Description: Bao was having a good day... Unfortunately, he met someone that managed to scare him and scar him at the same time. That man... Vega.
It's a beautiful day.... when you're Bao.
The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. The civilians of Chinatown are busying themselves with their daily activities. Fish vending, chicken vending, and silk being sold. The life within the town is rather noisey.
With the tournament being around, Bao is looking quite happy today, wearing a medal that is sponsored by the awesome Karin. The youth is wearing a huge mushroom-like hat and an orange chinese top. ...And orange short-shorts. Bao has on his head some headphones. he spins while singing:
o/` If you're strong, you can fly, o/`
o/` you can reach the other side of the rainbow. o/`
o/` It's alright, take a chance, o/`
o/` 'cause there is no circumstance o/`
o/` that you can't handle (when you use your mind) o/`
Bao spins around, waving his hands around, then he moonwalks.
o/` Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (trouble keeps you runnin' faster) o/`
o/` Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Somic Boom (save the planet from disaster) o/`
What does a crazed would-be dictator do in Chinatown? Certainly not buy things. He would have minions to do that for him, too high and mighty to do such a plebian task himself. He could be exploring, but really, what need does an emperor-to-be have with such a task? All that matters is him.. And finding the Bee, and well.. new minions.
Having left such a task to his lieutenants for so long, Vega grew weary of staying in the Shadaloo base for months on end. All his new plans have perhaps boiled down to the petulant whinings of 'Bored at home, want to go out and play..' In this case, the dictator is standing atop one of the buildings, his arms folded against his chest, scanning the crowd. Is it truly so hard to find adequate warriors?
And yet, as he begins to turn - there .is. something there, an undefined touch that prods him into staying, and observing for at least another moment..But what is it? What could it be?
That is where the sudden spark of energy strikes Bao along the brain. It is rather odd, but Bao is sensing something very horrible. His eyes undergo a purple glow, but he lowers his head and shuts his eyes.
Feeling the sensation fade, Bao soon dismisses it. The child springs over towards the fish vender, offering a smile. "I brought you some medicine like you asked!" Granted, Bao accidentally broke most of the antiques in the shop. But that detail is left out for various reasons.
"Ah, thank you, young child... Tell Chin that I said hi."
Eiji has arrived.
Eiji heads south down the main road to the downtown area.
And that, really - is what draws Vega. That small residual spark of something akin to what he has - unformed, possibly untapped. Certainly under-used, and most likely not drawn upon the way that he would do so. That, of course, could be changed in time - tortue, pain, the slow indoctrination of hate that Shadaloo could do so well. The thought of it, of bringing a new face, full of burgeoning power to the Empire? It's enough to warm the cockles of his mad heart.
With nothing more than an instintual effort, Vega brings that dark energy to the forefront of his mind - that rage and hate that is his power, that dark series of emotions that he draws from for effort and desire. He lets it swell within him, channeling it through his body, from mind to legs, to allow the leap he makes become something out of a story - certainly superhuman. He lands besides the vendor's stall, cape moving to hide his body afterwards. ",, Interesting."
That dark energy.... rage... hatred... all of those emotions are drawn out and it actually gives off a very uncomfortable feeling. the youth's frame becomes more subdued and frightened. It is that presence that draws Bao to gasp and immediately shift his body over to see where the man is at.
There is a man with a dark cape. It's ...scary. It's not just the presence that scares Bao, but it is the inner emotions that presents itself to Bao like an overwhelming beacon.
But he can't exactly shout it out... He can't tell anyone... except Athena. Maybe this was the type of people that Athena told him about.
Immediately losing his balance, the child falls flat on his rear end. "Oooof!" He looks up at Vega wide-eyed, "Ahh...uh.... hello mister..." His tone is slowly faltering in it's cheeriness, moving to enar silence.
Vega moves through the crowds slowly. In a world of fighters, the remarkable is certainly almost too ordinary to believe in. The small amount of people between Bao and Vega instinctually move - a reflex born of many years dealing with the thought of 'If I stay here, I might be hurt.' In this case, it's a feeling probably partially borne from Vega's own aura - dark and vile, like the sludge from a used oil pan.. It oozes before and behind him, and helps him move through the people unopposed.
Vega's voice is deep - spoken with crisp tones, dark and full of that negative emotion that he seems to always carry with him. It's imperious, demanding - all that, and a bag of chips. "Your name, boy." He states, attempting to give no leeway to the seemingly cowed youth. Was he really the power Vega felt? Only time will see.
The power....
It lies dorment in the child, sleeping and currently in check. For now. But it is slowly starting to come to an end while everything is under control.
For now.
Bao is busy clutching onto his head, feeling the Psycho Power lie within his soul, slowly coming out further and further as an aura. The youth is very well planning to panic.
"Ba-Ba-Ba..... Bao!" He clutches his head, then he looks at the older man, crawling backwards away from the man. "...Who...who are you... your... emotions..." His voice becomes more meek, " so full of hate..."
While Bao speaks, his eyes flash with a purple glow, every few seconds.
For now, it does lie sleeping - for now, it rests. Vega, however, certainly has other plans for it. Bringing it to the fore, no matter what it may do to the youth. After all, if he's not strong enough to handle it - he's not worth of the gift that was given him.
Vega follows Bao as he crawls backwards, looming over the youth, his body drawn ever further into his cape, so that truly, all he may seem is a wraith. White eyes narrow, that echoing flash of purple matched with one of his own as he speaks. He isn't truly speaking to the child, anymore. Instead, he speaks to what is within him.
"It's power, boy. The only power a boy like you would need to make your mark in life. Or do you prefer being scared? Being afraid of the dark things in this world?"
COMBATSYS: Bao has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Bao 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
The young boy is shuddering. This guy is rather scary. Bao is merely starting to crawl backwards from the man. With the wraith-like figure looming over him with his towering presence, Bao's eyes is feeling fear. And with his powers going under whack, the uncontrollable power is becoming more....unstable.
There is a Psycho Power drawn into it's pool. Bao is merely looking at the man with fear.
"I... uhh... I..." Bao looks up towards Vega. "...Power..." He looks up at the man, "I... I was taught by sis... that... power can be used to... help people... bad things... bad things can be...vanquished..."
Bao's eyes flicker with a purple glow once more. The sleeping powers soon slowly stir from it's sleep. The motions is rather slow, but it is slowly progressing.
o/` Wake up... little one... rise from your sleep... o/`
COMBATSYS: Bao gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Bao
"Power to heal? Pfah. The power you have can do no such thing. All you have, boy - is the power to destory." Vega's mocking voice is quiet now, a conversation for the two alone. He leans in, still following the boy as he tries to skitter away, a slight dust-devil effect swirling about him as he senses that growing power within the boy - that waking of such a deep wellspring, one that he could use to his own ends, if only there were a way to tap it..
"Bad things are never truly vanquished, Bao. The monsters under your bed simply wait until the next night, for you to fall asleep. And when they do - they'll take and torment you, leave you crying for your parents, your sister.."
Charlie has disconnected.
COMBATSYS: Vega takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Bao
Charlie has connected.
~ Des...troy...? ~
"I... I can... I can help people... I.. I don't dest...I don't destroy..." His eyes become tearful while he's pulling away from Vega. His hat is slipping off of the head, landing right on the ground. Bao isimmediately looking up at the man.
The power is steadily growing.... it all is waking up... Slowly, stirring from it's sleep is the violent Psycho Power that Bao has -yet- learn to control. All of it's filling itself inside the youth from his own whirlpool.
Bao's eyes glow more and more... Everything is starting to seem out of touch. Sparkles flow along his body as the atmosphere is covered with dust-devils all around him. A phenomonal force of energy emits from the youth.
"I... I..."
~ ...Parents gave me up for adoption... they feared me... they feared... my curse... ~
And that very curse is starting to awaken more violently. It's a burst of power that erupts from the youth ias a blue dome of energy. Bao's screaming his head out as the angry energy is exploding.
The Psycho Power is covering all around Bao, which is drawing quite a lot of fear from the venders and those that stick around.
~ The curse.... I can't control! ~
The explosion grows wider, breathing and eating up everything around it. The screaming increases in a crescendo as the blast of Psycho Power releases and exhausts itself from Bao. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"
....The results of it all... will leave the lingering Psycho Power floating around the boy, before his head hunches over.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Vega with SP Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
Duolon has arrived.
"She can't help you now, boy. She's gone, left you alone. You're better off without her, anyways -holding you back.." Vega's taunting is apparently having the intended effect, drawing the energy out of the boy's body, those negative emotions coming to fruition with that intense ball of light surrounding him. Vega reaches into it, mindless of the pain that it brings, mindless of the sensation of his hand burning, then his face, the skin singing with the effect of that brilliant light. All the better to fuel his own power - his own dark emotions. Bringing his face in closer, he props the youth up, tilting his head back upwards, to stare into his eyes with his own pure white eyes. ".. Again, Bao. Show me truly what you can do.."
COMBATSYS: Vega takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
Taking several deep breaths, the exhausted child looks up weakly towards the man. Bao is propped up by Vega, his own eyes meeting with the pure white eyes. See the look on Bao's face? It is fear. It is the quaking far tha would leave a child scarred for a nice long time.
"Who.... who..... who are you....?!" His eyes widen, gazing at the taller man... "I..." He starts to draw his hands together, forming a psychoball.
"I...." It is drawing him to use his Psycho Power... but why..? What is driving him? Ah yes. Fear and anxiety. Bao points both hands at Vega, crying out with tears in his eyes as he says, "Go---AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!" The Psycho Ball is shooting out at Vega's face.
Charlie has disconnected.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Bao's Dan Kougeki - Front.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Bao
Charlie has connected.
"I'm evil, Bao. I'm what you'll be, when you're ready. I'm the dark thing inside you, just waiting to come out." That's part of the megalomania - Vega's certainly convinced himself that he's the be-all and end-all of psycho-power. He's wrong, but hey - a guy can dream, can't he?
He doesn't even flinch as the attack comes at him, so close a range, so fast - he simply swats it aside, the ball spiraling into the air, up and away - a beacon for those who might know what psi looks like, expecially that of a scared, and frightened child. Vega is enjoying this far too much - he moves closer to the boy, white eyes open wide, grin wide on his lips, almost inhumanly so. "I won't ever go away, boy - What I am is inside you, waiting to come out." With that, he releases the boy with one hand, and raises his fist, dark purple energy forming within his grip, a ball full of those dark emotions starting to coalesce.
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Bao
Bao... be a very scary man who has so much hatred in him...? Bao is brought into total fear by the Crimson Leader of Shadaloo. Bao shakes his head feverishly, tears all falling from his eyes. This is the first time that Bao has been scared like this. This is the first time that his mind has felt something so dangerous like this.
This is the first time.... Bao has ever faced real danger.
He looks up at the man when he starts walking closer to him. It's very uncomfortable. That grin, such hatred... Bao looks up at the youth, and he shudders.
He is released once more.
Bao falls onto his knees, unable to shake the feeling. "I...." It... Bao is shuddering uncomfortably. 'It hurts..." He shakes his head several times.. "Why.... why...?" He can't bring himself into speaking coherently.
"I'm... not you... I'm not..." The eyes undergo a purple glow once more, he's looking right at the ground.
COMBATSYS: Bao gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Bao
Vega is real danger, yes. Scary, evil, real and right next to the boy as he falls to that kneeling position. Vega continues to focus on that fear that the boy experiences, the thrill and tinge of it just goading him all the further. His hand holds the ball of energy still, and he moves it above the boy's head, holding it there in preperation. "You are, Bao. You will be, soon enough. Prove me right, boy - strike again. Again!" He pauses, then bellows the word, voice echoing through the surprisingly (go fig people would escape when the balls of psi started to form) empty street. "AGAIN!!"
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Bao
What does a desperate person do when they are afraid of what is before them? Do they move? Do they run away from everyone? Do they just flip out and start desperately, if vainly, try to blast the person away?
Bao chooses the last options.
Uncharacteristic of the youth, Bao is extending both of his hands up and he forms a blue ball of energy before his very grasp. He looks up to see Vega holds the hand ou before him.
Bao is starting to launch the hands out, "NO!" He throws the ball of energy out towards Vega. However, he doesn't stop at just on ball. Instead, he's going for more of the blue orbs, throwing them out repeatedly.
He's desperately trying to blast Vega and his ball away. "Go away!" Throw! "Away!" Throw! "I.." Throw! "Won't..." Throw... "Become..." Throw. "_YOU_!" Throw!
Many bolts of psycho balls sail straight towards the Crimson Chin from the fear-consumed child.
COMBATSYS: Vega overcomes Dan Kougeki - Bound from Bao with Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Bao
Charlie has disconnected.
Charlie has connected.
Desperation, fear - Vega commonly inspires both in people. Anger, rage - all those lovely, dark emotions that grow on people, bring them to their limits and past. He thrives on that - pushing someone into their own personal madness, and it seems like he may have finally managed to do it towards the kneeling boy.
The ball of energy that is launched at him is drawn into the dark orb that Vega forms - the second and third are battered away like a man swatting at flies. As each new ball comes in, Vega blocks with his extended hand, letting his own Psycho Shot grow ever larger - until the last ball is thrown - which is met by his own, directly down at the attacking youth. "You can't deny it forever, Boy!" he sneers..
COMBATSYS: Bao fails to slow Psycho Shot from Vega with Dan Kougeki - Bound.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Bao
Bao's eyes widen as he sees the dark orb launching out towards his direction. Bao is staring like a deer seeing a flash of light before it is ran over by a hugee car. The child is staring forth at the incoming ball.
He has the opportunity to guard against it, but frankly? Bao is not under his right mind. So instead of going on the defensive, baoi is charging out with another ball of light. "YAAAAHHHHH!!---AHHHHHH!!" The child is given a blast froim the ball, and he is sent crashing against the ground.
So much hate writhing in him. The hatred engulfs and ravages Bao's mind, until the child falls unconscious.
While the body has the power to go on... His body is still good. ..His mind is unable to continue. That is where the child collapses into unconsciousness.
Vega's grin is wide as he watches the boy react in rage and desperation - those sorts of emotions would only feed on the energy in the boy, given time. Still, though - he's no match for the Dictator. With the resulting shot, and the boy's collapse, Vega shrugs his cloak back around his shoulders, taking a step away from the unconcious, fearful boy, and looks towards the next tormenting that may occur. The next plan he has, and will succeed in.
After all.. victory is inevitable, in all that he does - in this, he is utterly and completely certain. "Goodbye.. monster." he whispers for the boy's unconcious mind, attempting once again to plant another seed of fright, of worry for the youth - and then.. he moves away.
COMBATSYS: Vega has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Bao 1/-------/=======|
Log created by Bao, and last modified on 12:26:13 11/09/2005.