Description: Sagat happens upon a clandestine shipping operation overseen by Mr. Big in Thailand.
The low hum of a relatively quiet motorboat permeates the night as the dark vessel skims over the choppy Indian Ocean waters bordering one of Thailand's many natural ports. "There it is," the dark figure at the prow of the large motorboat utters as they near the inlet, his voice tense with excitement. "His information was good, have them release his daughter."
'Yes sir, I will make the call when we get to shore,' replies the figure in the stern, his hand deftly guiding the motorboat's direction as they make their way towards the landing.
"Excellent... everything seems to be going well. Hopefully nothing... unexpected turns up..." the figure mutters almost prophetically the boat plows its way onto the shore. 'He told us it was the most obscure port in Thailand, sir. We have no reason to doubt his information, especially with his daughter in our possession,' the other man replies as he drags the boat farter ashore. 'Shall I make the call?' he asks as he drives an object into the sand, an object that begins to glow with the click of a button.
"Actually... no. Hold the call until this thing goes down smoothly," replies Mr. Big, the man who's features are finally visible for the first time as the electric torchlight continues to build in strength. "If there's any trouble I want the girl killed."
'Understood. Shall I signal the ships?' The second man, an obscure figure wrapped in a trench coat and hat, asks.
"Yes, then take the boat back and help them unload. I don't want them too close to shore."
'Yes sir,' replies the man as he pulls a flare gun from his coat and fires it into the air. As the flair rises it emits green smoke accompanied by a low light flair, barely illuminating the smoke as it hangs in the air.
"Good. Tell the men to hurry, I want this to go as fast as possible," Mr. Big informs his assistant as the other man jumps back in the boat. Sending the boat back into the water with a powerful kick, Mr. Big turns back towards the mainland, giving the natural port a once over in the soft glow of the electric torch.
That's the thing about obscure ports. They attract the most unsavory of peoples! Mr. Big and his crew decided to utilize it this day, but it's home to a lot of drug, weapon and human trafficing from the infamous Shadaloo. There's a tractor trailor headed towards the natural harbor along a dirt access route. It's got a large cab and towing behind it is a boat. This happens to be an unmarked Shadaloo transport truck and boat. Inside the truck? Could be just about anyone. They do not expect any issues tonight, it's just a routine mission. One man in the back of the truck, whom takes up all of the back and has to hunch over to even fit in the truck, spots the flare flying up into the air from the direction of their intended destination. That man utters deeply, "Speed up. Someone's at our destination." The truck's engine revs with more power and the large vehicle increases its velocity.
Whipping open a cell phone as his assistant makes his way back to the ships, Mr. Big glances at the phone's LCD screen, softly muttering something about 'bars' before pulling up the phone's antenna and punching in a series of numbers. Turning back towards the shore, Mr. Big holds the phone up to his ear and watches for signs of the cargo boats. "Hello... yes, everything is going smoothly. Send the trucks, and tell them to hurry. This place gives me the creeps," he utters into the phone, painful aware of how much his deep voice breaks thought the normal sounds of the Thai jungle. Stashing the phone back into an inner pocket of his coat after flipping it closed, Mr. Big spares the surrounding jungle one last suspicious look before making his way over to a large piece of driftwood and taking a seat.
Pulling a small pair of night vision binoculars from his coat, Mr. Big's mouth breaks into a smile as he looks through the device and catches sight of the first wave of cargo boats making their way to the shore with the payload. "Excellent..." he says softly as the minutes tick by.
The boats travel slowly, the heavy cargo containers weighing them down in the water, cutting down their speed considerably. "Gah... hurry the hell up..." Mr. Big mutters as he sets the binoculars down next to him. "I want the first round ready to be loaded onto the trucks when they get here..." he tells himself. Suddenly an growing noise pierces the jungle veil, causing Mr. Big's ears to perk. "What the hell..." Mr. Big growls, standing and turning towards the small dirt road leading to the port. "That can't be the trucks already, can it... I told them to stick close, but..." he trails off in thought, his eyebrows knitting together in consternation. Reaching behind his pants waist, Mr. Big smoothly draws forth two smooth black batons and begins to twirl them nervously in his hands. "It has to be them..." he tries to assure himself.
The truck continues to plug along at a pretty fast pace, considering its size and the cargo that it's hauling behind it. It's lights are on, and very bright. The High-Beams must be on. It's plowing forward along the dark and dusty road. The man in the back of the truck grunts as the driver expresses his concern over the flare, "What if it is the authorities?" The man in the back mutters, "Than they will be dealt with." He says confidently. The Driver nods his head and continues along the path. Soon the water and harbor are spotted and the man in the back of the truck grunts, "Slow down and stop. See them?" The Driver nods and directs the truck towards the boat and Mr. Big and crew.
Cussing softly as the truck's high beams break through the surrounding jungle. Pulling the phone from his pocket, Mr. Big raises it to his lips and presses a button on the side, causing it to squawk loudly. "Mr. Big here... stop the boats and hurry back to the shore. I have a bad feeling. Be ready to pick me up. I'll call back if the coast is clear." Stashing the phone as the man on the other end acknowledges the orders; the grip on Mr. Big's batons tightens as he strides over to the path truck, letting the batons fall to his sides as the truck's headlights cause his auto-adjusting sunglasses to darken considerably. "Stop." he shouts with an air of command, holding one baton-laden hand out in front of him to try and get the truck to slow down.
Once the unmarked truck stops, the two side doors swing open forcefully. Out comes a pair of men. Both look pretty fit. They're Thai men and they're wearing what appear to be uniforms, military uniforms. But they are not standard issue Thai military. Anyone in the know would recognize it as Shadaloo standard issue. The hop out of the truck, one man puts his hands upon his hips and the other crosses his arms over his chest. They both stare towards the boat and Mr. Big's crew, "What do we have here?" They ask as they walk out and around to the front of the truck. Both of them now have their arms crossed over their chest, "Don't look like they are from around here." One of the men remarks and the other man laughs. The man that laughed then pipes up, "Think we should investigate what's going on then loot?" The other one nods and laughs.
"Son of a bitch..." Mr. Big mutters as the men hop out of the truck and begin to banter, his face blanching slightly as he glances back towards his approaching ride, realizing the gravity of his situation, his only ticket off the beach still a lengthy time from shore. "Damn," he grunts in resignation as he settles on the only course of action available to him. Stepping towards the Shadaloo soldiers, Mr. Big holds his arms up in the air, as if in surrender. "Hold on a second..." he shouts to the approaching soldiers."There must be some kind of deal we can work out..." he cries out, lowering his arms as his voice cracking with fear.
"Like... I could give you a couple of THESE!" Mr. Big shouts, the fear leaving his voice suddenly as it grows in strength and he whips both batons foreword towards the truck, the tips of the sticks sparking slightly as two bright flares of fiery chi erupt from the sand and streak towards the front wheels of the truck, leaving behind dual furrows of hot glass in their wake. "DOUBLE GROUND BLASTER!!!" Yup, only one course of action. Bust some Shadaloo heads until the boat can pick him up.
The two men continue to approach Mr. Big and crew. The two of them are chuckling confidently and making 'intimidating' gestures. You know, stretching out as they walk, cracking knuckles, et cetera. They're joking to one another as they walk, "Can you believe this guy? He's got a couple of sticks. Sticks! What's he going to to?" The other Shadaloo member chuckles, "Once we're done beating him down, he can use them to create a signal fire to call his friends to pull his ass out of here!" This is said right before Mr. Big 'pleads' with them. They laugh at him, but in the middle of the laugh, the Double Ground Blaster careens past them and hits the tires of the truck. The truck seems to hop and then drop down hard against the ground. The Two Shadaloo officers gasp and then race towards Mr. Big to teach him a lesson! Meanwhile, inside the truck, a grumbling and annoyed bit of mumbling can be heard from the occupant still in the back of the truck. Movement can be seen through the windshield, since the inside light is still on due to the doors hanging wide open.
Chuckling darkly as the men rush him, Mr. Big simply crosses the batons in front of his chest casually, not seeming very concerned at the impending attack. "Say hi to mom for me," Mr. Big says with a wolfish grin as the first man closes in, throwing a powerful overhand punch towards his chin. Seeming to wait until the last possible second, Mr. Big suddenly flies into action as the fist nears his face. Striking out brutally with his left baton, the polished black hardwood blurring as it screams through the air and collides with the man's forearm, bending the appendage at an unnatural angle with a loud snap and crack of two bones shattering. His grin only growing as the Shadaloo soldier screams painfully, Mr. Big spins backwards, bringing around his right baton for a second strike to the man's helmet-clad head. There is a loud crack as the helmet splits down the middle, a gout of blood spraying down in all directions from the helmet's brim as the heavy baton forces the protective equipment through the unfortunate man's skull. "Heh heh," the Southsynd Gangster chuckles, turning his attention on the second rapidly approaching soldier.
His eyes widening in fear as he processes just what happened to his friend, the man's eyes widen even more as Mr. Big's batons fly towards his neck, gripping the man's throat in a powerful scissor grip as he lifts the man into the air. Staring into the soldier's eyes as he pleads silently, Mr. Big grins silently as he strangles the life from him, shaking him back and forth through the air like a dog with a new toy. Blood begins to stream from the Shadaloo soldier's mouth as his body goes limp, the smile falling from Mr. Big's lips as he tosses the corpse to the ground like so much trash. "Who's next?" Mr. Big asks eagerly, his eyes fixed on the lead truck.
The motion increases inside the back of the truck and there is obviously a third individual that will emerge from the truck. The truck rocks back and forth with the movement of said individual. After a moment the truck leans slightly to one side before out of one door hops the Shadaloo Lieutenant, Sagat. The Muay Thai Master.
The two Shadaloo soldiers continue to rush Mr. Big, ready to show him who the bosses are! Yea, these guys are gonna show him a thing or two. Sagat may be out of the truck, but these guys are going to clean up the area without his help! ... Or maybe not? Mr. Big makes short work of the Shadaloo thugs. When they are both dropped and Mr. Big asks the question, 'Who's next' he should see Sagat standing there watching the display. He nods his head towards the other man as he takes off his overcoat, "Hi." he will greet when he catches Biggie's gaze.
Mr. Big's eyes widen in shock as his sight falls on Sagat for the first time after dispatching the thugs; luckily his sunglasses prevent Sagat from seeing this reaction. "Sagat..." Mr. Big states coldly as he whips the blood from his batons onto the sandy beach. "...your reputation precedes you," Mr. Big adds, thankful that he manages to keep the apprehension from his voice. "Though, I hadn't expected to meet you so soon." Sneaking a glance back towards the shore, to say that Mr. Big is 'disappointed' to see that his ride is still only halfway to the beach would be an understatement. Crossing his batons in front of his chest, Mr. Big studies the huge Sagat for a few more seconds before shrugging his shoulders. "I guess this is the part where we fight," he says simply as he assume a fighting stance, his weight held over his back foot as he leans back, his right and left batons guarding low and high respectively.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|
The Muay Thai God casts his one-eyed gaze down towards the fallen forms of the two Shadaloo operatives. He looks rather indifferent... obviously they weren't friends of the big man. Sagat's gaze raises back up towards Mr. Big, and a smirk appears on his face. The jacket the Tiger had on was dropped to the ground and he shoves it with a foot. He starts to walk away from the truck and towards Mr. Big. Sagat states as he walks, "Those men had families-" He pauses as he continues to stride forward, "-Mind you I don't really know if they had families but it's sounds good. Got to keep the appearance that I care about their miserable existance." Sagat pulls his arms upward and stops his advance. His feet slide up under him and he rests his weight on the balls of his feet, "And of course my reputation precedes me. I am famous." The Tiger then nods and shrugs one shoulder, "And yes, I am thinking this is the part where we fight." Sagat pulls his arms back and then thrusts them forward. Gathered chi energy erupts into flames around the mans arms and merge together when his arms are outstretched. A flaming crescant of chi is lobbed towards Biggie.
COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Mr.Big with Tiger Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Sagat
Spinning away in an attempt to move out of the way of the approaching chi blast, Mr. Big does little but take the shot straight in the back, causing him to grunt in pain as the attack flings him face first into the sand. Pushing himself up off of the beach, with both hands, Mr. Big lifts himself to his feet once more as he spits the sand from his mouth. "Sonnova..." he mutters as he turns his gaze back on Sagat. That stung. He's going to have to bust out with the heavy guns for this one.
"This was Samak doing wasn't it?" Mr. Big growls. "His daughter is already as good as dead, though I will personally strangle his wife and son for this as well," Mr. Big says with a sneer. "People with families should be more careful," he adds with a nod towards the corpses that were once Sagat's guards. His batons dropping to his side, Mr. Big's eyes fix on Sagat coldly, a deep growl building in his throat as he prepares for a powerful attack.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Sagat
Once the chi has been hurled towards one of the syndicate's top thugs, Sagat is on the move. His pace is much quicker than before, as it is indeed time to fight. The Muay Thai God rushes forward to meet Mr. Big up close and personally. Throwing out a chi fireball isn't the typical start to a fight that Sagat tends to take, but it seemed appropriate for the moment. As Sagat rushes towards Mr. Big, Sagat simply spits out the question, "Who's Samak?" He does not wait for an answer, however. Instead he launches himself into the air and snaps off a sweeping flying kick towards Mr. Big's upper torso, trying to knock him around even more and keep him from making any 'interesting' moves against the Tiger.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big blocks Sagat's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
Crossing his batons in a powerful guard as Sagat leaps towards him, Mr. Big catches the brunt of the kick on his weapons, softening the blow, though the attack still pushes him back in the sand a foot or so. "Samak, the official who told us about this port," Mr. Big replies, his eyebrow twitching suspiciously as he speaks. "Hmm... if he did not inform you... no matter. I'll still kill his son, but maybe I'll take his wife for myself. He should feel lucky that he won't have to watch me strangle the life from her."
Dropping his batons to his side, Mr. Big grins softly as the tips of his batons begin to glow with a faint cobalt light. Suddenly, a large arc of electricity springs to life between the sticks, humming powerfully as the rope of lightning dances up and down the lengths of the shafts. Chuckling darkly, Mr. Big bares his teeth predatorily as he thrusts the short staffs up at Sagat's head. If the arc should be broken by Sagat's body, a huge electrical explosion will detonate at the point of convergence, potentially throwing the Muay Thai fighter through the air with a deafening thunderclap.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Sagat with MAX Blaster Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Sagat
The Muay Thai Legend lands after feeling a slightly satisfying crush of Mr. Big under his shin. However the Tiger believes that his opponents defense weathered his assault, so he's prepared for just about anything upon landing. Surely Mr. Big will start a counter-assault once Sagat lands. When Sagat lands, he is in a kneeling position and his arms are covering his body and head. however the large man making himself a smaller target and bringing his guard up isn't enough to keep harm from falling upon the Thai man. The thunderclap and the energy that caused it throw the Muay Thai Legend backwards. Sagat slams against the ground, back first and starts rolling. He eventually stops, feet planted in the ground and two small trenches forming as his limbs try to stop the skidding. Sagat grunts and clenches his jaw at the power he just absorbed. He gets out of his kneeling position with a burst of speed and runs towards Mr. Big. He launches himself into the air, "TIGER-" He shouts and tucks his legs up under him. One knee is thrust forward as he careens through the air towards Biggie, "-CRUSH!"
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big fails to interrupt Tiger Crush from Sagat with Staff Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Sagat
Bringing the two halves of his baton together as Sagat rushes him; Mr. Big smoothly clicks them into one long piece, with the intention of using it to knock Sagat out of the air. No such luck. The large man is upon him much sooner than anticipated, his flying knee attack covering much more ground than seemingly possible. Sagat's large knee catching him in the side of the head, Mr. Big is sent down to one knee, the designer sunglasses broken as they are flung from his face. "You sonnovabitch..." Mr. Big mutters and he lifts himself to his feet and hops backwards. "...that was my favorite pair."
The Muay Thai Master had hoped to follow up Mr. Big's powerful attack with something that could be considered comparably devestating. The Tiger Crush is one of Sagat's favored manuevers. So it's a good feeling to the Legend when he can feel Mr. Big's defenses give way to his might. Apparently Mr. Big tried to ruin Sagat's attempt at allowing Sagat to introduce the Syndicate thug to his knee. However he failed and Sagat wants to capitalize on that. Upon landing the Tiger launches forward again as soon as he's squarely on his feet, "Sorry about that." The Legend states insincerely as he launches into a standing knee strike followed by a side elbow strike from the opposite arm.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big blocks Sagat's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Sagat
Lifting his own knee in an attempt to ward off Sagat's, Mr. Big grunts slightly as the Muay Thai Master's strike hits him. The man's legs are like iron! Not wanting to be on the receiving end of another attack, Mr. Big steps to the side to avoid the elbow. Turning the now longer staff in his hands, Mr. Big situates his grip on the lower third of the weapon, winding it up for a swing any professional baseball player would be proud of as he steps around Sagat's side. Unleashing the force of his swing with a grunt, the Glittering Sultan of Southtown looks more like the Sultan of Swat as he swings for the fences, the heavy black staff flying straight for the side of Sagat's bald head.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Mr.Big's Fierce Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Sagat
The Tiger's strikes meet more resistance that Sagat wanted, so he knows the defenses of Mr. Big have yet to be broken by his assault. It also means that Sagat can expect a counter-attack from the Syndicate thug. And the counter assault comes in the form of the Sultan's swinging his little stick at the big man's head. An arm is raised and its muscles are tensed. The baton slams into the powerful arm of the Muay Thai Master. He gives a shove to push the baton away from him and the big man answers with a swift upward swinging elbow strike aimed for the man's chin. Maybe he'll crack some teeth?
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big dodges Sagat's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Sagat
Nope, no teeth this time. It's a good thing too, because he just had them whitened! Slipping under Sagat's elbow strike like a boxer, the considerably shorter Mr. Big appears to have a nice, open counter strike opportunity, one that he'll surely follow up on, right? Nope, no such luck. Instead of pressing the attack, as one would expect, Mr. Big lets the momentum of his dodge carry him around the side of the Muay Thai Master, flipping forward onto the sand in a foreword roll past Sagat's back. Spinning on one knee as he finishes his roll, Mr. Big breaks his staff back into two pieces with a mechanical click and whips up one of the weapons in a familiar motion. "GROUND BLASTER!" he shouts as the tip of his batons sparks faintly, causing a gout of fiery chi to flare up from the sand and streak towards Sagat, leaving another furrow of glowing glass in it's wake.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Sagat with Ground Blaster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Sagat
Sagat does not even feel anything with his upward strike. No resistance other than the air his speedy arm is slicing through. This is not good, as it leaves a big opening for Mr. Big to exploit. The Muay Thai Master tries to shuffle his feet away from Biggie to avoid any quick close strikes from Mr. Big. However all the shuffling in the world's not going to save the Muay Thai God. The Ground Blaster collides with Sagat and he hits the ground, hard. Sagat rolls sideways and flips back up onto his legs once he's facing the sky. The big man's eye narrows and his jaw clenches as he shakes off the pain of Mr. Big's attack, "Pretty good handling that stick of yours." He says right before he launches himself forward towards Mr. Big. When the distance is closed Sagat will use his incredible reach to try and grab Mr. Big. If successful the Tiger will pull Biggie towards him and slam his powerful knees up into his gut or chest several times!
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big parries Sagat's Tiger Rage!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Sagat
Mr. Big laughs loudly as Sagat gropes for him, swiping his batons forward, striking Sagat's forearms fairly softly, but with great sustained force, driving the large man's arms up and away from Big's body, and leaving Sagat painfully open to attack. "Yeah, I get that a lot," Mr. Big says with a grin. "In fact, your momma told me so just last night!" Mr. Big adds with a laugh. Ducking his shoulder slightly, Mr. Big strikes out towards Sagat's face with a backhand from his left baton, quickly following it up, hit or miss, by leaping into the air and bringing his right baton up in a reversed-grip uppercut strike to Sagat's jaw with enough force to carry the Thai man into the air with him should it connect. "In fact, thank her for her Pad Ga Pow. It was delicious."
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Mr.Big's California Romance EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Sagat
Again, Sagat does not feel the satisfying crunch of his opponents body being pummeled by his powerful limbs. Instead it's a glancing blow at best and his he's knocked away by Mr. Big. When Sagat feels this occur, his jaw clenches again and he starts to get angry now. His Tiger's Rage is no representation of how angry the Tiger is now getting. The big man raises his arms up to block the incoming strike. He is pushed back but not lifted up into the air. Sagat growls out during the block, "So you like eighty year old women?" he asks in response to the 'Your Momma' joke. After his block, Sagat lowers his body, bending at his knees, "TIGER-" He shouts and springs upwards, fist flying up above him towards Mr. Big's jaw, "-UPPERCUT!"
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big parries Sagat's Tiger Uppercut!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Mr.Big 1/-------/=======|=======\======-\1 Sagat
Grinning as Sagat responds to his comment, Mr. Big quickly snaps his batons into one long piece once more, transferring the staff to his left hand. "Hey, I don't discriminate man. Eighteen to Eighty, blind crippled or crazy." Shuffling back a step as Sagat leaps toward him, Mr. Big chuckles softly, he seems to have hit his stride. As the fist flies towards him, Mr. Big shoots out his right hand, /catching/ the Tiger uppercut, right in the middle of his meaty palm. Grunting with effort as he attempts to hold down Sagat's momentum, Mr. Big finally shoves the larger man backwards with a shout. Twirling his staff quickly, Mr. Big sets it across the bow of his back, gripping the weapon at both ends. "Besides, that ladie's got some real talent. Don't underestimate her," he adds before launching himself at Sagat, spinning quickly like a top as the hard tips of the staff whirl dangerously towards Sagat's head.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Sagat with Spinning Lancer EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Mr.Big 1/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Sagat
How does one parry the Tiger Uppercut? Somehow the Syndicate thug manages it. Sagat growls audibly as he feels his assault being shoved to the side and the opponent not feeling the sweet sweet feeling of getting clobbered by the rising uppercut. Sagat's mind races as to what he should do when his Tiger Uppercut is caught and thrown backwards. What can he do? He's unable to defend against the incoming assault from Mr. Big, as he's got no time to plant his feet and brace himself. sagat grunts upon hitting the ground. He rolls backwards and gets to his feet. The big man springs back to action, which seems unbelieveable after the last assault from Mr. Big. He's back in action quickly and coming at Mr. Big, "TIIIIIIGERRRRR-" he shouts as he launches into a series of kicks towards Biggie's midsection, "-RAID!" He concludes when his last kick, a flaming and sweeping side kick is thrust towards Mr. Big.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big parries Sagat's Tiger Raid!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Mr.Big 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Sagat
Snapping the staff back into two as Sagat climbs to his feet, Mr. Big's mouth grows into a large, predatory grin, his sharp canine teeth gleaming brightly. "And to think I was worried..." he says with a smirk as Sagat rushes him. Stepping backwards as the Muay Thai fighter begins to unleash brutal kicks towards his midsection, Mr. Big begins batting aways each strike with a swipe of his baton. He almost makes it look easy, that is, except for the bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face and the slight grimace he wears as he fights against the sheer force that Sagat's kicks unleash on his batons. It's a wonder they haven't shattered already. Continuing to backpedal slowly as Sagat advances, not a single strike making it through Mr. Big's iron defense, the Chrome Dome Don's eyes widen as he watches the final flaming sidekick sweep towards him. Crossing his baton quickly, Mr. Big manages to catch the offending ankle in the strengthened guard, the fire crackling against his weapons.
"Hah!" Mr. Big shouts as he pushes Sagat's foot away. "You shoulda never interfered with my business..." Mr. Big informs Sagat as he raises his batons, an arc of electricity leaping to life between the sticks, though this time it is much smaller than before, but deadly none the less. Lunging towards the Thai, Mr. Big attempts to break the arc with Sagat's head once more, and hopefully for the last time.
COMBATSYS: Sagat overcomes Blaster Wave EX from Mr.Big with Tiger Cannon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Sagat
Again Sagat never felt the satisfaction of crushing Mr. Big beneath his heel. The Mighty Thai Warrior is pissed. He's no longer angered or mad. He's full on pissed. The big man's Tiger Raid was meant to end this little dance. It was supposed to put this syndicate thug in his place. Sagat did not have the patience today to deal with someone upsetting Vega's plans. Because Sagat /REALLY/ did not want to hear Vega whine about it later. As soon as his last lunging kick is completed, he transfers what's left of the energy he had gathered for that combination into his arms and holds them behind his back. When Mr. Big speaks, Sagat hears nothing. Seething rage is taking over. All he sees is his target throw an attack at him. So what's Sagat do? He thrusts his arms forward and the Tiger Cannon assault is launched towards the attack and towards Mr. Big. Multiple flaming crescents are sent out towards the Blaster Wave and Mr. Big.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Mr.Big with Tiger Cannon.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Sagat
"Gah!" Mr. Big screams as the barrage of flaming crescents slam into him, tearing up his coat and sending him spiraling into the sand. "Damn you..." He mutters between spitting out the sand from his mouth as he lifts himself to his feet. "That was my favorite coat..." Breathing deeply with exertion, Mr. Big glares at Sagat for a few more moments before whipping his baton forward towards the large man once more. "GROUND BLASTER!" Mr. Big shouts as yet another gout of flame flies toward Sagat.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Sagat with Ground Blaster.
[ \\\\\\\ < > // ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
The Muay Thai Legend lowers his arms after the Tiger Cannon. A lot of energy hasbeen drained from him, two very powerful attacks in a row. It was a gamble made by Sagat, now he has to deal with the consequences. Sagat rises into a fully erect stance, his arms held at his side in a sort of defensive stance. The Tiger looks suddenly winded and his eye narrows as the Ground Blaster comes his way. He tries to brace himself, but it's not enough to overcome the hit. Sagat hits the ground and rolls head over tail a few feet, before rolling back up to his feet. Sagat grunts and just runs forward towards Mr. Big. He's tired, out of breath, and hurting. Mr. Big certainly put a hurt on him, but Sagat's not going to allow the Syndicate thug to get away without atleast a bloody nose or black eye! As he runs, he leaps into the air, "Tiger-" Even his words sound tired, "Crush!" Of course his reaction is slower... his attack is almost sluggish and less force seemed shoved into this last ditch assault.
COMBATSYS: Sagat can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Mr.Big 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big dodges Sagat's Tiger Crush.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Mr.Big 0/-------/--=====|
Stepping to the side as the Muay Thai God flies towards him, Mr. Big sighs softly in relief as Sagat flies past him to land in the sand. Lucky for Big, Sagat was pretty beat up, or else that probably would have cleaned his clock like the earlier one did. Glancing down at Sagat, Mr. Big smirks and snickers softly before walking over to Sagat's overcoat. Picking up the Muay Thai fighter's coat, Mr. Big empties the pockets of his own tattered coat and lets it drop to the sand before donning Sagat's. "Hmm... it's pretty big, but I can get it tailored," he mutters with a grin.
Glancing back at the shore, Mr. Big nods to the man waiting in the motorboat. "This site has been compromised. Call off the drop. We'll find somewhere else," he instructs his assistant. Glancing back at the Shadaloo trucks, Mr. Big frowns and quickly leaps into the boat, as more men are sure to appear and give him trouble. Though he'd probably be able to deal with them pretty easily, but it's not worth risking it in his weakened state. Casting another smirking glance at Sagat, the boat quickly pulls away from the shore and heads back to the ships.
Log created by Mr.Big, and last modified on 12:05:04 11/21/2005.