Description: Kain contacts Rugal and invites him to the Heinlein estate for a business discussion. After they reach an arrangement things are finished off with a friendly spar.
There are certain things that are necessary when planning a military operation. Men, obviously. Skills and knowledge, of course. Kain has these things, and he's also got people who are quite good at military matters, and have lots of experience in the field. Mercenaries don't survive very long unless they know what they're doing. The major part that Kain is playing falls on another aspect of military operations: equipment.
The Heinlein fortune is large, to put it mildly, and Kain has little problem with using some of it in less than legal ways. He's got his own money laundering schemes and front companies set up, and he can even use his resources to perform some smuggling when necessary, but he still needs to get weapons and such from somewhere. And for that sort of task? One turns to the professionals. Kain has been making a point of making numerous contacts, many of which he's gotten in touch with through the mercenaries on his payroll. And one of the contacts he's reached is for a rather shadowy group known as R. People don't know much about them... But if you want illegal goods delivered on a large scale? They're one to turn to. Especially when you can't have any business dealings with Geese's Syndicate.
Kain has sent a business proposal out to R, asking for an in-person encounter to work out the deal more fully. Given his abilities, Kain much prefers to be able to talk to his partners face-to-face. Obviously there are risks involved, and it's quite possible that some suspicion may fall on him, but Kain intends to prove himself honorable. At least, until it no longer serves his interest.
The Heinlein estate is large and rather easy to find from the directions that have been given. Kain has left it up to his guest to determine the exact time of arrival, so as not to seem like he's forcing anything. The fact that the mansion is rather far away from any prying eyes is also helpful for matters of secrecy. And Kain's staff members are all very, very good at being discrete, and paid well to keep it that way. The few who weren't discrete... Well, they haven't been seen lately.
"R" is not an easy organization to simply 'find'. It is a letter only whispered in fear at best through many illegal markets. No, You simply do not go to R. It is an organization that is the best in what it does, and as such, it deals out only to those who have the means and the /determination/ to use what they supply. That have the strength of will and lack of morality to use this weaponry for less than... respectable means.
Having a substantial income is also a key contributing factor.
That's why it is not an easy task to get in contact with this organization. And why those that do... are always heard out. Of course, when one makes the request to meet in person, there is no reason to turn it down. Anyone could be sent. An executive of the R organization, a footsoldier even - though disrespecting customers in such a way is not how one does business. And for a person of such standing - the Heinlein fortune is not something that one scoffs at, after all - it might even merit sending the secretaries of R's leader themselves. But no. Even that wouldn't suffice. For a man like Kain R. Heinlein... it is Rugal Bernstein himself who walks into his estate. After all. This could be the beginning of a beautiful business partnership. It would be a shame to spoil it.
It is late in the evening when would-be "god" and arms dealer Rugal Bernstein comes knocking on Kain's door. There was no real sound of his arrival beyond footsteps, and if Kain's servants choose to look, they'll not find any cars. Only the grinning face of the battle-monger himself, the glowing red point of his cybernetic eye peering into the rather lavish estate, two men in suits at either side of him - footmen, nothing more.
"Is Mr. Heinlein in? I believe we have an appointment." By believes, of course, Rugal means he knows. And by his initial question, he means, 'where is Kain?' because he has no doubt in his mind the man is here. And Rugal is looking forward to the meeting.
Kain's servants may not be as battle-ready as Rugal's secretaries, but they aren't stupid. No questions are asked. The man who answers the door simply gives Rugal a respectful nod. "Right this way, sir." If he has any idea just who Rugal is, he doesn't mention it. And he shows surprising control, giving only a brief start at noticing Rugal's cybernetic eye, but then making no attempt to avoid looking at it. He simply treats Rugal as any other business partner coming to visit Kain. Any other /important/ business partner.
Rugal is quickly ushered into Kain's large sitting room, where he conducts much of his business. There are no windows in this room, simply three walls lined with high bookcases, except one spot on the back wall where there's a rather well stocked bar. The books cover a wide range of topics, from history to business to law to military strategy. There are even a few occult tomes mixed in there, and everything has the look of being strictly sorted. Kain has other books, as well, but most of them aren't out where prying eyes can see. Even so, there are more than a few rare titles lining those walls.
As for Kain himself, he quickly rises from a comfortable looking padded chair as Rugal enters the room. "Ah, thank you for coming. I've been looking forward to this visit." While his servant is still in the room, Kain pointedly doesn't mention Rugal's name. His servants are good, but there's no reason to test their loyalty when something this important is at stake. "May I offer you a drink?"
It shows a certain amount of trained skill and professionalism to not gawk at the artificial eye that had been crafted for R's leader some years ago. A fact that earns the servant who receives Bernstein an amused smile; though the fact that it is because of that very fact isn't outwardly broadcasted. Instead, as the doors swing open for the red-clad man, Rugal steps inside, idly straightening his coat. His men follow after him, but he holds up a hand once the doors are closed, looking at the pair. "Stay here. You won't be needed past this point." They're just there as obligatory 'bodyguards.' It's for the image.
Adjusting the long black sash draped around his shoulders as he enters the sitting room, he offers the servant a cold nod in some sort of semblence of a 'thank you', though it really shouldn't be taken as such. His attention is quickly drawn away, towards the books, both eyes scanning over the various titles. "What an impressive selection." It's not really said to anyone in particular. But since Kain is here to greet him, the crime lord's attention turns to him, offering a small grin. "Of course. I couldn't very well turn down a request from the Heinlein heir himself." Drink? "Red wine if you have it, Mr. Heinlein."
A single hand slips into his pocket as Rugal once more looks around him, his gaze settling on the selection of books once more. "I imagine you know very well exactly what you want. After all, you would not have contacted /us/ otherwise. His eyes roam over the books, falling to those related to military strategy. "So, Mr. Heinlein... what is it, exactly, that you want?"
Kain nods to Rugal, heading over toward the bar to pour some drinks. "A fine choice." Kain is rather partial to a nice red wine himself, so he pours two glasses. The servant, meanwhile, makes his exit, being sure to latch the door behind him as he leaves. "And indeed, I do know exactly what it is that I'm looking for..."
Kain finishes pouring the wine, then walks over toward Rugal and hands him his glass, raising his own in a brief toast. "Cheers." He takes a sip, then gestures to one of the chairs, which faces the one he was previously sitting in. "Please, feel free to have a seat." If Rugal does so, then Kain sits back down in his own chair. Otherwise, he remains standing.
"I've written up a list with the specifics," Kain gestures towards a stack of papers sitting on a nearby table, ", but I don't think you'll find anything there that's too outrageous. Military supplies, largely, both weapons and equipment. I've engaged the services of a few groups, and I want to make sure that they're well equipped. I'm sure you understand. I'll need them delivered to a location in Southeast Asia, where my men will pick them up from you at sea." It's quite probable that Rugal has heard about the unrest occurring in Indonesia. There's no actual /evidence/ linking Kain to that, but it's not too hard to guess at. Kain isn't too worried about Rugal finding out, though. What's he going to do, go to the UN?
Rugal is not so insecure a man as to not sit when it is offered to him. And the seats look to be rather comfortable besides. So, after he raises his glass of blood red and taps it against Kain's own in the soft sound of glass striking glass, says a brief word of, "To a prosperous business future." and sits.
"I do like it when the customer knows exactly what they're looking for." He sips from the red wine, savors the taste a moment, before leaning back into his seat. He swirls the liquid in his glass, watching it for a moment before he moves his dual gaze to the stack of papers. "There's not much that you could really consider obscene for us, but I appreciate your not requesting anything too... outlandish." But he'll see for himself, moving forward in his chair, leaning in to take the papers with his right hand, flipping through them casually.
Even as his eyes roam over the lists of equipment, he listens to what Kain has to say. Brewing trouble? "Of course." He'd understand better than anyone. "Southeast Asia? I hear there's been some trouble starting there. Do be careful." Oh, there's no doubt in his mind that this man is more than likely the cause of that trouble. No doubt at all. But Kain's business is his business. And Rugal's business is simply to supply the weapons for a suitable price. For now. "I take it that money is not an issue for you, is it? Considering the extensive list you have here."
Kain briefly waves the hand that's not holding his wine, dismissing the issue of money as inconsequential. "No problem whatsoever. Simply choose the manner in which you would prefer to receive your payment, and I'll make sure that it arrives." As for the list, it is pretty cut and dry. Guns, explosives, tents, radio equipment... All sorts of stuff, but nothing too horribly hard to acquire. Probably the most difficult things on the list are some vehicles, mostly along the lines of military jeeps and the like. Quite a bit of it isn't even illegal. It's just that it needs to be delivered in a clandestine manner.
Kain swirls his wine for a moment, then takes a sip. "I may need to make use of your services again at some point in the future, as well, depending on how things go." Hopefully not, but there may be more incidents like the one which resulted in a great deal of equipment being lost. Kain is unaware of the involvement of Charlie's unit, but he knows that /somebody/ must have interfered.
"As for the trouble? All of my subordinates in the area know to take great care. We wouldn't want anybody getting hurt, now would we?" Kain's smile is rather less then pleasant as he takes another sip of his wine. It's nice to have somebody quite obviously lacking in morals, but not entirely lacking in culture that he can speak to. Perhaps Rugal knows something of /real/ strength. An interesting though, and one that may bear looking into...
Nothing too terrible, it seems. In fact, as Rugal looks over the list in front of him, he can tell that these items will not take long at all to gather. He imagines it is simply the 'why' and 'where' parts of this deal that have drawn Kain inexorably to R. Fingers flip through the pages, eyes scan through the lists, before they are all reshuffled back into their proper order. "Then when this meeting is over, we will send half the bill towards whoever needs receive it." After all, he doubts Kain wants it tied to him. That is the whole point of this after all, Bernstein imagines. "The other half of the payment can be made upon delivery. I imagine that sounds fair to you, Mr. Heinlein?"
For a moment, the battle-monger stares down into his glass of wine, contemplating his reflection on the calm red surface. But the image is disturbed as the glass rim touches his lips, in another slow, savored sip. "We are here for the disposal of men such as yourself. If you ever require our aid, you need only contact us." Kain will pay well, after all. Valued customers take a certain level of priority. "But I am glad to know..." Rugal's own smile is one that splits his lips ever so slightly, shows a vaguely sadistic gleem in his good eye. "... that your men will stay safe."
It's no small secret, nor does it bear any in depth investigation, to discover the fact that Rugal is a man who loves battle. That tests his strength against others. Something like Kain himself, perhaps. Bernstein's cybernetic eye is simply a contributing factor to this. "Lovely wine." He mentions off-handedly, taking yet another sip. "What year?" Red wine is something to be completely appreciated. After all... it tends to be an excellent prelude to a good fight.
Kain nods in response to the payment plan Rugal proposes. "Quite fair." He takes another sip of his wine, before setting the glass down. "It's a 1985, I believe. I must confess, although I do enjoy partaking now and again, I'm not an expert. I'm glad it is satisfactory."
Kain looks Rugal over for a moment, smiling briefly. "Now that matters of business are taken care of, perhaps you'd care for some entertainment before you leave, Mr. Bernstein? I've heard of your involvement with the King of Fighters tournament, and I know that you're a man of not inconsiderable physical power. I myself am a fighter, and I always enjoy matching myself against others with skill. I've also got ample grounds here on the estate..."
"That's a pity. I'll have to treat you to my own selection one day. There is quite the difference between the ages." But this. This is nice. He takes a sip, a longer one this time, and his smile... widens a touch at Kain's words.
His glass is set down as he stands slowly, taking a moment to straighten his back and relax the muscles there. "Ah, you're a fighter as well?" 'Fighter' is a bit of an understatement. The look in the man's eye says all he does not. Fighting and power - these are his true and only passions. "I can never turn down a good challenge, though." His dual gaze turns to the door, before glancing back at Kain. "... so lead the way, Mr. Heinlein."
Indeed, the look in Rugal's eye says even more than he might think. One glance at a person's eyes is all it takes for Kain to be able to read their emotions like a book. It doesn't work particularly well with Rugal's cybernetic eye, but the natural one is still subject to Kain's power. "Yes, it's always a pleasure to find new opponents to fight. It gives an opportunity to develop new strategies, as well as to refine one's power."
Kain leads the way to the door, guiding Rugal down the hall and eventually to a set of large glass doors which open up onto the grounds behind the mansion. Throwing them open, Kain strides out across the grass, heading toward a large circular area of bare dirt. "There are other areas on the grounds that can make for interesting fights, but I think for the moment something more traditional is best. Don't you agree?"
Kain turns around, sliding his left hand into his pocket as he assumes a casual looking stance. He gestures with his free hand toward the other side of the cleared area in which he stands. "Please. Shall we simply continue until one of us chooses to stop, or is unable to fight? I cannot, of course, make any promises of your complete safety, but neither do I expect any in return."
Hands slipped into the pockets of his nice red pants, Bernstein follows in step behind the Heinlein heir, his head dipped down to such a point it might obscure the smile on his lips. Not a particular pleasant smile, but then again - the smile of those who enjoy chaos and bloodshed is never particularly pleasant. "Refine one's power? ... Yes, I agree." Says the man who steals refined power for a living. "And there is always the rush of fighting those who are truly strong. Something that you won't find in any normal activity." Rugal's one true passion.
Rugal continues to walk until he reaches the very center of the makeshift arena, running a shiny, polished shoe along the dirt. Aah. Nostalgia. "Classic is oftentimes the best of all. I think this will suit just fine." Anything, though, would suit just fine. A single hand slips into his pocket, like a reflection of Kain, before he pulls out a pair of black, fingerless gloves, tugging each on their own respective hands. Other than that, he makes no overt signs that he has readied himself for combat. Just his gloves, and his smile.
Anything else would suggest too much.
"Fighting until one of us decides to quit would spoil what a true fight should be, Mr. Heinlein." Nor, as Kain said, should he have any assurances about staying safe. "That said, I think my stance on that question should be clear." His head tilts to the side, his cybernetic eye peering at the Heinlein heir. "Shall we begin then?"
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Kain gives Rugal a brief grin, one of the few shows of emotion he allows himself. "Indeed. I imagine this will be most enjoyable, Mr. Bernstein. And please, call me Kain."
Kain takes a moment to adjust his own gloves, briefly tugging at his shirt to make sure it's smoothed out. No sense in looking like a slob, unless it's really too dangerous to do otherwise. He then slides his hand back into his pocket and begins walking toward Rugal. "Well then, if you're ready..."
There's not really any wait for an answer, because Kain already /knows/ that Rugal is ready. He begins moving forward more swiftly, eventually breaking into a run before finally leaping forward, twisting himself to sail through the air with his right leg extended toward Rugal. Purple flames flare out around the limb, trailing back behind Kain and forming a large cloud of fire which will wash over Rugal should the attack connect.
COMBATSYS: Kain has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kain
It's one of those times where the student would make a visit to the teacher. It's mostly either for assistance in development or to see how his teacher is doing.
After parking the motorcycle nearby the entrance of the mansion, Jiro comes out of the area. The blond haired youth is dressed in nothing more than his attire of the sleeveless shirt and camoflauge cargo pants.
The boots make their crunch in the ground as he approaches the door. Ringing the doorbell once, the disciple of Heinlein is greeted by the butler, who is given a smile.
"So... where's the teacher?"
"He is at the back of the mansion."
"Gotcha." No need for getting escorted into the backyard. Jiro knows where it's at, after all. It doesn't take too long for the youth to make his trek to see what's going on.
...Huh. Another guest. Jiro immediately comes to a halt to see the tall, muscular blond man. Jiro stops and decides to keep quiet. Who is this guy... and is that...some sort of device on the eye? Hrm.
Jiro stands up while watching the incoming bout.
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Kain's Schwarzer Stob.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kain
"Kain it is, then. And you don't have to worry about my being ready--" His words trail, though, as Kain starts running towards him with that rather remarkable speed. Blinking, the blond-haired battlemonger doesn't even more. Perhaps because he can't, but more likely... because he doesn't want to. There's a faint arch of his brow at those unique purple flames, but little more before the foot connects with his face, and the flames engulf him. Still, though, he has braced himself, and the force of the strike only pushes him back a few feet, dirt upchurning in his wake.
The reason he hasn't moved, though, becomes readily obvious as both his hands snap up to grasp Kain's leg at the moment of impact - though a sick part of Bernstein likely wanted to feel the strength of the other man first before he started the fight. A grin on his lips, he has every intention of spinning Heinlein around once, twice, to build momentum before tossing him into a wall. If he manages to catch his leg, at least.
COMBATSYS: Kain just-defends Rugal's Strong Throw!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kain
Kain's strong, but he's also fast. He may not be the greatest physical specimen in the world, but he's pretty well up there. That means that in addition to hitting hard, he's also fairly acrobatic when he needs to be. After the impact with Rugal he starts to turn his body in mid-air, intending to prepare for his landing. When he sees the other man reaching out for his leg, he suddenly twists as hard as he can, slamming his hand down on Rugal's arm at the same time as he whips his leg out of the way.
The time which Kain has left to react now is rather short, and he quickly brings his other hand down, trying to place it against Rugal's chest. Even if he doesn't get perfect contact, he still attempts to push off from the other fighter. The action itself can't cause any real damage, it's merely intended to get Kain out of Rugal's reach. What /could/ cause damage is the sudden firey explosion which bursts from Kain's hands, propelling him even further back, skidding back slightly on the dirt as he lands.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Kain's Schwarz Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kain
Aaah. Good, good! There's a certain amount of satisfaction, strangely enough, on Rugal's lips as his attack is deflected by Heinlein. Arm knocked to the side, Rugal's body tenses as he sees what is to come. Kain's hand presses against his chest, and instantly Rugal moves back. While Kain still can push off in time, Rugal's arms lift in a cross and snap to either side of him, dissapating the purple flames before they can cause as much harm as they should. And through it, R's Leader grins.
As soon as Kain lands, he has problems coming for him. Rugal moves, fast, shooting down the distance between them with a single, outstretched hand. The blazing fighter seeks to grab Kain by the head tightly, running through the expanse of the pseudo-arena to slam the other man bodily into a wall, with a good deal of force behind the blow.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Kain with God Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Kain
Kain's eyes flick briefly toward Jiro as he sees the student exiting the mansion. He doesn't have time to do much about him at the moment, though. Letting down his guard against someone with unknown skills would be a bad idea. Those skills are about to become less unknown, however.
Rugal moves toward Kain with unexpected speed, and although Kain tries to twist out of the way he still gets grabbed. The fact that it's by the shoulder rather than the head isn't much consolation. The walls of the mansion are a bit distant from this fighting circle, but there's a good substitute nearby in the form of some very sturdy looking trees. Kain is driven into one of them with a loud thud, grunting as the wind gets knocked out of him.
Indeed, it almost seems like he might have been seriously hurt, as he begins to drop to the ground after the impact. That's not the case, though, as it quickly becomes apparent that he's only manuevering for a better angle. After he drops to a crouching position Kain lashes out with his right foot, attempting to drive a flaming kick into Rugal's stomach and provide the Heinlein heir with a little breathing room.
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to reflect Medium Kick from Kain with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Kain
The solid impact into that tree leaves Rugal feeling slightly satisfied. He hasn't yet taken into account the fact that another person has entered the area, too focused is he on the battle at hand. This, after all, is something to be savored and appreciated. His hand releases as Kain begins to fall, preparing to take a step back... until --
Rugal has only a limited amount of time to react as that kick comes straight for him. Still, he does what he can. His right hand snaps forward, glowing with strange green chi as it attempts to connect with the kick. As it does so, a disk-shaped barrier of chi forms, but... it seems as if he hasn't put enough force behind it, as Kain's attack smashes through it and into his stomach, sending Rugal skidding back with wide eyes.
The breathe knocked out of /him/ now, Rugal doesn't go to strike again. Instead, he takes in a deep breath. Interesting maneuvers.
What is the student of Heinlein to do? The young man is getting a good look at both Kain and Rugal with a feral, yet analytical gaze. He is watching to see how both fighters are faring off. So far, it looks like his teacher is faring off a bit beter than the stranger.
"Hrm..." Distancing himself a little more, Jiro grunts. Of course, the incoming flying kick. An eyebrow lifts up and he grimaces over towards the strike. "...Yeah, that would hurt."
Now that things seem to be swinging in Kain's favor, he's definitely going to press the opportunity. Standing back up while Rugal recovers, purple flames snap into being around both of his hands. He draws his arms back briefly, then thrusts both of his hands toward the crimelord. The flames leap forth, two balls of purple fire spiralling around one another as they streak through the air toward Rugal.
Even as they're in the air, Kain begins closing in on his opponent. He's quite comfortable at either close or ranged combat... but immediately after hitting someone with a firey explosion is a good time to get up in their face to follow through with some more traditional tactics.
COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Rugal with Schwarze Flame.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Kain
There's just no time to respond to the attacks that Kain is pressing on him. Breath knocked out of him, gasping for air, as Kain is launching off yet another attack at him. His attempts to block, hands rising up in front of him, go unsuccessful as he is knocked back further by the two, brilliant points of chi. He has burn marks over him now, and he snarls a bit, but there's still the entertainment in his eyes.
Still, Kain is choosing to get close to him. Even as the other blonde-haired man gets closer, Rugal's arms burn with blue-white chi. And as soon as Kain is close enough, his arms snap forward, crossing over each other as the release an immense burst of energy that travels over a short distance, threatening to consume the enclosing Kain Heinlein.
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Rugal's Kaiser Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Kain
Kain's moving in toward Rugal quite quickly now, so there's not really any time to stop when he sees the energy flaring up around Rugal's arms. Running straight into an attack would probably not be the best of ideas, though. Kain compromises by crossing his arms in front of him as he tries to slow down, purple fire flaring up in front of him.
The Kaiser Wave smashes into Kain's arms, and there's a brilliant flare of white and purple light. When it fades away, Kain's arms are smoking slightly but he seems to have weathered the attack fairly well. He uncrosses his arms slowly, looking at Rugal with a grin. Flames begin to flicker around the edges of his sleeves and pant legs, and otherwise escaping from his clothing as he begins gathering up his energy. He wants to be sure that his next attack counts, and so he's getting ready to be able to unleash it as close to instantly as possible...
COMBATSYS: Kain focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Kain
This fight isn't looking too good for Rugal. Jiro merely watches his teacher ake the aggressive initiation. The student leans against he wall, watching over to see that Rugal is under a lot of heat. Well, it should be apparent.
of course, with Rugal unleashing a powerful wave shooting towards his teacher. Jiro keeps an eye out to the bout.
"Huh." He watches the confidence on his teacher's face. The youth merely smiles.
"Hah!" Rugal leaps back, taking in a few deep breaths. This one is very strong. The chi that he uses is overflowing, Rugal can tell. So it doesn't come as too terrible of a surprise to see the Kaiser Wave stopped by the force of that power. He straightens, but his legs are still tense. He doesn't offer any words, just a broad grin as Kain seems to be preparing for something.
Energy begins to fuel up inside Rugal, thrumming through his body, burning his veins. But even as this happens, he doesn't make use of the chi quite yet. Instead, he leaps forward, aiming to throw a kick to Kain's side with a certain ferocity only found in men who truly are enjoying a good fight. Whatever Kain's planning, well. Rugal will just have to try to be prepared for that, his mind keeping attention focused on the man and his actions.
COMBATSYS: Kain interrupts Strong Kick from Rugal with Himmlische Seele.
- Power hit! -
[ \\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Kain
When Rugal leaps toward him, Kain simply extends a hand toward his opponent, blue energy rapidly swirling around his fingertips. He makes no effort to get out of the way, and so, despite his preparations, Rugal's kick does manage to land. It doesn't hit with as much force as it might, though, because the instant before contact energy suddenly explodes outward from Kain's hand.
A massive ball of swirling blue flame and raw chi engulfs Rugal, sending him blasting away from Kain at high speed. Toward the trees, thankfully, or Kain might have to pay for some repairs to the wall of his mansion.
Now that is interesting.
Jiro observes to see Rugal jumping righ into the fray of the swirling blue ball of energy. He grimaces at the huge ball consumes Rugal and sends him flying...
...Oh hell.
Jiro immediately pushes himself off of the wall and rolls along the ground, "Shit."
...Just in case.
... Well then.
Surprise, surprise.
Rugal's eyes are wide with a certain level of surprise and frustration as Kain's energy explodes outward in such an immense amount and seeks to consume him. And consume him it does, enveloping Rugal in a sphere of massive, roiling blue chi, sending Rugal flying through the air and away from Kain. There's a well, as Rugal smashes in and through the treesm kicking up dust as he lands. And then... silence.
Silence that doesn't last for long though, as Rugal goes flying through the air towards Kain. His one good eye? Totally white now, possessed by something other than himself now, perhaps, as chi rolls around him perceptibly, explodes with his every step into the earth beneath him. And again, his hand extends, to grasp for Kain's head.
COMBATSYS: Rugal can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Rugal's Gigantic Pressure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/----===|
Rugal doesn't get to grab Kain by the head this time, either, as the Heinlein heir quickly brings up his arms in defense, allowing one of those to be captured instead. This gives him a bit more leverage to resist Rugal, and his own internal chi does an admirable job of deflecting the power Rugal is giving off. There are a few moments of struggle, but finally Kain manages to break free, although his arm doesn't escape some bruising from Rugal's death grip.
He backs away cautiously, getting himself ready to lash out again if Rugal should still be feeling up for the fight. With some fighters, when they seem to go berserk it can be hard to tell if they're just trying to make a last gasp, or if they can just keep on going like that.
COMBATSYS: Kain takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Kain has ended the fight here.
Rugal? Rugal has collapsed onto his knees in the aftermath. Though not unconscious, there won't be anymore fighting left from him. Deep breaths escape him, staring pointedly at the ground as the brown returns to his good eye. Gloved hands cluch the earth, but instead of being frustrated, Rugal... smiles. Broadly. After all. This was no real fight. And it was very informative, in the way it sends burning pain through his body.
"It seems... I'm still not as strong... as I could hope for." He was so much stronger than this before, and it's mildly frustrating to the man. Still... "We'll have to have a rematch." Breath is coming back to him though he's in no condition to fight any further. "It was a good spar." Though, next time, he'll have to keep in mind that immense amount of chi the man has at his fingertips. Ow.
Hrm. With the match ending, Jiro looks over at Rugal, then he looks abck at kain. The young man starts to walk towards his teacher, "Excellent fight, teacher." He leans his back against the wall.
He smiles a bit, clenching his fists together. He looks over towards Rugal, "Huh, who is he?" He lifts an eyebrow.
Indeed, Kain does have a great deal of power at his beck and call. He does tend to rely on it instead of his physical abilities, though, which can occasionally cause some trouble... "Quite. It was a good fight, and I look forward to sparring with you again."
He doesn't help Rugal up, both because the man probably wouldn't appreciate it, and because it's simply not the kind of thing that Kain does. Turning to Jiro, Kain looks at his student for a moment. "He's a business associate who came here to work out a deal with me." If Jiro doesn't know much about Rugal, well, so much the better.
No, Rugal doesn't expect nor wish to be helped up. Instead, the man gets up under his own power, looking over the various injuries incurred to his outfit with a small frown. He'd have to get that fixed. There's hardly even a grunt as he gets up, straightening out the burnt clothes that cover him now before his eyes cast a glance towards Jiro, quirking a brow.
"Hrm. Who's this?" Though he is looking at Jiro, his question is directed at Kain, his head tilting to the side in a manner of curiosity as eyes, both natural and artificial, study the boy. ... interesting. He looks unnecesarily similar to--"A friend of yours, Kain?"
"Huh, your business associate has some skills." The young man tucks his hands ino his pockets, geting a good look at the muscular blond man. Shutting his eyes, the youth turns over to see Kain, "Hrm..."
Towards Rugal's aquestion, Jiro responds, "Jiro Kasagi, Mister Heinlein's student." He gives a slight nod, then he tucks his hands into his pockets.
"In a manner of speaking. I've seen that the boy has some potential, so I'm attempting to bring it out." He speaks almost as if Jiro isn't there, and really, compared to Kain and Rugal? Jiro really is kind of unimportant. But then Kain does actually turn to glance at Jiro for a moment. "He's moving along rather well, although he still has quite a ways to go before he's ready to understand everything I have to teach him." And that is, to some extent, a warning that Jiro is not to be trusted with the content of Rugal and Kain's deal, even if he does seem to be one of Kain's associates. "Please, feel free to come by again, when you're able." I.e., not under surveillance.
Ah, the unsaid words of men with power. Rugal gives another final look over of Jiro, before looking over to Kain with a grin. Jiro, hm? Students aren't really something that the man can relate to, so all he offers is a very brief nod of his head. To each his own. "You must have a good deal of time on your hands, to take in a pupil." While manipulating events on the other side of the world. But Rugal turns, his hands in his pockets. "Well then. This has been a fun event, but I think we both have business to attend to. I imagine I will be back shortly." Once he is sure he can come by unmonitored to deal with the first half of the payments. "Have a good night." And Rugal walks off, towards the exit, not even taking his ripped clothes into much consideration anymore.
5t What is he, chopped liver?
How lovely. Jiro remains staring for a moment, then he looks back at Kain. The young prodigy hrms, then he shrugs, "Huh, interesting associate." His eyes focus towards Kain, then he quirks an eyebrow, "Well, I was coming for training..." He looks over towards Kain, "But it looks like you just finished having your spar."
Kain looks back to Jiro, arching an eyebrow for a moment. "You needn't worry about my condition. I'm perfectly fine, and quite up for providing you with a little training. Shall we walk for a bit?" He gestures towards the woods that are not that for off from where they are currently standing, then begins walking off into the trees, presuming that Jiro will follow.
Log created by Kain, and last modified on 08:11:49 02/20/2007.