Description: Vega approaches Gedo High - and finds the power-players out. Jiro stands up to him - and then falls before his might.
Gedo High Entrance
Compared to the other schools in the city, Gedo looks...old. Outdated
buildings dot the campus, the colors muted and dusty. The main building takes
up the east half of campus, a large rectangular block looking almost like an
old warehouse. Built of brick with large glass windows, it carries that
industrial atmosphere that accompanies many of the buildings lining the
river. Another building lies to the west, long and narrow, though no entrance
can be seen from this side. Concrete paths lead between the buildings toward
a larger open yard to the southwest.
Despite the apparent age of the campus, there is something more. Upon
closer inspection of the buildings, they don't look all that worn out. What
paint there is is new, and very definitely not peeling. There are no cracked
windows, despite the supposed rowdiness of the Gedo students. Speaking of
whom, the campus is rarely uninhabited; students can be seen lounging about,
slouching against the walls or hanging out -atop- the walls. There's even a
few students hanging about on the rooftops, a practice which the
administrators have long since given up on trying to curb, mostly at the
behest of Daigo, who reasoned that the threat of a two-story fall will hone
those students' balancing skills. The buzz of conversation fills the air,
with the occasional shouts of students training or fighting.
Despite its poor status, Gedo High thrives. The air is filled with spirit;
not the fierce school spirit of Taiyo, but a raging, passionate spirit
tempered and honed by the careful ministrations of the teachers and Daigo
Kazama. This is not a school of delinquents, but of martial artists.
It's another day in Gedo.
The sun is slowly waning as it approaches the evening.
It's not a school day, thankfully, as it is Saturday. Many of the Gedo students left to see Daigo perform his match in a group round-about match-up. It's rather amazing, considering that about a good number of the students decided to not hang around the school.
Only few of the students are chilling around. They are currently spraypainting their mural. Accompanying their concentration is a low, soothing sound of a wind instrument.
The origins of the instrument comes from a young man sitting on a trash can with a calm look on his face. The blond haired youth has a few birds lying on his shoulders and the squirrels are above him. Jiro Kasagi is currently findig peace in himself and around the students. It feels good to be around friends, even if they are non-human.
And into this slowly incrementing darkness, an instrument of the darkness walks. Slow, steady footsteps measure the time, much like the music of the boy - a steady pentameter for a person to follow along with - as smooth as a metronome's ticking.
The man? Vega. Head of Shadaloo, though few would know this - instead simply knowing him as 'the big guy with the chin and funky outfit'. His cape is swept forward, the slight wind from the west hiding his body within it's billows. As he moves, slight dust-devils spring up from beneath his feet - a side effect of the psi that he uses to aid his quick movements in combat.
He stands before the gates of Gedo, and takes a long breath - was what he searched for here? The Bee? A strong new recruit? Or an annoying song that was ticking at the back of his brain like a pinprick on the back of his neck, over and over..
Omnious presence...
Those that react first are the animals around Jiro. They feel fear; when they feel fear, they scurry. The birds flap off and the squirrels scurry away from the youth.
See, that is what draws the whole 'something's not right' in Jiro's mind. However, he isn't sure what it is. Part of him is starting to dig back into the roots of the Stray Dog; which involves a lot of growling and the feral look. However, the training...just wants him to be calm.
However. Jiro snarls, leaning himself up and he pockets the harmonica. "Meh, now what...?" He looks over towards the man standing before the gates. With Daigo, Akira, and the others gone, this leaves Jiro in charge. The young boy looks towards the gag members, nodding to them.
They flank along with Jiro, until they all meet over at the gate with the presence of the man.
"...May we help you?" Jiro asks kindly.
Vega is a master of the ominous presence. One might even wonder if he plans these encounters out to master and maximize his presence. Showing up in the evening, standing close enough to Jiro and his gang that the youths would probably have to look up at him. They're not really given a second look - in fact, dismissed as nothing simply without warning. Vega's tone is brusque, harsh as he speaks, his voice craggy, strong in the darkening night.
"I am looking.. for a girl. Blonde hair, braids - a fighter of obvious caliber." He won't mention her name - either that he does not know it, or knows that noone would know her .true. name, the one she was given well before she was able to think for herself - one that she will know again. "I wish to see her, and your best fighter, boy. If you lead me to them - I may not simply step over your crushed corpses."
With Vega dismissing his group as if they were nothing, Jiro looks back towards his partners and then back towards Vega. Then, that is when Vega lets his voice be known.
~ Girl... Blond hair... Braids...?! Wait a second. Cammy White? ...Is this the person that's looking for her? Hrm. Megumi mentioned something like this. ~
The Stray Dog shakes his head, "Who's the girl...?" He shrugs, "Nope, we have't seen anyone of that description around." The gang glare a vega, then he looks over towards his surrounding partners.
"..." A snarl is given at Vega's threat. "Boys, leave, immediately." The punks immediately move past Vega, then the young man glares a Vega. "Alright. I don't know who you are, but as if now, the best fighter is busy, so you'll have to settle with me." His body.... there are purple flames engulfing the young boy.
The flames sound be familiar. Only two other fighters possess it.
Washing down from his legs, the purple flames breathe into life. Licking the air, the raging inferno swirls around the young man. Extending his arms out, Jiro gets a good look at Vega, then he slides his right foot forward. Tightening his fists, Jiro keeps an eye on the large man with the screwed up looking chin.
His emotions... Jiro is separating his emotions from himself, only manifesting them as his chi. The student of Ankoku Shinkuu-Ken glares at Vega, then the flames disappear as he steps in his fighting stance, "Otherwise, please leave." He's -trying- to be kind about it.
Unsurprised as the gang departs - they're mere youths, striplings - certainly not up to the might of one such as Vega. He's still half-looking over Jiro's shoulder, as if not believing what he says. What -would- the Bee be doing? What hobbies has she grown to practice now? He's still pondering this weighty matter, even as Jiro makes his statement, and his stand.
Vega does finally notice the boy again, the declaration slipping into his thoughts eventually. "The ones I want are not here, then? And I should leave, or face you?" He's not laughing out loud - but the amusement in his voice is definite. It's a mocking, cloying sort of thing - one that he's perfectly willing to use to antagonize. Vega runs on emotion, after all - dark, angry things that drive other people to despair or madness. To draw those out within others is only to make him more formidable - more troublesome, and much more deadly.
In response to the boy's bold challenge, he holds his hands outstretched, clearly inviting an attack. "I do not plan on leaving, no matter how politely you may ask, boy. Make me."
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
The young man nods towards Vega, "Fine, then I -WILL-" The youth sprints forward. With his arms drawn back to the ground, the young man channels the purple flames to envelop the hands. Breathed into life once more, the tracking picks up as Jiro rushes forward to have himself meet with the Crimson Chin. His eyes focus and he launches himself forward, Jiro draws his hands out to lash his right arm out while taking a dive.
....Only... he lashes his other fist outward to strike against Vega's chest. While the left fist lashes out, the color from the chi fades away to a colorless orb consuming the hand. Then, Jiro drives the fist in an inverted position at Vega's gut.
The resulting punch will release a powerful explosion to send Vega flying back.
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Exploder Knuckle from Jiro with Final Psycho Crusher.
"You dare to strike at me? At me?!" Vega's growl is an evidince of his rage, that fury that he uses to build his power up, to build his strength and fuel his dark, evil psi. That comes to him quickly, energy flowing through his body as he crouches down - The boy being given the full attention of the psycho-powered dictator. In this case - that's not usually a good thing.
He's ready for the attack that Jiro launches, not fooled for a moment by the siwtch up of arms. And instead of blocking, he surges forwards - directly into and through the attack. A strike of phenomenal power, purple and black discolored energy focused around Vega's frame as he hits Jiro straight on, the impact from the youth's punch landing upon his chin, glancing off without so much as a split lip after. He lands, yards away, back to the boy. "Today, is the day that you met with the Master of Shadaloo. A day you will remember." Seems like someone's thinking the boy's out already..
[ ........................ < > //////////''''''''''''''''' ]
Jiro 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Vega
Unfortunately, Jiro is not given a chance to even avoid or react to what is coming before him. When Vega comes forth as the phenominal essence of raw power, Jiro is drawing himself forward to meet with Vega.
Jiro really wishes he could move a way.
But it all happened so fast... he is slammed straight towards the chest quite hard by Vega. The impact of the Final Psycho Crusher strikes home against Jiro, crushing every single bit of his bone and the structure. Jiro's body is hurting so much and he is cringing in pain.
His screams... echo in the air as his body is sent sprawling against the ground... landing harshly against the surface of the earth. Blood pours from his mouth upon landing... and Jiro looks like he's down for the count...
At least... it does look like it.
He staggers up. Although it is slow, the youth does feel the lingering pain from the ebbing Psycho Power. His clothes are quite torn apart and his body is battered and bruised, he is feeling weaken as if his bones are ready to turn into dust right now.
His back hunches over as he glares at Vega. "...Master... of Shadaloo...?"
The young man immediately grits his teeth and he is sprinting towards Vega. The last will... every single will that he has...
Vega managed to nearly destroy Jiro's body, but his spirit is unscathed. How is that shown...?
Jiro hisses out at the man, "**** you..." He swings his right fist out towards Vega's chin, trying to draw his very will to shoot Vega into the air for a set up. While shooting up, the fist is engulfed with the raging purple flames.
He is starting to black out... Better make this count.
COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Jiro's Rebel Spike.
Vega's back is turned - a perfect moment for a battered, beaten boy to make that final attack, to strike the Dictator down while he's unaware and turned towards better things. In a perfect story - the ending would be brutal, and final, with Jiro triumphant, and a girl to bathe and salve his wounds.
This is not a perfect world. Nor is it even close to perfect. Instead - nothing more than pain and suffering, as is meant for reality. The reality that Vega's always aware - even when dismissing someone from interest. Without effort, he moves, quicker than a normal eye could follow, avoiding the rushed punch, that uppercut that connects with nothing but air. Again, Vega's taunt - his deep-set voice echoing through the air, in the full dark now.
"If you are the best this school has, they have nothing to offer me. I will return. Tell those that were not here today, to be ready, .boy."
Jiro... collapses onto his knees, and he twitches several times. Coughing up more blood, Jiro Kasagi just collapses before the ground.
He can hear Vega's words burning into his mind. He can't say too much except, "" He growls, then he shuts his eyes, falling unconscious.
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 11:21:34 11/17/2005.