ends with Chin, again, being sent flying back... but what's this?! In mid flight, Chin actually manages to kip his feet up, flip, and then land, softly, on his feet again, giving a small, victorious chuckle. No sooner than this is done, that Chin suddenly LETS LOOSE with something the younger boy should be familiar with: a gigantic god damn ball of flame, racing from the old man's lips, directly to Kensou.
COMBATSYS: Kensou parries Chin's Roaring Flame Inferno!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Now it seems that the sin of overconfidence is not Kensou's alone! "Oh, crap," the youth says at the sight of that big ol' fireball headed his way. He's had really bad luck with that in the past, you know! So what're you gonna do, Kensou? What're you gonna do? Actually, he runs /directly at the fireball/, of all things. Is he just going to try and take the hit and deal with it? does he plan to jump over or roll under it?! No! Instead, at the last moment Kensou jumps /into/ the Psycho Power flame, throwing one foot forward with an aura of blue tinged-white power around it. Yes, he's banking on his own Psycho Power to carry him safely though Chin's fireball... Which it does! That energy-limned foot keeps leading the way as Kensou blazes through his sifu's powerful attack and then tries to boot the old guy right in the face! "Hyaaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Chin with Ryuu Sougeki EX.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Chin's surprise could not be more evident. He knew Kensou had trouble with this attack... just as much as Chin had difficulty with a few of Kensou's own attacks. But to not only not be hurt by the attack, but simply /plow through it/... well. To say Kensou's mentor and adoptive father wasn't honestly surprised, not to mention proud, would be a severe mistake. It's only his natural instincts (and probably in no small part thanks to his drunken state) that he even tries to dodge at all! He begins to tip backwards... but Kensou is too fast, and he simply gets kicked square in the face, putting him down onto the floor, on his back. If his eyes could be seen through the omnieyebrows, they might even be swirling. While it might seem the old man is out of commission... it might just be treachery!
COMBATSYS: Chin takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
It probably is treachery, too! But Kensou's not really the sort of person to go and attack his teacher while he's down in a capacity other than 'obviously still recovering from a move'. That's just not the Psycho Soldier's style! Attacking a guy who might actually be dizzy! Instead, Kensou hops back a bit and watches his sifu, stooped over with his hands on his knees. He's studying Chin's movements, just in case he needs to go right back on the offensive... "Y'okay, sifu?" he wonders, though. "I'd understand, if you wanna call it quits..."
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Indeed... who knows what the old man had been planning? But seeing as Kensou is backing off a small distance to allow him his feet, Chin takes the opportunity - whether making a show of how wounded he is, or him actually being that hurt is hard to tell - and then gives another of those small chuckles, though it's not precisely triumphant any longer! Swaying on his feet, Chin tucking his arms behind his back, the old codger actually does give thought to calling it quits... it was clear Kensou had improved, tangibly at that. ...But, no use in letting him think he'd won so easily, hm? Steadying himself, he takes a moment to even stretch his back out, a few nosy but comfortable sounding pops issuing forth. "Hmm... quits?" He says, and then after a moment, shakes his head. His hands move then, both grabbing gourds from his sash-belt, and initiating an old tried and true attack; the double gourd sling. "You haven't won yet!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou negates Double Gourd Sling from Chin with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Uh oh, here come those damn gourds again! Kensou, who really shouldn't be allowed to win easily, no - he'll get all sorts of ideas! - has to think quickly. Should he try to block the hits? Try to get out of the way? Aw, screw it. "Choukyuudan!" cries the younger psion, throwing his hands out to intercept Chin's gourds with a sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power! However, the sphere can't really get /past/ those gourds, instead expending all of its energy stopping them from moving closer to Kensou; the sphere vanishes, but Chin's attack didn't hit either, so... It sort of worked out!
Feeling the forward momentum of his attacks stop, Chin instantly snaps up on the strings the gourds are attached to... but to think that he's just giving up with that little attack would be a mistake! As soon as the gourds are back in his hand, Chin spins in place... and then fires another gourd out, this time simply a single, the other tucked inwards to clutch to his side. "Hoo!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou parries Chin's Gourd Sling!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Aw, crap! Kensou sees the gourd coming his way again, but what can he possibly do about it now?! Actually, he twists to the side, letting the gourd pass him, and then... He grabs the string, yanking hard on it to pull himself and Chin together quicker! But to what end? What does Kensou have planned now?! It's pretty straightforward, actually, as he tries to meet Chin with... Another swinging, Psycho Powered kick, a trail of energy following his foot as he swings it in a wide arc! "Uryaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Ryuu Sougeki EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Chin is indeed yanked forward... but it seems the old fighter really -isn't- going to make it easy for Kensou to win. As the two come close, Chin pitches himself upwards, avoiding his pupil's kick by simply going *over* it. He lands, on Kensou, by extending one foot and planting it firmly on his chest. His leg bends a little, and then with a cry of: "Yah!" He pushes off from Kensou's chest... but at the same time, brings his other foot up sharply in an effort to simply flip-kick the younger man, sandaled foot aiming straight for Kensou's chin!
COMBATSYS: Kensou fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Chin with Sunda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Caught offguard by the fact that his kick is dodged, Kensou is thusly pretty surprised to get a foot on his chest. His reaction is immediate, though; his free hand pushes outwards, as he tries to get his open palm on his teacher... But to no avail, as, well, he gets kicked in the face before he can manage it, Chin's flip-kick knocking him back and away. "Geh!"
Landing smoothly from the attack, none the wiser, really, that Kensou had attempted to do much of anything in the way of interrupting his attack, Chin is already ready to follow up! Hoping to take advantage of the disoriented state his flip-kick should have induced, the old master makes a fairly simple attack, by stepping up, and then making an attempt at a throw by grabbing at Kensou's clothes... and then, with a swift motion, sweep his legs out from under him, at the same time pushing forward, hopefully sending the younger man to the floor, none too easily.
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Kensou with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Kensou
"Augh!" says Kensou, as he gets knocked to the ground. Things really don't look to be going too well for the younger fighter anymore... Perhaps this is just a little reminder of how much further ihe still has to go? "Not yet," he says quietly, getting his hands under him and swinging one leg, trying to take Chin's footing right out from under him and deposit the old master on the ground!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Chin with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Chin 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Perhaps it was simply a stroke of luck on the old master's part that he had, indeed, gotten a small come back at the end of the match. The foot connects... and manages, somewhat, to take Chin down. But he doesn't go straight down, no. As he falls, he seems to make one, almost... frustrated? attempt at a final attack. Arms and legs - and gourds - flailing about, he strikes at Kensou multiple times... but it seems it's the last of his energy. Win or lose on this, after he finishes, he simply collapses onto the ground with a grunt... and then is still.
COMBATSYS: Chin can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Kensou with Ryuurin Hourai.
[ \\\\ <
Kensou 1/----===/=======|
Well! Kensou /tries/ to get out of the way of Chin's attack, but it doesn't really work out; instead, he's struck by his master's last barrage of strikes, which finally knock him away, causing him to roll a bit on the courtyard ground and then... Sit up! Yes, he's still... He's still okay! Oh, he's tired as all hell and pretty battered, but that's nothing he can't fix. Which is about when he notices that Chin /isn't/ getting back up. He didn't... He didn't just /win/, did he? Blinking owlishly in disbelief, Kensou gets to his feet - and wobbles for a moment - before heading over to where Chin is, stooping down to check on his teacher. "Er... You okay, sifu?"
COMBATSYS: Kensou takes no action.
[ \\\\ <
Kensou 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 18:52:39 11/23/2005.