Rose - Line in the Sand

Description: Led to the Dream Amusement Park by intuition, Rose finally faces down Vega for the first time in many moons. Unfortunately, evil triumphs because good is dumb, and the stage is set for a new conflict to begin.

An amusement park. If Rose had doubts about participating in the Saturday night Fights, then she is doubly confused about why she is currently wandering through this kiddy-fare consumer hell, aimless and purposeless. The place is deserted, after all; these sorts of affairs usually don't operate long in the fall, so instead she is simply walking in the darkness, with only the occasional lit ride casting a flickering glow of orange or green over her pale features.
Why IS she here? Because she's psychic, that's why. Bao can sense Vega from far away, because Vega is just that enormously powerful... but Rose, who is a PART of Vega, knew he was back in business the second he appeared. And yet the two hadn't clashed, not since... 'that time'. So she consulted the cards, had a little vision, did all the mumbo jumbo... and they all pointed here, to the amusement park. So she wanders... waiting. Expecting.

Organ music is not Vega's forte. As opposed to most crazed mad megalomaniacal despots, he doesn't play a musical instrument. Instead, he practices his art, the art of destroying his opponents utterly, completely, and the like. That rush he gets when it's done and over, and his opponent lies bleeding on the floor? That's the closest he gets to a 'good' sensation anymore. He doesn't .have. good sensations - They're wrapped up, cut away and severed in an attempt to draw his power out, those dark emotions filling up the empty hole where the good side of his soul was.

Occasionally, he feels twinges, a rememberance of missing something - it's truly never important, though - a inconvienence, at the worst. Those feelings were and are for the weak, for those who cannot understand what true power he's attained. But he's still drawn to it - or at least, to a part of it. Rose. It draws him here like a moth to a flame, his own urges pulling him in a primal emotion - the urge to destroy what he severed off from himself so long ago. He watches from the top of the tilt-a-whirl, for just a moment longer, then .. cheats. He speaks into her mind, his voice as cold and angry as it would be were he right next to her.

"You were expecting this."

To her credit, Rose doesn't break stride, or perhaps better to say, she doesn't seem fazed by the voice. She does come to a physical stop, but only long enough to turn toward the tilt-a-whirl with exacting, uncanny precision, walking toward it carefully. And, like her other half, she decides to keep the conversation going mentally until they're face to face, for the first time in a long time.
"You can't fight destiny," she replies, placid. "We both know that much." Though Vega's mind is closed to her under the surface, she at least is happy to know that she, too, must be similarly closed to him... interesting enough considering their most powerful of links. "And you've had such fun while I was away, chasing down pretty young girls. You do seem to bore so easily."

One of the saddest things, really - the inability to read Rose does vex him to some extent. Much like her, however - it's a advantage to be unreadable in turn, an advantage that he's well aware of. As she approaches, he comes into view - his eyes first, of course, those luminous white orbs giving his face an eerie cast. His teeth, a rictus grin across his face as he stands to his full height from the position he's taken. Fingers point, as the passerby see him - he's very visible, when he choses to be.

And now, he does. With a leap, aided by that dark purple energy that she can certainly sense, it's prodigious, an effort that few people outside the peak of perfection could do. His feet slam into the ground, a small dust devil of power blowing away dirt and leaves as he does so. He walks slowly towards Rose, still speaking directly into her mind - words are unnessecary with her - and certainly, the trifling effort it takes at this distance makes speaking almost more a pain.

"I am still looking for my Bee, Rose. I will have her back - you cannot hide her forever."

"She's not yours and she never was," Rose responds patiently. In some ways, Vega's petulant child act almost amuses her... though she remains perturbed about the urgency of the request. Mind, not even Rose knows who Killer Bee is, since it was in fact Megumi who pulled her out of Shadaloo. Interestingly enough, Rose has all of those pieces from different times and places -- she's even met and advised Cammy -- and simply hasn't had the chance to put them together. Of course, this just might give her the impetus.
Loosening the shawl on her shoulders a bit, the woman faces off with Vega, simply... awaiting his approach. However, as he draws close enough for speech, she actually decides to open her mouth, though her voice is quiet, as if she were partially distracted. "It does amaze that no matter how many terrible men I have met of late, they all seem to be misguided or simply confused." And then she bores her own gaze into Vega; not with glowing eyes, but simply the black, endless depths of her own eyes, in a curious reversal of the stereotype. "Only you have ever been irredeemable."

"Always mine, and always will be, Rose." Vega's sneer as he addresses his 'better half' is easily heard in her mind. He still hasn't bothered to attempt to talk to her with his voice, settling for keeping the contact there - the link so strong at this distance, he's not sure he could talk would he truly to want to. Psychopower gathers at his hands, a display of power for the masses, causing a bit of consternation and a few to scatter - There are fights here often, showy battles of power and skill to the delights of audiences. But Vega does not look like he performs for money. Instead, it's for himself, for his own desires, dark they may be.

Finally, he does speak - his voice just the same, that rough, dark thing that cuts through the chatter of the boardwalk. "Only you have ever caused me this much trouble, Rose. And tonight, that ends." With that, he steps forwards, a hand cocked as if to attack, dark purple energy flaring out around his fist.

COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rose             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vega

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Jab Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rose             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Vega

Well. Appears that Vega is in a rush to get things started. Rose, apparently, was not; the incoming fist, bathed in their own unique brand of psycho power, catches her right in the gut, sending the fortuneteller stumbling back a few steps to recover. However, it does look like it was the punch itself and not the psycho burst that did the most damage. "Touchy as ever, I see..." she mutters, righting herself.
However, she does not stay on the defensive for long. Moving back in with a deceptive speed, she simply... reaches out to get her hand *near* Vega. If she can, she uses the momentum-enhancing telekinetic force of Soul Power to direct Vega's body out and away, simply flinging him backwards and giving herself some distance. "You cannot possess people! You may collect their bodies, but their souls are forever their own." Oh, chica, if only you knew.

COMBATSYS: Rose successfully hits Vega with Soul Fade.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Rose             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Vega

Vega's body does go flying at the redirection of energy - He growls under his breath as he's catapulted, and catches himself as he hits the ground, landing on his feet and standing impassive. He takes his stance again, and attempts to look unphased by the throw, but it's certain that a flash of pain can be seen in those bright white eyes.

"Their souls are mine as I see fit, Rose. I share with them my greatness, and in doing so , gain power myself..! With that, he races towards her, in an attempt to catch her in a throw, as well - this one fueled by his own dark, evil, hungry energy. "This is more than us, Rose - this is for everything - which is stronger?!"

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Psycho Fall.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Rose             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Vega

Perhaps, then, Rose's dark counterpart will be pleased to hear the metallic *CLANG* as Rose goes hurtling back, landing harshly against a nearby ride's control booth door, her eyes widening from the impact before she slumps to the ground. It takes a moment for her to get back up after that assault, but she does manage to do it.
"There is nothing 'great' about the desire to consume," she says sharply, moving back into range and doing a sort of 'handstand' with her Soul-charged scarf as the 'hand', driving a kick toward Vega's midsection, the air around her foot shimmery with invisible, psychic force. "You have lost all concept of balance. For there to be evil, there must always be good. And that is why you can never truly defeat me!"

COMBATSYS: Vega endures Rose's Medium Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rose             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Vega

"Consumption is all that is left, Rose. Taking this from you will be child's pla.. nngh!" Vega is prepared as the kick comes in. He's not afraid of taking damage from the woman - the blast of energy that shrouds her foot is just more pressure, to skid him back along the boardwalk, his heels tearing and breaking a few of the wooden planks. He grins widely as he comes to a stop, and moves his hand to his stomach, as if to test for injury - and from the look in his eyes, he's unphased.

"Out of balance, Rose? This is just realism. This is the way life is - and soon, you'll see that." With that, he moves, a blur of psi-powered fury, knees coming up and aiming for the woman's head, to grab and throw her with a flip against the ferris wheel that spins so prettily in the night.

COMBATSYS: Rose endures Vega's Dead Rise.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rose             1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0             Vega

It's too easy. That thought must enter Vega's mind as he sets up his combination kick toss; Rose's defense is minimal, perhaps even a feint. Still, the entire shebang does connect, and it does look like it hurt quite a bit. The psychic gives out an 'oof!' of pain as the first kick connects, and then she's sent sailing... for all of about three feet, before in a cruel mockery of Vega's own ability, she simply... blinks out.
And where is she? Reversing direction and descending on Vega from behind, she actually used that short-range teleport to change direction *and* momentum, giving her the edge in counterattacking. "'Realism' is a convenient way..." she begins, lashing out with her scarf, and if she catches Vega with it? The scarf literally slingshots him into that same ferris wheel, adding a burst of Soul Power-ed blue flame to boot. Of course, there's nothing stopping Vega from pulling this trick. "...of not dealing with morality!"

COMBATSYS: Vega endures Rose's Aura Soul Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rose             0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1             Vega

Most people couldn't have a conversation while being flung around - Most fighters would be out of breath by now, crushed by aura and psi and the varagies of steel that make up the ferris wheel. And that's what Vega goes spiraling towards now. However, it's a fluke, the speed with which he's hurled being cancelled by the crack of his boots against it's center, the wheel tilting slightly from Roses' force. And instead of crumpling, Vega simply uses the power to blast forwards towards the woman, starting a spiraling spin as he does.

His voice is raised now, a harsh growl that grows like the anger of a wounded animal. "Morality means nothing, Rose! Power, strength.. that is all that counts..!" As the dark purple vortex forms around him, he speeds up incredibly so, and moves right at her.


COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Psycho Crusher'.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rose             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Vega

Okay, OW. There's no getting around that. Vega is a top-notch fighter, using one of his signature moves, and using Rose's own attack against her just as she did to him. There's no resisting. The psychic, eyes wide, makes an attempt to get out of the way, but it's far too slow; Vega's psycho-sheathed body pushes through her like a battering ram through a paper door. Only a last-minute attempt to shield her body with a film of Soul Power keeps her from being basically incinerated.
However, unsteady though she may be, the psychic does indeed stand up, shakily, facing Vega once again. "Ha. You and Kain Heinlein..." And here she pauses to cough, noting the flecks of blood against her lips with a frown. She knew he'd hit hard, but perhaps she didn't know how hard. "'d go well together. Perhaps at least he has a noble goal shrouded by dark circumstances. You..." And then she blinks again, moving into Vega's guard with alarming speed and lashing out with her arm, the shawl springing to life and creating a coil of Soul Power-charged cloth that she intends to simply drill right into Vega's gut. "You simply revel in destruction!"

COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Rose's Soul Spiral!

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Rose             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0             Vega

He'll do well to remember that name, that was given. Sagat had mentioned him as well, a man to be reckoned with. Even if his student wasn't, the man that teaches was a powerhouse, according to the Muay Thai boxer. Vega's still intent on the fight though, cataloging the conversation away in a deep portion of his brain. He'll go through it later, when he's got more time to work through it.

For now, the fight exists - and really, that should be all that there is in his world now. Him and Rose, moving in an amazingly violent dance of destruction and energy - the crowds have long since scattered, afraid for their life with the speed which which the pair have moved so far. As Rose moves in that familaiar motion, he moves as well, slipping his hand into the psi-charged shawl, digging through it's defenses and powering through for her wrist. Should he find it, Rose is going head-first into the tilt-a-whirl with the application of plenty of evil, angry psycho-power. Of this much, Vega is certain.

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Rose with Psycho Fall.

[                            \\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Rose             0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0             Vega

'Wide-eyed' appears to really characterize Rose in this fight. If anything, it just reaffirms her greatest fear: when she 'defeated' Vega in the past, he was holding back. Even tonight, she can sense that the psycho master is not using 100% of his abilities, and Rose was trying her damndest to keep up... though even she has tricks she didn't pull out. Still, what it boils down to is that her strike is not only rendered useless, but she also goes flying way the hell toward the ride.
Summoning the very last of her will, Rose simply... disappears before impact. It means she won't have the time for a last desperate strike against Vega, but unlike the psychic, he is in relatively good shape. Attacking him urther would simply be... foolhardy. "A battle lost, but a war far from over," she says into Vega's mind, as her psychic 'signal' weakens. Must be time to get out of Dodge. "Neither of us can fight our destiny."

Almost dissapointed by the lack of impact, Vega is unsurprised. The woman shares his power, and the concept of her escaping the fate he'd planned is definitely a possibility. At least, for now. With her vanished, he walks towards the tilt-a-whirl,and sets it into motion with a push and blast of energy. Walking away from it, he dusts his cape off.

The internal injuries will heal, and quickly. He has plans to set in motion, and certainly cannot be bothered with being less than fully healed when they come to fruition. A warning, perhaps - carried on the last vestiges of their link, a private message to the woman who escapes from his wrath.

"The war will see you lose your allies, Rose. The Bee is mine. That much.. is my destiny as well." With that.. the contact is broken, his evil chuckle the only echo for her of him.

COMBATSYS: Rose takes no action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Rose can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.

Log created by Rose, and last modified on 22:11:30 11/10/2005.