Description: Alma Towazu, inspired by his humiliating defeat to Bao, makes his newest passionate goal figuring out what the heck is wrong with his head and if he can make it tougher, and as such, turns a chance meeting with Kensou into a duel! Now, under normal circumstances, training with a Psycho Soldier would be boot camp indeed, but... once again, actual talent means nothing when Alma's overwhelming fighting spirit is fully applied. That is to say: wow, Alma. Seriously... wow.
Welcome to Chinatown! The hustle! The bustle! The ethnicity! Otherwise, it's pretty much like the rest of Southtown, a bastion of strangeness in the midst of Japan. Like most places in the city, there are quite a few fighters of vary calibers who call Chinatown home, and one of those fighters is one Sie Kensou, a member of the Psycho Soldiers. Yeah, the Psycho Soldiers. You know who they are. The team Athena used to be on! Well, Kensou might be an individual of only middling fame most places, but he's pretty well known here, on his 'home turf', or as close as he can find off of the mainland. It seems like half the people in Chinatown know him by name, which sometimes makes it hard to get where he's going. At the moment, he's stepping out of a bakery, where he always gets /complimentary/ meat buns. Where d'you think he gets the damn things from all the time, anyway? Taking a big bite out of a piping-hot nikuman, his other hand holding onto the white paper bag that contains the others, the young man chews and savours. Mmm, delicious food. So rewarding after a day of being worked to the bone by Chin's draconian training regimen! Now he just needs to get home; surely nothing strange could happen today.
"Miss... Lei, wasn't it? What a lovely name."
The tall young man, dusky skin like burnished bronze in the sunlight, smiles slightly, genuine warmth showing in his heavy-lidded eyes, and the green-skirted girl overshadowed by him can only clutch her hands yet tighter together and nod once, dark twin braids bobbing. The boy, dressed with casual elegance in a white dress shirt (mostly buttoned) and comfortable khakis, smiles slightly more, kindly reassuring, and signs his name on the magazine cutout in his hand: it is a picture of himself, sitting, hair slightly damp, shirtless, and looking slightly surprised to be there, in a very endearing way.
He is Alma Towazu, and he is living proof of just how much sexy you can pack into an eighteen-year-old boy.
The girl before him, probably barely even thirteen years old if that, is obviously infatuated, but the youth seems not really to notice, in a more oblivious than aloof way. Perhaps it is that he is so friendly himself that it seems only natural for people to come up and ask him to sign pictures. Perhaps it is that he is simply very hard to surprise and disorient, unless you happen to be Li Xiangfei. Whatever the case, it is not hard to see why he is so popular, especially in person; he doesn't seem to be faking this serene honest pleasure of his at all. It definitely makes him seem very mysterious, at least -- but this presence of his combined with his odd ability to never forget a name once he's heard it makes every young girl who gets his autograph feel like his personal friend. Now, if he could only extend his appeal into the *high* school girl region, maybe...
Er, but all that aside, what Alma is really here for is a meatbun. There is also the mild hope that he may meet Xiangfei along the way -- with food involved, there's always a chance, right? -- and see if she made it into the finals to challenge that Chun-Li woman she was going on about, but mainly, he wants a meatbun. It is sheer coincedence that the first place he finds is the one that Kensou is emerging from, but when Kensou *does* emerge, as little Miss Lei is running off with the picture clutched between her hands, Alma stops short as his patented aura senses flare. He blinks once, and then resuming his usual mild smile says clearly, "Excuse me. Sie Kensou? Member of the Psycho Soldiers?"
He's done his research.
It's a very strange sensation, like an itch inside your own head, where you can't really scratch it. Most of the people who would cause this reaction in Kensou he's already sufficiently used to that he never really notices it... But now, he does. "Uh?" wonders he, moments before Alma goes and draws his attention. "Yeah, that's me," the Chinese psion replies, except that he says this around a mouthful of meatbun so it's not exactly intelligible. Just give him a second or two. Soon enough, he's consumed that poor bun, and wipes the area around his mouth with one hand, laughing sheepishly. "Hehehe... Er, yeah, I'm Sie Kensou," he confirms in normal people talk, nodding before he considers Alma. Hmm. What could this be about? "Don't think I've ever seen you 'round before, though." He pauses, snapping the fingers of his free hand in realisation! "Oh! You lookin' for an autograph or somethin'?" Dammit, why is it never teenaged /girls/ who want his autograph? Actually, wait a minute. Since when do teachers of any stripe want his autograph? Most of his appeal seems to be the youngest of fighting fans. "Or," sudden suspicion! "If you're hopin' for one of Athena's, I think y' havta go through her official fanclub..." Glare, glare!
Alma grins widely, eyes sparkling, when Kensou laughs after speaking with his mouth full, and it makes him look more his age; the way he speaks, especially around his fans, can give people the impression that he's older than he is, despite his youthful appearance. ~ Hmm, Athena, huh? It'd be interesting to meet her someday, that's for sure. Especially considering the card Rose gave me... ~
But what he says is, "No, it's nothing like that. I just thought I recognized you..." His grin has smoothed out to a friendly smile, but even that fades slightly as he begins to look thoughtful, almost a bit preoccupied for a moment, before introducing himself: "I'm Alma Towazu, a student of kung fu as well. I haven't been fortunate enough to meet you at any tournaments, sadly, but..."
~ Yeah, I won't be satisfied until I try it one more time... ~
"Would you have time to honor me with a friendly match?" he says, sounding infinitely polite. "I would really appreciate it. Going up against an opponent of your caliber would really help me to refine my skills." What's best of all is that he doesn't sound like he's being flattering at all. He sounds like he really means it. In fact, he *does* really mean it, but, well, that's because he's Alma.
/This/ guy studies Kung Fu? It's practically written on Kensou's face, empathic abilities aside! "Ah..." Well, let's see. He could stay here and fight, which might help him get stronger (his eternal goal, despite RAMPANT LAZINESS), or... He can go home, read comics and vegetate. Sadly, this is a genuine dilemma for the Psycho Soldier. After a moment's thought, though, the Chinese fighter grins and shrugs, stopping one of the locals. "Here, hold this a sec for me?" Kensou says to someone who apparently knows him, since they nod and look quite content to guard his precious meatbuns with their very life! ...Or at least hold onto them until he's done with Alma. "'kay then," Kensou then says, squaring off with Alma as more of the locals back the hell up. Ahh, life in Southtown must be very interesting if you're not a fighter. He drops into his sidelong stance, legs a little over shoulder-width apart, leading with his left hand - clenhed into a fist and held palm up - while his right is held closer to his body, also in a fist. "Student of the legendary Chin Gentsai, one of the Psycho Soldiers, former King of Fighters participant Sie Kensou," oh god why is he being so overdramatic? At least he's enunciating carefully for once, "is ready for you!" Yeah!
COMBATSYS: Kensou has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
Alma Towazu just smiles. Posture straightening, body relaxing, the tall young man just spreads his stance slightly more than usual, but for the most part looks fairly natural. At least, in the way that a cat looks natural, before it prepares to coil up and pounce. It's a non-pose of a pose. He's Zen like that.
"Student of Hiten-Ryu Kung Fu, member of Team Dynamite Vogue, Alma Towazu," calmly intones the youth, before raising his hands into a poised and composed guard position... and smiling winningly, eyes seeming to grow brighter. "Please. Do your best."
He lunges. Image blurring behind him, eyes half-closing, tranquil in the midst of his sudden explosive attack, Alma begins a series of punches and kicks, his 'second self' of images continuing to attack with equal force even after the 'real' execution so that on occasion he's even able to attack in two places at once. "Hmph!" is his only battle cry. And with him comes the scent of rain...
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kensou with Autumn Rain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Kensou
[OOC] Kensou says, "!!"
[OOC] Alma sparkles. <3
[OOC] Chin says, "You're losing already."
[OOC] Kensou says, "D-dammit, don't talk like that! C_C"
Whoa, hey! What the crap, man! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Kensou was apparently /not/ as ready as he said he was, as Alma's combination strikes true despite his efforts to get the heck out of the way. "Geez, not bad," he says, crouching and, ideally before Alma can get /away/ after his combo, leaping up diagonally... With his left knee extended towards the vicinity of Alma's upper chest and possibly even head! "Yo-!" He's actually intending to lift Alma /with him/, so that when he twists his waist his other knee can be brought to bear in a continuing rising combo. "Yaa-!" And then? If that all works? He keeps right on twisting, and turning over, to bring his left heel down in a big axe-kick, intended to knock the Dynamite Vogue! member back to the pavement. "Uryaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Kensou's Ryuu Renga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Reflexes aided by a flash of intuition, Alma, if his perfectly serene expression is any indication, seems to have known exactly what Kensou was planning, because when Kensou lunges out with his knee Alma immediately parries it to the side with his arm and parries the second knee with his own knee, so that when Kensou prepares to axe kick him, he's ready with a response of his own. Interrupting the attack, Alma's eyes flash and trigger a sudden Psycho Power flame ignition on both his feet, trails of white-pink flame emerging as he leaps into the air and slashes up with a bicycle kick of his own, the flame slashing out and leaving a blade-like slice in the air from the distorting energy. Not finished yet, Alma quickly comes full circle and lashes out with a second kick, exactly the same as the first only the blade slice seems larger, grown more powerful with the gathered momentum. Alma is hoping that by catching Kensou in midair, he'll be caught off guard...
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Alma's Shien Cycle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Huh, that's a pretty good response from the other fighter! What's Kensou left to do?! Actually, what he does is pretty simple, flipping back /off/ of his stopped axe kick, and getting his arms up in the way of the... White-pink, really? Damn. ...White-pink Psycho Power from Alma's kicks, hitting the ground on his feet, with a grin. "Man, almost!" he calls out cheerfully, before he runs forward, trying to catch Alma on the way down! ...So he can slam the other guy into the pavement, ideally by grabbing an ankle or wrist or whatever comes his way first. "Hup!" Okay, so it's not exactly laden with finesse or grace, but he's improvising here!
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Kensou's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Alma does, unfortunately, have to come down after his anti-air attack, so there's not a lot of hope for him when Kensou's hand reaches up to grab his ankle -- until Alma kicks *off* that hand, calmly flips back, and lands gracefully, settling onto his haunches with an exhalation and then rising back to his full height as he inhales. Face basically expressionless, he raises his gaze to meet Kensou's, and says with perfect deadpan: "Almost."
Then his eyes sparkle with inner mirth, and a winning grin slowly reveals itself as the flow of the battle begins to truly inspire him, his eyes growing only brighter as coils of Psycho Power fire, now pinkish-purple, begin to emanate from and spiral around his forearms, wreathing him in an auric halo of gold and rose tones. It's rather... sparkly, in a demure sort of way.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
"Tch," mutters Kensou; okay, so, clearly this 'Alma' guy is pretty good... And clearly he's got some power goin' on, too. So the question is: What to do, what to do? With the other fighter gathering his power quite visibly, the Psycho Soldier dashes forward, stopping just shy of the taller psion with a confident look on his face as he rears back on one leg, arms raised over his head. ...Wow, what the hell is he even doing? All that is revealed when Kensou then comes down from rearing back, his foot harmlessly stomping against the pavement at the same moment as his hands should impact Alma, attempting to power right through the other man's guard and strike him hard. "Ha!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Kensou's Kobokushu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Were Alma only able to guard with his arms, Kensou's more practiced and more powerful strikes might easily be able to power through. But Alma has been summoning up his more spiritual and less physical powers, and these, not his sheer toughness, are what protect him this time around. When the fierce (though odd-looking) chop comes down, Alma calmly thrusts a palm forward, and Kensou's hand impacts against an invisible barrier which for a split-second reveals itself to be a shield of linked rosy gold helixes. By the way Alma flinches, though, it looks like he took the hit just as fully as anyone, at least in his head. Still, it looks pretty stylish, and as soon as the brief image as faded, the youth doesn't look battered in the slightest. At the very least, it's a bit unnerving. Perhaps that's more the main benefit than anything else.
Though, then again, by the look in his eye, he looks even more inspired and motivated than before.
Alma quickly tries to take advantage of Kensou recovering from his strike by lunging with a single, lashing jab to his opponent's face, then immediately following up with a series of three fierce punches to the upper and lower torso. "Oosh! Oosh! Oosh!"
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kensou with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Ow! Ow ow ow! Kensou gets solidly hit by all the punches, unfortunately, each one getting a satisfyingly uncomfortable sound from the shorter psion. Okay, this is totally not working out how Kensou had invisioned it. "All right, you're pretty good," he says to Alma... And then, quite suddenly, he jumps straight up, falling backwards as he does it and lashing out with his foot to both kick Alma in the head, and try to hook his foot in to bring him /down/. C'mon, improvisation and unpredictability!
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Kensou's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Perhaps Kensou is dazzled by Alma's beauty? Arms loose at his sides, Alma just sways out of the way of the kick, making it look a lot easier than it actually was. Still, the fighting model sees fit to withdraw a bit and try to maintain his advantage, and so, unthinkingly, ignites his right hand and casts forward as he attempts to fade back and away, escaping the range of Kensou's crazy kicks as he emits a gout of pinkish-purple Psycho Power flame -- Alma's usual escape tactic.
Only belatedly does it occur to him that he might be better off sticking to the kung fu. Such is the way of going with the flow.
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Oh, crap, a projectile! Kensou's arms get up in the way of the Sacred Wave, and actually it ends up just sort of stinging a little as he hits the ground. Quickly doing a kip-up, Kensou /realises what he's sensing, now/. "Oh, hey!" he says, grinning. "Two can play at /that/ game." His hands come up in front of his face, and for the briefest of moments, there's a tangible tingle in the air as Kensou's power gathers. "Haaa--!" Out sweep his hands, and a sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power springs into being, launching itself right at Alma! "CHOUKYUUDAN!" Watch out!
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Kensou's Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
[OOC] Alma says, "I'M THE MAN."
[OOC] Kensou says, "..."
[OOC] Alma says, "Ahem. Sorry."
[OOC] Kensou says, "...D-dammit..."
Here it comes. Alma's mortal enemy; his own strength against him. He knows it'll tear him apart. He knows it'll probably stun the daylights out of him and promptly ruin the rest of the fight. But at least he made a really good show of himself so far, right? He's done his best, he's summoned up the utmost of his fighting spirit, and--
--oh, screw *that*, as if *this* is his *best*.
The sudden flash of insight makes Alma blink, even as the projectile begins to hurtle towards him. He's spend so much time reveling in his free-of-desire mindset, in his cheerful and serene lack of concern with winning and losing and genuine pure interest only in sharing his true passion, in revealing his self and experiencing the selves of others through the self-expression that is combat, that he never really accepted this side of him: hell, he wants to win. It doesn't have to be about any goal. He still wants to win. That, too, is part of sharing fighting spirit... competition. Not even for the sake of competition... but just... because.
He doesn't have to lose here!
Alma lunges, gazing fearlessly as the orb of instant pain homes in on him, and then suddenly he's rolling, feeling not so much as hearing the sphere of power just barely miss him and fly harmlessly over him, and halfway through his roll he's already sprung into the air as though uncoiling like a spring, and staring clear-eyed at his now vulnerable opponent, he aims a quick but powerful flying kick at Kensou's head. Boot to the head!
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Alma's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
It hasn't even /been/ a competition! It's been an extremely depressing showing on Kensou's part, is what it's been. When Alma comes in to try and kick him in the head, though, the shorter psion smoothly puts an arm up in the way, stopping the kick dead with minimal injury. "Looks like I ain't been givin' it my all so far," he says to Alma, almost apologetically. "Don't worry, though, 'cause I'm gonna fix that in just a second." And /then/... Numerous bluish motes of light appear in the air around Kensou, like tiny fireflies. These little 'fireflies' zip around Kensou like a whirlwind of light, getting bigger and bigger the closer they get to him, physically, before he starts to draw that energy into himself. "I ain't about to sit back an' lose," he adds confidently, with a wide grin at Alma.
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Kensou
Uh oh. This looks bad for Team Gorgeous. Pushing away from his failed kick, Alma lands quickly and shifts into another sudden lunge -- a step adapted from Feilong's style and obviously a favorite of his -- but this time, he draws upon all the momentum of his movement to rear back and shift into a thrusting front kick, aiming to disrupt Kensou's power-gathering and maybe even knock his fellow teenager off his feet, if his reflexes aren't fast enough.
He smiles slightly, even as his eyes narrow with the effort of the attack.
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Alma's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Kensou
Well, Kensou gets kicked, but he manages to get his arms in the way of the attack, deflecting most of the force of it. "Heh," he chuckles, pushing back on Alma's foot to hopefully shove him off-balance, and then he rushes forward, lashing out with an apparently simple right handed palm strike in an attempt to take advantage of that moment of weakness he's hoping for! Except, the thing of it is there really isn't much force behind his palm, he's just trying to tap the taller teen on the chest with it while his /left/ hand touches against his own right upper arm...
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
[OOC] Kensou says, "Man."
[OOC] Alma says, "So."
[OOC] Kensou says, "This is really not my week."
The sudden surge of power from Kensou's oncoming attack numbs Alma's brain. This is an energy that dwarfs his own, and he knows it. Normally, this knowledge wouldn't really affect him at all. He wouldn't despair, certainly; despair is unknown to him in combat situations. But in this case -- something about the way he's thinking right now, something about how he knows he's fighting against all odds -- Alma's fighting spirit cries out to the heavens, and the youth's eyes blaze, and against all probability--
--he just barely slips away.
His fists ignite, and immediately, without a moment to spare, Alma rushes to the attack, blurring forward as he's done before; only this time, as he blurs, white-pink flames trail behind him. He rears back to punch.
"My turn!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou fails to interrupt Sacred Rekka Revelation from Alma with Sunda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Alma punches.
Many, many times.
His fists become a hazy blur of distorted soulfire as they repeatedly pepper Kensou's head and torso, his arms moving so quickly there seem to be ten of them, forcing Kensou back until, with a roar of effort, Alma finishes by unleashing an explosive uppercut that emits a rising geyser of white-pink, gold-tinged flame.
He then calmly, composedly, relaxes back into his fighting stance.
And exhales, meditatively.
Individually, the punches don't really do a lot, but all together? Hooboy. Kensou does seem to attempt /something/ in the midst of Alma's assault, but it's no no avail, leaving the Psycho Soldier staggering back, rubbing his chin. He's... Wow, this is really embarassing. He's had bad losses, but... /Dang/. "Not bad," he says. Despite the fact that, really? Ow. He's kinda hurtin', here!
Alma, for his part, is way too into this fight to even *notice* that Kensou is seriously underperforming. This seems to be Alma's way: it is not raw talent nor is it practiced skill that has garnered him some of his more incredible victories, but rather his overwhelmingly intense and disorientingly pure fighting spirit. When up against a personality as powerful as his own -- see: Xiangfei -- his disadvantage is overall ability is made more apparent, but when he challenges someone who knows nothing of Alma's persistence, well...
Thus, this attitude is why, rather than say anything, Alma instead grits his teeth and somehow lets a sudden surge of power stream into him, fusing ambient chi and inner soul power into an inner chain reaction, as it were, that unleashes a hitherto nonexistent reserve of strength. The energy flares around him, his aura blooming out around him as though, as the imposed boundaries between Self and Other weaken, his soul is leaking out into the environment; indeed, the colors gleam like an oil slick, only far more healthily, perhaps more a reminder of a vibrant garden. Arms quivering, body straining to contain all this power, Alma looks up, powerful tendons in his neck fully flexed, and his eyes are fields of pure white-pink. His hands crackle as the power focuses there.
An large orb of power starts to flicker into existence between the young man's hands -- until he slams them together suddenly, then pulls them apart again, and manifests the Psycho Power fireball more fully.
Thrusting forward, he unleashes the raw force of his very self in a sweeping, roaring torrent of seeking, reaching, all-consuming flame...
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kensou with Two Heavens Harmony.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Not /quite/ all-consuming, no! Kensou gets most of the way out of Alma's Psycho Power assault, though it still clips him painfully, staggering him. "Tch...!" That's it, man! He's had enough of this! And while a sensible individual might decide to call an end to things, the sheer one-sidedness of the match makes Kensou even more determined. Perhaps he should've gotten this determination sooner, though, as he runs forward and... Just plain tries to slug Alma! Right in the mush! He'd like to get /one/ clean it on the prettyboy, even if it isn't a very good one!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Alma with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Kensou
[OOC] Alma XD XD
[OOC] Kensou says, "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT."
[OOC] Alma says, "Classic."
[OOC] Kensou says, "MY HOUSE!"
Alma pants quietly but heavily, sweat dripping down the sides of his cheeks, hair slightly damp in that dashingly unkempt way as he tries to clear his now highly fuzzy mind. All that power has, by nature, completely swamped his sense of self and thus his sense of location, and it's taking all the willpower he's got to remind himself that he's in the middle of a fight and that his opponent is--
Whoah ho ho. That one took Alma's block off. The fighting model literally goes sprawling to the ground on his back, looking seriously stunned by that hell of a sucker punch. But actually, to be honest, after a second or so, his head starts to feel clearer. Nobody slaps around a model! This face is the moneymaker!
So, almost seeming to flow to his feet a la Chris, Alma, calmly ignoring the little trail of blood his lower lip now sports, just aims to punch Kensou right back. Right in the friggin face. Take it. This is a *man's fight*.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kensou with Quick Punch.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Actually, Kensou slaps around whoever he pleases! Model or not, if you get into a fight you've got to be prepared for somebody to go after your face! Heck, Kensou even broke Balrog's nose, though he paid for it. It's pretty satisfying to have hit Alma down so, well, /badly/, but then the model has to go and get up and try and slug him right back! Dodging back, Kensou gets clipped by Alma's fist, head jerking slightly to one side... Which is how he keeps twisting and brings a heel towards Alma's kidney. Say hi to Mr. Ked! "Tch...!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Kensou's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Alma decides that this would be a good kick to block with his leg -- not because it's a necessarily more resilient guard action, but because he's able to shift it immediately into a kick of his own. An untrained eye might even think that Alma attacked at the same time as Kensou, but only because Alma is able to shift his defensive action so smoothly into an offensive one.
Twisting in the opposite direction as Kensou, Alma raises his leg high enough to block the strike to his kidneys, and immediately lashes out in a high kick of his own. Yeah, punching prettyboys in their pretty faces is all fun and games...
...until someone gets *boot to the head*!!
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Kensou with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Hey, wait, what the? Kensou grunts a bit as his kick is bloocked, and then he gets... Well, booted right in the head, staggering back. Oh man. He really doesn't have much fight left... And this has been /horribly/ embrassing. Had he the juice for it, he'd probably try another big Psycho Power attack, but as it is... Not so much. Instead? Instead our boy Kensou staggers, refocuses his attention on Alma, and uses his last burst of strength to dash forward, putting one foot up to briefly alight on Alma's thigh, and push off that to go for his own boot to the head! Except his foot is glowing with blue-tinged whit Psycho Power, anyway. "Uryaaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Kensou's Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/--=====|
Sorry, man. The boot to the head goes to Alma today. It's time to let some Dynamite Vogue training take over. Summoning up the very last gasp of his remaining Psycho Power energy, Alma's image flickers once--
--and Kensou's foot, seeking a stepping place on Alma's own leg, meets nothing but air.
Basically, Alma dodges by standing behind Kensou.
It's a trick he adapted from Ash.
~ I... ~
He gazes, expression unreadable, at his defeated opponent.
~ ...I won. ~
He steps forward, as though in a trance.
~ I... I really won! I... ~
His eyes refocus. He pauses... then smiles slightly, open-heartedly, and leans over, and reaches out a helping hand to Kensou. "Hey, nice fight," he says, again sounding like he really means it. "You really inspired me to overcome. I thank you for it." His smile widens until his eyes sparkle. "I'm sure I won't be so lucky next time."
...! Kensou, naturally, ends up stumbling forward when his foot doesn't catch anything, landing in a crouch. Okay, dang. Looking over his shoulder to see Alma, the Psycho Soldier gets to his feet a bit tiredly with the hand up, shaking his head. "You're kinda fast," the shorter psion says, contemplatively. Well, it's not like he's going to go blaming his losing on that... He clearly just didn't try hard enough! Or something. Stepping past Alma, Kensou gets his bag of buns back from the local holding it, thanking them with a grin, before he plucks one of the buns out and tosses it Alma-wards. "Dunno 'bout you, but fightin' always makes me hungry," he says amicably. Because he's plotting to destroy you in the future, Alma! "But we'll definitely havta have a rematch... An' things'll definitely go differently." Just so long as 'differently' isn't 'Kensou falls down and KOs himself', anyway.
Alma catches the meat bun and hefts it contemplatively, before smiling widely and openly at his newly found rival. "I look forward to it, Kensou," he says, with complete honesty.
Not only did he actually manage to defeat a fellow Psycho Power user today, he got a free meat bun out of the deal -- and that's exactly what he was looking for! This is clearly Alma's day! With luck like this, next around the next block he'll meet Xiangfei and she'll invite him back to her apartment to make out!
...on second thought, better not push it.
Alma heads home, more than satisfied.
COMBATSYS: Alma has ended the fight here.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 01:11:02 11/16/2005.