Description: Heidern spots Foxy at the Shrine and decides it's time to take NESTS down a few notches-- namely by nabbing their top scientist. Or, er. Eviscerating her, anyway.
Mid day.
The crisp autumn air is reason enough to find one's way out into the more rural areas of the town-- or at least the more secluded. While this may have been the focus of her last fight, and her decidedly atheist leanings give this place no immediate significance, Foxy finds that locations such as this have a note of tranquility to them that very few places do. Kneeling amidst the myriad of fallen leaves-- ochre, bronze and auburn to mirror the self-styled victorian garb she's often seen in-- the scientist might be difficult to notice due to the utter lack of complimentary colors. Barring, of course, the decidedly outrageous hairstyle she's usually sporting, as well as the black overcoat she's forced to wear to ward off the cold.
Dark ebon with gold trim; as ornate and intricate as everything else she surrounds herself with, or so it would seem. With her eyes affixed to the entrance of the small shrine, the dull hum of the breeze through the treeline is enough white noise to keep her company. If there's one thing she can appreciate from the Eastern philosophies, it's the tendancy to empty one's mind of all that ails them, and then some. While the practises are a trainwreck waiting to happen in most instances, for now, she can appreciate the simplicity of it. And thus, she remains, rapier lain out in front of her as if to warn passers-by that she's not to be trifled with. Not that that'll help matters any in most cases.
A word that means nothing to a lot of people, and a lot to very few people. Easily the most secretive, mysterious criminal organization currently operating on our nice little planet. And a subject of serious interest to the Ikari Warriors, and their commander Heidern. Even the famed mercenary group, well known for their information-collecting and espionage tactics, knows little about the shadowy cartel. The leader of the group, and their goals, are both unknown - as well as their command structure, source of income and base of operations. Basically, a blank slate.
But one thing that the mercenary group -does- know is what some of their operatives look like. K9999, Kula, Foxy, Angel.. they've all been flagged as members of the cartel, and thus are of great importance. If one of them could be -captured-, the information they hold in their brain would be of great use to the Ikari Warriors in their quest to bring down NESTS. But the cartel operatives are not so easily taken - all attempts in the past have proved futile.
But perhaps this will be the lucky day for Heidern and his men. One of the group's females - Foxy - had been spotted by a particularly keen-eyed Ikari operative, taking a day off to stroll through the Southtown streets. He just so happened to spot a rather familiar figure, recognizing it as - perhaps - one of the operatives they have been searching for. This was at least an hour ago, and after a quick call back to headquarters, his lead was proven to be good..
A NESTS operative, alone, in the secluded shrine. It's the best chance they've had in a while - and to make the best of it, none other than the mercenary commander himself, the legendary Heidern, is en route.
The sound of an approaching helicopter cuts through the silence of the autumn day, and it's only a matter of moments before it's over the shrine, shining a spotlight down upon the target.
"Attention, we have reason to believe that you are in the employ of a criminal organization. Surrender yourself, or we will be forced to take action!"
The harsh voice booms out over the vehicle's loud speakers, as Heidern speaks into the receiver, staring down from the wide-open side door of the helicopter.
Raising her eyes upwards, Foxy doesn't seem nearly as disquieted by the light as she should be. Nor... is she all that alarmed by the shouted voice that comes behind it, her gaze remaining on the helicopter itself before returning towards the shrine. It was only a matter of time, really; the Ikari were like sworn blood enemies, simply by virtue of having a pesky set of morals.
She doesn't raise to her feet, nor does she go instantly for the weapon in front of her. It could mean a myriad of things; either she's resigned to the fate she's been handed, has a plan in mind, or simply... isn't interested. Either way, there's not much she can do to rally against what's presented to her, other than the silent protest put forth by the simple motion of returning her eyes to the shrine itself, in a vain attempt to recapture the ethereal feeling gleaned off of solitary meditation.
"Now is not the time," she says very simply, words that could never rise above the din of the helicoper blade. She should be complimented; they sent their prime lackey to take care of this.
"She's not responding.." states Heidern calmly as he puts down the receiver, turning to the pilot and nodding. "Looks like I'll have to go in and take her down myself. Don't open fire unless I give you the order. I want to see exactly what these NESTS freaks are capable of, first-hand." The Supreme Commander has some interest in seeing what the cartel is capable of turning out - he's only seen them in action, never faced any of their operatives.
Standing up calmly, keeping his head low so as not to bump into the top of the helicopter, the trench-coat wearing, beret-clad man simply steps out of the side of the chopper. His overcoat flaps wildly in the wind as he drops down to the ground, landing in a crouch and then casually straightening himself out.
"So, I finally get the chance to meet one of you.." states the grizzled veteran, slowly removing his green overcoat and tossing it the side, revealing just how lanky and lithe his frame really is. "I must admit some interest in seeing how well the cartel has trained it's operatives.. call it.. professional curiosity.."
As he speaks, his fatigue-clad arms begin to burn with red chi, the energy rising up off of the limb like flames. Flashing a small grin, the Ikari Commander adjusts the brim of his beret with his still-burning hand, and then falls back into his fighting stance, beckoning Foxy forward.
"Attack me, and I'll keep you alive for.. questioning. Run, and we gun you down."
COMBATSYS: Heidern has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Heidern 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Heidern gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Heidern 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Foxy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Heidern 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Foxy
Raising to her feet in a languid motion as Heidern sets down in front of her, Foxy's expression hasn't changed a whit. Her manner and mien is as poised as it ever was, her rapier in hand as she sizes up the Ikari Commander, just as intrigued by the prospect that's set before her. Certainly, there's a sense of self-preservation-- but there's something to be said about the wholly withdrawn manner in which she's seeing it fit to approach this.
"I have no interest in evasion, Commander," she says, tipping her hand to the 'respect' the title deserves, even if there -is- a condescending air to it. "Nor do I have any interest in the ham-handed attempts at interrogation you and yours are so well known for." Come to think of it... is he, or anyone, even aware of her affiliation with Rolento and his operatives?
"However," she goes on to say, one hand going to the base of her skull to take hold of the flag's fastening, a simple flick of her wrist dislodging the material and unfurling it from her hair. Tossing the material down between the both of them with a deliberate swipe of her hand, she goes on to say, "Far be it from me to be the first to draw blood. The initial challenge was yours-- now you answer to mine."
COMBATSYS: Foxy focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Heidern 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Foxy
Standing calmly as he bounces back and forth on the heels of both feet, Heidern keeps his remaining good eye firmly on Foxy, watching her every movement, looking for some understanding of how she moves, searching for that one weakness to exploit. It's all instinct, and the Commander doubts that the flaws in her fighting style will be so blatant.. but he's got a trained eye, and he's been in combat since he was a teenager. He was -born- for warfare, for fighting.. and now, it's time to test himself against a new breed of foe.
"Very well.." states Heidern with a grin, casually taking a few steps forward and then coming to a stop once again, "..but realize one thing - NESTS may have trained you well.. but you don't have the experience. You can't make up for that with swords and technology, stranger. Your cartel is going to be brought down, it's only a matter of time.. once we have you in custody, we'll have all the information we need!"
Rushing straight towards the woman, Heidern slows down as he approaches striking distance, looping one foot behind her leg and attempting to slam her down into the ground..
COMBATSYS: Foxy fails to counter Lead Belcher from Heidern with Seven Cycles.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Foxy
Quickly and efficiently, the grizzled war vet removes Foxy's feet out from under her, slamming the woman's back hard into the leaf-covered ground.
Raising his hand high into the air, Heidern shakes his head.
Slamming the tips of his outstretched fingers down into Foxy's abdomen, Heidern easily pierces her skin with his razor-sharp hands, digging into her flesh and then withdrawing his appendage, swiping it in the air as the blood flies off of his glove.
"..Hmph. Not at all what I expected."
Having already resigned herself to the inevitable-- but not so much so that there isn't a slim possibility to land a few worthwhile hits of her own-- Foxy takes what little chance she sees, spotting an opening in his manuevering. -Just- enough that she might be capable of piercing through it-- and thus, the attempt is made. Ducking down to try and spear her rapier through the man's side as he rushes towards her, she finds that her motions are just a heartbeat off... and against a man like this, that's all he needs. Nonetheless, she doesn't make so much as a sound as he slams her down against the ground, the sharpened fingertips that pierce through the heavy leather of her coverings-- as well as the skin beneath-- causing only a noticable wince to erupt throughout her expression, which is more than she'd be willing to give otherwise.
Rolling swiftly to her side once the attack has come to a close and he stateshis... admonishments, the Spaniard raises just as quickly, though the breathless manner in which she gets to her feet is indicative enough of the damage done.
"My primary function isn't to act as an attack animal for my patrons," she says very simply, her tone somewhat winded, but still decidedly even. "Nor is it to join the front lines with those that serve under us. Your expectations-- your insults-- mean little to me. You and yours are little more than children, misunderstanding the magnitude of what it is we're intent on accomplishing; determined to cling to morals and rhetoric as any 'good man' would. Soon, though... you'll come to the same unfortunate understanding as your brethren."
Heidern isn't too worried about Foxy escaping - even though NESTS is known for their surprises. With helicopter backup, and the Supreme Commander's famed land speed, well.. the chances of fleeing aren't terribly great. As such, he gives her some space to get back to her feet - this entire fight, it's all just a facade so that Heidern can get a feel for what his enemies are capable of. Hence the reason he didn't roll into the forest with half of the Ikari Warriors at his back.
"You and your slave-masters don't understand, that you won't be -able- to usher in your 'brave new world', or whatever you fucking lunatics are up to. I've dealt with madmen before, and I made most of them wish they'd never met me. You think your little organization is going to be any different? Even if you do get rid of me, there will always be good men around to fight criminals like you. You can disguise your desires with thinly-veiled lies about what you hope to accomplish.. you won't fool everyone. You can't win."
As if to emphasis this point, the lanky man rushes forward, leaping high into the air and flipping in mid-jump. Landing heavily a few feet behind Foxy, Heidern doesn't even bother to turn around and face her, instead throwing a kick out behind him.
COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Foxy with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Foxy
While there's a slim motion meant to take her out of range of the attack, Foxy isn't nearly fast enough to skirt away from Heidern's assault, his foot slamming into her back with all the force he intended on. Notably... she's -not- one to take excessive damage. Her reserves are only so high, given that her primary mode of operation is that of a scientist and a doctor; and it's the lattermost that make most of those who share her profession sneer. After all, she's supposed to be a lifegiver, not a genocidal zealot.
Digressions aside, she manages to catch herself on her left hand, her right still weilding the rapier as she whips around to try and catch the man off-guard in some fashion, the blade coming around in a fierce arc that misses by a good half inch. The point of the attack is something else entirely-- though whether or not it works out to her benefit is up in the air.
[OOC] Dimitri says, "It's a much better chance if you have the ability, though."
COMBATSYS: Heidern slows Horn of the Unicorn from Foxy with Cross Cutter.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Foxy
What happens next is a combination of two things-- first, the bright glint of metal under the helicopter's spotlights. Second, the retaliation, causing an immediate concussive blast to issue out from whatever it is Foxy threw at him, the explosion managing to skirt past some of his defenses, but only by a small amount. Already, the Spaniard is making it a point to put some distance between herself and Heidern.
"I have never lied about my desires, Commander," she says flatly. "Nor have I lied about the ends failing to justify the means. Creatures such as you can and will be lain to rest when the time is appropriate-- when it's necessary to purge the aggressive drives that dictate the human animal. In time, you'll begin to see the futility of your position-- and further, see the futility of your continued existance."
Reacting with blinding swiftness, Heidern brings both his arms flying up - coinciding with Foxy's rapier slash. And it's a good thing he did, too, seeing as his X-shaped chi projectile is enough to absorb most of the concussive force that is thrown at him. Knocked back a few steps, the Ikari Commander seems unharmed by the impact, casually dusting off his shoulders and removing his beret. Running his right hand through his brown hair before placing the beret back on his head, Heidern flashes a grin. "Well, at least you aren't completely ineffectual.." he says, as he watches his target's movement from a small distance. It looks like he's waiting on her next move, standing tall and rigid as a statue, waiting for something to be thrown towards him so he can counter-attack.
"Come on, I'm not here for your zealous speeches."
"Of course you didn't," Foxy replies smoothely. "It's not the job of the beast of burden to hear words meant for those in a higher station. It's not the right of the common man to understand-- nor is it expected of them."
Raising her rapier as she assumes a defensive stance, the scientist-turned-swordswoman remains where she is for a time, a truly sympathetic smile spreading over unpainted lips. "I forgive you your shortcomings, Commander," she says gently, almost showing a note of pity. "You can't help what you were bred for."
That said, she lashes out abruptly, taking to the air before bringing herself around in a swift circular motion, a bright flash of mythril racing out from a motion trail of dark crimson, the slice meant to drag over the entirity of his upper torso and further before she alights back upon her feet. While she approaches the manuever with confidence, she knows his abilities... and knows that even if she did alight upon one hell of a stroke of luck, he has reinforcements to take her down in a heartbeat. This? This may as well be exposition.
COMBATSYS: Foxy successfully hits Heidern with Silver Moon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Heidern 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Foxy
"You underestimate me. Just because I don't believe in whatever propaganda NESTS has been feeding you, doesn't make me some 'lesser being'. You work for nothing but an elaborate - cult-, who fools ignorant people like -you- into believing that they know what is best for the world. If you had any common sense in you, you'd see that you're serving a madman!"
Or woman. Heidern doesn't really know too many details about the cartel, least of all who's really at the top of the food chain.. which is one of the things he's most interested, and definitely a point of conversation if he does manage to bring Foxy in for questioning.
But first, he has to worry about taking her down, and the sudden burst of speed - followed by the rapier dragging along Heidern's upper torso - is proof enough that she won't be taken in without a fight. Gritting his teeth as the blade slices through his pristine, olive-green fatigues, the Ikari Commander makes no utterance that may betray pain. Instead, he just narrows his eyes in on Foxy, waiting for her to stop moving before he suddenly attacks.
Lunging forward, the veteran of numerous conflicts leads the charge with his outstretched hand, aiming to imbed it straight into the woman's midsection..
COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Foxy with Heidern End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Heidern 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Foxy
And in goes the tips of Heidern's unnaturally sharp fingers, driving his entire -hand- into the woman's midsecton, piercing skin and flesh with a frightening lack of effort. Pulling Foxy's face closer to his own, the Ikari Commander stares directly at her - his remaining eye shooting a deadly look.. he has been toying with the woman up into this point.. but now, it's time to bring her -down-.
"You think you're doing the right thing.." he says, his voice harsh and dangerous.
Raising his arm, the veteran actually lifts Foxy's feet off the ground, through nothing but the hand that is buried in her abdomen. "You think you know what's best.."
Hefting the NESTS operative higher and higher into the air, Heidern finally stops once she's dangling a few feet off the ground.
"You're wrong. Now go.. to... HELL!"
With that last, yelled word, the Ikari Commander's arm suddenly explodes in a burst of chi - with the force of several grenades going off at once.. in the middle of Foxy's flesh. It's enough to send her rocketing off his hand, Heidern letting out a low chuckle as he swipes his gloved hand to the side, sending a spray of blood splashing onto the leafy ground.
"I serve -no one-!" Foxy shouts back at him, apparently incensed by the insinuation, though she doesn't see it fit to explain it. Benefactor or no, Igniz is a man she'll eventually see crumble-- and the same, unfortunately, goes for Zero. And apparently her, in concerns to this ill-fated fight. The sudden thrust of his hand into her abdomen comes as no little shock, her voice cut off abruptly before it can even begin to raise in a shout of protest, her hand instinctively going to cling tightly to his wrist as she turns her eyes up towards his. While she doesn't show fear, the pain is there. Full-fledged, without anything to dampen it.
Being lifted?'s just an addition to the unbelievable feeling she's experiencing. While she's certainly endured a -lot- of attacks, this is a new one on her by far; and the resultant explosion is just as jarring. If her organs stay inside of her, she'll be in mild shock-- even if the explosive blast has a cauterizing effect all its own. Sent flying backwards, the scientist is sent skidding across the ground, her body curled into a tight ball as she tries her best to override the state of shock it's trying to eke its way into. A wracking cough emits an unhealthy amount of blood in its wake, signifying that one of her lungs could very well be punctured along with... well, her entire digestive track? There is that minor issue.
And still? Somehow, with one arm clutching aruond her midsection, she raises. Her shirt and breeches are just as bright red as the vest she wears, her entirity shaken, blood issuing from lips and nose alike-- and still, she's determined. Just one shot. Just one hit. Just one reminder.
"We're already in hell, Commander," she breathes hoarsely, a disquieting gurgle coming alongside the words from the wellspring of coagulating blood in the back of her throat. "One day... you'll realize this."
And with that, she pushes herself forwards, closing the distance between the both of them in an attempt to drive the rapier straight through his gut.
COMBATSYS: Heidern counters Honey Bee from Foxy with Killing Bringer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Heidern 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Foxy
"Not in this lifetime, missy."@emit A simple comment, and then Heidern falls silent, watching carefully as Foxy rushes towards him, rapier-first. He looks -way- too casual for a man facing down a NESTS operative waving around a crazy-ass sword. But surviving dozen of armed conflicts tends to give a man some measure of confidence in their own abilities. And hell, it's not like he's being -cocky-. Just realistic.
A simple step to the side ensures the safety of his own flesh, the Ikari commander watching as Foxy's rapier lunges past him. A quick flash of his arm brings his iron-grip hand closing down on her outstretched wrist, stopping her movement dead in it's tracks. "You just don't know who you're messing with, do you?"
As he speaks, Heidern lifts Foxy high into the air by her wrist. "You're coming with me. You're going to tell me everything you know." Tossing the woman's light body into the air, Heidern waits until she begins to descend down to the ground - face first - before stabbing his right hand up into her path of descent, her own downward force impaling her midsection onto the man's hand once again.
"Because, believe me, compared to what's coming.. this is going to seem like a day at the fucking carnival."
With that said, Heidern casually tosses her body to the side, watching blankly as it slams into the ground.
Caught entirely off-guard by the hand that grasps her wrist, Foxy takes in a sharp gasp, the coagulating fluids in her throat making another dull, sickening sound at the inhalation, her sight fading ever-so-slowly as she feels herself hefted upwards-- and worse, the shock her body is trying desperately to enter? It's encroaching that much faster as she impacts heavily with his hand. Her constitution is formidable, as is any fighters, but even this will bring her closer to death than she ever expected to be this early on. -Was- her nonchalance a mistake? Should she have surrendered?
Perhaps surprisingly, she drops her rapier in favor of *clinging* to the man's arm, holding it in place-- regardless of whether or not it's still embedded inside of her in a decidedly less-than-comfortable way. Immediately, energy begins to spring up around her, the wry tingle in the surrounding air giving credence to what's being summoned. With slowly-fading sight locking on to his gaze, she can only hope that this isn't all for naught.
COMBATSYS: Foxy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Heidern 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Foxy successfully hits Heidern with Prayer of the Planet.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Heidern 0/-------/-----==|
"I've endured -worse- than you," she spits back at him then, fingers digging into his arm as that energy continues to spring up. Even around his hand, the flesh he invades goes deathly cold-- whereas his entirity begins to heat up past levels that should be natural, and beyond. Heat that turns to burning, each heartbeat issuing out another rise in temperature as hers continues to drop, little by little. Shuddering helplessly as her body rebels, unwilling to put forth this much exertion in the last of its struggles, the last ebb and flow of the build-up nears its completion.
"It's you... who has no idea... what's to come."
It's the very second this is uttered that a sudden explosion of ethereal energy breaks them both apart, sending both combatents flying backwards. The scientist herself no longer registers the pain that comes alongside the manuever; she merely skids to a graceless, uneventful halt along the ground, leaves fluttering up into the air in her wake, settling down along a frightfully motionless form as thelast of her consciousness fades to nothing.
Heidern's eye widens as he begins to feel the energy building up around Foxy, trying his best to remove her grip from his hand.. but to no avail. Even as he feels his own body begin to burn up, there's nothing the Ikari Commander can do to break her hold. With the last of her strength, it looks like Foxy has struck a blow against the war veteran - the resulting explosion sending the tall man hurtling backwards from the sheer concussive force of the power.
Slamming into the leaf-covered ground, Heidern's body skids a few feet before he digs his fingernails into the soft earth, bringing him to a skidding halt. For a moment, neither of the fighters move - the energy that the attack unleashed slowly disappating in the air. When it's gone, a few moments later, Heidern begins to move - shaking his head as he pulls himself back to his feet.
So.. the NESTS operative is capable of something beyond swinging her sword around uselessly. A chi explosion of that magnitude would've killed one of his lesser soldiers, and it was enough for even the tough, well-weathered Heidern to feel it. It's exactly that sort of manuever that he went into the fight expecting to see - evidence that the cartel is capable of training powerful warriors.. even more worrisome considering the fact that Foxy claimed to not be one of their front-line soldiers. Who can imagine what the warriors of NESTS are capable of?
Well, that's something that Heidern will have to ask the unconscious woman once she's back on her feet.. and strapped into an Ikari interrogation chair.
Eyeing Foxy's body for any sign of movement, Heidern is soon satisfied that she won't be getting up anytime soon. Pulling a small walkie-talkie out of his fatigues, the Ikari commander brings it up to his mouth and begins to speak, presumably to the helicopter pilot.
"Bring it down in that clearing to the south-east, I'll carry the captive there. Looks like the intelligence division back at base are gonna have their hands full tonight.."
With that, Heidern walks over to Foxy's prone body and bends low, scooping her up in his powerful, wiry arms and beginning to walk through the forest to the clearing a short distance off.
Log created by Foxy, and last modified on 14:23:59 11/02/2005.