Description: Vice, holding a bit of a grudge against Kain, decides to ambush the German in a parking garage. To help make things go smoothly, she brings along Yamazaki to help. Kain doesn't go down quite as easily as they might hope, but a little help from a passing truck ends up taking care of things.
Business is going pretty well for Kain Heinlein lately. His legal endeavors are doing quite well, and his other plans are progressing quite smoothly. Sooner or later people are probably going to notice something's up, but he hopes to be well entrenched by that point. For now, though? He can leave most of that work to subordinates. He's got to keep up appearances here in Southtown, and make sure that everything is moving along properly.
And that's why he's in the business district, having just wrapped up a meeting with a few stock holders. He can be surprisingly diplomatic when he feels a need to do so, even though he has very little respect for most of the people who cross his path. That business is taken care of, though, and after a light lunch the Heinlein heir decides that it's time to head back to the mansion, and to check up on the progress of his other plans. Perhaps a bit of training.
For the moment, Kain is traveling on foot, walking leisurely down the sidewalk toward the parking garage in which he left his car. It's not a particularly busy hour of the day, since most people aren't out of work yet, but there's always a decent number of people around in the business district. The parking garage is probably fairly empty, though.
Vice sighs deeply, god, she was being stupid. Going in like this again was just going to get her hurt, and yet... Kain wasn't some god, and Yamazaki was pretty good, and really, she wanted to be out of his debt as quickly as possible. Pfah! Maybe they could actually teach this guy a lesson! Maybe they could actually beat Kain, that would scare the Jiro kid, and after the beating him and his friends gave her, she was more ready than ever to teach him something, she was just going to do it in a more subtle manner...
Regardless, now isn't the time to be thinking such things. She had a job to do, to get out of Yamazaki's debt, and she had been crouched upon the rooftop overlooking the street for quite some time. The plan was simple, she would jump down in front of the man and distract him, Yamazaki would emerge from a side alley and strike the first blow. Simple, elegant, brutal... and hopefully completely unexpected.
And so she leaps from the top of the building and lands gracefully in front of Kain, throwing the broken and shattered remains of a car wing mirror at his feet.
"Looks like you will be walking home today, hot-shot." She growls, eyes bright with menace as she blocks his path... muscles already tensing in anticipation of the fight to come.
Who knows, maybe this would even be fun!
Some fighters have somethign witty to say when they fight. A string of eloquent prose to utter forth before the damage occurs. That's true of almost everyone in this business, and Yamazaki has indeed said some interesting things before a fight in his time. But normally, thay're hardly high tongued. In fact, generally, they tend to be rather gutteral if anything.
But today is different.
Today is all about results, and talking isn't really high on the list. There's a level of parity that needs to be reached, and Yamazaki is certainly not anywhere near above cheating in order to get it. Kain attacked him to send a message previously, and as such, Yamazaki returns in kind. However, the depth of the message is much shallower, and perhaps not much of a message at all. The hired killer rarely does things on his own initiative, and usually never for free, but when attacked out of the blue?
He'll make concessions.
Vice does her job nicely, providing a decoy and distraction, which give him the moment he needs to appear from behind. Normally, he's not stealthy. That's by design. When people assume hat you're a walking noisemachine, they often don't expect any kind of sneak attack from you. It only takes a second, really, for him to eye his target and flash a thin grin at Vice from a good distance behind Kain. It's a bit of a way to cross in order to get a solid hit in, it would seem, but that's not an issue for Yamazaki.
With a soft hiss, his right arm disappears into a blur, the black smudge that represents his arm arcign an impossible distance as he flicks the Snake Taker at the back of Kain's legs to drive him to his knees.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vice has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vice 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Kain has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vice 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kain
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Yamazaki's Snake Tamer.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
You don't live long as a fighter, particularly one who gets involved in some shady dealings, unless you can think fast and move quickly on your feet. Kain's not lacking in those areas, and when Vice suddenly lands in front of him he's instantly on alert. He's expecting an attack from her, of course, but when it doesn't happen there's one reason that quickly comes to mind.
Heinlein doesn't waste his time on responding to Vice's taunt, and it's a good thing. He only has a moment to turn himself partially around as Yamazaki's arm lashes out. He twists his leg into a position where it can better withstand the force from the blow, and keep him from being dropped to his knees. Kain's eyes narrow for a moment, but he doesn't really look all that shocked or outraged, regardless of what he might actually be feeling. This is just par for the course when you do things like calling out Yamazaki.
Kain has no intention of letting himself be taken out by these two, although it remains to be seen just how well he can support that. He's certainly going to make a good effort at being the last one standing, however. And he starts by continuing to twist himself around, purple fire trailing from his foot as he starts swinging it sharply upwards, intending to drive an explosive kick into Yamazaki's jaw.
Vice grits her teeth as she sees that Kain is obvious far too clever to fall for such cheap trickery, bah! She should have known better! Well, never mind... at least she had got to destroy another car, he didn't act like it, but that just -had- to be annoying!
And then as he twists around to kick Yamazaki, Vice makes her move, his back is turned so that should make it at least a little easier to land her blow, she darts forwards, arms seeking out his neck, if she successfully grabs it, she uses her momentum to swing him over her shoulder and into the ground as hard as she can manage. Not too surprising, but if it worked it would hopefully leave him a little more open to whatever Yamazaki's retribution might be.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki fails to counter Schwarze Lanze from Kain with Sadomazo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/--=====|
The best laid plans.
Witht he element of suprise having failed, Yamazaki doesn't have time to steel himself against the counterattack. As his arm snaps back into place the heavy kick manages to collide firmly with him, sending him a decent distance backward, and he slams into a parked car with considerable force. Denting the metal to the point of nearly breaking through the car completely, the Orochi's eyes seem unfocusd for a second, which sort of leaves Vice open for the moment.
Kain doesn't hit like a normal person, and Yamazaki hasn't forgotten that. What he did assume was that superiority of numbers would be enough to get the job done. Let's see if that carries through or not.
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Vice's Mithan's Robe.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/--=====|
Kain's holding out pretty well for now, but the fight has only just started. And he does have one Orochi on either side of him. He could attempt to move out, trying to end up facing both of them at once, but doing that without leaving himself open to attack would be rather tricky. So for the moment he's just going to have to hold his ground, and hope he's presented with an opening. Or can force one.
Vice does manage to lift Kain up, but he manages to twist himself as he hits the ground, breaking his fall to some degree. He quickly starts getting back to his feet, observing the situation. No, Vice couldn't have been so kind as to throw him away from Yamazaki, now could she? Well, the male Orochi seems to be momentarily stunned, at least. One might think that would make for a good opportunity to attack him... but Kain isn't entirely certain that it's not just a ruse. Rather than take that risk, he'll just have to keep Vice busy for a moment before he attempts to deal with Yamazaki.
To that end, Kain thrusts a hand out toward the Orochi woman, sending a blast of purple fire leaping out from his hand. Certainly not enough to take her out, but fire and explosions often serve as a good distraction.
COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Vice with Schwarze Flame.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/--=====|
Vice grits her teeth as the bolt of flame comes shooting in, despite her best attempt to twist and distribute the blast, it burns into her quite heavily, and sends her skidding back a step. Ah, chi burn, she had experienced so very much of that lately... Jiro in particular seemed to have sprouted a lot more of the good old burning stuff, and it was starting to get on her nerves!
But still, she had a -job- to do here, and it had been so very long since she had seriously needed to take someone down, so she wasn't about to let a little thing like horrific pain slow her down.
With a screech of pain and rage she launches herself forwards, aiming to grab the man by the throat and literally hurl him at the closest wall, tossing him around as though he were a rag doll...
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Kain with Decide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/--=====|
As Vice's attack makes some amount of purchase on Kain, Yamazaki is ever quick to capitalize on the woman's motion. While in the middle of the throwing arc, he's already charging forward, hurling from his prone position to chew up the distance with charging strides. His eyes track the body, narrowed and already feeling a dull burn inside of himself. The blood riot is never a dormant thing, and at the moment, it's starting to heat up and the rising gorge within him makes him want to vomit up blood with disgust.
Nevertheless, he doesn't. Yamazaki has more control than that. The large man hurls by Vice, like a black clad freight train, and with a smooth motion, picks up the car door she dropped on the ground. Dust kicks up as his shoes grind to a halt next to her, and with a powerful swing of his arm, he sends the broken door at the falling man, to collide with him before he hits bottom.
COMBATSYS: Kain dodges Yamazaki's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|
Now, Kain is a moderately strong guy. Vice, however, is considerably stronger, so if she gets some good leverage then staying on your feet is no longer really an option. She manages to get a "Hggrk!" sound out of Kain as her hand closes on his throat, and he's chucked into the nearby wall, slamming painfully against it. And then there's the matter of Yamazaki. Kain sees the car door coming in at him, but there's not really anywhere to go, since he's got his back against the wall. So he does the one thing he can do: He just slides down the wall, going prone on the ground as the car door crashes into the wall above him before bouncing back off to clatter to the ground.
So now Kain is a bit dinged up, and his suit is rather filthy, but the fight's not over yet. He quickly scrambles up into a kneeling position, then launches himself up towards Yamazaki, straightening up as he leaps. Kain draws his fist back in mid air, a blue glow surrounding it before he attempts to deliver a vicious right hook to Yamazaki's jaw.
COMBATSYS: Vice fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Kain with Gore Fest.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vice 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|
Vice screams loudly as Kain arcs forward, "DON'T IGNORE ME!" She shrieks, rushing forwards with as much speed as she can muster, her eyes wide as she literally leaps in front of Kain's fist, which embeds itself deeply in her stomach, drawing a slight hiss from her, by god that hurt...
But still she attempts to use the momentum to her advantage, to wrap her arms around the mans body and hurl him down, but curse her traitorous body! Curse it and its limitations!
Despite her greatest efforts to grab him, she just fails, and instead she instead falls victim to gravity and falls to the ground before rolling out the way, assuming that Yamazaki wouldn't let a little thing like ploughing through her winded body hold him back.
Hell, she wouldn't if she was him.
And as Vice falls, Yamazaki is already waiting with two black ceramic knives drawn from his sleeves. Letting go completely of the thing that demands the death of everything, his eyes have gone completely bloodshot, wide, and his jaw in unhinged, like that of a snake's. His body twitches slightly, seeming to simply come alive of it's own accord, like a creature being manipulated by a mad marionetteer. Hands clench madly at the handles of the blades, and he draws in a ragged breath.
Even before Vice can start rolling away, he's moving forward. However, rather than charging forward, he does what any deleriously deranged Orochi would do: he leaps. Saliva trailing behind his gaping maw as he does so, the knives are whipped forward towards Kain, looking to find a weak spot.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Kain with Nightmare, then Darkness.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vice 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|
The knives are jammed into the crime boss's body deeply, and with a powerful wide armed swipe, are pulled apart in a wide arc, rending flesh. The knives hit again and again as he continues to viciously stab without any sort of concession to sanity: no human being should be able to keep up the blinding speed of the amount of stabbing and slashing he inflicts on Kain.
Finally, he takes another ragged, snarling breath, and tosses the black knives aside. Unlimbering his huge dagger, he eyes the man for a fraction of a second before coming down with a final stab, ripping the blade out before jumping back again.
Now, Kain is fairly good at ignoring pain. He can push it out of his mind, and just keep on going. Even for someone with an iron will, though, this kind of mutilation is painful. Extremely painful. Yamazaki's frenzy of stabbing manages to bring about one of the rare appearances of actual distress on Kain's face, as furrows are ripped through the flesh of his chest, although the exact extent of the damage is somewhat obscured by the tatters of bloody cloth hanging from Kain's ruined clothing. The knives didn't manage to penetrate any vital organs, but there are definitely a few deep wounds there.
Kain staggers a bit as he clutches one arm to his chest in a rather futile effort to staunch the flow of blood. He's going to have to do something about that fairly soon, but that means that first he's going to have to take care of both of the Orochis who are out for his blood. Glaring at Yamazaki, Kain extends a hand toward the man, a spark of blue flame blooming in his hand. Long years of training keep Kain's anger in check, but he's definitely irritated, to say the least. And that only serves to fuel the growing ball of blue chi flame as it expands in size to several feet in diameter. And then with a wordless growl from Kain, it launches forth to engulf Yamazaki in an inferno of flame and raw chi.
Vice screams loudly, taking the opportunity to, whilst Kain is facing away from her, launch her own assault against the man.
She had watched from the ground as Yamazaki tore into Kain, and was frankly pretty impressed, not that she would ever tell the man, but now it was her time to shine. Sure, her ally was about to be engulfed in flaming death, but it isn't like Vice cares, if she can take out Kain, she can rest happy.
And so she erupts from her crouching position, quite literally, kicking up a little cloud of debris as she goes, she too lets herself go, her entire body, mind and soul bent on the task of taking this man and breaking him into little bits...
COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Yamazaki with Himmlische Seele.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Vice's Negative Gain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|
Vice intends to grab Kain and unleash her fury upon him, hefting him into the air before slamming him down on the ground once, lifting him back up by his arm and swinging him into the wall again, with more than enough force to leave cracks in said wall, before finally shifting position, running, and slamming his head through the bonnet of the already damaged parked car. Really hoping that this would take him down and out.
Kain's massive fireball engulfs Yamazaki, the corona of energy tearing across him like a chi-powered full body root canal. The power courses through him, alighting him with the blue flames powered by Kain's internalized anger, shattering nerves, causing blood vessels to burst, joints to fail, and his mind to generally shut down. With a resounding thud, Yamazaki is sent to one knee, and stays there, smoking. For a while.
His head snaps up as he sees Vice miss her mark, Kain's momentary distraction is capitalized upon. Slowly, he lifts one hand, and power the color and consistancy of blood snakes out of it, whirling about his hand and palm, forming a crude dagger shaped point, and his face twists into a completely mindless grin. With a hideous shout of a clearly unhinged mind, Yamazaki leaps, the crackling red energy bolt at his palm arcing down to slam into Kain's face.
COMBATSYS: Kain fails to interrupt Guillotine from Yamazaki with Schwarzer Stob.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
The energy bolt comes down on Kain's face, and is /thrust/ through, Yamazaki's large hand clamping around the bishounen ganglord's countenance. The fingers squeeze tightly, as if to grasp the reality of the situation. With a soft grunt, Yamazaki lifts Kain hinto the air by his face, and he turns to Vice.
There never was a more reptilian smile on his face, teeth glinting like those of a crocodile that just caught a meal of fresh wildebeast.
Whipping around, he thrusts the back of Kain' head against the front end of a Toyota minivan. And then again. And again. The vicious pounding makes a horrifying cracking noise through the empty parking garage, and the van's car alarm screeches in mad protest. Then all of a sudden, it stops. Yamazaki seems to simply... get bored before hurling Kain to Vice's feet.
"Your turn, gorgeous."
Kain does get lifted into the air by Vice, but he doesn't go easily. He twists himself around before she can slam him into the ground, breaking free of her grasp. He still hits the concrete a little awkwardly, but not with as much force as she would have liked. He doesn't have time to get up before Yamazaki is on top of him, so he makes an effort to dissuade the gangster by means of a flaming kick to the stomach.
As Kain's drawing his leg back, though, Yamazaki's hand snares his face, and then the world becomes a very painful place for a few moments. It seems that Kain's head is hard enough to survive being used to wreck cars, but it's a pretty close thing. At least nothing seems to be leaking out from the inside, except for the blood soaking into his hair from a number of cuts on his scalp. He's still struggling, although a beat weakly. Ignoring pain is one thing, but there comes a point where your body simply starts to shut down. And Kain is getting very close to the point where he simply won't be able to remain concious.
Rather unfortunate for him that he's struggling to push himself off the ground while laying at Vice's feet, hmm?
Vice is extremely annoyed that she hardly manages to touch the man, but as for Yamazaki, well, she is... impressed, she returns Yamazaki's smile with a nice display of her own pearly whites, before looking down at the bloodied man before her.
With a snort she rears her foot back. "Give it up you loser, you might have been able to take us out one at a time, but now, we got you beat."
And with that said and done, her foot comes flashing forwards, aiming to deliver a quick, sharp, high-heeled kick and possibly break his nose.
As Vice rears back to kick Kain in the face, Yamazaki strides forward calmly, the insanity in his face seeming to drain away completely. It's as if the power inside of him has suddenly and capriciously just... left. Spattered with Kain's blood, his laquered shoes close the distance between Vice and Kain in long legged strides, his hand shoves back into his pocket as he rolls his neck, boredly. A tongue runs inside of his mouth across his teeth as he eyes the scene, stopping just short.
A slow grin crosses his face... and it just grows larger. Unhealthily larger as he rolls his head to look down at the prone Kain.
COMBATSYS: Kain dodges Vice's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kain dodges Yamazaki's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vice 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
Yamazaki lunges forward with his foot, apparently to stomp Kain in the face and finish the job... but seems to fall just a tad short of the mark, apparently. Overconfidence will do that to you.
Kain may be done, but he's not /quite/ out yet. He's bleeding profusely, and he probably has a severe concussion, but he's put a lot of work into training himself to being able to push his body beyond its limits. That's how he managed to achieve the level of chi power that he has. Even so, at this point there's very little he can do beyond quickly rolling to the side, leaving a smear of blood on the concrete as he just barely evades the attacks from Vice and Yamazaki.
Kain manages to drag himself up into a kneeling position, but his legs threaten to give way when he tries to get up any further. He raises his head to look at Vice and Yamazaki, blood trickling down over one of his eyes from a wound somewhere hidden by his hair. This isn't good. He /might/ be able to take one of them out, but in his current condition he doesn't have enough control to make a blast large enough to hit them both at once.
The German hesitates briefly as he lifts up his hand, arm wobbling slightly. Who to attack? He blinks his eyes a few times, trying to clear his blurring vision, but it only manages to get blood in one of his eyes. The blue flame flares up in his hand again, and he's forced to make a decision lest the chance be taken away from him. And so this time the massive ball of blue chi launches out toward Vice, since she manages to catch Kain's eye at the critical moment. And she wanted Kain to pay more attention to her, right?
COMBATSYS: Vice endures Kain's Himmlische Seele.
[ < > ///// ]
Vice 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Kain
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
Vice narrows her eyes as the rolling flame burns towards her, the heat already noticable as she steadies herself, she wasn't particularly thinking of the flames, or how to respond, she was more wondering how someone in Kains condition had the -right- to be able to get out the way, how -dare- he, and how dare he attack her with this attack? How dare he have that much power left?
And so Vice reacts like anyone who is sufficiently pissed off would react, by ignoring all common sense and doing what feels right.
And so she ploughs head first into the fire, oh sure it tickles a little, but she didn't care... she could let herself become aware of the horrific, burning agony later, when her body shuts down.
It doesn't slow her for a second as she erupts from the back of the fireball, and seeks to tackle Kain. If she succeeds, she will just keep on going, right into the road- where she will slam him head first into the ground (with more than enough force to break the concrete) and then hold him to her as a shield against the oncoming truck.
If not, she'll just collapse after missing the lunge. But god she hopes it hits.
COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Kain
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Kain with Withering Atlas.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Kain
And... Kain is in no position to deal with a headlong charge from Vice. He's severely battered, he can hardly see straight... Getting out of the way isn't an option. And trying to brace himself doesn't do much good, as it simply allows her to carry him out into open air. He flings a hand out toward Yamazaki as he falls, firing off as large a blast of flame as he can muster, hoping it will keep the Syndicate retainer from following. Maybe he can deal with Vice once they hit the ground...
But no, it doesn't seem that this will be the case. His head being used to shatter the concrete is more than enough to stun him, and then he finds himself being used as an impromptu shield. He's certainly not enough to /stop/ the truck, but the driver is already slamming on the brakes, so he and Vice only skid a short distance after Kain has made a rather large dent in the vehicle's grill.
Yeah... He's gonna need some hospitalization after this.
COMBATSYS: Kain can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki reflects Schwarze Flame from Kain with Bai Gaeshi.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|
With that much time to be prepared because of the distance, Yamazaki has no trouble at all with th incoming flames this time around. He steps out into the street, suffering with heavy damage himself, but still able to move under his own power. As the whirling fireball shoots forth, he whips up his hand and simply... catches it.
The blue flames lick around the hand for a while, his arm shaking as he continues to hold for a second or two... and he steps forward. The blue slowly turns purple, and then bright red, the color of blood. It goes from a crackling flame to a boiling, disgusting ichor-like mess that seems around his fingertips for a moment, and is then just casually tossed aside, the purity of the flames having been swallowed and corrupted by Yamazaki's own perverse heart.
Well. Lesson learned, he supposes, and without fanfare, he hefts Vice up, tucking her under his arm.
It'll be quick. Yamazaki will simply step into the garage, and hotwire something before anyone is any wiser. That's just the sort of criminal he is... if it can be stolen, he'll steal it. And however many cars run over Kain is Kain's business.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kain, and last modified on 13:24:47 03/25/2006.