Description: Or alternatively, Super Mimiru RPG: Legend of the Moon Tiara. Mimiru Kasagi is on a quest for the magical artifact that will increase her powers exponentially, and it looks like Alma Towazu is the first guardian in her path; the first boss, as it were. She's gotten stronger and she's got some new moves; but even that's not enough, and we can only hope she saved her game. But as she lays defeated, Hotaru leaps to her defense against Alma's, er, villainous machinations. Can Alma defeat two teenage girl fighters... in a row!? Actually... yes, he can. Holy crap!
Incredible. Really, it's incredible.
From whence has this new power come? Was it his revelation in the fight against Kensou, where he was able to maintain both his usual transcendant viewpoint -- the meeting of fighting spirits is the beauty, the rest is superficial -- and simultaneously synthesize it with a simple burning desire to win the fight? Is this true passion? Not just beyond superficial goals, but... beyond being beyond superficial goals, so much so that you go back to them? It makes Alma's head whirl a bit, but to be honest, the idea makes him feel really, really good. He feels like he's really gotten somewhere. It's not that he's been unnatural at all before, quite the contrary, but he's known all along that trying to distance himself from things was never what he really wanted, never what was truly right. Now he can be immersed in the flow of battle, feel the surge of pure joy and fighting spirit, and also revel in competition and the desire for improvement and victory. Clinging to them is one thing. Appreciating them, allowing them to exist, is something else...
Alma Towazu has plenty excuse for this metaphysical musing, because he's chilling at his favorite sidewalk cafe, drinking tea, dressed with his usual elegant simplicity, and looking so at home there that it's hard to even call him a douche. And he's philosophizing at a sidewalk cafe drinking tea, for goodness sake. This is like, the epitome of douche. But look at him! How to describe the look in those eyes. Worldly innocence? There is no pretention there. He thinks about these things because his heart commands it...
The tall, handsome half-Asian youth leans back slightly in his chair and, letting his arms hanging loosely down at his sides, tilts his head up and gazes at the sky for a moment, enjoying the sunlight while it lasts on this cool winter's day.
Nor the snow, nor the rain, nor the cold will actually stop Mimiru from her holy Quest to find this mystic artefact known as the Moon Tiara! Her path is filled with various encounters, allies and enemies, and after her countless defeats, Mimiru has finally gained a powerfully ally by her side: Benimaru Nikaido. Her new faithful Lunar Defender! With renewed faith and a boost of confidence, Mimiru's determination shines brighter than a thousand sun and she has resumed her quest for this holy grail! Nothing's gonna stand in her way this time, and she will not be defeated by those she has called the 'guardians of the Moon Tiara'.
Mimiru makes her way through China Town. She is following Max, of course, who's actually trying to find some leads. It didn't help her before but she has faith in Max. He will eventually find a good lead. Mimiru heaves a soft sigh, hands into her pocket as she follows her canine. She is half-paying attention to her surrounding, at least, until Max actually barks a couple of time. Mimiru blinks a few times and she arches a brow. "What did you find Max?" She asks, before her gaze goes up to finally see him. That man... One of the evil guardian of the Moon Tiara! One of those sayians.
Mimiru blinks a few times and she casts a glare over to Alma. She bites her lips and her hands clench into fists in her pocket, "Alma..." She calls out to the young man, "So... It seems that we meet again..." Mimiru says, tilting her head to one side, "This must be fate then... I swear, I will defeat you and get that information about the Moon Tiara!"
Oh man, Mimiru has allied with Benimaru Nikkaido? She clearly needs to find out who her real friends are. Still, that'll make things quite a bit more interesting in Mimiru's eternal quest for the Moon Tiara.
But Alma is a bit more distracted today than he was during their last encounter. He was playing along completely then, in his special deadpan way. But today the young guy's a little preoccupied with his thoughts, so he doesn't sense Mimiru's approach at all this time, and when she speaks, he just looks up and blinks once before smiling slightly. "Oh, hey, imouto-san," he says, distractedly. "How're you doing?"
When he hears her challenge, however, even in his current mood he can't help but let a grin grow upon his features, eyes starting to sparkle with inner mirth. He is clearly entertained. "Interesting," he says, unconsciously letting his voice shift to a lower, more bishonen pitch. It's impossible for him to say the word 'interesting' without sounding entirely too bishie. "I told you, Mimiru Kasagi-san. Your Moon Tiara is within. Your search for an artifact is merely a metaphor for a journey within your self..." He pauses to take a quiet and dignified sip of his tea. "But I don't suppose you'll believe what I say, hmm?"
Did Alma say that to her? Yes, he did, though Mimiru was more or less unconscious when he actually said it. Were it under other circumstances, she may consider this thoughtful advice and it actually might make some sense. Right now though, she believes that this is merely non-sense from a guardian who tries to hide away this Moon Tiara from her. However, perhaps, one day, Alma will manage to actually make her understand this... Or she will realize it on her own.
Mimiru actually frowns and she folds her arms in front of her chest, "You did?" She echoes. She shakes her head and grunts, "It doesn't matter what you said, you're trying to mix me up and stuff..." She comments with a snarl. Mimiru bites her lips and she says, "Whatever I need to do to reach this artefact, I am certain that it will start by defeating you -- that I am certain, you're the first trial I have set in my path and I will only be able to advance once I will defeat you... And that is what I am going to do. I can't lose again! I've got the strenght to defeat you this time!" Mimiru says, intonation full of determination.
The girl actually bends over and she gathers up snows in her hands, to form up a little snowball and she adds, "... Journey within myself or whatever it is... I know that I must beat you! Because... Well! You've kicked my butt thrice in a row and that is inexcusable!" Mimiru says as she takes the snowball and throws it at Alma, "Take that!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
Alma's eyes narrow slightly, and the fighting spirit swells up within him, sweeping away the debris of all his previous pondering. He senses more than sees the snowball blurring towards him -- Mimiru's a sports expert, and she can throw 'em like nobody's business for sure -- and... it impacts.
On his now damp dress shirt, left where has fallen upon the table.
Alma lands neatly behind Mimiru, settling into a poised crouch before rising gracefully. "Your spirit burns brighter than before," the handsome youth muses aloud, raising one alabaster eyebrow slightly. The ghost of a mild smile hovers upon his full lips. "I will be interested to see how much you have improved. But be warned-- if I defeat you now, I may not be as merciful as I have been before." It may be a trick of the light, but Alma's eyes gleam. Suddenly, the fact that he's so serious all the time starts to seem... a little bit more intimidating. You know, this guy wouldn't make a bad villain...
"I hope you saved your game."
The power of his role, so naturally assumed, so well-adopted, inspires him to his utmost. Alma feels passion bursting up within him, and his sleeveless undershirt and designer jeans start to ripple around him, pinkish-purple sparks rising around his powerful forearms. If he can be a suitable opponent for Mimiru, he will do his best!
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
Swirling around on her heels to face Alma, Mimiru bites her lips as she gives a glare to Alma. Her hands are clenched into tight fists and she nods to Alma, "I won't lose this time -- losing is not an option, I am going to defeat you, that, I am certain. I cannot fail, not this time!" Mimiru shouts, as if to show her determination to overcome this trial to this Guardian.
"Hold on tight! Here comes Mimiru!" The girl says as she settles herself in her combat posture, letting the energy flares around Alma. That's right, it's one of them for sure, she recognizes those aura, the way it bursts around Alma and empowers him. She's not going to let him power himself all that long though. Mimiru dashes over in Alma's direction and she attempts to get a hold of Alma and actually make him trip by sweeping him off his legs and unbalance him.
"It's all or nothing, I don't need any mercy from you!" Mimiru says as she goes up close with Alma.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Mimiru's O Soto Gari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
Alma bends like bamboo. It's not easy for Mimiru -- his stance is strong, and he's a strongly-built boy -- but he doesn't strain against her per se, and she is able to sweep his feet out from under him...
...but it's a ploy. He immediately rolls safely to her opposite side, and sweeps out with a low kick of his own; only to be assisted by a second low kick, a blurring repeat of the last. And even as that second copy low kick is being executed, Alma's "real" body has already risen and is punching fiercely, so that Mimiru is attacked from two places at once. Of course, that punch is duplicated as well, and the ferocious chain combo continues. If Mimiru is caught off guard, she'll be subjected to a fierce barrage of kung fu, accompanied by the sweet smell of rain.
"Hmph!" is the only battle cry Alma needs.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru fails to counter Autumn Rain from Alma with Ippon Seoi Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
No luck with that move on Alma. She'll have to change her strategy, most definately. Mimiru lets out a growl and she actually gets ready for when Alma will actually get back at her. Unfortunately, this isn't really enough for her to actually manage to intercept the incoming attack.
The duplication and the chain of combo actually proves to be more than Mimiru actually can handle and she fails to actually complete whatever interrupt motion she had set into pace. And so... This result into a fierce barrage of fists. Ouch.
Mimiru staggers back a little and she attempts to flee the assault, considering her defense's pretty threatened there. She bites her lips and gives Alma a glare. Things seem to be going badly for our heroine!
"You're still too predictable," Alma says, and though the tone is not harsh, something in the mildness of his words actually makes it stinging all the same. He's annoyingly unpreturbed. "It's cute that you never give up, Mimiru, and really, I have no end of respect for your fighting spirit. But don't you think you should pick fights with opponents you can handle?" He smiles slightly, and his eyes soften. "I mean, how many times have I defeated you?"
As he says this, he quick-steps forward and then quickly rears back, aiming a fierce single thrust kick at the young girl, the air rushing around his oncoming foot. This is the sort of kick that can bust through bricks. "Perhaps you should just submit to me this time. Maybe I'll let you off..."
Is Alma getting into this villain this a little too much? Or is this the Jiro Effect anew; is Alma, in his own highly subtle deadpan way, taunting Mimiru on purpose by patronizing her...?
~ Come on, imouto-san... ~
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
Lifting one arm up to her lips, Mimiru brushes a finger over it and she actually sticks her tongue out at Alma, "You know what they say... Even the most solid wall has a weak spot... And I'm going to find it. I may be small but that doesn't mean I can't defeat you, you're not invincible." Mimiru concludes with a couple of nods of her head. The girl actually cracks her knuckles afterward and she awaits for Alma to come after her.
Mimiru then swiftly side-stepts the incoming kick and her lips curl into a wide grin, "Never! I'm not going to give up!" Mimiru says as her fingers curl into a fist and she counters Alma's kick with her fist, swinging it over right for Alma's midsection, as hard as she can, to show him that she can still pack a punch too, "I need to defeat you and I will! I swear I will, I'm not giving up! Not this time, nor ever!"
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
Alma fades back easily from the punch, seeming to skim across the ground, casually slipping his hands into his pockets as he continues to smile slightly. "If you really won't give up... then I'm afraid I simply cannot hold back." And drawing his right hand out of his pocket, his eyes flash once before white-pink flames erupt and flow forth, trailing along his forearm up to his fingertips. Even as he's still smoothly backpedaling, he thrusts out his hand, casting forward in a single smooth gesture, and emits a whirling wave-like gout of mind-burning Psycho Power flame.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mimiru
With Alma swiftly moving aside from her assaults, considering how this guardian hasn't made a single mistake since this has started out, Mimiru just bites her lips a bit in frustration and she growls a little. Mimiru bites her lips and she actually raises her arms up and blocks the wave of energy that is hurled her way, burning up her forearms. Despite the pain, Mimiru tries to shrug it off and she shakes her head a couple of time at Alma, "... You don't have to..." Mimiru states, her eyes narrowing into a glare.
"Because I will use the Chou Mimiru-do to defeat you! And none can resist the power of it!" Mimiru states, taking a moment to pose, "Just you wait and see... I will find the weak spot..." Mimiru says as she charges once more on Alma and tries to hit him with her fists.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Alma with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mimiru
Eh? She emerged from the blast and kept on coming! With his Psycho Power slightly dimmed from the attack, even Alma's superior reflexes can't match Mimiru's speed; not without the help of his heightened awareness. The quick punches pepper his torso, and he grunts slightly as he allows himself to be knocked back rather than face a continued assault, staggering back a bit and reassuming a guard position. "Don't play around," he says, more sternly now. His eyes start to glow, and it becomes apparent that even after his Sacred Wave, the flame on his hand hasn't dimmed. In fact, a flame has ignited on his other hand too, and now he brings them together, bringing forth a crackling aura field as the two nodes of Psycho Power come into proximity. The flow of the battle becomes centered in that nexus for just as long as Alma's open mind can survive it--
--and then he slams his palms together and sweeps them forward in an underhand pitch motion, sending a staggering, wavering, but still very quick trail of bright white light straight forward, homing in on Mimiru's location. Then, as this is taking place, Alma calmly raises his right hand again, eyes still glowing... and snaps.
The ground underneath the girl's feet explodes in a geyser of white-pink flame.
"I'm just getting warmed up..."
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Mimiru with Two Heavens Harmony.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Mimiru
Things definately look bad. Really bad for Mimiru. Though that's always things usually turn out, everything goes bad at the beginning, but she is about to make a come back. Something really nasty. Finally Mimiru manages to hit Alma with one of her fierce punch. "That's right..." Mimiru replies to Alma, frowning at him.
Unfortunately though, the incoming surge of psi energy is not something Mimiru can do a thing against. Failing to move out from the geyser of energy, the little girl merely braces for impact the best she can. Though the way the blast of energy surges through her, making her scream in pain.
While the explosion keeps her standing, Mimiru staggers a little, knees trembling slightly as she almost stumbles and falls face first after that. Though her determination is enough to keep her standing. Mimiru shivers a little and she bites her lips, wincing and holding an arm around her chest, "... I'm not done yet..." She says under her breath, before she rushes over Alma and attempts to get a hold of him. If she suceeds, she'll merely attempt to get him off balance and throw him off over her shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Mimiru
It's as though he knows what she's going to do before she does it. Alma slips away from the attempted throw with quiet dignity, stepping neatly to the side as he continues to size up the now heavily battered girl. Though his expression seems gentle, his gaze remains merciless in its seriousness. "Maintain your control!" he says sharply. "Your fighting spirit is unfocused and fading fast. Your exuberance is a powerful aspect of yourself, but even though it may seem by nature a wild thing, you must learn to combine it with real tactics. You must have a strategy." His eyes blaze with the passion of his beliefs. Even though this situation might seem farcical to some, the youth clearly means what he's saying. "Know thyself, Mimiru Kasagi! Know your strengths and weaknesses! For before you do, you'll never be able to match my techniques! Hah!"
The 'hah' is not a laugh; it's a kiai. Quick-stepping in that patented feinting Hiten-ryu way, his right foot quickly rises and falls a couple times before suddenly lashing out in a snap kick to Mimiru's sternum.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Mimiru
With a grunt, a little bit losing the control of what is going on, Mimiru staggers about and she manages to avoid Alma's quick, despite the whole feint he pulled up on her. The little girl pants softly and she bites her lips and staggers backward. "Damn you! This isn't over yet! I know myself, and I'll beat your techniques!" Mimiru says.
Blazing with her fighting spirit, the little girl lets out a growl and her fist begins to glow a bright white aura. She charges over Alma and she hurls her fist right at him, "Have a taste of the Super Mimiru Punch!" She shouts as she attempts to give Alma a solid hit in his midsection.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Alma with Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1 Mimiru
Coming from the north is Hotaru; chattering quietly with Itokatsu though he obviously can't answer back, petting... and... and she senses something. A fight? The 'Hah!' kiai comes out clearly, and Hotaru spends a moment looking around, spotting Mimiru and that boy... Alma? She met him only briefly, and he was getting beat up bad by Yamazaki... so she's not entirely sure it's him.
Alma can't help but blink in surprise.
~ Chi energy? Then that's really...! ~
Yes, it's really the Super Mimiru Punch! And it's too fast for him! The punch impacts, and Alma staggers a couple steps back again. Though it looks like his powerful aura has absorbed the majority of the damage, he still looks a bit stunned for a moment. "Mimiru," he says quietly, clearly having forgotten his role, as there is more than a hint of admiration in his voice. "That's a new technique. I'm impressed..."
Well, maybe he didn't forget it, considering the way his eyes glint at his final exclamation. It's not really something 'assumed' anyway. He just naturally flows into it. Mimiru needs a villain! "Don't think knowing some new tricks is the same as improving yourself as a warrior!" He's already lunging, beginning a barrage of punches, wind gathering around each fierce strike. "I've yet to be truly impressed--!"
He finishes the combo with an uppercut that, if successful, may well knock the poor girl off her feet...
COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Strong Punch from Alma with Red Dragon Cascade.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
"Better be careful, 'cause that's just the beginning of all of it..." Mimiru says, still panting, her lips curling into a wide grin as she actually manages to impress Alma. The little girl keeps the pose for a moment. Though before Alma can fully recover and go into his own barrage of punches, Mimiru just growls and she hurls her other fist into Alma's guts, "Super Mimiru Punch!!" She shouts as the glowing fist hits Alma's midsection.
It's not over though! And Mimiru merely kneels slightly and she raises up, spinning slightly on herself as her glowing fist carries on and delivers a powerful chi powered uppercut at Alma, "SUPER MIMIR UPPERCUT!!" She shouts. The girl then lands quickly and her arms reaches for Alma's body. She quickly turns around on her heels and spins up, throwing off Alma in the air, "Super Mimiru Throw!!" She shouts.
Not letting Alma flies up for too long, Mimiru leaps off and she intercepts him in midair before he gets too high, flipping over to deliver him a nasty axing kick and send him right back into the ground, "SUPER MIMIRU KICK!!! NYAAAA!!" She shouts.
Mimiru straightens herself up once she lands on the ground and she folds her arms in front of her chest, turning around on her heels a little, back to Alma, "Such is the way of the Chou Mimiru-do."
A light breeze blows through Mimiru's hair.
The sky... it's full of stars.
No, hold on, the sky's just overcast, and the stars are finally fading. Still, it's a beautiful day. For a true warrior, every day is a beautiful day; every day must be fully appreciated, in case it is the day in which the warrior dies. It is with this mindset that Alma is able to find peace, even as he lies face-up on the ground, pillowed only by cracked and shattered pavement. Truely, it is in moments like this that harmony can be found within the chaos, and--
What the hell just happened!?!
Alma suddenly lurches forward into a sitting position, coughing and shakes his head furiously to clear it, before turning his head to-- well, frankly, mild as his expressions are, this one can still only be called a boggle. Jaw slightly slack, he just gawks at Mimiru for a moment, before... just blinking. "Goodness gracious," he murmurs, almost reverently. And not just at the damage she's dealt him, completely unexpectedly. It's that pose. He wanted her to find the warrior in, but... but... well... he... didn't exactly, er... expect that...
For a moment, he thinks he might be in love.
Then he shakes his head again, blinking a couple times and screwing up his face in mild irritation at himself, before quietly rising to his feet, calmly and naturally releasing all emotion once again. There's no need to compliment her; no need to say anything. She obviously knows she got him good this time. But he's far from finished... this boss fight has just begun.
Unless it's just about to end! Right foot igniting, shouting powerfully his defiance, Alma Towazu hurls himself into the air and aims a fierce hooking flying kick at the back of Mimiru's head. With the gathered force of a world of hopes and dreams, the youth howls through the aether...
COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Engeki Shooter from Alma with Max Interference.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
Mimiru's pretty badass. Actually, after that combo she actually acts pretty tough that's for sure. She's not even facing Alma, she's merely standing there, back to him, arms folded against her chest, eyes closed while the breeze blows through her hair. In her mind, it's as if, with that move, Alma was done and out for. No chance he could withstand this powerful attack. As of sort, with that last scowlding sentence, Mimiru returns to what appears to be a rather reckless attitude.
The little girl then blinks a few times and she glances over her shoulder at Alma, "..." Obviously, she lacks the reaction time to react to Alma, especially as he comes flying right at her! Will this be the end for everyone's favorite heroine!?
No! Something happens! Alma is intercepted in midair! What happened? It's Max! One of Mimiru's faithful allies! The Moon Dog! He came to her rescue, tackling Alma in midair and just literally pouncing him off before she can even touch Mimiru.
The little girl blinks a few times and she turns around on her heels to fully face Alma. "... What? Still standing?" She says, sounding a little surprise, "Didn't get enough or what?" She asks, frowning a little as she stares at Alma.
I could spend a lot of words describing Alma's expression, or I could just say he looks like this:
But whatever his inner feelings about this series of unfortunate events, he allows nothing to stop him from gracefully kip-uping to his feet and meeting Mimiru's gaze evenly, eyes narrowed. He's getting more battered, that's for sure, but he's sure not done. "Are you being serious?" he says quietly, lowered bishonen tones making more of a statement than a question. "You have improved, but I'm startled that you'd underestimate me so much, considering your vast experience with my usual level of performance." Without faltering, he reassumes his ready position, straightening and relaxing, shifting his best foot forward. "You've gotten stronger, imouto-san. But are you really hero enough to be worthy of the Moon Tiara?"
Hands rotating in a manner naturally predisposed to feints, Alma quick-steps forward and immediately closes in with a series of fierce jabs, trying to get around Mimiru's defenses and maybe even get in a solid blow to her temple, a potentially stunning strike.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Alma's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
Mimiru blinks a few times at Alma's words and she adds, "... Man, that was my finisher move, every big villain is supposed to be defeated after I use it, I'm all spent..." Mimiru says, sounding a little surprised that Alma's still good to go. Perhaps she had indeed, underestimated the young man. The girl's eyes widen a little and she actually staggers back, swiftly avoiding the incoming punch by ducking over.
What does Mimiru does? Well she merely just rushes away for a moment. What an heroine! A strategical retreat though. Mimiru pants softly and she tries to get her breath back, "... Well okay, you're a bit stronger than I had expected... I guess I'll have to improvise from this step on..." Mimiru says, bitting her lips and trying to regain her composture.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
Alma may still have the overall advantage, but he can't afford to let Mimiru get her wind back. He doesn't let up for an instant. Though his initial jabs fail to make impact, the combination continues fluidly as he continues to close in as she backs away, the punches becoming fiercer and harsher, the air shuddering around them again, the rushing wind only adding to his own momentum. If nothing else, it will keep the younger fighter on her toes... and Alma feels himself getting reinspired by his own unhesitating efforts to boot.
"Ha! Ha! Eii ha! Uuryah!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Alma's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Mimiru
Bitting her lips, Mimiru actually manages to put herself back into gears before she can resume this battle. Few are the times where she actually seems out of breath when it comes to battles like this but when she gave her best after that power blast of energy, Mimiru was left rather drained.
Despite her slower reaction, Mimiru still manages to lift her arm up and block the incoming assault. Mimiru grunts and she bites her lips as she tries to fight back Alma's strenght, "Max! Come on hurry up and do something!" Mimiru shouts. And coming to her rescue, the canine bark and dashes off at Alma once more, trying to tackle him and claw him off from Mimiru for at least a couple of seconds.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Mimiru's Max Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Mimiru
This time, Alma is more prepared for a Max onslaught. The dog leaps to tackle him, but Alma lowers himself smoothly by spreading his stance, and lifts his arms to gently redirect Max's force and sending him sailing over Alma's own head. The dog lands unharmed, but the tackle mainly missed, and Alma has lost little of his own momentum; his ploy has worked this time around.
And so, wasting no time, the tall youth quickly pivots and aims a quick roundhouse kick at the side of Mimiru's head. "Enough!" he says sharply, serving as his kiai for the potentially fight-ending strike...
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Mimiru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
This obviously isn't good for poor Mimiru. The little girl staggers a little as Alma kicks her on the side of her head, Max unable to grant her enough of a diversion to actually get away from this. Mimiru clenches her teeth and she gives a glare to Alma. She's not done yet, definately not but she's obviously on her last breath.
"No not enough!!" Mimiru shouts as she spins about and growls, attempting to deliver a powerful kick to Alma's chest and forces him away from her, making him stagger back a couple of pace. "I swear... I am not going to give in! Not as long as I have a bit of energy left into me!"
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
Alma... blurs.
As Mimiru's kick passes through empty space, she hears a voice whisper quietly, seemingly right in her ear: "Well done. But now... rest."
And then, with the hissing crescendo of rushing air, Alma unblurs back into existence behind her, with right arm swung out and outstretched, palm flat, as though he's just slashed through something... has he?
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Mimiru with Rekka Rush.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Mimiru
Alas, this is the end for Super Mimiru. That fast hit behind her head is enough to make her fall into unconscious land. And she crumbles.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Mimiru's Max Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 1/-------/=======|
But that doesn't mean Max isn't going to let go of Alma.
Or maybe not...
And now Hotaru steps forward, looking sternly at Alma. Itokatsu goes over to Mimiru, chirring and licking at her face. C'mon, wake up! It's not that bad is it?
"She's had enough, Towazu-san," and she's using his last name, "how about you? Or do you like beating up on girls?" So obviously she didn't see the fight...
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Alma
Alma, eyes closed, quietly lets his arm lower once Mimiru has crumpled to the ground. Rising to his full height once again, he gazes up at the sky and exhales, releasing the last of the passion of the fight-- until he senses violent intent, and turns to see Max ready to lunge...
Dog and man link gazes.
And Alma just *stares*.
Several moments pass, and finally Max lowers his head, whimpering slightly, and just turns to lick Mimiru's face gently. It's impossible to tell what passed between the young man and the large dog, but they do go back a bit, ever since he took care of Max at his apartment for a while... so maybe there was more subtly behind that shared look than it seems.
With final quiet sigh, Alma lets a little smile brighten his features once again. But it is quickly dispersed as he hears a familiar voice behind him, and he turns to see the dog joined by a ferret in the licking endeavor, and the slightly younger kung fu girl from before as well. Ah yes... she saw him fight Yamazaki. Huh, and even after that, she thinks he's the type to beat on innocents?
He smiles, and though it seems genuine, it looks a bit tired. Well, that's understandible. "Hotaru-san," he says, bowing his head for a moment in greeting. "Mimiru challenged me." His tone is rather grave. It's a surprising tone for one his age. "Young girl or elder man, if someone with real fighting spirit challenges me, I won't insult them by holding back. She wanted to defeat me. She can't, yet."
If he seems a little harsh, really, he's just tired... and how can he explain that the girl he just 'beat up' had only finished throwing him into the pavement a minute ago?
COMBATSYS: Alma takes a breather.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Alma
Oh, she saw that; she's been watching for a little while, but Mimiru is her friend and possible teammate, she shouldn't just let it go. Itokatsu is there to help Mimiru as is Max; Hotaru smiles a little bit.
"Well, since Mimiru-san wants me to be her teammate, perhaps I should see if you can beat me, too..."
COMBATSYS: Hotaru takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Alma
Uh oh. Hotaru has joined the party. Well, Alma's the boss, he can't back down. Mouth quirking into a smile again, eyes starting to brighten all over again as the impending challenge registers on his psyche and he feels the flow of battle begin to move around him once again, he shifts his stance. "Well, I've made it a habit of taking her back to my apartment after I beat her," he admits. "She's my... best friend's sister." Best friend feels a bit odd coming out, but it definitely doesn't feel wrong... well, anyway, he continues, deciding to put that behind him for now. "But--" And here his smile widens slightly, eyes narrowing as they sparkle with inner mirth. "--Mimiru will no doubt appreciate being, ah, 'rescued' by you. And I was only able to see some of your skills during the... last encounter."
He raises his hands into a calm, poised, relaxed guard position.
"So please... do your best."
COMBATSYS: Alma focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Alma
Hotaru doesn't ask who that 'best friend' is; it doesn't matter in this fight. But, she politely corrects Alma, "Not 'rescue'... Mimiru-san doesn't need rescuing... I guess you could say avenge, but I'm not really that type either. Still... since you bested Mimiru-san, it will be interesting to see your skills..."
That said, Hotaru looks at Alma, gauging him not just with eyes, but trying to feel him out at a mental level... and then she begins, closing distance with the young man with a tremendous leap that actually takes her over the Psycho Power user; as she flies past, she stomps down, at the top of his head.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Alma with Kou-shuu Da.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1 Alma
It's only once Hotaru starts moving that Alma's aura sense becomes fully active, and he comes to the quiet realization that Hotaru outclasses him as a fighter. But... that's no reason to give up, right?
Well, maybe not, but the stomp on the head might make one consider it. Alma's not able to react quick enough, and he takes the hit solidly, staggering forward and nearly collapsing as Hotaru continues on through the air. Still, with a surge of sudden inspiration, the young man keeps his footing, and turning, eyes blazing, he lets his power surge to his right hand and sweeps it out, emitting a huge geyser of power angled outward in an attempt to catch Hotaru midflight. It's a pretty sudden release of so much power, but that may be what Alma's actually banking on.
Her aura may indicate superior talent... but that doesn't mean he can't win this!
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Alma's Two Heavens Harmony.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Alma
Don't say she outclasses him. Skill, luck, heart, resolve, all of it individually only carries a fighter so far. Winning comes from marrying the traits together. Experience helps, too; Hotaru knows she's vulnerable during the recovery and so when she senses that Alma's trying something she tucks into a ball, passing right through the geyser of psi. And man, that still hurts; even as she lands wisps of the energy are still trailing off her and her clothes.
"W--what was that?!?" she cries, startled--that wasn't chi, she knows it, she knows the feel of it... no, Hotaru, don't get distracted... after the outburst she gathers herself, her blue eyes growing more serious...
COMBATSYS: Hotaru focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Alma
That last attack definitely drained him, but Alma remains boiling over with inspiration, and so the white-pink flame of his right hand remains alive, and his gaze remains bright and clear. "I have heard it called Psycho Power," he says, voice steady and calm. "Like chi, it is a manifestation of the fighting spirit. However, I believe it differs in that rather than dealing damage directly to the body and only to the fighting spirit by consequence, Psycho Power attacks the opponent's fighting spirit directly... and the body is drained by the mind's weakness."
This midfight articulate explanation has still done nothing to stop Alma from continuing to close in, however, and even just as he's finishing he is stepping into a swing, casting out his right hand and emitting a smaller gout of pinkish-purple flame -- both aiming to keep Hotaru at a distance and seriously shake her concentration if it hits.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru fails to reflect Sacred Wave from Alma with Ko-bi Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Alma
Whatever it is... Hotaru doesn't want to be hit by it again. So she aims to use her chi to fling the Psycho Power back where it came from; but she's a little slow, still feeling the weird effects of that energy and she misses, taking the hit in her chest. It staggers her back, but not that far, and she is left shaking her head, trying to shake it off.
Good, she's otherwise occupied. Alma's really straining himself here -- it's time he got back in gear. Taking full advantage of Hotaru's recovery time, Alma settles himself deep into his stance, actually closing his eyes as he takes deep, quiet breaths, letting the flow of battle, the music of the fight, drift through him like waves lapping upon the shore. There is a lull for now, but soon the tempo will begin to quicken again, and the beat will return...
...but for now, there is peace to be found.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Alma
Closing his eyes? Hotaru could interpret that as insulting... but she chooses not to. Still, she has to try. Stepping quickly, and softly, she races the distance to Alma, reaching out to grab him and perform the classic pull-and-trip, a quick redirection of Alma's body past an outstretched leg and into the pavement.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Hotaru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Alma
Psychic-enhanced awareness returning to him, Alma is ready. He is stance is too settled for any real attempt at avoiding the move -- plus his eyes are still closed, for goodness sake -- so he is grabbed and pulled forward, not exactly resisting; again, he bends with the motion like bamboo. But as soon as Hotaru tries to trip him, his eyes snap open, and meeting her gaze rather than looking down, his own leg moves to trap hers and prevent himself from being fully thrown. His palms thrust forward flat out against the girl's rib cage to push himself away from her, and then he fiercely punches out twice, wind whistling around each strike as he attempts both a strategic withdrawl and a serious attack at the same time.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Hotaru with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hotaru 1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1 Alma
Two punches, two hits. Both to Hotaru's midsection. She stumbles back, swallowing a cry of pain. Like Jiro, she will not be weak. But she will seek to return the favor; even as Alma is moving away she's moving back in on him, thrusting her palms out at his midsection. It's like a Hadouken... without the chi.
COMBATSYS: Alma interrupts Strong Punch from Hotaru with The One Strike.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Hotaru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0 Alma
Alma's withdrawl turns out to be even more strategic than it looks. He feels the ambient power of the surrounding chi ripple around him, feels the surging tides of the battle's flow gathering with tsunami-like force, feels the growing storm that is his and Hotaru's fighting spirit colliding -- and cannot help but smile slightly, even as he sees the girl attack.
Even as he skims back, he raises his right hand, and reveals how it glows white hot... the summoned energies of his Psycho Power, the full force of his very self, thrust out into this one desperate connection, this one passionate attempt to strike directly at Hotaru's very core--
He strikes at the same time as she does.
Even as he doubles over from the impact, his fingertips strike her forehead, and unleash a barrage of pure mental force directly into her mind, distorting her sense of self, blurring her perceptions, and overall just, well, blowing her freaking mind. It's Psycho Power, yo.
And even as Alma staggers back, clutching at his abdomen where the punch impacted, he cannot help but let a quiet grin brighten his high-cheekboned face. It's so refreshing, such a release, every time he can manage that.
Hotaru staggers; the Psycho Power flood blurs her vision, her mind, leaves her stumbling... but not down, not just yet. She won't go down that easily. And while were she thinking clearly she might be embarrassed to do what she's about to attempt, right now she's got as much of the fighter's spirit in her as her brother might. She can't win. But she can try to keep Alma from winning, too. With sudden, vicious speed, she's striking at Alma, flipping her entire body upwards in a flip kick; a streak of blue-white chi seemingly rooted in the ground follows the path of her feet up and towards Alma's chin. (More if this hits.)
COMBATSYS: Hotaru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Hotaru's Ten-Shou Ran-Ki EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/--=====|
... but she doesn't hit. At least not well. Hotaru has the good sense to just... stop the technique there; she lands on her feet, though she stumbles afterwards, going down on one knee... finding a way to harmlessly release the gathered chi energy, she plants a hand on the ground and bleeds it off. And she looks up at Alma.
"Congratulations," she says--and without a trace of rancor or bitterness. It's true and sweet, and she manages a bit of a wry smile, "But I'll want to try that again someday..."
Oh, dang. Look at that kick. Uhh. Hmmm.
Well, it was fun...
Gritting his teeth, summoning the very last of his resolve, Alma crosses his arms in front of his body and draws forth the last of his aura, sending it surging forward with impeccable spiritual control so that it protects the place of impact. The chi-enhanced kick strikes, sending searing pain through his entire body as his aura distributes the damage evenly through his body and mind, his brain screaming at him in outrage from the indignity it is forced to suffer. His ears ring, his vision goes white--
--and he does not fall.
It takes him a little bit to register this. He's actually still standing. He blinks, eyes clouded now for the first time, and looks down blearly at Hotaru where she is being the best sport a guy could ask for. And, not really comprehending her words at the moment, he just reacts instinctively, and smiles winningly, eyes warm behind his now rather unkempt blonde red-tipped bangs, the stud in his ear gleaming in the last of the sunlight.
Then he collaspes to his knees, looking a bit startled. He sways slightly there, giving himself time to breathe a bit -- and gets to his feet, just so he can offer Hotaru a hand up. He's basically panting quietly, so it's hard for him to get words out, but he does manage, as he barely maintains that smile:
"Sure thing."
~ Someday after I get a few days of straight rest, maybe... ~
COMBATSYS: Alma has ended the fight here.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 01:20:38 11/21/2005.