Description: Vega answers the World Warrior's challenge.
That's what the White Arena brings - a definite sense of age, even though the Stadium is relatively new. The sanded wood floor has seen many a battle already, and the boards have probably felt the impact of many of the world's top fighters. It is here that Vega waits, impassive and silent.
Without crowds, the stadium is quiet - the simple sound of his breathing echoes through the empty area. The rustle of his cape as it is drawn off his shoulders, set down to the ground carelessly.. The sound of his boots scraping along the flooring as he moves to face the entrance.
Vega is certain of one thing - Ryu will be here. The man was in Seattle, and sent a message - how would he move on without first visiting the stadium of his friend? And so, he waits. And in the quiet, he prepares himself mentally - all his former battles mere trifles next to this opponent. Those that can down Sagat are a rarity.. Those that can take both his lieutenants at the same time are even more so.
All in all - this will be a fight to remember..
If he shows.
Ken would call it boring. But then, tradition, and as a nod to Ryu, are why he built it. Or maybe because it's boring, and Ken has the money to blow on picking on his compatriot. Either way, it's a fighting arena the World Warrior appreciates, and it is indeed one he intends to return to before leaving Seattle. Vega's presence is felt long before the Shadaloo Lord is seen... though it doesn't seem to effect the nomad much, outwardly. He'd been expecting Vega to show... even hoping the dictator would, after a fashion. And so Ryu paces calmly through the empty aisles of the darkened stadium, drawn inexorably towards the presence in the traditional dojo battleground.
Once he nears the arena itself, however, the nomad's pace is anything but patient, as he rushes the wall seperating spectators from fighters and vaults over it with a graceful high-jump, his palm pressing off the top edge of the glass divider and applying leverage to redirect his momentum.... right down and in at Vega, right foot leading straight for the dangerous megalomaniac's skull, "Kyaaaaaah!!!" It... doesn't look like Ryu plans to waste time, here. Other words can wait until he's managed a rather deadly situation to something more tolerable, right? Or maybe Vega's just earned this.
COMBATSYS: Ryu has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ryu 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ryu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Ryu's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ryu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
And the man is just not there. Vega's 'teleport' moves are quick, a blur of purple and black energy. As that foot comes in, the larger man is simply .gone. It's a grin that shows on his face, and then he claps his hands together loudly, echoing through the arena. "Good, Good! You are much more forwards than you used to be, Ryu. Are you so sure that you can defeat me that way?" He ponders, and then settles down into a simple crouch, beckoning with one hand. "Come - show Lord Vega how much you've grown in power and style."
That said, he hunkers down and takes a deep breath - this man is certainly a force to be reckoned with - even with him missing the first attack, it is simply a matter of time before Ryu will hit Vega - and then, we'll see who is stronger.
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ryu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Ryu lands steadily after the missed attack, as if he were expecting to miss. In fact, he even twists to face Vega as the Shadaloo leader is re-appearing, that half-instant enough to sense the moving, malevolent energy, "It is beyond technique, Vega." Ryu claims calmly, "It is a matter of will." Summoning up his inner chi, the World Warrior sweeps a luminescent wave of blue-white energy forward on his palms, the blast swirling together and blasting outwards as the heels of his hands meet, sending the flaring bluish fireball forward with remarkable speed, gusting a path straight for Vega, "Hadooouken!!!" the nomad incants, focusing his power... he may not have hit Vega yet, but he did gain one advantage... the Lord was put on the defensive. The question was, could he hold that advantage.
COMBATSYS: Vega overcomes Hadouken from Ryu with Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
"Good.. GOOD!" Vega's challenge grows louder as he braces, and then watches that attack come in - he's ready for it, the blue-white orb met with a dark one of his own, psi blowing through the Chi that Ryu uses, aimed directly for the man in white. "Show me this will you have - it will not serve you well today!" Gloating, to be sure - perhaps far too early to be doing so today - but it is what he does, afterall.. He is still on the defensive - still waiting for Ryu's attacks and his strength - both of which he remembers well.. and is hopefully prepared for.
COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Vega's Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Vega
Prepared indeed, it seems. But even that doesn't seem to vex Ryu. His defense is ready against the blistering-fast ball of wrathful psi, and crossed arms meet it with a flare of blue, the nomad's own chi battling the nefarious energy for a moment of crackling deadlock before the ball explodes outwards, its searing energy stinging only Ryu's forearms, his dark eyes still locked on Vega. Ready for his strength, is he? That strength suddenly intensifies, the stores of energy within Ryu climbing on a steep, quick crescendo.... there's a swift breeze within the arena itself suddenly, the nomad's red headband fluttering madly behind him as he faces the Shadaloo Lord down far too confidently, "You are no different from so many others, Vega. Just a bit more deluded." And a lot uglier. Ken wanted him to say that. The gusting wind centers around Ryu as a flare of chi crackles up his form in arcing currents, the gale-force released in a tangible wave outwards in all directions.
COMBATSYS: Ryu gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Vega
Licking suddenly dry lips, Vega watches his shot impact and fade against Ryu's arms. Unsurprising, really - the man truly was a master of his craft. Vega's been on the defensive far too long - the man feels the urge to take control of this fight. Responding quickly to the pressure the man lays on him, he growls under his breath. "Delusions are for those that are weak, Ryu. Not for those that are strong and full of power." Vega's sure he falls into the latter category - and intends fully on making certain that Ryu knows it as well.
As Ryu starts to brace, that chifire slowly circling him, Vega moves inwards, attempting to grab the man's wrist with a dark-wreathed hand. Show .him. who the master of this arena is - time to teach him what it means to fight the Lord of Shadaloo!
COMBATSYS: Ryu just-defends Vega's Quick Throw!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Vega
Ryu merely holds his defensive posture as Vega rushes him, and as that gauntletted hand closes on his wrist, the World Warrior does something that may be rather unexpected.... he twists his arm sharply, and flips himself. Right head over heels, only instead of slamming himself to the ground, he lands in a crouch on Vega's flank, his pre-emptive motion focusing more of that gathered energy, giving him further moments to center himself, and most importantly.... putting him back on the offensive without negative momentum. Snapping back to his feet, the nomad cocks his right fist back and shoots it in sharply, a downward straight aligned with triphammer momentum for the Shadaloo dictator's solar plexus, "Power to manifest your madness doesn't lessen the madness." He insists, in rebuttal.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Ryu's Sakotsu Wari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Vega
One of the most vexing things about fighting Ryu is his speed - the man seems to never be where attacks are aimed. Vega's pleased that he manages to get a hand on the master, but doubly dissapointed as he's suddenly left without a grip to be had, when he tries to execute the throw. "Pfah! Stand still, you worm!" he growls, starting to turn as the punch comes in. Ryu's words save Vega from a pounding - that simple exclamation enough to make him aware of the attack, and avoid it.
"Heh. You're just as chatty as I am, Ryu. Those with power always wish to express it." Mind you, so far, all Ryu's been doing is rebutting Vega's points - but does that really matter to him? He avoids the hit to his solar plexus, and instead tries to bring his knee up to rest against Ryu's side, dark psi flaring around the heavy metal shinguards.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ryu with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Vega
Ryu's offensive isn't stopped in time to avoid the rising knee, and his ribs take a hearty hit, the searing psi helping to stagger him to the side, though it doesn't slow his answering shot, a sharp left aligned with the side of Vega's skull, "Haaaaah!!!" is his only immediate expression of power, as he tries to turn the momentum around once more, using one blow to lead into the next.
For the moment, the nomad holds his tongue... but once that attack is executed, he fires off calmly, succinctly, "Expression is a different thing." Maybe he's realizing that debating Vega isn't going to do much, and maybe he's realizing his attention needs to be on fighting the deadly lord.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Ryu's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Vega
And again, the Shadaloo Master shifts his body, almost seeming ephermal in his moves. Each one a flowing turn almost humanly impossible, the hat he wears on his head getting blown off by the impact that Ryu's fist passing over his ducking head causes. Far too close, far, far too close. Vega stops taunting the man for now - it's simply no fun, when Ryu won't bite back.
Inside in this range, Ryu's probably got the advantage. Those forearms and shins of his are trained and toughened, and close-in fighting was never Vega's favorite mayhem. So, he attempts to get some distance - not by moving away himself, but by simply going for Ryu's chest, the heavy edges of his gi, to grab and throw the impressively gifted warrior far away from him.
COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Vega's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Vega
Ryu doesn't look overly concerned as Vega slips away yet again, as if the entire exchange to this point really isn't surprising. His gi is grabbed, the World Warrior sent flying, twisting in midair to land in a crouch, rather harder than he'd have liked, but... that's life, right? Pushing back to his feet, the World Warrior simply sets himself in a ready position, and slowly flanks Vega.
Patiently, intently, the nomad considers his opponent, studying the uncanny powerhouse with the eye of a veteran warrior... they're different kinds of forces, but both of them are immensely strong, and for the moment... Ryu looks for a way to undo his opponent, breathing slow and rhythmic.
COMBATSYS: Ryu focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Vega
"You are a most vexing opponent, Ryu." Vega's growl is plainly heard over the heavy harsh breathing in the otherwise empty arena. He watches Ryu's crouch, realizes what he's doing.. and realizes that he should prepare himself as well - but he can't. That rage is in his body, that driving urge to know - who .is. better. And with that, he growls under his breath, and leaps into action.
Forwards, in this case, a running start at the recovering Ryu. As he nears, Vega crouches and leaps, spinning in as he comes forwards, one hand formed into the shape of a claw, thick curls of psychopower around the digits, protecting and sheilding them. "You will not vex me past today!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ryu with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
Ryu doesn't seem too concerned that Vega finds him vexing... it's not surprising, really, to the nomad. Why would a man like Vega understand him? It doesn't save the nomad from that clawed, psycho-sheathed hand, though, the searing force driving him painfully back to a crouch, his teeth gritted....
But Ryu doesn't stay down long, the World Warrior suddenly all but surging out of that crouch right back into Vega, fearlessly, his right fist leading in a brutal rising uppercut, "Haaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" he intones in fierce kiai, aiming to reverse all of Vega's ferocity thus far.... in one potent crack to that barn-sized chin.
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Ryu's Fierce Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
There's still no cracking the warrior's demeanor. Still no way through the man's defenses emotionally, no way to shake his attacks. Each one is still thrown with full power, each movement seemingly crazily effective, no wasted motion, each attack an art unto itself.
Vega is focused on this - this war, this battle of wills. Determined, in fact - to prove himself the stronger in this battle - much as always - though rarely does he fight a more powerful opponent. As that punch comes towards him, Vega moves a hand to intercept. Just below his chin, his hand grabs Ryu's, and throws it to the side. Still attempting to phase him, he growls. "Weak. Slow." And then again, he tries to throw the white-clad man. This time, his body crackles with energy as he does so, those white eyes blazing in his attempt. "You cannot win!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ryu with Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ryu 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
Shorn by Psycho Power and laid out in a heap across the arena, Ryu tumbles to the ground rather painfully, rolling to a stop and picking himself up a bit shakily. He's definitely getting battered, now... Vega's got power to spare, still, and it's up to the World Warrior to play catch-up. He's not giving up yet, though, as evidenced by his sudden charge in on Vega, a feinting step at the last moment accelerating the attack a half-beat as Ryu shoots his left fist up and under at the dictator's ribcage, his inner chi skyrocketing...
That blow thrown, Ryu shifts around, coming in low with his right side and launching upwards and in, his right fist leading with his entire weight behind it to align a legendary blow with Vega's chest and jaw, "Shoooooryuuuuuuken!!!!" The World Warrior intones in the ascent, taking it up a notch from the last uppercut.
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Vega with Shin Shoryuken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Vega
Vega's getting sloppy. He's dodged and evaded so many of the other man's attacks that he's taking it for granted. He slides around like a man posessed as Ryu comes in, grinning madly as the attack comes up. He'll sidestep, and then show the man true power..
Except that the dodge never happens. Vega's slow, that cocky forethinking making him miss the attack's timing - a zig when he should have zagged, or the like. All he knows is that the world is suddenly full of stars - and he's staring up at the lamps high above - he tastes blood on his lips, his chin an aching mass of oversized bone and the words 'Shoryuken' stick as ringing in his ears.
He pushes himself to his feet with a growl, a harsh sound, an animalistic sort of ritual as he lets that pain and anger feed into his power - and then he rushes the man again, stopping just short of him, and trying to again, grab and swing the man over his shoulder. "Nghaa! You dare touch me!" he yells, bloody froth at his mouth evidence of just how crazed the attack made him.
COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Vega's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Vega
Ryu rotates a single, graceful twist at the apex of the big brother to the Rising Dragon Punch, and lands lithely, facing Vega. The man's anger was expected, even relied upon... it just took Ryu longer than planned to bring it out. As the frothing dictator grasps for him, Ryu leaps straight upwards like a bullet, out of Vega's path and into the air, leaving the crazed powerhouse with nothing to grapple. The World Warrior, on the other hand, intends to make some contact...
Suddenly swinging his left leg down and around, the nomad reverses his momentum to a downward angle, aligned to give the rushing Vega a heel squarely in the jaw, and exacerbate that whole bleeding and hurting problem, "Kyaaaaaah!!!" Looks like not only does Ryu dare to touch him, he's looking to do it again, rather forcefully.
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Ryu's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Vega
Not quite dumb enough to get caught on the jaw twice in one day, Vega moves his arms up to catch the attack on his forearms. Grunting with the impact, he waits for Ryu to start to drop back down to earth as all people who obey the laws of gravity must do, and he again reaches for that limb. Again, energy lashes out around his hands as he snarls into the strong yell that Ryu releases, as if trying to deny the man power with his very voice. "Again! Show me what you're made of, Ryu! Harder! Fight Harder!" Perhaps it's not the best move - to goad the man on - but this is no longer about winning. It's about making Ryu as strong as he can.. and THEN winning.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ryu with Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Ryu 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Vega
Snagged on his way down, Ryu can't do anything to blunt the force of this toss, and he lands hard in a crackle of Psycho Power, gritting his teeth as he once again struggles determinedly to his feet, "This.... isn't over, Vega." He promises calmly, "We have the strength to fight you." And that seems to be the World Warrior's intent. Not to mention a demonstration now, a surging mass of fiery red chi surging to the fore as the World Warrior focuses his energy outwards, a swirling mass of searing energy crashing together in a napalmy mass that swirls a flame-orbitted path towards Vega, searing the hardwood floor with its sheer heat, "Hadooooouken!!!!"
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Vega with Shakunetsu Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Ryu 1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Vega
That's right. He's thrown the man again. And it's a good feeling - a powerful feeling. He grins widely as he watches Ryu fall and hit the ground. When the man gets back up, Vega's truly happy. After all, this challenge is needed - not desperately so - but it's an eager anticipation as Vega beckons - hands up. "Show me!" And boy, is he shown. That fireball moves with incredible speed, far more than Vega is prepared for. As it hits, washes over him, he grunts in pain, almost falling to one knee.
R But weakess is for lesser men. And Vega refuses to be a lesser man, standing tall as the fireball washes over his frame. "Nghh.. Good. Good. Come at me with all your might, Ryu. Show me your power.." With that, he braces down, and takes a slow breath, that dark energy sweeping around him again in a lazy circle that starts to spiral upwards, into a veritable twister of energy and power.
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Ryu 1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Vega
Show him, huh? It looks like Ryu is willing to do just that, by all appearances charging gung-ho head-on at Vega. The World Warrior sprints the distance between himself and the Shadaloo lord in the blink of an eye, but... he pulls up short, suddenly driving his foot down at an angle into the floor itself, cracking the arena and sending several splinters of wood up and in at the Shadaloo lord. Not the most powerful strike in the world, but well..... it might disrupt the repurcussions Vega's planning.
Ryu is familiar with those. Once was enough. The powerful strike of his foot culminates with the nomad pulling up short, leaving just a bit of distance between himself and the dictator. In its entirety.... the diversionary tactic might as well be a slap in the face considering the demands levelled on the Ansatsuken master a moment before. But it's about more than winning to the nomad, as well.
COMBATSYS: Vega fails to interrupt Thrown Object from Ryu with Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Ryu 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
As Ryu steps forwards, Vega's already dropping down into an attacking posture. He's blasting forwards in an effort to blow the World Warrior into oblivion - it's easy enough - any normal attack the man chooses to do is doomed. Purple psi shimmers around him, thick waves of the stuff as he moves forwards at an incredible speed..
And then he's stopped short, the thick plank catching him directly in the throat, slid up under his chin, and cutting into his windpipe. The psycho-power master crumbles and does fall this time, skidding along the sanded wood of the arena uncerimoniously, before slowly staggering to his feet. "Ngh.. Ngh.." he tries to speak, but words won't come. Instead, he waits, facing Ryu - unsteady and trying to regain his breath - and from the blood on his throat, it's possible he won't.
Let's hear it for diversionary measures! Instead of running head-on into that freight train, the splinters derail Vega before he can even begin to rock or roll. The nomad eyes Vega's unsteady posture, and against most opponents, it would give him pause. From Vega, though... the show of weakness is sensed out and the nomad decides to take it as facade. This man is stronger than that, whatever injuries sustained from this fight. The World Warrior is virtually positive of it, and he channels more of his chi as his arms come together at his side, electrified chi coursing out his palms and fingertips and surging together into a white-hot sphere, the fluctuating mass growing ever larger, and brighter, in mere instants, "Denjiiiiiiin...." The World Warrior incants, focusing more and more power into the sphere, which begins to crackle outwards, bolts of lightning shooting inwards from the air around the massive surge, which then all but bolts outwards for Vega, coruscating mass crackling with a massive charge as it hurtles for Vega, "Hadoooooouken!!!!!" Unsteady just isn't close enough to down, in Vega's case.
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Vega with Denjin Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Ryu 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Vega
Unsteady, in most cases, means 'almost down'. In Vega's case, it could mean 'playing around'. Or it could mean 'Ryu is just damn strong'. Vega, right now, believes that Ryu is just too damn strong. Part of psyching an opponent up means that you take your lumps when they get dished out. And in this case - he's certainly about to get some lumps. Or burnings, in this case.
The fireball impacts on Vega's crossed arms, and then blows them open, cloth burning away from the impact, that brilliant blue-white fire attempting to cleanse him by removing a layer of skin. While not quite managing that, it drops Vega to a knee again - and he's breathing horribly shallow, rasping and coughing as the blood in his body seems to boil. The indignity - unable to fight, to finish Ryu off like he should have - his own arrogance, his own over-reaching making him angry - angrier still that he's almost at the urge of giving up.
He turns to face the World Warrior, his eyes flaring white again, that ebb and flow of psychopower reaching a fever pitch in his body as he ignores the warnings of his aching body - he could easily die doing this - easily overextend his body, and without his shell, he'd be doomed. But that doesn't matter. All that matters now is making Ryu pay. "Nghh.. NGHH.. GO DOWN!!" he screams, and launches forwards again, his hands outstreched, body propelled by all that anger and pain and rage, hands stretched in front of him as he attempts to embed himself in Ryu's body.
COMBATSYS: Vega can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Ryu 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Vega's Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Ryu 0/-------/----===|
Ryu is too battered to get out of the way of that, or at least, that's how he feels, and so he centers himself, throws his crossed arms up, and says a little prayer. The impact is staggering, the psycho power painful, but the nomad's opposing chi flares violently, and while the World Warrior is driven backwards... he does not fall, nor does his guard fail him. The defense falls only as Vega drops out of the attack, with the World Warrior seeking to grab him by the tatters of his uniform, and quite unceremoniously, shove the Shadaloo Lord backwards onto his ass, "Your time is over, Vega. Whatever you do is just going to make us fight you harder. It's you who are weak, weak and deluded, lost in your dreams, pretending that your power makes yours better than anyone elses. But no, your dreams are the pitiful joke of a diseased mind." He's not exactly pulling any punches, here. Looks like the intimidation factor isn't working for Vega today.
Quite uncerimoniously, too! One of his strongest attacks only managing to drive the man backwards - not near enough to put him to where he should have been. Vega, however, is in no position to continue the fight. He edges back as he's dropped to the ground, and then takes a deep breath. Ragged, blood-flecked as he coughs, then attempts to get back to his feet. He folds his hands against his chest.. And then growls. ".. I gave you the fight Sagat demanded, Ryu. The next time, you will fall. This is no delusion, this is only reality. You will.." And then, another coughing fit wracks his body - as he hits one knee, he looks up, eyes bright.. And uses his remaining power to dissappear, vanishing from the arena.
Running like the coward he is.
Log created by Ryu, and last modified on 16:00:53 11/14/2005.